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; File: DisplayMgr.a
; Contains: Display Manager Assembly Sources
; Written by: Ian Hendry
; Copyright: <09> 1993 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <12> 11/5/93 IH Sync with Excelsior.
; <SM11> 10/10/93 IH Sync with Excelsior.
; <10> 9/10/93 IH Fix cursor bug in horror ROMs and SuperMario.
; <9> 8/16/93 IH #1099391 <KON>: Sync w/Reality. Fix support for apple event
; notification to procs ptrs.
; <SM8> 08-06-93 jmp Added more entries to the ROMTimingTables.
; <7> 8/4/93 IH #1101633,1098397,1101795,1101636,1102280 <KON>: Make
; DMGetROMMultiModeTable a trap (rather than a function call). Add
; private trap to begin configuring displays. Add Trap for
; animation. Temporarily set 2nd gestalt bit so Monitors CP can
; detect that calls take displayState (instead of "updateNow").
; <6> 6/22/93 IH Remove Debugger call.
; <5> 6/1/93 IH Add new calls for A1 feature complete
; <4> 5/28/93 IH #1081805,1086363: Fix App quickdraw globals to update screenBits
; bitmap (Finder uses this information to determine if an icon is
; off screen).
; <3> 4/8/93 IH Add support for mode switching.
; <2> 3/31/93 IH Clean up for SuperMario
; <1> 3/25/93 IH first checked in
; <9> 3/24/93 IH Support changing menu bar. Add RecalcMenuBar which calls
; _CalcMenuBar and if it gets a paramErr (selector not installed
; returns paramErr) then it tries to call the MBDF directly. In
; future systems When I am sure the trap is installed I can
; conditionalize the direct call to the MBDF to INITVERSION only.
; <8> 3/17/93 IH Adding patch to InitWindows to set up port. This is what
; LayerManager does to install DeskPort. What happens if
; InitWindows is called at init time? If portlist is cleared, this
; port will not get updated correctly when depths change etc.
; <7> 3/11/93 mgl Display Manager is now successfully installing its Gestalt
; selectors again, so I will reenable the call to SysError that I
; commented out earlier.
; <6> 3/10/93 JDR After checking in my fix <4> it occurred to me that the Gestalt
; proc should have been an LeaResident.
; <5> 3/10/93 mgl Gestalt was failing because the Gestalt proc was not in the
; System heap. Comment out the call to SysError until this is
; fixed.
; <4> 3/9/93 JDR Fixed the system build. Moved DMGestaltProc being imported to be
; outside of the for INITVERSION conditional.
; <3> 3/5/93 IH Add desk patches and gestalt procs
; <2> 2/25/93 IH Added new desktop routine dispatchers and added routine to draw
; desktop the old way.
; <1> 2/23/93 IH first checked in
LOAD 'StandardEqu.d'
INCLUDE 'InternalMacros.a'
INCLUDE 'GestaltEqu.a'
INCLUDE 'Video.a'
INCLUDE 'LinkedPatchMacros.a'
INCLUDE 'Displays.a'
INCLUDE 'DisplaysPriv.a'
INCLUDE 'MenuMgrPriv.a'
INCLUDE 'HardwarePrivateEqu.a'
INCLUDE 'DepVideoEqu.a'
INCLUDE 'TrapsPrivate.a'
; Dispatcher for the Display Manager routines
CASE OFF ; dispatch routines are Pascal
ROMs Plus,SE,II,Portable,IIci,SuperMario
DisplayDispatch BeginDispatcher _DisplayDispatch
DispatchSelectors DM_SetDisplayID = selectSetDisplayID
DispatchSelectors DM_RegisterExtendedNotifyProc = selectRegisterExtendedNotification
DispatchSelectors DM_MoveCursor = selectDMMoveCursor
DispatchSelectors DM_RemoveCurrentProcessProcs = selectRemoveCurrentProcessProcs
DispatchSelectors DM_PrivateBeginConfigureDisplays = selectPrivateBeginConfigureDisplays
DispatchSelectors DM_GetBestDepthModeInfo = selectGetBestDepthModeInfo
DispatchSelectors DM_GiveDeskTime = selectGiveDeskTime
DispatchSelectors DM_GetROMMultiModeTable = selectGetROMMultiModeTable
DispatchSelectors DM_DeskClick = selectDeskClick
DispatchSelectors DM_ChangedDesktopIconRgn = selectChangedDesktopIconRgn
DispatchSelectors DM_SetAnimateProcess = selectSetAnimateProcess
DispatchSelectors DM_NotifyAllProcesses = selectNotifyAllProcesses
