Build updated MainCode image (matches Mac OS ROM 9.6.1+)

This commit is contained in:
Elliot Nunn 2017-09-20 19:58:54 +08:00
parent 283a0c5ba8
commit 1c43f478a3
113 changed files with 4076 additions and 12134 deletions

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

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Binary file not shown.

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Binary file not shown.

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Binary file not shown.

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Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ BackLightDir = {DriverDir}BackLight:
#include {SonyDir}Sony.make
#include {SerialDir}Serial.make
#include {SerialDMADir}SerialDMA.make
##include {SerialDir}Serial.make
##include {SerialDMADir}SerialDMA.make
#include {NewAgeDir}NewAge.make

View File

@ -674,7 +674,7 @@ btQType EQU 21 ; B*Tree Manager
; Device Control Entry Definition
;dCtlEntrySize used to be only 40 bytes!
dCtlEntrySize EQU $34 ; length of a DCE [52 bytes]
dCtlEntrySize EQU $38 ; length of a DCE [52 bytes]
dCtlDriver EQU 0 ; driver [handle]
dCtlFlags EQU 4 ; flags [word]
dCtlQueue EQU 6 ; queue header

View File

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ resetCmd EQU $00 ; Command for Bus Reset
kbdAddr EQU $02 ; keyboard type device
mouseAddr EQU $03 ; mouse type device
numFDBAdr EQU 16 ; number of avaiblae FDB address
moveTime EQU 50 ; number of times to move device
moveTime EQU 10 ; number of times to move device

View File

@ -90,6 +90,8 @@ denom ds.w 1 ; Private: fraction of the errors to use next time
spread ds.w 1 ; Private: Number of samples to spread errors over
newData ds.b 1 ; Private: set when deltas are new
ds.b 1 ; align
ds.b 4 ; new
CrsrDevSize EQU *

