;EASE$$$ READ ONLY COPY of file ÒQDEquGlue.m.aÓ ; 1.1 CCH 11/11/1988 Fixed Header. ; 1.0 CCH 11/ 9/1988 Adding to EASE. ; OLD REVISIONS BELOW ; 1.0 BBM 2/11/88 Adding file for the first time into EASEÉ ; END EASE MODIFICATION HISTORY ; ;file = QDEquGlue.a ; ; ; QDEquGlue.a ; ; This file contains a subset of colorEqu.a to cement together ; classic QuickDraw to the MacII Color QuickDraw equates. A ; number of equates imbedded in the QuickDraw source were moved ; to colorEqu.a early in the development of CQD. When QD can ; be built with CQD equates (mostly MPW2.0). ; ; Modification History ; ; 11Nov87 DAF New today ; rbMask EQU $1FFF ; mask top 3 bits of rowbytes oldPat EQU 0 ; foreground/background pattern newPat EQU 1 ; self-contained color pattern ditherPat EQU 2 ; rgb value to be dithered pictVersion EQU 1 ;version number for pict opEndPic EQU $FF ; end of picture opcode ;----------------------------------------------------- ; ; OFFSETS WITHIN A COLOR TABLE ; CTSeed EQU 0 ; [long] id number for table transIndex EQU CTSeed+4 ; [word] index of transparent pixel CTSize EQU transIndex+2 ; [word] number of entries in CTTable CTTable EQU CTSize+2 ; [variant] array of color spec CTRec EQU CTTable ; size of record without color table CTEntrySize EQU 8 ; size of each entry in table ;----------------------------------------------- ; ; OFFSETS WITHIN A PIXELMAP ; pBaseAddr EQU 0 ; [long] pNewFlag EQU pBaseAddr+4 ; [1 bit] upper bit of rowbytes is flag pRowBytes EQU pBaseAddr+4 ; [word] pBounds EQU pRowBytes+2 ; [rect] pmVersion EQU pBounds+8 ; [word] pixMap version number packType EQU pmVersion+2 ; [word] defines packing format packSize EQU packType+2 ; [long] size of pixel data hRes EQU packSize+4 ; [fixed] h. resolution (ppi) vRes EQU hRes+4 ; [fixed] v. resolution (ppi) pixelType EQU vRes+4 ; [word] defines pixel type pixelSize EQU pixelType+2 ; [word] # bits in pixel cmpCount EQU pixelSize+2 ; [word] # components in pixel cmpSize EQU cmpCount+2 ; [word] # bits per field planeBytes EQU cmpSize+2 ; [long] offset to next plane pmTable EQU planeBytes+4 ; [long] color map pmReserved EQU pmTable+4 ; [long] MUST BE 0 pmRec EQU pmReserved+4 ; size of pixelMap record ; Bitmap Structure ;+++baseAddr EQU 0 ; bitmap base address [pointer] ;+++rowBytes EQU 4 ; row bytes (must be even) [word] ;+++bounds EQU 6 ; bounding box [rectangle] bitmapRec EQU 14 ; size of a bitmap