DispatchSelectors DM_KeepWindowOnscreen = selectKeepWindowOnscreen
DispatchSelectors DM_GetDesktopIconRgn = selectGetDesktopIconRgn
DispatchSelectors DM_SetDesktopIconRgn = selectSetDesktopIconRgn
DispatchSelectors DM_KillDisplayManager = selectKillDisplayManager
DispatchSelectors DM_InitDisplayManager = selectInitDisplayManager
DispatchSelectors DM_InstallDisplayManager = selectInstallDisplayManager
DispatchSelectors DM_GetFirstScreenDevice = selectGetFirstScreenDevice
DispatchSelectors DM_GetNextScreenDevice = selectGetNextScreenDevice
DispatchSelectors DM_DrawDesktopRect = selectDrawDesktopRect
DispatchSelectors DM_DrawDesktopRegion = selectDrawDesktopRgn
DispatchSelectors DM_GetGDeviceTablecloth = selectGetGDeviceTablecloth
DispatchSelectors DM_SetGDeviceTablecloth = selectSetGDeviceTablecloth
DispatchSelectors DM_BeginConfigureDisplays = selectBeginConfigureDisplays
DispatchSelectors DM_EndConfigureDisplays = selectEndConfigureDisplays
DispatchSelectors DM_AddDisplay = selectAddDisplay
DispatchSelectors DM_MoveDisplay = selectMoveDisplay
DispatchSelectors DM_DisableDisplay = selectDisableDisplay
DispatchSelectors DM_EnableDisplay = selectEnableDisplay
DispatchSelectors DM_RemoveDisplay = selectRemoveDisplay
DispatchSelectors DM_GetComponentAnimateTicks = selectGetComponentAnimateTicks
DispatchSelectors DM_SetComponentAnimateTicks = selectSetComponentAnimateTicks
DispatchSelectors DM_GetNextAnimateTime = selectGetNextAnimateTime
DispatchSelectors DM_SetMainDisplay = selectSetMainDisplay
DispatchSelectors DM_SetDisplayMode = selectSetDisplayMode
DispatchSelectors DM_CheckDisplayMode = selectCheckDisplayMode
DispatchSelectors DM_GetDeskRegion = selectGetDeskRegion
DispatchSelectors DM_RegisterNotifyProc = selectRegisterNotifyProc
DispatchSelectors DM_RemoveNotifyProc = selectRemoveNotifyProc
DispatchSelectors DM_QDIsMirroringCapable = selectQDIsMirroringCapable
DispatchSelectors DM_CanMirrorNow = selectCanMirrorNow
DispatchSelectors DM_IsMirroringOn = selectIsMirroringOn
DispatchSelectors DM_MirrorDevices = selectMirrorDevices
DispatchSelectors DM_UnmirrorDevice = selectUnmirrorDevice
DispatchSelectors DM_GetNextMirroredDevice = selectGetNextMirroredDevice
DispatchSelectors DM_BlockMirroring = selectBlockMirroring
DispatchSelectors DM_UnblockMirroring = selectUnblockMirroring
DispatchSelectors DM_GetDisplayMgrA5World = selectGetDisplayMgrA5World
DispatchSelectors DM_GetDisplayIDByGDevice = selectGetDisplayIDByGDevice
DispatchSelectors DM_GetGDeviceByDisplayID = selectGetGDeviceByDisplayID
DispatchSelectors DM_SetDisplayComponent = selectSetDisplayComponent
DispatchSelectors DM_GetDisplayComponent = selectGetDisplayComponent
DispatchSelectors DM_NewDisplay = selectNewDisplay
DispatchSelectors DM_DisposeDisplay = selectDisposeDisplay
CASE OBJECT ; back to C conventions
; Install the Display Manager when the linked patch gets run - this is done for the
; INIT version as well as for the system version of the Display Manager
DisplayMgrInstall InstallProc
IMPORT DM__GestaltProc : CODE
Tst.b $172 ; mouse down?
Bge.s @skipDebugger ; If so then do not install
; _Debugger
subq.l #2,sp ; make room for result
_DMInstallDisplayManager ; install ourselves
move.w (sp)+,d0 ; get result
Beq.s @DidInstall
Moveq #dsMemFullErr,D0
@DidInstall Rts ; all done.
ENDPROC ; DisplayMgrInstall
; Patches needed until Display Manager is part of a ROM or part of gibbly
; pascal void InitMenus(void)
; Initialized drawing port. This is what Layer Manager does to install DeskPort.
; What happens if InitWindows is called at init time? If portlist is cleared after
; INIT time, then this port will not get updated when the depth changes (base address changes)
; In WindowMgr.a, InitMenus is called after the window manager port is allocated, but before the
; desktop is drawn. At this time I can open my port and take over drawing the desktop.
