ADDR_TOO_LONG (One of) the address(es) is (are) too long. Remember to use COMMAS (,) to separate addresses. Mail cannot be sent with such addresses. UNUSED_WAS_ALERT_TIMEOUT Reserved. ALIAS_A_LABEL Nickname: ALIAS_A_WIDTH 130 Width of the Nickname list column in the Address Book. ALIAS_CMD alias DON'T TOUCH. ALIAS_E_LABEL Address(es): Label for the addresses section of the Address Book. ALIAS_FILE Eudora Nicknames Name of nickname file--don't touch ALIAS_ADDR_PC 70 Percent of vertical space to allot to addresses in nicknames. ALIAS_TOO_LONG The nickname you've typed is too long.Nicknames in Eudora are limited to %d characters. The nickname you typed is too long.OK ALIA_LOOP Your address book contains a nickname that refers to itself, directly or indirectly. ALLO_ALIAS There is insufficient memory to read the address book. ALLO_EXPAND There is insufficient memory to expand the nicknames. ALLO_MBOX_LIST There is insufficient memory to read mailbox names. ALREADY_READ R Status header (substring) for already-read message. APPL_FONT Geneva Name of application font. ATTACH_FMT :%p:%d:%p: ATTENTION Eudora needs your attention. BAD_ADDRESS An address is too long or otherwise malformed. Mail cannot be sent with such addresses. BAD_COMP_RENAME Couldnt rename the mailbox; the mail has been saved under a new name. BIND_ERR Error involving Domain Name System. BINHEX (This file must be converted with BinHex BinHex intro line, used to recognize BinHex files. DON'T TOUCH. BINHEXEXCESS There were some extra data in the attachment. BINHEX_BADCHAR The attachment has been corrupted; an illegal character was found. BINHEX_CREATE Couldnt create attachment to decode into. BINHEX_RECV_FMT Receiving file %p... BINHEX_MEM There is insufficient memory to decode the attachment. BINHEX_OPEN There was an error opening the attachment. BINHEX_OUT (This file must be converted with BinHex 4.0) BinHex intro line, put on outgoing messages. DON'T TOUCH. BINHEX_PROG_FMT Sending file %p... BINHEX_PROMPT Save attachment as: BINHEX_READ There was an error sending the attachment. BINHEX_SHORT The attachment is corrupt; it was too short. BINHEX_WRITE There was an error writing the attachment. BOX_TOO_LONG1 The mailbox name: BOX_TOO_LONG2 is too long; mailbox names must be 27 characters or less. BUFFER_SIZE 4096 Disk I/O buffer size. CANT_QUEUE Can't queue this message; all messages must have addresses in the to: or bcc: fields, and a valid From address. CHECK_MAIL Check Mail CLOSE_MBOX There was an error closing the mailbox--data may have been lost. CNXN_OPENING Contacting %p (%i)... COMP_TOP_MARGIN 34 Height of icon bar. COPY_FAILED Copy failed. COULDNT_GET_TOOL Couldnt get connection tool. COULDNT_MBOX Couldnt open Mailbox window. COULDNT_MOD_ALIAS Couldnt apply your changes to the previous address book entry. COULDNT_PREF Couldnt display the settings window. COULDNT_SAVEAS Couldnt save the message. COULDNT_SETUP Couldnt create Page Setup information. COULDNT_SQUEEZE Couldnt compact the mailbox. COULDNT_WIN Couldnt create another window. CRC_ERROR A checksum error was found in decoding this attachment; use it with caution. CREATE_FOLDER Couldnt create mail folder. CREATE_SETTINGS There was an error creating the settings file. CREATING_ALIAS Couldnt create your Address Book file. CREATING_MAILBOX Couldn't create the mailbox. CTB_CLOSING Closing the connection. CTB_NEWLINE \015\012 Newline used during CTB connections. CTB_PROBLEM Communications Toolbox error. CUT_FAILED Cut failed. DATE_HEADER %r %p DON'T TOUCH. DATE_STRING_FMT %r %r %d%d %d%d:%d%d:%d%d %d\n DON'T TOUCH. DELETING_BOX Couldn't remove mailbox. DELIMITERS , \t DON'T TOUCH. DNR_LOOKUP Finding DOUBLE_TOLERANCE 3 Double-click mouse movement tolerance. EXPL_INTERVAL The \0xE9 in Check for mail every \0xE9 minute(s) must be a number. EXPL_POP The POP Account should be an user name, followed by an @, followed by a host name.\nFOR EXAMPLE, EXPL_SMTP The SMTP Server must be a host name.\nFOR EXAMPLE, FATAL Eudora cannot continue. FILE_FOLDER_FMT Attachment converted: %p:%p (%p/%p) (%p)\n FILE_LINE_FMT {%d:%d} Don't touch. FIRST_UNREAD Peeking at message %d... FLUSH_SECS 10 Number of seconds between FlushVol calls. FOLDER_NAME Eudora Folder Name of Eudora folder--don't touch FONTSIZE_EXPL %p is too large or too small. GENERAL An error occurred. GET_MENU Couldnt load menus. HOUSEKEEPING Getting ready to make a connection. ICMP_SECONDS 3 Number of seconds to leave ICMP messages on-screen. IN In Name of In mailbox file--Don't touch. INFINITE_STRING ~~~~~~~ DON'T TOUCH. INIT_CTB Starting the Comm. Toolbox. LOGGING_IN Logging into the POP server. LOGIN_FAILED Invalid POP account or password. LOOK_MAIL Looking for mail. MAIL_FOLDER Unable to find or create your Eudora Folder. MAKE_CONNECT Trying to make a connection. FRAGMENT_SIZE 200000 Size of fragments of split messages. Must be less than . MAYNT_DELETE_BOX That mailbox may not be removed. MAYNT_RENAME_BOX That mailbox may not be renamed. UNTITLED_FOLDER untitled folder UNTITLED_MAILBOX untitled mailbox NEW_BUTTON New REMOVE_BUTTON Remove LDAP_SEARCH_TOKEN_DELIMS , Use these delimiters to break up LDAP queries into words. NOTE_CMD note Command used for notes in nicknames window. MEM_ERR The operation failed; there was not enough memory. MEM_LOW Memory is tight. MEM_PARTITION Memory sizes: Current %K, Minimum %K. MESS_TE Couldnt create a TextEdit record for this mailbox. MOVE_MAILBOX Couldnt move the mailbox. NAVIN Navigate In Navigation In string name. NAVOUT Navigate Out Navigation Out string name. NEWLINE \015\012 TCP newline string. NEW_ITEM_TEXT New... Prefix for quoted sections. RCV_BUFFER_SIZE 1024 READ_ALIAS Couldn't read address book. READ_MBOX Couldnt read mailbox. READ_ONLY That text cannot be modified. READ_SETTINGS Couldn't read your settings. READ_TOC Couldnt read the table of contents. RECEIVED_HEAD Received: Don't touch. RECV_TIMEOUT 45 Receive timeout, in seconds. REDIST_ANNOTATE (by way of %p) RENAMING_BOX Couldn't rename mailbox. REPLY_INTRO Re: String with which to prefix replies. RETURN_PRINT_INTRO Printed for SAVEAS_PROMPT Save as: SAVE_ALIAS Couldnt save your address book. SAVE_SETUP Couldnt save Page Setup SAVE_SUM Couldn't build table of contents. SECRET secret things SEND_BUTTON Send Name of Send button. SETTINGS_FILE Eudora Settings Name of settings/signature file. SHORT_TIMEOUT 2 Number of seconds for timeouts during navigation. SIGNATURE Signature Name of default signature file--don't touch SMTP_PORTSMTPPort 25 Port for SMTP. MSG_GOT Successfully received %p (%d) STATE_LABELS RDʥQFS-TX? Message state labels. STATUS Status: Header that gives message status. STEVE_FOLDER PMF FWD_INTRO String to insert before quoted Forward text S_DORNER TAB_DISTANCE 8 Number of chars to indent for a tab. TCP_BUFFER_SIZE 8192 Buffer size for network. TCP_DRIVER .ipp Name of tcp/ip driver. TCP_TROUBLE TCP/IP Error. TEMP_SUFFIX .tmp Temp file suffix. TEXT_CREATOR ttxt Default TEXT file creator. TEXT_READ Couldn't read the document. TEXT_TOO_BIG That document is too large to load. TEXT_WRITE Couldn't save the document. TE_TOO_MUCH The text of a message or document cannot be more than 32766 bytes. TOC_SUFFIX .toc Suffix for table of contents files. TOO_MANY_LEVELS You have more than 100 subfolders in your Eudora folder. Use the Finder to remove some folders. TO_TOO_LONG Recipient names must be less than 62 characters. TRANSFER_PREFIX \0xd0> Prefix for use in Transfer menu. TRASH Trash Name of Trash mailbox file--don't touch. TS_CONNECT_FMT telnet %p %d /stream\n CTB connect request string. UNDO Undo UNKNOWN_SENDER ???@??? UNTITLED Untitled WHO_AM_I Opening TCP/IP... WONT_UNDO This operation cant be undone. WRAP_SPOT 76 Number of chars at which to wrap messages when not doing format=flowed. WRITE_MBOX There was an error saving the mail. WRITE_SETTINGS Couldn't save your settings. WRITE_TOC Couldnt write the table of contents. WU_FMT \n%d, {%d:%d} VOLUME_MARGIN 2048 Disk space safety margin. CONCON_FORWARD_ON Original Message,begin forwarded text PRINT_LEFT_MAR 54 Left printout margin. PRINT_RIGHT_MAR 36 Right printout margin. LEADING_PERIOD Its a very bad idea to use names beginning with a period. CTB_ME DialupEudora SMTP Helo argument for dialups. TCP_ME [%i] SMTP Helo argument for networks. LDAP_SEARCH_FILTER (|(cn=*^0*)) Default LDAP search filter. Used on each word, and resulting terms anded together. DEF_MWIDTH 80 Message width when PREF_MWIDTH is not set. UU_BAD_LENGTH Attachment corrupt; wrong number of characters on a line. Message when an incorrect line length is found in uuencoded data. HEX_SIZE_PERCENT 65 Eudora will decode a BinHex file if the message is at least this percent of the size the BinHex file reports, or... HEX_SIZE_THRESH 20000 if the message is less than this size. BIG_MESSAGEBigMessageThresholdACAPWeKeepK 40 Size limit for Skip Big Messages. Setting to 0 (zero) will cause messages NOT to be skipped. BIG_MESSAGE_MSG \n\nWARNING: The remainder of this %K message has not been transferred. Turn off the Skip big messages option and check mail again to get the whole thing. BREAKING BREAK [%d ticks] SPLIT_THRESH 250000 Size at which a message must be split. Must be greater than . BOX_SIZE_FMT %d/%K/%K Size display format for mailbox windows. BOX_SIZE_SIZE 128 size of mailbox size display SUB_EDIT_HELP You may change the subject that appears in the mailbox window and window title by editing this text. MESS_HELP This is the text of the message you were sent; you may only change it if you select the pencil icon above. OLD_BOX_SIZE_FONT_SIZE 9 Size of font for mailbox size box. ALIAS_VERBOTEN :;,@<>()[]\" Characters forbidden in aliases. WARN_VERBOTEN The characters :;@<>()[]\"\', are not allowed in nicknames (they can go in the Address(es) section, just not the nickname itself. NEW_MAIL You have new mail. LDAP_TERM_COMBINER (%c%p%p) UU_BAD_VERSION The attachment is an unknown AppleSingle version: UU_INVALID_MAP The attachment has an invalid map count: UU_SKIP_MAP_INFO The attachment contained extra information, map: UU_INVALID_STATE The decoder has entered an invalid state, the attachment may be damaged. BCC_ONLY Recipient List Suppressed:; Put in the To: field if a message has only Bcc:'s. UUPC_COPY Picking up message: UUPC_WRONG_SMTP UUCP misconfigured; must be !mymac!spoolvol:spooldir:!username!0000 UUPC_DMYMAC D.%p0%p FWD_TRAIL String to put after forwarded text REP_SEND_ATTR Reply to sender attribution UUPC_XMYMAC X.%p0%p WAIT_FOR_START_AE 10 # seconds to wait for ODoc, OApp, or PDoc UUPC_U_CMD U %p %p\n UUPC_F_CMD F %p\n UUPC_I_CMD I %p\n UUPC_C_CMD C rmail UUPC_REMOTE remote from %p\n UUPC_SECURE Can only do UUPC send if you do UUPC receive. SALV_REPORT %d of the %d summar%* in the old table of contents used; %d new summar%* created. DESK_LEFT_STRIP 0 Number of pixels to leave uncovered on the left of the screen when creating a new window. DESK_RIGHT_STRIP 72 Number of pixels to leave uncovered on the right of the screen when creating a new window. DESK_BOTTOM_STRIP 0 Number of pixels to leave uncovered on the bottom of the screen when creating a new window. DESK_TOP_STRIP 0 Number of pixels to leave uncovered beneath the menu bar when creating a new window. XSENDER_FMT X-Sender: header; make it X-Sender: %p%p%p if you want the old behavior... PH_TOO_BIG \nThe response was too long; the remainder has been lost. ME me Nicknames for sender. REPLY Reply text for normal reply REPLY_ALL Reply to All text if PREF_REPLY_ALL is set CONCON_FORWARD_OFF End Original Message,end forwarded text LOG_SENT Sent: %p LOG_GOT Rcvd: %p DIALUP dialup DATE_ERROR Invalid date format. THE_PAST Dates in the past are not allowed. NEVER_WARN 12 Never warn the user of mail to be sent this many hours into the future BIG_MESSAGE_FRAGMENT 20 # of body lines of a skipped big message to download ATTRIBUTION At ^3 ^1, ^0 wrote: # attribution line; from, date, subject, time ALIAS_N_LABEL Notes: Label for private notes section of nicknames LOCAL_PORT 0 Port from which Eudora connects; leave at 0 NICK_IN_USE That nickname already exists.%p already appears in the %p address book. Nicknames within the same address book must be unique.OK LOG_NAME Eudora Log OLD_LOG Old Log LOG_SUCCEEDED Succeeded. LOG_FAILED Failed (%d). SENDING Sending %p. ALERT_DISMISSED_ITEM Dismissed with %d. NO_ADDRESSES Couldn't make address book entry.No address found. PW_PORTPasswordchangeport 106 Port for password-change protocol NEW enter the new PW_ERROR Couldnt change your password. PW_MISMATCH Those two passwords didn't match. VERIFY_NEW verify the new ENTER enter the WRAP_THRESH 80 Lines shorter than this will not be wrapped when not doing format=flowed. FINGER_PORTFingerPort 79 Port for finger requests PRIORITY_FMT %r %d %r Format for the priority header. PRIOR_MENU_HELP Use this menu to set the message's priority (priorities are informational only). COMPACT_WASTE_PER 25 Percentage of waste space that triggers a compaction COMPACT_FREE_PER 1 Percentage of free disk space that triggers a compaction FINGER finger DEFAULT Default FWD_QUOTE > Quote character for forwards ADD_REALNAME ^1 <^0> Make the real name from pop account & real name. ^0 is account (or email address), ^1 is real name. START_POP_LOG %p %d (%d) START_SEND_LOG %p %d SQUISH_LEFTOVERS It looks like a previous compaction was attempted and failed. Get help. WDS_LIMIT 16 PH_FAIL Couldn't open a connection to ^0, trying ^1...\n PH_SUCCEED %p seems willing to talk to us.\n NOONE No one UNSENT_WARNING You haven't sent all those messages; %r them anyway?