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; File: SWIMDefs.aii
; Contains: Equates for the IOP based SWIM driver.
; Written by: Gary G. Davidian
; Copyright: <09> 1987-1990 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <2> 1/2/90 GGD NEEDED FOR ZONE-5: Changes needed to support the Raw Track I/O
; command.
; <1.4> 12/11/89 GGD NEEDED FOR ZONE-5: Added record formats for new DiskDuplicator
; support requests. Added record formats for new Get RAW Data
; support requests.
; <1.3> 7/8/89 CCH Added EASE comments to file.
; <<3C>1.2> 6/15/89 GGD Updated to use equates for the latest rev of the IOP chip,
; re-formated tab stops in source.
; <1.1> 2/5/89 GGD Updated for latest version of SWIMDrvr.
; <1.0> 11/9/88 CCH Adding to EASE.
; To Do:
SwimIOCtlReg equ $3*IODelayCount+$2*IODurationCount
; SWIM Addresses
wData equ IOBase+$40 ; Write a data byte
wMark equ IOBase+$41 ; Write a mark byte
wCRC equ IOBase+$42 ; Write a 2-byte CRC (1 access does both)
wIWMConfig equ wCRC ; Set IWM configuration (when StartAction=0)
wParams equ IOBase+$43 ; Set the 16 parameter registers
wPhase equ IOBase+$44 ; Set phase lines states and directions
wSetup equ IOBase+$45 ; Set the current configuration
wZeroes equ IOBase+$46 ; Mode reg: 1's clr bits, 0's=don't care
wOnes equ IOBase+$47 ; Mode reg: 1's set bits, 0's=don't care
rData equ IOBase+$48 ; Read a data byte
rCorrection equ rData ; Read the correction factor
rMark equ IOBase+$49 ; Read a mark byte
rError equ IOBase+$4A ; Error register
rParams equ IOBase+$4B ; Parameters (16 bytes deep at this addr)
rPhase equ IOBase+$4C ; Phase lines states and directions
rSetup equ IOBase+$4D ; Read the current configuration
rStatus equ IOBase+$4E ; Status (returns current mode reg value)
rHandshake equ IOBase+$4F ; Handshake register
; SWIM register bit masks
; wIWMConfig
IWMtimerOverride equ %10000000 ; Override IWM timer
IWMtimer2X equ %01000000 ; IWM timer takes twice as long to timeout
IWMlatchAsync equ %00100000 ; latch data bit 7 in async mode
; rError
UnderrunFIFO equ %00000001 ; Underrun FIFO
MarkInData equ %00000010 ; Mark In Data
OverrunFIFO equ %00000100 ; Overrun FIFO
CorrectionError equ %00001000 ; Correction Error
TransTooNarrow equ %00010000 ; Transition Too Narrow
TransTooWide equ %00100000 ; Transition Too Wide
TransUnresolved equ %01000000 ; Unresolved Transition
;not used equ %10000000 ; not used
; rPhase / wPhase
ph0 equ %00000001 ; phase line 0 output data
ph1 equ %00000010 ; phase line 1 output data
ph2 equ %00000100 ; phase line 2 output data
ph3 equ %00001000 ; phase line 3 output data
ph0en equ %00010000 ; phase line 0 output enable
ph1en equ %00100000 ; phase line 1 output enable
ph2en equ %01000000 ; phase line 2 output enable
ph3en equ %10000000 ; phase line 3 output enable
ca0 equ ph0
ca1 equ ph1
ca2 equ ph2
lstrb equ ph3
ph0123en equ ph0en+ph1en+ph2en+ph3en
enPh0L equ %00010000
enPh0H equ %00010001
enPh1L equ %00100000
enPh1H equ %00100010
enPh2L equ %01000000
enPh2H equ %01000100
enPh3L equ %10000000
enPh3H equ %10001000
; rSetup / wSetup
