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; File: IntModemMgr.a
; Contains: Internal modem manager initialization code
; Written by: Steven Swenson
; Copyright © 1994-1994 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM2> 1/27/94 rab Removed padForOverpatch stuff from the end of this file
; (SuperMario does not use itÉ).
; <H4> 5/23/93 SES Made changes from code review, 5/19/93.
; <H3> 5/4/93 SES Removed machine primitives and replaced them with the dispatch
; functions in the IntModemMgr.a file.
; <H2> 4/27/93 SES Altered modem manager to enhance it somewhat per code review on
; 4/22/93. Added dispatcher in this file (from ImmgPrimitives.a).
; Split primitives into machine primitives and modem primitives.
; <1> 4/8/93 SES first checked in
LOAD 'StandardEqu.d'
INCLUDE 'HardwarePrivateEqu.a'
INCLUDE 'UniversalEqu.a'
INCLUDE 'IntModemMgrEqu.a'
INCLUDE 'IntModemMgrPrivEqu.a'
; ImmgInit
; Entry: none
; Exit: none
; Trashes: none
; Uses:
; A1: pointer to head of modem primitive table list
; A2: pointer to modem manager globals
; A3: pointer to machine primitives table
; A4: pointer to individual modem primitives tables
; Sets up the internal modem manager if it should be set up. The manager will not be
; installed if the pointer in the product info record is NULL. The manager will attempt to
; install any primitives that the root table points to (see IntModemMgrPrivEqu.a).
@savedRegs REG d0-d2/a0-a4
movem.l @SavedRegs,-(sp) ; save away registers
; First check to see if the modem manager should be installed.
WITH ProductInfo
movea.l UnivInfoPtr,a0 ; get the product info table
move.l ImmgPrimPtr(a0),d0 ; get the internal modem manager primitives offset
beq.w @exit ; exit if null pointer
lea (a0,d0.l),a1 ; A1 -> immgMdmList: head of modem prim list
; set up modem manager globals
move.l #immgGlobals.size,d0 ; size of globals
_NewPtr ,SYS,CLEAR ; pointer to globals -> A0
tst.w d0 ; check pointer for validity
bne.w @exit ; bad, bad, bad...
movea.l a0,a2 ; A2 -> globals pointer
; set up the machine dispatch table
WITH immgGlobals
move.l #immgDispTable.size,d0 ; size of dispatch table
_NewPtr ,SYS,CLEAR ; pointer to dispatch table -> A0
tst.w d0 ; check pointer for validity
bne.w @error1 ; bad, bad, bad...
move.l a0,dispTable(a2) ; store pointer to dispatch table in globals
movea.l a0,a3 ; A3 -> machine prim table ptr
WITH immgDispTable
lea immgDispatchTable,a0 ; A0 -> pointer to ROM based dispatch table
move.l a0,d2 ; D2 -> ROM based dispatch table base for offset to absolute conversion
move.l (a0)+,(a3)+ ; copy flags and number of primitives
move.l #size,d0 ; D0 -> size of dispatch table, in bytes, including storage
sub.l #dispOffset,d0 ; D0 -> size of dispatch table in bytes ; <H4>
lsr.l #2,d0 ; D0 -> number of dispatch routines
move.w d0,-2(a3) ; put number of dispatch routines into RAM based table
bra.s @startLoop ; for DBRA loop ; <H4>
@machPrimLoop move.l (a0)+,d1 ; D1 -> offset to dispatch routine
add.l d2,d1 ; D1 -> absolute address of dispatch routine
move.l d1,(a3)+ ; copy absolute address into RAM based dispatch table
@startLoop dbra d0,@machPrimLoop ; copy all dispatch functions
; set up the modem manager modem queue
WITH immgGlobals
moveq #qHeadSize,d0 ; size of a OS queue header
_NewPtr ,SYS,CLEAR ; A0 -> pointer to modem queue header
tst.w d0 ; check for valid pointer
bne.w @error2 ; bad, bad, bad...
