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; File: MemoryMgrPatches.a
; Contains: patches for the Memory Mgr.
; Written by: Darin Adler
; Copyright: <09> 1990-1993 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM4> 6/14/93 kc Roll in Ludwig.
; <LW2> 5/11/93 chp MoveHLow was depending on the CCR to indicate error conditions
; reported by _RecoverHandle. This weirdass trap only returns its
; result in MemErr, so insert an explicit test to avoid crashing
; in the subsequent _HGetState. Partial fix for RADAR #1081681.
; <17> 6/8/92 JSM In TheFuture, use emResrvMemSemaphore from ExpandMem in the
; ResrvMemGrowSystemHeap patch instead of defining the semaphore
; in code space here.
; <16> 4/29/92 gbm #1027970,<csd>: Include change 15 in Cube-E (they said it was
; okay, honest!)
; <15> 4/29/92 gbm Fix an obscure (but kind of cool) bug in MMHPrologue in 32-bit
; mode. Conditionalized for TheFuture, because Cube-E hasn<73>t said
; they want it yet.
; <14> 1/6/92 DTY Roll in the final version of _MoveHLow from the System 7 Tooner
; Extension. Revert back to the 7.0 behaviour for _MoveHHi on
; system heap handles. Added 7 Up patches for NewHandle and
; ReallocHandle, but keep them inactive until we know whether or
; not XTND really slows down with these patches.
; <13> 12/4/91 csd #1016449: Added support for Scruffy. In the patch to CompactMem
; which fixes a bug in MoveHHi, check first to see if Scruffy in
; installed. If it is, just jump to the old CompactMem since
; MoveHHi will be the fixed version.
; <12> 11/25/91 DTY Replaced _MoveHHi patch which did nothing for a system heap
; handle with the patch from 7-Up which moves system heap handles
; low.
; <11> 11/21/91 DTY Adding _MoveHLow. This is the version from the 7-Up file
; Senile.a. Someone needs to remember to bother Greg about a new
; version in the next few days.
; <10> 12/13/90 BBM (stb) move the patch to compactmem into memorymgrpatches.a.
; <9> 12/13/90 DFH (JSM) Rolled in MacPlus MakePtrSpc fix from BassPatches.a. More
; use of linked patch macros, tho.
; <8> 12/8/90 DFH Added additional speedups to MoreMasters, ResrvMem, and NewPtr.
; Required replacing MakeCBkF, since that routine sometimes
; changed AllocPtr from a better value to a worse value.
; <7> 12/6/90 DFH & stb. Speedups for MoreMasters, ResrvMem, and NewPtr on IIci
; ROMs.
; <6> 10/9/90 stb & DFH. Move the MoveHHi patch from Process Mgr to an earlier
; point in the booting process
; <5> 9/2/90 csd Fixed the ResrvMem patch to preserve the error when it doesn<73>t
; call NewPtr
; <4> 8/31/90 stb & DFH. teach NewPtr and ResrvMem to allocate wisely in the
; system heap if growth is required.
; <3> 8/15/90 dba make DisposPtr tolerant of NIL pointers
; <2> 4/20/90 dba add patch that does InitApplZone before and after SetAppBase
; <1> 3/21/90 dba added today; the first real linked patch
; 3/20/90 dba made an InitApplZone patch here for Plus and SE
ForSpeedyMacIIciINIT EQU 0
IF (&TYPE('XTNDSlowsDownWithThesePatches') = 'UNDEFINED') THEN
XTNDSlowsDownWithThesePatches equ 0
print push,off
load 'StandardEqu.d'
include 'LinkedPatchMacros.a'
include 'GestaltEqu.a'
_MoveHLow OPWORD $A09D
print pop
AfterSetRetryFlagInMMHPrologue ROMBind (IIci,$dc7c)
; MMHPrologue <20> One of the things the handle prologue does is to retry the zone check if it fails
; once. Before retrying the check, though, it switches modes (from 24 to 32 or from
; 32 to 24). It does this because the ROZ is always a 32-bit zone, no matter what the
; startup mode is. A ROZ handle will fail the zone self-check if the machine was
; booted in 24-bit mode, so the prologue does the switch and tries again.
; Unfortunately, the switch also occurs if you<6F>re already in 32-bit mode. The switch
; to 24-bit mode can have dire consequences for handles above the 16M mark in memory.
; The handle<6C>s high byte get masked off, and the rest of the address may actually
; pass the zone check. (In a bizarre coincidence, the <20>uninitialized<65> memory pattern
; of $b6db6d... tends to pass the self check with suprising frequency!)
; This is a head patch to MMHPrologue installed when the machine is booted in 32-bit
; mode. The patch sets a flag which will cause the second try to be avoided, and then
; rejoins the ROM.
MMHPrologueFix PatchProc vMMHPrologue,(IIci,using32bitheaps)
move.l (sp)+, a1 ; code from the ROM, to do whatever ROMs do
movem.l a2-a6/d3-d7, -(sp)
move.b MMFlags, -(sp)
move.l a1, a4
; and here<72>s the fix you<6F>ve been waiting for!!!
; move.w #0, -(sp) ; the code used to look like this, but we<77>re changing it so it
move.w #1, -(sp) ; sets the retry flag to look like we<77>ve already retried
jmpROM AfterSetRetryFlagInMMHPrologue
FlushApplVBLs ROMBind (Plus,$F522),(SE,$9974)
; InitApplZone <20> more initialization
; This makes InitApplZone do extra initialization on Plus and SE ROMs that it does on all newer ones.
MoreInitApplZone PatchProc _InitApplZone,(Plus,SE)
move.l MinusOne,LastSPExtra ; invalidate cache for next SwapFont (needed for Plus only)
; The following initialization is in Launch on the Plus and SE, but it should be here, too
clr.l DragHook
clr.l DeskHook
clr.l CloseOrnHook
clr.l ResumeProc
clr.w TaskLock ; clear TaskLock and FScaleDisable
clr.l ResErrProc
clr.l EjectNotify
move.l jSoundDead,a0 ; get vector to kill all current sounds in ...
jsr (a0) ; ...the application heap
jsrROM FlushApplVBLs ; kill off doomed VBL tasks
; *** currently, the Notification Mgr. patch kills NM tasks (move it here?)
jsrOld ; call the old InitApplZone
move.l sp,d1 ; current stack
sub.l DefltStack,d1 ; standard stack size
move.l d1,ApplLimit ; use stack limit, NOT BufPtr<74>s
move.l d1,HiHeapMark ; start HiHeapMark in sync with ApplLimit for glue MaxApplZone
clr.w CurApRefNum ; since the resource file was just closed
; SetAppBase <20> bracket with InitApplZone
; The initialization of the ApplZone that SetAppBase does is insufficient, so we do two extra
; InitApplZone calls.
BracketSetAppBaseWithInitApplZones PatchProc _SetAppBase,(Plus,SE,II,Portable,IIci)
; DisposePtr <20> allow NIL pointers
AllowNILDisposePtr PatchProc _DisposePtr,(Plus,SE,II,Portable,IIci)
move.l a0,d0
bnzOld ; call the real thing
move.w d0,MemErr ; no error
; ResrvMem - make it grow System Heap, too.
; ResrvMem will not grow any heap other than ApplZone. This is a problem with the new, growable system heap.
; Process Mgr will grow the system heap for NewHandle calls. ResrvMem usually precedes a NewHandle,
; HLock sequence. If ResrvMem fails, the following NewHandle will cause the heap to grow (if it can).
; Then the block is allocated where the free space was made -- at the top.
; This proc not only causes the heap to grow, it also calls ResrvMem again to see how low the free block
; can be made.
; Notes:
; NewPtr calls ResrvMem again while doing the StdGZProc. We want it to call the user gzproc, so
; it<69>s important that ResrvMem return an error when it<69>s reentered. That<61>s why we have a semaphore.
; See also: NewPtrGrowSystemHeapCleanly
; On exit:
; A0 - ptr to free block made or found.
; D0 - 0 if large enough block was found, memfullerr if not.
; Arguments:
; D0: size of block required (logical size).
; Registers:
; A0: semaphore address, zone comparing
ResrvMemGrowSystemHeap PatchProc _ResrvMem,(Plus,SE,II,Portable,IIci)
IF TheFuture THEN ; <17>
move.l ExpandMem,a0 ; get ExpandMem <17>
add.l #ExpandMemRec.emResrvMemSemaphore,a0 ; a0 points to emResrvMemSemaphore <17>
ELSE ; <17>
lea @ResrvMemSemaphore,a0
ENDIF ; TheFuture <17>
tst.l (a0) ; is this a reentry?
bne.s @leaveNowStillBusy ; yup, get out.
move.l #1,(a0) ; nope, set the semaphore
movem.l d0-d1,-(sp) ; save how much was asked for
jsrOld ; go get it
tst.w d0 ; test for os error
beq.s @leaveNowPopEm ; if zero, space was reserved and we<77>re done
move.l 4(sp),d1 ; restore the trap word our caller used <5>
btst #tSysOrCurZone,d1 ; is this a _Resrvmem ,SYS?
bne.s @yupItsTheSystemHeap
move.l sysZone,a0 ; is this the (growable) system zone?
cmp.l theZone,a0
bne.s @leaveNowPopEm ; no, get out and leave other heaps alone
move.l (sp),d0 ; restore the amount being requested <5>
_NewPtr ,SYS ; force open a slot, even though it<69>s probably at the top of the heap
; because we just made the heap grow.
bne @leaveNowPopEm ; leave if we couldn<64>t get any space
_DisposPtr ; ok, we got it. now free it
movem.l (sp),d0-d1 ; ask ResrvMem again for this much. It will do a better job now that
jsrOld ; we know we have enough free space.
