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* @file ui2c_reg.h
* @version V1.00
* @brief UI2C register definition header file
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @copyright (C) 2019 Nuvoton Technology Corp. All rights reserved.
#ifndef __UI2C_REG_H__
#define __UI2C_REG_H__
#if defined ( __CC_ARM )
#pragma anon_unions
@addtogroup REGISTER Control Register
@addtogroup UI2C I2C Mode of USCI Controller (UI2C)
Memory Mapped Structure for UI2C Controller
typedef struct
* @var UI2C_T::CTL
* Offset: 0x00 USCI Control Register
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* |Bits |Field |Descriptions
* | :----: | :----: | :---- |
* |[2:0] |FUNMODE |Function Mode
* | | |This bit field selects the protocol for this USCI controller
* | | |Selecting a protocol that is not available or a reserved combination disables the USCI
* | | |When switching between two protocols, the USCI has to be disabled before selecting a new protocol
* | | |Simultaneously, the USCI will be reset when user write 000 to FUNMODE.
* | | |000 = The USCI is disabled. All protocol related state machines are set to idle state.
* | | |001 = The SPI protocol is selected.
* | | |010 = The UART protocol is selected.
* | | |100 = The I2C protocol is selected.
* | | |Note: Other bit combinations are reserved.
* @var UI2C_T::BRGEN
* Offset: 0x08 USCI Baud Rate Generator Register
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* |Bits |Field |Descriptions
* | :----: | :----: | :---- |
* |[0] |RCLKSEL |Reference Clock Source Selection
* | | |This bit selects the source signal of reference clock (fREF_CLK).
* | | |0 = Peripheral device clock fPCLK.
* | | |1 = Reserved.
* |[1] |PTCLKSEL |Protocol Clock Source Selection
* | | |This bit selects the source signal of protocol clock (fPROT_CLK).
* | | |0 = Reference clock fREF_CLK.
* | | |1 = fREF_CLK2 (its frequency is half of fREF_CLK).
* |[3:2] |SPCLKSEL |Sample Clock Source Selection
* | | |This bit field used for the clock source selection of a sample clock (fSAMP_CLK) for the protocol processor.
* | | |00 = fSAMP_CLK = fDIV_CLK.
* | | |01 = fSAMP_CLK = fPROT_CLK.
* | | |10 = fSAMP_CLK = fSCLK.
* | | |11 = fSAMP_CLK = fREF_CLK.
* |[4] |TMCNTEN |Time Measurement Counter Enable Bit
* | | |This bit enables the 10-bit timing measurement counter.
* | | |0 = Time measurement counter is Disabled.
* | | |1 = Time measurement counter is Enabled.
* |[5] |TMCNTSRC |Time Measurement Counter Clock Source Selection
* | | |0 = Time measurement counter with fPROT_CLK.
* | | |1 = Time measurement counter with fDIV_CLK.
* |[9:8] |PDSCNT |Pre-divider for Sample Counter
* | | |This bit field defines the divide ratio of the clock division from sample clock fSAMP_CLK
* | | |The divided frequency fPDS_CNT = fSAMP_CLK / (PDSCNT+1).
* |[14:10] |DSCNT |Denominator for Sample Counter
* | | |This bit field defines the divide ratio of the sample clock fSAMP_CLK.
* | | |The divided frequency fDS_CNT = fPDS_CNT / (DSCNT+1).
* | | |Note: The maximum value of DSCNT is 0xF on UART mode and suggest to set over 4 to confirm the receiver data is sampled in right value
* |[25:16] |CLKDIV |Clock Divider
* | | |This bit field defines the ratio between the protocol clock frequency fPROT_CLK and the clock divider frequency fDIV_CLK (fDIV_CLK = fPROT_CLK / (CLKDIV+1) ).
* | | |Note: In UART function, it can be updated by hardware in the 4th falling edge of the input data 0x55 when the auto baud rate function (ABREN(UI2C_PROTCTL[6])) is enabled
* | | |The revised value is the average bit time between bit 5 and bit 6
* | | |The user can use revised CLKDIV and new BRDETITV (UI2C_PROTCTL[24:16]) to calculate the precise baud rate.
* @var UI2C_T::LINECTL
* Offset: 0x2C USCI Line Control Register
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* |Bits |Field |Descriptions
* | :----: | :----: | :---- |
* |[0] |LSB |LSB First Transmission Selection
* | | |0 = The MSB, which bit of transmit/receive data buffer depends on the setting of DWIDTH, is transmitted/received first.