HeadSelEnable equ %00000001 ; enable Q3/Head Select to be an output
Select35 equ %00000010 ; 3.5 selected
GCRMode equ %00000100 ; select GCR mode
ClockDiv2 equ %00001000 ; internal clock frequency / 2
EnableECM equ %00010000 ; enables the Error Correction Machine
IBMDrive equ %00100000 ; IBM type drive
TransSpaceDis equ %01000000 ; Trans-Space logic disabled
MotorTimeOut equ %10000000 ; enable 1/2 second motor timeout
; rHandshake
MarkInFIFO equ %00000001 ; next byte read from FIFO is a Mark
CRCNotZero equ %00000010 ; CRC register is not Zero
DriveRdData equ %00000100 ; state of the RdData signal from the drive
DriveSense equ %00001000 ; state of the Sense signal from the drive
DriveEnabled equ %00010000 ; a drive is explicitly enabled, or timing out
rErrorValid equ %00100000 ; error register is non-zero
Dat2Bytes equ %01000000 ; 2 bytes valid / available in the FIFO
Dat1Byte equ %10000000 ; 1 byte valid / available in the FIFO
; wZeros / wOnes / rStatus
ClearFIFO equ %00000001 ; Clear the FIFO
Drive1Enabled equ %00000010 ; select Drive 1
Drive2Enabled equ %00000100 ; select Drive 2
StartAction equ %00001000 ; start Read / Write operation
WriteMode equ %00010000 ; set the chip into Write mode
HeadSelect equ %00100000 ; select head (side) 0 or 1
;reserved equ %01000000 ; reserved, reads back as a one
MotorOn equ %10000000 ; Causes selected drive to be enabled
; disk drive pulse addresses / data
wDirNextAdr equ 0*HeadSelect+0*ca2+0*ca1+0*ca0
wDirPrevAdr equ 0*HeadSelect+1*ca2+0*ca1+0*ca0
wStepOnAdr equ 0*HeadSelect+0*ca2+0*ca1+1*ca0
wStepOffAdr equ 0*HeadSelect+1*ca2+0*ca1+1*ca0
wMotorOnAdr equ 0*HeadSelect+0*ca2+1*ca1+0*ca0
wMotorOffAdr equ 0*HeadSelect+1*ca2+1*ca1+0*ca0
wEjectOffAdr equ 0*HeadSelect+0*ca2+1*ca1+1*ca0
wEjectOnAdr equ 0*HeadSelect+1*ca2+1*ca1+1*ca0
; equ 1*HeadSelect+0*ca2+0*ca1+0*ca0 ; undefined
; equ 1*HeadSelect+1*ca2+0*ca1+0*ca0 ; undefined
wDiskInPlAdr equ 1*HeadSelect+0*ca2+0*ca1+0*ca0 ; don't know for sure if you can
wNoDiskInPlAdr equ 1*HeadSelect+1*ca2+0*ca1+0*ca0 ; really write to these addresses
wMFMModeOnAdr equ 1*HeadSelect+0*ca2+0*ca1+1*ca0
wGCRModeOffAdr equ wMFMModeOnAdr
wMFMModeOffAdr equ 1*HeadSelect+1*ca2+0*ca1+1*ca0
wGCRModeOnAdr equ wMFMModeOffAdr
; equ 1*HeadSelect+0*ca2+1*ca1+0*ca0 ; undefined
; equ 1*HeadSelect+1*ca2+1*ca1+0*ca0 ; undefined
; equ 1*HeadSelect+0*ca2+1*ca1+1*ca0 ; undefined
; equ 1*HeadSelect+1*ca2+1*ca1+1*ca0 ; undefined
; disk drive sense addresses
rDirPrevAdr equ 0*HeadSelect+0*ca2+0*ca1+0*ca0
rStepOffAdr equ 0*HeadSelect+0*ca2+0*ca1+1*ca0
rMotorOffAdr equ 0*HeadSelect+0*ca2+1*ca1+0*ca0
rEjectOnAdr equ 0*HeadSelect+0*ca2+1*ca1+1*ca0
rRdData0Adr equ 0*HeadSelect+1*ca2+0*ca1+0*ca0
rMFMDriveAdr equ 0*HeadSelect+1*ca2+0*ca1+1*ca0
rDoubleSidedAdr equ 0*HeadSelect+1*ca2+1*ca1+0*ca0
rNoDriveAdr equ 0*HeadSelect+1*ca2+1*ca1+1*ca0
rNoDiskInPlAdr equ 1*HeadSelect+0*ca2+0*ca1+0*ca0
rNoWrProtectAdr equ 1*HeadSelect+0*ca2+0*ca1+1*ca0
rNotTrack0Adr equ 1*HeadSelect+0*ca2+1*ca1+0*ca0
rNoTachPulseAdr equ 1*HeadSelect+0*ca2+1*ca1+1*ca0