move.l a0,mdmQ(a2) ; store pointer to modem queue in globals
; save modem globals in expand mem
WITH ExpandMemRec
move.l a2,([ExpandMem],emIMdmMgrGlobs)
; install the dispatcher
lea ImmgDispatch,a0 ; address of dispatcher for the trap
move.w #IntMdmMgrTrap,d0 ; internal modem manager trap number
_SetTrapAddress ,NEWTOOL
; call modem manager init to initialize any future modem manager specific things
tst.w d0 ; check for modem manager init errors
bne.s @error3 ; bad, bad, bad...
; for each root table entry, attempt to install the modem primitives
WITH immgMdmList
moveq #0,d0 ; first time around, A1 is already a pointer
@modemInstall adda.l d0,a1 ; A1 -> pointer to next modem list element
move.l primTable(a1),d0 ; D0 -> offset to modem primitives table
beq.s @skipModemPrims ; no install if NULL
lea (a1,d0.l),a4 ; A4 -> pointer to modem primitives table
bsr CopyModemPrims ; copy modem primitives table into RAM
bne.s @error4 ; bad, bad, bad... ; <H4>
_IModemInstall ; install the primitives
@skipModemPrims move.l mdmListPtr(a1),d0 ; D0 -> offset to next modem list
bne.s @modemInstall ; continue installing modems until NULL pointer
; install the gestalt trap
lea ImmgGestalt,a0 ; get address of gestalt code
move.l #gestaltIntModemType,d0 ; internal modem manager selector code
_NewGestalt ; install the selector
@exit movem.l (sp)+,@SavedRegs ; restore registers
; Error conditions from the modem init code above
; have allocated an unknown number of modem primitive queue blocks and modem primitive tables
; and also have done modem manager init
@error4 move.l immgGlobals.mdmQ(a2),a1 ; A1 -> pointer to modem queue header
movea.l qHead(a1),a1 ; A1 -> pointer to first modem queue element
tst.l a1 ; check if pointer is real
beq.s @error3 ; no more modem queue elements to deallocate
WITH immgQEl
@cleanUpMdms move.l qMdmPrimPtr(a1),d0 ; D0 -> pointer to modem primitives table
beq.s @nextMdmQEl ; no pointer to deallocate
movea.l d0,a0 ; A0 -> pointer to modem primitives table
_DisposPtr ; get rid of it
@nextMdmQEl movea.l a1,a0 ; A0 -> pointer to this modem queue element
move.l qLink(a1),a1 ; A1 -> pointer to next modem queue element
_DisposPtr ; get rid of previous modem queue element
tst.l a1 ; check if the end of the list
bne.s @cleanUpMdms ; no more modem queue elements to deallocate
; call modem manager close to clean up anything done in modem manager init
; have already set trap address of modem manager
@error3 move.l #UnimplTrap,d0 ; D0 -> trap word of unimplemented trap
_GetTrapAddress ,NEWTOOL ; A0 -> address of unimplemented trap
move.l #IntMdmMgrTrap,d0 ; D0 -> trap word of internal modem manager
_SetTrapAddress ,NEWTOOL ; make modem manager unimplemented
; have already allocated machine primitive table pointer
@error2 movea.l a3,a0 ; A0 -> pointer to machine primitves table
_DisposPtr ; get rid of it
; have already allocated globals pointer
@error1 movea.l a2,a0 ; A0 -> pointer to globals
_DisposPtr ; get rid of it
bra.s @exit
; CopyModemPrims
; Entry: A4: pointer to ROM based modem primitives table
; Exit: A0: pointer to RAM based copy of modem primitives table, with absolute addresses
; D0: zero if no error, -1 if error
; Trashes: none
; Copies ROM based modem primitives table into RAM, converting addresses to primitives
; into absolute addresses. Leaves the condition codes register set to ZERO on memory
; allocation error.
