; ; File: ColorAsm.a ; ; Copyright: © 1981-1990, 1992-1993 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. ; ; Change History (most recent first): ; ; 9/12/93 SAM Changed all instances of _Translate24to32 to _rTranslate24to32 ; so they can conditionalized out of the build. ; 1/5/93 PN Revert back to the previous version and back out the change ; because the fix should be in DisposeHandle in MemoryMgr. ; 1/4/93 RB In DisposCTable, do not dispose of Color tables in ROM. ; 6/11/92 stb stb Add comment to BitsToPix to reflect that ; QDciPatchROM.a and this file are synched-up. ; 5/21/92 kc Change the name of QuickDraws wrapper for NewHandle to ; NewHandleWrapper to avoid name conflict with the glue. ; 4/15/92 RB Rolled in PatchOpenCPort, set pnLocFixed to a good value when ; opening a new color port. from QuickDrawPatches.a ; <12> 1/15/92 KC Fix "If last BRA.S to import is to next instruction, BAD CODE ; will be generated" assembler warning. ; <11> 6/3/91 DDG Harmless addition of comment to test bbs scripts. ; <10> 11/26/90 SMC Fixed another problem with the way grafvars flag bit was getting ; set. With BAL. ; <9> 11/7/90 SMC Fixed bug in InitCPort where grafvars flag bit wasn't getting ; set correctly. With BAL. ; <8> 10/31/90 SMC Fixed alpha channel crimes with BAL. ; <7> 10/29/90 KON Insure hRes and vRes always 72 dpi for InitPixMap (NewPixMap). ; <6> 9/17/90 BG Removed <5>. 040s are now behaving more reliably. ; <5> 6/25/90 BG Added an EclipseNOP to fix a flakey 040 problem. ; <4> 4/11/90 KON gdFlags was off by 1. ; <3> 4/10/90 KON Make BitsToPix return whether pixmap needs 32-bit addressing in ; high word of D2. ; <2> 1/3/90 BAL Remove references to A5 global ScreenBits.baseAddr. ; <₯2.4> 7/14/89 BAL For Aurora: Final CQD ; <2.3> 7/14/89 BAL FOR Aurora: Made BitsToPix recognize 32 bit addressed pixmaps ; <2.2> 7/6/89 GGD Un-Proc'd InitCPort so that alignment wouldn't screw up ; OpenCPort falling into it. ; <2.1> 6/10/89 CEL Moved Private.a QuickDraw Equates into proper QuickDraw private ; file (colorequ.a), got rid of QuickDraw nFiles dependencies and ; fixed up necessary filesΙ ; <2.0> 5/30/89 DAF Undid <1.9> since it was nuking the window's palette across PICT ; drawing ; <1.9> 5/30/89 BAL Changed InitCPort to zero the paletteHandle in grafVars. ; <₯1.8> 5/29/89 BAL Blasting in 32-Bit QuickDraw version 1.0 Final ; 9/19/88 BAL Changed BitsToPix to return with D2=1 if XMap is screen ; 4/8/88 BAL Change BitsToPix to mask high byte of baseAddr if not the screen ; 11/8/87 DAF Fixed CloseCPort/ClosePort to eliminate disposes of NIL ; patHandles ; 5/27/87 EHB Rolled in patch to make imagewriter work. ; 12/12/86 CRC Added grafVars, frac h pen, charExtra to color ports ; 8/18/86 EHB Moved PixPat stuff to patterns.a ; 8/11/86 EHB Added color pixMap support to OpenCPort, CloseCPort and ; InitCPort. Added new routine OneBitCTable. ; 8/5/86 EHB Put new Color grafPorts into PortList!! ; 7/5/86 EHB Deleted routine GetSizeShift (do it inline) New routines ; PortToMap and BitsToMap ; 6/15/86 EHB Added routine GetSizeShift ; 6/14/86 EHB Added routine BitsToPix ; 5/15/86 EHB New today BLANKS ON STRING ASIS MACHINE MC68020 ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; ROUTINES TO MANIPULATE THE NEW COLOR DATA STRUCTURES ; ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; extra comment (remove later) ;------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; LITTLE UTILITY ROUTINES ; ;------------------------------------------------------------- ONEBITCTABLE PROC EXPORT EXPORT FILLONEBIT