/* File: ScrapCoercion.c Contains: Routines that implement scrap coercion on foreground process switches. Written by: Phil Goldman and Erich Ringewald Copyright: 1986-1992 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. Change History (most recent first): <17> 4/9/92 KST #1027029,: Inform TSM when a non-TSM aware application is getting suspended so TSM can pull down input method's menu. <16> 3/23/92 JSM OSEvents.h is obsolete, use Events.h. <15> 2/25/91 DFH DC,WS#DFH-910225a: Fixed so GetScrap works even if called before first event call. IsScrapOwnedByCurrentProcess did not allow for case where MoveScrap() has not been called on the current app. <14> 1/28/91 DFH JSM,#81718:Fixed OrphanScrapIntoPartition to deal with case where SCRAPHANDLE is nil because scrap is on the disk. <12> 1/8/91 DFH (rdd) Changed StartForegroundSwitch to allow for case where current front process is suspended for high-level debugging. <11> 12/21/90 DFH Fixed SetFirstDstCoercionState to set srcMyScrapInfo.pScrapOwner = pCurrentProcess when dst scrap is already up to date. <10> 12/18/90 DFH Added GetScrap patch support routine. <9> 12/18/90 DFH Removed fgAppsUnexecuted mechanism, since front switch queue works better. <8> 12/17/90 DFH Fixed scrap retention devices. <7> 12/15/90 DFH Propagate correct scrap, even if some destination process doesn't have enough memory for it. True even if real scrap owner ExitToShell's. <6> 12/11/90 DFH CancelQuitAll now called only when FG switching out of intended victim. Other switches can be normal (e.g. when intended victim is a BG-only application). <5> 12/10/90 DFH Compiler bug workaround in MoveScrap. Use SCRAPCOUNT += 1 instead of SCRAPCOUNT++. <4> 11/14/90 DFH Change ScrapIO to use PBOpenDF instead of PBOpen. <3> 11/6/90 DFH Use structure defs for menu bar access in CS_INIT. <0> x/xx/86 PYG New Today. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Glue.h" #include "Lomem.h" #include "Data.h" #include "SysMisc.h" #include "Patches.h" #include "Puppet.h" #include "AppleEventExtensions.h" #pragma segment kernel_segment static long resume_message; /* the message field of the resume event */ static short eatMouseTimeout; /* counter of gne tries to eat mouse-down in CS_EATMOUSE */ static short clickDAWindTimeout; /* counter of gne tries to force click in fake DA window */ /* Function prototypes that shoule be in (yet another) header file */ void BringProcessToFront(PEntryPtr); /* Function prototypes defined and used in this file */ void SetThirdSrcCoercionState(void); void SetFirstDstCoercionState(void); short FindCutCopyItems(MenuHandle); void MoveScrap(void); void ScrapIO(short, StringPtr, Ptr, u_size); void ActivateTopWindow(short); void DisposeOrphanedScrap(void); /* ActivateTopWindow. Invert the hiliting the front window when the current application * is the kind that does the rest of the deactivate/activate itself. * NOTE: Assumes A5 = PROCESSMGRGLOBALS */ void ActivateTopWindow(short activateMods) { WindowPtr frontWindow; EventRecord dummyEvent; assert(pCurrentProcess->p_layer != nil); if ((frontWindow = FrontWindowIn(pCurrentProcess->p_layer)) != nil) { /* Highlight the window and make sure the palette agrees. */ HiliteWindow(frontWindow, (activateMods != 0)); if (Colorized && ((activateMods & activeFlag) != 0)) ActivatePalette(frontWindow); /* If it's a DA window and activate events are allowed, give the DA an activate event */ if (((WindowPeek) frontWindow)->windowKind < 0 && SEVTENB != 0) { dummyEvent.what = activateEvt; dummyEvent.message = (unsigned long)frontWindow; dummyEvent.modifiers = activateMods; (void) SystemEvent(&dummyEvent); } } } /* PutUpFakeWindow. Puts up a window way offscreen to generate de-activate events. * NOTE: Have to have at least one character in name string just in case someone * tries to stick this name in a menu (null strings are not allowed there). * An app that does this: Insight Accounts Receivable * Assumes A5 == PROCESSMGRGLOBALS */ void PutUpFakeWindow(void) { WindowPtr fakeWindowPtr; Rect fakeWindowRect; short nullski = TWO_CHARS_TO_SHORT('\01',' '); /* NOTE: Should use global here */ SET_RECT(&fakeWindowRect,16000,16000,16004,16004); fakeWindowPtr = NewWindow(NULL, &fakeWindowRect, &nullski, true, (short) 0, (WindowPtr) -1, true, 0L); /* Tag it as a fake window by sticking a funny value in the windowKind field */ ((WindowPeek) fakeWindowPtr)->windowKind = SCRAP_COERCION_FAKE_DA_WINDOW_ID; pCurrentProcess->p_wptr = fakeWindowPtr; } /* TakeDownFakeWindow. Takes down the fake DA window we put up earlier. Nothing fancy. * Assumes A5 == PROCESSMGRGLOBALS */ void TakeDownFakeWindow(void) { register WindowPeek fakeWindowPtr; register PEntryPtr pCurrProc; /* Does the window exist? If so, get rid of it. */ pCurrProc = pCurrentProcess; if ((fakeWindowPtr = pCurrProc->p_wptr) != nil) { DisposeWindow(fakeWindowPtr); pCurrProc->p_wptr = nil; } } #define SCRAP_TRANSFER_SIZE 1024 #define DO_SCRAP_READ ((short) 0) #define DO_SCRAP_WRITE ((short) 1) /* MoveScrap. Moves the scrap from the source task to the destination task. The scrap * of the source task is described by srcMyScrapInfo. The scrap of the destination * task is described in lomem. */ void MoveScrap(void) { u_size size; /* Say we've tried at least once to give this process a scrap. It means that the * scrap copied over during LaunchApplication is no longer to be used. */ pCurrentProcess->p_scrapIsNotFromLaunch = true; /* Get/Set scrap size */ size = SCRAPINFO = srcMyScrapInfo.size; /* See if the dst task scrap is in memory */ if (SCRAPHANDLE != nil) { /* Check whether the src task scrap is in mem */ if (srcMyScrapInfo.memHandle != nil) { if (PtrToXHand(*srcMyScrapInfo.memHandle, SCRAPHANDLE, size) != noErr) { SCRAPINFO = 0; SetHandleSize(SCRAPHANDLE, 0); } } /* The src task scrap is on disk */ else { SetHandleSize(SCRAPHANDLE, size); if (MEMERROR == noErr) ScrapIO(DO_SCRAP_READ, srcMyScrapInfo.fileName, *SCRAPHANDLE, size); else { SCRAPINFO = 0; SetHandleSize(SCRAPHANDLE, 0); } } } /* The dst task scrap is on disk */ else { /* See whether the src task scrap is in memory */ if (srcMyScrapInfo.memHandle != nil) ScrapIO(DO_SCRAP_WRITE, SCRAPNAME, *srcMyScrapInfo.memHandle, size); #ifdef DISK_TO_DISK_SCRAP /* The src task scrap is on disk. I give up! * NOTE: srcMyScrapInfo.vRefNum is never set. ScrapCopyOverVolumes doesn't exist. */ else { short vRefNumDst = BOOTVOL; /* Do I/O if on separate volumes, otherwise just change size */ if (srcMyScrapInfo.vRefNum != vRefNumDst) { /* Files on different volumes */ ScrapCopyOverVolumes(srcMyScrapInfo.vRefNum,vRefNumDst); } } #endif DISK_TO_DISK_SCRAP } /* If it worked, indicate that the current process' scrap is good, and get rid * of the orphaned scrap (its job is done!). */ if (size == SCRAPINFO) { srcMyScrapInfo.pScrapOwner = pCurrentProcess; DisposeOrphanedScrap(); } /* Invalidate the scrap, and sync up local counter with global. */ SCRAPCOUNT += 1; pCurrentProcess->p_cutcopycount = cutCopyCount; } /* IsScrapOwnedByCurrentProcess. Return whether we think that the current SCRAPINFO * is valid. Essentially, the check is whether the most recent MoveScrap() failed * and no new scrap has been made. */ Boolean IsScrapOwnedByCurrentProcess(void) { PEntryPtr pCurrProc; pCurrProc = pCurrentProcess; return ((pCurrProc == srcMyScrapInfo.pScrapOwner) || (pCurrProc->p_cutcopycount != cutCopyCount) || (pCurrProc->p_scrapIsNotFromLaunch == false)); } /* ScrapIO. Generic scrap file I/O based on the first parameter passed in */ void ScrapIO(short ioMode, StringPtr scrapFileName, Ptr scrapPtr, u_size size) { IOParam IOParamLocal; /* Do the open */ IOParamLocal.ioNamePtr = scrapFileName; IOParamLocal.ioVRefNum = BOOTVOL; /* scrap is always on boot volume */ IOParamLocal.ioVersNum = (char) 0; IOParamLocal.ioMisc = NULL; IOParamLocal.ioPermssn = (ioMode == DO_SCRAP_READ) ? fsRdPerm : fsWrPerm; (void) PBOpenDF((ParmBlkPtr) &IOParamLocal, SyncHFS); /* Do