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Resource forks are included only for .rsrc files. These are DeRezzed into their data fork. 'ckid' resources, from the Projector VCS, are not included. The Tools directory, containing mostly junk, is also excluded.
466 lines
17 KiB
466 lines
17 KiB
; File: PrintDriver.a
; Contains: generic printer shell
; We get called only if the driver has not yet been attached, so we must attach
; it. This involves getting the correct DRVR from the resource file pointed
; to by STR -8192 in the system file, and replacing ourselves with it. This
; will convince future calls to the print driver to go direct, until the driver
; gets purged, in which case we will get called again, and we simply go get the
; real driver again.
; Written by: Burt Sloane
; Copyright: © 1984-1990 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <8> 8/14/90 dba move the TopMapHndl to the LoadDriver call
; <2> 8/7/90 NB Only calls PrLoadDriver if the GetResource('DRVR', -8192) fails.
; Most of the time (always?) it will succeed, but in certain
; background/foreground cases, we may have to force a reload.
; This speeds up text printing by huge piles.
; <1> 8/7/90 csd Rebuilding the Printing project
; <6> 4/21/90 dba Set CurMap to TopMapHndl before calling PrLoadDriver, stealing
; code from the old print driver. This fixes some obvious problems
; with background printing, but the entire MultiFinder ÒGetPrNameÓ
; mechanism is no longer appropriate with aliases to printers
; (instead of driver names); this must be fixed. Also note that
; using CurMap directly and bypassing CurResFile and UseResFile is
; naughty.
; <5> 4/6/90 NB Replaced with the MultiFinder .Print. Also added a call to
; PrLoadDriver. This replaces all the driver load hacks from before.
; <4> 3/6/90 DDG Made GetDrvrEntry restore the ResLoad low memory global. (It
; used to save it, but not restore it)
; <3> 1/4/90 dba get rid of an unneeded branch that caused a warning
; <2> 12/28/89 dba change from PROC to MAIN to get dead code stripping; get rid of
; resource map munging because RsrcMapEntry is now in every ROM
; <1.3> 11/17/89 dba got rid of checks for 64K ROMs
; <1.2> 8/28/89 SES removed references to nFiles
; <1.1> 6/20/89 CCH changed ForRam equates to "NOT ForRom"
; <1.0> 11/16/88 CCH added to EASE
; <S477> 4/25/88 JNP If GetString(-8192) fails, return resErr.
; <S5> 12/30/86 JTC Repair A386 above to use rsrc bit twiddling trap only on new
; machines.
; 12/19/86 LBH Set and return correct error after GetResource error occurs.
; Also puts printer resource file refnum in PrintVars area of low
; memory.
; 12/19/86 LBH Changed OpenRFPerm back to OpenResFile since this code is now
; permanently back in RAM.
; <A386> 11/9/86 JTC No code change, just an elaboration of C169/24Oct86 above. This
; stub driver has the momentous job of determining the true print
; driver, loading it, sneaking it into the RSRC map (on top of
; this stubÕs own entry), and transferring control to it. ItÕs the
; sneakiness weÕre concerned with here. When the true driver is
; loaded and detached, the RSRC mgr clears the RSRC bit the master
; ptr, as is to be expected. Alas, when the handle is stuffed into
; the map, that bit should be set to 1 so that
; consistency-checking code sniffing around the heaps and maps
; will not find anything amiss. There should be no REAL problem
; here, since the drivers are not modified in RAM and thus donÕt
; require any special purge service by the ResPurgeProc.
; <A316> 10/31/86 LAK Changed OpenResFile call to OpenRFPerm to avoid conflict with
; 'Q' INIT patch to former.
; <C169> 10/24/86 JTC/ALR Incorporated change made to system version of this
; file setting resource bit of driver handle after detaching
; it and stuffing it back on top of this very code.
; <C206> 10/9/86 bbm Modified to mpw aincludes.
; <C169> 9/23/86 JTC Change two BSETs to _HLocks, with subtle reg effects.
; 9/12/85 LAK Set the dRAMBased bit in the appropriate byte.
; 8/28/85 BBM added .include for tlasm-newequ.text.
; 8/26/85 Leo ROM-ized the driver, incorporating Larry's changes from his
; version: if for ROM, then set dNeedsLock bit, set dRAMBased bit
; when splicing in printer driver, and don't do the
; ReleaseResource on ourselves. Also incorporated use of
; RsrcMapEntry trap for ROM version. Changed code to be included
; from a superset file that has all the includes and the
; definition of the conditional assembly constants forROM and
; forRAM in it.