\n(They won't ever be sent.) TRASH_VERB trash UNREAD_WARNING You haven't read all those messages; %r them anyway? XFER_VERB transfer TEMP_WARNING Temporary file found. It has been put in the mailbox menus, but there may be a problem. DATE_SUM_FMT ^0 ^1^2 Format for date summaries; time, date, timezone WAITING Waiting... LOG_EXPECT Expecting: %p LOG_FOUND Found expected string. LOG_NOTFOUND Didnt find expected string. NO_AUXUSR Your navigation script requires a dialup username. Use the Personal Information section of the Settings... dialog to set one. MESS_TITLE_PLUG ^1, ^2, ^3 Message titling string; 0 mailbox, 1 sender, 2 date, 3 subject. BAD_HEXBIN_FORMAT The attachment is not in proper BinHex format. INSTALL_AE Couldnt initialize AppleEvents. PH_RETURNPhReturn Return clause for ph. Should be empty or begin with space. SCROLL_THROTTLE 7 Number of ticks between page scrolls. USE_MAP Please set the location and timezone of your Macintosh with the Map and/or Date & Time control panels. Otherwise Eudora cant handle Date: headers properly. MIME_ATTR_MAX 32 MIME_VAL_MAX 128 MIME_VERSION 1.0 MIME_MULTIPART multipart Don't touch. MIME_TEXT text Don't touch. MIME_MESSAGE message Don't touch. MIME_BASE64 base64 Don't touch. MIME_APPLICATION application Don't touch MIME_APPLEFILE applefile Don't touch MIME_APPLEDOUBLE appledouble Don't touch MIME_DIGEST digest Don't touch MIME_BINHEX mac-binhex-40 Don't touch MIME_ISO_LATIN1 iso-8859-1 Don't touch MIME_PARTIAL partial Don't touch BAD_HEX_MSG One or more attachments were corrupt. BAD_ENC_MSG %d encoding error%# were found. NAME name Don't touch SINGLE_TEMP Temp MIME_QP quoted-printable MIME_V_FMT %r: %r%p MIME_MP_FMT %r: %r/%r; %r=\"%p\"%p PS_SUFFIX .ps MIME_BOUND1_FMT ============_%d==_%p%r MIME_MIXED mixed MIME_MAC macintosh MIME_CSET ; charset=\"%p\" MIME_TEXTPLAIN %r: %r/%r%p%p MAX_SMTP_LINE 990 Maximum line to send to SMTP MIME_CT_PFMT %r: %p/%p; %r=\"%p\"%p MIME_P_FMT %r: %p%p MIME_OCTET_STREAM octet-stream MIME_BINARY binary Don't touch. ATTACH_REMOVED Some attachments could not be found and were not included in the new message. MIMERICH_COMMENT param MIMERICH_NOFILL nofill GROUP_DONT_HIDE -WorkGroup This suffix on a group name causes Eudora not to hide the group members. MIME_RICHTEXT enriched BAD_XMIT_ERR_TEXT Couldnt send message; %pserver says %s. MIME_PLAIN plain LDAP_CN_SEARCH_FILTER LDAP search filter when you wish to search a full name. MIME_RICH_ON <%r> MIME_RICH_OFF MIME_USASCII us-ascii FILTERS_NAME Eudora Filters OTHER_FN_BAD ../\"\\ OTHER_FN_REP ==='= MAC_FN_BAD ..:/ MAC_FN_REP ==-/ OFFLINE No connections can be made, because you have set the connection method to Offline. SIG_FOLDER Signature Folder Name of signature folder--don't touch CANT_VOL_MOVE Eudora cannot move mailboxes from one volume to another. Please use the Finder. NICK_FOLDER Nicknames Folder Name of nicknames folder--don't touch POSTSCRIPT PostScript Don't touch. PS_MAGIC %! Magic bytes for PostScript file OLD_QUEUE_M_ITEM Queue Message OLD_SEND_M_ITEM Send Message Now NOT_ENOUGH_ROOM There is insufficient disk space. RFC1342_DELIMS , \t\r\n()[]:< RFC1342_FMT =?%p?Q?%p?= Don't touch. AE_TROUBLE Having trouble building AppleEvents. COULDNT_LAUNCH Couldn't start that application. MIME_BINHEX2 mac-binhex40 Don't touch DOUBLE_RFORK_FMT %%%p Filename template for resource part of appledouble file MIME_RFC822 rfc822 Don't touch. CTB_SETCONFIG_FMT %p CMSetConfig Resource name for extra config params. SETCONFIG CMSetConfig CONTENT_DISPOSITION Content-Disposition Don't touch. ATTACHMENT attachment Don't touch. MIME_CD_FMT %r: %r; %r=\"%p\"%p Don't touch. MIME_HEADERSET header-set Don't touch. MIME_DOUBLE_SENDSUB appledouble Set to either appledouble (oldstyle) or header-set (newstyle) BETA_EXPIRED This beta version of Eudora has expired.Please visit our website to get a newer beta or the final version.Quit-Visit & Quit NOT_MAILBOX Selection is not a properly formatted mailbox. MIME_CT_ANNOTATE ; %r=\"%p\"%p SAVE_SUM_ERR Memory error; couldnt add the message summary to the table of contents. TEXT_QP_TASTE 16000 Size of chunk of text attachment to check for non-us-ascii characters. SCROLL_ARROW_THROTTLE 2 # of ticks to wait between arrow scrolls IDLE_SECS 60 Time in seconds Eudora must be idle before doing a timed check MAX_QUOTE 10 Max # of quote chars Eudora will recognize as such AE_TIMEOUT_TICKS 18000 Apple Event timeout, in ticks. X_UUENCODE x-uuencode Label to use for uuencoded body parts. NQ_ANNOTATE ; %r=%p%p Don't touch. MIME_8BIT 8bit Don't touch. MSGID_FMT Don't touch. SAVE_POPD Couldn't save information for Leave Mail On Server. Some messages may be fetched again. POP_SCAN_INTERVAL 1 # of days Eudora should wait before scanning for messages to delete on POP server UNREAD_STYLE 4 Style to use for mailboxes with unread mail. Bold=1, italics=2, underline=4. Add numbers for combinations of styles. UNREAD_LIMIT 5 # of days after which to consider mailboxes not to have unread mail. ANSWER_RESPONSE response SETTINGS_CELL_SIZE 54 Select the icon size displayed in the settings list. Can also display without name or icon. LOG_HANGUP Will cancel on: %p LOG_HANGUP_FOUND Found cancel string. UNVERIFIED (Unverified) PREFLIMIT_EXPLAIN \n\nMust be between %d and %d. PREFERROR_INTRO Invalid setting:\n KERBEROS_DRIVER .Kerberos Name of the kerberos driver. NO_KERBEROS Cannot communicate with Kerberos. KERBEROS_POP_SERVICE kpop Name of kerberized POP3 service. KERBEROS_SERVICE_FMT ^0.^1@^2 Kerberos service name format. ^0=service, ^1=host.domain, ^2=realm, ^3=host KERBEROS_VERSION justjunk 8 characters of junk for sendauth server KERBEROS_BSIZE 1400 size of kerberos ticket buffer KERBEROS_CHECKSUM 0 kerberos checksum KERBEROS_TICK_FMT Getting ticket for %p... KERBEROS_ESCAPES . Characters that should be backslashed in kerberos names KERBEROS_FAKE_PASS meaningless Meaningless argument to Kerberos password OLD_SETTINGS_FONT_SIZE 10 Size of font to use in settings window CHECKING_MAIL Checking Mail... SENDING_MAIL Sending Mail... MOVING_MESSAGES Moving Messages... FINDING Finding... LEFT_TO_TRANSFER Messages remaining to transfer: LEFT_TO_PROCESS Messages remaining to process: CHANGING_PW Changing Password... ATTACH_FOLDER Attachments Folder PREPARING_CONNECTION Preparing to transfer... CLEANUP_CONNECTION Cleaning up... MESS_FETCH_HELP This message will be downloaded in full next time you check mail. Click here to prevent the download. MESS_FETCH_HELP2 The bulk of this message was skipped. Click here to have it downloaded on the next mail check. MESS_DELETE_HELP This message will be deleted from the POP server the next time you check mail. Click here to leave it on the server. MESS_DELETE_HELP2 This message is on your POP server. Click here to have it deleted the next time you check mail. MESS_SERVER_HELP This message is still on your POP server. The icons in this box let you delete it (or fetch the rest, if part was skipped). MESS_DRAG_HELP Use the tow truck to drag the message to a different mailbox window. PROGRESS Progress Name of progress window NO_ATTACH_FOLDER Your attachments folder cannot be found.Eudora will use Attachments Folder in your Eudora folder for now. Should Eudora use that permanently?Choose New...No-Yes U_AN_APPLICATION MIN_COLOR_LIGHT 15 Minimum percent lightness for color displays. MAX_COLOR_LIGHT 85 Maximum percent lightness for color displays. KERB_POP_PORT 110 Port # for kerberized popper. LOG_ROLLOVER 100 Size in K at which log file will be ended and a new one started. One old log is kept, named Old log. DEFAULT_CREATOR ---- Creator for files of unknown MIME types. DEFAULT_TYPE ???? Type for files of unknown MIME types. FIXED_DATE_FMT ^0 ^1^3 Format for fixed date summaries; time, date, weekday, zone. SHOW_ALL_HELP All headers and other sludge are displayed in this message. NO_SHOW_ALL_HELP Less important headers and formatting commands are hidden. PURCHASE_EUDORA Purchasing Information... PURCH_URL Don't touch. PREFILTER_SUFFIX .pre DO NOT TOUCH POSTFILTER_SUFFIX .pst DO NOT TOUCH FORMAT_FLOWED flowed DO NOT TOUCH WILL_EXPIRE This version of Eudora expires on %p.Please visit our website to get a newer beta or the final version.Later-Visit Site NICK_FILE_GONE There were errors reading the address book %p. Nicknames from that file will not be used. Restart Eudora to try again. TP_SINGLE_FMT %p: %r String for task progress title when checking or sending. TP_DUAL_FMT %p: %r & %r String for task progress title when checking and sending. NEWSGROUPS Newsgroups: AE_INITIAL_TIMEOUT_SECS 5 Number of ticks to wait for initial AE on launch. MAIL_QUEUED Your request has been placed in your Out mailbox, and will be sent next time you send queued messages. MAIL_SENT Your request has been sent. You should receive a reply shortly. SETTINGS_BAD Your settings file appears to be corrupt. ResEdit may be able to repair it. MIME_BOUND2 ============ 2nd half of boundary strings NORMAL_MFROM <%p> Mail From: argument for normal message. EMPTY_MFROM <> Mail From: argument template for empty mail from. SACRED_PREFS 3,4,5,77,218 Preferences to be preserved when cleaning a settings file. RESET_PREFS_WARN Really reset your settings?Save all your work first, Eudora will quit after the reset and not save anything.Cancel-Reset CTB_RETRY 5 # of times to retry cmnew FIXED_STRN STR# id %d was corrupt and had to be repaired. Should be ok now. FIXED_COLON Colons are no longer allowed in nicknames. Eudora changed your colons to plusses (+). PLUS + Character to replace colons in nicknames. NO_TEMP_FILE Couldn't create temporary file. INLINE inline Don't touch. CORRUPT_RFORK The resource fork of this file is corrupt. STATION_FOLDER Stationery Folder Name of stationery folder--don't touch QUEUED_WARNING Some of those messages are queued to be sent; %r them anyway?\n(They won't ever be sent.) MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE 900 Maximum size of a message Eudora will send without complaint (approximate). PETE_ERR There was an error during editing. URL_PARSE Couldnt figure out that URL. URL URL Don't touch. MAC_PGP_CREATOR MPGP PH_ALIAS_FMT ^0@^1 Format for building a ph address out of alias, maildomain, mailbox. PH_BOX_FMT ^0 Format for building a ph address out of mailfield, maildomain, mailbox. TOC_SMALLDIRTY 1800 Number of ticks for Eudora to be idle before having to flush trivial toc changes. PETE_NIBBLE 8 Number of K to initially load into a message window OLD_CONFIG_FONT_SIZE 10 Font size for configuration windows. STRING_CACHE 150 Size of string cache. P_FMT %p Don't touch. R_FMT %r Don't touch. NUKE_VERB delete CHECK_SPECIAL_ITEXT Check Mail Specially... SEND_SPECIAL_ITEXT Send Messages Specially... SEND_ITEXT Send Queued Messages SAVE_ITEXT Save SAVE_ALL_ITEXT Save All CLOSE_ITEXT Close CLOSE_ALL_ITEXT Close All PRINT_ITEXT Print... PRINT_SEL_ITEXT Print Selection... COPY_ITEXT Copy COPY_UNWRAP_ITEXT Copy & Unwrap WRAP_ITEXT Wrap Selection UNWRAP_ITEXT Unwrap Selection FINISH_ITEXT Finish Address Book Entry FINISH_EXP_ITEXT Finish & Expand Address Book Entry INSERT_ITEXT Insert Recipient INSERT_EXP_ITEXT Insert & Expand Recipient SORT_ITEXT Sort SORT_DESCEND_ITEXT Sort Descending REP_SELECTION Quoting Selection REP_ALL To All REP_NOSEL Without Quoting REP_WITH With REDIRECT Redirect TO_ITEXT To TURBO Turbo TB_REDIR_NO_DEL Without Delete CHANGE_QUEUEING Change Queueing... MAKE_NICK_ITEXT Make Address Book Entry... MAKE_SEL_NICK_ITEXT Make Address Book Entry From Selection... DELETE_ITEXT Delete NUKE_ITEXT Nuke = 5500 ALT_SIG Alternate Name of alternate signature file--don't touch HEADER_LABEL Header: Name of header box in filters window. MATCH_LABEL Match: Name of Match: section of filters window. ACTION_LABEL Actions: Name of Action: section of filters window. MAKE_SUBJECT_LABEL Make subject: Label for Make Subject READ_FILTERS An error occurred whilst reading the filtering rules. FILTER_OVERTERM This version of Eudora allows only two terms in rules; do not change the rules, or the extra terms will be removed. FILT_BADKEY_FMT Unknown keyword in filters.Did not understand keyword %p. It may have been put there by a different version of Eudora. The keyword will be removed if you save your Filters. FILT_XFER_SEL Please select a mailbox from the Transfer menu, or command-period to cancel. SAVE_FILTERS Error saving filters. SUBJ_REPLACE & Replacement metastring for subject area of filters window. SPEC_INTRO \n%p Messages have been filtered into the following mailboxes:\n SPEC_TITLE Filter Report SPEC_FMT %p %d\n FILT_XFER Transfer to: Label of transfer to button. FILT_COPY Copy to: Label of copy to button. CHOOSE_APP Please choose an application to open %p. DT_TROUBLE Cannot read the Desktop database. NOT_SPELLER That application doesnt know how to provide word services to Eudora. WORD_SERVICES WORDSERVICES SPELL_PROMPT Choose a Word Services application. SPELL_LABEL AppleEvent-aware Applications SPELL_ALIAS_GONE That service cannot be found and will be removed from the menu. X_STUFF X-Stuff: INVALID_STATIONERY That stationery is incompatible with this version of Eudora. STATIONERY Default Name of default stationery file. ONLY_IN_TREE Eudora can only open mailboxes that are inside your Eudora Folder. NO_SETTING_HELP No explanation available UUDECODE_FMT %pbegin 644 %p%p Don't touch. BROKEN_LINK The original message couldnt be found. TOC_ALIAS_HEAD X-Link-Box: XLINK_HEAD X-Link-Id: RRT_FMT Return-Receipt-To: %p%p Return-receipt header. SIG_MENU_HELP Use this menu to change the signature that will be attached to your mail. NOSIG_HELP No signature text will be sent. SIG_HELP Your standard signature text will be sent. ARB_SIG_HELP A file of your own choosing will be sent. ALT_SIG_HELP Your alternate signature text will be sent. U_SHOW_ALL_HELP U_NO_SHOW_ALL_HELP OTHER_ITEM_TEXT Other... This is the quote character to use when doing format=flowed. It must be either '>' or '> '. SIG_SEPARATOR -- Standard USENET signature separator. Do not change. Use instead UNDO_XFER Undo Transfer to %p REDO_XFER Redo Transfer to %p CANT_XF_UNDO Couldnt undo the transfer; the transferred messages cant be found. ATTACH_GONE Cant find that attachment. FILTER_ANY Any Header Special string for filter to match any header. Do not localize. FILTER_BODY Body Special string for filter to match body of mail. Do not localize. EXTERNAL_BODY external-body Don't touch. MAIL_SERVER mail-server Don't touch. EXTERNAL_MAIL \n[The following attachment must be fetched by mail. Command-click the URL below and send the resulting message to get the attachment.]