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synced 2025-02-08 11:32:26 +00:00
Build Slot Mgr from source
(Slot Mgr is for compatibility only on PCI Macs.)
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@ -97,8 +97,8 @@ SIntCORE PROC EXPORT
WITH SlotIntQElement,slotIntGlobals
EXPORT SlotInt,SlotIntCommon,Via2SlotInt,RbvSlotInt,OssSlotInt
EXPORT SlotIntCommon
EXPORT RunSlotHandlers ; accessed by level 3 Sonic Interrupt on <H2>
; Sonora based systems
@ -232,150 +232,6 @@ SIntREMOVE bsr.s GetSlotIntQHead ; a1 := pointer to qheader
MoveQ #~$78, D0 ; mask for slot bits (active low)
; (slots c,d,e, onboard video vbl)
Or.b PSCVIA2SInt(a1), D0 ; read and mask slot interrupt indicators
Not.l D0 ; convert to active high bit mask
Bne.l SlotIntCommon ; if interrupt pending, service it
Rts ; if not, return from interrupt <SM4> rb, end
move.b #$02,vIFR(a1) ; reset the VIA any slot interrupt flag <3>
if nonSerializedIO then
nop ; force write to complete <SM7>
moveq.l #~$7F,d0 ; mask for slot bits (active low) (5 slots+Enet+Video) <3> <9>
or.b vBufA(a1),d0 ; read and mask slot interrupt indicators <3>
not.l d0 ; convert to active high bit mask <3>
bne SlotIntCommon ; if interrupt pending, service it <3>
rts ; if not, return from interrupt <3>
; ¥¥¥ÊThese need moved (into HardwarePrivateEqu.a?) ¥¥¥
AIV3Base EQU $FEE00000 ; base address of AIV3 (Apple Integrated VIA 3)
AIV3SlotInt EQU $0002
AIV3Int EQU $0003
AnySlot EQU 1
move.b #$02,vIFR(a1) ; reset the VIA any slot interrupt flag
lea AIV3Base,a0 ; get base address
btst #AnySlot,AIV3Int(a0) ; any of our slots interrupting?
beq.s @notOurs ; no, exit
moveq #0,D0 ; clear the register
btst #VBLIRQ,AIV3SlotInt(a0) ; check for VSC interrupt pending
bne.s @notOurs ; IF VBLIRQ pending THEN
ori.b #%00100000,D0 ; set slot E interrupt flag
bra SlotIntCommon
rts ; if not, return from interrupt <SM6> rb, end
move.b #$02,vIFR(a1) ; reset the VIA any slot interrupt flag
moveq.l #~$3F,d0 ; mask for slot bits (active low)
or.b vBufA(a1),d0 ; read and mask slot interrupt indicators
not.l d0 ; convert to active high bit mask
bne SlotIntCommon ; if interrupt pending, service it
rts ; if not, return from the interrupt
move.b #$82,RvIFR(a1) ; reset the RBV any slot interrupt flag
moveq.l #~$7F,d0 ; mask for slot bits (active low)
or.b RvSInt(a1),d0 ; get slot interrupt indicators
not.l d0 ; convert to active high bit mask
;¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ <SM8>
; for PDM's with EVT1/2 boards, we need a small hack to swap the
; slot interrupt lines, since they're reversed on the logic board.
; AMIC versions >= 3 are used on EVT3 and greater boards, so
; we'll check for it and avoid the hack if it's present. Remove this hack
; when we no longer need to support EVT1/2 boards.
IF hasHMC AND forPDMProto THEN ; <sm11>
TestFor AMICExists ; do we have an AMIC?
beq.s @hackDone ; no, skip the hack
btst.b #2,RvSEnb(a1) ; see if bit 2 is enabled (set)
bne.s @chkCF1 ; yes, we have a new AMIC (>=3), see if CF EVT1
move.b #$84,RvSEnb(a1) ; try setting bit 2
btst.b #2,RvSEnb(a1) ; did it set?
