; ; File: Decompression.a ; ; Contains: Equates for patch to Resource Manager's CheckLoad hook for resource decompression. ; ; Written by: Donn Denman, Greg Marriott (but he never ever works on compression any more) ; ; Copyright: © 1990-1992 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. ; ; Change History (most recent first): ; ; <1> 4/14/92 stb first checked in ; <19> 4/14/91 stb stb Add to SuperMario project for use by ResourceMgr.a. Corrected some speling. ; <18> 7/9/91 JSM No need to define SysVers here. ; <17> 1/30/91 gbm sab, #38: Change the name of one of the decompressor header ; files (because Sheila said it was okay) ; <15> 9/3/90 gbm add knowledge of newer header formats. Compressed resources with ; formats higher than 8 have a more general header format. A new ; header format is necessary for the latest defProc (2), also ; known as GreggyBits :). ; <9> 4/19/90 DD added Equ's for RunLengthEncoding and DeltaEncoding. ; <8> 4/12/90 DD pulled Max1ByteReuse since we now have multiple dcmp's with ; different values for Max1ByteReuse. ; <7> 3/23/90 DD changed Max1ByteReuse to 40, to match DeCompressDefProc.a ; <6> 1/18/90 DD added ResourceTemplate Record to go with new DeCompressPatch.a ; <5> 3/7/90 PAT put a ";" in place of the "#" which previously ; preceded commment <4> directly below. ; <4> 1/18/90 DD put conditional around the header ; <3> 1/18/90 DD reorganized the resource header for extended attribute ; resources, and compressed flavor extended attribute ; resources ; To Do: ; ; Rip the guts out, and do it all over. ; include 'InternalMacros.a' ; for ENDRSize DoDebug EQU 0 ;0-no, 1-error breaks, 2-Head/tail, 3-all breaks. DoFullList EQU 0 ;give a full listing. **************************************** * * Macro definitions. * **************************************** MACRO ; all this hassle just to get the version MakeVersion &Vers ; from a variable STRING PASCAL dc.b '&Vers' ; ascii version (blanks for Intl?) STRING ASIS ALIGN 2 ENDM MACRO ; all this hassle just to get the date MakeADate ; from a variable GBLC &CurDate dc.b '&CurDate' ; ascii date. ENDM ;--------------------------------------------------- ; Macro to break into debugger if NE. Macro BreakError &A IF DoDebug > 0 THEN STRING PASCAL PEA #&A dc.w $abff STRING ASIS ENDIF ENDM ;--------------------------------------------------- ; Macro to break into debugger if ResErr NE. Macro BreakResError IF DoDebug Then Tst.W ResErr Beq.S @2 Move.W ResErr,D0 ; _Debugger @2 ENDIF ENDM **************************************** * * MACRO HEAD, TAIL routine headers * **************************************** ;--------------------------------------------------- ; Head and Tail macros for the beginning end end of subroutines. ; generates a label for the debugger IFF DoDebug > 1. Macro &Lab HEAD &LinkSiz ;with label parameter &Lab ;generate the label GBLA &HaveLink &HaveLink SetA 1 IF DoDebug>1 Then Link A6,#&Default(&LinkSiz,'0') GBLC &DebugLabel ;parameter to pass the label. &DebugLabel SetC &Lab ;pass the label to the Tail Macro. ElseIF &LinkSiz<>'' THEN Link A6,#&Default(&LinkSiz,'0') Else &HaveLink SetA 0 ENDIF ENDM Macro TAIL GBLA &HaveLink GBLC &DebugLabel IF &HaveLink Then Unlk A6 EndIF Rts IF DoDebug>1 Then LclA &i LclA &c While &i<(&Len(&DebugLabel)+1) Do IF &i=0 Then &c SetA (&Len(&DebugLabel)+128) Else &c SetA &Ord(&Default(&SubStr(&DebugLabel,&i,1),' ')) EndIF DC.B &c &i SetA &i+1 EndWhile Align 2 EndIF EndM ;--------------------------------------------------- ; Break to debugger macro Macro BREAK &A IF DoDebug > 2 THEN STRING PASCAL PEA #&A dc.w $abff STRING ASIS ENDIF ENDM ;--------------------------------------------------- ; Break to debugger on nonzero ResErr Macro TrapResError IF DoDebug Then Tst.W