IMPORT RSetHSize ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; ; OneBitCTable (CTabHandle); ; Fill in the specified handle with a one bit color table ; This table has two entries: White and black. ; ; NOTE: This should probably go through the color manager (should ; we keep around a dummy 1-bit gDevice for such purposes?) ; MOVE.L (SP)+,A1 ; get the return address MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; get the handle MOVE.L #CTRec+16,D0 ; get size of record + table JSR RSetHSize ; set the handle size MOVE.L (A0),A0 ; get the table pointer FILLONEBIT MOVEQ #1,D1 ; GET A USEFUL NUMBER MOVE.L D1,(A0)+ ; CTSEED := 1 (matches resource id) MOVE.L D1,(A0)+ ; TransIndex := 0, CTSize := 1 CLR (A0)+ ; entry 0: value := 0 MOVEQ #-1,D0 ; set entry 0 to white MOVE.L D0,(A0)+ ; set R,G MOVE D0,(A0)+ ; and B SWAP D1 ; D1 = $00010000 MOVE.L D1,(A0)+ ; entry1: value := 1, R = 0 CLR.L (A0)+ ; set G, B JMP (A1) ; and return PORTTOMAP PROC EXPORT EXPORT BITSTOMAP ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; ; LOCAL PROCEDURE PORTTOMAP ; ; CALLED IF WE KNOW WE'RE POINTING AT A PORT TO GET ITS BIT/PIXMAP ; ; Enter with: A0: PORT ; Exit with: A0: PORT's bitMap or pixMap ; ADDQ #PORTBITS,A0 ;POINT TO BITMAP/PIXMAP HANDLE BITSTOMAP ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; ; LOCAL PROCEDURE BITSTOMAP ; ; CALLED IF WE ARE POINTING AT A BIT/PIXMAP OF UNKNOWN ORIGIN ; ; Enter with: A0: BITMAP/PIXMAP WHICH MIGHT BELONG TO A PORT ; Exit with: A0: bitMap or pixMap ; TST ROWBYTES(A0) ;BITMAP OR PIXMAP? BPL.S GOTBITMAP ;=>JUST A BITMAP BTST #ISCPORT,ROWBYTES(A0) ;IS IT A COLOR PORT? BEQ.S GOTBITMAP ;=>NO, JUST A PIXMAP MOVE.L BASEADDR(A0),A0 ;ELSE GET PORT'S PIXMAP HANDLE MOVE.L (A0),A0 ;GET PIXMAP POINTER GOTBITMAP RTS ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; ROUTINES TO MANIPULATE COLOR PORTS ; ;------------------------------------------------------------ OpenCPort PROC EXPORT IMPORT NewPort,NewPixPat,NewPixMap,NewHandleWrapper IMPORT InitCFields,InsPortList ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; PROCEDURE OpenCPort (cp: CGrafPtr); ; ; OPEN A COLOR GRAFPORT, ALLOCATE ITS STORAGE, INITIALIZE IT ; ;------------------------------------------- ; ; ALLOCATE A GRAFPORT ; MOVE.L GrafGlobals(A5),A0 ; get quickdraw globals in a0 rb MOVE.W #$8000,pnLocFixed(A0) ; set the default pen fraction rb MOVE.L 4(SP),-(SP) ; push grafPort MOVE.L (SP),-(SP) ; and a copy for InsPortList JSR NEWPORT ; and init regions JSR InsPortList ; add port to portlist ;------------------------------------------- ; ; ALLOCATE A PIXELMAP ; WITHOUT COLORTABLE SINCE WE'LL USE THEGDEVICE'S TABLE ; CLR.L -(SP) ; make room for function result MOVE #pmRec,-(SP) ; size of pixel map record JSR NewHandleWrapper ; get a handle, leave on stack ;------------------------------------------- ; ; INSTALL THE FIELDS INTO THE CGRAFPORT ; MOVE.L 8(SP),A0 ; point to the port MOVE.L (SP)+,portPixMap(A0) ; install new handle for pixMap CLR.L bkPixPat(A0) ; clear for oldPatToNew CLR.L pnPixPat(A0) ; clear for oldPatToNew CLR.L fillPixPat(A0) ; clear for oldPatToNew CLR.L grafVars(A0) ; initialize for init ;------------------------------------------- ; ; INDICATE THAT THIS IS A COLOR GRAFPORT ; MOVE #cPortFlag,portVersion(A0) ; flag that it's a color port ;------------------------------------------- ; ; FALL INTO SHARED CODE WHICH INITIALIZES THE CGRAFPORT EXPORT InitCPort ; <2.2> IMPORT InitShared,InitPixMap,OldPatToNew,InitColorStuff InitCPort ; <2.2> ;------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; PROCEDURE