; dispatcher sets the z flag based on the function result
addq #8,sp
IF TheFuture THEN ; <17>
move.l ExpandMem,a0 ; get ExpandMem <17>
add.l #ExpandMemRec.emResrvMemSemaphore,a0 ; a0 points to emResrvMemSemaphore <17>
ELSE ; <17>
lea @ResrvMemSemaphore,a0
ENDIF ; TheFuture <17>
clr.l (a0)
moveq #memFullErr,d0 ; failure
move.w d0,MemErr
IF NOT TheFuture THEN ; use emResrvMemSemaphore instead if we<77>re in TheFuture <17>
dc.l 0 ; non-zero means we<77>ve reentered
ENDIF ; NOT TheFuture <17>
; NewPtr - make it grow System Heap and place the block down low, too.
; Now that the system heap can grow, all of a sudden NewPtr is dropping locked blocks at the top of
; the heap. This stems from the fact the routine which reserves the block (MkPtrSpace) only grows ApplZone.
; This proc calls NewPtr, then checks to see whether the heap grew. If it did, this throws away the
; newly allocated block and calls NewPtr again. This gives MkPtrSpace the chance to allocate space
; down low because now there<72>s room to put relocatable blocks (the space the heap growing gave us).
; See also: ResrvMemGrowSystemHeap
; FUNCTION NewPtr(byteCount: LongInt): Ptr;
; On entry: D0 - size in bytes to allocate
; On exit : A0 - Returns a pointer to a block of (data) size byteCount.
NewPtrGrowSystemHeapCleanly PatchProc _NewPtr,(Plus,SE,II,Portable,IIci)
movem.l d0-d1,-(sp) ; save how much was asked for and the trap word (may have sys bit set)
move.l #-1,-(sp)
move.l SysZone,a1
btst #tSysOrCurZone,d1 ; is this a NewPtr ,SYS?
bne.s @useSys
cmp.l theZone,a1
bne.s @callOld
move.l bkLim(a1),(sp) ; end of system zone
jsrOld ; NewPtr
tst.w d0 ; test for success (this could be a MemErr test instead<61>)
bne.s @leaveNow ; it failed to allocate, so we don<6F>t care
move.l sysZone,a1
move.l bkLim(a1),d1
cmp.l (sp),d1 ; did the heap grow?
bls.s @leaveNow ; no, get out
addq #4,sp ; pop bkLim (or fake-o 0xFFFFFFFF)
_DisposPtr ; A0 has the pointer to blow away
movem.l (sp)+,d0-d1 ; save how much was asked for
jsrOld ; now allocate it again, this time maybe lower in the heap
lea 12(sp),sp
; These patches were a part of 7-Up. Rumour has it that XTND slows down by a factor
; of two. Don<6F>t build these into the System until we know whether or not this is true.
if not(XTNDSlowsDownWithThesePatches) then
; SetRovingPointerBeforeNewHandle
; info:
; This is a patch to NewHandle that sets the roving pointer to the start of
; the heap before calling through.
SetRovingPointerBeforeNewHandle PatchProc _NewHandle,(Plus,SE,II,IIci,Portable)
move.l SysZone,a0 ; a0 <- SysZone
cmpa.l TheZone, a0 ; is this handle going in the System heap?
beq.s @inSysZone ; handle was in System heap
btst #tSysOrCurZone, d1 ; is the "sys" bit set in the trapword?
beq.s @ExitPatchAndCallThrough ; nope...
clr.l allocPtr(a0) ; a0 has the system zone ptr in it
; SetRovingPointerBeforeReallocHandle
; info:
; This is a patch to ReallocHandle that sets the roving pointer to the start of
; the heap before calling through.
SetRovingPointerBeforeReallocHandle PatchProc _ReallocHandle,(Plus,SE,II,IIci,Portable)
movem.l d0/a0/a1,-(sp) ; save a0
move.l SysZone,a1 ; a1 <- SysZone
_HandleZone ; a0 has caller<65>s handle
cmp.l a0,a1 ; is this handle in the System heap?
bne.s @ExitPatchAndCallThrough ; nope...
clr.l allocPtr(a1) ; a1 has the system zone ptr in it
movem.l (sp)+,d0/a0/a1 ; save a0
; MoveHHi - do not let it happen to a handle in the System Heap.
; MoveHHi is usually called because the caller is about to lock the handle down. This is
; the right thing to do in app heaps, but is bad for the System Heap. Immobile blocks in
; the System Heap limit the extendability of the Process Mgr heap.
; Assumptions:
; This assumes that the system heap is the lowest heap in memory. In particular, this check will
; disable MoveHHi in subzones residing in the system heap. This behavior has been around for a
; while in MultiFinder, but should go away when we rewrite this patch.
; To Do: Rewrite, using the relative handle to find the zone start, comparing that to
; SysZone. This will need a safe dereference, perhaps borrowed from the IIci ROM,
; which would include a bus-error handler.
; PROCEDURE MoveHHi(blockHandle: Handle);
; On entry: A0 - Handle for block to move
; On exit : D0 - OSErr (also in MemErr)
; A0 - Handle
MoveHHiPatch PatchProc _MoveHHi,(Plus,SE,II,Portable,IIci)
move.l a4,-(sp) ; <12> save a4
move.l a0,a4 ; <12> save caller<65>s A0,
move.l SysZone,a1 ; <12> a1 <- SysZone
_HandleZone ; <12> a0 has caller<65>s handle
cmp.l a0,a1 ; <12> is this handle in the System heap?
move.l a4,a0 ; <12> put caller<65>s handle back into a0
move.l (sp)+,a4 ; <12> restore a4
beq.s @DoNothing ; <12> handle was in System heap
jmpOld ; if not, let the ROM have at it
; handle in System heap. Set up return codes like we did something, then return.
@DoNothing ; just return since in sys heap
moveq.l #noErr,d0 ; say there was no err
move.w d0,MemErr ; and agree in lomem
rts ; return without calling through
endproc ; MoveHHiPatch
; MoveHLow
; entry:
; A0 - handle requested
; exit:
; D0 - error (word)
; internal:
; A4 - (long) handle to original block
; A3 - (long) pointer to new block
; D3 - (long) size of block
; D4 - (long) offset to block tags (24 = -8; 32 = -12)
; info:
; This code does the opposite in principle to MoveHHi. The handle input
; is moved as low as possible in the heap that it belongs. This call works
; with 24 and 32 bit zones.
; to do:
; <09> roving pointer point at newly freed block (is this good?)
myError EQU nsStackErr ;QuickDraw error meaning not enough stack
blkSize EQU -8 ;note that this offset is the same for 24/32 bit zones
StackSlop EQU (3*1024) ;3k slop for interupts and our minimal buffer
BlockTagBits EQU $C0 ;
MakeBlocksNonPurgeableStack record {a6Link},decr
startParams equ *
paramSize equ startParams-*
return ds.l 1
a6Link ds.l 1
HPurgeAddress ds.l 1 ;trap address for HPurge
hNoPurgeAddress ds.l 1 ;trap address for HNoPurge
RecoverHAddress ds.l 1 ;trap address for RecoverHandle
HGetStateAddress ds.l 1 ;trap address for HGetState
largestFreeSpace ds.l 1 ;size of largest free space available
freeSpaceAccumulator ds.l 1 ;a place to add up free space
keepCheckingFreeSpace ds.w 1 ;should we keep checking free space?
passedOurBlock ds.w 1 ;are we past our block yet?
localSize equ * ;size of all the local variables
MoveHLow PatchProc $A09D,(Plus,SE,II,IIci,Portable)
@Regs REG a3-a6/d3-d7
movem.l @Regs,-(sp) ;save regs
move.l theZone,-(sp) ;save theZone
move.l a0,a4 ;save callers A0,
; original MoveHHi did this
;check for nil master pointer
move.w #nilHandleErr,MemErr ;
move.l (a0),d0 ;check for nil MP
beq @RestoreZoneStateAndExit ;
;check for locked handle passed in, and save the state of the handle
;move.l a4,a0 ;get handle to original block
_HGetState ;
move.b d0,d2 ;save handle state of original block
move.w #memLockedErr,MemErr ;
btst #lock,d0 ;
bne.s @RestoreZoneStateAndExit ;
;set theZone to zone that this handle lives in
move.l a4,a0 ;get handle to original block
_HandleZone ;
tst.w d0 ;
bne.s @RestoreZoneStateAndExit ;
move.l a0,theZone ;temporarily set theZone to contain block
;set up offset in d4 to MemMgr Block tags (be 24/32 bit zone friendly)
moveq #-8,d4 ;-8 offset MemMgr Block tags in 24 zone
move.l Lo3Bytes,d6 ;setup mask for MakeBlocksNonPurgeable
tst.b maxNRel(a0) ;check if 32 zone
beq.s @not32bitzone ;
add.l #-4,d4 ;-12 offset MemMgr Block tags in 32 zone
moveq #-1,d6 ;setup mask for MakeBlocksNonPurgeable
;mark all purgeable blocks as non-purgeable when/if we call Newptr
;mark our block as non-purgeable
move.l a4,a0 ;get handle to original block
;always allocate a buffer on the stack
link A6,#MakeBlocksNonPurgeableStack.localSize ;Unlk A6 happens in RestorePurgeableBlocks
clr.l -(sp) ;ensure end of handle list is a nil
bsr.s MakeBlocksNonPurgeable ;
bne.s @DoCommonExit ;condition codes are set for failure
;allocate block of same size in lower in this heap. (first get size of handle)
move.l a4,a0 ;get handle to original block
_GetHandleSize ;
move.l d0,d3 ;save size of block and check for error
bmi.s @DoCommonExit ;
_NewPtr ;d0 from _GetHandleSize
bne.s @DoCommonExit ;check for error
move.l a0,a3 ;save pointer to new block
;the result from NewPtr may actually be higher in memory than Handle passed in
;check for this and leave handle where it is
move.l (a4),d0 ;get pointer to old block
_StripAddress ;in 24 bit world, this call needed
cmp.l a0,d0 ;is new block higher in memory than old?