beq.s @doPDMHack ; no, must be AMIC1/2 (EVT1/2)
move.b #$04,RvSEnb(a1) ; else, restore it
bra.s @hackDone ; and skip the hack
@chkCF1 lea $5ffffffe,a0 ; get CPU ID reg <SM9>
move.b (a0)+,d1 ; <SM9>
cmpi.b #$30,d1 ; are we a CF EVT1? <SM9>
bne.s @hackDone ; no, exit <SM9>
move.b (a0),d1 ; <SM9>
cmpi.b #$13,d1 ; check 2nd byte of id <SM9>
bne.s @hackDone ; not CF, no hack <SM9>
lea $F0000008, a0 ; get Bart ID Register <SM10>
move.l (a0), d1 ; <SM10>
cmp.l #$43184000, d1 ; is this the first rev of Bart <SM10>
bne.s @hackDone ; new bart, so don't do hack <SM10>
move.b d0,d1 ; yes get interrupt bits <SM9>
andi.b #%00001100,d1 ; get slot int bits ..CB (we loose slot E) <SM9>
lsl.b #1,d1 ; map over into .DC. <SM9>
andi.b #%11100011,d0 ; keep VBL & slot E (VDS) bits <SM9>
or.b d1,d0 ; 'or' slots C,D into other bits <SM9>
bra.s @hackDone ; and continue processing <SM9>
@doPDMHack andi.w #$78,d0
lsr.w #3,d0
move.b @swapTbl(d0.w),d0
lsl.w #3,d0
;¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ <SM8>
and.b RvSEnb(a1),d0 ; only look at enabled ones
bne.s SlotIntCommon ; if interrupt pending, service it
rts ; if not, return from the interrupt
IF hasHMC THEN ; <SM8>
@swapTbl dc.b $00 ; 0000
dc.b $04 ; 0001
dc.b $02 ; 0010
dc.b $06 ; 0011
dc.b $01 ; 0100
dc.b $05 ; 0101
dc.b $03 ; 0110
dc.b $07 ; 0111
dc.b $08 ; 1000
dc.b $0c ; 1001
dc.b $0a ; 1010
dc.b $0e ; 1011
dc.b $09 ; 1100
dc.b $0d ; 1101
dc.b $0b ; 1110
dc.b $0f ; 1111
moveq.l #$3F,d0 ; mask for slot bits (active high)
and.b OSSIntStat+1(a1),d0 ; get slot interrupt indicators
bne.s SlotIntCommon ; if interrupt pending, service it
rts ; if not, return from the interrupt
subq.l #4,sp ; allocate a long (only a byte is used)
move.b d0,(sp) ; save the interrupt pending bit mask
@ -774,7 +774,7 @@ IdSave$d EQU D2 ;Save the sResource Id.
MOVE.L a2,a0
MOVE.L a3,a1
MOVE.L d1,d0
MOVEM.L (SP)+,A0-A1 ;Restore A0-A1, destroyed by _BlockMove.
BNE.S Err1
@ -1483,12 +1483,6 @@ EndStatLoad RTS
; Patch out Drivers for any Apple Cards that need it.
Import GetDriverPatch
Bsr GetDriverPatch ; If GetDriverPatch returns a
Tst.b D0 ; result >= 0, donÕt execute
Bge.s ExitGetSlotDrvr ; Patched, so just return.
; This is the original entry-point. It is called by GetDevIndex
Export OrigGetSlotDrvr
@ -1518,240 +1512,6 @@ ExitGetSlotDrvr RTS
; GetDriverPatch and support (called from _SGetDriver).
; Entry/Exit: A0 points to spBlock.
; Purpose: The purpose of GetDriverPatch is to identify Apple
; Cards whose Driver code is faulty, and execute fixed
; versions from the CPU ROM. ItÕs job is to
; call GetDevIndex to determine whether the card/device
; pointed to by the incoming spBlock is one that needs
; patching. If so, it attempts to allocate enough space
; for the driver in the system heap, copy it there, and
; then return a handle to the driver in spBlock.spResult.
; If the driver canÕt be loaded (e.g., not enough memory),
; the appropriate Slot Manager error is returned.
GetDriverPatch Proc Export
With spBlock,LoadTblRec
@saveRegs Reg A0/A3-A5/D3-D4 ; Define registers for work/saving, and
Movem.l @saveRegs,-(Sp) ; store them on the stack.
Link A6,#-spBlockSize ; Get a stack frame.
