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/* Copyright (c) 2017, Computer History Museum
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* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
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* Neither the name of Computer History Museum nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
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#define FILE_NUM 141
#ifdef VCARD
/* Copyright (c) 2000 by QUALCOMM Incorporated */
#define isCR(aChar) ((aChar) == 13)
#define isLF(aChar) ((aChar) == 10)
#define isHTAB(aChar) ((aChar) == 9)
#define isSPACE(aChar) ((aChar) == 32)
#define isCOLON(aChar) ((aChar) == ':')
#define isSEMI(aChar) ((aChar) == ';')
#define isDASH(aChar) ((aChar) == '-')
#define isCRLF(aChar) (isCR (aChar) || isLF (aChar))
#define isEQUAL(aChar) ((aChar) == '=')
#define isEscape(aChar) ((aChar) == '\\')
typedef struct {
Handle data; // Data containing the entire vCard
Ptr spot; // Spot within the vCard where we're currently reading
Ptr end; // Points to the final byte in the vCard
VCardErrorType error; // Errors detected in the vCard source by the parser
XDashStringHandle xdash; // Handle to all the vCard extensions the client knows about
VCardItemRec item; // Information about the item currently being parsed
VCardItemProc itemProc; // Callback for each parsed item in the vCard
VCardErrorProc errorProc; // Callback for each parsing
long refcon; // Private data owned by the caller, passed back during itemProcs
} VCardParserRec, *VCardParserPtr, **VCardParserHandle;
// Static Prototypes
static OSErr VCardAccuAddValue (AccuPtr a, Handle value, Boolean quotedPrintable);
static OSErr VCardAccuAddValueQuotedPrintable (AccuPtr a, Handle value);
static OSErr VCardAccuMaybeQuotedPrintableSoftline (AccuPtr a, Handle value, long *offset, long *count, long maxChar);
static Boolean VCardValueContainsCRLFs (Handle value);
static OSErr VCardAccuAddProperties (AccuPtr a, short count, short *vcProp);
static OSErr VCardAccuAddPropertiesAndValue (AccuPtr a, short count, short *vcProp, Handle value, Boolean quotedPrintable);
static OSErr VCardAccuAddValueList (AccuPtr a, Handle notes, short count, short *abTag, Boolean *anyValues);
static OSErr VCardAccuAddAVPairStr (AccuPtr a, short attributeResIndex, PStr value);
static OSErr VCardAccuAddAVPairRes (AccuPtr a, short attributeResIndex, short valueResIndex);
static OSErr VCardAccuAddAddress (AccuPtr a, Handle notes, Boolean home, Boolean preferred);
static OSErr VCardAccuAddPhone (AccuPtr a, Handle notes, short propertyID, short propertyLocation, short tagID, Boolean preferred);
static OSErr VCardAccuAddURL (AccuPtr a, Handle notes, short propertyLocation, short tagID, Boolean preferred);
static OSErr VCardAccuAddOtherEmail (AccuPtr a, Handle notes);
static OSErr VCardAccuAddOther (AccuPtr a, Handle notes, short propertyID, short tagID);
static OSErr VCardAccuAddNotes (AccuPtr a, Handle notes);
static OSErr VCardParserVCardFile (VCardParserPtr parserPtr);
static OSErr VCardParserVCard (VCardParserPtr parserPtr);
static OSErr VCardParserItems (VCardParserPtr parserPtr);
static OSErr VCardParserItem (VCardParserPtr parserPtr);
static OSErr VCardParserGroups (VCardParserPtr parserPtr, VCardItemPtr itemPtr, Str255 keyword);
static OSErr VCardParserParameters (VCardParserPtr parserPtr, VCardItemPtr itemPtr);
static void VCardParserParameterTypeValue (VCardParserPtr parserPtr, VCardParamPtr paramPtr);
static void VCardParserParameterValueValue (VCardParserPtr parserPtr, VCardParamPtr paramPtr);
static void VCardParserParameterEncodingValue (VCardParserPtr parserPtr, VCardParamPtr paramPtr);
static void VCardParserParameterCharsetValue (VCardParserPtr parserPtr, VCardParamPtr paramPtr);
static void VCardParserParameterLangaugeValue (VCardParserPtr parserPtr, VCardParamPtr paramPtr);
static void VCardParserProcessOrphanedEncoding (VCardItemPtr itemPtr, vcKeywordType encodingValue);
static void VCardParserEqualSign (VCardParserPtr parserPtr);
static OSErr VCardParserValue (VCardParserPtr parserPtr, VCardItemPtr itemPtr);
static OSErr VCardParserAddress (VCardParserPtr parserPtr, VCardItemPtr itemPtr);
static OSErr VCardParserOrganization (VCardParserPtr parserPtr, VCardItemPtr itemPtr);
static OSErr VCardParserName (VCardParserPtr parserPtr, VCardItemPtr itemPtr);
static OSErr VCardParserPropertPartList (VCardParserPtr parserPtr, VCardItemPtr itemPtr, vcKeywordType *partList, short parts);
static OSErr VCardParser7BitValue (VCardParserPtr parserPtr, VCardItemPtr itemPtr, Boolean valueList, Boolean quotedPrintable);
static OSErr VCardParser8BitValue (VCardParserPtr parserPtr, VCardItemPtr itemPtr);
static OSErr VCardParserQuotedPrintableValue (VCardParserPtr parserPtr, VCardItemPtr itemPtr, char delimiter);
static OSErr VCardParserBase64Value (VCardParserPtr parserPtr, VCardItemPtr itemPtr);
static void VCardParserSkipToNextLine (VCardParserPtr parserPtr);
static Boolean VCardParserWS (VCardParserPtr parserPtr, Boolean optional);
static Boolean VCardParserWSLS (VCardParserPtr parserPtr, Boolean optional);
static OSErr VCardParserStrnosemi (VCardParserPtr parserPtr, VCardItemPtr itemPtr);
static PStr VCardParserKeyword (VCardParserPtr parserPtr, PStr keyword);
static OSErr VCardParserWord (VCardParserPtr parserPtr, Handle value);
static Boolean VCardParserCharacter (VCardParserPtr parserPtr, char c, Boolean optional);
static Boolean VCardParseCRLFs (VCardParserPtr parserPtr, Boolean optional);
static OSErr VCardAppendKeywordToGroup (VCardItemPtr itemPtr, Str255 keyword);
static OSErr VCardParserAppendPropertyValueString (VCardParserPtr parserPtr, VCardParamPtr paramPtr, Handle strings);
static vcKeywordType VCardProcessProperty (VCardParserPtr parserPtr, Str255 keyword);
static short FindXDashString (XDashStringHandle xdash, PStr keyword);
Boolean IsVCardAvailable (void)
return (HasFeature (featureVCard) && PrefIsSet (PREF_VCARD));
// MakeVCard
// Accepts standard nickname address and notes handle and returns a handle
// containing the text of a vCard. For now, our email expansion will be
// mapped in full to vcard's single address field. Dunno if this will
// actually be acceptable to other vcard savvy apps... we'll see...
// For now, we're just going to built vCards by brute force, but it would be nice
// if we could build a more portable means of building vCards based on templates.
