;	======================================================================
;	VMPatch.a			© 1988 by Apple Computer Inc
;						by Chris Derossi		4/10/89
;	======================================================================

PrNonPortable	EQU		1						; We're building System SW. This is ok.

	INCLUDE		'Traps.a'
	INCLUDE		'SysEqu.a'
	INCLUDE		'ToolEqu.a'
	INCLUDE		'Private.a'
	INCLUDE		'quickequ.a'
	INCLUDE		'colorequ.a'
	INCLUDE		'VMCalls.a'

;	======================================================================
;	Header to main init code.
;	======================================================================

			MACHINE MC68020


; During a page fault exception, MacVM continues to service the cursor interrupt. Now that
; the cursor code is not in ROM, and not in the System heap, it must not get paged out.
; Otherwise, nested page faults could occur, and this is bad.
; This patch tells MacVM to keep the cursor code in memory at all times. This patch does
; nothing if MacVM isn't around.
; Note: This patch knows that the cursor code is pointed to by JCrsrTask, and ends at the
; location pointed to by JScrnAddr.

Unimplemented	EQU		$A89F					; the Unimplemented trap number
MemoryDispatch	EQU		$A05C					; trap number for MacVM Dispatcher

; Does the MacVM dispatch trap exist?

			MOVE.W	#MemoryDispatch, D0		; MacVM Trap number
			_GetTrapAddress ,NewOS			; get the address of _MemoryDispatch
			MOVEA.L	A0, A1					; Hold it for a sec
			MOVE.W	#Unimplemented, D0		; get address of Unimplemented trap
			CMPA.L	A0,A1					; see if MacVM is around
			BEQ.S	@0						; if not, we're done

			MOVE.L	jCrsrTask, A0			; Point to cursor code
			MOVE.L	jScrnAddr, A1			; Get end of code
			SUBA.L	jCrsrTask, A1			; Calculate length of cursor code
			_HoldMemory						; Tell VM to keep it around