Move.l A0,A3 ; Save spBlockPtr.
; First, look to see if we even need to be attempting to patch the driver on this
; card/device.
Bsr GetDevIndex ; Get the card/device index into D0.
Move.l D0,D3 ; If the device index is negative, then
Bmi @done ; driver doesnÕt need patching.<SM9> CSS
; Next, check to see that weÕre pointing to the sResource that has the driver or
; driver loader in it (i.e., we donÕt want to be opening the driver multiple
; times).
Lea LoadTbl,A1 ; Point to base of LoadTbl.
Mulu #LTEntrySize,D3 ; Adjust index.
Move.l A1,A0 ; Point to base of LoadTbl.
Move.b ltSpID(A0,D3),D0 ; Get spID.
Move.b ltSpExtDev(A0,D3),D1 ; Get spExtDev.
Moveq #0,D4 ; Clear value holder.
Move.b D0,D4 ; Save spID
Swap D4 ; and
Move.b D1,D4 ; Save spExtDev.
Move.l Sp,A0 ; Point to local spBlock.
Move.b spSlot(A3),spSlot(A0) ; Get pointer to right sResource list:
Move.b spID(A3),spID(A0) ; Need spSlot, spID, and
Move.b D4,spExtDev(A0) ; spExtDev.
Bne.s @errRtn
Swap D4 ; Get spID.
Move.b D4,spID(A0) ; Make sure this sResource is the one
_SFindStruct ; with the driver in it.
Bne.s @errRtn
; Finally, now that we know that we on the right card/device and are looking at the right
; sResource, allocate relocatable space in the System heap and tell the caller where that
; space is.
Move.l A1,A4 ; Point to base of LoadTbl.
Add.l ltAddrOff(A1,D3),A4 ; Add offset to driver and save pointer.
Move.l A1,A0 ; Point to base of LoadTbl.
Add.l ltSizeOff(A1,D3),A0 ; Add offset to driver size and get pointer.
Move.l (A0),D3 ; Save driver size.
Move.l D3,D0 ; Compact/Reserve some space for ourselves
_ResrvMem ,SYS ; in the System heap.
Bne.s @errRtn ; Get out if we couldnÕt reserve the space.
Move.l D3,D0 ; Attempt to allocate some space in the
_NewHandle ,SYS ; System heap.
Bne.s @errRtn ; Get out if we couldnÕt get the space.
Move.l A0,A5 ; Remember allocated handle, and prevent it
_HNoPurge ; from being removed.
Move.l A4,A0 ; Get address of driver code.
Move.l (A5),A1 ; Get address of allocated space.
Move.l D3,D0 ; Get size.
_BlockMove ; Move driver into allocated space.
Move.l A3,A0 ; Restore spBlockPtr.
Move.l A5,spResult(A0) ; Return driver handle in spResult.
Moveq #0,D0 ; Return noErr.
Bra.s @done
@errRtn Move.l #smsGetDrvrErr,D0 ; CouldnÕt load driver error.
@done Unlk A6 ; Restore stack frame.
Movem.l (Sp)+,@saveRegs ; Restore registers.
; GetDevIndex
; Entry: A0 -- points to spBlock.
; Exit: D0 -- contains index (0..n-1) or error value (<0).
; Purpose: The purpose of GetDevIndex is to cycle through a table of
; card/device identifiers. If the card/device passed in
; is in the device table, itÕs entry is returned. Otherwise,
; a negative number (-1) is returned. This is a utility routine
; called by SlotGetDriverPatch and SlotPrimaryInitPatch.
; Note: This routine JsrÕs (Bsr.lÕs) to GetSlotDrvr directly due to
; the fact that we might be coming from our patched out version
; of GetSlotDrvr! We need to do this so that we can compare
; the version of the driver on the card with the one we know
; about. This is so that we donÕt patch out newer (and
; presumably compatible) versions of the PrimaryInit and Driver.
Macro ; Macro for jumping directly int
_GetSlotDriver ; GetSlotDrvr (acting like trap dispatcher).
Movem.l A1/D1-D2,-(Sp) ; Save registers (A0 i/o, D0 is result).