the I/O */ IOParamLocal.ioBuffer = scrapPtr; IOParamLocal.ioReqCount = size; IOParamLocal.ioPosMode = fsFromStart; IOParamLocal.ioPosOffset = 0L; if (ioMode == DO_SCRAP_READ) (void) PBRead((ParmBlkPtr) &IOParamLocal, SyncHFS); else (void) PBWrite((ParmBlkPtr) &IOParamLocal, SyncHFS); /* Do the close */ (void) PBClose((ParmBlkPtr) &IOParamLocal, SyncHFS); } /* Coercion_State_Engine. This is the engine that drives the scrap coercion that * brackets user-initiated switches between a source task (src) and a destination task * (dst). It is procedurally driven, rather than table driven, based on the variable * coercionState. The sequence of values that coercionState will have is a function of * the PEntry of the src and dst tasks, in specific the modeNeedSuspendResume (in * p_taskMode) and the p_cutcopycount field. These two values are used to determine new * values of coercionState at certain key points in the scrap coercion. In between * these key points new coercionState values are predetermined from the old ones. * * See the flowchart in file 'Scrap Coercion Flowchart' for a more visual explanation. * * The return value of the function is a word-sized boolean indicating whether the * given EventRecord has been filled in with a non-nullEvent (i.e. like an event call). * * NOTE: Assumes A5 = PROCESSMGRGLOBALS */ #define APP_EVENTS_ONLY_MASK (app1Mask+app2Mask+app3Mask) short Coercion_State_Engine(unsigned short eventmask, EventRecord *theevent, Ptr oldtrap, Boolean pullevent) { short retval; switch(coercionState) { /* First state seen by the incoming process */ case CS_ENTERING: { SetFirstDstCoercionState(); retval = wFalse; break; } /* Outgoing app has finished coercion. We're ready to switch */ case CS_EXITING: { PEntryPtr pProc; src_scrap_setup(); coercionState = CS_ENTERING; pProc = pNewFrontProcess; pNewFrontProcess = nil; /* Make pProc frontmost, and switch to it */ BringProcessToFront(pProc); retval = wFalse; break; } /* Generate the deactivate, activate events caused by putting up window */ case CS_GENERATE_DEACTIVATE1: case CS_GENERATE_DEACTIVATE2: { if (pullevent) SetThirdSrcCoercionState(); retval = CALL_FNC_PTR(Eventcommon_ptr,oldtrap,(eventmask & activMask, theevent)); break; } case CS_MOVE_SCRAP: { MoveScrap(); nullTimeout = NULL_TIMEOUT_INIT; coercionState = ((pCurrentProcess->p_taskmode & modeNeedSuspendResume) != 0) ? CS_RESUME : CS_GENERATE_NULLS_THEN_CMD_C; /* sync up next time thru */ retval = wFalse; break; } case CS_GENERATE_NULLS_THEN_CMD_V: case CS_GENERATE_NULLS_THEN_CMD_C: { #define CMD_V (0x976) #define CMD_C (0x863) retval = wFalse; /* Generating a few null events to make apps like Microsoft File happy */ if (--nullTimeout > NULL_TIMEOUT_CUTOFF) break; /* If it's OK to, convert the event to a cmd-C or cmd-V. First off, * system events aren't allowed inside GNE if SEVTENB != 0. */ if ((pullevent == false) || (SEVTENB == (char) 0 && nullTimeout > 0)) { /* Must have caller that wants key-downs */ if ((eventmask & keyDownMask) != 0) { /* Try to get outgoing app to post its scrap */ if (coercionState == CS_GENERATE_NULLS_THEN_CMD_V) { if (pullevent) coercionState = CS_EXITING; theevent->message = CMD_V; } /* Try to get new app to load the scrap. */ else { if (pullevent) { clickDAWindTimeout = CLICK_DA_WIND_TIMEOUT_INIT; coercionState = CS_CLICK_IN_WINDOW; } theevent->message = CMD_C; } /* force a cmd- * NOTE: Why do we also say the mouse button is down? */ theevent->what = keyDown; theevent->modifiers = cmdKey+btnState; retval = wTrue; } } /* We timed out waiting for SEVTENB to be clear. Abandon the attempt. */ else { /* See if we were in destination trying to load the scrap. */ if (coercionState == CS_GENERATE_NULLS_THEN_CMD_C) { coercionState = CS_CLICK_IN_WINDOW; clickDAWindTimeout = CLICK_DA_WIND_TIMEOUT_INIT; } /* We were trying to get the outgoing app to post the scrap. */ else coercionState = CS_EXITING; } break; } /* Fabricate a mouse-down