; On Machines that I am installed in the ROMs, I should make this call inline and
; call DMDrawDesktopRegion farther down.
PatchInitMenus PatchProc _InitMenus,(Plus,SE,II,Portable,IIci,SuperMario)
WITH DMGlobalsRec ; for referencing globals
subq.l #2,sp ; make room for result
move.w (sp)+,d0 ; get result
jmpOld ; Continue
; pascal void FillRgn(RgnHandle deskRgnToFill,Pattern deskPattern)
; Draw the desktop using the desk pattern. This is when we are asked to
; do the drawing before the Display Manager is initialized (during development)
; and if there is no installed component
PatchFillRgn PatchProc _FillRgn,(Plus,SE,II,Portable,IIci,SuperMario)
WITH DMGlobalsRec ; for referencing globals
; InitWindows calls FillRgn or FillCRgn
; until that ROM is overridden, we need to patch FillRgn
; FillRgn(rgn, pat);
; 0(A7) Rts
; 4(A7) Pattern
; 8(A7) Region
Tst.b pCDeskPat ; test flag to see which to use
Blt.s @doOld ; if high bit set, then we have a color deskpat
Cmp.l #DeskPattern,4(A7) ; If not the Deskpattern
Bne.s @doOld ; The do the original fill
__GetDMGlobalsPtrInA0 ; Macro to get expandmem globals in A0
Move.l A0,D0 ; Have we been installed?
Beq.s @doOld
Move.b fDeskDrawNest(A0),D0 ; Is this a nested case?
Bne.s @doOld
Add.b #1,fDeskDrawNest(A0) ; Nest one more
Move.l A0,-(A7) ; Save Global Ptr
Subq.w #4,SP
Move.l SP,-(SP)
Move.l (SP)+,A1 ; The port
Move.l (SP),A0 ; Restore globals in A0
Move.l 4+8(A7),-(SP) ; Parameter Rgn
Move.l clipRgn(A1),-(SP) ; Clip is the desk to draw
Move.l fWorkingDeskRectRgn(A0),-(SP)
Move.l (SP),A0 ; Restore globals in A0
; Is substituting the regions dangerous?
; Are there any wierd patches that look for the
; actual region that they passed? I have not
; see any problems.
Move.l fWorkingDeskRectRgn(A0),-(SP)
Move.l (A7)+,A0 ; Pop Global Pointer
Sub.b #1,fDeskDrawNest(A0) ; Nest one less
Move.l (A7)+,A0 ; Get Rts
Addq.w #8,A7 ; Release other bits
Jmp (A0) ; Go Home
@doOld jmpOld ; call the old InitApplication
ENDPROC ; PatchFillRgn
; pascal void FillCRgn(RgnHandle deskRgnToFill,PixPatHandle deskPattern)
; Draw the desktop using the desk pattern. This is when we are asked to
; do the drawing before the Display Manager is initialized (during development)
; and if there is no installed component
PatchFillCRgn PatchProc _FillCRgn,(II,IIci,SuperMario)
WITH DMGlobalsRec ; for referencing globals
; InitWindows calls FillRgn or FillCRgn
; until that ROM is overridden, we need to patch FillRgn
; FillCRgn(rgn, pp);
; 0(A7) Rts
; 4(A7) PixPatHandle
; 8(A7) Region
Tst.b pCDeskPat ; test flag to see which to use
Bpl.s @doOld ; if high bit clear, then we do not have a color deskpat
Move.l DeskCPat,D0
Cmp.l 4(A7),D0 ; If not the Deskpattern
Bne.s @doOld ; The do the original fill
; What should I do about the port?
; Should I set the port?
; Should I check the port?
__GetDMGlobalsPtrInA0 ; Macro to get expandmem globals in A0
Move.l A0,D0 ; Have we been installed?
Beq.s @doOld
Move.b fDeskDrawNest(A0),D0 ; Is this a nested case?
