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synced 2025-02-16 03:30:57 +00:00
Resource forks are included only for .rsrc files. These are DeRezzed into their data fork. 'ckid' resources, from the Projector VCS, are not included. The Tools directory, containing mostly junk, is also excluded.
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8.3 KiB
248 lines
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# File: LC930.make
# Contains: Makefile for the LC930 ROM.
# Written by: Kurt Clark
# Copyright: © 1992-1993 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
# Change History (most recent first):
# <SM10> 7/12/93 PN Add hasCPUIDRegister feature
# <SM9> 7/6/93 PN Change InSane.rsrc to InSaneNFPU.rsrc
# <SM8> 7/6/93 PN Remove SerialIOP.rsrc
# <SM7> 5/30/93 SAM Moved ROM_EM to Tidbits.
# <SM6> 4/1/93 kc Add {ResourceDir}RomResources.r to RomLayout.Rsrc dependency.
# <SM5> 4/1/93 kc Delete RomResources.rsrc from dependency list.
# <SM4> 4/1/93 kc Add dependency to RomLayout.Rsrc
# <SM3> 3/31/93 kc Add TextDir and StdCPOpts.
# <SM2> 2/22/93 CSS Correct spelling of Resource (from Resoruce).
# <SM10> 01/07/93 HY Bump ROMRelease version to 10A4.
# <SM9> 12/17/92 RB Added the variable subRelease.
# <SM8> 12/14/92 rab Add Craig's changes. Changed C and Pascal standard options to
# generate 68020 code.
# <SM7> 12/03/92 HY Removed hasPwrControls, PwrMgrADB, and hasMSC feature flag.
# Changed version number of ROMRelease to 1.0A2.
# <SM6> 12/2/92 kc Add RomBase Variable. Set ROMRelease to 1.0A8. Set Commands
# variable to {ToolDir}. Add Clean Target that deletes all of the
# objects, libraries and resources.
# <SM5> 11/30/92 kc Remove -d forRomulator. Added SM10 from supermario.make.
# <SM5> 11/30/92 kc Remove -d forRomulator. Added SM10 from supermario.make.
# <SM10> 11/25/92 chp Override the Make tool default dependencies for .a.o, .c.o, and
# .p.o files so that {StdXOpts} are passed to the assembler or
# compiler when applying default rules.
# <SM3> 11/17/92 HY Changed ROMRelease number from 1234 to 4307 (1.0D3)
# <SM4> 11/23/92 kc Update to work with the new build script.
# <SM2> 11/17/92 kc Remove unused features and change standard alignment.
BuildDir = {Sources}BuildResults:LC930:
ImageDir = {BuildDir}Image:
RsrcDir = {BuildDir}Rsrc:
LibDir = {BuildDir}Lib:
ObjDir = {BuildDir}Obj:
TextDir = {BuildDir}Text:
IfObjDir = {ObjDir}Interface:
MakeDir = {Sources}Make:
ResourceDir = {Sources}Resources:
DeclDir = {Sources}DeclData:
ToolDir = {Sources}Tools:
ToolSrcDir = {Sources}Tools:ToolSource:
MiscDir = {Sources}Misc:
