/* Copyright (c) 2017, Computer History Museum All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted (subject to the limitations in the disclaimer below) provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of Computer History Museum nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED LICENSES TO ANY PARTY'S PATENT RIGHTS ARE GRANTED BY THIS LICENSE. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "paywin.h" #include "regcode_v2.h" #define FILE_NUM 127 /* Copyright (c) 1999 by QUALCOMM Incorporated */ #pragma segment PayWin #define MemResError() (MemError () ? MemError () : ResError ()) typedef struct { MyWindowPtr win; // Buttons we care about... ControlHandle whichEudoraGroup; ControlHandle keepCurrentGroup; ControlHandle regInfoGroup; ControlHandle paywareButton; ControlHandle adwareButton; ControlHandle freeButton; ControlHandle registerButton; ControlHandle customizeButton; ControlHandle updateButton; ControlHandle moreInfoButton; ControlHandle nameText; ControlHandle regcodeText; ControlHandle changeCodeButton; Boolean inited; Boolean updateInProgress; OSErr updateError; } WinData; static WinData gWin; /************************************************************************ * prototypes ************************************************************************/ static Boolean DoClose(MyWindowPtr win); static void DoButton (MyWindowPtr win,ControlHandle buttonHandle,long modifiers,short part); static void DoActivate (MyWindowPtr win); static void DoTransition (MyWindowPtr win, UserStateType oldState, UserStateType newState); static void OpenRefundWindow (void); static Boolean RefundDlogHit (EventRecord *event, DialogPtr theDialog, short itemHit,long dialogRefcon); Boolean PreRegHitProc (EventRecord *event, DialogPtr theDialog, short itemHit, long refcon); static Boolean MatchAnyPersonality (Str255 address); static OSErr ProfileReceivedDlogInit (DialogPtr dlog, PStr profileID); static Boolean ProfileReceivedDlogHit (EventRecord *event, DialogPtr theDialog, short itemHit, StringHandle dialogRefcon); static Boolean AnyRegInfoAtAll (UserStateType state); void PayWinIdle(MyWindowPtr win); extern ModalFilterUPP DlgFilterUPP; /************************************************************************ * OpenPayWin - open the pay window ************************************************************************/ void OpenPayWin (void) { WindowPtr gWinWinWP; Rect controlRect, titleRect, insideOutButtonRect; OSErr theError; Size actualSize; short groupWi; Rect rPort; if (gWin.inited) { UserSelectWindow (GetMyWindowWindowPtr(gWin.win)); return; } gWin.win = GetNewMyWindow (PAY_WIND, nil, nil, BehindModal, false, false, PAY_WIN); theError = MemResError (); if (!theError) { gWinWinWP = GetMyWindowWindowPtr (gWin.win); SetPort_(GetWindowPort(gWinWinWP)); ConfigFontSetup(gWin.win); MySetThemeWindowBackground(gWin.win,kThemeActiveModelessDialogBackgroundBrush,False); // Controls if (!(gWin.whichEudoraGroup = GetNewControlSmall_ (PAY_WHICH_EUDORA_TITLE, gWinWinWP))) theError = MemResError (); if (!theError && !(gWin.keepCurrentGroup = GetNewControlSmall_ (PAY_KEEP_CURRENT_TITLE, gWinWinWP))) theError = MemResError (); if (!theError && !(gWin.regInfoGroup = GetNewControlSmall_ (PAY_REG_INFO_TITLE, gWinWinWP))) theError = MemResError (); } GetPortBounds(GetQDGlobalsThePort(),&rPort); if (!theError) { groupWi = RectWi(rPort) - 4*INSET; theError = SetBevelFontSize (gWin.whichEudoraGroup, kControlFontSmallBoldSystemFont, 0); SizeControl(gWin.whichEudoraGroup,groupWi,ControlHi(gWin.whichEudoraGroup)); } if (!theError) { theError = SetBevelFontSize (gWin.keepCurrentGroup, kControlFontSmallBoldSystemFont, 0); SizeControl(gWin.keepCurrentGroup,groupWi,ControlHi(gWin.keepCurrentGroup)); } if (!theError) { theError = SetBevelFontSize (gWin.regInfoGroup, kControlFontSmallBoldSystemFont, 0); SizeControl(gWin.regInfoGroup,groupWi,ControlHi(gWin.regInfoGroup)); } // Group control - Which Eudora is for you? if (!theError) { GetControlBounds(gWin.whichEudoraGroup,&controlRect); if (AppearanceVersion() < 0x0110) { ControlFontStyleRec fontStyle; titleRect = controlRect; if (!