ResErr Beq.S @2 Move.W ResErr,D0 _Debugger @2 ENDIF ENDM ********************************************************************* * * Global Equates * ********************************************************************* DeCompressDefType EQU 'dcmp' ; res type of the decompressor def proc. ResDeCompress Equ ResLoad+1 ; need a real low memory global for this. resExtended EQU 0 ; This resource has extended attributes. resCompressed EQU 0 ; This resource is compressed on disk. ********************************************************************* * * Compressor/Decompressor Equates * ********************************************************************* PosEncodedWord EQU 0 ;posative encoded word in input stream. NegEncodedWord EQU 1 ;replace this part of pattern with a negative encoded value? RawWord EQU 2 ;should we copy a word from the input? RawLong EQU 3 ;encoded value should be treated as a long. SignExtendedByte EQU 4 ;sign extend a byte from input into a word. EncodedLong EQU 5 ;should we replace with a long? maxReplacement EQU 6 ;end of substitution list. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; RECORD ExtendedResource ; ; Template for an ExtendedResource header. Taken from DecompressorPatch.Equ ; ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ExtendedResource Record 0 signature DS.L 1 ;used for robustness. Tells if data is compressed now. headerLength DS.W 1 ;length of this header in bytes. headerVersion DS.B 1 ;number of items in this header. ( must be < 128 ). extendedAttributes DS.B 1 ;extension to the attributes for this resource. actualSize DS.L 1 ;the size after decompression, or just minus the header. extendedData DS.B 0 ;start of data for a normal extended attribute resource. endOfExtHeader EQU * ; Donn's Compressed Resources also have the following fields. varTableRatio DS.B 1 ;number of 256ths of unpacked size needed for var table. overRun DS.B 1 ;number of bytes of overrun to expect during decompress. decompressID DS.W 1 ;ID of the decompression algorithem used (0 for default). cTableID DS.W 1 ;ID of the compression table, or 0. compressedData DS.B 0 ;compressed data starts here. ; Future compressed resources have these fields ORG endOfExtHeader defProcID DS.W 1 decompressSlop DS.W 1 endOfDecompressCommon EQU * ; Greg's extended resources have these fields ORG endOfDecompressCommon byteTableSize DS.B 1 compressFlags DS.B 1 EndRSIZE CurHeaderVersion EQU 8 ; version number of Donn's header. GreggyHeaderVersion EQU 9 ; version number of GreggyBits byteTableSaved EQU 0 ; bit zero of the compressFlags byte (see ExtendedResource record above) bitmappedData EQU 1 ; bit 1 of compressFlags byte greggyBits EQU 2 ; ID of decompressor resource for Greg's scheme ; Disk format of an Extended Resource. ExtResRecord Record 0 ResSize DS.L 1 ResHeader DS.L ExtendedResource ResHeaderSize DS.L 0 EndR ResourceTemplate Record 0 ResFrame DS.L ExtResRecord ResTemplateSize DS.L 0 EndR TwoByteValue Equ 128 ;integers below this value are one byte. FourByteValue Equ 255 ;encoding used for long values. JumpTableTransCode Equ 0 ;Extended Opcode variations: EntryVectorTransCode Equ 1 ; Entry Vector, Jump Table. RunLengthByteTransCode Equ 2 ; RunLength by bytes RunLengthWordTransCode Equ 3 ; RunLength by words DiffWordTransCode Equ 4 ; difference trans by words DiffEncWordTransCode Equ 5 ; difference trans with encoded words DiffEncLongTransCode Equ 6 ; difference trans with encoded longs RobustnessData Equ $A89F6572 ;unimplemented instruction, followed by 'er', used as signature. ; Local storage for Decompressor. VarTableRec Record 0 NextVarIndex DS.W 1 ;index past last variable VarsList DS.W 1 ;self relative pointer to a string. VarRecSize DS.W 0 ;size of a var table record. EndR