* | | |1 = The LSB, the bit 0 of data buffer, will be transmitted/received first.
* |[11:8] |DWIDTH |Word Length of Transmission
* | | |This bit field defines the data word length (amount of bits) for reception and transmission
* | | |The data word is always right-aligned in the data buffer
* | | |USCI support word length from 4 to 16 bits.
* | | |0x0: The data word contains 16 bits located at bit positions [15:0].
* | | |0x1: Reserved.
* | | |0x2: Reserved.
* | | |0x3: Reserved.
* | | |0x4: The data word contains 4 bits located at bit positions [3:0].
* | | |0x5: The data word contains 5 bits located at bit positions [4:0].
* | | |...
* | | |0xF: The data word contains 15 bits located at bit positions [14:0].
* | | |Note: In UART protocol, the length can be configured as 6~13 bits
* | | |And in I2C protocol, the length fixed as 8 bits.
* @var UI2C_T::TXDAT
* Offset: 0x30 USCI Transmit Data Register
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* |Bits |Field |Descriptions
* | :----: | :----: | :---- |
* |[15:0] |TXDAT |Transmit Data
* | | |Software can use this bit field to write 16-bit transmit data for transmission.
* @var UI2C_T::RXDAT
* Offset: 0x34 USCI Receive Data Register
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* |Bits |Field |Descriptions
* | :----: | :----: | :---- |
* |[15:0] |RXDAT |Received Data
* | | |This bit field monitors the received data which stored in receive data buffer.
* | | |Note 1: In I2C protocol, RXDAT[12:8] indicate the different transmission conditions which defined in I2C.
* | | |Note 2: In UART protocol, RXDAT[15:13] indicate the same frame status of BREAK, FRMERR and PARITYERR (UI2C_PROTSTS[7:5]).
* @var UI2C_T::DEVADDR0
* Offset: 0x44 USCI Device Address Register 0
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* |Bits |Field |Descriptions
* | :----: | :----: | :---- |
* |[9:0] |DEVADDR |Device Address
* | | |In I2C protocol, this bit field contains the programmed slave address
* | | |If the first received address byte are 1111 0AAXB, the AA bits are compared to the bits DEVADDR[9:8] to check for address match, where the X is R/W bit
* | | |Then the second address byte is also compared to DEVADDR[7:0].
* | | |Note 1: The DEVADDR [9:7] must be set 3'b000 when I2C operating in 7-bit address mode.
* | | |Note 2: When software set 10'h000, the address can not be used.
* @var UI2C_T::DEVADDR1
* Offset: 0x48 USCI Device Address Register 1
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* |Bits |Field |Descriptions
* | :----: | :----: | :---- |
* |[9:0] |DEVADDR |Device Address
* | | |In I2C protocol, this bit field contains the programmed slave address
* | | |If the first received address byte are 1111 0AAXB, the AA bits are compared to the bits DEVADDR[9:8] to check for address match, where the X is R/W bit
* | | |Then the second address byte is also compared to DEVADDR[7:0].
* | | |Note 1: The DEVADDR [9:7] must be set 3'b000 when I2C operating in 7-bit address mode.
* | | |Note 2: When software set 10'h000, the address can not be used.
* @var UI2C_T::ADDRMSK0
* Offset: 0x4C USCI Device Address Mask Register 0
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* |Bits |Field |Descriptions
* | :----: | :----: | :---- |
* |[9:0] |ADDRMSK |USCI Device Address Mask
* | | |0 = Mask Disabled (the received corresponding register bit should be exact the same as address register.).
* | | |1 = Mask Enabled (the received corresponding address bit is don't care.).
* | | |USCI support multiple address recognition with two address mask register
* | | |When the bit in the address mask register is set to one, it means the received corresponding address bit is don't-care
* | | |If the bit is set to zero, that means the received corresponding register bit should be exact the same as address register.
* | | |Note: The wake-up function can not use address mask.
* @var UI2C_T::ADDRMSK1
* Offset: 0x50 USCI Device Address Mask Register 1
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* |Bits |Field |Descriptions
* | :----: | :----: | :---- |
* |[9:0] |ADDRMSK |USCI Device Address Mask
* | | |0 = Mask Disabled (the received corresponding register bit should be exact the same as address register.).
* | | |1 = Mask Enabled (the received corresponding address bit is don't care.).
* | | |USCI support multiple address recognition with two address mask register
* | | |When the bit in the address mask register is set to one, it means the received corresponding address bit is don't-care
* | | |If the bit is set to zero, that means the received corresponding register bit should be exact the same as address register.