; 8/14/85 Leo Auugh! Hang bug in MacPaint was caused because there's a routine
; in some PrLink, somewhere, called PrNoPurge that does a
; GetResource('DRVR',2). How obnoxious! In order to work around
; this bug, we're writing the handle to DRVR -8192 into the
; resource map over the handle to DRVR 2.
; 7/31/85 LEO Added GetDefDrive and GoSetVol from Donion's Scrapbook
; 7/15/85 LEO Added version info corresponding to Cary's memo Eliminated
; copying of code into tempRect. Eliminated master pointer/back
; pointer swap. Eliminated closing of resource file (speedup,
; hopefully).
; 2/1/85 BAS fixed a bug in the error case introduced 16-Jan. also handled
; not getting the resource better
; 1/16/85 BAS let openres do the volume hacking for me
; 10/29/84 BAS took out the global flag, made it always close the resFile
; 9/12/84 BAS made STR -8192 not need to be in the system file for Bud
; 9/7/84 BAS Put in suggestions/bugs found by LAK & SC & RS { whew! }
; To Do:
LOAD 'StandardEqu.d'
INCLUDE 'PrPrivate.a'
; format of a resource map entry (we should use ResourceMgrPriv.a instead)
RAttr EQU RNameO+2
RLocn EQU RAttr
RHndl EQU RLocn+4
RESize EQU RHndl+4
; PrintDriver.a - .Print Patch for Juggler
; Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1986-1990
; All rights reserved.
; Written by Phil Goldman
; This is the patch for the .Print driver in the System File
; PseudoCode:
; short
; DoOpen(paramBlock, DCEHandle)
; {
; DoDriver(OFFSET_OPEN, paramBlock, DCEHandle);
; }
; short
; DoPrime(paramBlock, DCEHandle, paramBlock, DCEHandle)
; {
; return DoDriver(OFFSET_PRIME, paramBlock, DCEHandle);
; }
; short
; DoControl(paramBlock, DCEHandle)
; {
; return DoDriver(OFFSET_CONTROL, paramBlock, DCEHandle);
; }
; short
; DoStatus(paramBlock, DCEHandle)
; {
; return DoDriver(OFFSET_STATUS, paramBlock, DCEHandle);
; }
; short
; DoClose(paramBlock, DCEHandle)
; {
; return DoDriver(OFFSET_CLOSE, paramBlock, DCEHandle);
; }
; DoDriver(offset, paramBlock, DCEHandle)
; long offset
; IOPBPtr paramBlock;
; Handle DCEHandle;
; {
; StringPtr localStrPtr, globalStrPtr;
; short refNum, oldvref;
; Handle drvrHandle;
; char enablePrTypeChanges;
; enablePrTypeChanges = TWGetPrTypeStrings(&localStrPtr, &globalStrPtr);
; if (RelString(localStrPtr, globalStrPtr) != 0)
; {
; if (enablePrTypeChanges != PRTYPE_CHANGESTATUS_DISABLED || offset == OFFSET_CLOSE)
; globalStrPtr = localStrPtr /* Ignore global or do the _Close on the old local */
; else
; {
; (void)DoClose(paramBlock, DCEHandle);
; CloseResFile(PRINTVARS.refNum); /* Ignore the error -- might already be closed by high level or glue */
; TWSetPrResRefNums(globalStrPtr, nil);
; if (offset != OFFSET_OPEN)
; (void)DoOpen(paramBlock, DCEHandle);
; }
; }
; PRINTVARS.refNum = OpenRFPerm(globalStrPtr, BOOTVOL, curPerm);
; if (ResErr != noErr)
; return ResErr;
; if (drvrHandle = Get1Resource('STR ', -8192) == nil || ResError != noErr)
; return ResError;
; HLock(drvrHandle);
; retval = (drvrHandle[drvrHandle[offset]])(paramBlock, DCEHandle);
; if (((*drvrHandle)->drvrFlags & dNeedsLock) == 0)
; HUnlock(drvrHandle);
; return retval;
; }
; Open Questions:
; (3) Should the real driver be passed a fake DCE ptr, or can it share with this one?
; (4) What happens if this driver gets purged? (Theoretically, it should not matter since it's always locked)
; (5) Should we still unlock the driver at the end if the trap has the IMMED bit set?
; (6) Where is question (1)?
; NOTE: Make sure to change these if dispatch numbers ever change!