View File

@ -231,41 +231,110 @@ DockingGlobals EQU $1FF8 ; pointer to docking globals <H12>
; Processor Info Record
; Used to pass Processor information from the NanoKernel to user mode
; software.
; Configuration Info Record
; Used to pass Configuration information from the Boot Program to the
; NanoKernel for data structure and address mapping initialization.
ProcessorInfoPtr equ $5FFFEFD8 ; logical address of ProcessorInfo record
ProcessorInfoVer equ $5FFFEFDC ; version number of ProcessorInfo record
ProcessorInfoLen equ $5FFFEFDE ; length of ProcessorInfo record
NKConfigurationInfo record 0,increment
ROMByteCheckSums ds.l 8 ; 000 ; ROM Checksums - one word for each of 8 byte lanes
ROMCheckSum64 ds.l 2 ; 020 ; ROM Checksum - 64 bit sum of doublewords
ProcessorInfo record 0,increment
ProcessorVersionReg ds.l 1 ; contents of the PVR special purpose register
CpuClockRateHz ds.l 1 ; CPU Clock frequency
BusClockRateHz ds.l 1 ; Bus Clock frequency
DecClockRateHz ds.l 1 ; Decrementer Clock frequency
PageSize ds.l 1 ; number of bytes in a memory page
DataCacheTotalSize ds.l 1 ; number of bytes in the Data Cache
InstCacheTotalSize ds.l 1 ; number of bytes in the Instruction Cache
CoherencyBlockSize ds.w 1 ; number of bytes in a Coherency Block
ReservationGranuleSize ds.w 1 ; number of bytes in a Reservation Granule
CombinedCaches ds.w 1 ; 1 <- combined or no cache, 0 <- split cache
InstCacheLineSize ds.w 1 ; number of bytes in a Line of the Instruction Cache
DataCacheLineSize ds.w 1 ; number of bytes in a Line of the Data Cache
DataCacheBlockSizeTouch ds.w 1 ; number of bytes in a Block for DCBT DCBTST
InstCacheBlockSize ds.w 1 ; number of bytes in a Block of the Instruction Cache
DataCacheBlockSize ds.w 1 ; number of bytes in a Block of the Data Cache
InstCacheAssociativity ds.w 1 ; Associativity of the Instruction Cache
DataCacheAssociativity ds.w 1 ; Associativity of the Data Cache
ROMImageBaseOffset ds.l 1 ; 028 ; Offset of Base of total ROM image
ROMImageSize ds.l 1 ; 02c ; Number of bytes in ROM image
ROMImageVersion ds.l 1 ; 030 ; ROM Version number for entire ROM
TransCacheTotalSize ds.w 1 ; number of entries in the Translation Cache
TransCacheAssociativity ds.w 1 ; Associativity of the Translation Cache
align 32 ; pad to nice cache block alignment
Size equ *-ProcessorInfo
Mac68KROMOffset ds.l 1 ; 034 ; Offset of base of Macintosh 68K ROM
Mac68KROMSize ds.l 1 ; 038 ; Number of bytes in Macintosh 68K ROM
ExceptionTableOffset ds.l 1 ; 03c ; Offset of base of PowerPC Exception Table Code
ExceptionTableSize ds.l 1 ; 040 ; Number of bytes in PowerPC Exception Table Code
HWInitCodeOffset ds.l 1 ; 044 ; Offset of base of Hardware Init Code (field moved!)
HWInitCodeSize ds.l 1 ; 048 ; Number of bytes in Hardware Init Code
KernelCodeOffset ds.l 1 ; 04c ; Offset of base of NanoKernel Code
KernelCodeSize ds.l 1 ; 050 ; Number of bytes in NanoKernel Code
EmulatorCodeOffset ds.l 1 ; 054 ; Offset of base of Emulator Code
EmulatorCodeSize ds.l 1 ; 058 ; Number of bytes in Emulator Code
OpcodeTableOffset ds.l 1 ; 05c ; Offset of base of Opcode Table
OpcodeTableSize ds.l 1 ; 060 ; Number of bytes in Opcode Table
BootstrapVersion ds.b 16 ; 064 ; Bootstrap loader version info
BootVersionOffset ds.l 1 ; 074 ; offset within EmulatorData of BootstrapVersion
ECBOffset ds.l 1 ; 078 ; offset within EmulatorData of ECB
IplValueOffset ds.l 1 ; 07c ; offset within EmulatorData of IplValue
EmulatorEntryOffset ds.l 1 ; 080 ; offset within Emulator Code of entry point
KernelTrapTableOffset ds.l 1 ; 084 ; offset within Emulator Code of KernelTrapTable
TestIntMaskInit ds.l 1 ; 088 ; initial value for test interrupt mask
ClearIntMaskInit ds.l 1 ; 08c ; initial value for clear interrupt mask
PostIntMaskInit ds.l 1 ; 090 ; initial value for post interrupt mask
LA_InterruptCtl ds.l 1 ; 094 ; logical address of Interrupt Control I/O page
InterruptHandlerKind ds.b 1 ; 098 ; kind of handler to use
ds.b 3 ; 099 ; filler
LA_InfoRecord ds.l 1 ; 09c ; logical address of InfoRecord page
LA_KernelData ds.l 1 ; 0a0 ; logical address of KernelData page
LA_EmulatorData ds.l 1 ; 0a4 ; logical address of EmulatorData page
LA_DispatchTable ds.l 1 ; 0a8 ; logical address of Dispatch Table
LA_EmulatorCode ds.l 1 ; 0ac ; logical address of Emulator Code
MacLowMemInitOffset ds.l 1 ; 0b0 ; offset to list of LowMem addr/data values
PageAttributeInit ds.l 1 ; 0b4 ; default WIMG/PP settings for PTE creation
PageMapInitSize ds.l 1 ; 0b8 ; size of page mapping info
PageMapInitOffset ds.l 1 ; 0bc ; offset to page mapping info (from base of ConfigInfo)
PageMapIRPOffset ds.l 1 ; 0c0 ; offset of InfoRecord map info (from base of PageMap)
PageMapKDPOffset ds.l 1 ; 0c4 ; offset of KernelData map info (from base of PageMap)
PageMapEDPOffset ds.l 1 ; 0c8 ; offset of EmulatorData map info (from base of PageMap)
SegMap32SupInit ds.l 32 ; 0cc ; 32 bit mode Segment Map Supervisor space
SegMap32UsrInit ds.l 32 ; 14c ; 32 bit mode Segment Map User space
SegMap32CPUInit ds.l 32 ; 1cc ; 32 bit mode Segment Map CPU space
SegMap32OvlInit ds.l 32 ; 24c ; 32 bit mode Segment Map Overlay mode
BATRangeInit ds.l 32 ; 2cc ; BAT mapping ranges
BatMap32SupInit ds.l 1 ; 34c ; 32 bit mode BAT Map Supervisor space
BatMap32UsrInit ds.l 1 ; 350 ; 32 bit mode BAT Map User space
BatMap32CPUInit ds.l 1 ; 354 ; 32 bit mode BAT Map CPU space
BatMap32OvlInit ds.l 1 ; 358 ; 32 bit mode BAT Map Overlay mode
SharedMemoryAddr ds.l 1 ; 35c ; physical address of Mac/Smurf shared message mem
PA_RelocatedLowMemInit ds.l 1 ; 360 ; physical address of RelocatedLowMem
OpenFWBundleOffset ds.l 1 ; 364 ; Offset of base of OpenFirmware PEF Bundle
OpenFWBundleSize ds.l 1 ; 368 ; Number of bytes in OpenFirmware PEF Bundle
LA_OpenFirmware ds.l 1 ; 36c ; logical address of Open Firmware
PA_OpenFirmware ds.l 1 ; 370 ; physical address of Open Firmware
LA_HardwarePriv ds.l 1 ; 374 ; logical address of HardwarePriv callback
; Used to stop here, plus 8 bytes for cache block alignment (0x380 bytes).
; Now there be more!
Debug ds.w 1 ; 378 ; > 256 required for screen log
DebugThreshold equ 257
org $388
DebugFlags ds.l 1 ; 388 ; bit 1<< 1 required for screen log
NanodbgrFlagShift equ 0
NanodbgrFlagBit equ 31 - NanodbgrFlagShift
LogFlagShift equ 1
LogFlagBit equ 31 - LogFlagShift
org $100
Size equ *
; System Info Record
@ -273,70 +342,112 @@ Size equ *-ProcessorInfo
; software.
NKSystemInfoPtr equ $5FFFEFF0 ; logical address of NKSystemInfo record
NKSystemInfoVer equ $5FFFEFF4 ; version number of NKSystemInfo record
NKSystemInfoLen equ $5FFFEFF6 ; length of NKSystemInfo record
NKSystemInfoPtr equ $68FFEFF0 ; logical address of NKSystemInfo record
NKSystemInfoVer equ $68FFEFF4 ; version number of NKSystemInfo record
NKSystemInfoLen equ $68FFEFF6 ; length of NKSystemInfo record
NKSystemInfo record 0,increment
PhysicalMemorySize ds.l 1 ; Number of bytes in Physical RAM
UsableMemorySize ds.l 1 ; Number of bytes in Usable RAM
LogicalMemorySize ds.l 1 ; Number of bytes in Logical RAM
HashTableSize ds.l 1 ; Number of bytes in Memory Hash Table
PhysicalMemorySize ds.l 1 ; 000, irp+dc0 ; Number of bytes in Physical RAM
UsableMemorySize ds.l 1 ; 004, irp+dc4 ; Number of bytes in Usable RAM
LogicalMemorySize ds.l 1 ; 008, irp+dc8 ; Number of bytes in Logical RAM
HashTableSize ds.l 1 ; 00c, irp+dcc ; Number of bytes in Memory Hash Table
L2DataCacheTotalSize ds.l 1 ; number of bytes in the L2 Data Cache
L2InstCacheTotalSize ds.l 1 ; number of bytes in the L2 Instruction Cache
L2CombinedCaches ds.w 1 ; 1 <- combined or no cache, 0 <- split cache
L2InstCacheBlockSize ds.w 1 ; number of bytes in a Block of the L2 Instruction Cache
L2DataCacheBlockSize ds.w 1 ; number of bytes in a Block of the L2 Data Cache
L2InstCacheAssociativity ds.w 1 ; Associativity of the L2 Instruction Cache
L2DataCacheAssociativity ds.w 1 ; Associativity of the L2 Data Cache