TidbitsDir = {Sources}Tidbits:
DriverDir = {Sources}Drivers:
AIncludes = {Sources}Interfaces:AIncludes:
CIncludes = {Sources}Interfaces:CIncludes:
PInterfaces = {Sources}Interfaces:PInterfaces:
RIncludes = {Sources}Interfaces:RIncludes:
IntAIncludes = {Sources}Internal:Asm:
IntCIncludes = {Sources}Internal:C:
IntPInterfaces = {Sources}Internal:Pascal:
IntRIncludes = {Sources}Internal:Rez:
Libraries = {Sources}Libs:Libraries:
CLibraries = {Sources}Libs:CLibraries:
PLibraries = {Sources}Libs:PLibraries:
MAOpts = -d TRUE=1 -d FALSE=0 -d Alignment=4 -d CPU=30 -d ROMRelease=$10A4 -wb -d SubRelease=1
MCOpts = -d TRUE=1 -d FALSE=0 -d Alignment=4 -d CPU=30 -d ROMRelease=$10A4 -b3 ¶
-mbg full -mc68020
MPOpts = -mbg full -mc68020
RomBase = $40A00000
Features = LC930 ¶
hasSysSevenResources ¶
Supports24Bit ¶
BadBlockSparingEnabled ¶
hasCPUIDRegister ¶
CubeE ¶
IopADB ¶
SystemSevenOrLater ¶
SystemSixOrLater ¶
ViaADB ¶
forADBKeyboards ¶
forAppleTalk20 ¶
forLocalizability ¶
hasADBKeyLayouts ¶
hasASC ¶
hasAliasMgr ¶
hasApple2Fonts ¶
hasAppleEventMgr ¶
hasBalloonHelp ¶
hasCommToolbox ¶
hasCQD ¶
hasDAFB ¶
hasDataAccessMgr ¶
hasEDisk ¶
hasEditionMgr ¶
hasEgret ¶
hasExtendedCharacterSet ¶
hasMDU ¶
hasMMU ¶
hasMac2VIA2 ¶
hasProtectedPRAM ¶
hasSWIM2 ¶
hasSlotMgr ¶
hasSplineFonts ¶
hasVDAC ¶
hasVIAClock ¶
hasVISA2 ¶
hasVISADecoder ¶
isUniversal ¶
hasRBV ¶
NewBuildSystem ¶
onHafMac ¶
onMac32 ¶
onNuMac ¶
ResourceFiles = "{RsrcDir}ATBoot.RSRC" ¶
"{RsrcDir}AppleEventMgr.rsrc" ¶
"{RsrcDir}CQD.rsrc" ¶
"{RsrcDir}ColorPicker.rsrc" ¶
"{RsrcDir}CommToolbox.rsrc" ¶
"{RsrcDir}ControlMgr.rsrc" ¶
"{RsrcDir}DataAccessMgr.rsrc" ¶
"{RsrcDir}DictionaryMgr.rsrc" ¶
"{RsrcDir}DeclData" ¶
"{RsrcDir}EDisk.rsrc" ¶
"{RsrcDir}EditionMgr.rsrc" ¶
"{MiscDir}Ethernet.rsrc" ¶
"{RsrcDir}Gibbly.rsrc" ¶
"{RsrcDir}HelpMgr.rsrc" ¶
"{RsrcDir}InSaneNFPU.rsrc" ¶
"{RsrcDir}ListMgr.rsrc" ¶
"{RsrcDir}MainCode.Rsrc" ¶
"{RsrcDir}MenuMgr.rsrc" ¶
"{RsrcDir}MiscROMRsrcs.rsrc" ¶
"{RsrcDir}NetBoot.rsrc" ¶
"{RsrcDir}PPC.rsrc" ¶
"{RsrcDir}PictUtilities.rsrc" ¶
"{RsrcDir}ROMApple2Fonts.rsrc" ¶
"{RsrcDir}ROMFonts.rsrc" ¶
"{RsrcDir}RomLayout.Rsrc" ¶
"{RsrcDir}SCCIOP.rsrc" ¶
"{RsrcDir}SWIMIOP.rsrc" ¶
"{RsrcDir}Sane.rsrc" ¶
"{RsrcDir}Serial.rsrc" ¶
"{RsrcDir}SerialDMA.rsrc" ¶
"{RsrcDir}Sony.rsrc" ¶
"{RsrcDir}SoundMgr.rsrc" ¶
"{RsrcDir}StandardFile.rsrc" ¶
"{RsrcDir}StdSndInput.rsrc" ¶
"{RsrcDir}StdSndMidput.rsrc" ¶
"{RsrcDir}StdSndOutput.rsrc" ¶
"{MiscDir}VM.RSRC" ¶
"{RsrcDir}WindowMgr.rsrc" ¶
RomMondo Ä FeatureSet "{ImageDir}RomMondo"
"{ImageDir}RomMondo" Ä {ResourceFiles}