blt.s @DisposeBlock ;yes, go dispose the new block
;copy junk from old handle to new pointer
move.l a0,a1 ;set up destination for blockmove
move.l (a4),a0 ;set up source for blockmove
move.l d3,d0 ;set up size for blockmove
;make the handle point at the new block, and make the old block a pointer block
;fix relhandle
;move.l (a4),a0 ;point a0 at old block
move.l -(a0),-4(a3) ;fix relhandle for new block
move.l theZone,(a0)+ ;change relhandle to pointer block info
;change master pointer to point at new
move.l a3,(a4) ;no more references to old block
;mark old block as pointer block, and new block as relocateable
eori.b #BlockTagBits,(a3,d4) ;toggle new block from nonrel to rel
eori.b #BlockTagBits,(a0,d4) ;toggle old block from rel to nonrel
;Dispose of the old block (this frees the block)
;fall through to exit code (ResoreHandleStateAndExit)
@DoCommonExit ;
;walk the heap to restore Purgeable Blocks and cleanup the stack
bsr RestorePurgeableBlocks ;
move.l (sp)+,d0 ;remove the nil marker
unlk a6 ;distroy stack buffer
;restore the master pointer flags
move.w MemErr,d3 ;preserve MemErr across _HSetState call
move.l a4,a0 ;get handle to new block
move.b d2,d0 ;restore handle state of original block
_HSetState ;
move.w d3,MemErr ;restore MemErr after _HSetState call
;set up D0, fall through to exit code (RemoveStackBuffer)
moveq #0,d0 ;
move.l (sp)+,theZone ;restore theZone
move.l a4,a0 ;preserve handle across MoveHHi
move.w MemErr,d0 ;make d0 agree with MemErr
movem.l (sp)+,@Regs ;restore regs, leave cc's unchanged
rts ;return without calling through
; MakeBlocksNonPurgeable
; entry:
; theZone - the zone we will walk
; d4 - negative size of heapblock header.
; exit :
; a0-a1 - trashed
; a2-a3 - unchanged
; a4 - unchanged; handle of block passed to MoveHLow
; a5 - trashed, used to jump through as return address
; a6 - should be used to unlink buffer on stack
; a7,sp - points to buffer on stack (first long is number of entries)
; d0 - error (long) (0 means no error, else bail; leave buffer on stack)
; d1 - trashed
; d2 - unchanged
; d3 - address of block passed to MoveHLow
; d4-d6 - unchanged
; d7 - trashed
; info:
; Walk the heap and mark purgeable blocks Non-purgeable. The problem is that
; the original MoveHHi did not purge any blocks. We need to save all purgeable
; handles, make a NewPtr call, and then restore them. Remember which
; blocks we change by putting the master pointers in a buffer on the stack.
; Warning! This routine leaves a buffer on the stack, which will be
; removed by calling RestorePurgeableBlocks. That means this routine
; can<61>t save anything on the stack except master pointers.
; todo:
with MakeBlocksNonPurgeableStack
move.l a3,d1 ;preserve a3 across call
move.l (sp)+,a5 ;get return address
;see if we can make a buffer with storage for at least entry
_StackSpace ;
sub.l #StackSlop,d0 ;need some slop on stack for interupts
bmi @ErrorExit ;
;initialize regs for @loop
;clear free space counters
;clear flags to see if we should check free space and if we<77>ve passed our block
;set up our block address for free space counter
;A1 points at end of stack buffer
;A3 points at first block in heap
;D7 points at end of heap
clr.l largestFreeSpace(a6) ;start with zero as the largest free space
clr.l freeSpaceAccumulator(a6) ;and the accumulator starts out empty, too
clr.w keepCheckingFreeSpace(a6) ;clear the flag for free space checks
clr.w passedOurBlock(a6) ;clear the flag for our block in the heap
move.l sp,a1 ;pointer to stack buffer
sub.l d0,a1 ;point to the end of the stack buffer
move.l (a4),d0 ;get address of our block
_StripAddress ;shave off nasty bits, <20>cause we<77>re gonna compare against it
move.l d0,d3 ;keep block address in d3
move.l theZone,a3 ;get pointer to start of this zone
move.l bkLim(a3),d7 ;save end of heap
add.l #heapData,a3 ;skip past zone header
sub.l d4,a3 ;skip past heap block header
;this loop walks the heap, and marks all purgeable blocks non-purgeable
cmp.l a1,sp ;check if stack buffer is full
ble @ErrorExit ;no more room in buffer, signal error
cmp.l a3,d7 ;check if end of heap
blt @NormalExit ;successfull, exit loop
cmp.l a3,d3 ;check if we<77>re to our block
bgt.s @pastCheckForOurBlock ;if we<77>re not there, then move on
move.w #-1, passedOurBlock(a6) ;otherwise, set the flag that says we<77>re past our block
;now treat block passed in as a special case terminator for free space checks
cmp.l a3,d3
beq.s @resetFreeSpaceAccumulator
;low two bits in d0 will be the block type
move.b (a3,d4),d0 ;get the blocktype
lsr.b #6,d0 ;only use the tag bits
;if free d0 = 0
beq.s @addToFreeSpaceAccumulator
;bail if pointer block
cmp.b #tybkNRel,d0 ;check if pointer block
beq.s @resetFreeSpaceAccumulator ;advance to next block
;we are sure it is a relocateable block now, but check just in case.
cmp.b #tybkRel,d0 ;check if relocateable block
bne.s @resetFreeSpaceAccumulator ;if not relocatateable, error, go next?
;we have a pointer to the relocatable block, we need a handle to mark it non-purgeable
move.l a3,a0 ;set up pointer to block
_RecoverHandle ;if this fails, then this block is
;orphaned, and we can move it at will
tst.w MemErr ;(RecoverHandle result in MemErr only!) <LW2>
bmi.s @pastFreeSpaceChecks ;
;if already locked, we don<6F>t need to change its state
_HGetState ;
btst #lock,d0 ;check if handle is locked
bne.s @resetFreeSpaceAccumulator ;is locked, go to nextBlock
;last test, is it a purgeable block?
btst #purge,d0 ;check if handle is purgeable
beq.s @pastFreeSpaceChecks ;if not purgable go to nextBlock
;change its state, and save a handle to this block in our buffer.
_HNoPurge ;keep this block from purgeing
move.l a0,-(sp) ;save handle to this block on stack
bra.s @pastFreeSpaceChecks
;we found a relocatable or free block, so add this block to the possible space for our ptr
move.l blkSize(a3),d0 ;get size of this block
and.l d6,d0 ;strip off tags 24 bit world (32 is ok)
tst.w keepCheckingFreeSpace(a6) ;should we bother (have we passed our block)
bmi.s @endOfLoop ;don<6F>t bother if we<77>ve passed our block
add.l d0, freeSpaceAccumulator(a6) ;and add the size to the free space for this island
bra.s @endOfLoop
;we ran across an immovable block, so reset our counter and update the largest free area we<77>ve found
tst.w keepCheckingFreeSpace(a6) ;should we bother with this? (past our block?)
bmi.s @pastFreeSpaceChecks ;if the flag is set, skip the free space stuff
tst.w passedOurBlock(a6) ;have we (just now) passed our block in the heap
beq.s @pastPreflightCheck ;if the flag is not set, keep checking free spaces
;now comes the good part... should we bail out early because there isn<73>t sufficient free space
;lower that our block in the heap?
move.l a3, -(sp) ;save block pointer, <20>cause we need an address register
move.l d3,a3 ;put block passed in here
move.l blkSize(a3),d0 ;get size of our block
and.l d6,d0 ;strip off tags 24 bit world (32 is ok)
cmp.l largestFreeSpace(a6),d0 ;do we have room for our block lower in the heap?
move.l (sp)+, a3 ;put old block pointer back, don<6F>t affect cc
bgt.s @ErrorExit ;no room in heap, bail out!
move.w #-1,keepCheckingFreeSpace(a6) ;now that we have good news, stop checking free space
bra.s @pastFreeSpaceChecks
move.l freeSpaceAccumulator(a6), d0 ;get the space we counted this time
cmp.l largestFreeSpace(a6), d0 ;see if the largest is still king of the hill
ble.s @pastFreeSpaceChecks ;if so, move on
move.l d0, largestFreeSpace(a6) ;else make a new king
clr.l freeSpaceAccumulator(a6) ;and clear the accumulator
move.l blkSize(a3),d0 ;get size of this block
and.l d6,d0 ;strip off tags 24 bit world (32 is ok)
;end of @loop, bump a3 to point at next block
add.l d0,a3 ;point at next block
bra @loop ;loop back for more
;if error occured, we must signal error by putting a zero count into stack buffer
move.w #myError,d0 ;signal an error to the main routine
move.w d0,MemErr ;set MemErr
bra.s @CommonExit ;exit through CommonExit
moveq #0,d0 ;signal no error to the main routine
;condition codes must be set at this point, caller depends on this
movea.l d1,a3 ;preserve a3 across call
jmp (a5) ;rts
; RestorePurgeableBlocks
; entry:
; A6 - should be used to unlink buffer on stack
; exit :
; D1 - trashed
; A5 - trashed
; A6 - restored
; info:
; Traverse the stack buffer and restore the saved handles to their purgeable
; state. Deallocate the stack buffer.
; Warning! This routine removes the buffer on the stack. This buffer was
; allocated by MakeBlocksNonPurgeable.
; todo:
move.l (sp)+,a5 ;get return address
tst.l (sp) ;check for end of list
beq.s @ExitRestorePurgeableBlocks ;nil meant end of list
move.l (sp)+,a0 ;get handle
_HPurge ;mark as purgeable, ignore any error
bra.s @loop ;check if anymore
jmp (a5) ;return to caller
; These patches fix a Memory Manager bug in the IIci based ROMs. The bug causes NewPtr,
; ResrvMem and MoreMasters to be slower than they have to be, especially when there are
; many relocatable blocks in the heap. The basic problem is that the benefit of the
; <20>rover pointer<65> (AllocPtr in the zone header) is lost. There are two causes a)
; RelocRel stores a dirty address in AllocPtr, and later uses of that address treat it as
; <20>too high<67>, so the search must start the beginning of the heap, and 2) MakeSpace zeros
; AllocPtr if the block moved by RelocRel ends up being the AllocPtr, which causes further
; RelocRels in MakeSpace to not benefit as much as possible from the previous ones.