ds.b 2 ; unused
L2DataCacheTotalSize ds.l 1 ; 010, irp+dd0 ; number of bytes in the L2 Data Cache
L2InstCacheTotalSize ds.l 1 ; 014, irp+dd4 ; number of bytes in the L2 Instruction Cache
L2CombinedCaches ds.w 1 ; 018, irp+dd8 ; 1 <- combined or no cache, 0 <- split cache
L2InstCacheBlockSize ds.w 1 ; 01a, irp+dda ; number of bytes in a Block of the L2 Instruction Cache
L2DataCacheBlockSize ds.w 1 ; 01c, irp+ddc ; number of bytes in a Block of the L2 Data Cache
L2InstCacheAssociativity ds.w 1 ; 01e, irp+dde ; Associativity of the L2 Instruction Cache
L2DataCacheAssociativity ds.w 1 ; 020, irp+de0 ; Associativity of the L2 Data Cache
ds.b 2 ; 022, irp+de2 ; unused
ds.b 2 ; unused
FlashManufacturerCode ds.b 1 ; Flash ROM Manufacturer code
FlashDeviceCode ds.b 1 ; Flash ROM Device code
FlashStart ds.l 1 ; Starting address of Flash ROM
FlashSize ds.l 1 ; Number of bytes in Flash ROM
ds.b 2 ; 024, irp+de4 ; unused
FlashManufacturerCode ds.b 1 ; 026, irp+de6 ; Flash ROM Manufacturer code
FlashDeviceCode ds.b 1 ; 027, irp+de7 ; Flash ROM Device code
FlashStart ds.l 1 ; 028, irp+de8 ; Starting address of Flash ROM
FlashSize ds.l 1 ; 02c, irp+dec ; Number of bytes in Flash ROM
align 16
Bank0Start ds.l 1 ; Starting address of RAM bank 0
Bank0Size ds.l 1 ; Number of bytes in RAM bank 0
Bank1Start ds.l 1 ; Starting address of RAM bank 1
Bank1Size ds.l 1 ; Number of bytes in RAM bank 1
Bank2Start ds.l 1 ; Starting address of RAM bank 2
Bank2Size ds.l 1 ; Number of bytes in RAM bank 2
Bank3Start ds.l 1 ; Starting address of RAM bank 3
Bank3Size ds.l 1 ; Number of bytes in RAM bank 3
Bank4Start ds.l 1 ; Starting address of RAM bank 4
Bank4Size ds.l 1 ; Number of bytes in RAM bank 4
Bank5Start ds.l 1 ; Starting address of RAM bank 5
Bank5Size ds.l 1 ; Number of bytes in RAM bank 5
Bank6Start ds.l 1 ; Starting address of RAM bank 6
Bank6Size ds.l 1 ; Number of bytes in RAM bank 6
Bank7Start ds.l 1 ; Starting address of RAM bank 7
Bank7Size ds.l 1 ; Number of bytes in RAM bank 7
Bank8Start ds.l 1 ; Starting address of RAM bank 8
Bank8Size ds.l 1 ; Number of bytes in RAM bank 8
Bank9Start ds.l 1 ; Starting address of RAM bank 9
Bank9Size ds.l 1 ; Number of bytes in RAM bank 9
Bank10Start ds.l 1 ; Starting address of RAM bank 10
Bank10Size ds.l 1 ; Number of bytes in RAM bank 10
Bank11Start ds.l 1 ; Starting address of RAM bank 11
Bank11Size ds.l 1 ; Number of bytes in RAM bank 11
Bank12Start ds.l 1 ; Starting address of RAM bank 12
Bank12Size ds.l 1 ; Number of bytes in RAM bank 12
Bank13Start ds.l 1 ; Starting address of RAM bank 13
Bank13Size ds.l 1 ; Number of bytes in RAM bank 13
Bank14Start ds.l 1 ; Starting address of RAM bank 14
Bank14Size ds.l 1 ; Number of bytes in RAM bank 14
Bank15Start ds.l 1 ; Starting address of RAM bank 15
Bank15Size ds.l 1 ; Number of bytes in RAM bank 15
align 32 ; pad to nice cache block alignment
MaxBanks equ 16 ; 16 banks, 0É15
Size equ *-SystemInfo
Bank0Start ds.l 1 ; 030, irp+df0 ; Starting address of RAM bank 0
Bank0Size ds.l 1 ; 034, irp+df4 ; Number of bytes in RAM bank 0
Bank1Start ds.l 1 ; 038, irp+df8 ; Starting address of RAM bank 1
Bank1Size ds.l 1 ; 03c, irp+dfc ; Number of bytes in RAM bank 1
Bank2Start ds.l 1 ; 040, irp+e00 ; Starting address of RAM bank 2
Bank2Size ds.l 1 ; 044, irp+e04 ; Number of bytes in RAM bank 2
Bank3Start ds.l 1 ; 048, irp+e08 ; Starting address of RAM bank 3
Bank3Size ds.l 1 ; 04c, irp+e0c ; Number of bytes in RAM bank 3
Bank4Start ds.l 1 ; 050, irp+e10 ; Starting address of RAM bank 4
Bank4Size ds.l 1 ; 054, irp+e14 ; Number of bytes in RAM bank 4
Bank5Start ds.l 1 ; 058, irp+e18 ; Starting address of RAM bank 5
Bank5Size ds.l 1 ; 05c, irp+e1c ; Number of bytes in RAM bank 5
Bank6Start ds.l 1 ; 060, irp+e20 ; Starting address of RAM bank 6
Bank6Size ds.l 1 ; 064, irp+e24 ; Number of bytes in RAM bank 6
Bank7Start ds.l 1 ; 068, irp+e28 ; Starting address of RAM bank 7
Bank7Size ds.l 1 ; 06c, irp+e2c ; Number of bytes in RAM bank 7
Bank8Start ds.l 1 ; 070, irp+e30 ; Starting address of RAM bank 8
Bank8Size ds.l 1 ; 074, irp+e34 ; Number of bytes in RAM bank 8
Bank9Start ds.l 1 ; 078, irp+e38 ; Starting address of RAM bank 9
Bank9Size ds.l 1 ; 07c, irp+e3c ; Number of bytes in RAM bank 9
Bank10Start ds.l 1 ; 080, irp+e40 ; Starting address of RAM bank 10
Bank10Size ds.l 1 ; 084, irp+e44 ; Number of bytes in RAM bank 10
Bank11Start ds.l 1 ; 088, irp+e48 ; Starting address of RAM bank 11
Bank11Size ds.l 1 ; 08c, irp+e4c ; Number of bytes in RAM bank 11
Bank12Start ds.l 1 ; 090, irp+e50 ; Starting address of RAM bank 12
Bank12Size ds.l 1 ; 094, irp+e54 ; Number of bytes in RAM bank 12
Bank13Start ds.l 1 ; 098, irp+e58 ; Starting address of RAM bank 13
Bank13Size ds.l 1 ; 09c, irp+e5c ; Number of bytes in RAM bank 13
Bank14Start ds.l 1 ; 0a0, irp+e60 ; Starting address of RAM bank 14
Bank14Size ds.l 1 ; 0a4, irp+e64 ; Number of bytes in RAM bank 14
Bank15Start ds.l 1 ; 0a8, irp+e68 ; Starting address of RAM bank 15
Bank15Size ds.l 1 ; 0ac, irp+e6c ; Number of bytes in RAM bank 15
Bank16Start ds.l 1 ; 0b0, irp+e70 ; Starting address of RAM bank 16
Bank16Size ds.l 1 ; 0b4, irp+e74 ; Number of bytes in RAM bank 16
Bank17Start ds.l 1 ; 0b8, irp+e78 ; Starting address of RAM bank 17
Bank17Size ds.l 1 ; 0bc, irp+e7c ; Number of bytes in RAM bank 17
Bank18Start ds.l 1 ; 0c0, irp+e80 ; Starting address of RAM bank 18
Bank18Size ds.l 1 ; 0c4, irp+e84 ; Number of bytes in RAM bank 18
Bank19Start ds.l 1 ; 0c8, irp+e88 ; Starting address of RAM bank 19
Bank19Size ds.l 1 ; 0cc, irp+e8c ; Number of bytes in RAM bank 19
Bank20Start ds.l 1 ; 0d0, irp+e90 ; Starting address of RAM bank 20
Bank20Size ds.l 1 ; 0d4, irp+e94 ; Number of bytes in RAM bank 20
Bank21Start ds.l 1 ; 0d8, irp+e98 ; Starting address of RAM bank 21
Bank21Size ds.l 1 ; 0dc, irp+e9c ; Number of bytes in RAM bank 21
Bank22Start ds.l 1 ; 0e0, irp+ea0 ; Starting address of RAM bank 22
Bank22Size ds.l 1 ; 0e4, irp+ea4 ; Number of bytes in RAM bank 22
Bank23Start ds.l 1 ; 0e8, irp+ea8 ; Starting address of RAM bank 23
Bank23Size ds.l 1 ; 0ec, irp+eac ; Number of bytes in RAM bank 23
Bank24Start ds.l 1 ; 0f0, irp+eb0 ; Starting address of RAM bank 24
Bank24Size ds.l 1 ; 0f4, irp+eb4 ; Number of bytes in RAM bank 24
Bank25Start ds.l 1 ; 0f8, irp+eb8 ; Starting address of RAM bank 25
Bank25Size ds.l 1 ; 0fc, irp+ebc ; Number of bytes in RAM bank 25
MaxBanks equ 26 ; Pads out to old struct len (cache block), more to come...
; Interrupt Support Data
IntCntrBaseAddr ds.l 1 ; 100, irp+ec0 ; Interrupt Controller Base Address (variable is used since this is a PCI Dev and address is relocatable)
IntPendingReg ds.l 2 ; 104, irp+ec4 ; Data of current interrupts pending register
; These fields were added to report information about tightly-coupled L2 caches.
; The inline L2 information should be used in situations where there is a CPU
; card L2 cache that can coexist with a motherboard L2.
InlineL2DSize ds.l 1 ; 10c, irp+ecc ; Size of in-line L2 Dcache
InlineL2ISize ds.l 1 ; 110, irp+ed0 ; Size of in-line L2 Icache
InlineL2Combined ds.w 1 ; 114, irp+ed4 ; 1 <- combined or no cache, 0 <- split cache
InlineL2IBlockSize ds.w 1 ; 116, irp+ed6 ; Block size of in-line I L2 cache
InlineL2DBlockSize ds.w 1 ; 118, irp+ed8 ; Block size of in-line D L2 cache
InlineL2IAssoc ds.w 1 ; 11a, irp+eda ; Associativity of L2 I
InlineL2DAssoc ds.w 1 ; 11c, irp+edc ; Associativity of L2 D
ds.w 1 ; 11e, irp+ede ; pad
; More Interrupt Support Data
IntsCompleted ds.l 2 ; 120, irp+ee0 ; completed interrupts
ds.b $18
Size equ *
; Diagnostic Info Record
@ -344,19 +455,52 @@ Size equ *-SystemInfo
; the NanoKernel, and from the NanoKernel to user mode software.
nkDiagInfoPtr equ $5FFFEFE8 ; logical address of DiagnosticInfo record
nkDiagInfoVer equ $5FFFEFEC ; version number of DiagnosticInfo record