// We are also ingnoring several Eudora nickname fields when exporting as a vCard:
// <09> Other Email
// <09> Other Phone
// <09> Other Web Pages
// <09> Notes (though we'll probably add this later)
// We also need to encoded fields with values containing
#define kVCardLineMaxValues 10
Handle MakeVCard (Handle addresses, Handle notes)
Accumulator vCard;
PrimaryLocationType preferred;
Str255 scratch;
OSErr theError;
long oldOffset;
short abTag[kVCardLineMaxValues], // More than enough room for now
vcProp[kVCardLineMaxValues], // More than enough room for now
Boolean anyValues,
if (!IsVCardAvailable ())
return (nil);
UseFeature (featureVCard);
preferred = GetPrimaryLocation (notes);
// Initialize an accumulator for the vCard data
theError = AccuInit (&vCard);
theError = VCardAccuAddAVPairRes (&vCard, vcBegin, vcVCard);
// VERSION:2.1
if (!theError)
theError = VCardAccuAddAVPairStr (&vCard, vcVersion, "\p2.1");
// Add the body of the vCard
// Full name
oldOffset = vCard.offset;
if (!theError)
theError = AccuAddStr (&vCard, GetRString (scratch, VCardKeywordStrn + vcFN));
if (!theError) {
abTag[0] = abTagName;
theError = VCardAccuAddValueList (&vCard, notes, 1, abTag, &anyValues);
if (!anyValues)
vCard.offset = oldOffset;
// Name
oldOffset = vCard.offset;
if (!theError)
theError = AccuAddStr (&vCard, GetRString (scratch, VCardKeywordStrn + vcN));
if (!theError) {
abTag[0] = abTagLast;
abTag[1] = abTagFirst;
abTag[2] = abTag[3] = abTag[4] = 0;
theError = VCardAccuAddValueList (&vCard, notes, 5, abTag, &anyValues);
if (!anyValues)
vCard.offset = oldOffset;
// Email
if (!theError && addresses) {
quotedPrintable = VCardValueContainsCRLFs (addresses);
vcProp[0] = vcEmail;
vcProp[1] = vcInternet;
vcProp[2] = vcPref;
count = 3;
if (quotedPrintable = VCardValueContainsCRLFs (addresses))
vcProp[count++] = vcQuotedPrintable;
theError = VCardAccuAddPropertiesAndValue (&vCard, count, vcProp, addresses, quotedPrintable);
// Home Address
if (!theError)
theError = VCardAccuAddAddress (&vCard, notes, true, preferred == homePrimary);
// Work Address
if (!theError)
theError = VCardAccuAddAddress (&vCard, notes, false, preferred == workPrimary);
// Home voice phone
if (!theError)
theError = VCardAccuAddPhone (&vCard, notes, vcVoice, vcHome, abTagPhone, preferred == homePrimary);
// Home fax
if (!theError)
theError = VCardAccuAddPhone (&vCard, notes, vcFax, vcHome, abTagFax, preferred == homePrimary);
// Home cell phone
if (!theError)
theError = VCardAccuAddPhone (&vCard, notes, vcCell, vcHome, abTagMobile, preferred == homePrimary);
// Work voice phone
if (!theError)
theError = VCardAccuAddPhone (&vCard, notes, vcVoice, vcWork, abTagPhone2, preferred == workPrimary);
// Work fax
if (!theError)
theError = VCardAccuAddPhone (&vCard, notes, vcFax, vcWork, abTagFax2, preferred == workPrimary);
// Work cell phone
if (!theError)
theError = VCardAccuAddPhone (&vCard, notes, vcCell, vcWork, abTagMobile2, preferred == workPrimary);
// Title
oldOffset = vCard.offset;
if (!theError)
theError = AccuAddStr (&vCard, GetRString (scratch, VCardKeywordStrn + vcTitle));
if (!theError) {
abTag[0] = abTagTitle;
theError = VCardAccuAddValueList (&vCard, notes, 1, abTag, &anyValues);
if (!anyValues)
vCard.offset = oldOffset;
// Company
oldOffset = vCard.offset;
if (!theError)
theError = AccuAddStr (&vCard, GetRString (scratch, VCardKeywordStrn + vcOrg));
if (!theError) {
abTag[0] = abTagCompany;
abTag[1] = 0;
theError = VCardAccuAddValueList (&vCard, notes, 2, abTag, &anyValues);
if (!anyValues)
vCard.offset = oldOffset;
// Home URL
if (!theError)
theError = VCardAccuAddURL (&vCard, notes, vcHome, abTagWeb, preferred == homePrimary);
// Work URL
if (!theError)
theError = VCardAccuAddURL (&vCard, notes, vcWork, abTagWeb2, preferred == workPrimary);
// Other Email
if (!theError)
theError = VCardAccuAddOtherEmail (&vCard, notes);
// Other Phone
if (!theError)
theError = VCardAccuAddOther (&vCard, notes, vcTel, abTagOtherPhone);
// Other URL
if (!theError)
theError = VCardAccuAddOther (&vCard, notes, vcURL, abTagOtherWeb);
// Notes
if (!theError)
theError = VCardAccuAddNotes (&vCard, notes);
if (!theError)
theError = VCardAccuAddAVPairRes (&vCard, vcEnd, vcVCard);
if (!theError)
AccuTrim (&vCard);
AccuZap (vCard);
return (;
static OSErr VCardAccuAddValue (AccuPtr a, Handle value, Boolean quotedPrintable)
Ptr spot,
OSErr theError;
long offset;
theError = noErr;
if (value) {
if (quotedPrintable)
return (VCardAccuAddValueQuotedPrintable (a, value));
offset = 0;
spot = LDRef (value);
end = spot + GetHandleSize (value);
while (spot < end && !theError) {
if (isSEMI (*spot)) {
theError = AccuAddFromHandle (a, value, offset, spot - *value - offset);
if (!theError)
theError = AccuAddChar (a, '\\');
offset = spot - *value;
if (!theError)
theError = AccuAddFromHandle (a, value, offset, end - *value - offset);
UL (value);
return (theError);
static OSErr VCardAccuAddValueQuotedPrintable (AccuPtr a, Handle value)
Ptr spot,
OSErr theError;
long offset,
theError = noErr;
offset = 0;
count = 0;
spot = LDRef (value);
end = spot + GetHandleSize (value);
while (spot < end && !theError) {
theError = VCardAccuMaybeQuotedPrintableSoftline (a, value, &offset, &count, 74); // Room for "="
if (!theError)
switch (*spot) {
case ';':
theError = VCardAccuMaybeQuotedPrintableSoftline (a, value, &offset, &count, 72); // Room for "\;="
if (!theError)
theError = AccuAddFromHandle (a, value, offset, spot - *value - offset);
if (!theError)
theError = AccuAddChar (a, '\\');
offset = spot - *value;
case '\r':
case '\n':
theError = VCardAccuMaybeQuotedPrintableSoftline (a, value, &offset, &count, 68); // Room for "=0D=0A="
if (!theError)
theError = AccuAddFromHandle (a, value, offset, spot - *value - offset);
if (!theError)
theError = AccuAddStr (a, "\p=0D=0A");
if (!theError && spot + 1 < end)
theError = AccuAddStr (a, "\p=\r\n");
offset = spot - *value + 1;
count = 0;
if (!theError)
theError = AccuAddFromHandle (a, value, offset, end - *value - offset);
UL (value);
return (theError);
static OSErr VCardAccuMaybeQuotedPrintableSoftline (AccuPtr a, Handle value, long *offset, long *count, long maxChar)
OSErr theError;
theError = noErr;
if (*count >= maxChar) {
theError = AccuAddFromHandle (a, value, *offset, maxChar);
if (!theError)
theError = AccuAddStr (a, "\p=\r\n");
*offset += maxChar;
*count = 0;
return (theError);
static Boolean VCardValueContainsCRLFs (Handle value)
Ptr spot;
Size length;
if (value) {
length = GetHandleSize (value);
for (spot = *value; spot < *value + length; spot++)
if (*spot == '\r' || *spot == '\n')
return (true);
return (false);
static OSErr VCardAccuAddProperties (AccuPtr a, short count, short *vcProp)
Str255 property;
OSErr theError;
short i;
theError = noErr;
for (i = 0; i < count && !theError; ++i) {
theError = AccuAddStr (a, GetRString (property, VCardKeywordStrn + vcProp[i]));
if (!theError && i + 1 < count)
theError = AccuAddChar (a, ';');
return (theError);
static OSErr VCardAccuAddPropertiesAndValue (AccuPtr a, short count, short *vcProp, Handle value, Boolean quotedPrintable)
OSErr theError;
if (value) {
theError = VCardAccuAddProperties (a, count, vcProp);
if (!theError)
theError = AccuAddChar (a, ':');
if (!theError)
theError = VCardAccuAddValue (a, value, quotedPrintable);
if (!theError)
theError = AccuAddStr (a, "\p\r\n");
return (theError);
// VCardAccuAddValueList
// Add a value list to the vCard data accumulator.