\n ANON_FTP anon-ftp Don't touch. ANARCHIE_FMT %r %r://%p/%p/%p Don't touch. ANARCHIE_GET GET Don't touch. ANARCHIE_TXT TXT Don't touch. ANARCHIE_FTP ftp Don't touch. ANARCHIE_TYPE AURL ANARCHIE_CREATOR Arch EXTERNAL_FTP \n[The following attachment must be fetched by ftp. Command-click the URL below to ask your ftp client to fetch it.]\n IMAGE image Don't touch. INVALID_MAP The EuOM maps are incorrect; cannot send the attachment. ASCII ascii Don't touch. FILTER_LABEL_LABEL Label: TEXT_DARKER 30 Percent by which text should be darker when colored AREA_LIGHTER 0 Percent by which large areas should be lighter when colored FILTER_NAME ^0:^1 Template for building name of filter; ^0 is first header, ^1 is first value, ^2 is the filter id. ANCIENT_LOCAL_DATE_FMT ^1, ^0^3 Format for very old date summaries; time, date, weekday, zone OLD_LOCAL_DATE_FMT ^2, ^0^3 Format for old date summaries; time, date, weekday, zone. LOCAL_DATE_FMT ^0^3 Format for recent date summaries; time, date, weekday, zone. OLD_DATE -1 How old is old for date display; in hours, or -1 for not today. ANCIENT_DATE 144 How old is very old for date display; in hours. PASTEL_LIGHT 65535 Lightness for a pastel color PASTEL_SATUR8 20000 Saturation for a pastel color FETCH_FN_FMT Get %p Format for naming stationery or bookmark files FILTERING Filtering... LEFT_TO_FILTER Messages remaining to filter: BIG_MESSAGE_MSG2 \n\nWARNING: The remainder of this %K message has not been transferred. Turn on the Fetch button in the icon bar and check mail again to get the whole thing.\n SPELLSWELL_CREATOR SPWE Creator code for default Word Services app REGISTER_CREATOR BuyE Creator code for automatic registration program REGISTER_EUDORA Register Eudora... Menu title for Eudora registration NO_REGISTER Cant find the registration program. SUM_COPY_FMT %c\t%p\t%p\t%p\t%p\t%p\t%d\t%p\n Format for copying a summary; state, priority, attachments, label, who, date, K, subject CHOOSE_URL_APP Please choose an application to do %p. NO_KEY_FMT Cant encrypt a message to %p without a key. The message will be saved, but can't be sent unless you turn off encryption. NO_ME_KEY Can't encrypt or sign a message unless you establish a key for %p. PGP_PROTOCOL pgp Don't touch. SECRET_KEYRING secring.pgp ASC_SUFFIX .asc Don't touch. MIME mime Don't touch. MIME_ENC_PGP x-pgpMimeEncrypted MIME_CLEAR_PGP x-pgpMimeClear PGP_SIG_MATCH The signature for %p matches. PGP_NO_MATCH The signature for %r does not match. The message was either corrupted in transit, or possibly forged. PGP_CANT_VERIFY Couldn't verify the signature. PGP_CANT_DECRYPT Unable to decrypt the message. PGP_CANT_ENCRYPT Unable to encrypt the message. PGP_CANT_SIGN Unable to attach your signature to the file. MR_PGP_BROKEN PGP gave no explanation PGP_NOT_MESSAGE The encrypted message isn't in MIME format. Please use the PGP application directly. FILTER_LIST_PERCENT 30 % of the filter window the list box should take BOX_SIZE_SELECT_FMT %d/%d/%K/%K Size display format for mailbox windows, including selection. TB_FMT %d:%r:%p:%p DO NOT LOCALIZE PGP_HAVEKEY_FMT pgp -kv \"%p\" PGP command to verify a key. DO NOT LOCALIZE WIPE_ERROR Couldn't overwrite decrypted information. FILTER_ADDRESSEE Any Recipient Do not localize. RNAME_QUOTE %q KEY_FMT %p%p NOSPACE_SKIP \n\nWARNING: The remainder of this %K message has not been transferred, because there was not enough disk space. Make more space and check mail again to get the whole thing. CONTROL_PLUS ctl+ String to identify the control key. OPTION_PLUS opt+ String to identify the option key. SHIFT_PLUS shft+ String to identify the shift key. COMMAND_PLUS cmd+ String to identify the command key. READ_STATION Couldnt find stationery file. TB_AUTOHELP_DELAY 60 # of ticks to wait before bringing up TB help balloon. PGP_MISSING The PGP data in this message is incomplete. SUBJECT_WARNING That message doesn't have a subject. Send it anyway? SIZE_WARNING That message will be around %d K in size. Send it anyway? SHOW_TOOLBAR Show Toolbar HIDE_TOOLBAR Hide Toolbar FCC_PREFIX Prefix for addresses that represent mailbox names. MPART_SIGNED signed Don't touch. MPART_ENCRYPTED encrypted Don't touch. PROTOCOL protocol Don't touch. MICALG micalg PEM acronymn. Don't touch. TRANSFER_MNAME Transfer Name of Transfer menu. FCC_NAME Fcc Name of Transfer menu when it's the Fcc menu. SHORT_OPEN_TIMEOUT 5 Number of seconds to timeout when testing servers, etc. FILT_LIST_MIN 35 Min width of filter list box, expressed as % of smallest window size FILT_REST_MIN 60 Min width of rest of filter window, expresses as % of smallest window size NICK_BAD_CHAR .. @:,()[]<>\" Chars not allowed in nicknames, for replacement NICK_REP_CHAR --_-------- Replacements for above. TB_NO_FILE There was an error launching that file. TEXT_ONLY Can only insert plain text files. ATTACH Attach Name of standard file button to attach file IMPORTANCE_FMT %r %r%p Format string for generating Importance: header. SELECTED Selected Use in header when printing selected nicknames. CONTINUED (continued) Use when continuing a nickname on another line NICK_HEAD_FMT %pAddress Book Entries from %p Format string for nickname header. NICK_PRINT_NICK_PER 20 % of printed page for use by nickname itself KIDS_TODAY Kids todaythey just wont listen to their mothers. JUST_PLAIN_HEADER Header PAREN_STRING (%p) MAILBOX_PRINT the mailbox for printing MESSAGE_PRINT the message for printing AND_PRINT and for printing NOTIFY_NORM as normal for printing NOTIFY_REPORT in report for printing DELETE_PRINT delete it for printing FETCH_PRINT fetch it for printing COULDNT_DRAG Couldnt drag. HESIOD hesiod Name of hesiod POP3 host HESIOD_POBOX pobox Name of hesiod POBox service HESIOD_SLOC sloc Name of hesiod service location param HESIOD_POP3 pop Name of hesiod POP3 service HESIOD_DRIVER .AthenaMan 1 Name of hesiod driver HESIOD_LOOKUP Hesiod lookup (%p,%p)... OUT_OUT_STYLE 0 Style for summaries of outgoing messages in Out mailbox IN_OUT_STYLE 2 Style for summaries of outgoing messages outside of the Out mailbox IN_IN_STYLE 0 Style for summaries of incoming messages URL_COLOR 6000,6000,48000 Color to use on recognized URLs URL_STYLE 4 Style to use on recognized URLs URL_LEFT <[{(`\'\" Left-side URL delimitters. URL_RIGHT >]})\'\'\" Right-side URL delimitters. URL_IN_OK $-_.+!*'(),%;/?:@&=#~^ Characters that do not terminate URLs, in addition to alphanumerics. EMPTY_BUTTON Empty EMPTY_TRASH_FMT The trash contains %d message%#. Do you wish to empty it now? DONT Dont %r QUEUE_BTN Queue XFER_BTN Transfer NUKE_BTN Delete TRASH_BTN Trash AND_DONT_WARN %r & Don't Warn HESIOD_ERR Hesiod lookup (%p,%p) returned error %d HESIOD_NOTFOUND Couldn't find your information with Hesiod. REPLY_COLOR 48000,6000,6000 Color used to hilite reply-to: and other such headers. REPLY_SOUND Tink Sound played when replying to other than From: STATION_SUBJ_FMT %p (was %p) Format for changing subject when doing a reply. SPOOL_FOLDER Spool Folder Folder name to temporarily store outgoing attachments COPY_ATTACHMENT Couldn't copy an attachment to add it to the new message. Don't delete the original attachment until the new message is sent. ENRICHED_MAX_WORD 80 Max length of word for unencoded text/enriched. ENRICHED_SOFT_LINE 70 If we can, put a soft line break after this many characters. INDENT_DISTANCE 4 How many characters indent to use for indent style. COMPACTING Scheduling Compactions... LAURENCE The translators are not working properly. ALIGN_LIMIT 15 Max # of characters to indent headers. CANT_SAVE_RICH Couldnt save style information; trying to save as plain text. FIXED_FONT Monaco Select the font to be used when someone sends you text that should be displayed in a fixed-width font. MIME_RICH_PARAM %p Don't touch. PLAIN_TEXT_MITEM Plain PLAIN_ALL_ITEM Completely Plain TEXT_COLOR 0,0,0 Eudora will draw text in this color. BACK_COLOR 65535,65535,65535 Eudora will make the backgrounds of windows this color. REPLY_INSET none,1,0,0 Distances to inset left and right margins when doing rich text replies. FORWARD_INSET none,1,0,0 Distances to inset left and right margins when doing rich text forwards. COMMA_SPACE , Dont touch. FKEY_FMT F%d Labels for function keys. DAEMON_NICKNAME daemon Address Book Entry for list of mailer-daemons. ATTR_PASTE_AS_QUOTE At ^3 ^1, ^0 wrote: # attribution line for paste as quote; from, date, subject, time SUBMISSION_PORT 587 New network port to use when sending mail FIND_FIND Find ATTACH_MESS_ERR Error %d sending attachment %p. KEYCHAIN_WANNA Do you want to use the system keychain?Eudora can store your passwords safely in the system keychain. You will have to enter your passwords one more time, then never again.NoYes BOX_SIZE_SELECT_SRCH_FMT %d/%d Size display for search window, including selection. BOX_SIZE_SELECT_EXTRA 18 Number of pixels to grow mailbox size box when also showing selection. FIND_WORD Whole word FIND_BACKWARD Backwards FIND_CASE Match case SORRY_AD_COVERED The Ad window cant be positioned properly.The usual positions for the ad window seem to be covered by something. Please drag the ad window someplace where it will not be covered. Thanks!Yes FIND_OPTIONS Options: FIND_FIND_LABEL Find: CHOOSE_MBOX_TRANSFER Please choose a mailbox from the Transfer menu. CHOOSE_MBOX_MAILBOX Please choose a mailbox from the Mailbox menu. SEARCH_SOMETHING_FMT Search %p ETL_TRANS_FAILED Translation failed; cannot open this item. CREATE_SIG Couldnt create signature. ETL_CANT_INIT Translator initialization failed; consult translator documentation. ETL_BAD_VERSION Translator versions dont match; may need to upgrade Eudora or translator. ETL_ERROR_FMT %p: %r %p\n\n{%d.%d} ETL_CANT_ADD_TRANS Could not add translator request. MIME_CHARSET charset DO NOT TOUCH MIME_CTE content-transfer-encoding MDN_ORIG_MID Original-Message-ID: %p%p AD_WINDOW_SIZE_GUESS_X 144 MDN_FINAL_RECIP Final-Recipient: rfc822; %p%p MDN_DISPLAYED displayed Don't touch. MDN_DISPLAYED_LOCAL displayed Localize this string for use in the human text of Message Delivery Notifications. THING_SLASH_THING %r/%r DO NOT TOUCH GRAPHIC_FILE_ERR Error %d with graphic file %p. CLOSE_ENOUGH_PERCENT 5 Max distance from edge of screen, as percent of screen dimension, to consider a floating window docked. VERY_SMALL_PERCENT 1 Max size of docked window portion, as percent of screen dimension, to just reduce the screen rect by for window placement. MIN_WIN_HI 15 Minimum size for zoom rectangles, in lines. NARROW_PERCENT 15 Max size of docked window portion to consider a narrow portion. MDN_DISPOSITION Disposition: %r/%r; %r%p MIME_REPORT report MDN_DISPO_NOTIFY disposition-notification MDN_DESCRIP Your message of %p regarding ``%p''\015has been %r by %p.\015\015 MDN_REPORT_PARAM ;report-type=disposition-notification\015 MDN_SUBJECT Notification for ``%p'' MDN_REQUEST The sender has requested notification that you have seen this. CANT_REGISTER Cannot register now; internal error. ETL_CANT_TRANSLATE Cannot translate. ETL_CANT_FIND_TRANS One of the requested translators can't be found; the mail will not be sent. QUOTH No longer used. UNQUOTH No longer used. NOTIFY_SOUND Tink Sound played when a Return Receipt is requested. FILT_DATE_LABEL Last used %p Label for filter last use date COPY_PLAIN_ITEXT Copy Without Styles PASTE_PLAIN_ITEXT Paste Without Styles COPY_UNWRAP_PLAIN_ITEXT Copy Without Styles & Unwrap PASTE_ITEXT Paste CUT_PLAIN_ITEXT Cut Without Styles CUT_ITEXT Cut CUT_UNWRAP_ITEXT Cut & Unwrap CUT_UNWRAP_PLAIN_ITEXT Cut Without Styles & Unwrap CANT_READ_SIG Couldnt read the signature file for that message. TB_H_DESK_MARGIN 64 Margin from the right of the toolbar to the right of the desktop. TB_V_DESK_MARGIN 48 Margin from bottom of the toolbar to the bottom of the desktop. MIME_TEXT_SUBTYPE_FMT %r: %r/%p; %r=\"%p\"%p MIME_TEXTNOTPLAIN %r: %r/%p%p%p URL_TRAIL_IGNORE .,)] Characters to ignore at the ends of improper URL's. MIME_ALTERNATIVE alternative Don't touch. HESIOD_PASSWD passwd Hesiod name for unix password information. ETL_IM_STUPID Eudora does not support enough of the Translation Services API for this. PICT_SPOOL_SIZE 30 Size in K over which Eudora will spool picture files PICT_HIDE_SIZE 90 Size in K over which Eudora will not attempt to display picture files NO_STATIONERY No Stationery NO_TRANSLATORS None Installed MESS_WRITE_HELP You may change the contents of this message. Click the pencil again to save the contents. NO_MESS_WRITE_HELP Click this icon to allow the contents of the message to be edited. URL_FMT <%r://%p/> Don't touch. TOO_MUCH_MEMORY This operation would require %d K more memory than is readily available. Before trying again, please close some windows or quit Eudora and use the Finders Get Info command to increase Eudoras memory size. COPYING Copying Progress title when copying a file. AD_WINDOW_SIZE_GUESS_Y 152 IMPORT_MESSAGE_TRY_AGAIN Eudora couldn't find any files to import.Would you like to try again using using a