in the fake DA window so we can close the window when * the app calls _SystemClick (i.e. as if the user clicked the close box). */ case CS_CLICK_IN_WINDOW: { WindowPtr fakeDAWindowPtr; retval = wFalse; /* Must have caller that wants mousedown. Timeout if necessary. */ if ((eventmask & mDownMask) == 0) { if (--clickDAWindTimeout == 0) coercionState = CS_TAKE_DOWN_WINDOW; break; } /* Return the event */ coercionState = CS_TAKE_DOWN_WINDOW; if ((fakeDAWindowPtr = pCurrentProcess->p_wptr) != nil) { theevent->what = mouseDown; PT_TO_PT(&(*(((WindowPeek) fakeDAWindowPtr)->strucRgn))->rgnBBox.top, &theevent->where); theevent->modifiers = 0; retval = wTrue; } break; } /* We just gave a mousedown in the DA window. Either, the app called SystemClick * and we closed the window, or he has made another event call and we can take * down the window now. Look for an activate event on another window. * NOTE: If we DO give back an activate, we'll come through here again, since we * don't change the coercionState. */ case CS_TAKE_DOWN_WINDOW: { /* Just in case the app never calls _SystemClick */ TakeDownFakeWindow(); /* Try and force thru the activate event that should be generated since we just * took down the fake window */ retval = CALL_FNC_PTR(Eventcommon_ptr,oldtrap,(eventmask & activMask, theevent)); /* Either there was no activate to get (e.g. no windows left) or we got it. * In both cases forge ahead. * NOTE: The 32-bit dirty check of the CURACTIVATE high bit checks whether the * window update was canceled (i.e. <= 0 means no window update in progress). */ if ((long)CURACTIVATE <= 0) { eatMouseTimeout = EAT_MOUSE_TIMEOUT; coercionState = CS_EATMOUSE; } break; } case CS_PRESUSPEND_DEACTIVATE: /* Deactivate the top window and return a suspend event. This also * results in a deactivate event later on. */ ActivateTopWindow(0); /* and fall thru */ case CS_SUSPEND: { retval = wFalse; /* fabricate a suspend event */ if ((eventmask & app4Mask) != 0) { theevent->what = app4Evt; theevent->message = SUSPEND_MESSAGE; retval = wTrue; } /* actually switch next time */ if (pullevent) coercionState = CS_EXITING; break; } case CS_RESUME: { /* Make transition to next state */ if (pullevent) { if ((pCurrentProcess->p_taskmode & modeDoesActivateOnFGSwitch) != 0) { /* treat resume as a activate evt too */ ActivateTopWindow(activeFlag); eatMouseTimeout = EAT_MOUSE_TIMEOUT; coercionState = CS_EATMOUSE; } else coercionState = CS_TAKE_DOWN_WINDOW; } /* Generate a resume event for the app. Added bonus: Throw in scrap * coercion flags and puppet string results into the .message field. */ retval = wFalse; if ((eventmask & app4Mask) != 0) { theevent->what = app4Evt; theevent->message = resume_message; retval = wTrue; } break; } case CS_EATMOUSE: { /* About to leave scrap coercion so check if a mouse event * should be flushed. Flush if mouse down in content rgn, * close box, or zoom box of front window. This is most * likely the mouse click that caused the FG switch so long ago, * but not necessarily (since the FG switch might be programmatic * or via Apple menu process list item). * NOTE: Technically, w->hilited check should be w == FrontWindow(), * but since many apps (e.g. SuperPaint) have tool windows, and * highlight a menu farther along in the list, we do this hack. * Question: What does this do in PageMaker, which has 2 * active windows? */ short windowPart; WindowPtr pWindow; Boolean allDone = false; /* If there is a mousedown, process it */ if (retval = CALL_FNC_PTR(Eventcommon_ptr, oldtrap,(eventmask & mDownMask, theevent))) { windowPart = FindWindow(theevent->where, &pWindow); if ((pWindow != nil) && (windowPart != inDrag) && (windowPart != inDesk) && (((WindowPeek) pWindow)->hilited) && (((windowPart == inGoAway) || (windowPart == inZoomIn) || (windowPart == inZoomOut)) || (pCurrentProcess->p_taskmode & modeGetFrontClicks) == 0) ) { if (pullevent == false) FlushEvents(mDownMask, mUpMask); FlushEvents(mUpMask, everyEvent-mUpMask); retval = wFalse; } /* Indicate that this click brought the app to the front */ else theevent->modifiers |= activeFlag; /* That's all folks! */ allDone = pullevent; } /* We're done if this was GetNextEvent, or we timed out with EventAvails */ else allDone = (pullevent || ((eventmask & mDownMask) != 0) || (--eatMouseTimeout == 0)); /* High-level switch is complete. If we've switched into a scratchpad task, * now is a good time to set its state to receive the puppet strings. */ if (allDone) { /* Let process see real events for a change */ coercionState = CS_DONE; /* Well maybe a few more fake ones! */ if (pCurrentProcess->p_puppetvars.puppetMasterProc != nil) pCurrentProcess->p_state = PRPUPPET; /* Are we in the middle of a system QuitAll? */ if (pSystemQuitAllMsg != nil) { PEntryPtr pTargetProc; /* Can continue the quitall if we are switching back to the * originator after a victim has died. Allow initial switch to * intended victim. */ pTargetProc = PEntryFromPSN(&(pSystemQuitAllMsg->targetmfid.localPSN)); if ( (pTargetProc == nil) && EqualPSN(&(pSystemQuitAllMsg->sendermfid.localPSN), &pCurrentProcess->p_serialNumber) ) ContinueQuitAll(); } } break; } /* Initial coercion state of a process. This code should only be reached the * very first time an app makes an event call in the foreground. */ case CS_INIT: { register MenuPair *pThisMenuPair; register Ptr limitPtr; MenuHandle menuHdl; /* Check if process can do cut or copies, but only if there is a menu list. */ pCurrentProcess->p_haseditcmdkeys = 0; if ((MENULIST != nil) && (*MENULIST != nil)) { /* Check likely edit menu first. Scan remainder only on no-find. */ if ((menuHdl = GetMHandle(3)) && FindCutCopyItems(menuHdl)) pCurrentProcess->p_haseditcmdkeys = 1; else { pThisMenuPair = &((MenuListPtr) (*MENULIST))->menuPairs[0]; limitPtr = *MENULIST + ((MenuListPtr) (*MENULIST))->lastMenu; while (pThisMenuPair <= limitPtr) { /* Check this menu */ if (FindCutCopyItems(pThisMenuPair->menuHdl)) { pCurrentProcess->p_haseditcmdkeys = 1; break; } /* Look at next menu */ pThisMenuPair += 1; } } } /* Set up process with the current scrap. */ MoveScrap(); /* Put process in state to receive scratchpad events if the lad has * already acquired a master. Poor guy. */ coercionState = CS_DONE; if (pCurrentProcess->p_puppetvars.puppetMasterProc != nil) pCurrentProcess->p_state = PRPUPPET; retval = CALL_FNC_PTR(Eventcommon_ptr,oldtrap,(eventmask, theevent)); break; } } return(retval); } #pragma segment Main /* AddToFrontProcessQueue. Puts pProc at the end of the waiting list for being switched * to the foreground. Uses a pretty crude queue, on the assumption that we're not going * to have a very long list. * NOTE: This could be made more VM friendly, by a) skipping RemoveFromFrontProcessQueue * if we could tell that pProc wasn't in the queue, and b) using a tail pointer. */ void AddToFrontProcessQueue(PEntryPtr pProc) { PEntryPtr pCurr, pPrev; /* Remove pProc if it is already queued */ RemoveFromFrontProcessQueue(pProc); /* Scan the list to find the end */ pPrev = nil; pCurr = pFrontProcessQueue; while (pCurr != nil) { pPrev = pCurr; pCurr = pCurr->p_nextQueuedFrontProcess; } /* Now, append to the list */ pProc->p_nextQueuedFrontProcess = nil; if (pPrev == nil) pFrontProcessQueue = pProc; else pPrev->p_nextQueuedFrontProcess = pProc; } /* PopFrontProcessQueue. Extract and return the first process to bring to the front. */ PEntryPtr PopFrontProcessQueue(void) { PEntryPtr pProc; /* Look at the queue */ if ((pProc = pFrontProcessQueue) != nil) { pFrontProcessQueue = pProc->p_nextQueuedFrontProcess; pProc->p_nextQueuedFrontProcess = nil; } return(pProc); } /* RemoveFromFrontProcessQueue. "Cancels" pending foreground switch to pProc. */ void RemoveFromFrontProcessQueue(PEntryPtr pProc) { PEntryPtr pCurr, pPrev; pPrev = nil; pCurr = pFrontProcessQueue; while (pCurr != nil) { if (pCurr == pProc) { PEntryPtr pNext; pNext = pProc->p_nextQueuedFrontProcess; if (pPrev == nil) pFrontProcessQueue = pNext; else pPrev->p_nextQueuedFrontProcess = pNext; pProc->p_nextQueuedFrontProcess = nil; break; } pPrev = pCurr; pCurr = pCurr->p_nextQueuedFrontProcess; } } /* OrphanScrapIntoPartition. This is a great one! When the APPLZONE is about to be * nuked, we make sure that the SCRAPHANDLE is not taken with it, if that scrap is one * that we'll want to pass on to other processes (i.e. realScrapOwner is true). We save * it off by copying it to the beginning of the application partition, then resizing the * partition to the correct length. This avoids excessive stack or heap use. We * indicate that SCRAPHANDLE is an orphan, so that it gets disposed when the copying * (MoveScrap()) is complete. * If realScrapOwner is false, we make sure the scrap gets disposed even if it is not * inside the partition that is going away. * NOTE: Requires valid APPLZONE, but then invalidates it! Yea! */ void OrphanScrapIntoPartition(void) { register Handle scrapHdl, procHdl; unsigned long scrapSize; Boolean scrapInZone; /* Nothing to do if scrap is purged. * NOTE: This has side-effect that a purged scrap handle from heap other than * APPLZONE or one of its subzones will not get disposed. Too risky to try, tho! */ if ((scrapHdl = SCRAPHANDLE) != nil) if (*scrapHdl == nil) return; /* Remember whether handle is from APPLZONE. * NOTE: Will be false for nil handle, which is what we want. */ scrapInZone = ( (scrapHdl >= APPLZONE) && (scrapHdl < APPLZONE->bkLim) ); /* Don't save/copy the scrap if dying process doesn't have the scrap of interest. * Dispose the scrap if it is not going to be implicitly disposed when the * partition is. E.g. The DA Handler's scrap is in the system heap. */ if ((pCurrentProcess != srcMyScrapInfo.pScrapOwner) && (pCurrentProcess->p_cutcopycount == cutCopyCount)) { if ((scrapInZone == false) && (scrapHdl != nil)) DisposHandle(scrapHdl); return; } /* Copy scrap to beginning of partition, then size down the partition handle. * We nil out APPLZONE since we are putting it out of commission. * NOTE: We know that scrapSize < GetHandleSize(procHdl) since the SCRAPHANDLE * is fully contained by a heap within the partition. */ if (scrapInZone) { procHdl = pCurrentProcess->p_zoneh; scrapSize = GetHandleSize(scrapHdl); APPLZONE = nil; BlockMove(*scrapHdl, *procHdl, scrapSize); SetHandleSize(procHdl, scrapSize); /* Now replace the lomem, and forget that handle was the partition */ pCurrentProcess->p_zoneh = nil; HUnlock(procHdl); SCRAPHANDLE = procHdl; } /* Set up coercion info, and remember to chuck the scrap when we're done. This needs to * be done even if scrapHdl is nil, since that just means the scrap is on disk. */ src_scrap_setup(); srcMyScrapInfo.pScrapOwner = nil; srcMyScrapInfo.orphanedScrap = true; } /* DisposeOrphanedScrap. Dispose the source scrap if it was meant to be. Zero * memHandle field for safety. * NOTE: The orphaned scrap exists until a new scrap is made. A new scrap is made * (or at least committed to) when a) an application calls ZeroScrap, PutScrap, * SysEdit (cut or copy), or MenuSelect (cut or copy), or b) we call MoveScrap() * toward the end of a foreground switch. At these times, DisposeOrphanedScrap is * called because we'll no longer need the orphan. In (a) cases, the orphan was * never needed (oh well). In (b), the orphan was used to give the new front app * a scrap, so the orphan's job is complete. Give 'im an extra lump of coal! */ void DisposeOrphanedScrap(void) { if (srcMyScrapInfo.orphanedScrap) { srcMyScrapInfo.orphanedScrap = false; if (srcMyScrapInfo.memHandle != nil) { assert(*(srcMyScrapInfo.memHandle) != 0); DisposHandle(srcMyScrapInfo.memHandle); srcMyScrapInfo.memHandle = nil; } } } /* src_scrap_setup. Save the outgoing app's scrap state information. It will be * used later when MoveScrap is called in the context of the new foreground * application. */ void src_scrap_setup(void) { assert (pCurrentProcess != nil); /* Don't change scrap info if the current process has an out-of-date scrap. * Decrement the p_cutcopycount so we'll try again to copy the scrap when * twitching this process back in. */ if ((pCurrentProcess != srcMyScrapInfo.pScrapOwner) && (pCurrentProcess->p_cutcopycount == cutCopyCount)) { pCurrentProcess->p_cutcopycount--; return; } /* Dump orphan, if he's around */ DisposeOrphanedScrap(); /* Set up the src scrap record */ srcMyScrapInfo.size = SCRAPINFO; /* if SCRAPHANDLE == nil, src scrap is on disk */ if ((srcMyScrapInfo.memHandle = SCRAPHANDLE) == nil) srcMyScrapInfo.fileName = SCRAPNAME; /* Assume this scrap is attached still. Caller can change this, if he wants. */ srcMyScrapInfo.orphanedScrap = false; /* Claim scrap and synch the cutcopycount since global was just taken from the app */ srcMyScrapInfo.pScrapOwner = pCurrentProcess; pCurrentProcess->p_cutcopycount = cutCopyCount; } /* StartForegroundSwitch. Initiate foreground switch. */ void StartForegroundSwitch(PEntryPtr pProc) { register PEntryPtr pFront, pTargetProc; assert(coercionState == CS_DONE); pNewFrontProcess = pProc; pFront = pFrontProcess; /* Are we in the middle of a system QuitAll? Cancel it if we're switching out of * the currently intended victim. * NOTE: This assumes that StartForegroundSwitch is not called when switching to * a new front process after the current front process has ExitToShell'ed. Otherwise, * we would be canceling the aeQuitAll just because we got someone to quit! Pretty * safe assumption, though, since StartForegroundSwitch deals with pCurrentProcess, * which is completely invalid after ExitToShell. */ if ( (pSystemQuitAllMsg != nil) && (pFront == (pTargetProc = PEntryFromPSN(&(pSystemQuitAllMsg->targetmfid.localPSN)))) ) CancelQuitAll(&pTargetProc->p_serialNumber); /* Check whether FG switching out of a process that has been suspended for * high-level debugging. If so, we must forego the source's half of the state * machine. We go straight to the new FG process. */ if (pFront->p_state == PRNULL) { coercionState = CS_ENTERING; BringProcessToFront(pProc); // Inform TSM that a non-TSM aware app got swapped to the front ... //if ( !pFront->p_inlineAware && (tsmLayerOwner != nil)) // InformTSM(kMsgResumeApp, nil); return; } /* Start the ball rolling */ if ((pFront->p_taskmode & (modeNeedSuspendResume | modeDoesActivateOnFGSwitch)) == (modeNeedSuspendResume | modeDoesActivateOnFGSwitch)) { coercionState = CS_PRESUSPEND_DEACTIVATE; } else { coercionState = (WINDOWLIST != nil) ? CS_GENERATE_DEACTIVATE1 : CS_GENERATE_DEACTIVATE2; PutUpFakeWindow(); } // Inform TSM that a non-TSM aware app got suspended ... if ( !pFront->p_inlineAware && (tsmLayerOwner != nil)) InformTSM(kMsgSuspendApp, nil); } /* SetThirdSrcCoercionState. Decide where to go after CS_GENERATE_DEACTIVATE1 * or CS_GENERATE_DEACTIVATE2. Being in CS_GENERATE_DEACTIVATE2 means that * we're expecting to see an activate event for the fake DA window. It's time * to put the outgoing app on ice. */ void SetThirdSrcCoercionState(void) { /* See if we're expecting deactivate-then-activate (i.e. whether the fake window * was not the only window in the WINDOWLIST). */ if (coercionState == CS_GENERATE_DEACTIVATE1) { coercionState = CS_GENERATE_DEACTIVATE2; return; } /* If we can't see cut/copies, assume it happened */ if (pCurrentProcess->p_haseditcmdkeys == false) cutCopyCount++; /* Set the next state. This will determine how the outgoing app will be told/forced * to post its scrap and get switched out. */ /* Try to use modern suspend event that tells app to do it all */ if ((pCurrentProcess->p_taskmode & modeNeedSuspendResume) != 0) coercionState = CS_SUSPEND; /* We have dumb app that doesn't understand suspend events. */ else { /* Force scrap coercion if necessary */ if (pCurrentProcess->p_cutcopycount != cutCopyCount) { nullTimeout = NULL_TIMEOUT_INIT; coercionState = CS_GENERATE_NULLS_THEN_CMD_V; } /* Otherwise, start the move to