/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright © 1990-1991, Apple Computer, Inc, All Rights Reserved. File: DoubleByteBassCache.h Author: John Farmer Contains: Header file information for the file DoubleByteBassCache.c Revisions: (most recent first): ID Date Description System 6.1.0 Changes: <2> 03/04/91 John Farmer - Transferred routine prototypes to BassCache.c to get rid of nasty header file dependencies and to remove dependencies on FontMgr project from KanjiTalk610. <1> 11/29/90 John Farmer - Create file and it's original contents. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef __DoubleByteBassCache__ #define __DoubleByteBassCache__ // Include Directives #include "Memory.h" // Constants #define kSingleByte 0 #define kLowByteGlyphOffsetTableSize (256 * sizeof( unsigned long )) // Structures typedef struct { unsigned char fHighByte[256]; unsigned char fLowByte[256]; unsigned char fDefaultLowByte; unsigned char fPad; } EncodingTable, *EncodingTablePointer; #endif __DoubleByteBassCache__