movem.l d1-d3,-(sp) ; save registers
WITH immgPrimTable
move.l #size,d0 ; size of modem primitives table
beq.s @errorExit ; if the size of the thing is ever zero ; <H4>
_NewPtr ,SYS,CLEAR ; pointer to machine primitives table -> A0
tst.w d0 ; check pointer for validity
bne.s @errorExit ; bad, bad, bad...
move.l a0,d2 ; D2 -> pointer to RAM based modem prim table
move.l a4,d3 ; D3 -> ROM based modem table base for offset to absolute conversion
move.l (a4)+,(a0)+ ; copy flags and number of primitives
move.l #size,d0 ; D0 -> size of modem primitives table, in bytes, including storage
sub.l #primOffset,d0 ; D0 -> size of modem primitives table in bytes ; <H4>
lsr.l #2,d0 ; D0 -> number of modem primtives
move.w d0,-2(a0) ; put number of primitives into RAM based table
bra.s @startLoop ; for DBRA loop ; <H4>
@mdmPrimLoop move.l (a4)+,d1 ; D1 -> offset to primitive
add.l d3,d1 ; D1 -> absolute address of primitive
move.l d1,(a0)+ ; copy absolute address into RAM based primtive table
@startLoop dbra d0,@mdmPrimLoop ; copy all primitives
movea.l d2,a0 ; A0 -> pointer to RAM based modem prims
moveq #0,d0 ; indicate no error
@exit movem.l (sp)+,d1-d3 ; restore registers
@errorExit move.b #$FF,d0 ; indicate an error occurred
bra.s @exit
; ImmgDispatch
; Entry: D0: high word: modem ID; low word: trap selector
; A0: may hold a pointer or data
; Exit: D0: result code
; Trashes: none
; Uses:
; A1: pointer to modem manager globals
; A2: pointer to machine primitives table
; Handles a modem manager call. Jumps through the machine primitives table and returns
; the result code.
@saveRegs REG d1/a1-a2 ; registers to save in this routine
movem.l @saveRegs,-(sp) ; save registers
; Get machine primitives table
WITH ExpandMemRec
move.l ([ExpandMem],emIMdmMgrGlobs),a1
tst.l a1 ; check for valid pointer, this should never happen
beq.s @errorNoBoard ; bad, bad, bad...
; range check trap selector
WITH immgGlobals
move.l dispTable(a1),a2 ; A2 -> pointer to machine primitives
tst.l a2 ; check for valid primitives pointer
beq.s @errorInvalid ; bad, bad, bad...
WITH immgDispTable
cmp.w numDisp(a2),d0 ; is the selector < number of dispatch functions
bcc.s @errorInvalid ; invalid selector
adda.l #dispOffset,a2 ; A2 -> pointer to beginning of dispatch functions
; call the dispatch function to do the work
move.w d0,d1 ; D1 -> trap selector
lsl.w #2,d1 ; D1 -> offset to dispatch function address
jsr ([a2,d1.w]) ; do dispatch function
@exit movem.l (sp)+,@saveRegs ; restore registers
@errorNoBoard move.w #immgNoBoardErr,d0 ; D0 -> no board error result
bra.s @exit
@errorInvalid move.w #immgInvalidSelector,d0 ; D0 -> invalid selector error result
bra.s @exit
; ImmgGestalt
; Entry: D0: gestaltIntModemType
; A0: pointer for return data
; Exit: D0: gestalt result code
; Trashes: A0
; Finds out about the internal modem manager by calling IModemInfo.
_IModemInfo ; get the modem mgr information (in d0)
move.l a0,d0 ; D0 -> num modems and version
movea.l 4(sp),a0 ; get a pointer to the response longword
move.l d0,(a0) ; return type of modem
move.l (sp)+,a0 ; get the return address
add.l #8,sp ; remove paramters
move.w #noErr,(sp) ; set return error code
jmp (a0) ; return
; Dispatch table for internal modem manager.