Bsr.l OrigGetSlotDrvr ; Make call. <T8>
Tst.w D0 ; Act like Slot Manager for result.
Movem.l (Sp)+,A1/D1-D2 ; Restore registers.
EndMacro ;
With DevTblRec,spBlock,seBlock
Export GetDevIndex
@saveRegs Reg A3-A5/D3-D4 ; Define registers for work/saving, and
Movem.l @saveRegs,-(Sp) ; store them on the stack.
Link A6,#-spBlockSize ; Get a stack frame.
Move.l A0,A3 ; Save current spBlock to simulate sExec.
Move.l Sp,A0 ; Point to stack spBlock.
Lea DevTbl,A4 ; Point to table of device identifiers.
Moveq #0,D3 ; Set entry index to 0.
@repeat Move.b spSlot(A3),spSlot(A0) ; Reset spSlot to the one we want.
Clr.w spID(A0) ; Start search from top, no external devices. <11>
Clr.b spTBMask(A0) ; No mask (i.e., specific search).
Move.w category(A4),spCategory(A0) ; Look for: Category,
Move.w cType(A4),spCType(A0) ; CType,
Move.w drvrSW(A4),spDrvrSW(A0) ; DrvrSW,
Move.w drvrHW(A4),spDrvrHW(A0) ; DrvrHW.
Clr.l spParamData(A0) ; Look only for enabled sRsrcs. <11>
Bset #foneslot,spParamData+3(A0) ; Limit search to this slot only by
_GetTypeSRsrc ; using the new & improved routine.
Bne.s @until ; If this isnÕt the device were looking for,
; then keep going.
_GetSlotDriver ; Otherwise, attempt to load driver (for version #).
Bne.s @dontPatch ; If it couldnÕt be loaded, punt.
Move.l spResult(A0),A5 ; Save driver handle (to dispose).
Move.l (A5),A0 ; Get driver pointer.
Lea drvrName(A0),A0 ; Get driver name.
Clr.w D0 ; Clear D0.w (for use as index).
Move.b (A0),D0 ; Get the length of the driver name.
Addq #2,D0 ; Adjust offset to version field.
Bclr #0,D0 ; Adjust offset for word alignment.
Move.w (A0,D0.w),D4 ; Save the version number.
Move.l A5,A0 ; Get driver handle, and
_DisposHandle ; dispose of it.
Cmp.w drvrVers(A4),D4 ; If the cardÕs version to ours, <11>
Bne.s @until ; then keep going. <11><H5>
Move.l D3,D0 ; Otherwise, copy the index into D0,
Bra.s @done ; and return.
@until Adda #DTEntrySize,A4 ; Point to next entry in table, and
Addq #1,D3 ; increment entry index.
Tst.w (A4) ; If this isnÕt the final entry, then
Bne.s @repeat ; keep checking.
@dontPatch Moveq #-1,D0 ; Flag that we donÕt want to patch.
@done Unlk A6 ; Put stack frame back.
Movem.l (Sp)+,@saveRegs ; Restore registers.
; Tables for PrimaryInit & GetDriver patches.
; Note: Keep these here and donÕt export these labels!
Import TFBDrvr,TFBDrvrSize
Import JMFBDrvr,JMFBDrvrSize
Import TFBPrimaryInit
Import JMFBPrimaryInit
Export JsrTbl
DevTbl Dc.w CatDisplay,TypVideo,DrSwApple,DrHwTFB,0 ; TFB Entry <11>
Dc.w CatDisplay,TypVideo,DrSwApple,DrHwJMFB,0 ; JMFB Entry <11>
Dc.w 0
Align 4
LoadTbl Dc.l TFBDrvr-LoadTbl ; Start of TFB driver code.
Dc.l TFBDrvrSize-LoadTbl ; Length.
Dc.b sRsrcDrvrDir ; TFBÕs have an sRsrcDrvrDir.
Dc.b 0 ; TFBÕs are singly deviced.
Dc.b 0,0 ; Padding. <11>
Dc.l JMFBDrvr-LoadTbl ; Start of 4¥8/8¥24 driver code.
Dc.l JMFBDrvrSize-LoadTbl ; Length.
Dc.b sRsrcDrvrDir ; 4¥8/8¥24Õs have an sRsrcDrvrDir.