static OSErr VCardAccuAddValueList (AccuPtr a, Handle notes, short count, short *abTag, Boolean *anyValues)
Str255 property,
Handle **values,
OSErr theError;
short i;
Boolean weHaveValue,
weHaveValue = false;
quotedPrintable = false;
// Allocate space for one Handle per requested value
values = NuHandleClear (count * sizeof (Handle));
theError = MemError ();
// Get the values
valuePtr = LDRef (values);
for (i = 0; i < count && !theError; ++i, ++valuePtr) {
if (abTag[i])
if (*valuePtr = GetTaggedFieldValueInNotes (notes, GetRString (tag, ABReservedTagsStrn + abTag[i]))) {
weHaveValue = true;
if (!quotedPrintable)
quotedPrintable = VCardValueContainsCRLFs (*valuePtr);
theError = MemError ();
// Add the formatted values to the accumulator (values still locked)
if (weHaveValue) {
if (quotedPrintable) {
theError = AccuAddChar (a, ';');
if (!theError)
theError = AccuAddStr (a, GetRString (property, VCardKeywordStrn + vcQuotedPrintable));
if (!theError)
theError = AccuAddChar (a, ':');
valuePtr = *values;
for (i = 0; i < count && !theError; ++i, ++valuePtr) {
theError = VCardAccuAddValue (a, *valuePtr, quotedPrintable);
if (!theError && i + 1 < count)
theError = AccuAddChar (a, ';');
if (!theError)
theError = AccuAddStr (a, "\p\r\n");
// Dispose of the memory we allocated
if (values) {
valuePtr = *values;
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i)
ZapHandle (*valuePtr);
ZapHandle (values);
if (anyValues)
*anyValues = weHaveValue;
return (theError);
static OSErr VCardAccuAddAVPairStr (AccuPtr a, short attributeResIndex, PStr value)
Str255 scratch;
OSErr theError;
theError = AccuAddStr (a, GetRString (scratch, VCardKeywordStrn + attributeResIndex));
if (!theError)
theError = AccuAddChar (a, ':');
if (!theError)
theError = AccuAddStr (a, value);
if (!theError)
theError = AccuAddStr (a, "\p\r\n");
return (theError);
static OSErr VCardAccuAddAVPairRes (AccuPtr a, short attributeResIndex, short valueResIndex)
Str255 scratch;
return (VCardAccuAddAVPairStr (a, attributeResIndex, GetRString (scratch, VCardKeywordStrn + valueResIndex)));
static OSErr VCardAccuAddAddress (AccuPtr a, Handle notes, Boolean home, Boolean preferred)
OSErr theError;
long oldOffset;
short abTag[kVCardLineMaxValues], // More than enough room for now
vcProp[kVCardLineMaxValues], // More than enough room for now
Boolean anyValues;
// Home Address
oldOffset = a->offset;
vcProp[0] = vcAdr;
vcProp[1] = home ? vcHome : vcWork;
count = 2;
if (preferred)
vcProp[count++] = vcPref;
theError = VCardAccuAddProperties (a, count, vcProp);
if (!theError) {
abTag[0] = abTag[1] = 0;
if (home) {
abTag[2] = abTagAddress;
abTag[3] = abTagCity;
abTag[4] = abTagState;
abTag[5] = abTagZip;
abTag[6] = abTagCountry;
else {
abTag[2] = abTagAddress2;
abTag[3] = abTagCity2;
abTag[4] = abTagState2;
abTag[5] = abTagZip2;
abTag[6] = abTagCountry2;
theError = VCardAccuAddValueList (a, notes, 7, abTag, &anyValues);
if (!anyValues)
a->offset = oldOffset;
return (theError);
static OSErr VCardAccuAddPhone (AccuPtr a, Handle notes, short propertyID, short propertyLocation, short tagID, Boolean preferred)
Str255 tag;
Handle value;
OSErr theError;
short vcProp[kVCardLineMaxValues], // More than enough room for now
Boolean quotedPrintable;
theError = noErr;
if (value = GetTaggedFieldValueInNotes (notes, GetRString (tag, ABReservedTagsStrn + tagID))) {
quotedPrintable = VCardValueContainsCRLFs (value);
vcProp[0] = vcTel;
vcProp[1] = propertyID;
vcProp[2] = propertyLocation;
count = 3;
if (preferred)
vcProp[count++] = vcPref;
if (quotedPrintable)
vcProp[count++] = vcQuotedPrintable;
theError = VCardAccuAddPropertiesAndValue (a, count, vcProp, value, quotedPrintable);
ZapHandle (value);
return (theError);
static OSErr VCardAccuAddURL (AccuPtr a, Handle notes, short propertyLocation, short tagID, Boolean preferred)
Str255 tag;
Handle value;
OSErr theError;
short vcProp[kVCardLineMaxValues], // More than enough room for now
Boolean quotedPrintable;
theError = noErr;
if (value = GetTaggedFieldValueInNotes (notes, GetRString (tag, ABReservedTagsStrn + tagID))) {
quotedPrintable = VCardValueContainsCRLFs (value);
vcProp[0] = vcURL;
vcProp[1] = propertyLocation;
count = 2;
if (preferred)
vcProp[count++] = vcPref;
if (quotedPrintable)
vcProp[count++] = vcQuotedPrintable;
theError = VCardAccuAddPropertiesAndValue (a, count, vcProp, value, quotedPrintable);
ZapHandle (value);
return (theError);
static OSErr VCardAccuAddOtherEmail (AccuPtr a, Handle notes)
BinAddrHandle addresses;
Str255 scratch;
Handle value;
Ptr addrPtr;
OSErr theError;
theError = noErr;
if (value = GetTaggedFieldValueInNotes (notes, GetRString (scratch, ABReservedTagsStrn + abTagOtherEmail))) {
if (!SuckAddresses (&addresses, value, false, true, false, nil)) {
// Create an 'EMAIL' line for each address we suck from the other email field
for (addrPtr = LDRef (addresses); !theError && *addrPtr; addrPtr += *addrPtr + 2)
theError = VCardAccuAddAVPairStr (a, vcEmail, addrPtr);
ZapHandle (addresses);
ZapHandle (value);
return (theError);
static OSErr VCardAccuAddOther (AccuPtr a, Handle notes, short propertyID, short tagID)
Str255 tag;
Handle value;
OSErr theError;
short vcProp[kVCardLineMaxValues], // More than enough room for now
Boolean quotedPrintable;
theError = noErr;
if (value = GetTaggedFieldValueInNotes (notes, GetRString (tag, ABReservedTagsStrn + tagID))) {
quotedPrintable = VCardValueContainsCRLFs (value);
vcProp[0] = propertyID;
count = 1;
if (quotedPrintable)
vcProp[count++] = vcQuotedPrintable;
theError = VCardAccuAddPropertiesAndValue (a, count, vcProp, value, quotedPrintable);
ZapHandle (value);
return (theError);
static OSErr VCardAccuAddNotes (AccuPtr a, Handle notes)
AttributeValueHandle avPairs;
Str255 tag;
Handle value,
OSErr theError;
short vcProp[kVCardLineMaxValues], // More than enough room for now
Boolean quotedPrintable;
theError = noErr;
leftovers = nil;
value = GetTaggedFieldValueInNotes (notes, GetRString (tag, ABReservedTagsStrn + abTagNote));
avPairs = ParseAllAttributeValuePairs (notes, &leftovers, avAllButHiddenPairs, avPairUnknown);
if (leftovers) {
if (!value) {
value = NuHandle (0);
theError = MemError ();
theError = PtrPlusHand ("\r\n", value, 2);
if (!theError)
theError = HandPlusHand (leftovers, value);
if (value && !theError) {
quotedPrintable = VCardValueContainsCRLFs (value);
vcProp[0] = vcNote;
count = 1;
if (quotedPrintable)
vcProp[count++] = vcQuotedPrintable;
theError = VCardAccuAddPropertiesAndValue (a, count, vcProp, value, quotedPrintable);
ZapHandle (value);
ZapHandle (leftovers);
ZapHandle (avPairs);
return (theError);
// ParseVCard
// Accepts the text of a vCard and attempts to create a Eudora nickname, returning (hopefully)
// a suggested nickname, addresses and notes.
