{ Created: Tuesday, July 23, 1991 at 2:54 PM PictUtil.p Pascal Interface to the Macintosh Libraries Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1990-1991 All rights reserved This file is used in these builds: ROM System Change History (most recent first): <5> 7/23/91 JL Checked in File from database. Adjusted comments. Reformatted structs to match output from database. <4> 1/16/91 JDR (dba) Renamed METHOD_SYSTEM to systemMethod, METHOD_POPULAR to popularMethod, and METHOD_MEDIAN to medianMethod <3> 9/21/90 gbm (Actually DDG) Updated selectors to work with ProcHelper. <2> 9/19/90 DDG Fixed the header. <1> 9/19/90 DDG first checked in To Do: } {$IFC UNDEFINED UsingIncludes} {$SETC UsingIncludes := 0} {$ENDC} {$IFC NOT UsingIncludes} UNIT PictUtil; INTERFACE {$ENDC} {$IFC UNDEFINED UsingPictUtil} {$SETC UsingPictUtil := 1} {$I+} {$SETC PictUtilIncludes := UsingIncludes} {$SETC UsingIncludes := 1} {$IFC UNDEFINED UsingTypes} {$I $$Shell(PInterfaces)Types.p} {$ENDC} {$IFC UNDEFINED UsingPalettes} {$I $$Shell(PInterfaces)Palettes.p} {$ENDC} {$SETC UsingIncludes := PictUtilIncludes} CONST { verbs for the GetPictInfo, GetPixMapInfo, and NewPictInfo calls } returnColorTable = 1; returnPalette = 2; recordComments = 4; recordFontInfo = 8; suppressBlackAndWhite = 16; { color pick methods } systemMethod = 0; {system color pick method} popularMethod = 1; {method that chooses the most popular set of colors} medianMethod = 2; {method that chooses a good average mix of colors} { color bank types } ColorBankIsCustom = -1; ColorBankIsExactAnd555 = 0; ColorBankIs555 = 1; TYPE PictInfoID = LONGINT; CommentSpecPtr = ^CommentSpec; CommentSpecHandle = ^CommentSpecPtr; CommentSpec = RECORD count: INTEGER; { number of occurrances of this comment ID } ID: INTEGER; { ID for the comment in the picture } END; FontSpecPtr = ^FontSpec; FontSpecHandle = ^FontSpecPtr; FontSpec = RECORD pictFontID: INTEGER; { ID of the font in the picture } sysFontID: INTEGER; { ID of the same font in the current system file } size: ARRAY [0..3] OF LONGINT; { bit array of all the sizes found (1..127) (bit 0 means > 127) } style: INTEGER; { combined style of all occurrances of the font } nameOffset: LONGINT; { offset into the fontNamesHdl handle for the font�s name } END; PictInfoPtr = ^PictInfo; PictInfoHandle = ^PictInfoPtr; PictInfo = RECORD version: INTEGER; { this is always zero, for now } uniqueColors: LONGINT; { the number of actual colors in the picture(s)/pixmap(s) } thePalette: PaletteHandle; { handle to the palette information } theColorTable: CTabHandle; { handle to the color table } hRes: Fixed; { maximum horizontal resolution for all the pixmaps } vRes: Fixed; { maximum vertical resolution for all the pixmaps } depth: INTEGER; { maximum depth for all the pixmaps (in the picture) } sourceRect: Rect; { the picture frame rectangle (this contains the entire picture) } textCount: LONGINT; { total number of text strings in the picture } lineCount: LONGINT; { total number of lines in the picture } rectCount: LONGINT; { total number of rectangles in the picture } rRectCount: LONGINT; { total number of round rectangles in the picture } ovalCount: LONGINT; { total number of ovals in the picture } arcCount: LONGINT; { total number of arcs in the picture } polyCount: LONGINT; { total number of polygons in the picture } regionCount: LONGINT; { total number of regions in the picture } bitMapCount: LONGINT; { total number of bitmaps in the picture } pixMapCount: LONGINT; { total number of pixmaps in the picture } commentCount: LONGINT; { total number of comments in the picture } uniqueComments: LONGINT; { the number of unique comments in the picture } commentHandle: CommentSpecHandle; { handle to all the comment information } uniqueFonts: LONGINT; { the number of unique fonts in the picture } fontHandle: FontSpecHandle; { handle to the FontSpec information } fontNamesHandle: Handle; { handle to the font names } reserved1: LONGINT; reserved2: LONGINT; END; FUNCTION GetPictInfo(thePictHandle: PicHandle; VAR thePictInfo: PictInfo; verb: INTEGER; colorsRequested: INTEGER; colorPickMethod: INTEGER; version: INTEGER): OSErr; INLINE $303C,$0800,$A831; FUNCTION GetPixMapInfo(thePixMapHandle: PixMapHandle; VAR thePictInfo: PictInfo; verb: INTEGER; colorsRequested: INTEGER; colorPickMethod: INTEGER; version: INTEGER): OSErr; INLINE $303C,$0801,$A831; FUNCTION NewPictInfo(VAR thePictInfoID: PictInfoID; verb: INTEGER; colorsRequested: INTEGER; colorPickMethod: INTEGER; version: INTEGER): OSErr; INLINE $303C,$0602,$A831; FUNCTION RecordPictInfo(thePictInfoID: PictInfoID; thePictHandle: PicHandle): OSErr; INLINE $303C,$0403,$A831; FUNCTION RecordPixMapInfo(thePictInfoID: PictInfoID; thePixMapHandle: PixMapHandle): OSErr; INLINE $303C,$0404,$A831; FUNCTION RetrievePictInfo(thePictInfoID: PictInfoID; VAR thePictInfo: PictInfo; colorsRequested: INTEGER): OSErr; INLINE $303C,$0505,$A831; FUNCTION DisposPictInfo(thePictInfoID: PictInfoID): OSErr; INLINE $303C,$0206,$A831; {$ENDC} { UsingPictUtil } {$IFC NOT UsingIncludes} END. {$ENDC}