Bne.s @doOld
Add.b #1,fDeskDrawNest(A0) ; Nest one more
Move.l A0,-(A7) ; Save Global Ptr
Subq.w #4,SP
Move.l SP,-(SP)
Move.l (SP)+,A1 ; thePort
Move.l (SP),A0 ; Restore globals in A0
Move.l 4+8(A7),-(SP) ; Parameter Rgn
Move.l clipRgn(A1),-(SP) ; Clip is the desk to draw
Move.l fWorkingDeskRectRgn(A0),-(SP)
Move.l (SP),A0 ; Restore globals in A0
Move.l fWorkingDeskRectRgn(A0),-(SP) ; Clip is the desk to draw
Move.l (A7)+,A0 ; Restore Global Pointer
Sub.b #1,fDeskDrawNest(A0) ; Nest one less
Move.l (A7)+,A0 ; Get Rts
Addq.w #8,A7 ; Release other bits
Jmp (A0) ; Go Home
@doOld jmpOld ; call the old InitApplication
PatchCleanUpApp PatchProc _CleanupApplication,(Plus,SE,II,Portable,IIci,SuperMario)
Subq #2,A7
_DMRemoveCurrentProcessProcs ; Get rid of any procs tied to this process
Addq #2,A7
@doOld jmpOld ; call the old InitApplication
; Utility Routines
; pascal void DrawDeskPattern(RgnHandle deskRgnToFill)
; Draw the desktop using the desk pattern. This is when we are asked to
; do the drawing before the Display Manager is initialized (during development)
; and if there is no installed component
CASE OFF ; Pascal Routine
DrawDeskPattern PROC EXPORT
CASE OBJECT ; back to C conventions
; Do the old fill
Link A6,#0
Tst.b pCDeskPat ; test flag to see which to use <C666/22Jan87> DAF
Bpl.s @noCPat ; if <20>, then use binary pat <C666/22Jan87> DAF
Move.l TheZone,-(A7)
Move.l SysZone,A0 ; use the system heap
; Port is already set up by caller
; Subq.w #4,A7
; Move.l A7,-(A7)
; _GetPort ; Get the port and leave it on the stack
; Subq.w #4,A7
; Move.l A7,-(A7)
; _GetCWMgrPort
; _SetPort
Move.l 8(A6),-(SP) ; PUSH THE update REGION <11/9/86 EHB>
Move.l DeskCPat,-(SP) ; push the desk ppat
_FillCRgn ; and fill
; _SetPort ; Restore the port
Move.l (A7)+,A0 ; Restore the zone
Bra.s @doneDraw
@noCPat Move.l 8(A6),-(SP) ; PUSH THE DESKTOP REGION <11/9/86 EHB>
Pea DeskPattern ; push the desk pattern
_FillRgn ; and paint the desktop
Unlk A6
Move.l (A7)+,(A7) ; Get rid of paramter
ENDPROC ; DrawDeskPattern
; pascal OSErr DM__GestaltProc(OSType selector, long* response)
; This is the gestalt for both Display Manager version and Display Manager Attributes
; I assume that attributes are called more that version (and is slightly faster).
; 0(A7) Rts
; 4(A7) response
; 8(A7) selector
CASE OFF ; Pascal Routine
CASE OBJECT ; back to C conventions
Move.l (SP)+,A0 ; RTS
Move.l (SP)+,A1 ; response
Move.l (SP)+,D0 ; selector
Move.l #(1<<gestaltDisplayMgrPresent)+2,(A1) ; Attributes
; DANGER: temp setting bit 1 to let monitors
; know that parameters to Move and SetMode calls is correct.
; I need to remove this bit when I am sure everyone has updated
; say around b2.
Cmp.l #gestaltDisplayMgrAttr,D0
Beq.s @WasAttributes
Move.l #gestaltDMLatestVersion,(A1) ; Correct to version
Clr.w (SP) ; Clear Result
Jmp (A0)
ENDPROC ; DM__GestaltProc
; Utility -- Create QuickDraw world
; Call InitGraf to create a quickdraw world.
; pascal void DM_InitQDWorld(DisplayManagerGlobalsPtr dmGlobals);
CASE OFF ; Pascal routine
Link A6,#0 ; Set up for paramters off A6
Move.b QDExist,-(A7) ; Save QDExist
Move.l CurrentA5,-(A7) ; Save CurrentA5
Move.l A5,-(A7) ; Save A5
Move.l 8(A6),A0 ; Get dmGlobals
Lea DMGlobalsRec.fQDA5World(A0),A5 ; Make A5 point at my A5 world
Move.l A5,CurrentA5 ; Stuff it in CurrentA5 just to be sure
Move.l DMGlobalsRec.fQDGlobals(A0),A0 ; Globals pointer
Pea grafSize-4(A0) ; Push Pointer to storage (at end of storage)
Move.l 8(A6),A0 ; Get dmGlobals
Pea DMGlobalsRec.fPortStorage(A0) ; Push display manager port
_SetPort ; Set thePort to fDrawingPort for the QD world.