rIndexPulseAdr equ rNoTachPulseAdr
rRdData1Adr equ 1*HeadSelect+1*ca2+0*ca1+0*ca0
rMFMModeOnAdr equ 1*HeadSelect+1*ca2+0*ca1+1*ca0
rGCRModeOffAdr equ rMFMModeOnAdr
rNotReadyAdr equ 1*HeadSelect+1*ca2+1*ca1+0*ca0
rNotRevisedAdr equ 1*HeadSelect+1*ca2+1*ca1+1*ca0
r1MegMediaAdr equ rNotRevisedAdr
; IWM Addresses
ph0L equ IOBase+$40 ; phase 0 low
ph0H equ IOBase+$41 ; phase 0 high
ph1L equ IOBase+$42 ; phase 1 low
ph1H equ IOBase+$43 ; phase 1 high
ph2L equ IOBase+$44 ; phase 2 low
ph2H equ IOBase+$45 ; phase 2 high
ph3L equ IOBase+$46 ; phase 3 low
ph3H equ IOBase+$47 ; phase 3 high
mtrOff equ IOBase+$48 ; motor off
mtrOn equ IOBase+$49 ; motor on
intDrive equ IOBase+$4A ; enable internal drive
extDrive equ IOBase+$4B ; enable external drive
q6L equ IOBase+$4C ; q 6 low
q6H equ IOBase+$4D ; q 6 high
q7L equ IOBase+$4E ; q 7 low
q7H equ IOBase+$4F ; q 7 high
ca0L equ ph0L
ca0H equ ph0H
ca1L equ ph1L
ca1H equ ph1H
ca2L equ ph2L
ca2H equ ph2H
lstrbL equ ph3L
lstrbH equ ph3H
IWMmode equ $17 ; mode register value
; SWIM IWM Addresses mapping
; wData ph0L
; wMark ph0H
; wCRC ph1L
; wParams ph1H
; wPhase ph2L
; wSetup ph2H
; wZeroes ph3L
; wOnes ph3H
; rData mtrOff
; rCorrection mtrOff
; rMark mtrOn
; rError intDrive
; rParams extDrive
; rPhase q6L
; rSetup q6H
; rStatus q7L
; rHandshake q7H
; Message Assignments
RCVState equ RCVMsg2State
RCVData equ RCVMsg2Data
XMTState equ XMTMsg2State
XMTData equ XMTMsg2Data
; SWIM Driver IOP -> HOST Request encodings
DiskInsertedXmtReq equ $01 ; Disk Inserted event
DiskEjectedXmtReq equ $02 ; Disk Ejected event
DiskStatusChangedXmtReq equ $03 ; Disk Status Changed
XmtKind equ XMTData+$00 ; (byte) Request Kind
XmtDriveNumber equ XMTData+$01 ; (byte) Drive Number
XmtErrorCode equ XMTData+$02 ; (word) Error Code
XmtDriveStatus equ XMTData+$04 ; (?? bytes) Drive Status Information
; SWIM Driver HOST -> IOP Request encodings
InitializeReq equ $01 ; Initialize Driver
ShutDownReq equ $02 ; Shut down driver
StartPollingReq equ $03 ; Start Polling Drives
StopPollingReq equ $04 ; Stop Polling Drives
SetHFSTagAddrReq equ $05 ; Set HFS tag host address
DriveStatusReq equ $06 ; Drive Status
EjectReq equ $07 ; Eject
FormatReq equ $08 ; Format disk
FormatVerifyReq equ $09 ; Verify disk formatting
WriteReq equ $0A ; Write blocks to disk
ReadReq equ $0B ; Read blocks from disk
ReadVerifyReq equ $0C ; Read and compare blocks from disk
CacheControlReq equ $0D ; track cache control
TagBufferControlReq equ $0E ; tag buffer control
GetIconReq equ $0F ; get media or drive Icon
DiskDupInfoReq equ $10 ; get Disk Duplicator information
GetRawDataReq equ $11 ; Read RAW disk data (for copy protection)
ReqKind equ RCVData+$00 ; (byte) Request Kind
ReqDriveNumber equ RCVData+$01 ; (byte) Drive Number
ReqControlKind equ RCVData+$01 ; (byte) DriverControl sub-command
ReqErrorCode equ RCVData+$02 ; (word) Error Code
ReqFormatKind equ RCVData+$04 ; (word) Format Kind
ReqAdditionalParams equ RCVData+$04 ; (long) control / status csParam
ReqDriveStatus equ RCVData+$04 ; (?? bytes) Drive Status Information