* | | |Note: The wake-up function can not use address mask.
* @var UI2C_T::WKCTL
* Offset: 0x54 USCI Wake-up Control Register
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* |Bits |Field |Descriptions
* | :----: | :----: | :---- |
* |[0] |WKEN |Wake-up Enable Bit
* | | |0 = Wake-up function Disabled.
* | | |1 = Wake-up function Enabled.
* |[1] |WKADDREN |Wake-up Address Match Enable Bit
* | | |0 = The chip is woken up according data toggle.
* | | |1 = The chip is woken up according address match.
* @var UI2C_T::WKSTS
* Offset: 0x58 USCI Wake-up Status Register
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* |Bits |Field |Descriptions
* | :----: | :----: | :---- |
* |[0] |WKF |Wake-up Flag
* | | |When chip is woken up from Power-down mode, this bit is set to 1
* | | |Software can write 1 to clear this bit.
* @var UI2C_T::PROTCTL
* Offset: 0x5C USCI Protocol Control Register
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* |Bits |Field |Descriptions
* | :----: | :----: | :---- |
* |[0] |GCFUNC |General Call Function
* | | |0 = General Call Function Disabled.
* | | |1 = General Call Function Enabled.
* |[1] |AA |Assert Acknowledge Control
* | | |When AA =1 prior to address or data received, an acknowledged (low level to SDA) will be returned during the acknowledge clock pulse on the SCL line when 1.) A slave is acknowledging the address sent from master, 2.) The receiver devices are acknowledging the data sent by transmitter
* | | |When AA=0 prior to address or data received, a Not acknowledged (high level to SDA) will be returned during the acknowledge clock pulse on the SCL line.
* |[2] |STO |I2C STOP Control
* | | |In Master mode, setting STO to transmit a STOP condition to bus then I2C hardware will check the bus condition if a STOP condition is detected this bit will be cleared by hardware automatically
* | | |In a slave mode, setting STO resets I2C hardware to the defined "not addressed" slave mode when bus error (UI2C_PROTSTS.ERRIF = 1).
* |[3] |STA |I2C START Control
* | | |Setting STA to logic 1 to enter Master mode, the I2C hardware sends a START or repeat START condition to bus when the bus is free.
* |[4] |ADDR10EN |Address 10-bit Function Enable Bit
* | | |0 = Address match 10 bit function is disabled.
* | | |1 = Address match 10 bit function is enabled.
* |[5] |PTRG |I2C Protocol Trigger (Write Only)
* | | |When a new state is present in the UI2C_PROTSTS register, if the related interrupt enable bits are set, the I2C interrupt is requested
* | | |It must write one by software to this bit after the related interrupt flags are set to 1 and the I2C protocol function will go ahead until the STOP is active or the PROTEN is disabled.
* | | |0 = I2C's stretch disabled and the I2C protocol function will go ahead.
* | | |1 = I2C's stretch active.
* |[8] |SCLOUTEN |SCL Output Enable Bit
* | | |This bit enables monitor pulling SCL to low
* | | |This monitor will pull SCL to low until it has had time to respond to an I2C interrupt.
* | | |0 = SCL output will be forced high due to open drain mechanism.
* | | |1 = I2C module may act as a slave peripheral just like in normal operation, the I2C holds the clock line low until it has had time to clear I2C interrupt.
* |[9] |MONEN |Monitor Mode Enable Bit
* | | |This bit enables monitor mode
* | | |In monitor mode the SDA output will be put in high impedance mode
* | | |This prevents the I2C module from outputting data of any kind (including ACK) onto the I2C data bus.
* | | |0 = The monitor mode is disabled.
* | | |1 = The monitor mode is enabled.
* | | |Note: Depending on the state of the SCLOUTEN bit, the SCL output may be also forced high, preventing the module from having control over the I2C clock line.
* |[25:16] |TOCNT |Time-out Clock Cycle
* | | |This bit field indicates how many clock cycle selected by TMCNTSRC (UI2C_BRGEN [5]) when each interrupt flags are clear
* | | |The time-out is enable when TOCNT bigger than 0.
* | | |Note: The TMCNTSRC (UI2C_BRGEN [5]) must be set zero on I2C mode.
* |[31] |PROTEN |I2C Protocol Enable Bit
* | | |0 = I2C Protocol disable.
* | | |1 = I2C Protocol enable.