Move.l (A7)+,A5 ; Restore A5
Move.l (A7)+,CurrentA5 ; Restore CurrentA5
Move.b (A7)+,QDExist ; Restore QDExist
Unlk A6
Move.l (A7)+,(A7) ; Copy Rts over dmGlobals parameter
Rts ; Go Home
ENDPROC ; DM__GestaltProc
; Utility -- RecalcMenuBar
; Trys to use MenuMgr call to recalculate the menu bar, if this fails (ie not a valid trap)
; then it tries to call the MBDF directly. The code for calling the MBDF only be include
; in system builds until we are sure that the _MenuCalc is installed. The code will have
; to remain in this file for the initversion.
Clr.l -(SP) ; Result and clear all
move.w (sp)+,D0 ; get result
Cmp.w #paramErr,D0 ; If the trap is not implemented then try directly
Bne.s @Done ; This should eventually go away (when I am sure that _MenuCalc is available)
; Conditionally compile CallMBarProc and this code only for INITVERSION when I am sure that
; _CalcMenuBar is in the SYSTEM
; D0 Contains selector and param1
; D1 Contains the 6 byte offset or 0 indicating calc all
Moveq #MBDFCalcMsg,D0
Moveq #0,D1 ; Calc all
CASE OFF ; dispatch routines are Pascal
Jsr CallMBarProc
CASE OBJECT ; back to C conventions
; UNCOMMENT WHEN _MenuCalc is guaranteed to be in the system
; Utility -- UpdateScreenBits
; pascal void UpdateScreenBits(GDHandle newMainDevice);
; Call only where quickdraw has been initialized. Update Screenbits in quickdraw globals
; UpdateScreenBits assumes that low memory has be initialized for the current
; main device (see FixLowMem() in DisplayMgr.c). This means if I did something
; wrong, I only have to fix it there, not here.
; In resolution independent QD, do we want the pixmap bounds (ie at variable resolution)
; or do we want the globals bounds (ie at 72 dpi)? Currently I am using 72 dpi information
; because the only app I know about (Finder) uses this information to determine if an object
; is on screen. Putting in resolution information would mess up this calculation.
CASE OFF ; Pascal routine
UpdateScreenBits PROC EXPORT
Move.l (SP)+,D0 ; Rts
Move.l (SP)+,A0 ; Get newMainDevice
Move.l (A0),A0 ; pointer to newMainDevice
Move.l (A5),A1 ; Get pointer to QD globals
Lea screenBits(A1),A1
Move.l ScrnBase,baseAddr(A1) ; Set up the quickdraw global screenBits
Move.w ScreenRow,rowBytes(A1)
Move.l gdRect(A0),bounds(A1)
Move.l gdRect+4(A0),bounds+4(A1)
Move.l D0,A0 ; Move return address to A0
Jmp (A0) ; and return
ENDPROC ; UpdateScreenBits
CASE OFF ; Pascal routine
Lea RomTimingTables,A1
Move.l (SP)+,D0 ; Rts
Move.l (SP)+,A0 ; Pointer to result
Move.l A1,(A0) ; return table
Clr.w (SP) ; return noErr
Move.l D0,A0
Jmp (A0)
Dc.w kMultiModeCRT1Connect, @MultiModeCRT1-RomTimingTables
Dc.w kMultiModeCRT2Connect, @MultiModeCRT2-RomTimingTables
Dc.w kMultiModeCRT3Connect, @MultiModeCRT3-RomTimingTables
Dc.w kFullPageConnect, @FullPage-ROMTimingTables
Dc.w kVGAConnect, @VGA-ROMTimingTables
Dc.w kNTSCConnect, @NTSC-ROMTimingTables
Dc.w kPALConnect, @PAL-ROMTimingTables
Dc.w kHRConnect, @HR-ROMTimingTables
Dc.w 0,0
@MultiModeCRT1 Dc.w timingApple13,3 ; Default
Dc.w timingApple16,1
Dc.w 0,0
@MultiModeCRT2 Dc.w timingApple13,1
Dc.w timingApple16,3 ; Default
Dc.w timingApple19,1
Dc.w 0,0
@MultiModeCRT3 Dc.w timingApple13,1
Dc.w timingApple16,1
Dc.w timingApple19,1
Dc.w timingApple21,3 ; Default
Dc.w 0,0
@FullPage Dc.w timingApple15, 3 ; Default
Dc.w timingApple15x,1
Dc.w 0,0
@VGA Dc.w timingAppleVGA,3 ; Default
Dc.w 0,0
@NTSC Dc.w timingAppleNTSC_ST,3 ; Default
Dc.w 0,0
@PAL Dc.w timingApplePAL_ST,3 ; Default
Dc.w 0,0
@HR Dc.w timingApple13, 3 ; Default
Dc.w timingApple13x,1 ;
Dc.w 0,0