nkDiagInfoLen equ $5FFFEFEE ; length of DiagnosticInfo record
NKDiagInfoPtr equ $68FFEFE8 ; logical address of DiagnosticInfo record
NKDiagInfoVer equ $68FFEFEC ; version number of DiagnosticInfo record
NKDiagInfoLen equ $68FFEFEE ; length of DiagnosticInfo record
nkDiagInfo record 0,increment
ds.b 236 ; it WILL all fit in 256 bytes
DiagPOSTResult2 ds.l 1 ; POST results
DiagPOSTResult1 ds.l 1 ; POST results
DiagEmoRestart ds.l 1 ; Burn in restart flag
DiagWarmStartHigh ds.l 1 ; First long of native warm start (WLSC) <SM44>
DiagWarmStartLow ds.l 1 ; Second long of native warm start (SamB) <SM44>
align 32 ; pad to nice cache block alignment
Size equ *-nkDiagInfo
NKDiagInfo record 0,increment
BankMBFailOffset ds.l 1 ; 000 ; Mother Board RAM failure code
BankAFailOffset ds.l 1 ; 004 ; Bank A RAM failure code
BankBFailOffset ds.l 1 ; 008 ; Bank B RAM failure code
BankCFailOffset ds.l 1 ; 00c ; Bank C RAM failure code
BankDFailOffset ds.l 1 ; 010 ; Bank D RAM failure code
BankEFailOffset ds.l 1 ; 014 ; Bank E RAM failure code
BankFFailOffset ds.l 1 ; 018 ; Bank F RAM failure code
BankGFailOffset ds.l 1 ; 01c ; Bank G RAM failure code
BankHFailOffset ds.l 1 ; 020 ; Bank H RAM failure code
CacheFailOffset ds.l 1 ; 024 ; cache failure code
LongBootParamOffset ds.l 1 ; 028 ; on longBoot this is where the params will be
POSTTraceOffset ds.l 1 ; 02c ; this tells us what route the POST took
POSTOldWarmOffset ds.l 1 ; 030 ; logged address of old warmstart flag
POSTOldLongOffset ds.l 1 ; 034 ; logged address of old long boot flag
POSTOldGlobbOffset ds.l 1 ; 038 ; logged address of old Diagnostic Info Record
POSTOldParamOffset ds.l 1 ; 03c ; the params from the old diag globb
POSTStartRTCUOffset ds.l 1 ; 040 ; PPC Real Time Clock Upper at start of POST
POSTStartRTCLOffset ds.l 1 ; 044 ; PPC Real Time Clock Lower at start of POST
POSTEndRTCUOffset ds.l 1 ; 048 ; PPC Real Time Clock Upper at end of POST
POSTEndRTCLOffset ds.l 1 ; 04c ; PPC Real Time Clock Lower at end of POST
POSTTestTypeOffset ds.l 1 ; 050 ; when long RAM tests fail test type which failed is put here
POSTError2Offset ds.l 1 ; 054 ; result codes from tests
POSTError3Offset ds.l 1 ; 058 ; result codes from tests
POSTError4Offset ds.l 1 ; 05c ; result codes from tests
RegistersStore ds.b 140 ; 060 ; store all 60x registers here, still fit into 256 bytes size.
; Everything BEFORE here is new (hence the funny-sized register store)
DiagPOSTResult2 ds.l 1 ; 0ec ; POST results
DiagPOSTResult1 ds.l 1 ; 0f0 ; POST results
DiagLongBootSig ds.l 1 ; 0f4 ; Burn in restart flag
DiagWarmStartHigh ds.l 1 ; 0f8 ; First long of native warm start (WLSC) <SM44>
DiagWarmStartLow ds.l 1 ; 0fc ; Second long of native warm start (SamB) <SM44>
Size equ *
@ -368,30 +512,278 @@ Size equ *-nkDiagInfo
; software.
nkNanoKernelInfoPtr equ $5FFFEFE0 ; logical address of NanoKernelInfo record
nkNanoKernelInfoVer equ $5FFFEFE4 ; version number of NanoKernelInfo record
nkNanoKernelInfoLen equ $5FFFEFE6 ; length of NanoKernelInfo record
NKNanoKernelInfoPtr equ $68FFEFE0 ; logical address of NanoKernelInfo record
NKNanoKernelInfoVer equ $68FFEFE4 ; version number of NanoKernelInfo record
NKNanoKernelInfoLen equ $68FFEFE6 ; length of NanoKernelInfo record
nkNanoKernelInfo record 0,increment
ExceptionCauseCounts ds.l 32 ; counters per exception cause
NanoKernelCallCounts ds.l 16 ; counters per NanoKernel call
ExternalIntCount ds.l 1 ; count of External Interrupts
MisalignmentCount ds.l 1 ; count of Misalignment Interrupts
FPUReloadCount ds.l 1 ; count of FPU reloads on demand
DecrementerIntCount ds.l 1 ; count of Decrementer Interrupts
QuietWriteCount ds.l 1 ; count of Writes to Quiet Read-Only memory
HashTableCreateCount ds.l 1 ; count of Hash Table Entry creations
HashTableDeleteCount ds.l 1 ; count of Hash Table Entry deletions
HashTableOverflowCount ds.l 1 ; count of Hash Table Entry overflows
EmulatedUnimpInstCount ds.l 1 ; count of Emulated unimplemented instructions
NCBPtrCacheMissCount ds.l 1 ; count of NCB Pointer cache misses
ExceptionPropagateCount ds.l 1 ; count of Exceptions propagated to system
ExceptionForcedCount ds.l 1 ; count of Exceptions forced to system
align 8 ; align for 64 bit time base counters
SysContextCpuTime ds.l 2 ; CPU Time used by System Context
AltContextCpuTime ds.l 2 ; CPU Time used by Alternate Context
align 32 ; pad to nice cache block alignment
Size equ *-nkNanoKernelInfo
NKNanoKernelInfo record 0,increment
ExceptionCauseCounts ds.l 32 ; 000, kdp+dc0 ; counters per exception cause
NanoKernelCallCounts ds.l 16 ; 080, kdp+e40 ; counters per NanoKernel call
ExternalIntCount ds.l 1 ; 0c0, kdp+e80 ; count of External Interrupts
MisalignmentCount ds.l 1 ; 0c4, kdp+e84 ; count of Misalignment Interrupts
FPUReloadCount ds.l 1 ; 0c8, kdp+e88 ; count of FPU reloads on demand
DecrementerIntCount ds.l 1 ; 0cc, kdp+e8c ; count of Decrementer Interrupts
QuietWriteCount ds.l 1 ; 0d0, kdp+e90 ; count of Writes to Quiet Read-Only memory
HashTableCreateCount ds.l 1 ; 0d4, kdp+e94 ; count of Hash Table Entry creations
HashTableDeleteCount ds.l 1 ; 0d8, kdp+e98 ; count of Hash Table Entry deletions
HashTableOverflowCount ds.l 1 ; 0dc, kdp+e9c ; count of Hash Table Entry overflows
EmulatedUnimpInstCount ds.l 1 ; 0e0, kdp+ea0 ; count of Emulated unimplemented instructions
NCBPtrCacheMissCount ds.l 1 ; 0e4, kdp+ea4 ; count of NCB Pointer cache misses
ExceptionPropagateCount ds.l 1 ; 0e8, kdp+ea8 ; count of Exceptions propagated to system
ExceptionForcedCount ds.l 1 ; 0ec, kdp+eac ; count of Exceptions forced to system
SysContextCpuTime ds.l 2 ; 0f0, kdp+eb0 ; CPU Time used by System Context
AltContextCpuTime ds.l 2 ; 0f8, kdp+eb4 ; CPU Time used by Alternate Context
; This stuff is new (starts at 0x100)
blueProcessID ds.l 1 ; 100, kdp+ec0 ; ID of the blue process.
blueTaskID ds.l 1 ; 104, kdp+ec4 ; ID of the blue task.
pageQueueID ds.l 1 ; 108, kdp+ec8 ; ID of the page fault queue.
TaskCount ds.l 1 ; 10c, kdp+ecc ; Number of tasks.
FreePoolExtendCount ds.l 1 ; 110, kdp+ed0 ; Number of pages given to the nanokernel.
;rsrv1 ds.l 3 ; 114, kdp+ed4 ; reserved???
; My additions
org $11c
ConfigFlags ds.l 1 ; 11c, kdp+edc ; includes ScreenConsole ... TODO put flag equs here
NanodbgrFlagShift equ 1
NanodbgrFlagBit equ 31 - NanodbgrFlagShift
LogFlagShift equ 3
LogFlagBit equ 31 - LogFlagShift
; bit 31 always set on replacement, bit 27 set on replacement with ROM 2.7f3 or later
org $128
VMDispatchCountTblPtr ds.l 1 ; 128, kdp+ee8
ds.l 1
ds.l 1
MPDispatchCountTblPtr ds.l 1 ; 134, kdp+ef4 ; ???????
AddrSpcSetCtr ds.l 1 ; 138, kdp+ef8 ; incremented by SetAddrSpcRegisters
IDCtr ds.l 1 ; 13c, kdp+efc
ds.b $20
Size equ *
; Processor Info Record
; Used to pass Processor information from the NanoKernel to user mode
; software.
ProcessorInfoPtr equ $68FFEFD8 ; logical address of ProcessorInfo record
ProcessorInfoVer equ $68FFEFDC ; version number of ProcessorInfo record
ProcessorInfoLen equ $68FFEFDE ; length of ProcessorInfo record
ProcessorInfo record 0,increment
ProcessorVersionReg ds.l 1 ; 000, kdp+f20 ; contents of the PVR special purpose register
CpuClockRateHz ds.l 1 ; 004, kdp+f24 ; CPU Clock frequency
BusClockRateHz ds.l 1 ; 008, kdp+f28 ; Bus Clock frequency
DecClockRateHz ds.l 1 ; 00c, kdp+f2c ; Decrementer Clock frequency
PageSize ds.l 1 ; 010, kdp+f30 ; number of bytes in a memory page
DataCacheTotalSize ds.l 1 ; 014, kdp+f34 ; number of bytes in the Data Cache
InstCacheTotalSize ds.l 1 ; 018, kdp+f38 ; number of bytes in the Instruction Cache
CoherencyBlockSize ds.w 1 ; 01c, kdp+f3c ; number of bytes in a Coherency Block
ReservationGranuleSize ds.w 1 ; 01e, kdp+f3e ; number of bytes in a Reservation Granule
CombinedCaches ds.w 1 ; 020, kdp+f40 ; 1 <- combined or no cache, 0 <- split cache
InstCacheLineSize ds.w 1 ; 022, kdp+f42 ; number of bytes in a Line of the Instruction Cache