Dc.b 0 ; 4¥8/8¥24Õs are singly deviced.
Dc.b 0,0 ; Padding.
Align 4
JsrTbl Dc.l TFBPrimaryInit-JsrTbl ; TFBPrimaryInit
Dc.l JMFBPrimaryInit-JsrTbl ; 4¥8/8¥24 PrimaryInit
; slotinfo
@ -1971,6 +1731,12 @@ PtrToSlot Proc Export
MOVE.L spsPointer(A0),D1 ; D1 = sPointer
BEQ.S @Done ; nil pointer - error
ROL.L #8,D1
BEQ.S @skip_older
MOVE.L spsPointer(A0),D1
; Determine the slot
clr.b d1 ; clear low byte of pointer <2.1>
@ -1984,10 +1750,11 @@ PtrToSlot Proc Export
MOVE.B ROMBase,D2 ; D2 = high byte of ROMBase
lsr.b #4,d2 ; shift high nib to low nibble <2.1>
CMP.B D2,D1 ; same?
BHI.S @FoundSlot ; must be other super slot space
BNE.S @FoundSlot ; must be other super slot space
; Pointer is to ram or rom. Translate it to slot 0.
MOVEQ #0,D1 ; access to host ROM - translate to slot 0
BRA.S @FoundSlot
@ -2553,13 +2320,9 @@ DeleteSRTRec
; Last SRT block is empty - free the block. Traverse SRT to end to nil the link ptr.
@Free MOVE.B mmu32Bit,-(SP) ; save current mmu state <SM2> rb
MOVE.B #false32b,D0 ; <SM2> rb
_SwapMMUMode ; switch to 24 bit mode <SM2> rb
MOVEA.L A2,A0 ; A0 = ptr to last SRT blk
_DisposPtr ; free the block
MOVE.B (SP)+,D0 ; recover status <SM2> rb
_SwapMMUMode ; restore mmu state <SM2> rb
MOVEA.L sRsrcTblPtr,A1 ; get ptr to beginning of SRT
@Loop1 ADDA.W #srtBlkSize,A1 ; inc to end of blk
CMPA.L srtNext(A1),A2 ; found end of link ?
@ -2697,6 +2460,7 @@ pNewSRTEntry
MOVE.L spParamData(A0),D1 ; save enable/disable flags
_sFindsInfoRecPtr ; get ptr to sinfo record
BNE.S @Done
MOVEA.L spResult(A0),A1 ; A1 = ptr to sInfo record
MOVE.L siDirPtr(A1),spsPointer(A0) ; set ptr to ROM directory
_sFindStruct ; search the ROM directory
@ -3438,13 +3202,6 @@ shortvers ds.w 1 ; version and vector offset
lsr.b #4,d0 ; look at high nibble
cmp.b #$0B,d0 ; long bus exception frame ?
bne.s @RealBusEx ; transfer to real bus exception handler
move.b DFAddr(sp),d0 ; get high byte of data fault cycle address
cmp.b #majorSpace,d0 ; in super slot space ($60-$E0) ?
blo.s @RealBusEx ; not in slot address space
cmp.b #$FF,d0 ; in minor slot space range ?
beq.s @RealBusEx ; not in minor slot space
cmp.b #$F0,d0 ; in minor slot space range ?
beq.s @RealBusEx ; not in minor space $F1 - $FE
; Have verified that a NuBus read data access caused the bus error. Need to modify the
; stack frame to return to the address in register a2. Accomplish this by creating a new
@ -3486,9 +3243,6 @@ shortvers ds.w 1 ; version and vector offset
move.w sr,-(sp) ; Save current interrupt level.
ori.w #HiIntMask,sr ; disable interrupts
moveq #True32B,d0
_SwapMMUMode ; change to 32 bit mode
move.b d0,([sInfoPtr],entryMMUMode) ; save old mmu state
move.l BusErrVct,([sInfoPtr],sysBusExcptn) ; save system bus vector in globals
move.l ([SDMJmpTblPtr],BusException*4),BusErrVct ; replace with slot mgr vector
move.w (SP)+,SR ; restore interrupt state
@ -3514,8 +3268,6 @@ pRestoreBus
move.l d0,-(sp) ; save reg
move.w sr,-(sp) ; Save current interrupt level.