* @var UI2C_T::PROTIEN
* Offset: 0x60 USCI Protocol Interrupt Enable Register
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* |Bits |Field |Descriptions
* | :----: | :----: | :---- |
* |[0] |TOIEN |Time-out Interrupt Enable Control
* | | |In I2C protocol, this bit enables the interrupt generation in case of a time-out event.
* | | |0 = The time-out interrupt is disabled.
* | | |1 = The time-out interrupt is enabled.
* |[1] |STARIEN |Start Condition Received Interrupt Enable Control
* | | |This bit enables the generation of a protocol interrupt if a start condition is detected.
* | | |0 = The start condition interrupt is disabled.
* | | |1 = The start condition interrupt is enabled.
* |[2] |STORIEN |Stop Condition Received Interrupt Enable Control
* | | |This bit enables the generation of a protocol interrupt if a stop condition is detected.
* | | |0 = The stop condition interrupt is disabled.
* | | |1 = The stop condition interrupt is enabled.
* |[3] |NACKIEN |Non - Acknowledge Interrupt Enable Control
* | | |This bit enables the generation of a protocol interrupt if a non - acknowledge is detected by a master.
* | | |0 = The non - acknowledge interrupt is disabled.
* | | |1 = The non - acknowledge interrupt is enabled.
* |[4] |ARBLOIEN |Arbitration Lost Interrupt Enable Control
* | | |This bit enables the generation of a protocol interrupt if an arbitration lost event is detected.
* | | |0 = The arbitration lost interrupt is disabled.
* | | |1 = The arbitration lost interrupt is enabled.
* |[5] |ERRIEN |Error Interrupt Enable Control
* | | |This bit enables the generation of a protocol interrupt if an I2C error condition is detected (indicated by ERR (UI2C_PROTSTS [16])).
* | | |0 = The error interrupt is disabled.
* | | |1 = The error interrupt is enabled.
* |[6] |ACKIEN |Acknowledge Interrupt Enable Control
* | | |This bit enables the generation of a protocol interrupt if an acknowledge is detected by a master.
* | | |0 = The acknowledge interrupt is disabled.
* | | |1 = The acknowledge interrupt is enabled.
* @var UI2C_T::PROTSTS
* Offset: 0x64 USCI Protocol Status Register
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* |Bits |Field |Descriptions
* | :----: | :----: | :---- |
* |[5] |TOIF |Time-out Interrupt Flag
* | | |0 = A time-out interrupt status has not occurred.
* | | |1 = A time-out interrupt status has occurred.
* | | |Note: It is cleared by software writing one into this bit
* |[6] |ONBUSY |On Bus Busy
* | | |Indicates that a communication is in progress on the bus
* | | |It is set by hardware when a START condition is detected
* | | |It is cleared by hardware when a STOP condition is detected
* | | |0 = The bus is IDLE (both SCLK and SDA High).
* | | |1 = The bus is busy.
* |[8] |STARIF |Start Condition Received Interrupt Flag
* | | |This bit indicates that a start condition or repeated start condition has been detected on master mode
* | | |However, this bit also indicates that a repeated start condition has been detected on slave mode.
* | | |A protocol interrupt can be generated if UI2C_PROTCTL.STARIEN = 1.
* | | |0 = A start condition has not yet been detected.
* | | |1 = A start condition has been detected.
* | | |It is cleared by software writing one into this bit
* |[9] |STORIF |Stop Condition Received Interrupt Flag
* | | |This bit indicates that a stop condition has been detected on the I2C bus lines
* | | |A protocol interrupt can be generated if UI2C_PROTCTL.STORIEN = 1.
* | | |0 = A stop condition has not yet been detected.
* | | |1 = A stop condition has been detected.
* | | |It is cleared by software writing one into this bit
* | | |Note: This bit is set when slave RX mode.
* |[10] |NACKIF |Non - Acknowledge Received Interrupt Flag
* | | |This bit indicates that a non - acknowledge has been received in master mode
* | | |A protocol interrupt can be generated if UI2C_PROTCTL.NACKIEN = 1.
* | | |0 = A non - acknowledge has not been received.
* | | |1 = A non - acknowledge has been received.
* | | |It is cleared by software writing one into this bit
* |[11] |ARBLOIF |Arbitration Lost Interrupt Flag
* | | |This bit indicates that an arbitration has been lost
* | | |A protocol interrupt can be generated if UI2C_PROTCTL.ARBLOIEN = 1.
* | | |0 = An arbitration has not been lost.
* | | |1 = An arbitration has been lost.