DataCacheLineSize ds.w 1 ; 024, kdp+f44 ; number of bytes in a Line of the Data Cache
DataCacheBlockSizeTouch ds.w 1 ; 026, kdp+f46 ; number of bytes in a Block for DCBT DCBTST
InstCacheBlockSize ds.w 1 ; 028, kdp+f48 ; number of bytes in a Block of the Instruction Cache
DataCacheBlockSize ds.w 1 ; 02a, kdp+f4a ; number of bytes in a Block of the Data Cache
InstCacheAssociativity ds.w 1 ; 02c, kdp+f4c ; Associativity of the Instruction Cache
DataCacheAssociativity ds.w 1 ; 02e, kdp+f4e ; Associativity of the Data Cache
TransCacheTotalSize ds.w 1 ; 030, kdp+f50 ; number of entries in the Translation Cache
TransCacheAssociativity ds.w 1 ; 032, kdp+f52 ; Associativity of the Translation Cache
; These fields were added to report information about back-side L2 caches
ProcessorL2DSize ds.l 1 ; 034, kdp+f54 ; Size of back-side L2 Dcache
ProcessorL2ISize ds.l 1 ; 038, kdp+f58 ; Size of back-side L2 Icache
ProcessorL2Combined ds.w 1 ; 03c, kdp+f5c ; 1 <- combined or no cache, 0 <- split cache
ProcessorL2IBlockSize ds.w 1 ; 03e, kdp+f5e ; Block size of back-side I L2 cache
ProcessorL2DBlockSize ds.w 1 ; 040, kdp+f60 ; Block size of back-side D L2 cache
ProcessorL2IAssoc ds.w 1 ; 042, kdp+f62 ; Associativity of L2 I
ProcessorL2DAssoc ds.w 1 ; 044, kdp+f64 ; Associativity of L2 D
filler1 ds.w 1 ; 046, kdp+f66 ; align to long
; ProcessorFlags - Definitions for the processor flags field. These are bit positions,
; as in 1 << hasVMX, and not masks.
hasL2CR equ 0
hasPLRUL1 equ 1
hasTAU equ 2
hasVMX equ 3
unknownFlag equ 4
hasExtraBATs equ 5
ProcessorFlags ds.l 1 ; 048, kdp+f68 ; flags to specify processor features
align 5 ; pad to nice cache block alignment
org $05e
SetToZero ds.w 1 ; 05e, kdp+f7e ; by same code that sets below
CpuClockRateHzCopy ds.l 1 ; 060, kdp+f80 ; copies by Init.s
BusClockRateHzCopy ds.l 1 ; 064, kdp+f84 ; copies by Init.s
DecClockRateHzCopy ds.l 1 ; 068, kdp+f88 ; copies by Init.s
ds.b $34
Size equ *
; Hardware Info Record
; Used to pass hardware information from the NanoKernel to user mode
; software.
NKHWInfoPtr equ $68FFEFD0 ; logical address of HWInfo record
NKHWInfoVer equ $68FFEFD4 ; version number of HWInfo record
NKHWInfoLen equ $68FFEFD6 ; length of HWInfo record
NKHWInfo record 0,increment
MacROM_Base ds.l 1 ; 000, irp+f00 ; base address (physical) of Mac ROM
DeviceTreeBase ds.l 1 ; 004, irp+f04 ; base address of the copied device tree properties
UniversalInfoTableBase ds.l 1 ; 008, irp+f08 ; base address of the Universal Info Table
ConfigInfoTableBase ds.l 1 ; 00c, irp+f0c ; base address of the Config Info Table
VectorLookupTable ds.l 1 ; 010, irp+f10 ; base address of the interrupt vector lookup table (short *)
VectorMaskTable ds.l 1 ; 014, irp+f14 ; base address of the interrupt vector mask table (long *)
OpenPICBaseAddr ds.l 1 ; 018, irp+f18 ; OpenPIC base address
ISAMaster8259 ds.l 1 ; 01c, irp+f1c ; ISA Master 8259 ports (char *)
ISASlave8259 ds.l 1 ; 020, irp+f20 ; ISA Slave 8259 ports (char *)
InterruptAck8259 ds.l 1 ; 024, irp+f24 ; address to read to ack 8259 interrupt (long *)
; interrupt pending bits (actively changing)
PendingInts ds.l 2 ; 028, irp+f28 ; 64 bits of pending interrupts
; some Mac I/O device base addresses
ADB_Base ds.l 1 ; 030, irp+f30 ; base address of ADB
SCSI_DMA_Base ds.l 1 ; 034, irp+f34 ; base address of SCSI DMA registers
; RTAS related stuff
RTAS_PrivDataArea ds.l 1 ; 038, irp+f38 ; RTAS private data area
MacOS_NVRAM_Offset ds.l 1 ; 03c, irp+f3c ; offset into nvram to MacOS data
RTAS_NVRAM_Fetch ds.l 1 ; 040, irp+f40 ; token for RTAS NVRAM fetch
RTAS_NVRAM_Store ds.l 1 ; 044, irp+f44 ; token for RTAS NVRAM store
RTAS_Get_Clock ds.l 1 ; 048, irp+f48 ; token for RTAS clock get
RTAS_Set_Clock ds.l 1 ; 04c, irp+f4c ; token for RTAS clock set
RTAS_Restart ds.l 1 ; 050, irp+f50 ; token for RTAS Restart
RTAS_Shutdown ds.l 1 ; 054, irp+f54 ; token for RTAS Shutdown
RTAS_Restart_At ds.l 1 ; 058, irp+f58 ; token for RTAS system startup at specified time
RTAS_EventScan ds.l 1 ; 05c, irp+f5c ; token for RTAS event scan
RTAS_Check_Exception ds.l 1 ; 060, irp+f60 ; token for RTAS check exception
RTAS_Read_PCI_Config ds.l 1 ; 064, irp+f64 ; token for RTAS read PCI config
RTAS_Write_PCI_Config ds.l 1 ; 068, irp+f68 ; token for RTAS write PCI config
; SIO interrupt source numbers for the MPIC
SIOIntVect ds.w 1 ; 06c, irp+f6c ; SIO (8259 cascade vector) vector number
SIOIntBit ds.w 1 ; 06e, irp+f6e ; SIO (8259 cascade vector) bit number
Signature ds.l 1 ; 070, irp+f70 ; signature for this record ('Hnfo')
; more interrupt source numbers
SpuriousIntVect ds.w 1 ; 074, irp+f74 ; spurious vector number
CPU_ID ds.w 1 ; 076, irp+f76 ; the ID of this CPU (universal-tables-related)
SCCAIntVect ds.w 1 ; 078, irp+f78 ; SCC A (non-DMA) vector number
SCCBIntVect ds.w 1 ; 07a, irp+f7a ; SCC B (non-DMA) vector number
SCSIIntVect ds.w 1 ; 07c, irp+f7c ; SCSI vector number
SCSIDMAIntVect ds.w 1 ; 07e, irp+f7e ; SCSI DMA vector number
VIAIntVect ds.w 1 ; 080, irp+f80 ; VIA vector number
VIAIntBit ds.w 1 ; 082, irp+f82 ; VIA bit number
ADBIntVect ds.w 1 ; 084, irp+f84 ; vector number
NMIIntVect ds.w 1 ; 086, irp+f86 ; NMI vector number
NMIIntBit ds.w 1 ; 088, irp+f88 ; NMI bit number
; current (actively changing) interrupt handling variables
ISAPendingInt ds.w 1 ; 08a, irp+f8a ; currently pending ISA/8259 interrupt
CompletedInts ds.b 8 ; 08c, irp+f8c ; completed interrupts
nkHWInfoFlagSlowMESH equ 1 ; set if fast MESH doesn't work on this box
nkHWInfoFlagAsynchMESH equ 2 ; set if Synchronous MESH doesn't work on this box
nkHWInfoFlagNoCopySWTLB equ 4 ; set if the software TLB walk code for 603 should NOT be copied
HardwareInfoFlags ds.l 1 ; 094, irp+f94 ; 32 bits of flags (see enum above)
RTAS_Get_PowerOn_Time ds.l 1 ; 098, irp+f98 ; token for RTAS getting time for system startup
ds.b $24
Size equ *
; Processor State Record
; Used to save the state of the processor across sleep.
NKProcessorStatePtr equ $68FFEFC8 ; logical address of ProcessorState record
NKProcessorStateVer equ $68FFEFCC ; version number of ProcessorState record
NKProcessorStateLen equ $68FFEFCE ; length of ProcessorState record
NKProcessorState record 0,increment
saveDBAT0u ds.l 1 ; 000 ; place to store DBAT0U
saveDBAT0l ds.l 1 ; 004 ; place to store DBAT0L
saveDBAT1u ds.l 1 ; 008 ; place to store DBAT1U
saveDBAT1l ds.l 1 ; 00c ; place to store DBAT1L
saveDBAT2u ds.l 1 ; 010 ; place to store DBAT2U
saveDBAT2l ds.l 1 ; 014 ; place to store DBAT2L
saveDBAT3u ds.l 1 ; 018 ; place to store DBAT3U
saveDBAT3l ds.l 1 ; 01c ; place to store DBAT3L
saveIBAT0u ds.l 1 ; 020 ; place to store IBAT0U
saveIBAT0l ds.l 1 ; 024 ; place to store IBAT0L
saveIBAT1u ds.l 1 ; 028 ; place to store IBAT1U
saveIBAT1l ds.l 1 ; 02c ; place to store IBAT1L
saveIBAT2u ds.l 1 ; 030 ; place to store IBAT2U
saveIBAT2l ds.l 1 ; 034 ; place to store IBAT2L
saveIBAT3u ds.l 1 ; 038 ; place to store IBAT3U
saveIBAT3l ds.l 1 ; 03c ; place to store IBAT3L
saveSPRG0 ds.l 1 ; 040 ; place to store SPRG0
saveSPRG1 ds.l 1 ; 044 ; place to store SPRG1
saveSPRG2 ds.l 1 ; 048 ; place to store SPRG2
saveSPRG3 ds.l 1 ; 04c ; place to store SPRG3
saveL2CR ds.l 1 ; 050 ; place to store Arthur's L2CR
saveSRR0 ds.l 1 ; 054 ; place to store SRR0
saveSRR1 ds.l 1 ; 058 ; place to store SRR1
saveTBU ds.l 1 ; 05c ; place to store TBU
saveTBL ds.l 1 ; 060 ; place to store TBL
saveHID0 ds.l 1 ; 064 ; place to store HID0
saveDEC ds.l 1 ; 068 ; place to store DEC
saveMSR ds.l 1 ; 06c ; place to store MSR
saveSDR1 ds.l 1 ; 070 ; place to store SDR1
; saveKernelDataPtr needs to always be right after saveReturnAddr
; because of how the code works. DO NOT CHANGE THIS ORDERING!
saveReturnAddr ds.l 1 ; 074 ; place to store the addr to jump to.
saveKernelDataPtr ds.l 1 ; 078 ; place to store the KernelDataPtr
saveContextPtr ds.l 1 ; 07c ; place to store the ContextPtr
Size equ *