InitCPort(cp: cGrafPtr); ; ; INITIALIZE A CGRAFPORT TO ITS DEFAULT SETTINGS. ; DEFAULT SETTINGS INHERITED FROM THE CURRENT GRAFDEVICE. ; IF CP IS AN OLD GRAFPORT, THEN JUST RETURN ; MOVE.L A2,-(SP) ; save work register MOVE.L 8(SP),A2 ; get cGrafPtr TST portVersion(A2) ; is it a new grafPort? BPL DONE ; => no, just return ;------------------------------------------- ; ; INITIALIZE ALL FIELDS SHARED BY GRAFPORT AND CGRAFPORT ; JSR InitShared ; initialize shared fields ;------------------------------------------- ; ; COPY THE DEFAULT PIXMAP FROM THE CURRENT GRAFDEVICE ; MOVE.L theGDevice,A0 ; get grafDevice handle MOVE.L (A0),A0 ; get grafDevice pointer MOVE.L GDPMap(A0),A0 ; get handle to grafDevice's pixMap MOVE.L (A0),A0 ; get pixMap pointer MOVE.L portPixMap(A2),A1 ; get port's pixMap handle MOVE.L (A1),A1 ; get pixMap pointer MOVE #pmRec/2-1,D0 ; get size of pixMap in words NXTWORD MOVE (A0)+,(A1)+ ; copy from grafDevice to cGrafPort DBRA D0,NXTWORD ; => do next word if ADDRMODEFLAG then ; MOVE.L portPixMap(A2),A1 ; get port's pixMap handle MOVE.L (A1),A1 ; get pixMap pointer clr.w pmVersion(A1) ; assume 24 bit addressing endif ;------------------------------------------- ; ; INITIALIZE FIELDS THAT ARE ONLY IN COLOR GRAFPORT ; MOVE.L A2,-(SP) ; push grafptr JSR INITCOLORSTUFF ; and initialize color fields DONE MOVE.L (SP)+,A2 ; restore work register MOVE.L (SP)+,(SP) ; strip param RTS ; and return INITCOLORSTUFF PROC EXPORT IMPORT OldPatToNew,RNewHandle ;------------------------------------------- ; ; PROCEDURE INITCOLORSTUFF (port: GRAFPTR); ; ; Initialize the color patterns, RGB foreground, and RGB background fields. ; ; CALLED BY: INITCPORT AND DRAWPICTURE ; MOVE.L A2,-(SP) ; save work register MOVE.L 8(SP),A2 ; get grafport CLR.L -(SP) ; bkPat := white CLR.L -(SP) ; put white pattern on stack MOVE.L SP,-(SP) ; point to white pattern PEA bkPixPat(A2) ; push background pixPat handle _OldPatToNew ; old pattern -> new pattern NOT.L (SP) ; pnPat := black NOT.L 4(SP) MOVE.L SP,-(SP) ; point to black pattern PEA pnPixPat(A2) ; push pen pixPat handle _OldPatToNew ; old pattern -> new pattern MOVE.L SP,-(SP) ; point to black pattern PEA fillPixPat(A2) ; push pen pixPat handle _OldPatToNew ; old pattern -> new pattern ADDQ #8,SP ; strip black from stack ;------------------------------------------- ; ; INITIALIZE THE PORT'S FOREGROUND AND BACKGROUND COLORS ; MOVE.L #blackColor,-(SP) ; push black _ForeColor ; set the foreground color MOVE.L #whiteColor,-(SP) ; push white _BackColor ; set the background color ;------------------------------------------- ; ; INITIALIZE FRACTIONAL PEN POSITION TO 1/2, Character Extra to 0 MOVE.L #$00008000,chExtra(A2) ; CHEXTRA := 0, PnLocHFrac := 1/2 ;ΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡ ; ; Initialize grafVars opColor, hiliteColor ; TST.L grafVars(A2) BNE.S @skipNew MOVEQ #newGrafVarRec,D0 ; get size of record <8> JSR RNewHandle ; op color is initialized to black MOVE.L A0,grafVars(A2) ; point grafVars field to handle MOVE.L (A0),A0 ; deref grafvars handle <8> BSET #pmNewGVBit-8,pmFlags(A0) ; set new grafvars flag <8> @skipNew MOVE.L ([grafVars,A2]),A0 ; get a pointer to the data CLR.L (A0)+ ; RGBOpColor = black CLR (A0)+ ; init rest of RGBOpColor MOVE.L HiliteRGB,(A0)+ ; RGBHiliteColor initialized MOVE HiliteRGB+4,(A0)+ ; to low-memory default ; Clear out paletteMgr info for the Brinker ;+++ CLR.L (A0)+ ; paletteHandle = nil (fgColor) ;+++ CLR.L (A0)+ ; fgindex/bkColor ;+++ CLR.L (A0)+ ; bkColor/bkindex ;+++ CLR.w (A0) ; pmFlags MOVE.L (SP)+,A2 ; restore work register MOVE.L (SP)+,(SP) ; strip param RTS ; and return CloseCPort PROC EXPORT ClosePort PROC EXPORT Import DelPortList,DisposPixMap,DisposPixPat ;------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; PROCEDURE ClosePort(port: GrafPtr); ; ; Disposes of clipRgn and visRgn. ; ; If color grafPort, dispose of additional fields ; MOVE.L 4(SP),-(SP) ;PUSH GRAFPTR JSR DelPortList ;DELETE PORT FROM PORTLIST MOVE.L 4(SP),A0 ;GET PORT MOVE.L CLIPRGN(A0),A0 ;GET CLIPRGN HANDLE _DisposHandle ;DISCARD IT MOVE.L 4(SP),A0 ;GET PORT MOVE.L VISRGN(A0),A0 ;GET VISRGN HANDLE _DisposHandle ;DISCARD IT MOVE.L 4(SP),A0 ;GET PORT TST PortBits+RowBytes(A0) ;IS IT A NEW PORT? BPL.S DONE ;=>NO, STRIP PARAMS AND RETURN ;------------------------------------------- ; ; DISPOSE OF OLD COLOR PATTERNS, BUT NOT NEW ; MOVEQ #-1,D0 ; setup counter for disposes DAF TST.L bkPixPat(A0) ; is it NIL? DAF BEQ.S @100 ; if NIL, then skip DAF ADDQ #1,D0 ; DAF MOVE.L bkPixPat(A0),-(SP) ; push bkPixPat handle DAF @100 TST.L pnPixPat(A0) ; is it NIL? DAF BEQ.S @101 ; if NIL, then skip DAF ADDQ #1,D0 ; DAF MOVE.L pnPixPat(A0),-(SP) ; push pnPixPat handle DAF @101 TST.L fillPixPat(A0) ; is it NIL? DAF BEQ.S @102 ; if NIL, then skip DAF ADDQ #1,D0 ; DAF MOVE.L fillPixPat(A0),-(SP) ; push fillPixPat handle DAF @102 TST D0 ; do we need to do any? DAF BMI.S @DispMap ; nope, so skip disposing DAF @NxtPat MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; get next pattern handle TST ([A0],patType) ; old pattern? BNE.S @NewPat ; =>no, don't dispose MOVE D0,-(SP) ; save counter MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ; push handle _DisposPixPat ; dispose of handle MOVE (SP)+,D0 ; get counter @NewPat DBRA D0,@NxtPat ; => repeat for each pattern @DispMap ;------------------------------------------- ; ; DISPOSE OF THE PIXMAP WITHOUT DISPOSING OF ITS COLOR TABLE ; (WHICH IS OWNED BY THE GRAFDEVICE). ; MOVE.L 4(SP),A0 ; GET CGRAFPORT MOVE.L portPixMap(A0),A0 ; GET PIXMAP HANDLE _DisposHandle ; AND DISPOSE OF IT ;ΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡ ; ; Dispose of the grafVars handle (contains opColor, hiliteColor) ; MOVE.L 4(SP),A0 ; get grafport MOVE.L grafVars(A0),A0 ; get grafVars handle _DisposHandle ; and toss it DONE RTD #4 ; strip params and return SETCPORTPIX PROC EXPORT ;---------------------------------------------------------- ; ; PROCEDURE SetPortPix(pm: PixMapHandle); ; { re-direct output to a different PixMap } ; MOVE.L GRAFGLOBALS(A5),A0 ;POINT TO QUICKDRAW GLOBALS MOVE.L THEPORT(A0),A0 ;GET CURRENT GRAFPORT TST PORTVERSION(A0) ;IS IT A COLOR PORT? BPL.S DONE ;=>NO, JUST EXIT MOVE.L 4(SP),portPixMap(A0) ;REPLACE PORTPIXMAP DONE RTD #4 ;STRIP PARAMS AND RETURN ;------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; ROUTINES TO MANIPULATE COLOR TABLES ; ;------------------------------------------------------------- ; NEWCTAB PROC EXPORT IMPORT NewHandleWrapper ;------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; FUNCTION NewCTab : CTabHandle; ; ; Create a new, uninitialized color table and return a handle to it ; CLR.L -(SP) ; make room for function result MOVE.W #CTRec+(2*CTEntrySize),-(SP) ; size of record JSR NewHandleWrapper ; get a handle MOVE.L (SP)+,4(SP) ; return result RTS ; and return DisposCTable PROC EXPORT ;------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; PROCEDURE DisposCTable (CTabHandle); ; ; Dispose of the specified color table ; MOVE.L (SP)+,A1 ; get the return address MOVE.L (SP)+,d0 ; get the color table