; Version: 1.00 ; Created: Friday, October 20, 1989 at 9:11:52 PM ; File: Folders.a ; ; Assembler Interface to the Macintosh Libraries ; Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1989-90 ; All Rights Reserved ; ; This file is used in these builds: ROM System ; ; 1.3 prp 10/02/1989 Added Finder "Extension Folder" as kExtensionFolderType. ; 1.2 prp 08/09/1989 Folders.a should not depend upon InternalMacros.a. 'false' ; and 'true' constants are now hardcoded inside Folders.a. ; 1.1 prp 06/08/1989 Alias Manager Trap # changed from $A825 to $A823 ; 1.0 prp 06/02/1989 Initial release. Folder manager now part of Alias ; manager. ; Change History (most recent first): ; ; <12> 5/12/92 DTY Add type for Fonts folder. ; <11> 8/15/91 MH skip line after change history ; <10> 8/14/91 JL changed lower case equ to EQU to match database output. ; <9> 1/30/91 gbm sab, #38: Change the Ôalready including this fileÕ variable to ; all uppercase (for security reasons) ; <8> 5/3/90 PP Change kSpoolFolderType to kPrintMonitorDocsFolderType. ; <5> 3/20/90 PP Remove obsolete folder types. ; <3+> 2/19/90 PP Add equate for "Control Panels" folder and remove equate for ; kINITFolderType. ; 6/2/89 dba roll into system sources ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- IF &TYPE('__INCLUDINGFOLDERS__') = 'UNDEFINED' THEN __INCLUDINGFOLDERS__ SET 1 kOnSystemDisk EQU $8000 kCreateFolder EQU 1 ; true- create a folder or not kDontCreateFolder EQU 0 ; false kSystemFolderType EQU 'macs' ; the system folder kDesktopFolderType EQU 'desk' ; the desktop folder; objects in this folder show on the desktop kTrashFolderType EQU 'trsh' ; the trash folder; objects in this folder show up in the trash kWhereToEmptyTrashFolderType EQU 'empt' ; the Òempty trashÓ folder; Finder starts emptying from here down kPrintMonitorDocsFolderType EQU 'prnt' ; Print Monitor documents kStartupFolderType EQU 'strt' ; Finder objects (applications, documents, DAs, aliases to É) to open at startup go here kAppleMenuFolderType EQU 'amnu' ; Finder objects to put into the Apple menu go here kControlPanelFolderType EQU 'ctrl' ; Control Panels go here (may contain INITs) kExtensionFolderType EQU 'extn' ; Finder extensions go here kFontsFolderType EQU 'font' ; Fonts go here. kPreferencesFolderType EQU 'pref' ; preferences for applications go here kTemporaryFolderType EQU 'temp' ; temporary files go here (deleted periodically, but donÕt rely on it) macro _FindFolder moveq #0,d0 dc.w $A823 endm ENDIF ; ...already included