RomLayout "{RsrcDir}RomLayout.Rsrc" -o "{Targ}" -log "{ImageDir}RomInfo"
LinkRomImage Ä # target for partial builds
RomLayout "{RsrcDir}RomLayout.Rsrc" -o "{ImageDir}RomMondo" -log "{ImageDir}RomInfo"
FeatureSet Ä
Set FeatureSet "`{MakeDir}FeatureList "{Features}" "{Overrides}" `" ; Export FeatureSet
Set Commands "{ToolDir},{Commands}"
Set ObjDir "{ObjDir}" ; Export ObjDir
Set RsrcDir "{RsrcDir}" ; Export RsrcDir
Set TextDir "{TextDir}" ; Export TextDir
Set MiscDir "{MiscDir}" ; Export MiscDir
Set TidbitsDir "{TidbitsDir}" ; Export TidbitsDir
Set ROMBuildTime "`Date -n`" ; Export ROMBuildTime
Set AIncludes "{AIncludes}"
Set CIncludes "{CIncludes}"
Set PInterfaces "{PInterfaces}"
Set RIncludes "{RIncludes}"
Set Libraries "{Libraries}"
Set CLibraries "{CLibraries}"
Set PLibraries "{PLibraries}"
Set StdAOpts "{MAOpts} {FeatureSet} -i {IntAIncludes} {AOpts} -i {ObjDir}"
Set StdCOpts "{MCOpts} {FeatureSet} -i {IntCIncludes} {COpts}"
Set StdCPOpts "{MCPOpts} {FeatureSet} -i {IntCIncludes} {COpts}"
Set StdPOpts "{MPOpts} {FeatureSet} {POpts} -i {IntPInterfaces} -r"
Set StdROpts "{FeatureSet} {ROpts} -i {IntRIncludes} -i {RIncludes}"
Set DSP3210_Temp "{ObjDir}" ; Export DSP3210_Temp
Set DSP3210_Tools "{ToolDir}" ; Export DSP3210_Tools
Set DSP3210_Aux "{ToolDir}" ; Export DSP3210_Aux
Set DSP3210_Includes "{ToolDir}" ; Export DSP3210_Includes
Set DSP3210_Libraries "{ToolDir}" ; Export DSP3210_Libraries
Set DSP3210_AsmPP d32cpp ; Export DSP3210_AsmPP
Set StdLOpts "{LOpts} -mf -t rsrc -c RSED -sg Main"
Set StdLibOpts "{LibOpts} -mf"
Set StdAlign "{Align} -ac 4 -ad 4"
Set StdVOpts "{VOpts}"
"{RsrcDir}RomLayout.Rsrc" Ä "{MakeDir}LC930Layout.r" "{ResourceDir}RomResources.r" "{IntRIncludes}RomTypes.r"
Rez {StdROpts} "{MakeDir}LC930Layout.r" -i "{ResourceDir}" -o "{targ}" -d RomBase={RomBase}
Clean Ä
Delete -n -i "{ImageDir}"Å
Delete -n -i "{RsrcDir}"Å
Delete -n -i "{LibDir}"Å
Delete -n -i "{ObjDir}"Å
Delete -n -i "{IfObjDir}"Å
# Following are essentially the default rules from the Make tool, modified to use
# {StdAOpts}, {StdCOpts}, and {StdPOpts} as they are defined in this file.
# These options are supersets of the default {AOpts}, {COpts}, and {POpts}.
.a.o Ä .a
{Asm} {StdAOpts} -o {Targ} {DepDir}{Default}.a
.c.o Ä .c
{C} {StdCOpts} -o {Targ} {DepDir}{Default}.c
.p.o Ä .p
{Pascal} {StdPOpts} -o {Targ} {DepDir}{Default}.p
.cp.o Ä .c
{CPlus} {StdCPOpts} -o {Targ} {DepDir}{Default}.cp
#include {ToolSrcDir}Tools.make
#include {MakeDir}MainCode.make
#include {DeclDir}DeclData.make
#include {DriverDir}Drivers.make
#include {ResourceDir}Resources.make