_KernelDispatch OPWORD $A88F
PrintShopRefNum EQU 'cg'
move.l #$D8000000, -(SP)
dc.w $A8FD
ReadWriteCtlStatus_Flags EQU (1<<dReadEnable)+(1<<dWritEnable)+(1<<dCtlEnable)+(1<<dStatEnable)
DC.B ReadWriteCtlStatus_Flags+(1<<dNeedLock),$00 ;enable all calls and set the lock flag
DC.W 0 ;no time
DC.W 0, 0 ;no events, no menu
; Entry point offset table
DC.W OrnOpen - OrnEntry ;open routine
DC.W OrnPrime - OrnEntry ;prime
DC.W OrnCtl - OrnEntry ;control
DC.W OrnStatus- OrnEntry ;status
DC.W OrnClose - OrnEntry ;close
; and a name for any humans nearby
DC.B $06
DC.B '.Print '
; Version data
DC.W 0
DC.W $0002
DC.W $0019
moveq #DrvrOpen,D1
bra.s GetDrvr ;do the open call
moveq #DrvrPrime,D1
bra.s GetDrvr ;do the prime call
moveq #DrvrCtl,D1
bra.s GetDrvr ;do the ctl call
moveq #DrvrStatus,D1
bra.s GetDrvr ;do the status call
moveq #DrvrClose,D1
; bra.s GetDrvr ;do the close call
; GetDrvr - go find the driver and load it in. Purge this program, and transfer
; control to the right place according to D1, preserving A0/A1.
movem.l A0-A3,-(SP) ;save regs *** beware of changing this!
move.w CurMap,-(SP) ;save the current map
move.w D1,-(SP) ;save D1
; first, try to get universal print driver in the system file
clr.w -(sp) ; system file refnum
_UseResFile ; switch to system resource file
tst.w resErr ; get it?
bne UseOtherDriver ; boy, are we in trouble!
subq #4,SP ; space for handle
move.l #'ndrv',-(sp) ; type
move.w #-8192,-(sp) ; ID
_Get1Resource ; get the driver indicator
move.l (sp)+,d0 ; get the handle
beq UseOtherDriver ; jump if resource not available
move.l d0,a0 ; put handle in more useful register
move.l (a0),d0 ; get pointer to data
beq UseOtherDriver ; jump if no data
move.l d0,a0 ; put pointer in more useful register
tst.b (a0) ; check boolean flag in first byte
beq UseOtherDriver ; jump if 'false' (allow non-sys printer file)
move.w #PrintShopRefNum,PrintVars+$E ; store refnum in low memory
bra LoadDriver ; go get the driver itself
; oh well, get the local and global pr res file names. Ignore changes for _Close,
; because we want to close the old one anyway. Note that _Open should also check
; for printer change, just like everyone else.
lea -10(sp),sp ; room for 2 pointers + return value (on bottom)
pea 6(sp) ; push addr of first
pea 6(sp) ; push addr of second
move.w #TWGETPRTYPESTRINGSID,-(sp) ; get local and global pr res refnums
move.b (sp)+,d0 ; get enablePrTypeChanges in d0
move.l (sp)+,a3 ; get global str ptr
move.l (sp)+,a2 ; get local str ptr
tst.b d0 ; check enablePrTypeChanges
beq.s ForceLocalByChoice ; if disabled then branch (force the local always)
move.l a2,a0
move.l a3,a1 ; Set up for _RelString
moveq.l #0,d0
move.b (a0)+,d0 ; get length of global
swap d0
move.b (a1)+,d0 ; get length of local
_RelString ; are they equal?
beq.s GotResFileName ; if so, branch
move.w (sp),d1 ; get call number
cmp.w #DrvrClose,d1 ; is it _Close?
bne.s CloseOldOne ; if not, branch
ForceLocalByChoice ; if explicit call made to disable pr type changes then force the local
move.w (sp),d1 ; get call number
; if _Close call we can just close the old local one
move.l a2,a3 ; make global <- local
bra.s GotResFileName ; go do it
; Close old .XPrint and open new one...
movem.l 4(sp),a0-a1 ; restore these for new call
jsr OrnClose
move.w PrintVars+$E,-(sp) ; push refnum of old driver
_CloseResFile ; close him (and don't punt on errors -- might already be closed)
move.l a3,-(sp) ; set new local to be the global
moveq.l #0,d0
move.l d0,-(sp) ; no global being set
move.b #PRTYPE_CHANGESTATUS_SAME,-(sp) ; no change in this
move.w #TWSETPRTYPESTRINGSID,-(sp) ; routine is to set the refnum of the printer file
move.w (sp),d1 ; get call number
cmp.w #DrvrOpen,d1 ; is it _Open?
beq.s GotResFileName ; if so, branch
movem.l 4(sp),a0-a1 ; restore these for new call
jsr OrnOpen ; otherwise open new one
; When we get to this point one way or another the local and global printer names
; are the same. Open the correct printer resource file. We'll just leave it open.