DC.W 0 ; flags
DC.W 0 ; number of primitives (filled in at init time)
DC.L mdmInit-immgDispatchTable ; offset to modem manager init routine
DC.L mdmPower-immgDispatchTable ; offset to modem manager power routine
DC.L mdmWakeUp-immgDispatchTable ; offset to modem manager wake up routine
DC.L mdmStatus-immgDispatchTable ; offset to modem manager status routine
DC.L mdmPrime-immgDispatchTable ; offset to modem manager prime routine
DC.L mdmSndCtl-immgDispatchTable ; offset to modem manager sound control routine
DC.L mdmGetInd-immgDispatchTable ; offset to modem manager get indexed routine
DC.L mdmFind-immgDispatchTable ; offset to modem manager find routine
DC.L mdmInstall-immgDispatchTable ; offset to modem manager install routine
DC.L mdmRemove-immgDispatchTable ; offset to modem manager remove routine
DC.L mdmGetName-immgDispatchTable ; offset to modem manager get name routine
DC.L mdmInfo-immgDispatchTable ; offset to modem manager info routine
DC.L mdmClose-immgDispatchTable ; offset to modem manager close routine
DC.L mdmSndVol-immgDispatchTable ; offset to modem sound volume routine
DC.L mdmSndHW-immgDispatchTable ; offset to system sound HW arbitration routine
; mdmInit
; Entry: a1 = modem manager global pointer
; Exit: d0 = result code
; Trashes: none
; Sets up private storage for the machine primitives.
move.w #immgVersion,immgGlobals.version(a1) ; store modem manager version number
move.w #noErr,d0
@exit rts
; mdmPower
; Entry: d0 = high word: modem ID
; a0 = pointer to modem parameter block
; a1 = modem manager global pointer
; Exit: d0 = result code
; Trashes: none
; Calls modem primitive for modem power.
move.w #selMPPower,d0 ; select modem power
bra.w CallMdmPrim ; make the call
; mdmWakeUp
; Entry: d0 = high word: modem ID
; a0 = pointer to modem parameter block
; a1 = modem manager global pointer
; Exit: d0 = result code
; Trashes: none
; Calls modem primitive for wake up on ring.
move.w #selMPWakeUp,d0 ; select modem power
bra.w CallMdmPrim ; make the call
; mdmStatus
; Entry: d0 = high word: modem ID
; a0 = pointer to modem parameter block
; a1 = modem manager global pointer
; Exit: d0 = result code
; Trashes: none
; Calls modem primitive for status.
move.w #selMPStatus,d0 ; select modem power
bra.w CallMdmPrim ; make the call
; mdmPrime
; Entry: d0 = high word: modem ID
; a0 = pointer to modem parameter block
; a1 = modem manager global pointer
; Exit: d0 = result code
; Trashes: none
; Calls modem primitive for prime.
move.w #selMPPrime,d0 ; select modem power
bra.w CallMdmPrim ; make the call
; mdmSndCtl
; Entry: d0 = high word: modem ID
; a0 = pointer to modem parameter block
; a1 = modem manager global pointer
; Exit: d0 = result code
; Trashes: A0, A1
; Set machine up to be enable/disable sound, then Calls modem primitive for sound control.
move.w #selMPSndCtl,d0 ; select modem power
bra.w CallMdmPrim ; make the call
; mdmGetInd
; Entry: d0 = high word: modem ID
; a1 = modem manager global pointer
; Exit: d0 = high word: modem ID; low word: result code
; a0 = modem type (longword)
; Trashes: none
; Checks to see if the modem with index given in the high word of D0 is installed. If it
; is, the mdmType primitive for the modem is called to get the modem type, and the modem
; ID, modem type, and result code are returned.