ori.w #HiIntMask,sr ; disable interrupts
move.b ([sInfoPtr],entryMMUMode),d0 ; get saved mmu mode
_SwapMMUMode ; restore mmu mode
move.l ([sInfoPtr],sysBusExcptn),BusErrVct ; restore system exception vector
move.w (sp)+,sr ; restore interrupt state
move.l (sp)+,d0 ; restore reg
@ -3804,9 +3556,10 @@ RemoveCard
with spBlock,sInfoRecord
@regs reg d1-d3/a1-a4
@regs reg d1-d4/a1-a4
movem.l @regs,-(sp)
moveq.l #0,d3 ; set d3 = change status flag
moveq.l #0,d4
; get ptr to slot's sInfoRecord so we can check its previous state
@ -3822,6 +3575,12 @@ CheckSlot
cmp.w #smReservedSlot, \ ; check for reserved slot
beq @Return ; reserved slots not valid
cmp.w #smEmptySlot, \ ; check for empty slot
bne.s @notbad ; empty slots not valid
moveq.l #-1,d4
moveq.l #0,d1 ; zero reg
move.b spSlot(a0),d1 ; d1 = slot number
@ -3859,12 +3618,15 @@ CheckSlot
; Verify the format header - a0 = ptr to spblock, a1 = ptr to sInfoRecord
bsr.l VerifySlot ; verify the config rom format
bsr VerifySlot ; verify the config rom format
tst.w siInitStatusA(a1) ; is the slot status ok?
bne.s @CheckError ; bad or empty slot - check previous status
; Config ROM verifies ok - walk through all the sResources looking for the board sResource
tst.l d4
bne.s @Changed
bsr GetBoardID ; find the board sRsrc and board id
beq.s @Changed ; no board id - a bad card
@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ SlotMgrObjs = "{ObjDir}SlotInterrupts.a.o"
"{ObjDir}SlotMgrInit.a.o" ¶
# "{LibDir}SlotMgr.lib" Ä {SlotMgrObjs}
# Lib {StdLibOpts} -o "{Targ}" {SlotMgrObjs}
"{LibDir}SlotMgr.lib" Ä {SlotMgrObjs}
Lib {StdLibOpts} -o "{Targ}" {SlotMgrObjs}
@ -414,10 +414,6 @@ StartSDeclMgr
bsr InitsPram ; initial a slot's PRAM
dbra d1,@Loop
; Initialize the Docking Manager so built-in video and docking cards can use its facilities
BSR.L InitDocking ; initialize the Docking Manager <H4>
; Set up the warm/cold start flag for later. <SM8>
Moveq.l #0,D2 ; D2 = flag for cold start.
@ -1074,9 +1070,11 @@ InitsPRAM
tst.w siInitStatusA(a2) ; is the slot status ok?
beq.s @readPRAM ; slot ok - read board id from pram
cmp.w #smDisabledSlot,siInitStatusA(a2) ; is slot disabled?
beq.s @Done ; don't touch disabled slot's pram
beq @Done ; don't touch disabled slot's pram
cmp.w #smReservedSlot,siInitStatusA(a2) ; is slot reserved?
beq.s @Done ; reserved is the same as disabled
beq @Done ; reserved is the same as disabled
cmp.w #smEmptySlot,siInitStatusA(a2) ; is slot empty?
beq @Done ; empty is the same as disabled
bra.s @writePRAM ; slot status is bad - zero pram
; Read PRAM to get the current board id.
@ -1215,16 +1213,6 @@ doPrimaryInit
bne.s @Done ; no primary init record - done
; Identify Apple Cards whose PrimaryInit code is faulty, and execute fixed
; versions from the CPU ROM.
Bsr.s PatchPrimaryInit ; If PatchPrimaryInit returns a
Tst.b D0 ; result >= 0, donÕt execute
Bpl.s @cleanup ; normal PrimaryInit.
; Load the code and execute the primary init record.
Move.l A3,spsPointer(A0) ; Restore ptr to board sRsrc.