(theError = GetControlData (gWin.whichEudoraGroup, 0, kControlGroupBoxFontStyleTag, sizeof (fontStyle), (void *) &fontStyle, &actualSize))) titleRect.bottom = controlRect.top + GetAscent (fontStyle.font, fontStyle.size); } else theError = GetControlData (gWin.whichEudoraGroup, 0, kControlGroupBoxTitleRectTag, sizeof (titleRect), (void *) &titleRect, &actualSize); } if (!theError) { controlRect.top = titleRect.bottom; InsetRect (&controlRect, 4, 4); insideOutButtonRect.top = controlRect.top + kPayWindowInsideOutButtonTopMargin; insideOutButtonRect.bottom = controlRect.bottom; insideOutButtonRect.left = controlRect.left; insideOutButtonRect.right = insideOutButtonRect.left + (controlRect.right - controlRect.left) / 3; // Adware! gWin.adwareButton = CreateInsideOutBevelIconButtonUserPane (gWinWinWP, AD_VERSION_ICON, ADWARE_VERSION_BUTTON_TITLE, &insideOutButtonRect, kPayWinIconSize, kPayWinMaxTextWidth, payWinAdwareButton); if (IsAdwareMode ()) SetControlValue (FindInsideOutBevelIconButtonControl (gWin.adwareButton, kControlButtonPart), 1); // Payware! insideOutButtonRect.left = insideOutButtonRect.right + 1; insideOutButtonRect.right = insideOutButtonRect.left + (controlRect.right - controlRect.left) / 3; gWin.paywareButton = CreateInsideOutBevelIconButtonUserPane (gWinWinWP, PAY_VERSION_ICON, PAY_VERSION_BUTTON_TITLE, &insideOutButtonRect, kPayWinIconSize, kPayWinMaxTextWidth, payWinPaywareButton); if (IsPayMode ()) SetControlValue (FindInsideOutBevelIconButtonControl (gWin.paywareButton, kControlButtonPart), 1); // Freeware! insideOutButtonRect.left = insideOutButtonRect.right + 1; insideOutButtonRect.right = controlRect.right; gWin.freeButton = CreateInsideOutBevelIconButtonUserPane (gWinWinWP, FREE_VERSION_ICON, FREE_VERSION_BUTTON_TITLE, &insideOutButtonRect, kPayWinIconSize, kPayWinMaxTextWidth, payWinFreewareButton); if (IsFreeMode ()) SetControlValue (FindInsideOutBevelIconButtonControl (gWin.freeButton, kControlButtonPart), 1); EmbedControl (gWin.adwareButton,gWin.whichEudoraGroup); EmbedControl (gWin.paywareButton,gWin.whichEudoraGroup); EmbedControl (gWin.freeButton,gWin.whichEudoraGroup); } // Group control - Keeping Current if (!theError) { GetControlBounds(gWin.keepCurrentGroup,&controlRect); if (AppearanceVersion() < 0x0110) { ControlFontStyleRec fontStyle; titleRect = controlRect; if (!(theError = GetControlData (gWin.whichEudoraGroup, 0, kControlGroupBoxFontStyleTag, sizeof (fontStyle), (void *) &fontStyle, &actualSize))) titleRect.bottom = controlRect.top + GetAscent (fontStyle.font, fontStyle.size); } else theError = GetControlData (gWin.keepCurrentGroup, 0, kControlGroupBoxTitleRectTag, sizeof (titleRect), (void *) &titleRect, &actualSize); } if (!theError) { controlRect.top = titleRect.bottom; InsetRect (&controlRect, 4, 4); insideOutButtonRect.top = controlRect.top + kPayWindowInsideOutButtonTopMargin; insideOutButtonRect.bottom = controlRect.bottom; insideOutButtonRect.left = controlRect.left; insideOutButtonRect.right = insideOutButtonRect.left + (controlRect.right - controlRect.left) / 3; // Register with us gWin.registerButton = CreateInsideOutBevelIconButtonUserPane (gWinWinWP, REGISTER_ICON, IsRegisteredUser () ? UPDATE_REGISTER_BUTTON_TITLE : REGISTER_BUTTON_TITLE, &insideOutButtonRect, kPayWinIconSize, kPayWinMaxTextWidth-18, payWinRegisterButton); // Customize the Ads You See insideOutButtonRect.left = insideOutButtonRect.right + 1; insideOutButtonRect.right = insideOutButtonRect.left + (controlRect.right - controlRect.left) / 3; gWin.customizeButton = CreateInsideOutBevelIconButtonUserPane (gWinWinWP, CUSTOMIZE_ADS_ICON, IsProfiledUser() ? UPDATE_PROFILE_BUTTON_TITLE : CUSTOMIZE_ADS_BUTTON_TITLE, &insideOutButtonRect, kPayWinIconSize, kPayWinMaxTextWidth - 36, payWinCustomizeAdsButton); // Find the Latest Versions insideOutButtonRect.left = insideOutButtonRect.right + 1; insideOutButtonRect.right = controlRect.right; gWin.updateButton = CreateInsideOutBevelIconButtonUserPane (gWinWinWP, UPDATES_ICON, UPDATES_BUTTON_TITLE, &insideOutButtonRect, kPayWinIconSize, kPayWinMaxTextWidth - 18, payWinUpdatesButton); EmbedControl(gWin.registerButton,gWin.keepCurrentGroup); EmbedControl(gWin.customizeButton,gWin.keepCurrentGroup); EmbedControl(gWin.updateButton,gWin.keepCurrentGroup); } // Group control - Your Registration Information if (!theError) { GetControlBounds(gWin.regInfoGroup,&controlRect); if (AppearanceVersion() < 0x0110) { ControlFontStyleRec fontStyle; titleRect = controlRect; if (!(theError = GetControlData (gWin.whichEudoraGroup, 0, kControlGroupBoxFontStyleTag, sizeof (fontStyle), (void *) &fontStyle, &actualSize))) titleRect.bottom = controlRect.top + GetAscent (fontStyle.font, fontStyle.size); } else theError = GetControlData (gWin.regInfoGroup, 0, kControlGroupBoxTitleRectTag, sizeof (titleRect), (void *) &titleRect, &actualSize); } if (!theError) { controlRect.top = titleRect.bottom; InsetRect (&controlRect, 4, 4); insideOutButtonRect.top = controlRect.top + kPayWindowInsideOutButtonTopMargin; insideOutButtonRect.bottom = controlRect.bottom; gWin.changeCodeButton = CreateInsideOutBevelIconButtonUserPane (gWinWinWP, CHANGE_REG_ICON, AnyRegInfoAtAll (GetNagState ()) ? CHANGE_REGISTRATION_BUTTON_TITLE : ENTER_REGISTRATION_BUTTON_TITLE, &insideOutButtonRect, kPayWinIconSize, kPayWinMaxTextWidth - 18, payWinChangeRegistrationButton); // Create text controls for the registration name and code GetControlBounds(gWin.regInfoGroup,&controlRect); controlRect.left += kPayWindowRegInfoLeftMargin; controlRect.right = insideOutButtonRect.left - kPayWindowRegInfoRightMargin; controlRect.top = controlRect.top + (controlRect.bottom - controlRect.top - (gWin.win->vPitch * 2 + 12)) / 2; controlRect.bottom = controlRect.top + gWin.win->vPitch + 4; gWin.nameText = NewControl (gWinWinWP, &controlRect, "\p", true, 0, 0, 1, kControlStaticTextProc, 0); controlRect.top = controlRect.bottom + 4; controlRect.bottom = controlRect.top + gWin.win->vPitch + 4; gWin.regcodeText = NewControl (gWinWinWP, &controlRect, "\p", true, 0, 0, 1, kControlStaticTextProc, 0); LetsGetSmall(gWin.regcodeText); // More info button if (gWin.moreInfoButton = NewIconButton (MORE_INFO_CNTL, gWinWinWP)) { short width = GetCtlNameWidth (gWin.moreInfoButton) + 22 + 6; GetControlBounds(gWin.regInfoGroup,&controlRect); MoveMyCntl (gWin.moreInfoButton, rPort.left + ((rPort.right - rPort.left - width) >> 1), controlRect.bottom + ((rPort.bottom - controlRect.bottom - kHtCtl) >> 1), width, kHtCtl); SetControlReference (gWin.moreInfoButton, payWinMoreInfoButton); } gWin.win->close = DoClose; gWin.win->button = DoButton; gWin.win->activate = DoActivate; gWin.win->transition = DoTransition; gWin.win->idle = PayWinIdle; gWin.win->isRunt = true; gWin.win->centerAsDefault = true; ShowMyWindow (gWinWinWP); gWin.inited = true; theError = UpdateRegInfoText (GetNagState ()); EmbedControl(gWin.changeCodeButton,gWin.regInfoGroup); } if (theError) { if (gWinWinWP) CloseMyWindow (gWinWinWP); WarnUser (COULDNT_WIN, theError); } } OSErr UpdateRegInfoText (UserStateType state) { GrafPtr oldPort; Str255 regName, string; OSErr theError; theError = noErr; if (gWin.win && gWin.inited) { GetPort (&oldPort); SetPort (GetMyWindowCGrafPtr(gWin.win)); *regName = 0; #ifdef I_HATE_THE_BOX if (!BoxUser (state)) #endif GetRegFirst (state, regName); if (regName[0]) PCatC (regName, ' '); *string = 0; #ifdef I_HATE_THE_BOX if (!BoxUser (state)) #endif PCat (regName, GetRegLast (state, string)); if (!regName[0]) GetRString (regName, NO_REG_NAME_TEXT); if (gWin.nameText) theError = SetTextControlText (gWin.nameText, regName, nil); if (!theError) { *string = 0; #ifdef I_HATE_THE_BOX if (!BoxUser (state)) #endif GetRegCode (state, string); if (!string[0]) GetRString (string, NO_REG_CODE_TEXT); { // insert date information int pnPolicy, pnMonth; if (ValidRegCode(state,&pnPolicy,&pnMonth)) { ComposeRString(regName,REGCODE_PLUS_MONTH,string,MONTH_STRN+1+pnMonth%12,1999+pnMonth/12); PCopy(string,regName); } } if (gWin.regcodeText) theError = SetTextControlText (gWin.regcodeText, string, nil); } SetPort (oldPort); } return (theError); } Boolean AnyRegInfoAtAll (UserStateType state) { Str255 scratch; GetRegFirst (state, scratch); if (scratch[0]) return (true); GetRegLast (state, scratch); if (scratch[0]) return (true); GetRegCode (state, scratch); if (scratch[0]) return (true); return (false); } void TellPayWindowTheUpdateCheckIsDone (OSErr err) { GrafPtr oldPort; if (gWin.inited) { gWin.updateInProgress = false; gWin.updateError = err; GetPort (&oldPort); SetPort (GetMyWindowCGrafPtr(gWin.win)); SetControlValue (FindInsideOutBevelIconButtonControl (gWin.updateButton, kControlButtonPart), 0); SetPort (oldPort); } } /************************************************************************ * DoClose - close the window ************************************************************************/ static Boolean DoClose(MyWindowPtr win) { #pragma unused(win) gWin.inited = false; return (true); } /************************************************************************ * DoActivate - activate the window ************************************************************************/ static void DoActivate (MyWindowPtr win) { GrafPtr oldPort; if (win->isActive) { #ifdef I_HATE_THE_BOX NagRec nag; short nagID, index = 1; Boolean canRegister; canRegister = false; while (!canRegister && !GetIndNagState (&nag, &nagID, NAG_BOX_USER, index++)) if (nagID == REGISTRATION_NAG) canRegister = true; #endif GetPort (&oldPort); SetPort (GetMyWindowCGrafPtr(gWin.win)); #ifndef THEY_STUPIDLY_KILLED_EUDORA_SO_LETS_AT_LEAST_GIVE_THE_FAITHFUL_USERS_A_BREAK if (IsDeadbeatUser () && !IsProfileDeadbeatUser()) DeactivateControl (gWin.adwareButton); else #endif if (IsPayMode ()) DeactivateControl (gWin.customizeButton); // if (IsRegisteredUser ()) // DeactivateControl (gWin.registerButton); #ifdef I_HATE_THE_BOX if (!canRegister) { DeactivateControl (gWin.registerButton); DeactivateControl (gWin.customizeButton); DeactivateControl (gWin.changeCodeButton); } #endif SetPort (oldPort); } } /************************************************************************ * DoTransition - transition the window between user states ************************************************************************/ static void DoTransition (MyWindowPtr win, UserStateType oldState, UserStateType newState) { CGrafPtr oldPort; // When transitioning the payment and registration window we may need to change button states GetPort (&oldPort); SetPort (GetMyWindowCGrafPtr(win)); SetControlValue (FindInsideOutBevelIconButtonControl (gWin.paywareButton, kControlButtonPart), PayMode(newState)); SetControlValue (FindInsideOutBevelIconButtonControl (gWin.adwareButton, kControlButtonPart), AdwareMode(newState)); SetControlValue (FindInsideOutBevelIconButtonControl (gWin.freeButton, kControlButtonPart), FreeMode(newState)); SetPort (oldPort); DoActivate (win); } /************************************************************************ * DoButton - handle a hit in a button ************************************************************************/ void DoButton (MyWindowPtr win, ControlHandle buttonHandle, long modifiers, short part) { WindowPtr gWinWinWP = GetMyWindowWindowPtr (gWin.win); #ifndef I_HATE_THE_BOX Str255 regCode; #endif Handle regInfo; UInt16 buttonID; int pnPolicyCode, regMonth; short action, itemHit; switch (buttonID = GetControlReference (buttonHandle) & 0x0000FFFF) { case payWinAdwareButton: if (modifiers&shiftKey) { if (ComposeStdAlert (Caution, SWITCH_TO_SPONSORED) == ok) { // Blow away the registration code as soon as they're committed to switch // Don't forget that other parts of the code expect 3 Pascal strings, so // seed the empty preference with three consecutive nulls if (regInfo = NuHandleClear (3)) { if (!SettingsHandle (REG_PREF_TYPE, nil, REG_PREF_PAID, regInfo)) { MyUpdateResFile (SettingsRefN); ReleaseResource (regInfo); } } CloseMyWindow (gWinWinWP); TransitionState (adwareUser); OpenRefundWindow (); } } #ifndef THEY_STUPIDLY_KILLED_EUDORA_SO_LETS_AT_LEAST_GIVE_THE_FAITHFUL_USERS_A_BREAK else if (IsProfileDeadbeatUser()) { // User must profile if (SendUserToProfile()) if (kAlertStdAlertOKButton==ComposeStdAlert(Note,-PROFILING_NOW)) { // user has indicated he has profiled. Make a playlist request ForcePlaylistRequest(); break; } } #endif else { CloseMyWindow (gWinWinWP); TransitionState (ValidRegCode (regAdwareUser, nil, nil) ? regAdwareUser : adwareUser); } break; case payWinPaywareButton: // Check to see if we have some inkling that this user has a paid reg code... If so, just switch 'em #ifdef I_HATE_THE_BOX TransitionState (ValidRegCode (paidUser, &pnPolicyCode, ®Month) ? paidUser : boxUser); #else if (ValidRegCode (paidUser, &pnPolicyCode, ®Month)) { if (!PolicyCheck (pnPolicyCode, regMonth)) RepayDialog (repayPending); else TransitionState (paidUser); } else { GetRegCode (paidUser, regCode); if (regCode[0]) (void) CodeEntryForProduct (paidUser, invalidRegCodeEntryVariant); else StartPaymentProcess(); } #endif break; case payWinFreewareButton: DownGradeDialog (); break; case payWinRegisterButton: #ifdef I_HATE_THE_BOX action = IsAdwareMode () ? actionRegisterAd : (IsFreeMode () ? actionRegisterFree : actionRegister50box); #else action = IsAdwareMode () ? actionRegisterAd : actionRegisterFree; #endif if (!Nag (PRE_REGISTRATION_DLOG, nil, PreRegHitProc, DlgFilterUPP, false, (long) &itemHit)) if (itemHit == ok) OpenAdwareURL (GetNagState (), REG_SITE, action, registrationQuery, nil); break; case payWinCustomizeAdsButton: SendUserToProfile(); break; case payWinUpdatesButton: if (!Offline || !GoOnline()) { SetControlValue (FindInsideOutBevelIconButtonControl (gWin.updateButton, kControlButtonPart), 1); gWin.updateInProgress = true; UpdateCheck (false, true); } break; case payWinChangeRegistrationButton: CodeEntryDialog (nil); break; case payWinMoreInfoButton: OpenAdwareURL (GetNagState (), TECH_SUPPORT_SITE, actionPayReg, payRegQuery, nil); break; } AuditHit((modifiers&shiftKey)!=0, (modifiers&controlKey)!=0, (modifiers&optionKey)!=0, (modifiers&cmdKey)!