ReqDriveKinds equ RCVData+$04 ; (28 bytes) Drive kinds (returned by init)
ReqRAMAddress equ RCVData+$04 ; (long) Main CPU RAM Address
ReqDupVersion equ RCVData+$04 ; (word) Disk Duplicator Version
ReqHdrFmtKind equ RCVData+$06 ; (byte) Format byte from the last sector hdr (0=use default)
ReqFmtInterleave equ RCVData+$07 ; (byte) Format Interleave (0=use default)
ReqBlockNumber equ RCVData+$08 ; (long) Disk Starting Block Number
ReqFmtDataAddress equ RCVData+$08 ; (long) CPU RAM Address of format sector data
ReqBlockCount equ RCVData+$0C ; (long) Transfer Block Count
ReqFmtTagAddress equ RCVData+$0C ; (long) CPU RAM Address of format tag data
ReqMfsTagData equ RCVData+$10 ; (12 bytes) MFS Disk Tag Information
ReqRawClockAddress equ RCVData+$04 ; (long) Buffer for packed MFM clock bits
ReqRawDataAddress equ RCVData+$08 ; (long) Buffer for RAW data bytes
ReqRawByteCount equ RCVData+$0C ; (long) Number of RAW bytes to read
ReqRawSearchMode equ RCVData+$10 ; (word) RAW Read search mode
ReqRawCylinder equ RCVData+$12 ; (word) RAW Read cylinder number
ReqRawHead equ RCVData+$14 ; (byte) RAW Read head number
ReqRawSector equ RCVData+$15 ; (byte) RAW Read sector number
; Search modes for RAW read requests
SearchImmediate equ 0 ; don't search, read immediatly
SearchForAddress equ 1 ; find address field, read raw after address
SearchForData equ 2 ; find data field, read raw after data
SearchForIndex equ 3 ; find index, read raw after index
; Status Message field offsets
StatTrackH equ $04 ; High byte of Current Track Location
StatTrackL equ $05 ; Low byte of Current Track Location
StatWrProtected equ $06 ; bit7=1=write protected
StatDiskInPlace equ $07 ; 0 = no disk place, 1 or 2 = disk in place
StatInstalled equ $08 ; 0 = don't know, 1=installed, $FF=not installed
StatSides equ $09 ; bit7=0=single sided, bit7=1=double sided
; drive queue element is not returned from IOP
StatTwoSidedFmt equ $0A ; $FF=2-sided disk, $00=1-sided disk
StatNewIntface equ $0B ; $00=old drive interface (400K), $FF=new (800K and later)
StatDiskErrorsH equ $0C ; High byte of disk error count
StatDiskErrorsL equ $0D ; Low byte of disk error count
StatDriveInfoB3 equ $0E ; start of data for drive info control call
StatDriveInfoB2 equ $0F ; high 2 bytes unused for now
StatDriveAttr equ $10 ; disk drive attributes
StatDriveType equ $11 ; type of disk drive
; ; start of data for extended drive status control call
StatMfmDrive equ $12 ; $FF=SuperDrive, otherwise zero
StatMfmDisk equ $13 ; $FF=MFM disk in drive, otherwise zero
StatMfmFormat equ $14 ; $FF=1440K, $00=720K
StatDiskCtlr equ $15 ; $FF=SWIM, $00=IWM
StatCurrentFmtH equ $16 ; High byte of bit mask of current format
StatCurrentFmtL equ $17 ; Low byte of bit mask of current format
StatFmtAllowedH equ $18 ; High byte bit mask of allowable formats
StatFmtAllowedL equ $19 ; Low byte bit mask of allowable formats
StatDiskSizeB3 equ $1A ; Byte 3 of size of current drive, if fixed media drive. (HD-20)
StatDiskSizeB2 equ $1B ; Byte 2 of size of current drive, if fixed media drive. (HD-20)