specific importer?No-Yes SETTINGS_BUSY Another program is using your settings file. Might you be running another copy of Eudora? PH_BG_IDLE 30 Number of seconds in background after which ph window will be disconnected PH_FG_IDLE 300 Number of seconds in foreground after which ph window will be disconnected INSERT_CONFIGURATION Insert System Configuration PH_LIVE_MIN_CHARS 3 Minimum # of characters to trigger a live ph query PH_LIVE_MIN_TICKS 60 Minimum # of ticks to trigger a live ph query PH_RETURN_KEYWORD return Don't touch. STUFF_FOLDER Eudora Stuff Name of folder for holding translators NO_PETE Couldnt find Eudoras text editor component. BAD_PETE The text editor component you have installed is the wrong version. ETL_ICON_HELP_FMT pp%^1 ATTR_TIME_FMT %p%p Format for time and zone in attributions. CANT_ADD_NESTED New and Other from subfolders cannot be added to the toolbar. MESS_NOTIFY_HELP Click the Notify Sender button to send a receipt to the sender telling him you received the message. Hold down the option key and click to get rid of the request without sending the notice. FILT_LOG_FMT Filter %p matches %p Format for logging filter matches NEED_COMPONENT_MGR Eudora requires the Component Manager; this is on your original disks, and is also part of QuickTime and Macintosh Easy Open. FILTER_ADDRESSEE_OLD Any Addressee Do not localize. MIME_MACTEXT x-mac-text Don't touch. READING_FILTERS Reading filters... SPECIAL_KEY_FMT %p%p Format for toolbar key name for special keys NEW_MESSAGE_WITH New Message With OPEN_HELP_ERR This file provides help texts to Eudora.Put it in the same folder as the Eudora application. The help will appear in the Help menu or in the menu with the help icon on the rightish side of your menu bar. OPEN_PLUG_ERR This file is a resource plug-in for Eudora. Put it in your Eudora Folder or the system Preferences folder or the same folder as the Eudora application. ABOUT_TRANSLATORS About Message Plug-ins... BULK bulk Don't touch. NO_MAIN_NICK Cannot read main address book. DOC_DAMAGED_ERR The window has internal errors and will be closed. USA_EUDORA_FOLDER Eudora Folder If the Spool Folder isn't found, this filename will be looked for and renamed to Spool Folder. USA_EUDORA_NICKNAMES Eudora Nicknames If Eudora Nicknames isn't found, this filename will be looked for and renamed to Eudora Nicknames. USA_IN In If the In mailbox isn't found, this filename will be looked for and renamed to In. USA_OUT Out If the Out mailbox isn't found, this filename will be looked for and renamed to Out. USA_TRASH Trash If the Trash mailbox isn't found, this filename will be looked for and renamed to Trash. USA_ATTACHMENTS_FOLDER Attachments Folder If the Attachments Folder isn't found, this filename will be looked for and renamed to Attachments Folder. USA_SIG_FOLDER Signature Folder If the Signature Folder isn't found, this filename will be looked for and renamed to Signature Folder. USA_STATION_FOLDER Stationery Folder If the Stationery Folder isn't found, this filename will be looked for and renamed to Stationery Folder. USA_SPOOL_FOLDER Spool Folder If the Attachments Folder isn't found, this filename will be looked for and renamed to Attachments Folder. USA_NICKNAME_FOLDER Nicknames Folder If the Spool Folder isn't found, this filename will be looked for and renamed to Spool Folder. USA_SIGNATURE Standard If the standard signature isn't found, this filename will be looked for and renamed to Standard. USA_ALTERNATE Alternate If the alternate signature isn't found, this filename will be looked for and renamed to Alternate. USA_SETTINGS Eudora Settings If Eudora Settings isn't found, this filename will be looked for and renamed to Eudora Settings. USA_DEFAULT Default If the default stationery isn't found, this filename will be looked for and renamed to Default. NO_RECIPS No Quick Recipients LIGHT_MSGID_FMT Don't touch. = 8900 ALIAS_NICK_LIST_PRCT 50 USA_PERSONAL_ALIAS_FILE Personal Nicknames If Personal Nicknames isn't found, this filename will be looked for and renamed to Personal Nicknames. ALIAS_ON_RECIPIENT_LIST Recipient List Title for on recipient list checkbox ALIAS_UNTITLED_NICK untitled Title for new nickname created via AppleEvents REGISTRATION_QUEUED Your registration has been placed in your Out mailbox, and will be sent next time you send queued messages. REGISTRATION_SENT Your registration has been sent. You should receive a reply shortly. ALIAS_NEW_NICK_ERR_QUIT There is insufficient memory to create a new nickname. The nicknames window is going to be closed. ALIAS_NEW_NICK_ERR There is insufficient memory to create a new nickname. ALIAS_REPLACE_NICK_ERR There is insufficient memory to modify the current nickname. ALIAS_GET_NICK_DATA_ERR There is insufficient memory to manipulate current nickname. ALIAS_SORT_ERR There is insufficient memory to sort the nickname list. ALIAS_NEW_NICK_FILE_ERR There is insufficient memory to create a new nickname file. ALIAS_REMOVE_DEFAULT_NICK_FILE The address book file \"Eudora Nicknames\" cannot be removed. UNUSED_SITE_TO_VISIT PRO_ONLY_FEATURE (PAY Only) FILE_ALIAS_IN In Localize this to the name the user should see for the In mailbox. FILE_ALIAS_OUT Out Localize this to the name the user should see for the Out mailbox. FILE_ALIAS_EUDORA_FOLDER Eudora Folder Localize this to the name the user should see for the Eudora Folder. FILE_ALIAS_TRASH Trash Localize this to the name the user should see for the Trash mailbox. FILE_ALIAS_STANDARD Standard Localize this to the name the user should see for the standard signature. FILE_ALIAS_ALTERNATE Alternate Localize this to the name the user should see for the alternate signature. FILE_ALIAS_NICKNAMES Eudora Nicknames Localize this to the name the user should see for Eudora Nicknames. PRO_FILT_WARNING Your Eudora Filters file appears to have been created with with Eudora in Paid or Sponsored Mode. These filter actions are not available in Light Mode so your filters may not be fully functional. PREVIEW_HEADER_HIDE 12 Preview height in lines above which headers are allowed to show in preview pane. USA_PHOTO_FOLDER Photo Folder If Photo Folder isn't found, this filename will be looked for and renamed to Photo Folder. PERS_SAVE_ERR Error %d saving information for personality %p GX_MEMORY_INIT_ERR There is not enough memory available to use Quickdraw GX. Plain old boring printing features will be enabled instead. GX_INIT_ERR Could not initialize Quickdraw GX. Plain old boring printing features will be enabled instead. GX_MEMORY_ERR A QuickDraw GX memory related error has occurred. Try giving Eudora more memory. GX_UPDATE_ERR Could not update the page setup record for GX. Your printer may be confused. GX_PRINT_SELECTION selected messages YOU_ARE_PSYCHO Cannot have more than 99 personalities. DOMINANT Dominant Name of the dominant personality. USED_PERSONALITY You already have a personality called that. QUEUE_M_ITEM Queue For Delivery SEND_M_ITEM Send Immediately PERS_CHECK_SLOP 5 Number of minutes of slop allowed when auto-checking for multiple personalities. OT_INIT_ERR An error occurred while initializing Open Transport. MacTCP will be used instead. HTML_SUFFIX html Don't touch. HTTP http Don't touch. SAVING_HTML Couldnt send the html to your browser. ITEMS_FOLDER Eudora Items Folder name for miscellaneous items in the Eudora settings folder PLUGINS_FOLDER Plugins Folder name for plugin settings OT_UNKNOWN_ERR An Open Transport related error has occurred. AE_SHORT_TIMEOUT_TICKS 600 Number of ticks for really prompt AE operations. PERS_CHECKING_MAIL Checking mail for %p PERS_SENDING_MAIL Sending mail for %p TOOLBAR_EXTRA_PIXELS 4 The number of extra pixels to put between groups of toolbar buttons. TOOLBAR_EXTRA_COUNT 4 The number of toolbar buttons to put together in a group. TOOLBAR_SEP_PIXELS -1 The number of pixels between two adjacent toolbar buttons. TXT_FMT_BAR_HEIGHT 26 height of text formatting toolbar TXT_FMT_BAR_FONT_FAM_ID 3 font family ID for popups in text formatting toolbar TXT_FMT_BAR_FONT_SIZE 9 font size for popups in text formatting toolbar TXT_FMT_BAR_POPUP_CHECK_MARK check mark character for popups in text formatting toolbar TXT_FMT_BAR_FONT_POPUP_MAX_WIDTH 35 maximum width for font popup in text formatting toolbar TXT_FMT_BAR_SIZE_POPUP_MAX_WIDTH 35 maximum width for size popup in text formatting toolbar TXT_FMT_BAR_COLOR_POPUP_MAX_WIDTH 40 maximum width for color popup in text formatting toolbar TRANSLATING Translating... PERS_DELETE Really delete personality %p? The deletion cannot be undone. OT_INET_SVCS_ERR An error occurred while initializing Open Transport Internet Services. OT_CON_MEM_ERR There was not enough memory to start a new connection. OT_PPP_CONNECT Establishing PPP connection ... OT_DIALUP_CONNECT_ERR An error occurred while establishing the connection. OT_PPP_DISCONNECT Closing current connection ... URL_BODY body Don't touch. OT_PPP_STATE_ERR Unable to determine the current state of the PPP connection. OT_PPP_CONNECT_MESSAGE Connecting ... OT_TCPIP_PREF_ERR Unable to open your TCP/IP preferences file. PH_NEWLINE Newline for use with ph. Don't set this if the POP/SMTP newline is ok. UNUSEND_WAS_DOC_DAMAGED_FMT PH_SERVER_SERVER If non-empty, this host will be used for getting the list of ph servers. INTERNATIONAL_FAILURE Couldnt setup the script manager. OT_PPP_REDIALING Redialing ... LOCALIZED_VERSION_LANG en Two-character language code for this localized version. CREATING_PERSONAL_ALIAS Couldnt create your Personal Nicknames file. CREATE_STA Couldnt create stationery file. WRITE_STA There was an error saving the stationery. THREAD_MANAGER_WARNING The Thread Manager is not installed in this version of your OS. For faster performance, you may want to upgrade. SENDING_WARNING Eudora is busy sending some of these messages. You cannot modify them until they have been sent. IN_TEMP In.temp Name of Temporary In mailbox file--Don't touch. OUT_TEMP Out.temp Name of Temporary Out mailbox file--don't touch R822_DATE_FMT %r, %d %r %d %d%d:%d%d:%d%d %c%d%d%d%d DON'T TOUCH. PERS_RENAME Really rename this personality? If you rename, mail currently stored with this personality will belong to the dominant personality. MAIL_FOLDER_NAME Mail Folder Name of the mail folder within the Eudora Folder. DO NOT LOCALIZE. MOVING_MAILBOXES An error occurred moving one of your mailboxes to the mail subfolder. You may need to move this one with the Finder. SAME_VOLUME_DUMMY Only folders on the same volume as your attachments folder may be used in a filter action. OLD_FILTER 30 Number of days of non-use before a filter is considered old. NICK_POPUP_FONT_FAM_ID 3 font family ID for nickname sticky popup menu NICK_POPUP_FONT_SIZE 9 font size for nickname sticky popup menu IDDB_FILE IDDB DO NOT LOCALIZE MAILDB_FILE MailDB DO NOT LOCALIZE TOC_FILE TOC DO NOT LOCALIZE INFO_FILE Info DO NOT LOCALIZE SHORT_MODAL_IDLE_SECS 10 Time in seconds Eudora must be idle before taking control from user. TP_LEFT_TO_DELIVER Messages to deliver: PROCESSING Processing... LEFT_TO_MOVE Messages remaining to move: MAKEFILTER_ERR An error occurred while opening the Make Filter dialog. OT_MISSING_LIBRARY An OT Library is missing. MIME_RELATED Related DON'T TOUCH FWD_PREFIX Fwd: Prefix to add to subjects of forwarded messages. MDN_MAN_ACTION manual-action DO NOT LOCALIZE MDN_AUTO_ACTION automatic-action DO NOT LOCALIZE MDN_MAN_SENT MDN-sent-manually DO NOT LOCALIZE MDN_AUTO_SENT MDN-sent-automatically DO NOT LOCALIZE CID_SEND_FMT %r: <%p>%p Format string for content-id header. DO NOT LOCALIZE MF_DEFAULT_FOLDER_NOT_FOUND The default folder you specified for new mailboxes no longer exists. Eudora will use the Mail Folder instead. MF_SAVE_FILTER_ERROR There was an error saving this filter. PERSONALITIES_SETTING PersonalitiesmPrs Name of Personalities settings panel UNSYNCH_OUT_TEMP Eudora encountered some messages that it had problems sending. They have been transferred to your Out box. MF_NO_COMMON_ERROR Eudora can't detect any common elements to make a filter with. Try adjusting your selection, or use the filters window directly. MF_SCAN_ERROR An error occurred while scanning the messages. MF_MISC_ERR An error occurred with the Make Filter window. BG_YIELD_INTERVAL 30 During mailcheck, # of ticks before Eudora gives up the CPU when Eudora is in the background. FG_YIELD_INTERVAL 60 During mailcheck, # of ticks before Eudora gives up the CPU when Eudora is in the foreground. RELATED_FMT %r: :%p:%p:%x:%x:%x:%x\n Format string for multipart/related attachments MHTML_INFO_TAG PARTS_FOLDER Parts Folder DO NOT LOCALIZE NICK_COLOR 1,1,1 Color to use for displaying nicknames in recipient fields. 