# Macintosh ROM SIMM programmer This project is a [bootloader](https://github.com/dougg3/mac-rom-simm-programmer.bootloader) and [firmware](https://github.com/dougg3/mac-rom-simm-programmer.software) for a Macintosh ROM SIMM programmer, along with [control software](https://github.com/dougg3/mac-rom-simm-programmer) for Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux plus a [Windows INF USB driver](https://github.com/dougg3/mac-rom-simm-programmer.windriver). The ROM SIMM is compatible with the SE/30, all II-series Macs with a 64-pin SIMM socket (should include the IIx, IIcx, IIci, IIfx, and IIsi), and the Quadra 700. The programmer and software supports 2 MB and 8 MB SIMMs. [Schematics and PCB layouts](https://github.com/dougg3/mac-rom-simm-programmer.cad) for the ROM SIMM and the ROM SIMM programmer are also available for non-commercial use. No ROM images will be distributed; this is a tool for personal exploration. # Images (click on them for a larger version): - Programmer with 8 MB SIMM [![IMG_0587_shrunk_more.jpg](IMG_0587_shrunk_more.jpg)](IMG_0587_shrunk_more.jpg) - Programmer [![Programmer_adjusted_653px_wide.jpg](Programmer_adjusted_653px_wide.jpg)](Programmer.jpg) - 2 MB SIMM [![2MB_adjusted_653px_wide.jpg](2MB_adjusted_653px_wide.jpg)](2MB.jpg) - 8 MB SIMM [![8MB_adjusted_653px_wide.jpg](8MB_adjusted_653px_wide.jpg)](8MB.jpg)