// If data remains after we've sucked out a vCard, we'll put the offset to that data in offset,
// and they can call us again to suck out the rest
OSErr ParseVCard (Handle data, uLong *offset, XDashStringHandle xDashStrings, VCardItemProc itemProc, VCardErrorProc errorProc, long refcon)
VCardParserRec parser;
OSErr theError;
if (!IsVCardAvailable ())
return (noErr);
UseFeature (featureVCard);
// My hero, zero
Zero (parser); = data; = LDRef (data) + *offset;
parser.end = *data + GetHandleSize (data) - 1;
parser.error = vcErrorNone;
parser.xdash = xDashStrings;
parser.itemProc = itemProc;
parser.errorProc = errorProc;
parser.refcon = refcon;
theError = VCardParserVCardFile (&parser); // ...and, they're off!
if (parser.errorProc && parser.error)
(*parser.errorProc) (data, &parser.item, refcon, parser.error, - *data);
if (>=parser.end) *offset = 0;
else *offset = - *data;
UL (data);
return (theError);
// VCardParserVCardFile
// vcardfile = [wsls] vcard [wsls]
static OSErr VCardParserVCardFile (VCardParserPtr parserPtr)
OSErr theError;
// Check for optional whitespace and linefeeds
VCardParserWSLS (parserPtr, true);
// Process vcard data
theError = VCardParserVCard (parserPtr);
// Check for more optional whitespace and linefeeds
if (!theError && parserPtr->error == vcErrorNone)
VCardParserWSLS (parserPtr, true);
return (theError);
// VCardParserVCard
// vcard = "BEGIN:VCARD" [ws 7bit] 1*CRLF items *CRLF "END:VCARD"
static OSErr VCardParserVCard (VCardParserPtr parserPtr)
Str255 keyword,
OSErr theError;
// Initialize the handles we'll be needing
parserPtr->item.value = NuHandle (0);
parserPtr-> = NuHandle (0);
parserPtr->item.params = NuHandle (0);
parserPtr->item.strings = NuHandle (0);
theError = MemError ();
// Check for "BEGIN:VCARD"
if (!StringSame (VCardParserKeyword (parserPtr, keyword), GetRString (scratch, VCardKeywordStrn + vcBegin)))
parserPtr->error = vcMissingBegin;
if (parserPtr->error == vcErrorNone)
if (VCardParserCharacter (parserPtr, ':', false))
if (!StringSame (VCardParserKeyword (parserPtr, keyword), GetRString (scratch, VCardKeywordStrn + vcVCard)))
parserPtr->error = vcMissingVcard;
// Check for the optional [ws 7bit] portion
if (!theError && parserPtr->error == vcErrorNone)
if (VCardParserWS (parserPtr, true))
theError = VCardParser7BitValue (parserPtr, nil, false, false);
// Skip over 1 or more CRLF's
if (!theError && parserPtr->error == vcErrorNone)
VCardParseCRLFs (parserPtr, false);
// Process the 'items' in the vCard
if (!theError && parserPtr->error == vcErrorNone)
theError = VCardParserItems (parserPtr);
// Check for "END:VCARD" (actually, check for ":VCARD" since we already parsed the keyword as an item)
if (!theError) {
if (parserPtr->error == vcErrorNone)
if (parserPtr-> != vcKeyEnd)
parserPtr->error = vcMissingEnd;
if (parserPtr->error == vcErrorNone)
if (VCardParserCharacter (parserPtr, ':', false))
if (!StringSame (VCardParserKeyword (parserPtr, keyword), GetRString (scratch, VCardKeywordStrn + vcVCard)))
parserPtr->error = vcMissingVcard;
// Release our memory
ZapHandle (parserPtr->item.value);
ZapHandle (parserPtr->;
ZapHandle (parserPtr->item.params);
ZapHandle (parserPtr->item.strings);
return (theError);
// VCardParserItems
// items = items *CRLF item
// / item
// This effectively means 1 or more items. We'll stop once we've
// parsed "END" as the item property.
static OSErr VCardParserItems (VCardParserPtr parserPtr)
OSErr theError;
short numItems;
theError = noErr;
numItems = 0;
do {
theError = VCardParserItem (parserPtr);
// Error handling
if (parserPtr->error) {
// Callback to the client and quit if the client found the error Super Serious
if (parserPtr->errorProc)
if ((*parserPtr->errorProc) (parserPtr->data, &parserPtr->item, parserPtr->refcon, parserPtr->error, parserPtr->spot - *parserPtr->data))
// Clear the error for the next item and skip to the next line in the data
parserPtr->error = vcErrorNone;
if (!theError)
} while (!theError && parserPtr-> != vcKeyEnd && parserPtr->spot <= parserPtr->end);
// Odd case, but we need it
if (numItems && parserPtr->error == vcErrorExpectingItem)
parserPtr->error = vcErrorNone;
return (theError);
// VCardParserItem
// item = [ws] [groups "."] name [params] ":" value CRLF
// / [ws] [groups "."] "ADR" [params] ":" addressparts CRLF
// / [ws] [groups "."] "ORG" [params] ":" orgparts CRLF
// / [ws] [groups "."] "N" [params] ":" nameparts CRLF
// / [ws] [groups "."] "AGENT" [params] ":" vcard CRLF
// In parsing the item information we're going to make a couple of assumptions about
// what constitutes an "item". As we parse the text of a line, we might be looking
// at a group, or a name, or a known type. Each case shares a certain format symetry.
// text [paramList] delimiter value CRLF
// Notice that a 'group' is nothing more than a series of word separated by periods --
// and notice that 'params' is a list of parameters, each preceded by a semicolon.