* | | |It is cleared by software writing one into this bit
* |[12] |ERRIF |Error Interrupt Flag
* | | |This bit indicates that a Bus Error occurs when a START or STOP condition is present at an illegal position in the formation frame
* | | |Example of illegal position are during the serial transfer of an address byte, a data byte or an acknowledge bit
* | | |A protocol interrupt can be generated if UI2C_PROTCTL.ERRIEN = 1.
* | | |0 = An I2C error has not been detected.
* | | |1 = An I2C error has been detected.
* | | |It is cleared by software writing one into this bit
* | | |Note: This bit is set when slave mode, user must write one into STO register to the defined "not addressed" slave mode.
* |[13] |ACKIF |Acknowledge Received Interrupt Flag
* | | |This bit indicates that an acknowledge has been received in master mode
* | | |A protocol interrupt can be generated if UI2C_PROTCTL.ACKIEN = 1.
* | | |0 = An acknowledge has not been received.
* | | |1 = An acknowledge has been received.
* | | |It is cleared by software writing one into this bit
* |[14] |SLASEL |Slave Select Status
* | | |This bit indicates that this device has been selected as slave.
* | | |0 = The device is not selected as slave.
* | | |1 = The device is selected as slave.
* | | |Note: This bit has no interrupt signal, and it will be cleared automatically by hardware.
* |[15] |SLAREAD |Slave Read Request Status
* | | |This bit indicates that a slave read request has been detected.
* | | |0 = A slave R/W bit is 1 has not been detected.
* | | |1 = A slave R/W bit is 1 has been detected.
* | | |Note: This bit has no interrupt signal, and it will be cleared automatically by hardware.
* |[16] |WKAKDONE |Wakeup Address Frame Acknowledge Bit Done
* | | |0 = The ACK bit cycle of address match frame isn't done.
* | | |1 = The ACK bit cycle of address match frame is done in power-down.
* | | |Note: This bit can't release when WKUPIF is set.
* |[17] |WRSTSWK |Read/Write Status Bit in Address Wakeup Frame
* | | |0 = Write command be record on the address match wakeup frame.
* | | |1 = Read command be record on the address match wakeup frame.
* |[18] |BUSHANG |Bus Hang-up
* | | |This bit indicates bus hang-up status
* | | |There is 4-bit counter count when SCL hold high and refer fSAMP_CLK
* | | |The hang-up counter will count to overflow and set this bit when SDA is low
* | | |The counter will be reset by falling edge of SCL signal.
* | | |0 = The bus is normal status for transmission.
* | | |1 = The bus is hang-up status for transmission.
* | | |Note: This bit has no interrupt signal, and it will be cleared automatically by hardware when a START condition is present.
* |[19] |ERRARBLO |Error Arbitration Lost
* | | |This bit indicates bus arbitration lost due to bigger noise which is can't be filtered by input processor
* | | |The I2C can send start condition when ERRARBLO is set
* | | |Thus this bit doesn't be cared on slave mode.
* | | |0 = The bus is normal status for transmission.
* | | |1 = The bus is error arbitration lost status for transmission.
* | | |Note: This bit has no interrupt signal, and it will be cleared automatically by hardware when a START condition is present.
* @var UI2C_T::ADMAT
* Offset: 0x88 I2C Slave Match Address Register
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* |Bits |Field |Descriptions
* | :----: | :----: | :---- |
* |[0] |ADMAT0 |USCI Address 0 Match Status Register
* | | |When address 0 is matched, hardware will inform which address used
* | | |This bit will set to 1, and software can write 1 to clear this bit.
* |[1] |ADMAT1 |USCI Address 1 Match Status Register
* | | |When address 1 is matched, hardware will inform which address used
* | | |This bit will set to 1, and software can write 1 to clear this bit.
* @var UI2C_T::TMCTL
* Offset: 0x8C I2C Timing Configure Control Register
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* |Bits |Field |Descriptions
* | :----: | :----: | :---- |
* |[8:0] |STCTL |Setup Time Configure Control Register
* | | |This field is used to generate a delay timing between SDA edge and SCL rising edge in transmission mode..
* | | |The delay setup time is numbers of peripheral clock = STCTL x fPCLK.
* |[24:16] |HTCTL |Hold Time Configure Control Register
* | | |This field is used to generate the delay timing between SCL falling edge SDA edge in
* | | |transmission mode.
* | | |The delay hold time is numbers of peripheral clock = HTCTL x fPCLK.