=0, false, GetWindowKind(gWinWinWP), AUDITCONTROLID(GetWindowKind(gWinWinWP),buttonID), mouseDown); } void StartPaymentProcess(void) { short itemHit; if (!Nag (PRE_PAYMENT_DLOG, nil, PreRegHitProc, DlgFilterUPP, false, (long) &itemHit)) if (itemHit == ok) OpenAdwareURL (GetNagState (), REG_SITE, actionPay, paymentQuery, nil); } Boolean SendUserToProfile(void) { Str63 profileID; short itemHit; GetProfileID (profileID); if (profileID[0]) { if (ComposeStdAlert (Note, -PRE_PROFILE_UPDATE_NOTE) == ok) { OpenAdwareURL (GetNagState (), REG_SITE, actionProfile, profileQuery, nil); return true; } } else if (!Nag (PRE_PROFILING_DLOG, nil, PreRegHitProc, DlgFilterUPP, false, (long) &itemHit)) if (itemHit == ok) { OpenAdwareURL (GetNagState (), REG_SITE, actionProfile, profileQuery, nil); return true; } return false; } Boolean PreRegHitProc(EventRecord *event, DialogPtr theDialog, short itemHit, long refcon) { short *dItem; dItem = (short *) refcon; *dItem = itemHit; return (true); } OSErr CodeEntryInit(DialogPtr codeEntry, long dialogRefcon); Boolean CodeEntryHit(EventRecord *event, DialogPtr codeEntry, short itemNo, long dialogRefcon); OSErr CodeEntryForProduct (UserStateType state, CodeEntryVariantType variant) { StringHandle regInfo; Str255 regCode; Str255 firstName; Str255 lastName; OSErr theError; GetRegFirst (state, firstName); GetRegLast (state, lastName); GetRegCode (state, regCode); if (regInfo = (StringHandle) NuHTempBetter (1)) { **regInfo = variant; firstName[++firstName[0]] = 0; lastName[++lastName[0]] = 0; regCode[++regCode[0]] = 0; theError = PtrPlusHand (&firstName[1], regInfo, firstName[0]); if (!theError) theError = PtrPlusHand (&lastName[1], regInfo, lastName[0]); if (!theError) theError = PtrPlusHand (®Code[1], regInfo, regCode[0]); if (!theError) theError = CodeEntryDialog (regInfo); ZapHandle (regInfo); } return (theError); } // The first byte in the 'regInfo' handle is now a variation coe for tailoring the // static string items in the dialog. (But only, of course, if 'regInfo' is not nil) OSErr CodeEntryDialog(StringHandle regInfo) { OSErr err; err = Nag(20100, CodeEntryInit, CodeEntryHit, DlgFilterUPP, false, (long)regInfo); return err; } OSErr CodeEntryInit(DialogPtr codeEntry, long dialogRefcon) { OSErr err; ControlHandle firstCtl, lastCtl, regCtl, promptCtl, titleCtl; Handle regInfo; int len; err = GetDialogItemAsControl(codeEntry, 4, &titleCtl); if(err) return err; err = GetDialogItemAsControl(codeEntry, 5, &promptCtl); if(err) return err; err = GetDialogItemAsControl(codeEntry, 6, &firstCtl); if(err) return err; err = GetDialogItemAsControl(codeEntry, 7, &lastCtl); if(err) return err; err = GetDialogItemAsControl(codeEntry, 8, ®Ctl); if(err) return err; if((regInfo = (Handle)dialogRefcon) != nil) { switch (**regInfo) { case fromButtonCodeEntryVariant: GetRString(GlobalTemp, REG_THANK_YOU_PROMPT); SetControlTitle(titleCtl, GlobalTemp); GetRString(GlobalTemp, REG_FROM_BUTTON_DESC); SetDialogItemText(promptCtl, GlobalTemp); break; case fromFileCodeEntryVariant: GetRString(GlobalTemp, REG_THANK_YOU_PROMPT); SetControlTitle(titleCtl, GlobalTemp); GetRString(GlobalTemp, REG_FROM_FILE_DESC); SetDialogItemText(promptCtl, GlobalTemp); break; case invalidRegCodeEntryVariant: GetRString(GlobalTemp, REG_INVALID_PROMPT); SetControlTitle(titleCtl, GlobalTemp); GetRString(GlobalTemp, REG_FROM_INVALID_CODE); SetDialogItemText(promptCtl, GlobalTemp); break; } CtoPPtrCpy(GlobalTemp, *regInfo + 1); SetDialogItemText(firstCtl, GlobalTemp); len = strlen(*regInfo + 1); CtoPPtrCpy(GlobalTemp, *regInfo + len + 2); SetDialogItemText(lastCtl, GlobalTemp); len += strlen(*regInfo + len + 2); CtoPPtrCpy(GlobalTemp, *regInfo + len + 3); SetDialogItemText(regCtl, GlobalTemp); } else { short state = GetNagState (); GetRString(GlobalTemp, REG_FROM_BUTTON_DESC); SetDialogItemText(promptCtl, GlobalTemp); GetRegFirst(state, GlobalTemp); SetDialogItemText(firstCtl, GlobalTemp); GetRegLast(state, GlobalTemp); SetDialogItemText(lastCtl, GlobalTemp); GetRegCode(state, GlobalTemp); SetDialogItemText(regCtl, GlobalTemp); } SelectDialogItemText (codeEntry, 6, 0, REAL_BIG); return noErr; } Boolean CodeEntryHit (EventRecord *event, DialogPtr codeEntry, short itemNo, long dialogRefcon) { UserStateType newState; ControlHandle theControl; Str255 firstName, lastName, fullName, regCode; Handle regInfo; OSErr theError; int pnProduct, regMonth; short resID; Boolean results, codeVerifies, policyChecksOut; results = true; regInfo = NuHTempBetter (0); theError = MemError (); if (!theError) switch (itemNo) { case kStdOkItemIndex: // get the text from the three edit fields theError = GetDialogItemAsControl (codeEntry, 6, &theControl); if (!theError && theControl) { GetDialogItemText (theControl, firstName); theError = GetDialogItemAsControl (codeEntry, 7, &theControl); } if (!theError && theControl) { GetDialogItemText (theControl, lastName); theError = GetDialogItemAsControl (codeEntry, 8, &theControl); } if (!theError && theControl) GetDialogItemText (theControl, regCode); // In preparation for verifying the code... if (!theError) { PCopy (fullName, firstName); PCat (fullName, "\p "); PCat (fullName, lastName); if (*firstName < sizeof (firstName)) firstName[*firstName + 1] = 