1,1,1 for default. NICK_STYLE 1 QuickDraw style code of text style to use for displaying nicknames in recipient fields NICK_WATCHER_LOAD_ERR An error occurred while initializing nickname utilities. ACAPPING Auto-configuring... VCARD_FILE_EXTENSION vcf ACAP_FAILED Automatic configuration failed. You will have to configure Eudora manually. ACAP_SERVER_SEARCH ACAP Search... MAX_MULTI_DEPTH 20 Do not parse MIME structures deeper than this LOAD_SETTINGS_NOW Fetch Settings Now LDAP_PORT_REALLYLDAPPort 389 Port for LDAP. ACAP_PORTACAPPort 674 Port for Auto Config. DUMMY_POP_AUTHENTICATEPOPAuthenticate Dummy value for acap. DUMMY_SEND_FORMATSendFormat Dummy value for acap. NO_APPEARANCE Can't find Appearance Manager. Please install the Appearance Manager extensions. DRAG_EXPAND_TICKS 30 # of ticks to wait while mouse is over expansion triangle. AUTHPLAIN_OUTER_FMT %r %p format for doing AUTH PLAIN with initial argument. PLUGIN_FILTERS Plugin Filters Name of folder for filter plugins PLUGIN_NICKNAMES Plugin Nicknames Name of folder for filter nicknames BODY_EQUALS body=%r MF_NONE_CHOSEN <> FSE_NAME_ERR %p (%d); TP_LAST_CHECK Last Check: %p TP_NEXT_CHECK Next Check: %p TP_CHECKING_NOW Checking now TP_NEVER Never TP_NOT_SCHEDULED Not scheduled TP_WAITING_TO_DELIVER Incoming mail waiting to be delivered at idle time. TP_CLICK_TO_DELIVER Click button to deliver immediately. THREAD_CANT_CHECK Eudora could not check mail in the background. Try closing some windows or switch background threading off. THREAD_CANT_SEND Eudora could not send mail in the background. Try closing some windows or switch background threading off. PROCESSING_OUT Processing outgoing messages... THREAD_CANT_SEND_ALL Eudora may not be able to send all your queued messages. WU_NOERR_FMT \n{%d:%d} DEFAULT_LDAP_HOST Default LDAP host. LDAP_NAME LDAP THREAD_LOW_STACK Could not fetch this message because Eudora is low on stack memory. Please try again. LOW_STACK Could not fetch this message because Eudora is low on stack memory. FILTER_ITEXT Filter Messages FILTER_WAITING_ITEXT Filter Waiting Messages REVERT_TO_DEFAULT_TABS Revert To Default Tabs Replaces Tabs menu item when option key down TABS_ITEXT Tabs Tabs menu item when no option key ADD_BULLETS With Bullets DEF_FIXED_MWIDTH 80 Default width in chars when fixed button is hit. LDAP_SHARED_LIB_TRUE_NAME Eudora LDAP Library LDAP_INIT_ERR An error occurred while initializing LDAP. LDAP_NOT_LOADED_MSG Error:\n\nEudora cannot do LDAP searches because the Eudora LDAP Library is not properly installed. LDAP_OPEN_ERR_MSG Error:\n\nCannot open session with LDAP server\n LDAP_RESULT_COUNT Number of matches: LDAP_RESULT_ERR An error occurred:\n LDAP_SEPARATOR ------------------------------------------------------------ MIN_LDAP_LABEL_LEN 18 DEF_FIXED_SIZE Enter the font size to use for displaying fixed-width text. MESS_FIXED_HELP Message is currently being displayed in a fixed-width font; click to revert to normal font NO_MESS_FIXED_HELP To display message in a fixed-width font, click this BUILD_POPD Error remembering what mail has been fetched. Try again later. PREVIEW Preview Internal use. HTML_DOCTYPE html public \"-//W3C//DTD W3 HTML//EN\" DO NOT LOCALIZE HTML_STYLE_TYPE text/css DO NOT LOCALIZE TOLERABLE_CTLCHARS_PPT 5 Max # of control characters per thousand for an attachment still to be text. ERR_PERS_CHECKING_MAIL Error while checking mail for %p: ERR_PERS_SENDING_MAIL Error while sending mail for %p: THREAD_RECV_TIMEOUT 120 Background receive timeout, in seconds. SASL_CANCEL * SASL cancel string. DO NOT LOCALIZE ERR_PERS_UNKNOWN_TASK Error while performing unknown task for %p: BAD_ADDRESS_ERR_TEXT Cant send to %p; SMTP server says %p. TP_CHECKING Checking TP_SENDING Sending TP_OFFLINE Offline UNKNOWN_ERR_TEXT An unknown error occurred while transferring this message. CHANGE_PW Change Password... FORGET_PW Forget Password CHANGE_PERS_PW Change Password for Selected Personalities... FORGET_PERS_PW Forget Password for Selected Personalities CID_ONLY_FMT %p.%d.%d LINK_COLOR 6000,6000,48000 Color for HTML links LINK_STYLE 4 Style for HTML links NOT_URL Are you sure that is an URL?The text you have entered doesnt look like proper URL syntax.Cancel-Link As Is OPEN_AT_END_THRESH 1024 Max # of characters in a quote-selection reply for the quotation not to be selected. LDAP_NOT_SUPPORTED_MSG Error:\n\nEudora cannot do LDAP searches because an error occurred\n PH_NAME Ph PH_HOST_COMMON_PREFIX ns LDAP_HOST_COMMON_PREFIX ldap BAD_HEXBIN_ERR_TEXT %p%pMessage and/or attachments are probably corrupt. SEP_LINE_DARK_COLOR 42000,42000,42000 RGB Color for separator lines on light background. SEP_LINE_LIGHT_COLOR 65535,65535,65535 Color for separator lines on dark background. LIGHT_COLOR 50000 Threshold for use of Light color lines. SOME_PART an image CHOOSE_MBOX_FOLDER Please choose a folder from the Mailbox menu. CHOOSE_MBOX_THIS_FOLDER This Folder Text that replaces the New item in the mailbox menu OT_PPP_WAIT Waiting for PPP connection ... PH_LABEL_NO_TYPE Enter query (server is %p): ISO_2022_JP iso-2022-jp DO NOT TOUCH NICKFILE_TOO_LONG Address book names must be no more than 31 characters long. NICKFILE_BADCHAR Address book names must not contain colons. NICKFILE_DUPLICATE You already have an address book called that. GRAPHIC_MEM Insufficient memory to display graphic. MOVING_MESSAGES_TO_IN Moving Messages to In Box... LDAP_SCOPE_BASE_STR base LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL_STR one LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE_STR sub MAILTO_BODY body HTML_NOSPACESTYLE blockquote, dl, ul, ol, li { padding-top: 0 ; padding-bottom: 0 } VICOM_FACTOR 4 Factor to divide FG hog time when VICOM Internet Gateway is running. LDAP_SHARED_LIB_ARCH_TYPE ???? LDAP_NOT_ENABLED_MSG Error:\n\nEudora cannot do LDAP searches because LDAP is not enabled in this version of Eudora. LDAP_LIB_OPEN_ERR_MSG Error:\n\nAn error occurred while loading the Eudora LDAP library\n LDAP_NEEDS_NEWER_CFM68K_MSG Error:\n\nEudora cannot do LDAP searches because the version of the CFM-68K Runtime Enabler installed is too old. You must install version 4.0 or later of the CFM-68K Runtime Enabler, or be running Mac OS 8.0 or later. NO_EF_DESKTOP Eudora Settings location problem.You cannot use %p for an Eudora Folder. Please move the settings file into its own folder and try again.Cancel EF_WARNING Are you sure thats an Eudora Folder?The folder %p doesnt seem to be a proper folder for mail. Really convert %p for use as an Eudora Folder?CancelConvert TP_UNKNOWN_ERR_TEXT One or more unknown errors have occurred. Eudora could not report this due to a memory error. TP_UNKNOWN_PERS Unknown personality JUST_FOR_KIRAN String to use as delimitter to sneak headers into the subject line. LDAP_LIB_VERS_BAD_MSG Error:\n\nEudora cannot do LDAP searches because the currently installed Eudora LDAP Library is incompatible with this version of Eudora. LDAP_LIB_OPEN_MEM_ERR_MSG Error:\n\nThere is not enough memory to load the Eudora LDAP library. Try increasing Eudora's memory partition. LDAP_OPEN_MEM_ERR_MSG Error:\n\nThere is not enough memory to open a session with the LDAP server. MASTER_SERVER_SERVER Server to use to get serverlist if current server is dumb. LDAP_NEEDS_CFM68K_MSG Error:\n\nEudora cannot do LDAP searches because the CFM-68K Runtime Enabler is not installed. DIR_SVC_SERVER_RESOLVE_ERR_MSG Error:\n\nUnable to connect to the specified Directory Services server. LDAP_SEARCH_REQUIRES_BASE_OBJECT Error:\n\nEudora cannot do an LDAP lookup because a Base Object has not been specified for the search. You can specify a Base Object as part of the LDAP servers URL. LDAP_SEARCH_USER_CANCELED_MSG LDAP lookup canceled by user. NICK_VIEW_ANNOTATE %p %p String to use to annotate nickname list when viewing by other than name or nickname LZ_WIDTH WIDTH ActiveX width keyword; DO NOT LOCALIZE LZ_HEIGHT HEIGHT ActiveX height keyword; DO NOT LOCALIZE LZ_TRUE true ActiveX true; DO NOT LOCALIZE LZ_FALSE false ActiveX false; DO NOT LOCALIZE HTMLISH_SUFFICES .html.htm File suffices (separated by bullets) that mean a file is html LZ_URL url Parameter that lizzie uses to set initial URL. DO NOT LOCALIZE UVN Upgrade Validation Number DO NOT TOUCH TOO_EARLY_FILE 2398377600 File dates older than this will not be believed; default is Jan 1, 1980. CACHE_FOLDER Cache Folder DO NOT LOCALIZE NICK_STORED_BAD_CHAR ..@:,()[]<>\" Chars not allowed in existing nicknames NICK_STORED_REP_CHAR ---------- Replacements for above. DELIVERY_FOLDER Delivery Folder Folder name to temporarily store received mail USA_DELIVERY_FOLDER Delivery Folder If the Delivery Folder isn't found, this filename will be looked for and renamed to Delivery Folder. DELIVERY_BATCH 3 Number of received messages required before deliverable. FILTER_HOG_TICKS 60 Time in ticks filtering is allowed to run before giving up to UI. COMP_EXTRA_LINES # of extra lines to add to comp windows. UNSPECIFIED_CHARSET iso-8859-1 Name of charset to use if charset not specified. MEM_EXPLANATION You may need to close some windows, move messages out of your In, Out, and Trash mailboxes, or increase Eudoras memory size. PROG_CONT_WIDTH 330 Width of progress information. IMAP_PORTIMAPPort 143 Port used for IMAP4. IMAP_MAIL_FOLDER_NAME IMAP Folder Name of the folder Eudora stores the IMAP cache in. DO NOT LOCALIZE. QUOTE_COLOR 24000,24000,24000 Color to use to display quoted text. IMAP_THIS_MAILBOX_NAME This Mailbox\n PREVIEW_HI 12 Default preview height, in lines, for mailbox windows. PREVIEW_USELESS 3 Number of lines below which the preview area will not be opened. PREVIEW_READ_SECS 5 Number of seconds message must be in preview window before considered read. WAZOO_TAB_HELP %p Window Tab\n\nClick on this tab to switch to the %p window. Click and drag the tab to reorder the tabs, to drag the tab to another tool window, or to create a new tool window. MANGLE_ARGS (text=plain) PREVIEW_STILL_TICKS 15 Number of ticks mouse must be still before preview. IMAP_SPOOL_FMT IMAPSpool%x Name of file we spool messages into. IMAP_GETTING_MESSAGE_OFFLINE (This message can't be fetched from the remote server because you're offline.) IMAP_ATTACH_FOLDER IMAP Attachments Name of the folder Eudora stores the IMAP attachments in. DO NOT LOCALIZE. IMAP_KERBEROS_SERVICE_FMT ^0.^3@^2 IMAP kerberos service name format, as determined by RFC 1731. ^0=service, ^1=host.domain, ^2=realm, ^3=host NAME_VAR $Name$ Variable to expand into real name in Mailto url. ADDR_VAR $Email$ Variable to expand into email address in Mailto url. AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL 0 Number of seconds before autosaving windows. SPELL_COLOR 56540,21600,44444 Color for misspelled words. SPELL_FACE 4 Style for misspelled words. SPELL_DICTS Spelling Dictionaries Folder spelling dictionaries are located in. DO NOT LOCALIZE. SPELL_MEM_LIMIT 0 Maximum memory for any spelling dictionary. SPELL_SUGGEST_DEPTH 1 Determines how deeply the spell-checker looks for suggestions. Range from -1 to 3. 0 is poorly but fast, 3 is hard but slow. -1 lets the speller decide. SPELL_WARNING Your message has misspellings.You can send it anyway, or cancel and correct the misspellings.Cancel-Send Anyway SPELL_UDICT User Dictionary Filename of user dictionary. DO NOT LOCALIZE SPELL_UADICT User Anti-Dictionary Filename of user anti-dictionary. DO NOT LOCALIZE SPELL_UDICT_CONTENTS #LID 1033 1 3\nEudora\nQUALCOMM\ne-mail\n Initial contents of user dictionary. SPELL_UADICT_CONTENTS #LID 1033 3 0\n Initial contents of user anti-dictionary. CMDKEY_CONFLICT Keystroke is already in use.The keystroke youve chosen is already in use for %p. Do you really want to reassign it?Cancel-Reassign QUOTE_BLEND 50 Percentage of quote color to mix in with text color; 100% means just use the quote color, 0% means just use the text color. SEARCH_BUTTON Search Name of Search button. SEARCH_SEARCHING Searching: MORE_CHOICES More FEWER_CHOICES Fewer REG_EXP_ERR Error in regular expression TOO_MANY_PAREN_ERR too many () UNMATCHED_PAREN_ERR unmatched () EMPTY_OPERAND_ERR *+ operand could be empty NESTED_OPERAND_ERR nested *?+ INVALID_BRACKET_RANGE_ERR invalid [] range UNMATCHED_BRACKET_ERR unmatched [] REPEAT_NOTHING_ERR ?+* follows nothing TRAILING_SLASH_ERR trailing \\ USER_VAR $User$ Variable to expand into userid in mailto url. IMAP_RESYNC_MAILBOX Resynchronizing mailbox %p. IMAP_GETTING_MESSAGE (This message will be fetched from the remote server.) STOP_BUTTON Stop Name of Stop button. IMAP_TEMP_MAILBOX_FORMAT %p.%p%p SEARCH_RESULTS Search results SEARCH_HITS_SIZE 6 max # of characters to display in search window's hit display IMAP_FETCHING_MESSAGE Fetching message from %p. ERR_PERS_RESYNCING Error while resyncing mailbox for %p: ERR_PERS_FETCHING Error while fetching message for %p: FILEID_PAUSE_LEN 20 Length of time to pause for file ID workaround. May need to lengthen for slower machines. FILEID_AFFECTED_SYSVERSION 2064 System version this workaround applies to. Decimal here, 8.1 is 2064. IMPORT_MESSAGE_BY_HAND Eudora couldn't find any files to import.Would you like to manually select an account to import?No-Yes IMAP_DELETING_MESSAGES Deleting message(s) from %p. IMAP_MARKING_MESSAGES Marking message %d of %d. IMAP_EXPUNGE_MAILBOX Removing deleted messages from %p. ERR_PERS_DELETING Error while deleting message for %p: ERR_PERS_TRANSFERRING Error while transferring message for %p: IMAP_REMOVE_DELETED_MESSAGES_ITEXT Remove Deleted Messages ERR_PERS_EXPUNGING Error while expunging mailbox for %p: IMAP_TRANSFER_MESSAGES Transferring IMAP message(s). IMAP_COPY_MESSAGES Copying IMAP message(s). UNDELETE_ITEXT Undelete ERR_PERS_UNDELETING Error while undeleting messages for %p: IMAP_UNDELETING_MESSAGES Undeleting message(s) in %p. SPEAK_SAMPLE_TEXT Eudora is my friend. SPEAK_SENDER_PREFIX From SPEAK_DOT dot SPEAK_SENDERS_NAME the sender's name SPEAK_SUBJECT the subject line SPEAK_NOTHING nothing SPEAK_USING using SPEAK_DEFAULT_VOICE the default voice IMAP_DELETE_CACHE Really delete personality %p? The deletion cannot be undone.Doing so will cause the local IMAP mail cache to be deleted.Cancel-OK IMAP_TO_POP Really change personality %p to POP?Doing so will cause the local IMAP mail cache to be deleted.Cancel-Convert to POP IMAP_INBOX_NAME Inbox The name of the Inbox on your IMAP server - don't touch IMAP_TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE 16384 Size of buffer for inter-server message transfers. SPELL_HOLD_OPEN_SECS 30 Number of seconds to hold the speller open between spelling operations. Low numbers save memory but may hurt performance. LONG_MODAL_IDLE_SECS 60 Number of seconds user must be idle before Eudora performs a lengthy modal operation. IMAP_WAITING_FOR_DECODER