; Our fix is to replace MakeSpace as called by NewPtr, ResrvMem and MoreMasters. The
; new MakeSpace 1) cleans AllocPtr after RelocRel (24-bit patch only), and 2) advances
; AllocPtr to the next block, rather than clearing it, when it matches what RelocRel
; returned. MakeSpace is replaced by patching NewPtr and ResrvMem to call our own
; MakePtrSpc, which in turn calls our own MakeSpace. Additional subroutine calls in
; these routines were not replaced: we just call the ROM. Also, where possible, we patch
; only the first part of a routine and jump into the ROM to finish it.
; NOTE: We jam the vectors rather than patching the traps. This is justified since these
; patches partially replace the traps, and partially call the ROM routines.
; ROMBinds so things are ever so cute
ROMBackToResrvMem24 ROMBind (IIci,$0D1AC)
ROMBackToNewPtr24 ROMBind (IIci,$0D372)
ROMBackToMoreMasters24 ROMBind (IIci,$0D746)
ROMBackToa24HMakeMoreMasters ROMBind (IIci,$0E982)
ROMa24ActualS ROMBind (IIci,$0E58E)
ROMa24GrowZone ROMBind (IIci,$0E4F6)
ROMa24PurgeBlock ROMBind (IIci,$0DEAE)
ROMBackToResrvMem32 ROMBind (IIci,$0D1CC)
ROMBackToNewPtr32 ROMBind (IIci,$0D38A)
ROMBackToMoreMasters32 ROMBind (IIci,$0D758)
ROMBackToa32HMakeMoreMasters ROMBind (IIci,$0E9B4)
ROMa32ActualS ROMBind (IIci,$0E5A2)
ROMa32GrowZone ROMBind (IIci,$0E542)
ROMa32PurgeBlock ROMBind (IIci,$0DEC6)
ROMSubtractFree ROMBind (IIci,$0E92A)
ROMa24GetSize ROMBind (IIci,$0E5BA)
ROMa32GetSize ROMBind (IIci,$0E5D2)
ROMAdjustFree ROMBind (IIci,$0E91C)
ROMa24AllocBk ROMBind (IIci,$0E1E6)
ROMa32AllocBk ROMBind (IIci,$0E234)
ROMHBlockMove ROMBind (IIci,$0E334)
ROMReleaseMP ROMBind (IIci,$0E9D0)
; the Memory Manager vectors we replace
vectorResrvMem24 EQU $00001E28
vectorResrvMem32 EQU $00001F28
vectorNewPtr24 EQU $00001E40
vectorNewPtr32 EQU $00001F40
vectorMoreMasters24 EQU $00001E98
vectorMoreMasters32 EQU $00001F98
SpeedyCiMemory InstallProc (IIci)
IMPORT (PatchResrvMem24, PatchNewPtr24, PatchMoreMasters24):CODE
IMPORT (PatchResrvMem32, PatchNewPtr32, PatchMoreMasters32):CODE
; Do nothing but leave if we're not on a IICi ROM
movea.l RomBase,a0
cmpi.w #$67C,8(a0) ; check ROM version number
bne.s AllDone ; jump if it doesn't match
move.w #$01AD,d0 ; _Gestalt
_GetTrapAddress ,NEWOS
move.l a0,a2
move.w #$009F,d0 ; _Unimplemented
_GetTrapAddress ,NEWTOOL
cmpa.l a0,a2 ; is _Gestalt _Unimplemented?
beq.s GoAhead ; then it can't be 7.0!!
move.l #gestaltSystemVersion,d0 ; ask for the system version
_Gestalt ; ask Gestalt, that is
bne.s AllDone ; if error, play it safe!
move.l a0,d0 ; move version to data register for cmp
cmpi.l #$0700,d0 ; is system version at least 7.0?
bcc.s AllDone ; jump if so, patch is not needed
; set up our patches
leaResident PatchResrvMem24,a0 ; calc address of our 24-bit ResrvMem
move.l a0,vectorResrvMem24 ; jam it in a memory mgr vector
leaResident PatchNewPtr24,a0 ; calc address of our 24-bit NewPtr
move.l a0,vectorNewPtr24 ; jam it in a memory mgr vector
leaResident PatchMoreMasters24,a0 ; calc address of our 24-bit MoreMasters
move.l a0,vectorMoreMasters24 ; jam it in a memory mgr vector
leaResident PatchResrvMem32,a0 ; calc address of our 32-bit ResrvMem
move.l a0,vectorResrvMem32 ; jam it in a memory mgr vector
leaResident PatchNewPtr32,a0 ; calc address of our 32-bit NewPtr
move.l a0,vectorNewPtr32 ; jam it in a memory mgr vector
leaResident PatchMoreMasters32,a0 ; calc address of our 32-bit MoreMasters
move.l a0,vectorMoreMasters32 ; jam it in a memory mgr vector
; j24ResrvMem
EXPORT (PatchResrvMem24, PatchNewPtr24, PatchMoreMasters24):CODE
TST.L HFstFree(A6) ;Any masters left?
BNE.S @1 ;br if so
Move.W mAllocCnt(A6),D2 ;Number of masters to make.
Ext.L D2
ASL.L #2,D2 ;Convert MP count to byte count.
AddQ.L #BlkData24,D2 ;And block header <v1.1>
Add.L D2,D0 ;Increase req count by ptr blk
@1 bsr.s Mya24MakePtrSpc ;Make room at the low end. <v1.1>
JmpROM ROMBackToResrvMem24 ;re-join the ROM
; j24NewPtr
Sub.L a1,a1
bsr.s Mya24MakePtrSpc ; call our copy of the ROM routine
JmpROM ROMBackToNewPtr24 ; re-join the ROM
; j24MoreMasters
MOVEQ #0,D0 ; assume success
bsr.s Mya24HMakeMoreMasters ; call our copy of the ROM routine
JmpROM ROMBackToMoreMasters24 ; re-join the ROM
; a24HMakeMoreMasters
MoveM.L A0/D0-D1,-(SP) ;Save registers.
Move mAllocCnt(A6),D0 ;Number of masters to make.
Ext.L D0
BGT.S @1 ;Make sure count is > 0
MoveQ #DfltMasters,D0 ;If not, use default number.
Move.L D0,D1 ;Count of master pointers.
ASL.L #2,D0 ;Convert MP count to byte count.
bsr.s Mya24MakePtrSpc ;Clear some room at the low end.
JmpROM ROMBackToa24HMakeMoreMasters ; re-join the ROM
; a24MakePtrSpc
MoveM.L D0-D4/A0-A1/A3-A4,-(SP) ;Preserve registers, nowadays D4,A4, too. <14Apr85>
JsrROM ROMa24ActualS ;Returns real sAct.
MoveA.l A6,A4 ;Presume it's not ApplZone case <14Apr85>
CmpA.L ApplZone,A6 ;If EQ & GrowDown then must fix A4 <14Apr85>
SEq D3 ;$FF if so (i.e. we can grow) <14Apr85>
; search for good region
@MPSpc1 ; <14Apr85>
LEA HeapData(A4),A0 ;Start at first block in 'heap' <14Apr85>
Move.L BkLim(A6),A3 ;Last block in zone
Move.L A0,A2 ;bRgn := first zone block ptr.
MoveQ #0,D2 ;sRgn := 0.
Move.L TagBC24(A0),D1 ;Block header
And.L MaskBC,D1 ;Byte count only
Tst.B TagBC24(A0) ;Is this block free?
BEq.S @1 ;Br if so (add to region)
BPl.S @2 ;Br if non-rel
Move.L Handle24(A0),A1 ;Handle offset.
Add.L A6,A1 ;Handle
Tst.B (A1) ;Is block locked?
BMi.S @2 ;Br if so
@1 Add.L D1,D2 ;Add to sRgn
Add.L D1,A0 ;Point to next block
Cmp.L D0,D2 ;Do we have enough?
BCS.S @4 ;Br if not
BSR.S Mya24MakeSpace ;MakeSpace(bRgn,s)
; Loop to relocate search in case growZone purged starting point. <29jan85>
; Labels offset by 90, to protect the innocent. <29jan85>
; Just relocate at next block beyond current end ptr in A0. <20May85>
@91 MOVE.L A2,D2 ; get the space? <29jan85>
BNE.S @96 ; br if so <29jan85>
LEA HeapData(A4),A2 ; start where the original search did <14Apr85>
@92 ; <29jan85>
MOVE.L TagBC24(A2),D1 ; get size of current block <29jan85>
ADD.L D1,A2 ; point to next block <29jan85>
; <29jan85>
; The following snippet of code was foolishly omitted <14Apr86>
; from the Mac+ ROM. It turns out that RelocRel depends
; on there being an immovable block just below the handle
; being moved, so we skip ahead to the next FREE or
; IMMOVABLE, the point of the FREE being that SafeReloc
; will lock any leading free space down before calling RelocRel,
; thus effectively starting the painful process at a locked
; place.
TST.B TagBC24(A2) ; is this block free or locked? <14apr86>
BPL.S @93 ; free & non-rel blocks OK <14apr86>
MOVE.L Handle24(A2),A1 ; recover master pointer <14apr86>
ADD.L A6,A1 ; <14apr86>
TST.B (A1) ; is block locked? <14apr86>
BPL.S @94 ; skip if movable <14apr86>
@93 ; <14apr86>
CMP.L A0,A2 ; past or equal to current checkpt? <29jan85>
BHI.S @95 ; want HIgher, not CarryClear as before <20May85>
@94 ; <29jan85>
CMP.L A3,A2 ; end of heap reached? <29jan85>
BCS.S @92 ; br if not <29jan85>
@95 ; <29jan85>
MOVE.L A2,A0 ; A0 should now be cool <29jan85>
SUB.L A2,A2 ; restore A2 <29jan85>
@96 ; <29jan85>
; Now continue with the original MakePtrSpc code... <29jan85>
Move.L A2,D2 ;Did we find it?