beq.s @nil ; ignore if nil move.l d0,a0 ; get handle in a0 _DisposHandle ; dispose of it @nil ; Commented out, but not totally deleted because this might still be an 040s problem <6> ;;; EclipseNOP ; needed due to flakey 040s <5><6> JMP (A1) ; and return GetCTSeed PROC EXPORT ;------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; FUNCTION GetCTSeed (Seed: LongInt); ; ; Returns the next color table seed ; Seed values 0-MinSeed are reserved for resource id's ; MOVE.L D0,-(SP) ; save work register MOVE.L TableSeed,D0 ; get low-memory seed ADDQ.L #1,D0 ; increment seed to next value BMI.S SeedOK ; => seed value ok CMP.L #MinSeed,D0 ; is it <= to our min seed value? BGT.S SeedOK ; => no, seed is ok MOVE.L #MinSeed,D0 ; else set seed to min value SeedOK MOVE.L D0,TableSeed ; update low-memory MOVE.L (SP)+,D0 ; restore work register MOVE.L TableSeed,4(SP) ; return current value RTS ; and return ;------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; ROUTINES TO MANIPULATE PIXEL MAPS ; ;------------------------------------------------------------- OPENPIXMAP PROC EXPORT IMPORT NewHandleWrapper,NEWCTAB ;------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; FUNCTION OpenPixMap : PixMapHandle; ; ; Create a new, uninitialized pixel map and return a handle to it ; CLR.L -(SP) ; make room for function result MOVE.W #pmRec,-(SP) ; size of pixel map record JSR NewHandleWrapper ; get a handle, leave on stack CLR.L -(SP) ; make room for function result JSR NEWCTAB ; go allocate a color table MOVE.L (SP)+,D0 ; get color table handle MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; get pixel map handle MOVE.L A0,4(SP) ; return result MOVE.L (A0),A0 ; get pixel map pointer MOVE.L D0,pmTable(A0) ; install color table into pixMap RTS ; and return NEWPIXMAP PROC EXPORT IMPORT OPENPIXMAP,INITPIXMAP ;------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; FUNCTION NewPixMap : PixMapHandle; ; ; Create a new, initialized pixel map and return a handle to it ; CLR.L -(SP) ;make room for a handle JSR OpenPixMap ;open the pixMap MOVE.L (SP),8(SP) ;return result JSR InitPixMap ;initialize it RTS ;and return DisposPixMap PROC EXPORT IMPORT DisposCTable ;------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; PROCEDURE DisposPixMap (PPH: PixMapHandle); ; ; Dispose of a pixel pattern ; MOVE.L 4(SP),d0 ; get pixMap handle beq.s @nil ; ignore if nil move.l d0,a1 ; get the handle in A1 MOVE.L (A1),A1 ; get pixMap pointer MOVE.L pmTable(A1),d0 ; get CLUT handle beq.s @noCLUT ; ignore if nil move.l d0,-(SP) ; push handle to color table _DisposCTable ; and dispose of color table @noCLUT MOVE.L 4(SP),A0 ; get pixMap handle _DisposHandle ; and dispose of it @nil MOVE.L (SP)+,(SP) ; strip parameter RTS ; and return InitPixMap PROC EXPORT ;------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; PROCEDURE InitPixMap (PPH: PixMapHandle); ; ; Initialize a pixel map to the device's pixel map. ; Do not set the pixMap's color table. ; MOVE.L theGDevice,A0 ; get current device handle MOVE.L (A0),A0 ; point to device record MOVE.L gdpMap(A0),A0 ; get handle to device's pixMap MOVE.L (A0),A0 ; point to device's pixMap MOVE.L 4(SP),A1 ; get pixMap handle MOVE.L (A1),A1 ; point to the pixMap MOVE.L pmTable(A1),-(SP) ; save pixMap's cTab handle MOVE.L A1,-(SP) ; and pixMap pointer MOVEQ #pmRec/2-1,D0 ; get size of pixMap record NXTWORD MOVE.W (A0)+,(A1)+ ; copy entire pixMap DBRA D0,NXTWORD ; one word at a time MOVE.L (SP)+,A1 ; get the pixMap pointer MOVE.L (SP)+,pmTable(A1) ; restore pixMap's cTab handle