Waiting to decode attachment ... IMAP_ERR_OPERATION_FMT Could not %p. CHOOSE_IMAP_TRASH_MAILBOX Please choose a mailbox for deleted messages. IMAP_TRASH_SELECT Really use %p as your trash mailbox?Empty Trash will remove all messages from it.Cancel-OK IMAP_EMPTY_REMOTE_TRASH Empty All Trash Mailboxes IMAP_EMPTY_LOCAL_TRASH Empty Local Trash Mailbox IMAP_EMPTY_TRASH Empty Trash ALIAS_REMOVE_FILE_ALERT Permanently remove the nickname file %p?This operation cannot be undone.Cancel-Remove It MIN_MB_SORT_TICKS 180 Minimum number of ticks between mailbox sorts CANT_RENAME_ERR Unable to rename MIME_CONTENT_DISP_FILENAME filename Don't touch MIME_MAC_TYPE x-mac-type Don't touch MIME_MAC_CREATOR x-mac-creator Don't touch NO_TRANSLATORS_WITH_SETTINGS No plug-ins with settings ATTACH_DOCUMENT_NAV_TITLE Attach Document ATTACH_DOCUMENT_ACTION_BUTTON Attach ATTACH_DOCUMENT_INSTRUCTIONS Select the file you wish to attach to the message and click Attach INSERT_DOCUMENT_NAV_TITLE Insert Graphic INSERT_DOCUMENT_ACTION_BUTTON Insert INSERT_DOCUMENT_INSTRUCTIONS Select the graphic you wish to insert into the message and click Insert NAV_CHOOSE_FOLDER_MESSAGE Please select a folder in the list, then click Choose to use that folder. NAV_CHOOSE_SETTINGS Please locate the Eudora Settings file you wish to use, then click Choose. CHOOSE_MAILBOX_NAV_TITLE Choose a Mailbox CHOOSE_WORD_SERVICE_NAV_TITLE Choose a Word Service MIME_CONTENT_PREFIX Content- Don't touch IMAP_FETCH_ATTACHMENT Fetching attachment: IMAP_FETCH_ATTACHMENT_NAME Fetching %p from the server. IMAP_SEARCHING_MAILBOX Searching mailbox %p. NAV_COULD_NOT_LOAD_ERR Could not load the Navigation Services Library. Try closing some windows or allocating more memory to Eudora. NAV_GENERAL_ERR There was a problem using Navigation Services. You may need to close some windows or allocate more memory to Eudora. ERR_PERS_ATTACHMENT_FETCH Error while fetching attachment for %p: ERR_PERS_SEARCH Error while searching mailbox for %p: IMAP_DECODING_ATTACHMENT Decoding attachment ... IMAP_SEARCHING_PERS Doing search for %p. COMP_OUT_INTRO String to put before Who field of message in Out mailbox. COMP_IN_INTRO String to put before Who field of outgoing message in place other than Out mailbox. IMAP_SEARCH_LOCAL_WARN For IMAP messages, the match term(s) you have specified will search only the local message cache. Messages whose headers have not been downloaded will not be searched.You can cancel or search local cache only for IMAP messages.Cancel-Search IMAP_STUB_ENCODING imap_stub SEARCHING_SERVER Searching on server... SQUARE_LEFT [ Characters to allow on left side of subject annotations SQUARE_RIGHT ] Characters to allow on right side of subject annotations MAIL2NEWS This address will be added to the Bcc: field of replies when doing Newsgroups: processing. FLOW_WRAP_THRESH 80 Lines shorter than this will not be wrapped when doing format=flowed. FLOW_WRAP_SPOT 70 Number of chars at which to wrap messages when doing format=flowed. IMAP_MAIN_CON_TIMEOUT 60 Number of seconds the main connection to the IMAP server must be idle before closing it. IMAP_MAX_CONNECTIONS 5 Allow up to this number of simultaneous connections to an IMAP server. IMAP_WAITING_FOR_CONNECTION Waiting for free connection to the server ... SEARCH_FOLDER Search Folder DO NOT LOCALIZE MAX_FIND_SELECTION 80 Maximum # of characters for Enter Selection or auto search string IMAP_LOGGING_IN Logging into the IMAP server. IMAP_SAFE_ATTACH_FOLDER IMAP Attachment Stubs SEARCH_SEARCH Search REG_CODE_FILE RegCode Name of registration code file - don't touch URL_JUMP_COMMAND jump.cgi TYPING_THRESH 5 Number of ticks after a keystroke to assume the user is still typing REG_SITE Don't touch. TYPING_RECENTLY_THRESH 30 Number of ticks after a keystroke to assume the user has typed recently VCARD_FOLDER Eudora Business Cards Name of the folder that will contains your personal vCards - don't touch USA_VCARD_FOLDER Eudora Business Cards Localize this to the name the user should see for Eudora Business Cards. USA_MISPLACED_FOLDER Misplaced Items Localize this to the name the user should see for Misplaced Items. REG_PLATFORM MacOS REG_PRODUCT Eudora REG_VERSION_FORMAT %d.%d.%d.%d MISPLACED_FOLDER Misplaced Items Name of the folder into which we dump files we find in the wrong place - don't touch SASL_DONT SASL mechanisms to never use. GET_GRAPHICS_HELP Click to download images. NO_GET_GRAPHICS_HELP Click to download images. Disabled because images have already been downloaded. SPEAK_NEXT_MESSAGE Next message. Phrase to be spoken at between messages when speaking messages from a mailbox. SPEAK_QUOTE Quote Phrase to be spoken at the beginning of a quoted passage. SPEAK_UNQUOTE Unquote Phrase to be spoken at the end of a quoted passage. SPEAK_SILENCE_COMMAND [[slnc %r]] Don't touch! Command sent to the Speech Manager to generate a pause. SPEAK_MESSAGE_PAUSE_DURATION 1000 Duration to pause between messages when speaking (expressed in milliseconds) SPEAK_QUOTE_MODIFY_VOICE_COMMAND [[pbas +4]] Command sent to the Speech Manager to modify the speaking voice for quoted passages SPEAK_UNQUOTE_MODIFY_VOICE_COMMAND [[pbas -4]] Command sent to the Speech Manager to modify the speaking voice when unquoting a passage PASSIVE_REPLY_TO_ASTR Replying to: %pOK SPEAK_TO_PREFIX To SPEAK_WITH with OT_PPP_RACE_HACK 0 Number of seconds to delay after hearing PPP is connected before doing network operations. OT_PPP_SMART_ASS Now pausing %p seconds for ARA 3.x bug ... SPEAK_QUOTE_PAUSE_DURATION 400 Duration to pause when introducing quoted text (expressed in milliseconds) SPEAK_DICTIONARY Pronunciation Dictionary Name of the default Speech Pronunciation file SPEAK_DICTIONARY_BAD Your Speech Dictionary file appears to be damaged. HTML_NOSPACESTYLE1 blockquote, dl, ul, ol, li { margin-top: 0 ; margin-bottom: 0 } HTML_NOSPACESTYLE2 blockquote, dl, ul, ol, li { padding-top: 0 ; padding-bottom: 0 } IMAP_COMPACT_HELP Number of messages / Combined size of all messages / Space wasted in the local cache.\n\nClick to remove deleted messages from this mailbox. ERR_MULT_RESYNCING Error while resyncing IMAP mailboxes: IMAP_CHECK_SPECIAL_ITEXT Resync current mailbox ... IMAP_BAD_HEXBIN_ERR_TEXT %p%p Try holding down the shift key and choosing Message->Change->Server Options->Redownload Entire Message to refetch this entire message. ALIAS_MERGE_AND_REMOVE_FILE_ALERT Merge the nicknames from %p into %p? The nickname file %p will be permanently removed.This operation cannot be undone.Cancel-OK NICK_CACHE_SIZE 100 Maximum number of addresses to cache as recently used CACHE_ALIAS_FILE History List Name of nickname cache file--don't touch USA_CACHE_ALIAS_FILE History List Localize this to the name the user should see for History List. SPEAK_ITEXT Speak SPEAK_SEL_ITEXT Speak Selection ERR_IMAP_ALERT IMAP ALERT message for %p: EXPORT_PICT_LIST GIFf,PNGf,JPEG List of graphic types to convert PICT HTML images to, in order of preference IMAP_EMPTY_CURRENT_TRASH Empty Trash on Current Server IMAP_EMPTY_PERS_TRASH Empty Trash for Selected IMAP Personalities IMAP_EMPTY_TRASH_WARN This will permanently remove messages from the trash mailboxes for the selected accounts. Do you really wish to do this? AUDIT_FILE UsageStats Filename for usage stats. DO NOT LOCALIZE AUDIT_INTRO_FORMAT %d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d %d %d Format for beginning of audit data AD_FOLDER_NAME Ad Folder Name of the folder where ads are stored. DO NOT LOCALIZE. PAY_AND_REGISTER Payment & Registration... Menu title for Eudora registration in the ad version AUDIT_RELAX This file describes how you use Eudora; we might ask you for it someday to help us understand our users better. It will n e v e r contain any of your email or personal information, and it will n e v e r be sent anywhere without your permission.\n\n ADWARE_VERSION_BUTTON_TITLE Sponsored Mode\n(free, with ads) PAY_VERSION_BUTTON_TITLE Paid Mode\n(costs money, no ads) FREE_VERSION_BUTTON_TITLE Light Mode\n(free, fewer features) REGISTER_BUTTON_TITLE Register with Us CUSTOMIZE_ADS_BUTTON_TITLE Profile UPDATES_BUTTON_TITLE Find the Latest Update to Eudora CHANGE_REGISTRATION_BUTTON_TITLE Change your Code NO_REG_NAME_TEXT NO_REG_CODE_TEXT CANT_AD QuickTime 3.0 or better is not installed.QuickTime is necessary to display ads. Would you like instructions about how to get QuickTime 3.0? Alternately, you may switch to the free reduced-featured version of Eudora.Reduce FeaturesGet QuickTime LINK_HISTORY_FILE Link History Name of link history file--don't touch LINK_HISTORY_FOLDER Link History Folder Name of link history folder--don't touch CREATING_LINK_HISTORY Couldnt create your Link History file. LINK_HISTORY_NEW_HISTORY_ERR There is insufficient memory to create a new history entry. OPEN_LINK_HISTORY Error opening the link history file. SAVE_LINK_HISTORY Couldnt save the link history file. LINK_HISTORY_GET_DATA_ERR There is insufficient memory to manipulate current nickname. LINK_CMD link DON'T TOUCH. LINK_AGE 14 Number of days to keep unused link history entries around for. MIME_FLOWED_ON <%r %p> AUDIT_SEND_THRESH 4000 One in this many startups ask to send audit info. AUDIT_SEND_ADDR Address to which usage stats are sent. AUDIT_PLEASE_SEND Please send this message after youve reviewed it and found it non-threatening (there is a legend at the bottom of the file explaining what the items mean). Thank you for your help.\n\n-- Steve Dorner & the rest of the Mac Eudora development team\n\n AUDIT_NUKE_DAYS 7 Days after which to nuke the usage log and begin a new one. PAY_MSGID_FMT Don't touch. ADWARE_MSGID_FMT Don't touch. FREEWARE_MSGID_FMT Don't touch. LINK_HISTORY_UI_FLAGS 0 This setting governs which column the link history is sorted by. Add 65536 to turn off custom preview icons. AUDIT_SUBJECT Eudora usage statistics UPDATE_FILE Eudora Updates Filename containing information about Eudora Updates. DO NOT LOCALIZE UPDATE_SITE DO NOT LOCALIZE TOO_MANY_MESSAGES Mailbox %p is full.You cannot have more than 32,000 messages in a mailbox.OK UPDATE_WINDOW_PROGRESS Checking for Eudora updates String to be displayed in the update nag while waiting for the server. DIST_ID Distributor ID Name of file containing distributor ID for identifying ad referals SIG_INTRO -- \n Standard introducer string for signature files. HTTP_ERR_FORMAT %p (Error code: %d) Error reporting for HTTP errors REG_INVALID That registration code is either not valid for this version or is not in the correct format.Please verify you have entered your name and code correctly. For further help, click the ? button below.OK MIME_ISO_LATIN15 iso-8859-15 MIME_WIN_1252 windows-1252 PROFILE_FILE_NAME Demog.txt Name of file containing demographic profiling information TECH_SUPPORT_SITE DO NOT LOCALIZE PREF_OFFLINE_LINK_ACTION 0 This setting governs what happens when the user clicks on a link while offline: (0) Do nothing, (1) Connect Automatically, (3) Bookmark the link, or (4) Remind me later. OFFLINE_LINK_OPEN_TIMEOUT 2 Timeout for pinging the ad server. OFFLINE_LINK_NAG_TIME 300 Number of ticks user should be idle before nagging about remembered links. DEBUG_PLAYLIST_URL Alternate playlist URL. Debug mode only. IMAP_SENT_FLAG \\Draft Flag to use for sent messages on the IMAP server. Leave blank to not mark sent messages at all. STOLEN_REG_FILE The attached registration file has been discarded Why was someone sending you a registration file anyway? SWITCH_TO_SPONSORED Switch permanently to sponsored mode?In order to receive a refund for your Eudora purchase, you should contact a Eudora representative. If you have not done so, press Cancel now.CancelPermanently Switch IMAP_QUEUED_COMMANDS Performing queued commands for %p LINK_INTERESTING_PROTO http,https Comma seperated list of link types that will be remembered in the Link History.r--don't touch ISO_2022 iso-2022 DO NOT TOUCH TCP_PREF_REUSE_INTERVAL 1800 Minimum number of ticks between reading the TCP/IP preference file. Higher numbers give better performance, but a better chance of using the wrong connection method. IMAP_SECONDARY_CON_TIMEOUT 60 Number of seconds secondary connections to the IMAP server must be idle before closing them. IMAP_SALV_REPORT %d of the %d summar%* in the old table of contents used; %d message(s) will be refetched. INIT_ADWIN_ERR Unable to create ad window. BAD_CHARSET_ERR This message had characters which were illegal for its character set encoding. UPDATE_CHECK_ERR The update server does not appear to be responding at this time. Please try again later. REG_FROM_FILE_DESC The registration information you have received from our web site is below. If you wish to register using this information, click OK. Otherwise, click Cancel and you may register later. REG_FROM_BUTTON_DESC To complete your registration, please enter the name you registered under and your registration code below. STATE_INVALID_AT_STARTUP Eudora seems to be confused about the current operating mode.Since we can't figure out if you prefer to run in Sponsored, Paid or Light mode, we'll default to Sponsored. You'll be able to choose the right operating mode from Payment & Registration.OK REG_INVALID_AT_STARTUP Your paid registration information is invalid.For now, Eudora will start in Sponsored mode. You'll need to revalidate your registration information once Eudora has finished launching.OK REG_THANK_YOU_PROMPT Thank you for your registration! REG_INVALID_PROMPT Your registration information is invalid REG_FROM_INVALID_CODE Double check the information below, or click on No Code to go to Eudora's web site for more information. PICT_HELP_HTML X_EUDORA x-eudora Dont touch. ABOUT_REG_W_OLD