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synced 2025-03-12 09:30:29 +00:00
Resource forks are included only for .rsrc files. These are DeRezzed into their data fork. 'ckid' resources, from the Projector VCS, are not included. The Tools directory, containing mostly junk, is also excluded.
309 lines
8.1 KiB
OpenEdge ABL
309 lines
8.1 KiB
OpenEdge ABL
File: AEUtil.p
Copyright: © 1990, 1992 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
Change History (most recent first):
<6> 3/23/92 JSM OSEvents.p is obsolete, use Events.p instead.
<5> 5/21/91 gbm Stop using the "empty" units (MemTypes, etc...)
<4> 1/29/91 LN took out keySelectProc - defined in AppleEvents.p
<3> 1/11/91 Lai msgAddrTarget is union of the 4 eppc address type rather than
just TargetID
<2> 12/14/90 bbm (Lai) fix duplicate defines.
<1> 12/13/90 Lai first checked in
Types, Memory, Events, Errors,
AppleEvents, AEHashTable;
{ Warning: Be sure to check that this is up to date with SysPrivateEqu.a }
kAEAppGlobalOffset = 340;
kAESysGlobalOffset = 380;
ExpandMem = $2B6;
kAskResetTimer = 1990;
kNoneOfYourBusiness = 1991;
kAevtSicnID = -5888; { id for the AppleEvent sicn }
roundUpMask = -2;
RoundUpValue = 1;
typeMeta = 'meta';
kMhdrType = 'mhdr';
kLhdrType = 'lhdr';
aeEndOfMetaDataKeyword = ';;;;';
aeRecTypeKeyword = 'type';
kInteractLevelKeyword = 'inte';
kReplyRequestedKeyword = 'repq';
kNeverInteract = 'nevi';
kCanInteract = 'cani';
kCanSwitchIfInteract = 'cans';
kAlwaysInteract = 'alwi';
kAlwaysSwitchIfInteract = 'alws';
{ event ID for reset timeout }
kAEWaitLonger = 'wait';
keyBeforeTime = 'befo';
{ the keyword for the blocking and unblocking special handler }
keyBlockingProc = 'blck';
keyUnblockProc = 'unbk';
keyDiposeTokenProc = 'xtok';
keyCmprProc = 'cmpr';
keyContProc = 'cont';
keyMkidProc = 'mkid';
keyMarkProc = 'mark';
keyAdjmProc = 'adjm';
kAERefconAttribute = 'refc';
kVersionOne = $00010001;
standardTimeOut = 3600; { this is the value of standard timeout, one day
we may change this to a function }
AENotifyRec = RECORD
theNMRec: NMRec;
posted: Boolean;
AENotifyRecPtr = ^AENotifyRec;
ListClassRec = RECORD
hintIndex: LONGINT;
hintOffset: LONGINT;
ParamBegin: LONGINT;
metaCountOrObjType: LONGINT;
CommonHeader = RECORD
theKeyword: AEKeyWord;
theType: DescType;
theLength: LONGINT;
CommonHeaderPointer = ^CommonHeader;
CommonHeaderHandle = ^CommonHeaderPointer;
EppcValidAddress = RECORD
CASE Integer OF
0: (asTargetID: TargetID);
1: (asPSN: ProcessSerialNumber);
2: (asSessionID: LONGINT);
3: (asSignature: OSType);
MsgHdrPtr = ^MsgHdr;
MsgHdrHdl = ^MsgHdrPtr;
listClassHeader: ListClassRec;
paramCount: LONGINT;
inUse: Boolean;
inWaiting: Boolean;
waitLink: MsgHdrHdl;
accessMask: LONGINT;
switchFromPSN: ProcessSerialNumber; { switch back to this process afterwards }
notifyRecPtr: AENotifyRecPtr;
prevMsg: MsgHdrHdl; { we were processing this before this one }
userRefcon: LONGINT;
thisAEEventClass: AEEventClass;
thisAEEventID: AEEventID;
returnID: LONGINT;
msgAddrType: DescType;
msgAddrSize: LONGINT;
msgAddrTarget: EppcValidAddress;
ListHdr = RECORD
listClassHeader: ListClassRec;
paramCount: LONGINT;
sizeOfPrefix: LONGINT;
ListHdrPtr = ^ListHdr;
ListHdrHdl = ^ListHdrPtr;
aevtMarker: AEKeyWord;
version: LONGINT;
metaTerminator: AEKeyWord;
AEMetaPointer = ^AEMetaDesc;
AcceptRecord = RECORD {record to send to filterProc and
filterErr: OSErr; {any errors in getting the reply}
extraFilter: ProcPtr; {filter for extra events}
msgReturnID: Longint; {to match reply to msg}
aBufferHdl: MsgHdrHdl; {to hold the reply}
AcceptRecordPtr = ^AcceptRecord;