@ -1241,66 +1229,6 @@ doPrimaryInit
@done Rts
; PatchPrimaryInit and support (called from doPrimaryInit).
; Entry: A0 -- points to spBlock.
; A1 -- points to sInfoRecord.
; A2 -- (after restore from BigJump) points to sExec param blk.
; A3 -- points to board sResource.
; D1 -- contains spSlot (we use spBlock.spSlot here, though).
; Exit: A0-A3 -- preserved.
; D1 -- preserved.
; Purpose: The purpose of SlotPrimaryInitPatch is to identify Apple
; Cards whose PrimaryInit code is faulty, and execute fixed
; versions from the CPU ROM.
; SlotPrimaryInitPatch is executed from the (non-exported)
; routine doPrimayInit in SlotInfo.a.
With seBlock,spBlock
Import GetDevIndex,JsrTbl
@saveRegs Reg A0-A3/D1/D3 ; Define some work and scratch registers,
Movem.l @saveRegs,-(Sp) ; and save them on the stack.
Move.l A0,A3 ; Save the spBlockPtr for later.
Bsr GetDevIndex ; Get the device/card index into D0.
Move.l D0,D3 ; If the device index is negative, then
Bmi.s @done ; PrimaryInit doesnÕt need patching.
Lea JsrTbl,A1 ; Point to base of JsrTbl.
Lsl.l #2,D3 ; Adjust index.
Move.l A1,A0 ; Copy base address.
Add.l D3,A0 ; Point to proper entry.
Add.l (A0),A1 ; Load A1 with effective address of PrimaryInit.
Move.l A3,A0 ; Restore spBlockPtr.
Move.b spSlot(A0),seSlot(A2) ; Set the right slot number.
Move.b spFlags(A0),seFlags(A2) ; Set the flags.
Move.l A2,A0 ; Set A0 to sExecBlkPtr for fake sExec call.
Jsr (A1) ; Execute the PrimaryInit.
Move.l D3,D0 ; Return result code.
@done Movem.l (Sp)+,@saveRegs
;_______________________________________________________________________________________ <h5> djw
; StubCheckSlot - check if a slot status has changed
@ -1363,48 +1291,6 @@ StubRemoveCard
; spBlock : -> spSlot slot number
; -> spFlags fWarmStart - if set then a warm start (may be used by primary
Testfor BARTExists ; are we on a ColdFusion or PDM
bne.s @goodMach
Testfor MUNIExists ; do we have MUNI Nubus Controller?
Beq @exit ; no, leave
@goodMach MoveM.l A0/D0-D2, -(SP)
Clr.b spID(A0) ; Begin search with ID 0.
Clr.b spExtDev(A0) ; No external device(s).
Clr.b spHwDev(A0) ; No hardware device(s).
Clr.b spTBMask(A0) ; No mask in search.
Move.w #catBoard,spCategory(A0) ; Look for: Board sRsrc
Clr.w spCType(A0)
Clr.w spDrvrSW(A0)
Clr.w spDrvrHW(A0)
Move.l #(1<<foneslot), spParamData(A0) ; look only in this slot
_GetTypeSRsrc ; get slots board sRsrc
Bne.s @done
Move.b #sBlockTransferInfo, spID(A0)
_sReadLong ; does slot support block xfers?
Bne.s @done ; no, leave
Move.l spResult(A0), D0 ; get sBlockTransferInfo long
BTst #fIsSlave, D0 ; handles blk xfer as slave?
Beq.s @done ; no, leave
Testfor BARTExists ; are we on a ColdFusion or PDM
beq.s @muni ; no, must be MUNI
BTst #fSlvXferSz2, D0 ; handles blk xfer size of 2?
Bne.s @enable ; yes, go
BTst #fSlvXferSz8, D0 ; handles blk xfer size of 8?
Bne.s @enable ; yes, go
bra.s @done ; no, exit
@muni BTst #fSlvXferSz4, D0 ; handles blk xfer size of 4?
Beq.s @done ; no, leave
@enable MoveQ #0, D0
Move.b spSlot(A0), D0
BSet #8, D0 ; make high word indicate enable blk xfer
Move.l D0, A0
@done MoveM.l (SP)+, A0/D0-D2
@exit Rts
;end <LW2>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user