Registered To: %p, %p %r (%p) ABOUT_REG Registered To: %p, %p %r AUTHPLAIN_FMT %r\000%p\000%p Format string for SASL PLAIN mechanism. DO NOT LOCALIZE. ANAL_WHITE Comma-separated list of words that should NOT trigger moodwatch RECONSIDER_AUTH Authentication is required.The SMTP server for %p wants you to authorize, but you have forbidden it, so the send will probably fail. Do you want to allow authorization?Try AnywayCancel-Allow IMAP_CACHE_MESSAGE Refreshing IMAP Cache IMAP_MAILBOX_LIST_FETCH_GENERAL Fetching list of mailboxes. IMAP_CACHE_CREATE Creating mailbox %p. IMAP_CACHE_CREATE_GENERAL Updating cache mailboxes ... IMAP_SHORT_HEADER_FIELDS Date,Subject,From,To,X-Priority,Content-Type Headers fetched during an IMAP minimal header download. DO NOT LOCALIZE. FACETIME_ERR Insufficient ad facetime. PRE_PROFILE_UPDATE_NOTE Updating your profileYou will now be taken to the Eudora web site to update your profile information.Cancel-Continue FROG_CHARS aeiouyh Characters that make a proceeding apostrophe be considered a word break by the speller. IMAP_PREPARE_MESSAGES Preparing local messages. IMAP_PREPARE_FMT Encoding message %d of %d... UPDATE_REGISTER_BUTTON_TITLE Update your Registration ENTER_REGISTRATION_BUTTON_TITLE Enter your Code STAT_CURRENT_COLOR 58981,6553,6553 Color used for current stats STAT_PREVIOUS_COLOR 13107,13107,65535 Color used for previous stats STAT_AVERAGE_COLOR 65535,65535,32767 Color used for average stats STAT_CURRENT_TYPE 2 Graph type for current stats STAT_PREVIOUS_TYPE 1 Graph type for previous stats STAT_AVERAGE_TYPE 1 Graph type for average stats MAX_ANAL_IDLE 1800 Close down text analyzer after this many ticks of unuse. FLAME_DICTIONARY Flame Dictionary Name of flaming dictionary for MoodMail. MAX_ANAL_BITE 8192 Max size chunk for text analysis. ANAL_WARNING Your message may cause offense.Your message to %p regarding %p %rCancel-Send Anyway ANAL_WARNING_LEVEL 3 Eudora can warn you when you queue a message with a high flame reading. These settings control how high a reading gets a warning. TOC_INVERSION_MATRIX 1 12 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 10 This controls the order of the columns in a mailbox. There be dragons here. PW_CHANGE_SERVER If not empty, this server will be used in lieu of mail server for password changing. ANAL_COMP_HELP This message %r. Template for help on mood level icon. IMPORT_PROGRESS_TITLE Importing mail IMPORT_MESSAGE_PROGRESS_SUBTITLE Importing mail from %p IMPORT_ON_STARTUP Would you like to import settings and mail from another email application?No-Yes UNTITLED_ADDRESS_BOOK untitled address book UNTITLED_NICKNAME untitled nickname PERSONAL_ALIAS_FILE Personal Nicknames Name of nickname file containing your personal contact information--don't touch IMPORT_COMPLETE Eudora has finished importing your data.You may import other accounts or use the Import Mail command to do so later.OK STATISTICS_FILE Eudora Statistics.xml Name of statistics file--don't touch USA_STATISTICS_FILE Eudora Statistics.xml If Eudora Statistics isn't found, this filename will be looked for and renamed to Eudora Statistics. SCRIPTS_FOLDER Scripts Folder scripts are located in. DO NOT LOCALIZE. IMAP_COMPACT_SHOW_NUM_HELP Number of messages selected / Total number of messages / Combined size of all messages / Space wasted.\n\nClick to remove deleted messages from this mailbox. PROFILE_FAILURE Downgrading your Eudora to Light ModeBecause you have not profiled yourself, you may no longer use Eudora in Sponsored mode. You will now be placed in Light Mode until you fill out a profile.ProfileOK PROFILING_NOW Waiting to ProfileWhen you have finished filling out your profile on our web site, click OK. Eudora will then contact our ad server to verify your profile.Cancel-OK LIGHT_IMPORT_COMPLETE Eudora has finished importing your data.You will be unable to use the accounts or signatures you just imported in Light mode. Would you like to switch to Sponsored mode now, or ignore the data you just imported?Ignore-Switch BETA_INACTIVE_FIELD That field can't be edited in this early beta version of Eudora. UPDATE_PROFILE_BUTTON_TITLE Update your Profile VIEW_BY_LABEL View By: ALIAS_REMOVE_NICK_FILE_ERR The selected address book could not be removed. NICKLIST_MISSING_FIELD_VALUE String to appear in the nickname list when no value is set for the current sort key NICKLIST_PAREN {} Characters used to parenthesizing nicknames when sorting the nickname list ALIAS_DISPLAY_ERR A problem was encountered when attempting to display the nickname. Eudora is probably running low on memory. FORBIDDEN_SETTING This setting cannot be changed with an x-eudora-setting URL. IMAP_SEARCH_CHUNK_SIZE 500 IMAP SEARCH commands are run on this many messags at once. Set to zero to perform searches with one single command. SOME_BOZO Unspecified What we call someone who puts an empty phrase on their email FRANKLIN Franklin Antonio PLUGIN_INFO X-Eudora-Plugin-Info SUBJ_TRIM_STR [] If this string appears first in a make subject filter action, square-bracketed text will be removed from the text represented by & RESET_STATS_NOW Reset Statistics NICK_PRINT_MARG1 Nickname1,1,4,1 NICK_PRINT_MARG2 Nickname2,2,4,1 NICK_PRINT_MARG3 Nickname3,3,6,1 NAME_IN_USE That name is already in use. SPONSOR_AD_HELP Eudora co-branding spot.\n\n%p\n\nClick to view more information in web browser Help balloon for sponsor ad CREATE Create MAILBOX_LEVEL_WARNING A mailbox or mail folder at this level will not display in the Mailbox and Transfer menus due to limitations in MacOS. Create it anyway? THE_DAVE_AND_CHUCK_LOVE_CONNECTION ihate thebox DO NOT TOUCH UPDATE_FAILED An error occurred trying to find the latest version. GRACE_PERIOD_PAY_NOW_ALRT Thank you for choosing to continue your support of Eudora.This version of Eudora will remain in Paid Mode for about an hour or so, but will then switch to Sponsored Mode until your purchase has been completed.OK GRACE_PERIOD_SHOW_VERSIONS_ALRT Other versions of Eudora are available.We'll take you to our web site to show you what's currently available, and where you can pay for this update. This version will switch to Sponsored Mode in about an hour.OK REBUILD_TOC_ALRT_2 You should choose Rebuild.The most likely reason for the toc being out of date is that your machine crashed during a mail transfer, and you might lose mail if you dont hit Rebuild.Cancel-Use OldRebuild REBUILD_TOC_ALRT_3 Please choose Rebuild.Use Old may cause you to lose mail.Cancel-Use OldRebuild IMPORT_INCOMPLETE An error occurred while importing your data.Some of your data may not have been imported.OK ABOUT_REG_WITH_MONTH Registered To: %p, %p %r (%d) ANAL_DELAY_LEVEL 2 Messages whose flame levels are this high will be automatically delayed. ANAL_DELAY_MINUTES 10 Amount to delay messages with high flame levels. MOOD_H_FACE 1 Style to use for inflammatory phrases. MOOD_H_COLOR 65535,0,0 Color to use for inflammatory phrases. MOOD_FACE 1 Style to use for potentially inflammatory phrases. MOOD_COLOR 65535,0,0 Color to use for potentially inflammatory phrases. CHOOSE_PICTURE_TITLE Choose a Photo CHOOSE_NICK_PICTURE_PROMPT Locate the photo to be displayed in your Address Book. PHOTO_FOLDER Photo Album Name of the folder containing pictures for the people in your Address Book--don't touch SELECT Select NICK_PHOTO_COULD_NOT_SAVE Problem while saving nickname photo.Eudora was not able to save the photo for %p because of an error (%d).OK UNTITLED_CSV untitled.csv NICK_SAVE_AS_TITLE Save Address Book NICK_EXPORT_FAIL There was an error while exporting nicknames. Use the export file with extreme caution. NICK_EXPORT_COMMA , Value separation delimeter when exporting nicknames in CSV format NICK_EXPORT_EOL \015 End of line character when exporting nicknames in CSV format NICK_COMMA_REPLACE_CHAR \004 Character used to replace embedded comma's when exporting nicknames. NICK_CR_REPLACE_CHAR \003 Character used to replace embedded carriage returns when exporting nicknames. SAVE_AS_ITEXT Save As... SAVE_AS_SEL_ITEXT Save Selection As... EXPORTING_NICKNAMES Exporting Nicknames... EXPORTING_SUBTITLE Now exporting: DUP_NICKNAME_WARNING That nickname already exists.A nickname called %p already appears in another address book. Duplicate nicknames can cause some confusion when expanding addresses. Do you want to give this nickname a unique name?No-Yes NO_NS_LIB_WARNING Can't find the Network Setup Extension.This extension is required for Eudora's Internet Dialup features to work properly. Would you like me to enable it for you?No-Yes NS_LIB_ENABLED The Network Setup Extensionhas been enabled.You may need to restart your computer for the Internet Dialup features to work properly.OK NS_LIB_NOT_ENABLED Could not enable the Network Setup Extension.You will have to use the Extensions Manager to enable the extension yourself, then restart your computer before the Internet Dialup features will work properly.OK NICK_BUTTON_DRAG_TICKS 60 Number of ticks to observer before drags to toolbar nicknames popup a message direction menu. PALM_SYNC_USERNAME No User Name of the Palm User to sync mail and address book information with. URL_STRIP_CHARS \n Strip these characters from URLs NICK_CONCAT_NEWLINE \n New line string inserted into nickname data when appending vCard data into existing nickname fields as additional lines of information. NICK_CONCAT_SEPARATOR String inserted into nickname data as a separator when appending vCard data into existing nickname fields. ALIAS_DO_NOT_SYNC Do not include this nickname when syncing Title for the Do not sync with checkbox = 32400 SCRIPT_EXECUTION_ERR Script execution error.Error in script %p:\n\n%p POP_SSL_PORT 995 Port for SPOP (POP over SSL) SMTP_SSL_PORT 465 Port for SSMTP (SMTP over SSL) IMAP_SSL_PORT 993 Port for IMAPS (IMAP over SSL) LDAP_SSL_PORT 636 Port for SSL-LDAP (LDAP over SSL) SSL_ERR_STRING SSL negotiation failed. PH_CONNECT_ERROR Error connecting to the Ph server.\n%d; %p\n SETTINGS_PREFILL_FILE Settings Prefill Do not localize. SETTINGS_PREFILL_PROCESSED Settings Prefill.processed Do not localize. STAT_GRAPH_HEIGHT 150 Height of statistics graphs STAT_GRAPH_WIDTH 350 Width of statistics graphs STAT_LEGEND_WIDTH 85 Width of statistics graph legends CERT_FOLDER Eudora SSL Certificates Name of folder for downloaded SSL certificates COMMAND_KEY_CHECKMAIL_REPLACEMENT 1N Command key replacement for Check Mail. 0-none, 1-shift, 2-option, 4-control, followed by the command key. COMMAND_KEY_ATTACH_REPLACEMENT 1A Command key replacement for Attach Document. 0-none, 1-shift, 2-option, 4-control, followed by the command key. SCROLL_WHEEL_LINES 3 Scroll this many lines per scroll wheel click. SOUND_SUFFICES .aiff.aif File suffices (separated by bullets) that mean a file is a sound file NO_OSX_PRINTER Couldnt find your printer. Please use Print Center to set up your printer. USA_DOCUMENTS Documents Name of system Documents folder. Used to find classic Documents folder. NAT_FMT [%i] If the machine is behind a NAT, use this to format its domain name. KERBEROS_IMAP_SERVICE imap Name of kerberized IMAP service. K5_POP_SERVICE pop Name of Kerberos V POP service. K5_SMTP_SERVICE smtp Name of Kerberos V SMTP service. K5_SERVICE_FMT ^0@^1 Kerberos service name format. ^0=service, ^1=host.domain, ^2=realm, ^3=host ERROR_KEYWORD qt DO NOT LOCALIZE EXPLANATION_KEYWORD explanation DO NOT LOCALIZE GSSAPI_LOG_FMT GSSAPI: %p DO NOT LOCALIZE ANY_ALIAS_FILE Any Address Book String to filter to match any address book. Do not localize. FOR_PERSONALITY for personality %p NO_SUCH_PERSONALITY You dont have a personality named %p. SSL_CERT_PROMPT You connected to a server which returned this SSL certificate that is not in your keychain. Would you like to add it to your keychain? PERS_MUST_HAVE_NAME Personality names cannot be empty. THREAD_SUBFOLDER_ERR Temporary error receiving mail; couldnt find %r (%d). Mail may be delayed, but will show up eventually. THREAD_DELIVER_CREATE_ERR Temporary error receiving mail; couldnt create %p (%d). Mail may be delayed, but will show up eventually. THREAD_DELIVER_EXCHANGE_ERR Temporary error receiving mail; couldnt exchange %p and %p (%d). Mail may be delayed, but will eventually be delivered. SSL_CERTDLG_HOSTNAMAE Hostname: SSL_CERTDLG_EXPIRES Expires: SSL_CERTDLG_FINGERPRINTS Fingerprints SSL_CERTDLG_SHA1 SHA1: SSL_CERTDLG_MD5 MD5: SSL_CERTDLG_TYPE Type: SSL_CERTDLG_SERIAL Serial #: SSL_CERTDLG_BEFORE Not Valid Before: SSL_CERTDLG_AFTER Not Valid After: SSL_CERTDLG_ISSUER Issuer SSL_CERTDLG_SUBJECT Subject SSL_CERTDLG_COUNTRY Country: SSL_CERTDLG_STATE State: SSL_CERTDLG_LOCALITY Locality: SSL_CERTDLG_ORGANIZATION Organization: SSL_CERTDLG_ORGUNIT Organization Unit: SSL_CERTDLG_CNAME Common Name: SSL_CERTDLG_EMAIL Email: FILE_QUIT_ITEM_STR Quit APPLE_ABOUT_EUDORA_ITEM_STR About Eudora SSL_VERSION_STD_PORT 769 SSL protocol version to use when connecting on standard port SSL_VERSION_ALT_PORT 0 SSL protocol version to use when connecting on alternate port THREAD_PUNT_FILTER_ERR Temporary error receiving mail; will not filter right now (%d). Mail may be delayed, but will show up eventually. USERNAME_PROMPT Username: IMail does POP3 AUTH PLAIN completely wrong, as LOGIN. When we see this string, we know it's IMail, and we adjust. Idiots. IMAIL_DOES_PLAIN_WRONG Adjusting to broken IMail... AT_LEAST_ONE_GRAPHIC_MISSING The message you are sending is missing at least one of its images. It will be sent without the missing image(s). PPP_REACHABLE_HOST If the mailhost of the dominant personality isn't appropriate to check for your PPP connection under OS X, fill this in with a hostname to check. PACKAGE_PLUGINS_FOLDER PlugIns Name of folder used by OS X finder for application plugins. PACKAGE_MACOS_FOLDER MacOS Name of folder used by OS X finder for application itself. POP3_AUTH_RESP_CODE [auth DO NOT LOCALIZE. IMAP_TRASH_REUSE Use %p as your Trash mailbox for your %p personality?Empty Trash will remove all messages from it.Cancel-OK WARNING_SIGNS_YOU_MIGHT_HAVE_OUTLOOK MsoNormal,margin-bottom:.0 Any of these (comma-separated) phrases, detected in an HTML style sheet, will make Eudora NOT put a blank line after a P directive. JUNK Junk DO NOT LOCALIZE. FILE_ALIAS_JUNK Junk Name of mailbox that holds junk mail, as presented to the user. JUNK_MAILBOX_THRESHHOLD 50 Mail must score at least this much on the Junk-O-Meter to land in the Junk mailbox. JUNK_MAILBOX_EMPTY_DAYS 30 Number of days mail stays in Junk mailbox before being moved to Trash JUNK_MAILBOX_EMPTY_DEST Trash Name of mailbox where old junk mail goes to die. Set to - to destroy in-place JUNK_MAILBOX_EMPTY_THRESH 0 Junk score threshold for mail that will be automatically emptied from Junk mailbox. JUNK_EMPTY_WARNING Trim your %r mailbox now?