HandlePtr = ^Handle;
ExtendedPtr = ^Extended;
DoublePtr = ^Double;
RealPtr = ^Real;
CompPtr = ^Comp;
AEKeyDescPtr = ^AEKeyDesc;
AEDescPtr = ^AEDesc;
SysGlobalRec = RECORD
aeHashTable: HHand;
coercionHashTable: HHand;
kurtHashTable: HHand;
phacProcPtr: ProcPtr;
selhProcPtr: ProcPtr;
blockingPtr: ProcPtr;
unblockingPtr: ProcPtr;
diposeTokenProcPtr: ProcPtr;
compareProcPtr: ProcPtr;
countProcPtr: ProcPtr;
getMarkIDProcPtr: ProcPtr;
MarkProcPtr: ProcPtr;
AdjustMarksProcPtr: ProcPtr;
AENonAevtHandler: ProcPtr;
GlobalRec = RECORD
aeHashTable: HHand;
coercionHashTable: HHand;
kurtHashTable: HHand;
phacProcPtr: ProcPtr;
selhProcPtr: ProcPtr;
blockingPtr: ProcPtr;
unblockingPtr: ProcPtr;
diposeTokenProcPtr: ProcPtr;
compareProcPtr: ProcPtr;
countProcPtr: ProcPtr;
getMarkIDProcPtr: ProcPtr;
MarkProcPtr: ProcPtr;
AdjustMarksProcPtr: ProcPtr;
AENonAevtHandler: ProcPtr;
waitReplyList: MsgHdrHdl; { first item in linked list of reply handle waiting for event }
returnIDCounter: LONGINT;
currentMsg: MsgHdrHdl;
interactAllowance: AEInteractAllowed;
GlobalRecPointer = ^GlobalRec;
GlobalRecHandle = ^GlobalRecPointer;
{ these are of offset of the field from the beginning of globalRec }
phacOffset = 12;
selhOffset = 16;
blockingoffset = 20;
unblockOffset = 24;
diposeTokenOffset = 28;
kurProc1Offset = 32;
kurProc2Offset = 36;
kurProc3Offset = 40;
kurProc4Offset = 44;
kurProc5Offset = 48;
KeyRec = Record
secondKey: OSType;
firstKey: OSType;
handlerRec = Record
theRefCon: LONGINT;
theProc: ProcPtr;
DescClass = (classMeta, classAevt, classList, classReco, classEmpty, classOther);
{ some common inlines }
PROCEDURE IgnoreOSErr(anErr: OSErr);
INLINE $548F; { addq #2,sp }
{ get the global specific to the application }
FUNCTION GetGlobalRef: GlobalRecHandle; inline $2078, $02B6, $2EA8, $0154;
{ get the global common to all applications }
FUNCTION GetSysGlobal: GlobalRecHandle; inline $2078, $02B6, $2EA8, $017C;
{ AppleEvent Manger calls provided by this unit }
FUNCTION AE_CreateDesc(typeCode: DescType;
dataPtr: Ptr;
dataSize: LONGINT;
VAR result: AEDesc): OSErr;
FUNCTION AE_CreateList(factoringPtr: Ptr;
factoredSize: LONGINT;
isRecord: boolean;
VAR resultList: AEDesc): OSErr;
FUNCTION AE_DuplicateDesc(VAR theAEDesc: AEDesc; { VAR is for efficiency only }
VAR result: AEDesc): OSErr;
FUNCTION AE_GetInteractionAllowed(VAR level:AEInteractAllowed): OSErr;
FUNCTION AE_GetTheCurrentEvent(VAR theAppleEvent: AppleEvent): OSErr;
FUNCTION AE_SetInteractionAllowed(level:AEInteractAllowed): OSErr;
FUNCTION AE_SetTheCurrentEvent(VAR theAppleEvent: AppleEvent): OSErr;{ VAR is for efficiency only }
FUNCTION AE_SuspendTheCurrentEvent(VAR theAppleEvent: AppleEvent): OSErr;{ VAR is for efficiency only }
{ utilty routines for other part of the AppleEvents Manager }
PROCEDURE CalculateTimeOut(VAR timeOut:longint);
FUNCTION CreateList(factoringPtr: Ptr;
factoredSize: LONGINT;
isRecord: boolean;
VAR resultList: AEDesc;
objectType: DescType): OSErr;
PROCEDURE EventSource(theMsgHdl: MsgHdrHdl;
VAR theAEEventSource:AEEventSource;
VAR fromPSN: ProcessSerialNumber);
FUNCTION GeneralWait(VAR timeOut: LONGINT;
waitingHook: ProcPtr;
filterProc: ProcPtr;
filterInfo: Ptr): OSErr;
FUNCTION MakeMeta(VAR theAevt: AppleEvent): AppleEvent; { VAR is for efficiency only }
FUNCTION MustHaveGlobal(isSysHandler: Boolean;
VAR aGlobalRef: GlobalRecHandle): OSErr;
PROCEDURE NukeIt(VAR theAEDesc: AEDesc);
PROCEDURE OffWaitList(aHandle: MsgHdrHdl);
FUNCTION TryBothProc(VAR theDesc:AEDesc; procOffset: LONGINT):OSErr;
{$I AEUtil.inc1.p}
END. { AEUtil } |