;	File:		XOpErr.a
;	Contains:	Routines to handle the Operand Error Exception
;	Originally Written by:	Motorola Inc.
;	Adapted to Apple/MPW:	Jon Okada
;	Copyright:	© 1990, 1991 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
;   This file is used in these builds:   Mac32
;	Change History (most recent first):
;		 <2>	 3/30/91	BG		Rolling in Jon Okada's latest changes.
;		 <1>	12/14/90	BG		First checked into TERROR/BBS.

;  xoperr.a

;  Based upon Motorola file 'x_operr.sa'.

;  09 Jan 91	JPO	Inserted label "operr" at top of code.  Deleted 
;			  unreferenced labels "ck_inex", "enabled", and
;			  "take_inex".  Replaced  "bsr get_fline" with in-line
;			  code.  Modified code which branches to user handlers.
;			  Changed "bra fpsp_done" to "rte".
;  14 Jan 91	JPO	Folded in Motorola update of 'x_operr.sa'.

*	x_operr.sa 3.3 12/18/90
*	fpsp_operr --- FPSP handler for operand error exception
*	See 68040 User's Manual pp. 9-44f
* Note 1: For trap disabled 040 does the following:
* If the dest is a fp reg, then an extended precision non_signaling
* NAN is stored in the dest reg.  If the dest format is b, w, or l and
* the source op is a NAN, then garbage is stored as the result (actually
* the upper 32 bits of the mantissa are sent to the integer unit). If
* the dest format is integer (b, w, l) and the operr is caused by
* integer overflow, or the source op is inf, then the result stored is
* garbage.
* There are three cases in which operr is incorrectly signaled on the 
* 040.  This occurs for move_out of format b, w, or l for the largest 
* negative integer (-2^7 for b, -2^15 for w, -2^31 for l).
*	  On opclass = 011 fmove.(b,w,l) that causes a conversion
*	  overflow -> OPERR, the exponent in wbte (and fpte) is:
*		byte    56 - (62 - exp)
*		word    48 - (62 - exp)
*		long    32 - (62 - exp)
*			where exp = (true exp) - 1
*  So, wbtemp and fptemp will contain the following on erroneoulsy
*	  signalled operr:
*			fpts = 1
*			fpte = $4000  (15 bit externally)
*		byte	fptm = $ffffffff ffffff80
*		word	fptm = $ffffffff ffff8000
*		long	fptm = $ffffffff 80000000
* Note 2: For trap enabled 040 does the following:
* If the inst is move_out, then same as Note 1.
* If the inst is not move_out, the dest is not modified.
* The exceptional operand is not defined for integer overflow 
* during a move_out.

*		Copyright (C) Motorola, Inc. 1990
*			All Rights Reserved
*	The copyright notice above does not evidence any  
*	actual or intended publication of such source code.

* X_OPERR	IDNT    2,1 Motorola 040 Floating Point Software Package

operr:					; label added <1/9/91, JPO>
	link	a6,#-LOCAL_SIZE
	fsave	-(a7)
	movem.l	d0-d1/a0-a1,USER_DA(a6)
	fmovem.x fp0-fp3,USER_FP0(a6)
	fmovem.l fpcr/fpsr/fpiar,USER_FPCR(a6)
* Check if this is an opclass 3 instruction.
*  If so, fall through, else branch to operr_end
	btst.b	#TFLAG,T_BYTE(a6)
	beq.b	operr_end

* If the destination size is B,W,or L, the operr must be 
* handled here.
	move.l	CMDREG1B(a6),d0
	bfextu	d0{3:3},d0	;0=long, 4=word, 6=byte
	cmpi.b	#0,d0		;determine size; check long
	beq.b	operr_long
	cmpi.b	#4,d0		;check word
	beq	operr_word
	cmpi.b	#6,d0		;check byte
	beq.w	operr_byte

* The size is not B,W,or L, so the operr is handled by the 
* kernel handler.  Set the operr bits and clean up, leaving
* only the integer exception frame on the stack, and the 
* fpu in the original exceptional state.
	bset.b	#operr_bit,FPSR_EXCEPT(a6)
	bset.b	#aiop_bit,FPSR_AEXCEPT(a6)

	movem.l	USER_DA(a6),d0-d1/a0-a1
	fmovem.x USER_FP0(a6),fp0-fp3
	fmovem.l USER_FPCR(a6),fpcr/fpsr/fpiar
	frestore (a7)+
	unlk	a6

