; ; File: BTreecGlue.a ; ; Contains: xxx put contents here xxx ; ; Written by: Brian B. McGhie ; ; Copyright: © 1989-1990, 1992 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. ; ; Change History (most recent first): ; ; <2> 2/13/92 PN Stop name collisions with temporary hack. ; <2> 7/16/90 gbm Get rid of duplicate symbol ; <2> 12/19/89 BBM fix comments, no code ; <1.1> 7/6/89 KST Added BTFlush call. ; <1.0> 6/15/89 KST Added C Glue file BTreecGlue.a ; ; To Do: ; INCLUDE 'traps.a' INCLUDE 'BTreeEqu.a' ;; This is the C glue file for BTree Manager using C calling convention. ;; By Kenny SC. Tung -- 6/15/89 btmain PROC EXPORT BTINIT, myBTOPEN, myBTClose, BTGETINFO, BTInsRec, myBTSearch, BTSEARCHPPC EXPORT BTGetRec, myBTDelete, BTSetRec, BTReplRec, myBTFlush ; <7/6/89 KSCT> BTINIT MOVEQ #btInitN,D0 ; 0 BRA.S GCommon myBTOPEN MOVEQ #btOpenN,D0 ; 1 BRA.S GCommon myBTClose MOVEQ #btCloseN,D0 ; 2 BRA.S GCommon BTInsRec MOVEQ #btInsertN,D0 ; 3 BRA.S GCommon BTSetRec MOVEQ #btSetRecN,D0 ; 4 BRA.S GCommon BTReplRec MOVEQ #btReplRecN,D0 ; 5 BRA.S GCommon myBTSearch MOVEQ #btSearchN,D0 ; 6 BRA.S GCommon ; set up A0 and D1 BTSEARCHPPC MOVEQ #btSearchN,D0 ; 6 BRA.S GCommon ; set up A0 and D1 BTGetRec MOVEQ #btGetRecN,D0 ; 7 BRA.S GCommon myBTDelete MOVEQ #btDeleteN,D0 ; 8 BRA.S GCommon ; set up A0 and D1 BTGetInfo MOVEQ #btGetInfoN,D0 ; 9 BRA.S GCommon myBTFlush MOVEQ #btFlushN,D0 ; 10 <7/6/89 KSCT> GCommon ;; (A7) = return address of main ;; Input: 4(A7)=param, 8(SP)=async flag, D0 = index MOVE.L 4(A7),A0 ; ioParam TST.L 8(A7) ; boolean and char are all 32 bits long BEQ.S @4 ; sync _BtreeDispatch ,Async RTS @4 ;; sync call _BtreeDispatch ; Btree Manager trap RTS ENDP END