OR #PMFlag,rowBytes(A1) ; flag that it's a pixMap if ADDRMODEFLAG then ; clr.w pmVersion(A1) ; assume 24 bit addressing endif move.l #$480000,hRes(a1) ;force hres and vres to 72 dpi move.l hRes(a1),vRes(a1) ; MOVE.L (SP)+,(SP) ; strip parameter RTS ; and return CopyPixMap PROC EXPORT IMPORT COPYHANDLE ;------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; PROCEDURE CopyPixMap (SRCPM,DSTPM: PixMapHandle); ; ; COPY THE SRC PIXMAP'S DATA TO THE DST PIXMAP'S HANDLES ; PARAMSIZE EQU 8 SRCPM EQU PARAMSIZE DSTPM EQU SRCPM-4 MOVE.L SRCPM(SP),A0 ;GET HANDLE TO SRC PIXMAP MOVE.L (A0),A0 ;GET POINTER TO SRC PIXMAP MOVE.L DSTPM(SP),A1 ;GET HANDLE TO DST PIXMAP MOVE.L (A1),A1 ;GET POINTER TO DST PIXMAP MOVEQ #PMTABLE/2-1,D0 ;GET NUMBER OF WORDS TO COPY NXTWORD MOVE (A0)+,(A1)+ ;COPY A WORD DBRA D0,NXTWORD ;LOOP UNTIL DONE MOVE.L 4(A0),4(A1) ;COPY PMRESERVED MOVE.L (A0),-(SP) ;PUSH SRC COLOR TABLE MOVE.L (A1),-(SP) ;PUSH DST COLOR TABLE _COPYHANDLE ;COPY THE COLORTABLE if ADDRMODEFLAG then ; MOVE.L DSTPM(SP),A1 ;GET HANDLE TO DST PIXMAP MOVE.L (A1),A1 ;GET POINTER TO DST PIXMAP clr.w pmVersion(A1) ; assume 24 bit addressing endif MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ;GET RETURN ADDRESS ADDQ #8,SP ;STRIP PARAMS JMP (A0) ;AND RETURN BitsToPix PROC EXPORT EXPORT ONEBITDATA,COPYPMAP,SHFTTBL IMPORT FILLONEBIT ;------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; PROCEDURE BitsToPix (XM: XMap; VAR PM: PixMap); ; ; CONVERT THE SPECIFIED BITMAP OR PIXMAP TO A PIXMAP. ; A1 contains the src XMap, A2 points to the dst pixMap. ; ; This routine is called by RGNBLT, STRETCH, DRAWLINE, DRAWARC, DRAWTEXT ; ; The param XM can be a bitMap or a pixMap or a portBits pointer. If it's a pixMap, ; just copy it. If it is a portBits pointer, dereference portPix and copy it. ; If XM is a BitMap and is to the screen, then make the PixMap the same ; as screenbits (because an old application is drawing to the screen). Otherwise ; make the PixMap one bit deep because we are copying to or from the user's ; buffer and can't change its size. ; ; RETURNS D1 = XMAP.BOUNDS.TOPLEFT ; D2 = TRUE IF XMAP IS SCREEN ; CLOBBERS D0,A0-A2 ; as seen in QDciPatchROM.a stb MOVEQ #0,D2 ;ASSUME NOT SCREEN MOVE ROWBYTES(A1),D0 ;IS SRC A PIXMAP? BPL.S DOBITMAP ;=>NO, IT'S A BITMAP BTST #isCPort,D0 ;IS IT A COLOR GRAFPORT? BEQ.S NOTPORT ;=>NO, NOT A PORT ; IT'S A PIXMAP, SEE IF IT'S THE SCREEN MOVE.L BASEADDR(A1),A1 ;GET HANDLE TO PORT'S PIXMAP MOVE.L (A1),A1 ;GET POINTER TO PORT'S PIXMAP NOTPORT MOVE.L BOUNDS+TOPLEFT(A1),D1 ;RETURN BOUNDS.TOPLEFT IN D1 ; MOVE.L GRAFGLOBALS(A5),A0 ;GET GLOBAL POINTER ; LEA SCREENBITS(A0),A0 ;POINT TO SCREENBITS ; MOVE.L BASEADDR(A0),D0 ;GET SCREENBITS.BASEADDR MOVE.L ScrnBase,D0 ;GET MainScreen.BASEADDR CMP.L BASEADDR(A1),D0 ;IS IT TO THE SCREEN? BNE COPYPMAP ;=>NO, GO COPY IT BRA.S ISSCREEN ;=>ELSE IT IS THE SCREEN ; IT'S A BITMAP. SEE IF IT'S THE SCREEN DOBITMAP MOVE.L BOUNDS+TOPLEFT(A1),D1 ;RETURN BOUNDS.TOPLEFT IN D1 ; MOVE.L GRAFGLOBALS(A5),A0 ;GET GLOBAL POINTER ; LEA SCREENBITS(A0),A0 ;POINT TO SCREENBITS ; MOVE.L BASEADDR(A0),D0 ;GET SCREENBITS.BASEADDR MOVE.L ScrnBase,D0 ;GET MainScreen.BASEADDR CMP.L BASEADDR(A1),D0 ;IS BITMAP BASEADDR SAME ? BNE.S NOTSCREEN ;=>NO, NOT TO THE SCREEN ; IT'S TO THE SCREEN. COPY THE PIXMAP FROM THE GDEVICE, EXCEPT FOR THE BOUNDS ; WHICH IS TAKEN FROM THE SPECIFIED DEVICE AND OFFSET TO PIXMAP COORDINATES. ISSCREEN MOVEQ #1,D2 ;SET SCREEN FLAG FOR CALLER MOVE.L THEGDEVICE,A0 ;GET HANDLE TO THE GDEVICE MOVE.L (A0),A0 ;GET POINTER TO THE GDEVICE btst #ext32Device,gdFlags(a0) ;does it need 32-bit addressing? beq.s @not32Bit moveq #-1,d2 ;is screen and needs 32-bit addressing @not32Bit ; MOVE.L GDPMAP(A0),A0 ;GET HANDLE TO ITS PIXMAP MOVE.L (A0),A0 ;GET POINTER TO GDEV'S PIXMAP MOVE.L (A0)+,(A2)+ ;COPY BASEADDR FROM GDEV MOVE (A0)+,(A2)+ ;COPY ROWBYTES FROM GDEV ; IF EMPTY RECTANGLE, THEN DON'T OFFSET TO MAKE PRINTING WORK <27May87 EHB> CMP.L BOUNDS+BOTRIGHT(A1),D1 ;TOPLEFT==BOTTOMRIGHT?? <27May87 EHB> BNE.S @NOHACK ;IF NOT, GO ON AS USUAL <27May87 EHB> MOVE.L D1,(A2)+ ;JAM INPUT TOPLEFT <27May87 EHB> MOVE.L D1,(A2)+ ;JAM INPUT BOTTOMRIGHT <27May87 EHB> ADDQ.L #8,A0 ;SKIP OVER PIXMAP.BOUNDS <27May87 EHB> BRA.S @DONEHACK ;SKIP THE MULTI-SCREEN WORLD <27May87 EHB> @NOHACK MOVE.L (A0)+,D0 ;GET PIXMAP.BOUNDS.TOPLEFT <27May87 EHB> ADD D1,D0 ;ADJUST FOR DEVICE.LEFT <27May87 EHB> SWAP D0 ;GET PIXMAP.TOP <27May87 EHB> SWAP D1 ;GET DEVICE.TOP <27May87 EHB> ADD D1,D0 ;ADJUST FOR DEVICE.TOP <27May87 EHB> SWAP D0 ;GET TOPLEFT <27May87 EHB> MOVE.L D0,(A2)+ ;SAVE TOPLEFT <27May87 EHB> MOVE.L (A0)+,D0 ;GET PIXMAP.BOUNDS.BOTRIGHT <27May87 EHB> SWAP D0 ;GET PIXMAP.BOTTOM <27May87 EHB> ADD D1,D0 ;ADJUST FOR DEVICE.TOP <27May87 EHB> SWAP D0 ;GET PIXMAP.RIGHT <27May87 EHB> SWAP D1 ;GET DEVICE.LEFT <27May87 EHB> ADD D1,D0 ;ADJUST FOR DEVICE.LEFT <27May87 EHB> MOVE.L D0,(A2)+ ;SAVE TOPLEFT <27May87 EHB> ;D1 = DEVICE.BOUNDS.TOPLEFT <27May87 EHB> @DONEHACK ;FINISH UP THE TWO CASES <27May87 EHB> MOVE.L A0,A1 ;GET GDEV.PMVERSION IN A1 BRA.S COPYREST ;=>COPY REST OF DATA AND EXIT ; IT'S A ONE BIT PORT THAT'S NOT THE SCREEN. COPY BASE,ROWBYTES,BOUNDS FROM SRC. ; COPY THE REST OF THE PIXMAP FROM ONE BIT DATA NOTSCREEN LEA ONEBITDATA,A0 ;GET DATA IF NOT THE SCREEN PEA PUTONETABLE ;RTS TO THIS ROUTINE MOVE.L BASEADDR(A1),d0 ;COPY BASEADDR FROM SRC @@@@ BAL 08Apr88 _rTranslate24To32 ;mask off high bits @@@@ BAL 08Apr88 move.l d0,(a2)+ ;put it to the pixmap @@@@ BAL 08Apr88 EXG A0,A1 ;GET SRC IN A0; DATA IN A1 ADD #PMVERSION,A1 ;START COPYING DATA AT PMVERSION ADD #ROWBYTES,A0 ;START COPYING DATA AT ROWBYTES MOVE (A0)+,D0 ;COPY ROWBYTES FROM SRC AND #nuRBMask,D0 ;CLEAR FLAG BITS MULU PIXELSIZE-PMVERSION(A1),D0 ;GET ROWBYTES * DEPTH OR #$8000,D0 ;SET PIXMAP FLAG FROM SRC MOVE D0,(A2)+ ;AND SET ROWBYTES MOVE.L (A0)+,(A2)+ ;COPY BOUNDS FROM SRC MOVE.L (A0)+,(A2)+ BRA.S COPYREST ;=>COPY REST OF DATA AND EXIT ; IF IT'S A ONE BIT PORT THAT'S NOT THE SCREEN, MAKE A ONE-BIT COLOR TABLE ; FOR THE PIXMAP. FAKE A MASTER POINTER RIGHT AFTER THE PIXMAP, FOLLOWED ; BY THE COLOR TABLE. PUTONETABLE MOVE.L A2,-8(A2) ;INSTALL PMTABLE "HANDLE" LEA 4(A2),A0 ;POINT TO TABLE MOVE.L A0,(A2) ;INSTALL PMTABLE "MASTER POINTER" MOVE.L (SP)+,A1 ;GET RETURN ADDRESS JMP FILLONEBIT ;INIT THE TABLE USING PARTIAL ROUTINE ;WHICH EXITS WITH JMP (A1) SpecialBase move.l (a1)+,a0 ;get baseAddr btst #1,d0 ;is this a handle? beq.s @notHand ;no, don't deref move.l (a0),a0 ;yes, dereference it @notHand btst #2,d0 ;32-bit clean address? exg a0,d0 ;get address in d0, don't change cc's beq.s base24 ;no flag -> 24-bit addressing moveq #-1,d2 ; clr.w d2 ;set needs 32-bit addressing flag, not screen bra.s base32 ;flag set-> 32-bit addressing ; COPY THE SRC TO THE DST COPYPMAP move.w pmVersion(a1),d0 ;get baseAddr flags bne.s SpecialBase ;if flags set go decide MOVE.L (A1)+,d0 ;COPY BASEADDR base24 _rTranslate24To32 ;map address in D0 base32 move.l d0,(a2)+ ;write it out MOVE (A1)+,(A2)+ ;COPY ROWBYTES MOVE.L (A1)+,(A2)+ ;COPY BOUNDS MOVE.L (A1)+,(A2)+ COPYREST MOVE.L (A1)+,(A2)+ ;COPY VERSION, PACKTYPE MOVE.L (A1)+,(A2)+ ;COPY PACKSIZE MOVE.L (A1)+,(A2)+ ;COPY HRES MOVE.L (A1)+,(A2)+ ;COPY VRES MOVE.L (A1)+,(A2)+ ;COPY PIXELTYPE, PIXELSIZE MOVE.L (A1)+,(A2)+ ;COPY CMPCOUNT, CMPSIZE MOVE.L (A1)+,(A2)+ ;COPY PLANEBYTES MOVE.L (A1)+,(A2)+ ;COPY PMTABLE MOVE.L (A1)+,(A2)+ ;COPY RESERVED RTS ;AND RETURN ; HERE IS THE INFO THAT GOES INTO A ONE BIT DEEP PIXMAP ONEBITDATA DC.L 0 ;PBASEADDR DC.W 0 ;PROWBYTES DC.L 0,0 ;PBOUNDS DC.W PIXVERSION ;PMVERSION DC.W 0 ;PACKTYPE DC.L 0 ;PACKSIZE DC.W 72 ;HRES.Hi DC.W 0 ;HRES.Lo DC.W 72 ;VRES.Hi DC.W 0 ;VRES.Lo DC.W 0 ;PIXELTYPE DC.W 1 ;PIXELSIZE DC.W 1 ;CMPCOUNT DC.W 1 ;CMPSIZE DC.L 0 ;PLANEBYTES DC.L 0 ;PMTABLE DC.L 0 ;PMRESERVED SHFTTBL DC.B 0,0,1,0,2,0,0,0 DC.B 3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 DC.B 4,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 DC.B 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,5 SetCPixel PROC EXPORT ;--------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; PROCEDURE SetCPixel(h,v: INTEGER; pixColor: RGBColor); ; ; PLOTS A SINGLE PIXEL AT THE SPECIFIED COORDINATE. ; TAKES CARE OF CLIPPING, HIDING THE CURSOR, AND SAVING TO PICTURES. ; NOTE: THIS ROUTINE IS EXTREMELY SLOW!! ; ; A6 OFFSETS OF PARAMS AFTER LINK: ; PARAMSIZE EQU 8 HPos EQU PARAMSIZE+8-2 ;horizontal position VPos EQU HPos-2 ;vertical position pixColor EQU VPos-4 ;pointer to rgb color PState EQU -psRec ;saved pen state FColor EQU pState-6 ;saved foreColor VARSIZE EQU FColor ;TOTAL SIZE OF LOCALS ; SAVE CURRENT STATE LINK A6,#VARSIZE ;ALLOCATE STACK FRAME PEA PState(A6) ;push pen state record _GetPenState ;save the pen state PEA FColor(A6) ;push foreground color _GetForeColor ;save the foreground color ; PLOT THE PIXEL MOVE.L pixColor(A6),-(SP) ;push pointer to new color _RGBForeColor ;set the color _PenNormal ;set the pen to normal MOVE.L vPos(A6),-(SP) ;push the hpos, vpos _MoveTo ;move the pen there CLR.L -(SP) ;dh:=0; dv:=0; _Line ;draw a one dot line ; RESTORE PRIOR STATE AND RETURN PEA FColor(A6) ;push foreground color _RGBForeColor ;restore the foreground color PEA PState(A6) ;push pen state record _SetPenState ;restore the pen state UNLINK PARAMSIZE,'SETCPIXE' ENDPROC HiliteColor PROC EXPORT IMPORT setGrafVarsCommon ;------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; PROCEDURE HiliteColor (color: rgbColor); ; ; HiliteColor sets the second six bytes of the grafVars handle to the color ; supplied. HiliteColor allows a grafCPort to have a hilite color different ; from the system default contained in parameter RAM and in low memory. ; If thePort is an old grafPort, it does nothing. MOVEQ #RGBHiliteColor,D0 ;hilite color is 6 bytes into vars BRA.S setGrafVarsCommon NOP ; silence the assembler <12> OpColor PROC EXPORT EXPORT setGrafVarsCommon ;------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; PROCEDURE OpColor (color: rgbColor); ; ; OpColor sets the first six bytes of the grafVars handle to the color ; supplied. OpColor is required to set up interesting rules for ; Add with pin, subtract with pin, and blend (average) drawing modes. ; If thePort is an old grafPort, it does nothing. MOVEQ #RGBOpColor,D0 ;op color is 0 bytes into vars setGrafVarsCommon MOVE.L (SP)+,D2 ;strip the return address MOVE.L (SP)+,A1 ;pointer to the colors MOVE.L ([grafGlobals,A5],thePort),A0 ; get current grafPort TST portVersion(A0) ;is it a color port? BPL.S @done ;no, just exit MOVE.L ([grafVars,A0]),A0 ;get op field pointer ADD D0,A0 ;advance to proper field MOVE.L (A1)+,(A0)+ MOVE (A1),(A0) @done MOVE.L D2,A0 ;get the return address JMP (A0) ;and go home