BNE.S @MPSExit ;Exit if so
BRA.S @3 ;Otherwise, look some more.
@2 Add.L D1,A0 ;Point to next block
@3 Move.L A0,A2 ;bRgn := next block ptr.
MoveQ #0,D2 ;sRgn := 0. (next region)
@4 Cmp.L A3,A0 ;End of zone reached?
BCS.S @RegionLoop ;Loop if not
AddQ.B #1,D3 ;Try to grow zone?
BNE.S @MPSOuter ;Exit if not possible <14Apr85>
JsrROM ROMa24GrowZone ;Do it
; EXCRUCIATING SUBTLETY HERE: Two cases can arise, A4 is OrgApplZone (which is <14Apr85>
; always a cool place to start searching, or A4 is an incarnation of ApplZone. <14Apr85>
; In the latter case, ApplZone may have changed as a result of the recent call to <14Apr85>
; GrowZone. Even though A4 may now be in the midst of a big new free block, <14Apr85>
; bkLim(A4) should nonetheless be the same block it was last time through the loop, <14Apr85>
; since no coalescing is done in GrowZone. <14Apr85>
; The following sequence would fix the problem by adjusting A4 if it turned out that<14Apr85>
; the first block after the previous ApplZone header could be coalesced. <14Apr85>
BrA.S @MPSpc1
@MPSOuter ;inner loop failed <14Apr85>
Sub.L A2,A2 ;No luck.
MoveM.L (SP)+,D0-D4/A0-A1/A3-A4 ;Restore registers, D4&A4,too <14Apr85>
RTS ;Return to caller.
; a24MakeSpace
MoveM.L A0-A1/A3/D0-D3,-(SP) ;Save registers.
Move.L D0,D1 ;Size needed.
Move.L A2,A3 ;Advances through following blks.
MoveQ #0,D3 ;Cumulative free byte count.
Cmp.L D1,D3 ;Enough room yet?
BCC.S @MSpDone ;Yes, exit loop.
Cmp.L BkLim(A6),A3 ;At end of zone?
BCC.S @MSpDone ;Yes, give up search.
Tst.B TagBC24(A3) ;Is this block free?
BEq.S @MSpFree ;Yes, let's grab it!
BPl.S @MSpDone ;Can't move a Non-Rel block.
Move.L Handle24(A3),A1 ;Get relative handle.
Add.L A6,A1 ;Convert to absolute handle.
Move.B (A1),D2 ;This block locked?
BMi.S @MSpDone ;Yes, give up.
bsr.s Mya24SafeReloc ;Move this block safely.
BEq.S @MSpFree ;All is well.
BTst #Purge,D2 ;Can we purge this block?
BEq.S @MSpDone ;No, give up.
Move.L (A1),A0 ;Set up pointer to purgeable.
SubQ.L #BlkData24,A0 ;Point to block text field.
JsrROM ROMa24PurgeBlock ;Purge this block.
Move.L A3,A0 ;Address of block being released.
Move.L TagBC24(A0),D0 ;Size of block
AndI.l #$00FFFFFF,AllocPtr(A6)
Cmp.L AllocPtr(A6),A0 ;Does the rover point here?
BNE.S @MSpNext ;Skip if not . . .
And.L Lo3Bytes,D0 ;
Add.L D0,AllocPtr(A6) ;
Add.L D0,D3 ;Inc. amount of space found.
Add.L D0,A3 ;Inc. base address of block.
BrA.S @MSpLoop ;Release or move next block.
And.L MaskBC,D3 ;Extract only byte count.
BEq.S @1 ;No space found.
Move.L D3,TagBC24(A2) ;Set free block size.
Cmp.L D1,D3 ;sFnd >= s?
BCC.S @MSpExit ;Yes, success return.
Sub.L A2,A2 ; reason to call MakeBkf . . .
Move.l A2,AllocPtr(A6) ; let our children learn from us
MoveM.L (SP)+,A0-A1/A3/D0-D3 ;Restore registers.
RTS ;Return to caller.
; a24SafeReloc
Move.L A0,-(SP) ;Save register.
Move.L D3,D0 ;Is there a free block yet?
BEq.S @1 ;No, skip consistency code.
Move.L D3,TagBC24(A2) ;Set free block length.
Or.L #NRelTag,TagBC24(A2) ;Fake Non-Rel block.
Move.L A6,Handle24(A2) ;Including zone reference.
jsrROM ROMSubtractFree ;Adjust free space for Non-Rel blk. <v1.7>
Move.L (A1),A0 ;Get pointer to block from handle.
jsrROM ROMa24GetSize ;Get logical size of block.
bsr.s Mya24RelocRel ;Move the block.
Move.L D0,A0 ;Save error code.
Move.L D3,D0 ;Cumulative free space.
BEq.S @2 ;Nothing so far, skip magic.
Move.L D3,TagBC24(A2) ;Make the block free again.
jsrROM ROMAdjustFree ;Return space to space pool.
Move.L A0,D0 ;Return error code and set cond.
Move.L (SP)+,A0 ;Restore register.
RTS ;Return to caller.
; a24RelocRel
MoveM.L D1-D2/A0-A2,-(SP) ;Save registers. <06May85>
Move.L A1,A2 ;Handle being moved
Move.L A1,GZMoveHnd ;record the moving target
; Don't mess with purge bit here -- let caller (SetSize) do it. <10Apr85>
Move.B (A2),D1 ;Save flags byte (for SafeReloc case) <23Apr85>
Sub.L A1,A1 ;get a nonrelocatable
jsrROM ROMa24AllocBk ;Get a dest block, if we can.
BEq.S @RRFail ;No luck, restore flags and exit
; Note... if the object was purged,
; by GZ, by definition, there must
; be enough space to reallocate it
; (esp. if the size is the same -
; MakeSpace case), So A2 is valid
; for the exit through RRFail
Tst.L (A2) ;was object handle purged?
BEq.S @RRFree ;assume success
Move.L A0,A1 ;Points to destination block.
; Move.L (A2),A0 ;Points to source block
Move.L (A2),D0 ;Points to source block <kaar>
And.L Lo3Bytes,D0 ;don't store the naughty bits <kaar>
Move.L D0,A0 ; <kaar>
jsrROM ROMa24GetSize ;Get original size (for SetSize)
jsrROM ROMHBlockMove ;Copy source to destination.
; (only logical bytes)
; Make the new nrel a rel, and vice versa. Do so preserving the leading nibble of tag <06May85>
; information and but not messing up the logical blocksize in the low nibble. <06May85>
; It's ugly, but someone has to do it.
; It's really ugly: $F0 is -$10, not -$F as first attempted. <13May85>
SubQ.L #8,A0 ;Source reloc block
SubQ.L #8,A1 ;Dest nrel block
MoveQ #-$10,D0 ;nibble mask = -$10 = $EF+1 = $F0 UGH! <13May85>
And.B (A0),D0 ;Source high nibble <06May85>
EOr.B D0,(A0) ;Clear high nibble <06May85>
MoveQ #-$10,D2 ;Mask for high nibble. <13May85>
And.B (A1),D2 ;Dest high nibble <06May85>
EOr.B D2,(A1) ;Clear high nibble <06May85>
Or.B D0,(A1) ;Dest becomes reloc <06May85>
Or.B D2,(A0) ;Source becomes nonreloc <06May85>
AddQ.L #4,A0 ;relative handle of original reloc <06May85>
AddQ.L #4,A1 ;relative handle of new nonreloc <06May85>
Move.L (A0),(A1)+ ;complete transformation of new block <06May85>
Move.L A1,(A2) ;point the master pointer here <06May85>
Move.B D1,(A2) ;Restore flags byte. <23Apr85>
Move.L A6,(A0)+ ;Source block is nrel now
bsr.s Mya24FreeBk ;Discard source block as nrel.
MoveQ #0,D0 ;Success return.
Clr.L GZMoveHnd ;clear the moving target
MoveM.L (SP)+,D1-D2/A0-A2 ;Restore registers. <06May85>
RTS ;Return to caller.
Move.B D1,(A2) ;Restore flags byte. <23Apr85>
MoveQ #memFullErr,D0 ;No room in memory to move block.
BrA.S @RRExit ;Common exit code.
; a24FreeBk
MoveM.L A0-A1/D0-D1,-(SP) ;Save registers.
SubQ.L #BlkData24,A0 ;Point to block header.
Move.L TagBC24(A0),D0 ;Tag and byte count.
Move.L D0,D1 ;Make a copy.
And.L MaskBC,D0 ;Extract byte count
EOr.L D0,D1 ;Tag, size delta only.
BEq.S @FBDone ;Free block, do nothing.
BPl.S @FBNRel ;Non-relocatable block.
Move.L Handle24(A0),A1 ;Handle offset.
Add.L A6,A1 ;Add base to make handle.
jsrROM ROMReleaseMP ;Release handle.
bsr.s Mya24MakeCBkF ;Free block. <v1.5>
jsrROM ROMAdjustFree ;Increase free space.
MoveM.L (SP)+,A0-A1/D0-D1 ;Restore registers.
RTS ;Return to caller.