__IO uint32_t CTL; /*!< [0x0000] USCI Control Register */
__I uint32_t RESERVE0[1];
/// @endcond //HIDDEN_SYMBOLS
__IO uint32_t BRGEN; /*!< [0x0008] USCI Baud Rate Generator Register */
__I uint32_t RESERVE1[8];
/// @endcond //HIDDEN_SYMBOLS
__IO uint32_t LINECTL; /*!< [0x002c] USCI Line Control Register */
__O uint32_t TXDAT; /*!< [0x0030] USCI Transmit Data Register */
__I uint32_t RXDAT; /*!< [0x0034] USCI Receive Data Register */
__I uint32_t RESERVE2[3];
/// @endcond //HIDDEN_SYMBOLS
__IO uint32_t DEVADDR0; /*!< [0x0044] USCI Device Address Register 0 */
__IO uint32_t DEVADDR1; /*!< [0x0048] USCI Device Address Register 1 */
__IO uint32_t ADDRMSK0; /*!< [0x004c] USCI Device Address Mask Register 0 */
__IO uint32_t ADDRMSK1; /*!< [0x0050] USCI Device Address Mask Register 1 */
__IO uint32_t WKCTL; /*!< [0x0054] USCI Wake-up Control Register */
__IO uint32_t WKSTS; /*!< [0x0058] USCI Wake-up Status Register */
__IO uint32_t PROTCTL; /*!< [0x005c] USCI Protocol Control Register */
__IO uint32_t PROTIEN; /*!< [0x0060] USCI Protocol Interrupt Enable Register */
__IO uint32_t PROTSTS; /*!< [0x0064] USCI Protocol Status Register */
__I uint32_t RESERVE3[8];
/// @endcond //HIDDEN_SYMBOLS
__IO uint32_t ADMAT; /*!< [0x0088] I2C Slave Match Address Register */
__IO uint32_t TMCTL; /*!< [0x008c] I2C Timing Configure Control Register */
} UI2C_T;
@addtogroup UI2C_CONST UI2C Bit Field Definition
Constant Definitions for UI2C Controller
@{ */
#define UI2C_CTL_FUNMODE_Pos (0) /*!< UI2C_T::CTL: FUNMODE Position */
#define UI2C_CTL_FUNMODE_Msk (0x7ul << UI2C_CTL_FUNMODE_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::CTL: FUNMODE Mask */
#define UI2C_BRGEN_RCLKSEL_Pos (0) /*!< UI2C_T::BRGEN: RCLKSEL Position */
#define UI2C_BRGEN_RCLKSEL_Msk (0x1ul << UI2C_BRGEN_RCLKSEL_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::BRGEN: RCLKSEL Mask */
#define UI2C_BRGEN_PTCLKSEL_Pos (1) /*!< UI2C_T::BRGEN: PTCLKSEL Position */
#define UI2C_BRGEN_SPCLKSEL_Pos (2) /*!< UI2C_T::BRGEN: SPCLKSEL Position */
#define UI2C_BRGEN_TMCNTEN_Pos (4) /*!< UI2C_T::BRGEN: TMCNTEN Position */
#define UI2C_BRGEN_TMCNTEN_Msk (0x1ul << UI2C_BRGEN_TMCNTEN_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::BRGEN: TMCNTEN Mask */
#define UI2C_BRGEN_TMCNTSRC_Pos (5) /*!< UI2C_T::BRGEN: TMCNTSRC Position */
#define UI2C_BRGEN_PDSCNT_Pos (8) /*!< UI2C_T::BRGEN: PDSCNT Position */
#define UI2C_BRGEN_PDSCNT_Msk (0x3ul << UI2C_BRGEN_PDSCNT_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::BRGEN: PDSCNT Mask */
#define UI2C_BRGEN_DSCNT_Pos (10) /*!< UI2C_T::BRGEN: DSCNT Position */
#define UI2C_BRGEN_DSCNT_Msk (0x1ful << UI2C_BRGEN_DSCNT_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::BRGEN: DSCNT Mask */
#define UI2C_BRGEN_CLKDIV_Pos (16) /*!< UI2C_T::BRGEN: CLKDIV Position */
#define UI2C_BRGEN_CLKDIV_Msk (0x3fful << UI2C_BRGEN_CLKDIV_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::BRGEN: CLKDIV Mask */
#define UI2C_LINECTL_LSB_Pos (0) /*!< UI2C_T::LINECTL: LSB Position */
#define UI2C_LINECTL_LSB_Msk (0x1ul << UI2C_LINECTL_LSB_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::LINECTL: LSB Mask */
#define UI2C_LINECTL_DWIDTH_Pos (8) /*!< UI2C_T::LINECTL: DWIDTH Position */
#define UI2C_TXDAT_TXDAT_Pos (0) /*!< UI2C_T::TXDAT: TXDAT Position */
#define UI2C_TXDAT_TXDAT_Msk (0xfffful << UI2C_TXDAT_TXDAT_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::TXDAT: TXDAT Mask */
#define UI2C_RXDAT_RXDAT_Pos (0) /*!< UI2C_T::RXDAT: RXDAT Position */
#define UI2C_RXDAT_RXDAT_Msk (0xfffful << UI2C_RXDAT_RXDAT_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::RXDAT: RXDAT Mask */