View File

@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ kPreventFileFromBeingClosedMask equ 16
kAllOverrideAttributesMask equ kOverrideNextMapMask + \
kDontCountOrIndexDuplicatesMask + \
kTwoDeepMask + \
kPreventFileFromBeingClosedMask + 32 + 64 + 128
kAllButOverrideAttributesMask equ 255 - kAllOverrideAttributesMask
selectMakeOverrideMap equ 4

View File

@ -436,11 +436,13 @@ emExpansionBusGlobals ds.l 1 ; Pointer to Expansion Bus Manager Globals
jSWModemSoundVector ds.l 1 ; Vector to control routine for software modem sound
ds.b 270
; NOTE: When adding new fields here, be sure to update the high-level language header files as well
; (currently {CInternal}ExpandMemPriv.h is the one)
; Be sure to update the Reality sources when you change this file (and the version number)
emCurVersion EQU $0133 ; version
emCurVersion EQU $016b ; version
emRecSize equ * ; size for this version
size equ *

View File

@ -118,13 +118,13 @@ InitVec&TVec proc export ; initialize the vector table vector
; fill in the unused "holes" with the address of UNIMPLEMENTED
; fill in the unused "holes" with the address of BADTRAP
If (&thisCVect - &lastCVect) > 4 Then
import BADTRAP
dcb.l (&thisCVect - &lastCVect - 4)/4 ,UNIMPLEMENTED-BASEOFROM+ROMBASE
dcb.l (&thisCVect - &lastCVect - 4)/4 ,BADTRAP-BASEOFROM+ROMBASE

View File

@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ ContinueComp ds.l 1 ; vector to power message continue procedure <SM5>
deferredPDM ds.l 1 ; pointer to PDM deferred task to post alert <SM5>
prevPollStack ds.l 1 ; keep address of any other poll stack <SM6>
SpareComp3 ds.l 1 ; spare vector #3 <SM5>
ds.b $178-$64 ; new
EgretGlobSize EQU *
@ -273,7 +274,8 @@ EnDisPDM equ $21 ; Enable/Disable PowerDown Message <T2>
RdWrIIC equ $22 ; Read or Write IIC (I sqared C) <SM3>[rbm]<3>
WakeUpMode equ $23 ; Enable/Disable WakeUpMode <P1>
TimerTickle equ $24 ; ShutDown Timer Tickle <P1>
MaxPseudoCmd equ TimerTickle ; largest possible pseudo command number <P1>
; more commands apparently added
MaxPseudoCmd equ $2A ; largest possible pseudo command number <P1>

View File

@ -285,7 +285,7 @@
Exit 1
"{Sources}Tools:Make" -w {MOpts} {Targets} -f "{MakeFile}" > "{MakeOut}" || Exit
Make -w {MOpts} {Targets} -f "{MakeFile}" > "{MakeOut}" || Exit
If {EchoCmds}
Set Echo 1

View File

@ -13,6 +13,12 @@
# Change History (most recent first):
# 1/29/17 HQX Add conditionals for "Custer" (Mirrored Drive Door G4 ROM v10.2.1)
# resources, change TNTPlus to hasPCI.
# 1/9/17 HQX Add Classic flag
# 12/28/16 HQX Finally realise how this works. Patch to emulate the missing
# "ParseFeatures" command. Added NewWorld and TNTPlus flags.
# <SM25> 12/13/93 PN Roll in KAOs and Horror changes to support Malcom and AJ
# machines
# <SM24> 11/10/93 fau Update from SuperMunggio <SMG2-3>.
@ -64,7 +70,28 @@
Set AvailableFeatures "hasROMGibbly ¶
Set cdg5Features "¶
Vanilla ¶
LatestHack ¶
hasPCI ¶
BlueBox ¶
NewWorld ¶
CusterBacklightParcel ¶
CusterUSBShimKeyboard ¶
cdg5HappyMac ¶
NKDebugShim ¶
NKShowLog ¶
ExtraNKLogging ¶
DebugAlways ¶
SkipTbxiValidation ¶
TbxiPatchG4Version ¶
TbxiDisableAppleKiwi ¶
Wedge ¶
Set AvailableFeatures "{cdg5Features} ¶
hasBCScreen ¶
hasROMGibbly ¶
hasManEject ¶
hasCacheTypeCPU ¶
forPDMProto ¶
@ -197,12 +224,25 @@ Set AvailableFeatures "hasROMGibbly
useROMFonts "
If "` ParseFeatures -a "{AvailableFeatures}" -f ": ROM {1}" `" =~ /': ROM '(Å)¨1/
Set Defines "{¨1}"
Exit 1
# # ParseFeatures is lost to the ages...
# If "` ParseFeatures -a "{AvailableFeatures}" -f ": ROM {1}" `" =~ /': ROM '(Å)¨1/
# Set Defines "{¨1}"
# Else
# Exit 1
# End
# Set Defines "-d "
# This block of code replaces it...
For Feature in {AvailableFeatures}
Set Defines "{Defines} -d {Feature}=`Evaluate " {1} " =~ /Å {Feature} Å/`"
# Ugh!
Set Defines "`Echo {Defines} | StreamEdit -e '¥,° Replace /=1/ "=TRUE" -c °' -e '¥,° Replace /=0/ "=FALSE" -c °'`"
For Override in {2}
If "{Override}" =~ /(Å)¨1=(Å)¨2/
@ -214,9 +254,9 @@ Set AvailableFeatures "hasROMGibbly
If {Value} =~ /true/
Set Value TRUE
Set Value 1 #TRUE # to allow overrides to work right!
Else If {Value} =~ /false/
Set Value FALSE
Set Value 0 #FALSE
If "{Defines}" =~ /(Å)¨3{Name}=[Â ¶t]+(Å)¨4/