// Therefore, we can safely (ha!) assume that we can determine the meaning of the text
// based on the type of delimiter we find.
// As we successfully parse the line items of a vCard, we build a VCardItemRec
// which gets passed back to the client in a callback. The client can then
// pick values, fields, or whatever from this structure in neat, tidy keywords.
static OSErr VCardParserItem (VCardParserPtr parserPtr)
Str255 keyword;
OSErr theError;
// Initial values for the item record
parserPtr-> = vcKeyNone;
parserPtr->item.encoding = vcValue7Bit;
parserPtr->item.charset = vcValueUSAscii;
parserPtr->item.propertyFlags = vcPropFlagNone;
SetHandleBig (parserPtr->item.value, 0);
SetHandleBig (parserPtr->, 0);
SetHandleBig (parserPtr->item.params, 0);
SetHandleBig (parserPtr->item.strings, 0);
// Check for optional whitespace
VCardParserWS (parserPtr, true);
// Check for the presence of grouping information
theError = VCardParserGroups (parserPtr, &parserPtr->item, keyword);
// At this point, 'keyword' contains primary property (the last parsed keyword prior to the delimiter)
if (!theError && !parserPtr->error)
parserPtr-> = VCardProcessProperty (parserPtr, keyword);
// We're done if we've found the "END" property (and it's not some stupidly ill-formed group syntax)
if (!theError && !parserPtr->error && parserPtr-> == vcKeyEnd)
return (theError);
// Do we have a parameter list to parse?
if (!theError && !parserPtr->error && VCardParserCharacter (parserPtr, ';', true))
theError = VCardParserParameters (parserPtr, &parserPtr->item);
// Do we have a value to parse?
if (!theError && !parserPtr->error && VCardParserCharacter (parserPtr, ':', false))
theError = VCardParserValue (parserPtr, &parserPtr->item);
// No errors? Let the client process the results of this item
if (!theError && parserPtr-> != vcKeyNone && parserPtr->itemProc)
theError = (*parserPtr->itemProc) (&parserPtr->item, parserPtr->refcon);
// Skip over exactly 1 CRLF or to the beginning of the next line if an error was detected
if (!theError && parserPtr->error == vcErrorNone)
VCardParseCRLFs (parserPtr, false);
VCardParserSkipToNextLine (parserPtr);
return (theError);
// VCardParserGroups
// groups = groups "." word
// / word
// Loop looking for keywords that precede a "." and append these to the item's group handle.
// The function concludes when there's no more text to read, or when we've hit a delimiter
// that is NOT a period.
// Upon leaving the function, 'spot' points to the terminating delimiter (so it should be
// either a ':' or a ';' if the vCard is valid -- and if we cared since right now we're not
// exactly a validating parser.
static OSErr VCardParserGroups (VCardParserPtr parserPtr, VCardItemPtr itemPtr, Str255 keyword)
OSErr theError;
Boolean done;
theError = noErr;
done = false;
while (parserPtr->spot <= parserPtr->end && !done && !theError && !parserPtr->error) {
// Grab a keyword
VCardParserKeyword (parserPtr, keyword);
// If the delimiter is a '.' then the preceding keyword was part of a grouping... append it!
if (*parserPtr->spot == '.')
theError = VCardAppendKeywordToGroup (itemPtr, keyword);
done = !VCardParserCharacter (parserPtr, '.', true);
return (theError);
// VCardParserParameters
// paramlist = paramlist [ws] ";" [ws] param
// / param
// This effectively means 1 param, or a sequence of params separated by semicolons.
// param = "TYPE" [ws] "=" [ws] ptypeval
// / "VALUE" [ws] "=" [ws] pvalueval
// / "ENCODING" [ws] "=" [ws] pencodingval
// / "CHARSET" [ws] "=" [ws] charsetval
// / "LANGUAGE" [ws] "=" [ws] langval
// / "X-" word [ws] "=" [ws] word
// / knowntype
// Upon entry, 'spot' should be pointing to the first character in the parameter list.
// On exit, 'spot' should point to the first character following the parameter list.
static OSErr VCardParserParameters (VCardParserPtr parserPtr, VCardItemPtr itemPtr)
VCardParamRec param;
Str255 keyword;
OSErr theError;
Boolean done;
theError = noErr;
SetHandleBig (itemPtr->strings, 0);
// Loop-ity-loop until we are done.
done = false;
while (parserPtr->spot <= parserPtr->end && !theError && !done && !parserPtr->error) {
// My hero, zero
Zero (param);
// Parse a property as a keyword and examine it closely
switch (param.pProperty = VCardProcessProperty (parserPtr, VCardParserKeyword (parserPtr, keyword))) {
case vcKeyNone:
parserPtr->error = vcErrorUnknownParamter;
done = true;
case vcKeyType:
VCardParserEqualSign (parserPtr);
if (parserPtr->error == vcErrorNone)
VCardParserParameterTypeValue (parserPtr, &param);
case vcKeyValue:
VCardParserEqualSign (parserPtr);
if (parserPtr->error == vcErrorNone)
VCardParserParameterValueValue (parserPtr, &param);
case vcKeyEncoding:
VCardParserEqualSign (parserPtr);
if (parserPtr->error == vcErrorNone)
VCardParserParameterEncodingValue (parserPtr, &param);
case vcKeyCharset:
VCardParserEqualSign (parserPtr);
if (parserPtr->error == vcErrorNone)
VCardParserParameterCharsetValue (parserPtr, &param);
case vcKeyLanguage:
VCardParserEqualSign (parserPtr);
if (parserPtr->error == vcErrorNone)
VCardParserParameterLangaugeValue (parserPtr, &param);
case vcKey7Bit:
case vcKey8Bit:
case vcKeyQuotedPrintable:
case vcKeyBase64:
// Annoyingly, we have to do this for vCards that don't follow the spec.
VCardParserProcessOrphanedEncoding (itemPtr, param.pProperty);
case vcKeyHome:
itemPtr->propertyFlags |= vcPropFlagHome;
case vcKeyWork:
itemPtr->propertyFlags |= vcPropFlagWork;
case vcKeyPref:
itemPtr->propertyFlags |= vcPropFlagPreferred;
// Was an "X-" found as the parameter property?
if (param.pProperty < 0) {
VCardParserEqualSign (parserPtr);
if (parserPtr->error == vcErrorNone)
theError = VCardParserAppendPropertyValueString (parserPtr, &param, itemPtr->strings);
// else the pProperty was a knowntype
// Append the parameter record onto our Big Block of Parameters
if (!theError && !parserPtr->error)
theError = PtrPlusHand (&param, itemPtr->params, sizeof (param));
done = !VCardParserCharacter (parserPtr, ';', true);
// Done looping... we SHOULD be pointing at a colon (which means a value is upcoming -- oooo! ahhh!)
return (theError);
// VCardParserParameterTypeValue
// ptypeval = knowntype
// / "X-" word
static void VCardParserParameterTypeValue (VCardParserPtr parserPtr, VCardParamPtr paramPtr)
Str255 keyword;
paramPtr->pValue = VCardProcessProperty (parserPtr, VCardParserKeyword (parserPtr, keyword));
// VCardParserParameterValueValue
// pvalueval = "INLINE"
// / "URL"
// / "X-" word
// Functionality is the same as above for now, but these are broken out into separate
// functions just in case we want the parser to do some keyword validation down the road.