0; else firstName[sizeof (firstName)] = 0; if (*lastName < sizeof (lastName)) lastName[*lastName + 1] = 0; else lastName[sizeof (lastName)] = 0; if (*fullName < sizeof (fullName)) fullName[*fullName + 1] = 0; else fullName[sizeof (fullName)] = 0; if (*regCode < sizeof (regCode)) regCode[*regCode + 1] = 0; else regCode[sizeof (regCode)] = 0; // Verify the code and check out the policy codeVerifies = RegCodeVerifies (®Code[1], &fullName[1], &pnProduct, ®Month); policyChecksOut = PolicyCheck (pnProduct, regMonth); // If the code verifies, we'll save the regCode (unless, of course, the policy did not check out) if (codeVerifies) { switch (pnProduct) { case REG_EUD_AD_WARE: resID = REG_PREF_SPONSORED; newState = regAdwareUser; policyChecksOut = true; // save it, even though it's not valid PAID code, since it is a valid adware code break; case REG_EUD_LIGHT: resID = REG_PREF_LIGHT; newState = regFreeUser; policyChecksOut = true; // save it, even though it's not valid PAID code, since it is a valid light code break; case REG_EUD_PAID: case REG_EUD_50_PAID_TRIMODE: case REG_EUD_50_PAID_BOX_ESD: case REG_EUD_50_PAID_37_RSRV: case REG_EUD_50_PAID_38_RSRV: case REG_EUD_50_PAID_39_RSRV: case REG_EUD_50_PAID_40_RSRV: case REG_EUD_50_PAID_EN_ONLY: case REG_EUD_50_PAID_EN_NOT_X1: if (policyChecksOut) { resID = REG_PREF_PAID; newState = paidUser; } #ifndef I_HATE_THE_BOX else RepayDialog (repayPending); #endif break; default : ComposeStdAlert (kAlertStopAlert, REG_INVALID); results = false; break; } } else { ComposeStdAlert (kAlertStopAlert, REG_INVALID); results = false; } if (policyChecksOut) { regInfo = NuHTempBetter (0); theError = MemError (); if (!theError) theError = PtrPlusHand (&firstName[1], regInfo, *firstName + 1); if (!theError) theError = PtrPlusHand (&lastName[1], regInfo, *lastName + 1); if (!theError) theError = PtrPlusHand (®Code[1], regInfo, *regCode + 1); if (!theError) { theError = SettingsHandle (REG_PREF_TYPE, nil, resID, regInfo); if (!theError) { MyUpdateResFile (SettingsRefN); ReleaseResource (regInfo); regInfo = nil; } } ZapHandle (regInfo); } } if(!theError && gWin.win && policyChecksOut) theError = UpdateRegInfoText (newState); if (!theError) TransitionState (newState); break; case kStdCancelItemIndex : break; case 3 : OpenAdwareURL (GetNagState (), REG_SITE, actionLostCode, lostCodeQuery, nil); break; default: results = false; break; } if (theError) ComposeStdAlert (kAlertStopAlert, CANT_REGISTER); return (results); } /* Boolean CodeEntryHit(EventRecord *event, DialogPtr codeEntry, short itemNo, long dialogRefcon) { UserStateType newState; Handle regInfo; Boolean noRegInfo, codeVerifies; int pnProduct,regMonth; unsigned long firstSize, lastSize, regSize; ControlHandle firstCtl, lastCtl, regCtl; OSErr err = noErr; regInfo = (Handle)dialogRefcon; switch(itemNo) { default : return false; case kStdOkItemIndex : if(noRegInfo = (regInfo == nil)) { if(err = GetDialogItemAsControl(codeEntry, 6, &firstCtl)) break; if(err = GetDialogItemAsControl(codeEntry, 7, &lastCtl)) break; if(err = GetDialogItemAsControl(codeEntry, 8, ®Ctl)) break; if(err = GetControlDataSize(firstCtl, kControlEntireControl, kControlEditTextTextTag, &firstSize)) break; if(err = GetControlDataSize(lastCtl, kControlEntireControl, kControlEditTextTextTag, &lastSize)) break; if(err = GetControlDataSize(regCtl, kControlEntireControl, kControlEditTextTextTag, ®Size)) break; regInfo = NuHTempBetter(firstSize + lastSize + regSize + 3); if(err = MemError()) break; } else { // Remove the man-made variation code... Munger (regInfo, 0, nil, 1, nil, 0); firstSize = strlen(*regInfo); lastSize = strlen(*regInfo + firstSize + 1); regSize = strlen(*regInfo + firstSize + lastSize + 2); } HLock(regInfo); if(!noRegInfo || (((err = GetControlData(firstCtl, kControlEntireControl, kControlEditTextTextTag, firstSize, *regInfo, &firstSize)) == noErr) && ((err = GetControlData(lastCtl, kControlEntireControl, kControlEditTextTextTag, lastSize, *regInfo + firstSize + 1, &lastSize)) == noErr) && ((err = GetControlData(regCtl, kControlEntireControl, kControlEditTextTextTag, regSize, *regInfo + firstSize + lastSize + 2, ®Size)) == noErr))) { (*regInfo)[firstSize] = ' '; (*regInfo)[firstSize + lastSize + 1] = 0; (*regInfo)[firstSize + lastSize + regSize + 2] = 0; codeVerifies = RegCodeVerifies(*regInfo + firstSize + lastSize + 2, *regInfo, &pnProduct, ®Month); (*regInfo)[firstSize] = 0; } HUnlock(regInfo); // CloseMyWindow(GetDialogWindow(codeEntry)); if(!err) { short resID; Boolean policyChecksOut = PolicyCheck (pnProduct, regMonth); switch(pnProduct) { case REG_EUD_AD_WARE: if (codeVerifies) { resID = REG_PREF_SPONSORED; newState = regAdwareUser; policyChecksOut = true; } break; case REG_EUD_LIGHT: if (codeVerifies) { resID = REG_PREF_LIGHT; newState = regFreeUser; policyChecksOut = true; } break; case REG_EUD_PAID: case REG_EUD_50_PAID_TRIMODE: case REG_EUD_50_PAID_BOX_ESD: case REG_EUD_50_PAID_37_RSRV: case REG_EUD_50_PAID_38_RSRV: case REG_EUD_50_PAID_39_RSRV: case REG_EUD_50_PAID_40_RSRV: case REG_EUD_50_PAID_EN_ONLY: case REG_EUD_50_PAID_EN_NOT_X1: if (policyChecksOut) { resID = REG_PREF_PAID; newState = paidUser; } else RepayDialog (repayPending); break; default : ComposeStdAlert(kAlertStopAlert, REG_INVALID); return false; } if (policyChecksOut) err = SettingsHandle(REG_PREF_TYPE, nil, resID, regInfo); } if(!err && gWin.win) err = UpdateRegInfoText (newState); if (!err) { regInfo = nil; TransitionState(newState); } break; case kStdCancelItemIndex : // CloseMyWindow(GetDialogWindow(codeEntry)); break; case 3 : OpenAdwareURL (GetNagState (), REG_SITE, actionLostCode, lostCodeQuery, nil); } ZapHandle(regInfo); if(err) ComposeStdAlert(kAlertStopAlert, CANT_REGISTER); return true; } */ OSErr ParseRegCodeType (parseNoiseType parseNoise, HeaderDHandle hdh, StringHandle h, Boolean *needsRegistration, int *pnPolicyCode); OSErr ParseProfileType (HeaderDHandle hdh); OSErr ParseRegFile(FSSpecPtr spec, parseNoiseType parseNoise, Boolean *needsRegistration, int *pnPolicyCode) { OSErr err; StringHandle h; HeaderDHandle hdh; *needsRegistration = false; err = Snarf(spec, &h, 0L); if(err) return err; err = ParseAHeaderLo(h, &hdh, RegCodeHeadStrn, RegCodeHeadLimit); if(err) return err; *GlobalTemp = 0; err = AAFetchResData((*hdh)->funFields, RegCodeHeadStrn+hFileType, GlobalTemp); if(!err) { TrimWhite(GlobalTemp); TrimInitialWhite(GlobalTemp); switch(FindSTRNIndex(RegCodeFileTypeStrn, GlobalTemp)) { case typeRegCode : err = ParseRegCodeType (parseNoise, hdh, h, needsRegistration, pnPolicyCode); if(err || parseNoise != parseDoDialog) DisposeHandle(h); break; case typeProfile : DisposeHandle(h); err = ParseProfileType (hdh); break; default : DisposeHandle(h); } DisposeHeaderDesc(hdh); MyUpdateResFile (SettingsRefN); } return err; } OSErr ParseRegCodeType (parseNoiseType parseNoise, HeaderDHandle hdh, StringHandle h, Boolean *needsRegistration, int *pnPolicyCode) { Str255 firstName, lastName, regCode; OSErr err; unsigned long firstSize, lastSize; char variant; *firstName = 0; if((err = AAFetchResData((*hdh)->funFields, RegCodeHeadStrn+hRegFirst, firstName)) == noErr) { TrimWhite(firstName); TrimInitialWhite(firstName); firstSize = firstName[0]; firstName[++(firstName[0])] = 0; TransLitRes(&firstName[1], firstSize, TRANS_IN_TABL); /* re-use h for regInfo */ if((err = PtrToXHand(&firstName[1], h, firstName[0])) == noErr) { *lastName = 0; if((err = AAFetchResData((*hdh)->funFields, RegCodeHeadStrn+hRegLast, lastName)) == noErr) { TrimWhite(lastName); TrimInitialWhite(lastName); lastSize = lastName[0]; lastName[++(lastName[0])] = 0; TransLitRes(&lastName[1], lastSize, TRANS_IN_TABL); if((err = PtrAndHand(&lastName[1], h, lastName[0])) == noErr) { *regCode = 0; if((err = AAFetchResData((*hdh)->funFields, RegCodeHeadStrn+hRegCode, regCode)) == noErr) { TrimWhite(regCode); TrimInitialWhite(regCode); regCode[++(regCode[0])] = 0; if ((err = PtrAndHand(®Code[1], h, regCode[0])) == noErr) { *GlobalTemp = 0; if(!AAFetchResData((*hdh)->funFields, RegCodeHeadStrn+hRegNeed, GlobalTemp)) { TrimWhite(GlobalTemp); TrimInitialWhite(GlobalTemp); *needsRegistration = (GlobalTemp[0] && GlobalTemp[1] == 'Y'); } } } } } } } if(!err) { (*h)[firstSize] = ' '; HLock(h); err = !RegCodeVerifies(*h + firstSize + lastSize + 2, *h, pnPolicyCode, nil); HUnlock(h); if (parseNoise == parseMaybeSilent) { UserStateType state = PolicyCodeToRegisteredNagState (*pnPolicyCode); parseNoise = parseDoDialog; if (StringSame (firstName, GetRegFirst (state, GlobalTemp))) if (StringSame (lastName, GetRegLast (state, GlobalTemp))) if (StringSame (regCode, GetRegCode (state, GlobalTemp))) parseNoise = parseSilent; } if (parseNoise == parseDoDialog) { (*h)[firstSize] = 0; if(!err) { variant = (char) fromFileCodeEntryVariant; Munger (h, 0, nil, 0, &variant, 1); } if (!err) err = CodeEntryDialog(h); } else if (!err) { (*h)[firstSize] = 0; switch(*pnPolicyCode) { case REG_EUD_AD_WARE: err = SettingsHandle(REG_PREF_TYPE, nil, REG_PREF_SPONSORED, h); break; case REG_EUD_LIGHT: err = SettingsHandle(REG_PREF_TYPE, nil, REG_PREF_LIGHT, h); break; case REG_EUD_PAID: case REG_EUD_50_PAID_TRIMODE: case REG_EUD_50_PAID_BOX_ESD: case REG_EUD_50_PAID_37_RSRV: case REG_EUD_50_PAID_38_RSRV: case REG_EUD_50_PAID_39_RSRV: case REG_EUD_50_PAID_40_RSRV: case REG_EUD_50_PAID_EN_ONLY: case REG_EUD_50_PAID_EN_NOT_X1: err = SettingsHandle(REG_PREF_TYPE, nil, REG_PREF_PAID, h); break; } MyUpdateResFile (SettingsRefN); DetachResource (h); } } return (err); } typedef enum { ignoreProfile, silentlyAcceptProfile, silentlyDeleteProfile, confirmProfile } ProfileActionType; OSErr ParseProfileType (HeaderDHandle hdh) { ProfileActionType profileAction; Str255 profileID, address, scratch; OSErr err; Boolean hasProfileID, profileMatch, addressMatch, deleteMe; err = noErr; profileAction = ignoreProfile; hasProfileID = false; profileMatch = false; addressMatch = false; deleteMe = false; profileID[0] = 0; address[0] = 0; // Parse the profile ID from the headers (void) AAFetchResData((*hdh)->funFields, RegCodeHeadStrn+hProfile, profileID); TrimWhite (profileID); TrimInitialWhite (profileID); // Compare the profile ID to any we might already possess GetProfileID (scratch); hasProfileID = scratch[0] ? true : false; profileMatch = StringSame (scratch, profileID); // Parse the Mailed-To header from the headers (void) AAFetchResData((*hdh)->funFields, RegCodeHeadStrn+hMailedTo, address); TrimWhite (address); TrimInitialWhite (address); // Compare it to the personalities and 'me' nickname addressMatch = (MatchAnyPersonality (address) || IsMe (address)); // Parse for a Delete command in the header (void) AAFetchResData((*hdh)->funFields, RegCodeHeadStrn+hDelete, scratch); deleteMe = (scratch[0] && (scratch[1] == 'y' || scratch[1] == 'Y')); // Okay, what are we going to do with all these booleans we've generated? if (addressMatch && !hasProfileID) profileAction = silentlyAcceptProfile; else if (deleteMe && addressMatch && profileMatch) profileAction = silentlyDeleteProfile; else if (addressMatch && hasProfileID) profileAction = confirmProfile; // No else this time // One last chance to bail with no action if (!addressMatch || (deleteMe && hasProfileID && !profileMatch) || (!deleteMe && hasProfileID && profileMatch)) profileAction = ignoreProfile; // Actferchristsake switch (profileAction) { case silentlyAcceptProfile: if (IsAdwareMode () || IsFreeMode()) err = SetProfileID(profileID); break; case silentlyDeleteProfile: err = SetProfileID(""); break; case confirmProfile: if (IsAdwareMode ()) { ParamText (address,"\p","\p","\p"); Nag (PROFILE_RECEIVED_DLOG, ProfileReceivedDlogInit, ProfileReceivedDlogHit, nil, false, (long) profileID); } // if (IsAdwareMode () && ComposeStdAlert (Note, PROFILE_RECEIVED_WARNING) != 1) // err = SetProfileID(profileID); break; } return (err); } OSErr ProfileReceivedDlogInit (DialogPtr dlog, PStr profileID) { SetDIText (dlog, PROFILE_RCVD_DITL_PROFILEID, profileID); return (noErr); } Boolean ProfileReceivedDlogHit (EventRecord *event, DialogPtr theDialog, short itemHit, StringHandle profileString) { Str255 profileID; switch (itemHit) { case PROFILE_RCVD_DITL_REPLACE: GetDIText (theDialog, PROFILE_RCVD_DITL_PROFILEID, profileID); SetProfileID(profileID); CloseMyWindow (GetDialogWindow(theDialog)); return (true); break; case PROFILE_RCVD_DITL_CANCEL: CloseMyWindow (GetDialogWindow(theDialog)); return (true); break; case PROFILE_RCVD_DITL_FAQ: OpenAdwareURL (GetNagState (), TECH_SUPPORT_SITE, actionProfileidFAQ, profileidFAQQuery, nil); break; } return (false); } Boolean MatchAnyPersonality (Str255 address) { Str255 returnAddress; Boolean personalityMatch; personalityMatch = false; PushPers (PersList); for (CurPers = PersList; !personalityMatch && CurPers; CurPers = (*CurPers)->next) personalityMatch = StringSame (address, GetReturnAddr (returnAddress, false)); PopPers(); return (personalityMatch); } void OpenRefundWindow (void) { DialogPtr theDialog; MyWindowPtr theDialogWin; ControlHandle refundCodeCtl; OSErr theError; Str15 hex; theDialogWin = GetNewMyDialog (REFUND_CODE_DLOG, nil, nil, InFront); theError = ResError (); theDialog = GetMyWindowDialogPtr (theDialogWin); if (!theError) { theDialogWin->hit = RefundDlogHit; theDialogWin->centerAsDefault = true; theError = GetDialogItemAsControl (theDialog, REFUND_DITL_CODE_TEXT, &refundCodeCtl); } if (!theError) { SetDialogItemText (refundCodeCtl, Long2Hex (hex, (Random () << 16) | Random ())); HiliteButtonOne (theDialog); AutoSizeDialog (theDialog); ShowMyWindow (GetDialogWindow(theDialog)); } } Boolean RefundDlogHit (EventRecord *event, DialogPtr theDialog, short itemHit,long dialogRefcon) { if (itemHit == REFUND_DITL_OK) CloseMyWindow (GetDialogWindow(theDialog)); return (true); } /************************************************************************ * PayWinIdle - idle proc for payment window ************************************************************************/ void PayWinIdle(MyWindowPtr win) { if (gWin.inited && gWin.updateError) { WarnUser(UPDATE_FAILED,gWin.updateError); gWin.updateError = noErr; } }