View File

@ -54,30 +54,23 @@ MainCodeLibs =
"{MiscDir}GoNativeROMLib.o" ¶
"{LibDir}SlotMgr.lib" ¶
"{LibDir}SCSI.lib" ¶
"{LibDir}SCSI4pt3.lib" ¶
"{LibDir}HFS.lib" ¶
"{LibDir}PPC.lib" ¶
"{LibDir}ADBMgr.lib" ¶
"{LibDir}TimeMgr.lib" ¶
"{LibDir}Toolbox.lib" ¶
"{LibDir}CommToolboxPatch.Lib" ¶
"{LibDir}MemoryMgr.lib" ¶
"{LibDir}AliasMgr.lib" ¶
"{LibDir}ComponentMgr.lib" ¶
"{LibDir}DataAccessMgr.lib" ¶
"{LibDir}EditionMgr.lib" ¶
"{LibDir}ExpansionBusMgr.lib" ¶
"{LibDir}HelpMgr.lib" ¶
"{LibDir}SoundMgr.lib" ¶
"{LibDir}Gestalt.lib" ¶
"{LibDir}IconUtils.lib" ¶
"{LibDir}NotificationMgr.lib" ¶
"{LibDir}PictUtilities.lib" ¶
"{LibDir}ToolboxEventMgr.lib" ¶
"{LibDir}ControlMgr.lib" ¶
"{LibDir}DisplayMgr.lib" ¶
"{LibDir}WindowMgr.lib" ¶
"{LibDir}MenuMgr.lib" ¶
"{LibDir}ATAMgr.lib" ¶
"{ObjDir}DeviceMgr.a.o" ¶
# ¶
# DispatchHelper and DialogMgr.lib need to be colocated ¶
# ¶
@ -89,15 +82,8 @@ MainCodeLibs =
"{LibDir}ResourceMgr.lib" ¶
"{LibDir}ScriptMgr.lib" ¶
"{LibDir}CQD.lib" ¶
"{LibDir}TextServicesMgr.lib" ¶
"{LibDir}FontMgr.lib" ¶
"{LibDir}RomInterface.Lib" ¶
"{LibDir}RomStandardLib.lib" ¶
"{LibDir}StartTest.lib" ¶
"{LibDir}VideoDriver.lib" ¶
"{ObjDir}WallyWorld.a.o" ¶
"{ObjDir}FPEmulation.a.o" ¶
"{LibDir}Beep.lib" ¶
"{LibDir}Lastly.lib" ¶
# ¶
# Keep DispTable at end ¶
# ¶
@ -118,7 +104,7 @@ MainCodeLibs =
# Vectorization
"{LibDir}MainCode.Lib" Ä {MainCodeLibs} "{ObjDir}VectorTablePatch.a.o"
"{LibDir}MainCode.Lib" Ä {MainCodeLibs} "{ObjDir}VectorTablePatch.a.o" "{ToolDir}Vectorize"
"{ToolDir}Vectorize" -w -v "{ObjDir}VectorTablePatch.a.o" -log "{TextDir}MainCode.Sym" {StdVOpts} -o "{Targ}" {MainCodeLibs}
"{ObjDir}VectorTablePatch.a.o" Ä "{Sources}Make:VectorTable.a" "{IntAIncludes}VectorTablePatch.a"

View File

@ -162,26 +162,21 @@ IntAIncludes = {Sources}Internal:Asm:
IntCIncludes = {Sources}Internal:C:
IntPInterfaces = {Sources}Internal:Pascal:
IntRIncludes = {Sources}Internal:Rez:
Libraries = {Sources}Libs:Libraries:
CLibraries = {Sources}Libs:CLibraries:
PLibraries = {Sources}Libs:PLibraries:
MAOpts = -d TRUE=1 -d FALSE=0 -d Alignment=8 -d CPU=20 -d ROMRelease=$D4C1 -wb -d SubRelease=3 -blksize 62
MCOpts = -d TRUE=1 -d FALSE=0 -d Alignment=8 -d CPU=20 -d ROMRelease=$D4C1 -b3 -mbg full -mc68020 -blksize 62 -opt full
MAOpts = -d TRUE=1 -d FALSE=0 -d Alignment=8 -d CPU=20 -d ROMRelease=$45F6 -wb -d SubRelease=1 -blksize 62
MCOpts = -d TRUE=1 -d FALSE=0 -d Alignment=8 -d CPU=20 -d ROMRelease=$45F6 -b3 -mbg full -mc68020 -blksize 62 -opt full
MPOpts = -mbg full -mc68020
RomBase = $40800000
RomBase = $FFC00000
Features = hasRISCV0ResMgrPatches ¶
hasDoubleByte ¶
hasAMIC ¶
SupportNativeComponents ¶
Script_Char_Extra ¶
hasPenFraction ¶
hasFullKerning ¶
hasGlyphState ¶
hasNewHeapMgr ¶
hasPDMMaceEnet ¶
hasAppleTalkInROM ¶
hasMixedMode ¶
@ -189,9 +184,7 @@ Features = hasRISCV0ResMgrPatches
hasSCSIDiskModeFeature ¶
hasSysSevenResources ¶
hasDataAccessPACK ¶
hasYMCA ¶
hasCPUIDRegister ¶
hasHMC ¶
has2MegROMOrMore ¶
hasVideoIn ¶
hasAsyncSCSI ¶
@ -208,7 +201,6 @@ Features = hasRISCV0ResMgrPatches
forLocalizability ¶
has040MMU ¶
hasADBKeyLayouts ¶
hasASC ¶
hasAliasMgr ¶
hasApple2Fonts ¶
hasAppleEventMgr ¶
@ -216,49 +208,25 @@ Features = hasRISCV0ResMgrPatches
hasBattery ¶
hasCommToolbox ¶
hasCQD ¶
hasDAFB ¶
hasDataAccessMgr ¶
hasDisplayMgr ¶
hasDisplayMgrWindows ¶
hasEDisk ¶
hasEclipseVIA2 ¶
hasEditionMgr ¶
hasEgret ¶
hasExtendedCharacterSet ¶
hasFMC ¶
hasGDU ¶
hasGlue ¶
hasGrandCentral ¶
hasIdle ¶
hasIopScc ¶
hasIopSwim ¶
hasJaws ¶
hasMDU ¶
hasMMU ¶
hasMSC ¶
hasMac2VIA2 ¶
hasNetBoot ¶
hasNiagra ¶
hasOrwell ¶
hasOss ¶
hasPratt ¶
hasProtectedPRAM ¶
hasSCSI96 ¶
hasSWIM2 ¶
hasSwim3 ¶
hasSlotMgr ¶
hasSonora ¶
hasSplineFonts ¶
hasVDAC ¶
hasVIAClock ¶
hasVISA2 ¶
hasVISADecoder ¶
hasWaimeaVIA2 ¶
isUniversal ¶
hasPwrControls ¶
hasPwrMgrClock ¶
hasRBV ¶
hasSplineFonts ¶
hasVIAClock ¶
hasWaimeaVIA2 ¶
@ -267,6 +235,8 @@ Features = hasRISCV0ResMgrPatches
onHafMac ¶
onMac32 ¶
onNuMac ¶
hasBCScreen ¶
hasMMU ¶
@ -340,9 +310,6 @@ FeatureSet
Set CIncludes "{CIncludes}"
Set PInterfaces "{PInterfaces}"
Set RIncludes "{RIncludes}"
Set Libraries "{Libraries}"
Set CLibraries "{CLibraries}"
Set PLibraries "{PLibraries}"
Set StdAOpts "{MAOpts} {FeatureSet} -i {IntAIncludes} {AOpts} -i {ObjDir}"
Set StdCOpts "{MCOpts} {FeatureSet} -i {IntCIncludes} {COpts}"
Set StdCPOpts "{MCPOpts} {FeatureSet} -i {IntCIncludes} {COpts}"
@ -381,10 +348,10 @@ Clean
#include {ToolSrcDir}Tools.make
#include {MakeDir}MainCode.make
#include {DeclDir}DeclData.make
#include {DriverDir}Drivers.make
#include {ResourceDir}Resources.make
#include {MakeDir}MainCode.make
##include {DeclDir}DeclData.make
##include {ResourceDir}Resources.make