; a24MakeCBkF
Movem.L A1/D0,-(SP) ;save A1, D0 <v1.5>
Move.L A0,A1 ;get start of free block address <v1.5>
Add.L D0,A1 ;get beginning of next block <v1.5>
@tryNext ; <v1.5>
Tst.B TagBC24(A1) ;is next block free <v1.5>
Bne.S @notFree ;branch if not a free block <v1.5>
CmpA.L BkLim(A6),A1 ;is it the last free block <v1.5>
Bcc.S @notFree ;branch, if yes <v1.5>
Cmp.L AllocPtr(A6),A1 ; kaar 90.11.14
Bne.S @1 ; kaar 90.11.14
Move.L A0,AllocPtr(A6) ; kaar 90.11.14
Add.L TagBC24(A1),D0 ;add size of next free block <v1.5>
AddA.L TagBC24(A1),A1 ;advance A1 to next block <v1.5>
Bra.S @trynext ;check next block <v1.5>
@notFree ; <v1.5>
Move.L D0,TagBC24(A0) ;Set tag and byte count.
Clr.B TagBC24(A0) ;Clear tag and offset.
Movem.L (SP)+,A1/D0 ;restore A1 ,D0 <v1.5>
RTS ;Return to caller.
EXPORT (PatchResrvMem32, PatchNewPtr32, PatchMoreMasters32):CODE
; j32ResrvMem
PatchResrvMem32 ; 32 bit version of ResrvMem <v1.1>
TST.L HFstFree(A6) ;Any masters left?
BNE.S @1 ;br if so
Move.W mAllocCnt(A6),D2 ;Number of masters to make.
Ext.L D2
ASL.L #2,D2 ;Convert MP count to byte count.
Add.L #BlkData32,D2 ;And block header <v1.1>
Add.L D2,D0 ;Increase req count by ptr blk
@1 bsr.s Mya32MakePtrSpc ;Make room at the low end. <v1.1>
JmpROM ROMBackToResrvMem32 ;re-join the ROM
; j32NewPtr
Sub.L a1,a1
bsr.s Mya32MakePtrSpc
JmpROM ROMBackToNewPtr32
; j32MoreMasters
MOVEQ #0,D0 ; assume success
bsr.s Mya32HMakeMoreMasters ; call our copy of the ROM routine
JmpROM ROMBackToMoreMasters32 ; re-join the ROM
; a32HMakeMoreMasters
MoveM.L A0/D0-D1,-(SP) ;Save registers.
Move mAllocCnt(A6),D0 ;Number of masters to make.
Ext.L D0
BGT.S @1 ;Make sure count is > 0
MoveQ #DfltMasters,D0 ;If not, use default number.
Move.L D0,D1 ;Count of master pointers.
ASL.L #2,D0 ;Convert MP count to byte count.
bsr.s Mya32MakePtrSpc ;Clear some room at the low end.
JmpROM ROMBackToa32HMakeMoreMasters
; a32MakePtrSpc
MoveM.L D0-D4/A0-A1/A3-A4,-(SP) ;Preserve registers, nowadays D4,A4, too. <14Apr85>
JsrROM ROMa32ActualS ;Returns real sAct.
MoveA.l A6,A4 ;Presume it's not ApplZone case <14Apr85>
CmpA.L ApplZone,A6 ;If EQ & GrowDown then must fix A4 <14Apr85>
SEq D3 ;$FF if so (i.e. we can grow) <14Apr85>
; search for good region
@MPSpc1 ; <14Apr85>
LEA HeapData(A4),A0 ;Start at first block in 'heap' <14Apr85>
Move.L BkLim(A6),A3 ;Last block in zone
Move.L A0,A2 ;bRgn := first zone block ptr.
MoveQ #0,D2 ;sRgn := 0.
Move.L Blksize32(A0),D1 ;Block byte count <v1.1>
Tst.B TagBC32(A0) ;Is this block free?
BEq.S @1 ;Br if so (add to region)
BPl.S @2 ;Br if non-rel
Tst.B MPtag32(A0) ;is block locked? <v1.1>
BMi.S @2 ;Br if so
@1 Add.L D1,D2 ;Add to sRgn
Add.L D1,A0 ;Point to next block
Cmp.L D0,D2 ;Do we have enough?
BCS.S @4 ;Br if not
BSR.S Mya32MakeSpace ;MakeSpace(bRgn,s)
; Loop to relocate search in case growZone purged starting point. <29jan85>
; Labels offset by 90, to protect the innocent. <29jan85>
; Just relocate at next block beyond current end ptr in A0. <20May85>
@91 MOVE.L A2,D2 ; get the space? <29jan85>
BNE.S @96 ; br if so <29jan85>
LEA HeapData(A4),A2 ; start where the original search did <14Apr85>
@92 ; <29jan85>
MOVE.L BlkSize32(A2),D1 ; get size of current block <v1.1>
ADD.L D1,A2 ; point to next block <29jan85>
; <29jan85>
; The following snippet of code was foolishly omitted <14Apr86>
; from the Mac+ ROM. It turns out that RelocRel depends
; on there being an immovable block just below the handle
; being moved, so we skip ahead to the next FREE or
; IMMOVABLE, the point of the FREE being that SafeReloc
; will lock any leading free space down before calling RelocRel,
; thus effectively starting the painful process at a locked
; place.
TST.B TagBC32(A2) ; is this block free or locked? <v1.1>
BPL.S @93 ; free & non-rel blocks OK <14apr86>
TST.B MPtag32(A2) ; is block locked? <v1.1>
BPL.S @94 ; skip if movable <14apr86>
@93 ; <14apr86>
CMP.L A0,A2 ; past or equal to current checkpt? <29jan85>
BHI.S @95 ; want HIgher, not CarryClear as before <20May85>
@94 ; <29jan85>
CMP.L A3,A2 ; end of heap reached? <29jan85>
BCS.S @92 ; br if not <29jan85>
@95 ; <29jan85>
MOVE.L A2,A0 ; A0 should now be cool <29jan85>
SUB.L A2,A2 ; restore A2 <29jan85>
@96 ; <29jan85>
; Now continue with the original MakePtrSpc code... <29jan85>
Move.L A2,D2 ;Did we find it?
BNE.S @MPSExit ;Exit if so
BRA.S @3 ;Otherwise, look some more.
@2 Add.L D1,A0 ;Point to next block
@3 Move.L A0,A2 ;bRgn := next block ptr.
MoveQ #0,D2 ;sRgn := 0. (next region)
@4 Cmp.L A3,A0 ;End of zone reached?
BCS.S @RegionLoop ;Loop if not
AddQ.B #1,D3 ;Try to grow zone?
BNE.S @MPSOuter ;Exit if not possible <14Apr85>
JsrROM ROMa32GrowZone ;Do it
; EXCRUCIATING SUBTLETY HERE: Two cases can arise, A4 is OrgApplZone (which is <14Apr85>
; always a cool place to start searching, or A4 is an incarnation of ApplZone. <14Apr85>
; In the latter case, ApplZone may have changed as a result of the recent call to <14Apr85>
; GrowZone. Even though A4 may now be in the midst of a big new free block, <14Apr85>
; bkLim(A4) should nonetheless be the same block it was last time through the loop, <14Apr85>
; since no coalescing is done in GrowZone. <14Apr85>
; The following sequence would fix the problem by adjusting A4 if it turned out that<14Apr85>
; the first block after the previous ApplZone header could be coalesced. <14Apr85>
BrA.S @MPSpc1
@MPSOuter ;inner loop failed <14Apr85>
Sub.L A2,A2 ;No luck.
MoveM.L (SP)+,D0-D4/A0-A1/A3-A4 ;Restore registers, D4&A4,too <14Apr85>
RTS ;Return to caller.
; a32MakeSpace
MoveM.L A0-A1/A3/D0-D3,-(SP) ;Save registers.
Move.L D0,D1 ;Size needed.
Move.L A2,A3 ;Advances through following blks.
MoveQ #0,D3 ;Cumulative free byte count.
Cmp.L D1,D3 ;Enough room yet?
BCC.S @MSpDone ;Yes, exit loop.
Cmp.L BkLim(A6),A3 ;At end of zone?
BCC.S @MSpDone ;Yes, give up search.
Tst.B TagBC32(A3) ;Is this block free?
BEq.S @MSpFree ;Yes, let's grab it!
BPl.S @MSpDone ;Can't move a Non-Rel block.
Move.L Handle32(A3),A1 ;Get relative handle.
Add.L A6,A1 ;Convert to absolute handle.
Move.B MPtag32(A3),D2 ;Get master pointer tag byte <v1.1>
BMi.S @MSpDone ;Yes, give up.
bsr.s Mya32SafeReloc ;Move this block safely.
BEq.S @MSpFree ;All is well.
BTst #Purge,D2 ;Can we purge this block?
BEq.S @MSpDone ;No, give up.
Move.L (A1),A0 ;Set up pointer to purgeable.
Sub.L #BlkData32,A0 ;Point to block text field. <v1.1>
JsrROM ROMa32PurgeBlock ;Purge this block.
Move.L A3,A0 ;Address of block being released.
Move.L BlkSize32(A0),D0 ;Size of block <v1.1>
Cmp.L AllocPtr(A6),A0 ;Does the rover point here?
BNE.S @MSpNext ;Skip if not . . .
Add.L D0,AllocPtr(A6) ;Point to next block instead
Add.L D0,D3 ;Inc. amount of space found.
Add.L D0,A3 ;Inc. base address of block.
BrA.S @MSpLoop ;Release or move next block.
Tst.L D3 ;is byte count zero <v1.1>
BEq.S @1 ;No space found.
Clr.L TagBC32(A2) ;set free block <v1.1>
Move.L D3,BlkSize32(A2) ;Set free block size. <v1.1>
Cmp.L D1,D3 ;sFnd >= s?
BCC.S @MSpExit ;Yes, success return.
Sub.L A2,A2 ; reason to call MakeBkf . . .
Move.L A2,AllocPtr(A6) ;let our children learn from us
MoveM.L (SP)+,A0-A1/A3/D0-D3 ;Restore registers.
RTS ;Return to caller.
; a32SafeReloc
Move.L A0,-(SP) ;Save register.
Move.L D3,D0 ;Is there a free block yet?