;	bra.l	real_operr			; deleted <1/9/91, JPO>

	move.l	(FPOPERR_VEC040).W,-(sp)	; push vector to user's handler <1/9/91, JPO>
	rts					; execute user's handler <1/9/91, JPO>

	moveq.l	#4,d1			;write size to d1
	move.b	STAG(a6),d0		;test stag for nan
	andi.b	#$e0,d0			;clr all but tag
	cmpi.b	#$60,d0			;check for nan
	beq	operr_nan	
	cmpi.l	#$80000000,FPTEMP_LO(a6) ;test if ls lword is special
	bne.b	chklerr			;if not equal, check for incorrect operr
	bsr	check_upper		;check if exp and ms mant are special
	tst.l	d0
	bne.b	chklerr			;if d0 is true, check for incorrect operr
	move.l	#$80000000,d0		;store special case result
	bsr	operr_store
	bra.w	not_enabled		;clean and exit

	move.w	FPTEMP_EX(a6),d0
	and.w	#$7FFF,d0	;ignore sign bit
	cmp.w	#$3FFE,d0	;this is the only possible exponent value
	bne.b	chklerr2
	move.l	FPTEMP_LO(a6),d0
	bsr	operr_store
	bra.w	not_enabled
	move.w	FPTEMP_EX(a6),d0
	and.w	#$7FFF,d0	;ignore sign bit
	cmp.w	#$4000,d0
	bhs.w	store_max	;exponent out of range

	move.l	FPTEMP_LO(a6),d0
	and.l	#$7FFF0000,d0	;look for all 1's on bits 30-16
	cmp.l	#$7FFF0000,d0
	beq.b	fixlong

	tst.l	FPTEMP_LO(a6)
	bpl.b	chklepos
	beq.b	fixlong
	bra.w	store_max
	tst.l	FPTEMP_HI(a6)
	beq.b	fixlong
	bra.w	store_max

	moveq.l	#2,d1			;write size to d1
	move.b	STAG(a6),d0		;test stag for nan
	andi.b	#$e0,d0			;clr all but tag
	cmpi.b	#$60,d0			;check for nan
	beq	operr_nan	
	cmpi.l	#$ffff8000,FPTEMP_LO(a6) ;test if ls lword is special
	bne.b	chkwerr			;if not equal, check for incorrect operr
	bsr	check_upper		;check if exp and ms mant are special
	tst.l	d0
	bne.b	chkwerr			;if d0 is true, check for incorrect operr
	move.l	#$80000000,d0		;store special case result
	bsr	operr_store
	bra.w	not_enabled		;clean and exit

	move.w	FPTEMP_EX(a6),d0
	and.w	#$7FFF,d0	;ignore sign bit
	cmp.w	#$3FFE,d0	;this is the only possible exponent value
	bne.b	store_max
	move.l	FPTEMP_LO(a6),d0
	swap	d0
	bsr	operr_store
	bra.w	not_enabled

	moveq.l	#1,d1			;write size to d1
	move.b	STAG(a6),d0		;test stag for nan
	andi.b	#$e0,d0			;clr all but tag
	cmpi.b	#$60,d0			;check for nan
	beq.b	operr_nan	
	cmpi.l	#$ffffff80,FPTEMP_LO(a6) ;test if ls lword is special
	bne.b	chkberr			;if not equal, check for incorrect operr
	bsr	check_upper		;check if exp and ms mant are special
	tst.l	d0
	bne.b	chkberr			;if d0 is true, check for incorrect operr
	move.l	#$80000000,d0		;store special case result
	bsr.b	operr_store
	bra.w	not_enabled		;clean and exit
	move.w	FPTEMP_EX(a6),d0
	and.w	#$7FFF,d0	;ignore sign bit
	cmp.w	#$3FFE,d0	;this is the only possible exponent value
	bne.b	store_max
	move.l	FPTEMP_LO(a6),d0
	asl.l	#8,d0
	swap	d0
	bsr.b	operr_store
	bra.w	not_enabled

* This operr condition is not of the special case.  Set operr
* and aiop and write the portion of the nan to memory for the
* given size.
	or.l	#opaop_mask,USER_FPSR(a6) ;set operr & aiop

	move.l	ETEMP_HI(a6),d0	;output will be from upper 32 bits
	bsr.b	operr_store
	bra	end_operr
* Store_max loads the max pos or negative for the size, sets
* the operr and aiop bits, and clears inex and ainex, incorrectly
* set by the 040.
	or.l	#opaop_mask,USER_FPSR(a6) ;set operr & aiop
	bclr.b	#inex2_bit,FPSR_EXCEPT(a6)
	bclr.b	#ainex_bit,FPSR_AEXCEPT(a6)
	fmove.l	#0,FPSR
	tst.w	FPTEMP_EX(a6)	;check sign
	blt.b	load_neg
	move.l	#$7fffffff,d0
	bsr.b	operr_store
	bra.b	end_operr
	move.l	#$80000000,d0
	bsr.b	operr_store
	bra.b	end_operr