static void VCardParserParameterValueValue (VCardParserPtr parserPtr, VCardParamPtr paramPtr)
Str255 keyword;
paramPtr->pValue = VCardProcessProperty (parserPtr, VCardParserKeyword (parserPtr, keyword));
// VCardParserParameterEncodingValue
// pencodingval = "7BIT"
// / "8BIT"
// / "BASE64"
// / "X-" word
static void VCardParserParameterEncodingValue (VCardParserPtr parserPtr, VCardParamPtr paramPtr)
Str255 keyword;
VCardParserProcessOrphanedEncoding (&parserPtr->item, paramPtr->pValue = VCardProcessProperty (parserPtr, VCardParserKeyword (parserPtr, keyword)));
// VCardParserParameterCharsetValue
// charsetval = <a character set string as defined in section 7.1 of RFC 1521>
// We'll parse a keyword and see if it matches a known charset value.
static void VCardParserParameterCharsetValue (VCardParserPtr parserPtr, VCardParamPtr paramPtr)
Str255 keyword,
short value,
VCardParserKeyword (parserPtr, keyword);
if (StringSame (VCardParserKeyword (parserPtr, keyword), GetRString (scratch, VCardKeywordStrn + vcVCard)))
parserPtr->item.charset = vcValueUSAscii;
// How about ISO-8859?
if (BeginsWith (keyword, GetRString (scratch, VCardKeywordStrn + vcISO_8859))) {
value = 0;
for (i = scratch[0] + 1; i <= keyword[0]; ++i)
value = value * 10 + (keyword[i] - '0');
parserPtr->item.charset = vcValueISO_8859_1 + value - 1;
parserPtr->item.charset = vcValueOtherCharset;
// VCardParserParameterLangaugeValue
// langval = <a language string as defined in RFC 1766>
// = 1*8ALPHA *( "-" 1*8ALPHA )
// Were going to be extremely lax here and just parse this as a regular value, leaving it up to
// the caller to make sense out of the string. In most cases, this is going to be a legitimate
// 2 character language code, but we may sometimes see subtags. Oh well.
static void VCardParserParameterLangaugeValue (VCardParserPtr parserPtr, VCardParamPtr paramPtr)
(void) VCardParserAppendPropertyValueString (parserPtr, paramPtr, parserPtr->item.strings);
// VCardParserProcessOrphanedEncoding
// The only reason why this function exists is because of existing vCard writers that do not
// propery follow the spec. Encodings are not supposed to appear as standalone properties,
// a la ...;WORK;QUOTED-PRINTABLE:... They are supposed to be matched with the ENCODING
// keyword a la ...;WORK;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:...
// I understand the rationale, but c'mon... follow the spec.
static void VCardParserProcessOrphanedEncoding (VCardItemPtr itemPtr, vcKeywordType encodingValue)
switch (encodingValue) {
case vcKey7Bit:
itemPtr->encoding = vcValue7Bit;
case vcKey8Bit:
itemPtr->encoding = vcValue8Bit;
case vcKeyQuotedPrintable:
itemPtr->encoding = vcValueQuotedPrintable;
case vcKeyBase64:
itemPtr->encoding = vcValueBase64;
// Must handle the "X-" case somehow
itemPtr->encoding = vcValueOtherEncoding;
// VCardParserEqualSign
// [ws] "=" [ws]
// Used often enough to be broken out into a function.
static void VCardParserEqualSign (VCardParserPtr parserPtr)
// Check for optional whitespace...
VCardParserWS (parserPtr, true);
// ...and the required '=' sign
VCardParserCharacter (parserPtr, '=', false);
// Check for optional whitespace...
if (parserPtr->error == vcErrorNone)
VCardParserWS (parserPtr, true);
// VCardParserValue
// At this point, 'spot' should be pointing to the first character of an item's
// value. This function attempts to act on the item's stored property, like so:
// "ADR" -- Parse the address parts
// "ORG" -- Parse the organization parts
// "N" -- Parse the name parts
// "AGENT" -- An abomination!
// other -- Just stores all following characters in the item's 'value' handle.
static OSErr VCardParserValue (VCardParserPtr parserPtr, VCardItemPtr itemPtr)
OSErr theError;
theError = noErr;
// Do something cool depending on the property
switch (itemPtr->property) {
case vcKeyAdr:
theError = VCardParserAddress (parserPtr, itemPtr);
case vcKeyOrg:
theError = VCardParserOrganization (parserPtr, itemPtr);
case vcKeyN:
theError = VCardParserName (parserPtr, itemPtr);
case vcKeyAgent:
// The value will contain an entire vCard... do we parse this, or just pass it back???
// We certainly could parse it, of course, but we would need to tell the caller that
// this data coming back will be different than that we are currently parsing
switch (itemPtr->encoding) {
case vcValue7Bit:
theError = VCardParser7BitValue (parserPtr, itemPtr, false, false);
case vcValue8Bit:
theError = VCardParser8BitValue (parserPtr, itemPtr);
case vcValueQuotedPrintable:
// Parse as quoted printable
theError = VCardParserQuotedPrintableValue (parserPtr, itemPtr, 0);
case vcValueBase64:
// Parse as base 64
theError = VCardParserBase64Value (parserPtr, itemPtr);
case vcValueOtherEncoding:
// Probably execute a callback to allow the client to interpret the value?
// Just skip it...
theError = VCardParser7BitValue (parserPtr, nil, false, false);
return (theError);
// VCardParserAddress
// addressparts = 0*6 (strnosemi ";") strnosemi
// PO Box, Extended Addr, Street, Locality, Region, Postal Code, Country Name
// For each part of the address, we want to parse until we reach a semicolon, put
// the found text into 'value', set the proper property keyword, then callback the
// results to the client.
static OSErr VCardParserAddress (VCardParserPtr parserPtr, VCardItemPtr itemPtr)
vcKeywordType addrParts[7] = { vcPOBox, vcExtendedAddress, vcStreet, vcLocality,
vcRegion, vcPostalCode, vcCountry };
return (VCardParserPropertPartList (parserPtr, itemPtr, addrParts, 7));
// VCardParserOrganization
// orgparts = * (strnosemi ";") strnosemi
// Organization Name, Organization Units
// For each part of the organization, we want to parse until we reach a semicolon, put
// the found text into 'value', set the proper property keyword, then callback the
// results to the client.
static OSErr VCardParserOrganization (VCardParserPtr parserPtr, VCardItemPtr itemPtr)
vcKeywordType orgParts[2] = { vcOrganizationName, vcOrganizationUnits };
return (VCardParserPropertPartList (parserPtr, itemPtr, orgParts, 2));
// VCardParserName
// nameparts = 0*4 (strnosemi ";") strnosemi
// Family, Given, Middle, Prefix, Suffix
// For each part of the name, we want to parse until we reach a semicolon, put
// the found text into 'value', set the proper property keyword, then callback the
// results to the client.
static OSErr VCardParserName (VCardParserPtr parserPtr, VCardItemPtr itemPtr)
vcKeywordType nameParts[5] = { vcFamilyName, vcGivenName, vcMiddleName, vcNamePrefix, vcNameSuffix };
return (VCardParserPropertPartList (parserPtr, itemPtr, nameParts, 5));
// VCardParserPropertPartList
// Parse a series of semicolon delimited values from a vcard. We pass in a pointer to the
// list of parts (for example, family name, given name, etc) and the number of parts in the
// list. Each part represents a positional value, thus missing parts are still represented
// by a semicolon.