BEq.S @1 ;No, skip consistency code.
Move.L D3,BlkSize32(A2) ;Set free block length. <v1.1>
Move.L #NRelTag,TagBC32(A2) ;Fake Non-Rel block. <v1.1>
Move.L A6,Handle32(A2) ;Including zone reference.
jsrROM ROMSubtractFree ;Adjust free space for Non-Rel blk. <v1.7>
Move.L (A1),A0 ;Get pointer to block from handle.
jsrROM ROMa32GetSize ;Get logical size of block.
BSR.S Mya32RelocRel ;Move the block.
Move.L D0,A0 ;Save error code.
Move.L D3,D0 ;Cumulative free space.
BEq.S @2 ;Nothing so far, skip magic.
Clr.L TagBC32(A2) ;make free block <v1.1>
Move.L D3,BlkSize32(A2) ;Make the block free again. <v1.1>
jsrROM ROMAdjustFree ;Return space to space pool.
Move.L A0,D0 ;Return error code and set cond.
Move.L (SP)+,A0 ;Restore register.
RTS ;Return to caller.
; a32RelocRel
MoveM.L D1-D2/A0-A2,-(SP) ;Save registers. <06May85>
Move.L A1,A2 ;Handle being moved
Move.L A1,GZMoveHnd ;record the moving target
; Don't mess with purge bit here -- let caller (SetSize) do it. <10Apr85>
Sub.L A1,A1 ;get a nonrelocatable
jsrROM ROMa32AllocBk ;Get a dest block, if we can.
BEq.S @RRFail ;No luck, restore flags and exit
; Note... if the object was purged,
; by GZ, by definition, there must
; be enough space to reallocate it
; (esp. if the size is the same -
; MakeSpace case), So A2 is valid
; for the exit through RRFail
Tst.L (A2) ;was object handle purged?
BEq.S @RRFree ;assume success
Move.L A0,A1 ;Points to destination block.
Move.L (A2),A0 ;Points to source block
jsrROM ROMa32GetSize ;Get original size (for SetSize)
jsrROM ROMHBlockMove ;Copy source to destination.
; (only logical bytes)
; Make the new nrel a rel, and vice versa. Do so preserving the leading nibble of tag <06May85>
; information and but not messing up the logical blocksize in the low nibble. <06May85>
; It's ugly, but someone has to do it.
; It's really ugly: $F0 is -$10, not -$F as first attempted. <13May85>
Sub.L #blkData32,A0 ;Source reloc block <v1.1>
Sub.L #blkData32,A1 ;Dest nrel block <v1.1>
Move.B tagBC32(A0),D0 ;get source tag <v1.1>
Move.B tagBc32(A1),D2 ;get dest tag <v1.1>
Move.B D0,tagBc32(A1) ;Dest becomes reloc <v1.1>
Move.B D2,tagBc32(A0) ;Source becomes nonreloc <v1.1>
Move.B MPtag32(A0),MPtag32(A1) ;copy master pointer tag <v1.1>
AddQ.L #handle32,A0 ;relative handle of original reloc <v1.1>
AddQ.L #handle32,A1 ;relative handle of new nonreloc <v1.1>
Move.L (A0),(A1)+ ;complete transformation of new block <06May85>
Move.L A1,(A2) ;point the master pointer here <06May85>
Move.L A6,(A0)+ ;Source block is nrel now
bsr.s Mya32FreeBk ;Discard source block as nrel.
MoveQ #0,D0 ;Success return.
Clr.L GZMoveHnd ;clear the moving target
MoveM.L (SP)+,D1-D2/A0-A2 ;Restore registers. <06May85>
RTS ;Return to caller.
MoveQ #memFullErr,D0 ;No room in memory to move block.
BrA.S @RRExit ;Common exit code.
; a32FreeBk
MoveM.L A0-A1/D0-D1,-(SP) ;Save registers.
Sub.L #BlkData32,A0 ;Point to block header. <v1.1>
Move.L BlkSize32(A0),D0 ;get byte count. <v1.1>
Tst.B TagBC32(A0) ;test block <v1.1>
BEq.S @FBDone ;Free block, do nothing.
BPl.S @FBNRel ;Non-relocatable block.
Move.L Handle32(A0),A1 ;Handle offset.
Add.L A6,A1 ;Add base to make handle.
jsrROM ROMReleaseMP ;Release handle.
bsr.s Mya32MakeCBkF ;Free block. <v1.5>
jsrROM ROMAdjustFree ;Increase free space.
MoveM.L (SP)+,A0-A1/D0-D1 ;Restore registers.
RTS ;Return to caller.
; a32MakeCBkF
Movem.L A1/D0,-(SP) ;save A1, D0 <v1.5>
Move.L A0,A1 ;get start of free block address <v1.5>
Add.L D0,A1 ;get beginning of next block <v1.5>
@tryNext ; <v1.5>
Tst.B TagBC32(A1) ;is next block free <v1.5>
Bne.S @notFree ;branch if not a free block <v1.5>
CmpA.L BkLim(A6),A1 ;is it the last free block <v1.5>
Bcc.S @notFree ;branch, if yes <v1.5>
Cmp.L AllocPtr(A6),A1 ; kaar 90.11.14
Bne.S @1 ; kaar 90.11.14
Move.L A0,AllocPtr(A6) ; kaar 90.11.14
Add.L BlkSize32(A1),D0 ;add size of next free block <v1.5>
AddA.L BlkSize32(A1),A1 ;advance A1 to next block <v1.5>
Bra.S @trynext ;check next block <v1.5>
@notFree ; <v1.5>
Move.L D0,BlkSize32(A0) ;save size of free block <v1.1>
Clr.L TagBC32(A0) ;clear first long word <v1.1>
; Move.L A0,AllocPtr(A6) ;update allocPtr to point here <v1.5><kaar>
Movem.L (SP)+,A1/D0 ;restore A1, D0 <v1.5>
RTS ;Return to caller.
; Patch MacPlus BlockMove to fix bug in the Memory Mgr MakePtrSpc routine.
; Background: MakePtrSpc tries to allocate a block low in the heap. It does
; it by locating "regions" of moveable/free/purgeable blocks bounded by
; immoveable/locked blocks, then calling the MakeSpace routine to create a
; free block therein. When MakeSpace fails, it rescans from the bottom of the
; heap for the next higher region. Someone erroneously commented out the
; code in the re-scan that made sure the block before the new region is an
; immobile block. This causes trouble when that block is a relocatable, and
; gets moved by (calls several routines down from) MakeSpace. When control
; returns to MakeSpace, the "region address" is now in the middle of a block!
; Attempts to walk further through the heap become infinite loops or bus errors.
; The correct scan is in the newer (SE and later) ROMs, so this fix is only
; needed on the MacPlus.
; Our strategy to fix this: We patch BlockMove to catch it when moving blocks
; on behalf of MakePtrSpc, and use that chance to have MakePtrSpc do the
; correct scan. The fix is two patches. The primary one is on BlockMove.
; BlockMove is down deep in the chain, so we examine several return addresses
; to guarantee that BlockMove is being (indirectly) called from MakeSpace being
; called by MakePtrSpc. We then replace MakeSpace's return address so that
; MakeSpace returns to the secondary patch, instead of to MakePtrSpc. The
; secondary patch implements the correct rescan (swiped from the newer ROMs)
; and rejoins the ROM with the result of the scan. Note that if MakeSpace
; never calls this BlockMove, the patch is not needed since the region address
; didn't get walked on!
; That was simple, too simple! The spare1 growzone procedure can also be called.
; We patch it in a similar way to BlockMove.
; for BlockMove call chain checking
OffsHBlock EQU 0 ; rts from "jsr (a2)"
OffsHBMRTS EQU OffsHBlock+(6*4)+4 ; rts from "BSR.S HBlockMove"
OffsCHRTS EQU OffsHBMRTS+(9*4)+4 ; rts from "BSR.S ToCompactHp"
OffsMakePtr1 EQU OffsHBMRTS+(6*4)+(2*4)+(7*4)+4 ; rts from "BSR.S MakeSpace"
OffsMakePtr2 EQU OffsHBMRTS+(30*4)+(5*4)+4 ; rts from "BSR.S MakeSpace"
OffsMakePtr3 EQU OffsMakePtr2+(5*4)+(1*4) ; rts from "BSR.S MakeSpace"
ROMFromHBlock ROMBind (Plus,$107AC) ; BlockMove from HBlockMove
ROMFromCompact ROMBind (Plus,$10808) ; HBlockMove from CompactHp
ROMFromRelocRel ROMBind (Plus,$10C0C) ; HBlockMove from RelocRel
ROMFromPurgeHeap ROMBind (Plus,$105FC) ; ToCompactHp from PurgeHeap
; for spare1 call chain checking
OffsetSpare1RTS EQU 0 ; rts from "jsr (a1)"
OffsetCallGCRTS EQU OffsetSpare1RTS+(16*4)+4 ; rts from "BSR.S ToCompactHp"
OffsetMSRTS EQU OffsetCallGCRTS+(21*4)+(4*4)+4 ; rts from "BSR.S MakeSpace"
ROMFromCGZ ROMBind (Plus,$10656) ; spare1 from CallGZProc
ROMFromBCS ROMBind (Plus,$1068E) ; CompactHp from BkCompactS
; for both BlockMove and spare1 call chain checking
ROMFromMakePtr ROMBind (Plus,$10B18) ; MakeSpace from MakePtrSpc
; for rejoining ROM after doing correct scan
ROMBackMPS ROMBind (Plus,$10B34) ; resume MakePtrSpc
; Primary patch #1. Patch BlockMove to stuff address of secondary patch. BlockMove is
; low in the call chain, and there are three ways of getting to it that we care about.