the new app. */ else coercionState = CS_EXITING; } } /* SetFirstDstCoercionState. Start the the track that the dst task will take through * coercion state space. Called only by engine in CS_ENTERING state, this can be * pulled back inline for optimization. */ void SetFirstDstCoercionState(void) { PEntryPtr pCurrProc = pCurrentProcess; if (pCurrProc->p_slices == 1) { coercionState = CS_INIT; return; } /* NOTE: Have to set bit 1 dynamically */ resume_message = RESUME_MESSAGE; /* Check whether returning from scratchpad switch */ if (pCurrProc->p_puppetvars.masterPuppetProc != nil) { resume_message |= (1 << bitResumeScratch); *((char *) &resume_message + 1) = pCurrProc->p_puppetvars.masterResumeMsg; pCurrProc->p_puppetvars.masterResumeMsg = resumeFlag; pCurrProc->p_puppetvars.masterPuppetProc = nil; } /* Check whether we need to copy clipboard. If so, the process needs also to * coerce the clipboard into its scrap when it gets its resume event. */ if (pCurrProc->p_cutcopycount != cutCopyCount) { resume_message |= convertClipboardFlag; coercionState = CS_MOVE_SCRAP; } /* No clipboard copying needed. Take the easy way out. */ else { /* Pass the honor of scrap ownership to the new front process */ srcMyScrapInfo.pScrapOwner = pCurrentProcess; /* Remove orphaned scrap, if that's the case */ DisposeOrphanedScrap(); /* Shortcut to resume event for the bright, young apps */ if ((pCurrProc->p_taskmode & modeNeedSuspendResume) != 0) coercionState = CS_RESUME; else { coercionState = CS_CLICK_IN_WINDOW; clickDAWindTimeout = CLICK_DA_WIND_TIMEOUT_INIT; } } } /* CheckForCutCopySysEditCmd. Given the edit command passed to _SysEdit, determine whether * it is a "cut" or "copy" type of command. If it is, increment the "cutcopycount" * addressed by pCutCopyCount. If said count is the global cutCopyCount, call * DisposeOrphanScrap to free the memory now that we won't need the orphan. */ void CheckForCutCopySysEditCmd(short theEditCmd, short *pCutCopyCount) { /* Edit command passed to _SysEdit has not yet been biased by accUndo */ if ( (theEditCmd != (accCut-accUndo)) && (theEditCmd != (accCopy-accUndo)) ) return; (*pCutCopyCount)++; if (pCutCopyCount == &cutCopyCount) DisposeOrphanedScrap(); } /* CheckForCutCopyMenuKey. Given the character that is the key equivalent for a menu * item, determine whether the item is a "cut" or "copy" type of command. * If it is, increment the "cutcopycount" addressed by pCutCopyCount. If said count is * the global cutCopyCount, call DisposeOrphanScrap to free the memory now that we won't * need the orphan. */ void CheckForCutCopyMenuKey(unsigned char ch, short *pCutCopyCount) { /* Is it a cut or copy char? */ switch(ch) { case (unsigned char)'X': case (unsigned char)'x': case (unsigned char)'': /* Option-x */ case (unsigned char)'C': case (unsigned char)'c': case (unsigned char)'': /* Option-c */ case (unsigned char)'Z': case (unsigned char)'z': case (unsigned char)'': /* Option-z */ { (*pCutCopyCount)++; if (pCutCopyCount == &cutCopyCount) DisposeOrphanedScrap(); } } } /* FindCutCopyItems. Check the menu with Handle menuHdl to see if it has any cut * or copy items that we can find. Return result of search. This does nothing to * relocate menuHdl so it needn't be locked. * NOTE: Uses speedy but structure-dependant search through menu data. */ short FindCutCopyItems(MenuHandle menuHdl) { MenuPtr menuPtr; register Ptr chPtr; char nameLen; /* Assume menu is useless if no menu info available */ if (menuHdl == nil || (menuPtr = *menuHdl) == nil) return(wFalse); /* Jump over menu title */ chPtr = &(menuPtr->menuData); nameLen = *chPtr++; chPtr += nameLen; if (*chPtr == (char) 0) return(wFalse); for (;;) { nameLen = *chPtr++; /* get length of item name */ if (nameLen == (char) 0) return(wFalse); /* ran off end of list */ chPtr += nameLen + 4; /* skip over name and flags */ /* Is it a cut or copy char? */ switch(chPtr[-3]) { case 'X': case 'x': case 'C': case 'c': return(wTrue); } } }