#if 0 # ---------- START OF MPW SHELL SCRIPT ---------- # Get the root to work on. Set ToolPath "{0}Tool" Set Repo "`Files -f "{0}" | StreamEdit -e '1 Replace /[Â:]*:[Â:]*°/ -n'`" Set ObjFile "{TempFolder}ConvertLineEndingsTool.o" # Make sure the fast C newline-replacer is available! If "`Exists "{ToolPath}"`" == "" SC -w off -o "{ObjFile}" "{0}" ILink -d -t MPST -c 'MPS ' -o "{ToolPath}" "{Libraries}Stubs.o" "{CLibraries}StdCLib.o" "{Libraries}MacRuntime.o" "{Libraries}IntEnv.o" "{Libraries}Interface.o" "{ObjFile}" End # Run it! Echo "# Suggested command to convert TEXT file line-endings:" Echo "{ToolPath} ¶¶" Files -f -r -o -s -t TEXT "{Repo}" | StreamEdit -e '1,° Change " " . " ¶¶"' Echo " Dev:Null" Exit # ---------- END OF MPW SHELL SCRIPT ---------- #endif // ---------- START OF C PROGRAM ---------- #include int main(int argc, char **argv) { long buflen = 0x1000000; char *buf; FILE *f; int i; int first_i = 1; size_t didread; char fromc = 10; char toc = 13; int didctr = 0, didntctr = 0; if(argc < 2) { printf("# USAGE: %s [-unix] FILE ...\n", argv[0]); return 1; } if(!strcmp(argv[first_i], "-unix")) { fromc = 13; toc = 10; first_i++; } // Get the largest possible buffer buf = (char *)malloc(buflen); while(buflen && !buf) { buflen >>= 1; buf = (char *)malloc(buflen); } if(!buf) return 1; //printf("# %db buffer\n", buflen); for(i=first_i; iX "); else printf("# X> "); didctr ++; } else { printf("# --- "); didntctr++; } printf("%s\n", argv[i]); } printf("# Files changed: %d. Files unchanged: %d.\n", didctr, didntctr); return 0; } // ---------- END OF C PROGRAM ----------