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ Debugging equ 0 ; disable debugging checks
; Routine: CountADBs
; Routine: CountADBs 2b380
; Arguments: None
; Output: D0.W Number of ADB entries
; Function: This routine counts the number of entries in the ADB
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ FirstCount
; Routine: GetIndADB
; Routine: GetIndADB 2b39a
; Arguments: DO.W Index from 1 to the value returned by CountADBs
; A0 Pointer to buffer in which DeviceType, OrigAddr,
; ServiceAddr, DataAddr are returned (10 bytes)
@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ LoadBuf MOVE.B FDBDevTy(A1), (A0)+ ; Return DeviceType
Title 'KbdADB - ADB Manager - GetADBInfo / SetADBInfo / FindFDBInfo'
; Routine: GetADBInfo
; Routine: GetADBInfo 2b3c6
; Arguments: DO.B ADBAddr
; A0 Pointer to buffer in which DeviceType, OrigAddr,
; ServiceAddr, DataAddr are returned (10 bytes)
@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ GetADBInfoTrap
; Routine: SetADBInfo
; Routine: SetADBInfo 2b3cc
; Arguments: DO.B ADBAddr
; A0 Pointer to buffer containing ServiceAddr and
; DataAddr (8 bytes)
@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ DoneSet RTS
; Routine: FindFDBInfo
; Routine: FindFDBInfo 2b3da
; Arguments: DO.B FDBAddr
; Output: D0.L 0 if found, -1 if not
; A1 Real address of FDB record if found.
@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ DoneFind
Title 'KbdADB - ADB Manager - ADBOp'
; Routine: ADBOp
; Routine: ADBOp 2b3fc
; Inputs: A0.L - pointer to ADBOpBlock paramater block
; D0.B - ADB command/address byte to send
@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ ADBOpTrap ; a0-a1/d1-d2 saved by OsTrap dispatch
Title 'KbdADB - ADB Manager - RunADBRequest'
; Routine: RunADBRequest
; Routine: RunADBRequest 2b44c
; Inputs: A3 - pointer to ADBBase
; Outputs: D2 - length of transmit buffer data
@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ RunADBRequest
Title 'KbdADB - ADB Manager - ExplicitRequestDone'
; Routine: ExplicitRequestDone
; Routine: ExplicitRequestDone 2b47e
; Inputs: D2 - length of receive buffer data
; D3 - command byte / SRQ flag (bit 31)
; A2 - pointer to buffer containing receive data
@ -482,7 +482,7 @@ ExplicitRequestDone
Title 'KbdADB - ADB Manager - ImplicitRequestDone'
; Routine: ImplicitRequestDone
; Routine: ImplicitRequestDone 2b4b4
; Inputs: D2 - length of receive buffer data
; D3 - command byte / SRQ flag (bit 31)
; A2 - pointer to buffer containing receive data
@ -524,7 +524,7 @@ ImplicitRequestDone
Title 'KbdADB - ADB Manager - RequestDone'
; Routine: RequestDone
; Routine: RequestDone 2b4d4
; Inputs: D2 - length of receive buffer data
; D3 - command byte / SRQ flag (bit 31)
; A0 - pointer to buffer to pass to completion routine
@ -559,37 +559,74 @@ RequestDone move.l a0,-(sp) ; copy buffer address to A0 save area on stack
TestFor SupportsIdle
BEQ.S @notsupported
_IdleUpdate ; this is activity, stay at full speed
MoveA.L (PmgrBase), A1
CmpI.L #sleepConst, PmgrRec.SleepSaveFlag(A1)
BEQ.B @definitelyNot
BTst.B #$2, $129(A1)
BEQ.B @nearEnd
Move.L (A7), D3
Move.B D3, D0
LsR.B #$4, D0
Bsr FindFDBInfo
Move.B $1(A1), D0
MoveA.L $4(A7), A1
Move.L (A1), D3
CmpI.B #$2, D0
BNE.B @noTesting
BTst.L #$17, D3
BNE.B @idleDone
Bra.B @nearEnd
MoveA.L (PmgrBase), A1
CmpI.L #sleepConst, PmgrRec.SleepSaveFlag(A1)
BEQ.B @idleDone
CmpI.B #$3, D0
BNE.B @idleDone
Move.L D0, -(A7)
Move.L #$10001, D0
Move.L (A7)+, D0
movem.l (sp)+,d0/a0/a1/a2 ; setup cmd, buffer, handler, data
; (13).start
TestFor SupportsIdle
beq.s @continue
move.l d0,-(sp) ; save d0 temporarily on the stack <t10> ag
move.l #((UsrActivity<<16)|\ ; set for user activity <K2>
(IdleUpdateDisp<<0)),d0 ; idle update selector <K2>
_PowerDispatch ; call power manager
move.l (sp)+,d0 ; restore d0 <t10> ag
move.l a1,d1 ; test to see if handler address is valid
beq.s @noHandler ; if not, don't call it
BTST #fDBInit,FDBFlag(A3) ; is ADB initialization in progress?
BNE.S @JustDoIt ; -> yes, calling the handler now is allowed
AND #$F,D2
CMP.B #$C,D2
BNE @justDoIt
; jump thru the ProductInfo table to check if a keyswitch is in the secure position <H4>
MOVEA.L UnivInfoPtr,A1 ; point to the ProductInfo table <H4>
ADDA.L ProductInfo.ADBDebugUtilPtr(A1),A1 ; and get the address of its ADB table <H4>
MOVE.L 4*adbKeySwSecure(A1),D2 ; get the offset to the keyswitch code <H4>
BEQ.S @JustDoIt ; -> no keyswitch check, so just call the handler <H4>
BEQ.S @MaybeDoIt ; -> no keyswitch check, so just call the handler <H4>
MOVEM.L D0/D1/A0/A2,-(SP) ; <H4>
ADDA.L D2,A1 ; calculate the routine's address <H4>
JSR (A1) ; and call it <H4>
MOVEM.L (SP)+,D0/D1/A0/A2 ; <H4>
BEQ.S @noHandler ; -> the keyswitch is secure, so don't call the handler
@MaybeDoIt BTST.B #3,$240A
BEQ.S @JustDoIt
MOVE.L PmgrBase,A1
CMP.L #sleepConst,PmgrRec.SleepSaveFlag(A1)
BEQ.S @noHandler
BTST.B #2,PmgrRec.PmgrFlags2(A1)
BNE.B @noHandler
@JustDoIt MOVEA.L D1,A1 ; get the handler's address <H4>
jsr (a1) ; call the handler
@ -602,7 +639,7 @@ RequestDone move.l a0,-(sp) ; copy buffer address to A0 save area on stack
Title 'KbdADB - ADB Manager - Initialization'
; ADBReInit - ReInitialize the Front Desk Bus
; ADBReInit 2b5aa - ReInitialize the Front Desk Bus
@ -638,7 +675,7 @@ iLocalData EQU iDeviceTy
; ADBProc - this routine lives in the JADBProc vector and is called
; ADBProc 2b5d0 - this routine lives in the JADBProc vector and is called
; by ADBReInit before and after initialization
@ -695,6 +732,7 @@ ADBProc
PostInit ; <SM3> rb
; 2b610
WITH ExpandMemRec,KybdDriverData ; <SM3> rb
_CountADBs ; Get the number of ADB devices
@ -728,14 +766,14 @@ PostInit ; <SM3> rb
ENDWITH ; <SM3> rb
; InitADBDrvr - this routine bring in all appropriate 'ADBS' resources and
; InitADBDrvr 2b64c - this routine bring in all appropriate 'ADBS' resources and
; execute the initialization routines.
InitADBDrvr _CountADBs ; get the number of valid ADB entries
Move D0,D3 ; save it in D3
BEQ.S DoneSrv ; If none, nothing to do
BEQ DoneSrv ; If none, nothing to do
MoveQ #1,D4 ; start at first entry
Link A6,#iLocalData ; reserve stack frame
@ -759,9 +797,7 @@ FSrvLoop
_DetachResource ; detach it
Move.L D1,A0 ; put handle in A0
Move.L (A0),D0 ; dereference handle
_StripAddress ; make it a 24-bit address
Move.L D0,A0 ; put it in A0
Move.L (A0),A0 ; dereference handle
Move.B iADBAddr(A6),D0 ; put ADB Address in D0
Move.B iDeviceTy(A6),D1 ; put device type in D1
JSR (A0) ; execute the service routine
@ -777,7 +813,7 @@ DoneSrv
; InitADB - Initialize state variables
; InitADB 2b69c - Initialize state variables
@ -796,6 +832,50 @@ InitADB MOVE.L #FDBDSize,D0 ; get local data area length
LEA FDBTask,A0 ; setup the FDB VBL task
MOVE.L A0,JKybdTask ; lomem vector
BTst.B #$2, ($2408)
BEQ.B @dontHitExpandMem
import IOPR_ADB
Move.L A0, ([ExpandMem],$294)
Move.L UnivROMFlags, D0
AndI.L #$E, D0
BEQ.B @escape
CmpI.L #$A, D0
BEQ.B @escape
CmpI.L #$C, D0
BEQ.B @second
CmpI.L #$8, D0
BEQ.B @fourth
CmpI.L #$2, D0
BNE.B @third
@first Lea.L ($FFFDB592).L, A0
Lea.L @first(A0.L), A0
Bra.B @done
@second Lea.L ($FFFDB5A2).L, A0
Lea.L @second(A0.L), A0
Bra.B @done
@third Lea.L ($FFFDB5CE).L, A0
Lea.L @third(A0.L), A0
Bra.B @done