%d messages in your %r mailbox are at least %r days old, and due for deletion. Delete them?Dont WarnNo-Trim JUNK_PREEXISTING_RENAME_NAME My Junk Name to rename preexisting Junk mailbox to JUNK_PREEXISTING_WARNING You have a mailbox called %r.Eudoras junk mail feature uses a mailbox named %r. Would you like Eudora to use it, rename it, or disable the junk mailbox feature?Disable-RenameUse It JUNK_XFER_SCORE 100 Junk score given to mail when you transfer it to the Junk mailbox JUNK_JUNK_SCORE 100 Junk score given to mail when you mark it as junk JUNK_MIN_REASONABLE 25 Minimum score considered a reasonable junk mail threshold. JUNK_UNREASONABLE_WARNING Junk threshold too lowWe recommend you not set the %r mailbox threshold to less than %r, or legitimate mail may be kept in the %r mailbox. Set it to %r?Use ValueCancel-OK JUNK_CANT_ARCHIVE Error trimming %r.The old mail in your %r mailbox cant be trimmed, because the mailbox %p cant be found.Cancel UNREFERENCED_PART The following document was sent as an embedded object but not referenced by the email above:\n WAZOO_TOPMARGIN 32 Height of the tab area in a tabbed window. WAZOO_TABHEIGHT 21 Height of the tabs in a tabbed window. OUTLOOK_CRAP_FIND RE:,FW: OUTLOOK_CRAP_FIX Re:,Fwd: LOG_FLUSHED Flushed: %p FLUSH_TIMEOUT 1 How long to wait (in seconds) for error messages from Cyrus after POP3 STLS fails. JUNK_TRIM_SOON 7 Number of days until trimming that is considered soon enough to show the will be trimmed soon icon. JUNK_TRIM_INTERVAL 1 Number of days (minimum) between trims of the junk mailbox. WHITELIST_ADDRBOOK Name of the address book to put whitelisted addresses in; blank for Eudora Nicknames. PROXY_INIT_FAILED Unable to initialize proxy list. LONGTERM_IDLE 60 Number of seconds of user idleness before we might start time-consuming bg tasks. GRAPHICS_CACHE_MAX 5000 Max size (in Kbytes) of graphics cache for downloaded graphics. COULDNT_INIT_CONCON Failed to initialize the Content Concentrator. CONCON_PREVIEW_PROFILE Compact Name of Content Concentrator profile to use for the preview pane when showing a single message. CONCON_ELLIPSIS_TRAIL ... Text added to the end of a partially-snipped paragraph CONCON_ELLIPSIS_CENTER ...snip... Text added to show paragraphs have been snipped CONCON_ELLIPSIS_LEAD ... Text added to the start of a partially-snipped paragraph CONCON_MULTI_PREVIEW_PROFILE Terse Name of Content Concentrator profile to use for previewing multiple messages CONCON_MULTI_MAX 20 Max # of messages to preview at one time. CONCON_QUOTE_ON Original Message Strings that might mean an outlook-style quote is coming CONCON_QUOTE_OFF End Original Strings that might mean an outlook-style quote is ending CONCON_DEBUG_FMT ConConInit: %p CHARSET_FLUX_FMT %p/%p CONCON_MESSAGE_PROFILE None Content Concentrator profile to use for message windows ENCODED_FLOWED_WRAP_SPOT 50 When doing both format=flowed and quoted-printable encoding, wrap lines at this value. JUNK_PREEXISTING_FOLDER_WARNING You have a mail folder called %r.Eudoras junk mail feature uses a mailbox named %r. Your folder will be renamed.OK USE_CMD_J_FOR_JUNK What should cmd-J do?You might use Eudora 6s Junk and Not Junk commands often. You can use cmd-J and opt-cmd-J for them, or use cmd-J for manual message filtering. Which do you prefer?Filter-Junk TRIMMING_JUNK Trimming %r mailbox... PREVIEW_SINGLE_DELAY 5 # of ticks before acting on a single message preview PREVIEW_MULTI_DELAY 30 # of ticks before acting on a multiple message preview SMALL_SYS_FONT_NAME Put a font name here to override the small system font SMALL_SYS_FONT_SIZE Put a size here to override the small system font size WIN_GEN_WARNING_THRESH 10 # of windows scheduled to be opened that generate a warning MULT_RESPOND_WARNING_THRESH 50 # of messages to which responding all at once will generate a warning WIN_GEN_WARNING Really open that many windows?Youre about to open %d windows. Is this what you intend?Cancel-OK MULT_RESPOND_WARNING Really respond to all those messages?Youre about to respond to %d messages all at once. Is this what you intend?Cancel-OK AMBIG_SUBJ_FMT %p, etc. Format string to use when replying to multiple messages with different subjects CONCON_MULTI_REPLY_PROFILE Terse Concentrator profile to use when replying to multiple messages. IMAP_JUNK_SELECT Use %p as your Junk mailbox for your %p personality?Messages may be removed from it automatically in the future.Cancel-OK CHOOSE_IMAP_JUNK_MAILBOX Please choose a Junk mailbox. EUDORA_EUDORA Eudora Do Not Touch IMAP_DEFAULT_JUNK_SCORE 100 Score to assign unscored messages in your IMAP Junk mailbox. TRANSFER_CONTEXT_FMT Transfer to %p ITS_LOCKED_DUMMY Could not remove; one or more items are locked. IMAP_MAILBOXTITLE_FMT %p (%p) Format for titles of IMAP mailbox windows. IMAP_FLAGGED_LABEL 15 The label to assign to IMAP messages marked as FLAGGED on the server. Set to 0 to ignore the FLAGGED state. JUNK_JUNK_IS_BAD_TRIM_DEST Cannot trim %r mailbox to itself!Please select another mailbox, or turn off junk trimming. How about %r?Cancel-Use Trash JUNK_PREFNOIMAP_WARNING SpamWatch has been disabled.Your IMAP server does not support the UIDPLUS extension. SpamWatch has been disabled for your %p personality until your server is upgraded to send COPYUID responses.OK JUNK_PREFIMAPAVAIL_WARNING SpamWatch has been re-enabled.Your IMAP server now appears to support the required server extensions. SpamWatch has been turned back on for your %p personality.OK ALIAS_TO_NOWHERE The document you selected is an alias, but the original is no longer available. X_FOLDER_ITEMS X-Folder MIME type(s) used by Apple when sending folders; completely non-standard. MIME_X_FOLDER x-folder MIME type to be used when sending folders; not standard, made up by apple. HELP_BUG_MTEXT Report a Bug HELP_SUGGEST_MTEXT Make a Suggestion SUM_SEARCH_COPY_FMT %c\t%p\t%p\t%p\t%p\t%p\t%d\t%p\t%p\n Format for copying a summary; state, priority, attachments, label, who, date, K, mailbox, subject DEFAULT_MAILER_Q Do you want to set Eudora to be your default mail handler?Eudora can handle 'mailto:' links on web pages and other sources. We'll only ask just once. NoYes SEP_LINE_GREY 44000 Greyness of horizontal rules SEARCH_FOR_FMT Search %p for %p Format string for context-based search menu items SEARCH_FOR_WEB Web SEARCH_SITE Do not touch SEARCH_NOTHING_FMT Search %r Format string for non-context search web items SEARCH_TEXT_WARNING This will search the web.Note: when you click this toolbar button with some text selected, Eudora will search the web for that text.Dont WarnCancel-OK BUYING_BY_HTTP BUYING_BY_MAIL REGCODE_PLUS_MONTH %p (%r %d) IMAP_POLLING_MAILBOXES Checking %p for new messages. IMAP_POLL_MAILBOX Looking for new messages in %p. CONCON_PROF_SINGLE Single Message CONCON_PROF_MULTI Multiple Messages CONCON_PROF_DEFAULT Default (%p) CONCON_PREV_PROF_WIDTH 96 CONCON_NONE None OSXAB_FILE OS X Address Book Name of nickname file that contains OS X AddressBook contacts. SPIN_LENGTH 1 Number of ticks to be hyper about i/o completing MAX_CONTEXT_FILE_CHOICES 20 Maximum number of contextual filing menu items to show FAKE_CONTENT_COLOR 15000,15000,15000 SEARCH_FOR_EMAIL Eudora RECENT_SEARCH_LIMIT 10 Remember this many searches in the toolbar search widget. TB_FKEY_LABEL_WIDE 20 Width of FKey labels in toolbar GROUP_SUBJ_MAX_TIME 30 Maximum number of days of difference between messages whose subjects should be grouped together when sorting a mailbox JUNK_NICK_FMT %p Format string for nicknames made with the Not Junk command HIST_NICK_FMT %p Format string for nicknames made in the history list SETTINGS_PANEL_KEYWORD panel DO NOT TOUCH LOCKED_FILE_PERSISTENCE 10 Number of seconds to wait for a locked file to unlock on open POP_BEFORE_SMTP_AUTH_AGE_LIMIT 60 Reserved CONCON_DIGEST_ITEMS digest Words that indicate a message might be a digest ATTCONV_BAD_CHARS -- Characters forbidden in attachment converted creator/type display ATTCONV_REP_CHARS Characters to replace forbidden characters in attachment converted creator/type display CONCON_PROFILE_MISSING Missing Content Concentrator ProfileYour settings indicate use of the %r profile for this operation, but that profile doesnt exist.OK SPEECH_VOLUME 10 Volume at which to speak text, from 0 (silent) to 10 (loudest) IMAP_HIDDEN_TOC_NAME #&$*- Hidden Name of cache mailbox that stores hidden messages. IMAP_UNDO_DELETE Undo Delete from %p NAUGHTY_URL_TLDS .com.,.org.,.net.,.edu. NAUGHTY_URL_ALERT Warning: The URL you are about to visit may be deceptive. Visit it anyway?%pCancelVisit EMOTICON_FOLDER Emoticons DO NOT LOCALIZE IMAP_MISSING_TRASH Couldn't find a Trash mailbox for %p.Would you like to disable the IMAP Trash mailbox?OK-Cancel IMAP_MISSING_JUNK Couldn't find a Junk mailbox for %p.Would you like to disable SpamWatch for this IMAP personality?OK-Cancel UNKNOWN_CHARSET_NAME unknown DO NOT LOCALIZE IMAP_AUTOEXPUNGE_THRESHOLD 20 Remove deleted messages when their number exceeds this percentage of the mailbox. IMAP_AUTOEXPUNGE_WARNING Should Eudora do automatic EXPUNGE commands on your IMAP mailboxes?If you don't know what an EXPUNGE command is, just click Yes. For more information, click the ? button.No-Yes RFC2184FMT %p*%d DO NOT LOCALIZE MIN_LEFT_APPEND 64 # of chars to leave on left side when appending 2184 stuff ELIDE_2184_STRING ... String to put between two pieces of a filename longer than we handle EMO_MENU_FMT %p(%p) Format for emoticon menu items. COUNTRY_DOMAINS au,br,tw,hk,uk TLD's that are countries that have SLD's in our list of naughty url TLD's SEARCH_DF_AGE 5 Default value for age search criterion SEARCH_DF_AGE_REL 4 Default relation for age search criterion SEARCH_DF_AGE_SPFY 3 Default specifier for age search criterion SEARCH_DF_ATT 0 Default number of attachments for attachment count search criterion SEARCH_DF_ATT_REL 3 Default relation for attachment count search criterion DISCARD_LOG_FMT Discarding: %p REBUILDING_TOC Rebuilding table of contents for %p URL_NOTNAUGHTY_PREFIXES www. Things to ignore at the start of hostnames in urls for purposes of deceptive link handling URL_NAUGHTY_EXCEPTIONS Certain TLD's that break the ordinary rules of naughtiness HTML_MIN_IMAGE_SIZE 4 Do not automatically download HTML images less than this many square pixels HTML_BAD_IMAGE_DIMENSIONS 1x1 Do not automatically download HTML images of these dimensions = 4500 PDF_QUOTE_EXTENSION_UNQUOTE .pdf Since Avi is stuck in 1975, we can't use just filetype to determine if a file is a PDF. ERR_PERS_FILTERING Error while filtering for %p: IMAP_FILTERING_MESSAGES Filtering messages for %p. OUTGOING_MID_LIST_SIZE 200 Number of outgoing messages to remember we sent. ICHAT_BTN_TEXT iChat Text of chat button in address book. AIM_PROTO aim DO NOT LOCALIZE AIM_URL_FMT aim:goim?screenname=%p DO NOT LOCALIZE OUTLOOK_FW_PREFIX FW: Outlook uses FW in contravention to accepted Internet norms URL_HOST_CHECK_PROTOS http,https,ftp Protocols to look for hostname mismatches in. ALTERNATE_EMOTICONS 18,Emoticons24,24,Emoticons32 BADGE_ATTENTION_COLOR 0,48000,0 Color for dock icon badge when Eudora wants attention BADGE_NORMAL_COLOR 0,0,48000 Color for dock icon badge when Eudora doesn't want attention BADGE_TEXT_COLOR 65000,65000,65000 Color for text of dock icon badge BADGE_PERS_LIST * List of IMAP personalities for whom the INBOX unread counts should be added to the dock icon badge, or * for all personalities. EMO_BATCH_SIZE 10 Max # of emoticons to convert in one swell foop. NOT_MOVIE_EXTENSIONS .rtf List of extenstion NOT to be considered movies, no matter what QuickTime thinks SLASHY_SCHEMES http,https,ftp TB_BUTTON_FONT_SIZE 9 Size of text on buttons in the main toolbar. Relaunch to take effect. DEMO_DAYS_REMAINING_FMT You have %d days remaining of your Paid mode preview. DEMO_LAST_DAY_FMT Today is the last day of your Paid mode preview. Eudora will switch to Sponsored mode tomorrow! PAYMODE_DEMO_BTN_TITLE_FMT %p\n%d days left CHECK_CONNECTION_SUCCESS Check completed successfully CHECK_CONNECTION_FORMAT Host: %p Port: %d EXPORT_FOLDER_NAME Eudora Export Name of parent folder into which Eudora will export its mail, address book, etc. DO NOT LOCALIZE EXPORT_MAIL_ERR Error exporting mail EXPORT_MAIL_FOLDER Mail Folder Name of subfolder into which to export mail DO NOT LOCALIZE EXPORTING_MAIL Exporting Mail... MOZILLA_FLAGS_FMT X-Mozilla-Status: %4x%p Names of mozilla headers that hold (some) flags for export. DO NOT LOCALIZE MOZILLA_FLAGS2_FMT X-Mozilla-Status2: %8x%p Names of mozilla headers that hold (some) flags for export. DO NOT LOCALIZE MOZILLA_KEYWORD_HDR X-Mozilla-Keys: Name of mozilla header that holds keywords (tags). DO NOT LOCALIZE