#define UI2C_DEVADDR0_DEVADDR_Pos (0) /*!< UI2C_T::DEVADDR0: DEVADDR Position */
#define UI2C_DEVADDR0_DEVADDR_Msk (0x3fful << UI2C_DEVADDR0_DEVADDR_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::DEVADDR0: DEVADDR Mask */
#define UI2C_DEVADDR1_DEVADDR_Pos (0) /*!< UI2C_T::DEVADDR1: DEVADDR Position */
#define UI2C_DEVADDR1_DEVADDR_Msk (0x3fful << UI2C_DEVADDR1_DEVADDR_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::DEVADDR1: DEVADDR Mask */
#define UI2C_ADDRMSK0_ADDRMSK_Pos (0) /*!< UI2C_T::ADDRMSK0: ADDRMSK Position */
#define UI2C_ADDRMSK0_ADDRMSK_Msk (0x3fful << UI2C_ADDRMSK0_ADDRMSK_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::ADDRMSK0: ADDRMSK Mask */
#define UI2C_ADDRMSK1_ADDRMSK_Pos (0) /*!< UI2C_T::ADDRMSK1: ADDRMSK Position */
#define UI2C_ADDRMSK1_ADDRMSK_Msk (0x3fful << UI2C_ADDRMSK1_ADDRMSK_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::ADDRMSK1: ADDRMSK Mask */
#define UI2C_WKCTL_WKEN_Pos (0) /*!< UI2C_T::WKCTL: WKEN Position */
#define UI2C_WKCTL_WKEN_Msk (0x1ul << UI2C_WKCTL_WKEN_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::WKCTL: WKEN Mask */
#define UI2C_WKCTL_WKADDREN_Pos (1) /*!< UI2C_T::WKCTL: WKADDREN Position */
#define UI2C_WKSTS_WKF_Pos (0) /*!< UI2C_T::WKSTS: WKF Position */
#define UI2C_WKSTS_WKF_Msk (0x1ul << UI2C_WKSTS_WKF_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::WKSTS: WKF Mask */
#define UI2C_PROTCTL_GCFUNC_Pos (0) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTCTL: GCFUNC Position */
#define UI2C_PROTCTL_AA_Pos (1) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTCTL: AA Position */
#define UI2C_PROTCTL_AA_Msk (0x1ul << UI2C_PROTCTL_AA_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTCTL: AA Mask */
#define UI2C_PROTCTL_STO_Pos (2) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTCTL: STO Position */
#define UI2C_PROTCTL_STO_Msk (0x1ul << UI2C_PROTCTL_STO_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTCTL: STO Mask */
#define UI2C_PROTCTL_STA_Pos (3) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTCTL: STA Position */
#define UI2C_PROTCTL_STA_Msk (0x1ul << UI2C_PROTCTL_STA_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTCTL: STA Mask */
#define UI2C_PROTCTL_ADDR10EN_Pos (4) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTCTL: ADDR10EN Position */
#define UI2C_PROTCTL_ADDR10EN_Msk (0x1ul << UI2C_PROTCTL_ADDR10EN_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTCTL: ADDR10EN Mask */
#define UI2C_PROTCTL_PTRG_Pos (5) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTCTL: PTRG Position */
#define UI2C_PROTCTL_PTRG_Msk (0x1ul << UI2C_PROTCTL_PTRG_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTCTL: PTRG Mask */
#define UI2C_PROTCTL_SCLOUTEN_Pos (8) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTCTL: SCLOUTEN Position */
#define UI2C_PROTCTL_MONEN_Pos (9) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTCTL: MONEN Position */
#define UI2C_PROTCTL_MONEN_Msk (0x1ul << UI2C_PROTCTL_MONEN_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTCTL: MONEN Mask */
#define UI2C_PROTCTL_TOCNT_Pos (16) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTCTL: TOCNT Position */
#define UI2C_PROTCTL_TOCNT_Msk (0x3fful << UI2C_PROTCTL_TOCNT_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTCTL: TOCNT Mask */
#define UI2C_PROTCTL_PROTEN_Pos (31) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTCTL: PROTEN Position */
#define UI2C_PROTIEN_TOIEN_Pos (0) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTIEN: TOIEN Position */
#define UI2C_PROTIEN_TOIEN_Msk (0x1ul << UI2C_PROTIEN_TOIEN_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTIEN: TOIEN Mask */