move.w d1,-(sp) ; save registers
swap d0 ; put modem index in low word
bsr GetIndMdm ; A0 -> pointer to the modem queue element
beq.s @noModem ; if no modem, report it
move.w immgQEl.qMdmId(a0),d0 ; D0 -> modem ID
move.w d0,d1 ; D1 -> modem ID
swap d0 ; D0: high word -> modem ID
move.w #selMPType,d0 ; select modem type primitive
bsr CallMdmPrim ; make the call, A0 -> modem type, D0 -> result code
swap d0
move.w d1,d0 ; D0 -> modem ID
swap d0 ; DO: high word -> modem ID, low word -> result code
@exit move.w (sp)+,d1 ; restore registers
@noModem move.w #immgNoBoardErr,d0 ; report error
bra.s @exit
; mdmFind
; Entry: A0: pointer to modem primitives table
; Exit: D0: result code of modem primitive MdmExists
; Trashes: none
; Calls the modem primitive MdmExists to determine if the modem that the primitives
; apply to physically exists in the machine.
jsr ([immgPrimTable.mdmExists,a0]) ; call primitive
; mdmInstall
; Entry: A0: pointer to modem primitives table
; A1: pointer to modem manager globals
; Exit: D0: high word: modem ID; low word: result code
; Trashes: none
; Calls mdmFind to ensure that the modem to be installed is in the machine. If the
; modem is physically present, a new queue element is allocated and enqueued in the
; modem queue. Finally, the modem setup primitive is called, the returned A1 is stored
; in the modem queue element, and the pointer to the queue element is returned in A1.
@saveRegs REG d2/a1-a4 ; registers to save
movem.l @saveRegs,-(sp) ; save registers
movea.l a0,a2 ; A2 -> pointer to modem primitives
bsr mdmFind ; let primitives check if modem is in box
tst.w d0 ; check result
bne.s @noModem ; no modem found, report error
; create the new modem queue element
move.l #immgQEl.size,d0 ; D0 -> size of modem queue element
_NewPtr ,SYS,CLEAR ; A0 -> pointer to new modem queue element
tst.w d0 ; check pointer validity
bne.s @noModem ; no more memory, UNLUCKY!
movea.l a0,a4 ; A4 -> pointer to modem queue element
; fill in the fields of the modem queue element
WITH immgQEl ; type is already set up (from CLEAR)
bsr GetNewMdmID ; D0 -> new modem ID
move.w d0,qMdmID(a0) ; store modem ID
move.w d0,d2 ; save modem ID for mdmSetUp later
move.l a2,qMdmPrimPtr(a0) ; store modem primitives table pointer
ENDWITH ; optionalA1 will wait 'til after SetUp call
; install the modem queue element into the modem queue
movea.l a1,a3 ; A3 -> pointer to modem globals
move.l immgGlobals.mdmQ(a3),a1 ; A1 -> pointer to modem queue header
_Enqueue ; place new modem queue element into queue
; call the modem primitive MdmSetUp
move.w d2,d0 ; D0 -> modem ID
swap d0 ; put modem ID into high word
movea.l a3,a1 ; A1 -> pointer to modem manager globals
move.w #selMPSetUp,d0 ; call the MdmSetUp primitive
bsr CallMdmPrim ; this calls the modem primitive
tst.w d0 ; check returned error result
bne.s @primError ; there was an error in the primitive
; store the optional A1 pointer in the queue element
move.l a0,immgQEl.optionalA1(a4) ; save the value returned by the primitive
; return the modem ID in the high word of D0, and no error in low word
swap d0
move.w d2,d0 ; D0 -> modem ID
swap d0
@exit movem.l (sp)+,@saveRegs ; restore registers
@noModem move.w #immgNoBoardErr,d0 ; report no board
bra.s @exit
@primError move.w d2,d0 ; D0 -> modem ID
swap d0 ; put modem ID into high word
bsr mdmRemove ; remove the modem from the queue
bra.s @exit
; mdmRemove
; Entry: D0: high word: modem ID
; A1: pointer to modem manager globals
; Exit: D0: noErr
; Trashes: none
; Calls FindInstalledMdm to get the modem queue element for the modem with the ID passed
; in the high word of D0. Calls the CallMdmPrim routine to call the mdmTearDown primitive.