* This routine stores the data in d0, for the given size in d1,
* to memory or data register as required.  A read of the fline
* is required to determine the destination.
	move.l	d0,L_SCR1(a6)	;move write data to L_SCR1
;	move.l	d1,-(a7)	;save register size - DELETED <1/9/91, JPO>
;	bsr.l	get_fline	;fline returned in d0 - DELETED <1/9/91, JPO>
;	move.l	(a7)+,d1	;deleted <1/9/91, JPO>

	movea.l	USER_FPIAR(a6),a0	; return opcode in d0.w <1/9/91, JPO>
	sub.l	d0,d0			; <1/9/91, JPO>
	move.w	(a0),d0			; <1/9/91, JPO>

	bftst	d0{26:3}	;if mode is zero, dest is Dn
	bne.b	dest_mem
* Destination is Dn.  Get register number from d0. Data is on
* the stack at (a7). D1 has size: 1=byte,2=word,4=long/single
	andi.l	#7,d0		;isolate register number
	cmpi.l	#4,d1
	beq.b	op_long		;the most frequent case
	cmpi.l	#2,d1
	bne.b	op_con
	or.l	#8,d0
	bra.b	op_con
	or.l	#$10,d0
	move.l	d0,d1		;format size:reg for reg_dest
	bra	reg_dest	;call to reg_dest returns to caller
*				;of operr_store
* Destination is memory.  Get <ea> from integer exception frame
* and call mem_write.
	lea.l	L_SCR1(a6),a0	;put ptr to write data in a0
	move.l	EXC_EA(a6),a1	;put user destination address in a1
	move.l	d1,d0		;put size in d0
	bsr	mem_write
* Check the exponent for $c000 and the upper 32 bits of the 
* mantissa for $ffffffff.  If both are true, return d0 clr
* and store the lower n bits of the least lword of FPTEMP
* to d0 for write out.  If not, it is a real operr, and set d0.
	cmpi.l	#$ffffffff,FPTEMP_HI(a6) ;check if first byte is all 1's
	bne.b	true_operr	;if not all 1's then was true operr
	cmpi.w	#$c000,FPTEMP_EX(a6) ;check if incorrectly signalled
	beq.b	not_true_operr	;branch if not true operr
	cmpi.w	#$bfff,FPTEMP_EX(a6) ;check if incorrectly signalled
	beq.b	not_true_operr	;branch if not true operr
	move.l	#1,d0		;signal real operr
	clr.l	d0		;signal no real operr

* End_operr tests for operr enabled.  If not, it cleans up the stack
* and does an rte.  If enabled, it cleans up the stack and branches
* to the kernel operr handler with only the integer exception
* frame on the stack and the fpu in the original exceptional state
* with correct data written to the destination.
	btst.b	#operr_bit,FPCR_ENABLE(a6)
	beq.b	not_enabled
;enabled:					; label deleted <1/9/91, JPO>
	movem.l	USER_DA(a6),d0-d1/a0-a1
	fmovem.x USER_FP0(a6),fp0-fp3
	fmovem.l USER_FPCR(a6),fpcr/fpsr/fpiar
	frestore (a7)+
	unlk	a6

;	bra.l	real_operr			; deleted <1/9/91, JPO>

	move.l	(FPOPERR_VEC040).W,-(sp)	; push vector to user handler <1/9/91, JPO>
	rts					; execute user handler <1/9/91, JPO>

* It is possible to have either inex2 or inex1 exceptions with the
* operr.  If the inex enable bit is set in the FPCR, and either
* inex2 or inex1 occured, we must clean up and branch to the
* real inex handler.
;ck_inex:				; label DELETED <1/9/91, JPO>
	move.b	FPCR_ENABLE(a6),d0
	and.b	FPSR_EXCEPT(a6),d0
	andi.b	#$3,d0
	beq.b	operr_exit
* Inexact enabled and reported, and we must take an inexact exception.
;take_inex:				; label deleted <1/9/91, JPO>
	move.b	#INEX_VEC,EXC_VEC+1(a6)
	move.l	USER_FPSR(a6),FPSR_SHADOW(a6)
	or.l	#sx_mask,E_BYTE(a6)
	movem.l	USER_DA(a6),d0-d1/a0-a1
	fmovem.x USER_FP0(a6),fp0-fp3
	fmovem.l USER_FPCR(a6),fpcr/fpsr/fpiar
	frestore (a7)+
	unlk	a6

;	bra.l	real_inex		; deleted <1/9/91, JPO>

	move.l	($00C4).W,-(sp)		; push vector to user INEX handler <1/9/91, JPO>
	rts				; execute user handler <1/9/91, JPO>

* Since operr is only an E1 exception, there is no need to frestore
* any state back to the fpu.
	movem.l	USER_DA(a6),d0-d1/a0-a1
	fmovem.x USER_FP0(a6),fp0-fp3
	fmovem.l USER_FPCR(a6),fpcr/fpsr/fpiar
	unlk	a6

;	bra.l	fpsp_done		; deleted <1/9/91, JPO>

	rte				; <1/9/91, JPO>