#define UI2C_PROTIEN_STARIEN_Pos (1) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTIEN: STARIEN Position */
#define UI2C_PROTIEN_STORIEN_Pos (2) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTIEN: STORIEN Position */
#define UI2C_PROTIEN_NACKIEN_Pos (3) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTIEN: NACKIEN Position */
#define UI2C_PROTIEN_ARBLOIEN_Pos (4) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTIEN: ARBLOIEN Position */
#define UI2C_PROTIEN_ERRIEN_Pos (5) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTIEN: ERRIEN Position */
#define UI2C_PROTIEN_ACKIEN_Pos (6) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTIEN: ACKIEN Position */
#define UI2C_PROTSTS_TOIF_Pos (5) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTSTS: TOIF Position */
#define UI2C_PROTSTS_TOIF_Msk (0x1ul << UI2C_PROTSTS_TOIF_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTSTS: TOIF Mask */
#define UI2C_PROTSTS_ONBUSY_Pos (6) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTSTS: ONBUSY Position */
#define UI2C_PROTSTS_STARIF_Pos (8) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTSTS: STARIF Position */
#define UI2C_PROTSTS_STORIF_Pos (9) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTSTS: STORIF Position */
#define UI2C_PROTSTS_NACKIF_Pos (10) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTSTS: NACKIF Position */
#define UI2C_PROTSTS_ARBLOIF_Pos (11) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTSTS: ARBLOIF Position */
#define UI2C_PROTSTS_ERRIF_Pos (12) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTSTS: ERRIF Position */
#define UI2C_PROTSTS_ERRIF_Msk (0x1ul << UI2C_PROTSTS_ERRIF_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTSTS: ERRIF Mask */
#define UI2C_PROTSTS_ACKIF_Pos (13) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTSTS: ACKIF Position */
#define UI2C_PROTSTS_ACKIF_Msk (0x1ul << UI2C_PROTSTS_ACKIF_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTSTS: ACKIF Mask */
#define UI2C_PROTSTS_SLASEL_Pos (14) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTSTS: SLASEL Position */
#define UI2C_PROTSTS_SLAREAD_Pos (15) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTSTS: SLAREAD Position */
#define UI2C_PROTSTS_WKAKDONE_Pos (16) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTSTS: WKAKDONE Position */
#define UI2C_PROTSTS_WRSTSWK_Pos (17) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTSTS: WRSTSWK Position */
#define UI2C_PROTSTS_BUSHANG_Pos (18) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTSTS: BUSHANG Position */
#define UI2C_PROTSTS_ERRARBLO_Pos (19) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTSTS: ERRARBLO Position */
#define UI2C_ADMAT_ADMAT0_Pos (0) /*!< UI2C_T::ADMAT: ADMAT0 Position */
#define UI2C_ADMAT_ADMAT0_Msk (0x1ul << UI2C_ADMAT_ADMAT0_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::ADMAT: ADMAT0 Mask */
#define UI2C_ADMAT_ADMAT1_Pos (1) /*!< UI2C_T::ADMAT: ADMAT1 Position */
#define UI2C_ADMAT_ADMAT1_Msk (0x1ul << UI2C_ADMAT_ADMAT1_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::ADMAT: ADMAT1 Mask */
#define UI2C_TMCTL_STCTL_Pos (0) /*!< UI2C_T::TMCTL: STCTL Position */
#define UI2C_TMCTL_STCTL_Msk (0x1fful << UI2C_TMCTL_STCTL_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::TMCTL: STCTL Mask */
#define UI2C_TMCTL_HTCTL_Pos (16) /*!< UI2C_T::TMCTL: HTCTL Position */
#define UI2C_TMCTL_HTCTL_Msk (0x1fful << UI2C_TMCTL_HTCTL_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::TMCTL: HTCTL Mask */
/** @} UI2C_CONST */
/** @} end of UI2C register group */
/** @} end of REGISTER group */
#if defined ( __CC_ARM )
#pragma no_anon_unions
#endif /* __UI2C_REG_H__ */