; Dequeues the modem queue element and deallocates it.
@saveRegs REG a1-a2 ; registers to save
movem.l @saveRegs,-(sp) ; save registers
; get the modem queue element to remove
movea.l a1,a2 ; A2 -> pointer to modem globals
bsr FindInstalledMdm ; A1 -> pointer to modem queue element
beq.s @noModem ; no modem found, report error
exg a1,a2 ; A1 -> modem globals, A2 -> modem Q El
; call the modem tear down primitive
move.w #selMPTearDown,d0 ; select modem tear down
bsr CallMdmPrim ; make the call, don't care about errors
; dequeue the modem
movea.l a2,a0 ; A0 -> modem queue element
movea.l immgGlobals.mdmQ(a1),a1 ; A1 -> pointer to modem queue header
_Dequeue ; don't care about errors
; deallocate the modem queue element
movea.l a2,a0 ; A0 -> modem queue element
_DisposPtr ; get rid of it
@noModem move.w #noErr,d0 ; D0 -> no error
@exit movem.l (sp)+,@saveRegs ; restore registers
; mdmGetName
; Entry: a0 = pointer to string buffer
; a1 = modem manager global pointer
; Exit: d0 = result code
; a0 = pointer to null terminated c string
; Trashes: none
; Gets the name of an installed modem by calling the get modem name primitive.
move.w #selMPName,d0 ; select mdmGetName primitive
bra.w CallMdmPrim ; make the call
; mdmInfo
; Entry: a1 = modem manager global pointer
; Exit: d0 = valid gestalt result code
; a0 = high word: modem manager version; low word: number of modems
; Trashes: none
; Counts the number of installed modems, and returns the count and the modem manager
; version number.
bsr CountMdms ; D0.L -> number of installed modems
swap d0
move.w immgGlobals.version(a1),d0 ; D0 -> modem manager version number
swap d0
move.l d0,a0 ; A0 -> return result
move.w #noErr,d0
@exit rts
; mdmClose
; Entry: a1 = modem manager global pointer
; Exit: d0 = result code
; Trashes: none
; Cleans up any initialization done by mdmInit.
move.w #noErr,d0
@exit rts
; mdmSndVol
; Entry: d0 = high word: modem ID
; a0 = pointer to modem parameter block
; a1 = modem manager global pointer
; Exit: d0 = result code
; Trashes: A0, A1
; Set machine up to set modem sound volume, then Calls modem primitive for sound control.
move.w #selMPSndVol,d0 ; select modem power
bra.w CallMdmPrim ; make the call
; mdmSndHW
; Entry: d0 = high word: modem ID
; a0 = pointer to modem parameter block
; a1 = modem manager global pointer
; Exit: d0 = result code
; Trashes: A0, A1
; Arbitrate for the system sound hardware via the appropriate primitive.
move.w #selMPSndHW,d0 ; select modem power
bra.w CallMdmPrim ; make the call
; ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥
; Useful utility routines
; ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥
; FindInstalledMdm
; Entry: D0: high word: modem ID
; A1: pointer to modem manager globals
; Exit: A1: pointer to modem queue element for modem with ID passed in D0
; Condition codes set to zero if modem not found, otherwise not zero
; Trashes: none
; Looks up the modem with ID given in high word of D0 and returns the modem queue
; element.
move.l immgGlobals.mdmQ(a1),a1 ; A1 -> pointer to modem Q header
swap d0 ; D0: low word -> modem ID
move.l qHead(a1),a1 ; A1 -> first modem queue element
WITH immgQEl
@nextModem tst.l a1 ; check pointer for validity
beq.s @exit ; Oops! out of modems and not found!
cmp.w qMdmID(a1),d0 ; check modem ID against the one we want
beq.s @exit ; found it!
move.l qLink(a1),a1 ; A1 -> pointer to next modem queue element
bra.s @nextModem ; keep checking...