BlockMoveFixMPS ComeFromPatchProc _BlockMove,,(Plus)
; Do the initial come-from check ourselves, since the ComeFromPatchProc macro takes into
; account the dispatcher stack usage, but HBlockMove jsr's directly to the routine,
; bypassing the dispatcher. The return address, therefore, is on the stack top.
cmpROM ROMFromHBlock,OffsHBlock(sp) ; BlockMove from HBlockMove?
bneOld ; if not, I give up!
; (1) MakePtrSpc -> MakeSpace -> SafeReloc -> RelocRel -> HBlockMove
cmpROM ROMFromRelocRel,OffsHBMRTS(sp) ; HBlockMove in RelocRel?
bne.s tryFromCompactHp ; if not, try check (2)
cmpROM ROMFromMakePtr,OffsMakePtr1(sp) ; working for MakePtrSpc?
bneOld ; if not, I give up!
peaResident PatchMakePtrSpc ; address of secondary patch
move.l (sp)+,OffsMakePtr1(sp) ; MakeSpace returns there instead
jmpOld ; chain through to old trap address
; (2) MakePtrSpc -> MakeSpace -> AllocBk -> BkCompactS -> CompactHp -> HBlockMove
; Shares part of check (3).
cmpROM ROMFromCompact,OffsHBMRTS(sp) ; HBlockMove in CompactHp?
bneOld ; if not, I give up!
cmpROM ROMFromMakePtr,OffsMakePtr2(sp) ; working for MakePtrSpc?
bne.s tryFromPurge ; if not, try check (3)
peaResident PatchMakePtrSpc ; address of secondary patch
move.l (sp)+,OffsMakePtr2(sp) ; MakeSpace returns there instead
jmpOld ; chain through to old trap address
; (3) MakePtrSpc -> MakeSpace -> AllocBk -> BkCompactS -> PurgeHeap -> CompactHp -> HBlockMove
cmpROM ROMFromPurgeHeap,OffsCHRTS(sp) ; CompactHp in PurgeHeap?
bneOld ; if not, I give up!
cmpROM ROMFromMakePtr,OffsMakePtr3(sp) ; working for MakePtrSpc?
bneOld ; if not, I give up!
peaResident PatchMakePtrSpc ; address of secondary patch
move.l (sp)+,OffsMakePtr3(sp) ; MakeSpace returns there instead
jmpOld ; chain through to old trap address
EndProc ; BlockMoveFixMPS
; Secondary patch. MakeSpace returns here instead of to MakePtrSpc. Implement the
; correct scan for new region, then rejoin the ROM with the scan results. Note that
; this routine is just the (uncommented!) code from the newer ROMs.
; A0 = end of previously searched region
; A1 = junk
; A2 = ptr to found space, or NIL
; A3 = end of zone
; A4 = zone
; A5-A7 = reserved
; D0/D2-D7 = reserved
; D1 = junk
PatchMakePtrSpc Proc
move.l a2,d2 ; NE --> we got the space
bne.s goROMBackMPS
lea HeapData(a4),a2 ; start the search for a new region
move.l TagBC(a2),d1 ; size of current block
and.l Lo3Bytes,d1 ; stripped of flags
add.l d1,a2 ; ptr to next block
tst.b TagBC(a2) ; status of block at hand
beq.s @4 ; free block is bad place
bpl.s @3 ; ptr block is good place
move.l Handle(a2),a1 ; recover master ptr
adda.l a4,a1 ; a1 := master ptr
tst.b (a1) ; PL --> unlocked
bpl.s @4 ; loose block is bad place
cmpa.l a0,a2 ; a0 < a2 is desired, past old rgn
bhi.s @5
cmpa.l a3,a2 ; a3 <= a2 means beyond heap end
bcs.s rgnLoop ; Carry Set means a3 > a2
move.l a2,a0 ; reset rgn base
suba.l a2,a2 ; clear a2 for return to MakePtrSpc
jmpROM ROMBackMPS ; rejoin ROM after scan
EndProc ; PatchMakePtrSpc
; Primary patch #2. Patch spare1 call to stuff address of secondary patch.
InstallPlusGrowZone InstallProc (Plus)
movea.l SysZone, a1 ; system zone header address
leaResident OriginalSpare1,a0 ; get address of embedded long
move.l spare1(A1), (a0) ; save off old grow zone
leaResident PatchSpare1, a0 ; primary patch address #2
move.l a0, spare1(a1) ; replace system heap grow zone vector
EndProc ; InstallPlusGrowZone
; A6 == zone address
; MakePtrSpc -> MakeSpace -> SafeReloc -> RelocRel -> AllocBk -> BkCompactS -> CallGZProc
PatchSpare1 Proc
entry OriginalSpare1
cmpROM ROMFromCGZ, OffsetSpare1RTS(sp) ; were we called from CallGZProc?
bne.s @callThrough ; if not, fix not needed
cmpROM ROMFromBCS, OffsetCallGCRTS(sp) ; CallGZProc from BkCompactS?
bne.s @callThrough ; if not, fix not needed
cmpROM ROMFromMakePtr, OffsetMSRTS(sp) ; MakeSpace from MakePtrSpc?
bne.s @callThrough ; if not, fix not needed
peaResident PatchMakePtrSpc ; address of secondary patch
move.l (sp)+, OffsetMSRTS(sp) ; MakeSpace returns there instead
; call the old growzone procedure
move.l OriginalSpare1, -(sp) ; spare1 address our InstallProc saw
; Place to remember call-through address
OriginalSpare1 dc.l 0
EndProc ; PatchSpare1
; myCompactMem <see InstallProc named fixMyCompactMemComeFromPatchProc>
; Fix bug in MoveHHi, a BCS.S that should have been a BCC.S. In CompactMem, look for a
; call from MoveHHi routine DoCompact when in turn called from just below label goCont.
; In this case replace that second return address with alternate code that gets the
; miserable branch right.
; The CompactMem stack looks like:
; rts to dispatch < a0-a1 < d1-d2/a2 < junk long < rts to app < rts to goCont???
; so we look 32 bytes in for our magic address.
; WARNING: The equate for MyStkBuf on a plus is different than on a II or SE.
; Hence, this ComeFromPatchProc is followed by a InstallProc which fixes
; the problem on an Plus.
myCompactMem ComeFromPatchProc _CompactMem,,(Plus,SE,II,notAUX)
EXPORT ModifyMyStkBuf
MyBufCnt equ 4 ; constant from MoveHHi header
MyStkBuf equ 22 ; II: 22 +: 18 se: 22
myMinFree equ 12 ; min size of a block
AfterBsrDoCompactInGoCont ROMBind (Plus,$10354),(SE,$a8a8),(II,$e480)
CompactMem ROMBind (Plus,$0ffbe),(SE,$a4ce),(II,$e06c)
FindRgnTop ROMBind (Plus,$103dc),(SE,$a936),(II,$e50e)
MNSFinish ROMBind (Plus,$103b0),(SE,$a904),(II,$e4dc)
MoveRest ROMBind (Plus,$1033A),(SE,$a88E),(II,$e466)
FillStkBuf ROMBind (Plus,$10416),(SE,$a970),(II,$e548)
DoCompact ROMBind (Plus,$10454),(SE,$a9AE),(II,$e586)
mhhCMFrame equ 32 ; 8 longs in is the return from DoCompact
cmp.l #$00002000, SysZone ; is Scruffy installed? <13>
bne.s @hasDirtyMemoryManager ; if not, we need the patch <13>
jmpOld ; if so, just call the <20>real<61> CompactMem <13>
@hasDirtyMemoryManager ; <13>
cmpROM AfterBsrDoCompactInGoCont,mhhCMFrame(sp) ; are we coming from GoCont?
bne.s @goCompact ; if not, proceed
lea myGoCont,a0 ; get bogus return address
move.l a0,mhhCMFrame(sp) ; jammed into stack
@goCompact ; go on back to rom
jmpROM CompactMem ; let rom work
; Just do the usual rom number for GoCont, but get the danged branch right...
; The code here is copied from MoveHHi, up to MNSEscape.
jsrROM FindRgnTop
move.l TagBC(A2),D1
move.l MyBufCnt(a5),d0
ModifyMyStkBuf EQU *+2
lea MyStkBuf(a5),a0
move.l a2,a1
add.l d1,a1
sub.l d0,a1
add.l d0,d6
sub.l d0,ZCBFree(a6)
tst.l d7
beq.s @MNSFinish
move.l a1,d0
sub.l a2,d0
beq.s @MNSExact
move.l d0,d1
subq.l #BlkData,d1
sub.l d7,d1
bcs.s @MNSAdj
beq.s @MNSEscape
moveq #myMinFree,d2
cmp.l d1,d2
bcc.s @MNSAdj ; the BUG was that bcs.s was used here
; This section is entered directly from raw MoveHHi code in ROM.
MOVE.L (A4),A0 ;yes, move it. get source ptr
jmpROM MoveRest ; back to ROM for last bytes
MOVE.L D0,TagBC(A2) ; adjust size of remaining free blk
MOVEM.L (A1),D4-D5 ; save 2 longs at front of blk
MOVE.L A6,Handle(A1)
MOVE.L D6,TagBC(A1) ; data size is blk size in this case . . .
MOVE.B #$40,TagBC(A1) ; make it an nrel blk
JSRROM FillStkBuf ; this does it and also adjusts handlesize
JSRROM DoCompact ; then move everything down
JSRROM FindRgnTop ; point A2 to free bk at top . . .
MOVEM.L D4-D5,(A1) ; restore data at front of blk
BRA myMoveNextSeg ; then go again
ENDPROC ; myCompactMem
; fixMyCompactMemComeFromPatchProc <see ComeFromPatchProc named MyCompactMem>
; The Plus equate for MyStkBuf is different than on a II or SE. Hence, this InstallProc
; follows the ComeFromPatchProc named MyCompactMem, which fixes the problem on an Plus.
fixMyCompactMemComeFromPatchProc InstallProc (Plus)
IMPORT ModifyMyStkBuf
lea ModifyMyStkBuf,a0
move.w #18,(a0)