StatDiskSizeB1 equ $1C ; Byte 1 of size of current drive, if fixed media drive. (HD-20)
StatDiskSizeB0 equ $1D ; Byte 0 of size of current drive, if fixed media drive. (HD-20)
StatIconFlags equ $1E ; bit 0 - call for Media Icon, bit 1 - call for Drive Icon
StatSpare equ $1F ; (1 spare byte left)
; Drive number assignments
intDriveNumber equ 1 ; drive number 1 is internal drive
extDriveNumber equ 2 ; drive number 2 is external drive
FirstHD20DriveNumber equ 5 ; first HD20 is drive 5
maxHD20Cnt equ 4 ; 4 HD20's allowed
NumberOfDrives equ FirstHD20DriveNumber+maxHD20Cnt
MaxDriveNumber equ NumberOfDrives-1
; Disk Drive Kinds
noDriveKind equ 0 ; no drive connected
unknownDriveKind equ 1 ; unspecified drive kind
SSGCRDriveKind equ 2 ; single sided 400K GCR disk drive
DSGCRDriveKind equ 3 ; double sided 400K/800K GCR disk drive
DSMFMGCRDriveKind equ 4 ; double sided 400K/800K GCR, 720K, 1440K MFM disk drive
HD20DriveKind equ 7 ; HD20 20MB hard disk
; Disk Media Kinds
NoMediaKind equ 0 ; no disk media in drive
unknownMediaKind equ 1 ; unknown disk media
HD20MediaKind equ 2 ; HD20 20MB hard disk media
LoDenMediaKind equ 3 ; 400K, 800K, 720K Media (Low density)
HiDenMediaKind equ 4 ; 1440K Media (High density)
; Disk Format Kinds
uncheckedFormat equ 0 ; disk format has not been checked
unknownFormat equ 1 ; disk format could not be determined
HD20Format equ 2 ; HD20 20MB hard disk
GCR400Kformat equ 3 ; single sided 400K GCR disk
GCR800Kformat equ 4 ; double sided 800K GCR disk
MFM720Kformat equ 5 ; double sided 720K MFM disk
MFM1440Kformat equ 6 ; double sided 1440K MFM disk HD media
GCRonHDformat equ 7 ; 400K or 800K GCR format on HD media (user error)
; Error codes
noErr equ 0 ; no Error (success)
openErr equ -23 ; Initialize when already initialized
wPrErr equ -44 ; diskette is write protected
paramErr equ -50 ; Error in parameter list
nsDrvErr equ -56 ; no such drive (tried to mount a bad drive num)
noDriveErr equ -64 ; drive not installed
offLinErr equ -65 ; r/w requested for an off-line drive
noNybErr equ -66 ; couldn't find 5 nybbles in 200 tries
noAdrMkErr equ -67 ; couldn't find valid addr mark
dataVerErr equ -68 ; read verify compare failed
badCksmErr equ -69 ; addr mark checksum didn't check
badBtSlpErr equ -70 ; bad addr mark bit slip nibbles
noDtaMkErr equ -71 ; couldn't find a data mark header
badDCksum equ -72 ; bad data mark checksum
badDBtSlp equ -73 ; bad data mark bit slip nibbles
wrUnderrun equ -74 ; write underrun occurred
cantStepErr equ -75 ; step handshake failed
tk0BadErr equ -76 ; track 0 detect doesn't change
initIWMErr equ -77 ; Can't initialize disk controller chip
spdAdjErr equ -79 ; unable to correctly adjust disk speed
seekErr equ -80 ; track number wrong on address mark
sectNFErr equ -81 ; sector number never found on a track
fmt1Err equ -82 ; can't find sector 0 after track format
fmt2Err equ -83 ; can't get enough sync
noIndexErr equ fmt2Err ; index pulse not found during MFM format
verErr equ -84 ; track failed to verify
gcrOnMFMErr equ -400 ; gcr format on high density media error