// This function parses until we reach a semicolon, puts the found text into item 'value',
// sets the proper property keyword (based on the part list), then calls back to the client
// to hand off the results.
static OSErr VCardParserPropertPartList (VCardParserPtr parserPtr, VCardItemPtr itemPtr, vcKeywordType *partList, short parts)
OSErr theError;
short index;
theError = noErr;
// Parse for semicolon separated strings
index = 0;
do {
// Make sure the 'value' is cleared for each part of the address
SetHandleBig (itemPtr->value, 0);
itemPtr->property = *partList++;
theError = VCardParserStrnosemi (parserPtr, itemPtr);
if (!theError && parserPtr->itemProc)
theError = (*parserPtr->itemProc)(itemPtr, parserPtr->refcon);
if (!theError)
VCardParserCharacter (parserPtr, ';', true);
} while (!theError && ++index < parts);
// Since we handled callbacks ourself, clear the property before returning
itemPtr->property = vcKeyNone;
return (theError);
// VCardParser7BitValue
// 7bit = <7bit us-ascii printable chars, excluding CR LF>
// Parse 7bit vCard data for a value terminated by either a semicolon (in the case of
// a property value list) or a CRLF. We also handle soft returns in quote-printable text
// by passing true for 'quotedPrintable'.
// Pass nil for the 'value' if you don't care to actually save the value
static OSErr VCardParser7BitValue (VCardParserPtr parserPtr, VCardItemPtr itemPtr, Boolean valueList, Boolean quotedPrintable)
Ptr oldSpot;
OSErr theError;
Boolean done;
theError = noErr;
oldSpot = parserPtr->spot;
done = false;
while (!done && !theError && parserPtr->spot <= parserPtr->end) {
// Take a look at interesting characters
switch (*parserPtr->spot) {
case '\\':
// Escape semicolons
if (parserPtr->spot + 1 <= parserPtr->end && isSEMI (*(parserPtr->spot + 1))) {
// Copy the value up to (but not including) the '\'
if (itemPtr && itemPtr->value)
theError = PtrPlusHand (oldSpot, itemPtr->value, parserPtr->spot - oldSpot);
// Move the pointer to the semicolon and save this spot
oldSpot = ++parserPtr->spot;
case ';':
// Semicolon terminates each member of a value list
if (valueList)
done = true;
case '=':
// Is it just an equal sign, or a quoted-printable soft return?
if (parserPtr->spot + 1 <= parserPtr->end && isCRLF (*(parserPtr->spot + 1)))
++parserPtr->spot; // Move the pointer to the CRLF
// Control characters terminate the parse (which includes CRLF's)
if (iscntrl (*parserPtr->spot))
done = true;
// Copy the value -- which does NOT include the terminating delimiter (so we give it back)
if (!theError)
if (parserPtr->spot > oldSpot) {
if (itemPtr && itemPtr->value)
theError = PtrPlusHand (oldSpot, itemPtr->value, (long) (parserPtr->spot - oldSpot));
if (!valueList)
parserPtr->error = vcErrorExpectingValue;
return (theError);
// VCardParser8BitValue
// 8bit = <MIME RFC 1521 8-bit text>
// Pass nil for the 'itemPtr' if you don't care to actually save the value
static OSErr VCardParser8BitValue (VCardParserPtr parserPtr, VCardItemPtr itemPtr)
Ptr oldSpot;
OSErr theError;
theError = noErr;
oldSpot = parserPtr->spot;
// Skip past printable characters, terminating with a CR or LF
while (parserPtr->spot <= parserPtr->end && !isCR (*parserPtr->spot) && !isLF (*parserPtr->spot))
// If the pointer moved, there is value to what we're doing
if (itemPtr)
if (parserPtr->spot > oldSpot)
theError = PtrPlusHand (oldSpot, itemPtr->value, (long) (parserPtr->spot - oldSpot));
parserPtr->error = vcErrorExpectingValue;
return (theError);
// VCardParserQuotedPrintableValue
// quoted-printable = <MIME RFC 1521 quoted-printable text>
// Overly simplified algorithm for gathering the quoted printable text
// <09> Scan to the passed delimiter, or the end of the line if no delimiter is specified
// <09> If we hit and end of line and the last character is an '=' we've hit a soft return and keep scanning
static OSErr VCardParserQuotedPrintableValue (VCardParserPtr parserPtr, VCardItemPtr itemPtr, char delimiter)
return (VCardParser7BitValue (parserPtr, itemPtr, false, true));
// VCardParserBase64Value
// base64 = <MIME RFC 1521 base64 text>
// ; the end of the text is marked with two CRLF sequences
// We're going to be real simpletons and just look for the CRLF CRLF
// sequence, passing back everything that precedes as the value. This
// is our best guess of legal Base64. The client should be better
// equipped to validate the value when it attempts to decode the value.
static OSErr VCardParserBase64Value (VCardParserPtr parserPtr, VCardItemPtr itemPtr)
Ptr oldSpot;
OSErr theError;
Boolean done;
theError = noErr;
oldSpot = parserPtr->spot;
// Scanning the data until we're 'done'.
done = false;
while (!done && parserPtr->spot <= parserPtr->end) {
if (isCR (*parserPtr->spot) || isLF (*parserPtr->spot))
done = (parserPtr->spot > oldSpot && (isCR (*(parserPtr->spot - 1)) || isLF (*(parserPtr->spot - 1))));
// Copy the value -- which does NOT include either terminating CRLF (and we give one of them back)
if (parserPtr->spot - 1 > oldSpot) {
theError = PtrPlusHand (oldSpot, itemPtr->value, (long) (parserPtr->spot - oldSpot - 2));
parserPtr->error = vcErrorExpectingValue;
return (theError);
// VCardParserSkipToNextLine
// Skip past all characters on this line, leaving the 'spot' pointing to the first
// character on the next line.
static void VCardParserSkipToNextLine (VCardParserPtr parserPtr)
// Skip past all characters, skipping CR's and LF's
while (parserPtr->spot <= parserPtr->end && !isCR (*parserPtr->spot) && !isLF (*parserPtr->spot))
VCardParseCRLFs (parserPtr, true);
// VCardParserWS
// ws = 1*(SPACE / HTAB)
// ; "whitespace," one or more spaces or tabs
// Return 'true' if we actually did find white space, 'false' if not
static Boolean VCardParserWS (VCardParserPtr parserPtr, Boolean optional)
Ptr oldSpot;
Boolean wsPresent;
oldSpot = parserPtr->spot;
// Skip spaces and tabs
while (parserPtr->spot <= parserPtr->end && (isSPACE (*parserPtr->spot) || isHTAB (*parserPtr->spot)))
if (wsPresent = (oldSpot == parserPtr->spot))
if (!optional)
parserPtr->error = vcErrorExpectingWhitespace;
return (wsPresent);
// VCardParserWSLS
// wsls = 1*(SPACE / HTAB / CRLF)
// ; whitespace with line separators
// Return 'true' if we actually did find white space, 'false' if not
static Boolean VCardParserWSLS (VCardParserPtr parserPtr, Boolean optional)
Ptr oldSpot;
Boolean wsPresent;
oldSpot = parserPtr->spot;
// Skip spaces, tabs and CRLF's
while (parserPtr->spot <= parserPtr->end && (isSPACE (*parserPtr->spot) || isHTAB (*parserPtr->spot) || isCRLF (*parserPtr->spot)))
if (wsPresent = (oldSpot == parserPtr->spot))
if (!optional)
parserPtr->error = vcErrorExpectingWhitespace;
return (wsPresent);
// VCardParserStrnosemi
// strnosemi = *(*nosemi ("\;" / "\" CRLF)) *nosemi
// A string of 0 or more non-control ASCII characters, terminated by a semicolon.