; Having the current printer resource file open should always be OK. Open it by
; calling PrGlue (NB: 4/6/90)
; Next, get the DRVR resource from the print resource file.
subq #4,SP ;space for handle
move.l #'DRVR',-(sp) ;type
move.w #-8192,-(sp) ;ID
_Get1Resource ;get the actual driver
move.l (sp)+,D0 ;get the handle
beq.s TryLoadDriver ;(LBH)no handle, try to load the driver in (NB)
move.l D0,A3
tst.l (a3) ; data loaded?
bne.s ResetStack ; keep on truckin'
; If the resource load failed, then open the driver and try again.
; Because the LaserWriter driver stores a copy of the 'alis' -8192 resource
; in the spool file, we need to look there (as well as in the system file)
; when doing a PrLoadDriver so that background printing works. This should
; really be handled by PrintMonitor making a Process Mgr. call to let it
; know about the other 'alis', but this should work for now, since no one
; except for the Print Mgr. is allowed to use an ID of -8192.
move.l TopMapHndl,A0 ; get the top map <6>
move.l (A0),A0 ; deref <6>
move.w 20(A0),-(sp) ; get the top map refNum *** equate? <6>
_UseResFile ; use the top map for finding the driver alias <6>
_PrLoadDriver ; function result is in D0
tst.w D0 ; test the error
bnz.s ErrorZ ; exit on error
subq #4,SP ;space for handle
move.l #'DRVR',-(sp) ;type
move.w #-8192,-(sp) ;ID
_Get1Resource ;get the actual driver
move.l (sp)+,D0 ;get the handle
beq.s ForceErr ;(LBH)no handle, fail
move.l D0,A3
tst.l (a3) ; data loaded?
beq.s ForceErr ;(LBH)no data, fail
ResetStack move.w (SP)+,D1 ;get back the call number
move.w (SP)+,curMap ;restore the map
; Here we lock the driver, cuz code oughta be locked while it's executing.
movea.l A3,A0 ; <C169>
_HLock ; lock driver down <C169>
movea.l (A0),A2 ; ptr to driver <C169>
move.w 0(A2,D1.w),D1 ;get the offset for the correct call
add.w d1,a2 ;get the address of the correct call
; Restore the necessary registers and execute the appropriate routine from
; the "real" print driver.
movem.l (SP),A0-A1 ; Restore needed regs
move.w PrintVars+$E,-(sp) ; save refnum for later
move.l a3,-(sp) ; save a3 (routine can trash all registers)
jsr (a2) ; go do it
move.l (sp)+,a3 ; restore a3 (routine can trash all registers)
move.l (a3),a2 ; get ptr to driver
btst #dNeedLock, drvrFlags(a2) ; should it stay locked?
bne.s NoUnlockNeeded ; if so, branch
move.w CurMap,a2 ; save cur res file
tst.w resErr ; error on _UseResFile (res file got closed in jsr (a2) call)?
bne.s ResFileGone ; if is, don't unlock non-existent driver
move.w a2,CurMap ; restore cur res file
move.l a3,a0
_HUnlock ; otherwise, unlock it
bra.s PDrDone
addq.w #2,sp ; get rid of refnum
movem.l (sp)+,A0-A3 ; Restore all used regs
bra.s CompletelyDone ; go to IODone or ret addr
; (LBH) Force resource manager error since something failed.
move.w resErr,d0 ; get expected error
bne.s ErrorZ ; return with it
move.w #resNotFound,d0 ; otherwise force an error
; Got here if the _GetResource or GetDrvrEntry failed,
; so clean up and go home.
move.w D0,PrintVars ;save error code
move.w (SP)+,D1 ;get back the call number
move.w (SP)+,curMap ;restore the map
movem.l (SP)+,A0-A3
btst #9,ioTrap(A0) ;were we called Immed?
bne.s @1 ;yes
move.l jioDone,-(SP) ;no, go to ioDone
rts ;go away