@exit swap d0 ; put things back the way they were
tst.l a1 ; set condition codes
; CallMdmPrim
; Entry: D0: high word: modem ID; low word: primitive selector
; A1: pointer to modem manager globals
; Exit: A0: whatever is returned by the modem primitive
; D0: result code returned by modem primitive, or no board found err
; if the modem ID was not valid.
; Trashes: none
; Calls FindInstalledMdm to get the modem queue element desired, then calls the modem
; primitive selected by the low word of D0.
@saveRegs REG d1/a1-a2 ; registers to save over routine
movem.l @saveRegs,-(sp) ; save registers
bsr FindInstalledMdm ; A1 -> pointer to modem queue element
beq.s @noModem ; no modem found, report error
; get data from the queue element that will be used
WITH immgQEl
move.l qMdmPrimPtr(a1),a2 ; A2 -> pointer to modem primitives
move.l optionalA1(a1),a1 ; A1 -> pointer to optional A1 parameter
; range check the primitive selector against the number of prims in the prim table
WITH immgPrimTable
cmp.w numPrims(a2),d0 ; is the prim selector < num prims?
bcc.s @invalidSel ; nope, report error...
adda.l #primOffset,a2 ; A2 -> pointer to primitives
move.w d0,d1 ; D1 -> primitive selector
lsl.w #2,d1 ; D1 -> offset to primitive
jsr ([a2,d1.w]) ; do the primitive
@exit movem.l (sp)+,@saveRegs ; restore registers
@noModem move.w #immgNoBoardErr,d0 ; report no board
bra.s @exit
@invalidSel move.w #immgInvalidSelector,d0 ; report invalid primitive selector
bra.s @exit
; GetIndMdm
; Entry: D0: index of modem to retrieve (zero based)
; A1: pointer to modem manager globals
; Exit: A0: pointer to modem queue element for modem at index in D0
; Condition codes set to zero if modem not found, otherwise not zero
; Trashes: D0, A0
; Looks up the modem with index given in D0 and returns a pointer to the modem queue
; element.
move.l immgGlobals.mdmQ(a1),a0 ; A0 -> pointer to modem Q header
move.l qHead(a0),a0 ; A0 -> first modem queue element
tst.l a0 ; check pointer for validity
beq.s @exit ; Oops! out of modems and not found!
tst.w d0 ; check if we want first (0) modem
beq.s @exit ; yep! leave...
WITH immgQEl
subq #1,d0 ; for dbeq loop
@nextModem move.l qLink(a0),a0 ; A1 -> pointer to next modem queue element
tst.l a0 ; set condition codes
dbeq d0,@nextModem ; keep checking...
@exit tst.l a0 ; set condition codes
; CountMdms
; Entry: A1: pointer to modem manager globals
; Exit: D0: number of modems
; Trashes: A0
; Counts the number of installed modems in the modem queue.
moveq #0,d0 ; clear counter
move.l immgGlobals.mdmQ(a1),a0 ; A0 -> pointer to modem Q header
move.l qHead(a0),a0 ; A0 -> first modem queue element
tst.l a0 ; check pointer for validity
beq.s @exit ; Zero modems
WITH immgQEl
@nextModem addq #1,d0 ; counting...
move.l qLink(a0),a0 ; A1 -> pointer to next modem queue element
tst.l a0 ; set condition codes
bne.s @nextModem ; keep counting...
@exit rts
; GetNewMdmID
; Entry: A1: pointer to modem globals
; Exit: D0: modem ID
; Trashes: none
; Comes up with a new modem ID. Right now, all it does is increment the number in the
; modem manager globals and returns it.
WITH immgGlobals
add.w #1,lastMdmID(a1) ; increment last modem ID
move.w lastMdmID(a1),d0 ; get the modem ID
End |