// ';' or CRLF may appear in the string if escaped with a '\'
// At the conclusion of this function, 'spot' points to the first non-strnosemi character.
static OSErr VCardParserStrnosemi (VCardParserPtr parserPtr, VCardItemPtr itemPtr)
return (VCardParser7BitValue (parserPtr, itemPtr, true, itemPtr->encoding == vcValueQuotedPrintable));
// VCardParserKeyword
// Parse the vCard data for a keyword. Defined here to be any string of one or more
// of the upper or lowercase characters A - Z, plus the digits 0 - 9. We'll also let
// in '-' characters so that we'll pickup things like X-EUDORA-SHOE-SIZE.
// The parsed string is placed in a Pascal style string, and the parser 'spot' is left
// pointing to the first character that follows the keyword.
static PStr VCardParserKeyword (VCardParserPtr parserPtr, PStr keyword)
*keyword = 0;
// copy alpha characters into the keyword
while (*keyword < sizeof (Str255) && parserPtr->spot <= parserPtr->end && (isalpha (*parserPtr->spot) || isdigit (*parserPtr->spot) || isDASH (*parserPtr->spot)))
keyword[++keyword[0]] = *parserPtr->spot++;
return (keyword);
// VCardParserWord
// Parse the vCard data for a word. Defined here to be any string of one or more
// 7Bit us-ascii printable characted, excepting a couple of punctuation characters.
// The data is appended onto the end of the handle passed as a parameter.
// There is a potential bug here depending on how you choose to interpret the definition
// above. If a CR or a LF is found in the text -- but not a CRLF -- is it merely ignored
// with subsequent characters continueing to be scanned? Or does the first occurence of
// either terminate the scan? For now, we're doing the latter.
static OSErr VCardParserWord (VCardParserPtr parserPtr, Handle value)
Ptr oldSpot;
OSErr theError;
theError = noErr;
oldSpot = parserPtr->spot;
// Skip past printable characters, skipping CR's and LF's
while (parserPtr->spot <= parserPtr->end && isprint (*parserPtr->spot) && !strchr ("[]=:., ", *parserPtr->spot) && !isCR (*parserPtr->spot) && !isLF (*parserPtr->spot))
// If the pointer moved, there is value to what we're doing
if (parserPtr->spot > oldSpot)
theError = PtrPlusHand (oldSpot, value, (long) (parserPtr->spot - oldSpot));
parserPtr->error = vcErrorExpectingValue;
return (theError);
// VCardParserCharacter
// Parse a single specified character from the data stream, returning 'true' if the character
// was found, 'false' if not
static Boolean VCardParserCharacter (VCardParserPtr parserPtr, char c, Boolean optional)
Boolean found;
if (*parserPtr->spot == c) {
found = true;
else {
if (!optional)
switch (c) {
case '.': parserPtr->error = vcErrorExpectingPeriod; break;
case ':': parserPtr->error = vcErrorExpectingColon; break;
case ';': parserPtr->error = vcErrorExpectingSemicolon; break;
default: parserPtr->error = vcErrorExpectingDelimiter; break;
found = false;
return (found);
// VCardParseCRLFs
// Parse carriage returns and linefeeds from the data stream.
// Return 'true' if we actually did find a CRLF, 'false' if not.
// At the conclusion of the function, 'spot' points to the first non-
// CRLF.
static Boolean VCardParseCRLFs (VCardParserPtr parserPtr, Boolean optional)
Ptr oldSpot;
Boolean crlfPresent;
oldSpot = parserPtr->spot;
// Skip CRLF's
while (parserPtr->spot <= parserPtr->end && isCRLF (*parserPtr->spot))
if (crlfPresent = (oldSpot == parserPtr->spot))
if (!optional)
parserPtr->error = vcErrorExpectingCRLF;
return (crlfPresent);
static OSErr VCardAppendKeywordToGroup (VCardItemPtr itemPtr, Str255 keyword)
OSErr theError;
theError = noErr;
if (GetHandleSize (itemPtr->group))
theError = PtrPlusHand (".", itemPtr->group, 1);
if (!theError)
theError = PtrPlusHand (&keyword[1], itemPtr->group, *keyword);
return (theError);
static OSErr VCardParserAppendPropertyValueString (VCardParserPtr parserPtr, VCardParamPtr paramPtr, Handle strings)
OSErr theError;
paramPtr->pValue = vcKeyString;
paramPtr->offset = GetHandleSize (strings);
theError = VCardParserWord (parserPtr, strings);
if (!theError)
paramPtr->length = GetHandleSize (strings) - paramPtr->offset;
return (theError);
// VCardProcessProperty
// Check to see if a parsed keyword matches one of our known keywords, returning
// the ID for that keyword. If the keywword is unknown, return 'vcKeyNone'.
static vcKeywordType VCardProcessProperty (VCardParserPtr parserPtr, Str255 keyword)
vcKeywordType keywordID;
Str15 xDash;
short index;
keywordID = vcKeyNone;
// Does it match one of our known keywords?
if (index = FindSTRNIndex (VCardKeywordStrn, keyword))
keywordID = index + vcKeyBegin - 1;
else {
// Is it an "X-"?
if (BeginsWith (keyword, GetRString (xDash, VCardKeywordStrn + vcXDash)))
// One we know about, or one we don't
keywordID = (index = FindXDashString (parserPtr->xdash, keyword)) != -1 ? -(index + 1) : vcKeyOtherXDash;
parserPtr->error = vcErrorExpectingKeyword;
return (keywordID);
// FindXDashString
// Find an "X-" keyword in a list of "X-" strings, returning the index of the
// found string, or -1 if the keyword was not present.
static short FindXDashString (XDashStringHandle xdash, PStr keyword)
UPtr spot,
short index;
Boolean found;
found = false;
index = 0;
if (xdash) {
spot = LDRef (xdash);
end = spot + GetHandleSize (xdash);
while (spot < end && !found) {
if (StringSame (spot, keyword))
found = true;
else {
spot += (*spot + 2);
UL (xdash);
return (found ? index : -1);
Boolean IsVCardFile (FSSpecPtr spec)
Str32 extension,
short i;
Boolean result;
if (!IsVCardAvailable ())
return (false);
result = false;
// Resolve if alias
IsAlias (spec, spec);
// Is this a Eudora vCard?
result = (FileTypeOf (spec) == VCARD_TYPE);
// How about an 8.3 vCard?
if (!result) {
for (i = spec->name[0]; i; --i)
if (spec->name[i] == '.')
if (i) {
MakePStr (extension, &spec->name[i + 1], spec->name[0] - i);
result = striscmp (extension, GetRString (vcardExtension, VCARD_FILE_EXTENSION)) == 0;
// Hmmmm... maybe just a TEXT file (not created by Eudora)?
if (!result)
result = (FileTypeOf (spec) == 'TEXT' && FileCreatorOf (spec) != CREATOR);
// We could go an extra step here and peek into the file, checking for "BEGIN:VCARD"... nah.
if (result)
return (result);
// MakeVCardFileName
// Make an appropriate name for a vCard. For now, this is simply the nickname
// itself with ".vcf" appended.
PStr MakeVCardFileName (short ab,short nick, PStr filename)
Str31 extension;
GetNicknameNamePStr (ab, nick, filename);
filename[++filename[0]] = '.';
PCat (filename, GetRString (extension, VCARD_FILE_EXTENSION));
*filename = MIN (*filename, sizeof (Str31) - 1);
return (filename);