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Resource forks are included only for .rsrc files. These are DeRezzed into their data fork. 'ckid' resources, from the Projector VCS, are not included. The Tools directory, containing mostly junk, is also excluded.
380 lines
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380 lines
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; File: Mouse.a
; Contains: routines related to the mouse
; Written by: Steve Horowitz & Francis Stanbach
; Copyright: © 1990 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <7> 1/13/91 dba (KIP) add fix for old key repeat bugs in the Macintosh Plus ROM;
; specifically, be sure that KeyThresh and KeyRepThresh do not
; have 0s in them
; <6> 7/10/90 dba Oops! Frank forgot to export MTable and he didnÕt test it (my
; fault, I was with him at the time).
; <5> 7/10/90 fjs more cleanup related to Darin
; <4> 5/19/90 fjs more cleanup related to Darin
; <3> 5/16/90 dba work on it more (tag-team programming)
; <2> 5/16/90 fjs add more comments for Captain Van Eye Patch
; <1> 5/16/90 fjs Annette sure was cute
; 5/15/90 fjs That's right I'm writing this code
; To Do:
load 'StandardEqu.d'
include 'LinkedPatchMacros.a'
MGlobals record 0 ; mouse mapping globals data structure
Count ds.w 1 ; word: number of valid error deltas
MaxCnt ds.w 1 ; word: limit on number of error deltas
Err7 ds.w 1 ; word: time-7 error magnitude
Err6 ds.w 1 ; word: time-6 error magnitude
Err5 ds.w 1 ; word: time-5 error magnitude
Err4 ds.w 1 ; word: time-4 error magnitude
Err3 ds.w 1 ; word: time-3 error magnitude
Err2 ds.w 1 ; word: time-2 error magnitude
Err1 ds.w 1 ; word: time-1 error magnitude
Error ds.w 1 ; word: accumulated error
GSize equ * ; size of regular globals
Table ds.b 8 ; mickey bytes table
TotalSize equ * ; size
; initialize the mouse mapping table
PlusMouseInit InstallProc (Plus)
import MickeyBytesHelper
import MTable
; since the Plus boot code sometimes leaves KeyThresh and KeyRepThresh 0, check for that case.
tst.w KeyRepThresh
bne.s KeyRepThreshOK
move.w #$48*2,KeyRepThresh ; stuff same value used by modern boot code
tst.w KeyThresh
bne.s KeyThreshOK
move.w #$1FFF<<2,KeyThresh ; stuff same value used by modern boot code
lea MTable,a2 ; load pointer to table in a2
jmp MickeyBytesHelper
ADBMouseInit InstallProc (SE,II,Portable,IIci)
import MickeyBytesHelper
move.l MickeyBytes,a2 ; get ptr to globals
add #MGlobals.Table,a2 ; point past globals to table
jmp MickeyBytesHelper
MickeyBytesHelper proc
; get the value in PRAM
moveq #$78,d0 ; mask off the appropriate bits
and.b SPVolCtl,d0 ; of value from PRAM
lsr.b #3,d0 ; gets resource # to load
; attempt to get the resource from system file
subq #4,sp ; room for ResHandle
move.l #'mcky',-(sp) ; Mickey Mouse Tracking bytes
move.w d0,-(sp) ; gives us our ID
move.l (sp)+,d0 ; get handle into d0
beq.s noBytes ; we didn't get one, use default
move.l d0,a0 ; get handle in a0
move.l (a0),a0 ; source = mickey bytes
bra.s gotMickey ; install the bytes (should this be 'rts' ?)
lea default, a0 ; use the default bytes
; make it default to 2 if there is no resource
and.b #87,SPVolCtl ; mask off old setting
ori.b #(2<<3),SPVolCtl ; and OR it in PRAM
move.l (a0)+,(a2)+ ; move the bytes in
move.l (a0),(a2)
default dc.b 4, 10, 15, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255
; Mouse Mapping code for Mac Plus
ROMs Plus
MakePatch MapCode,jCrsrTask
MouseMapping PROC
; This signature is so that the Mouse control panel can recognize this lovely CrsrTask.
; It is probably completely unnecessary; at the very least we could do something shorter.
Signature dc.b 'Horowitz' ; isnÕt that special
; define these as constants instead of storage so that you can give them
; initial values without explicitly initializing them. Is this cheezy or
; genius ? <15may90 fjs>
mCount dc.w 1 ; word: number of valid error deltas
mMaxCnt dc.w 1 ; word: limit on number of error deltas
mErr7 dc.w 0 ; word: time-7 error magnitude
mErr6 dc.w 0 ; word: time-6 error magnitude
mErr5 dc.w 0 ; word: time-5 error magnitude
mErr4 dc.w 0 ; word: time-4 error magnitude
mErr3 dc.w 0 ; word: time-3 error magnitude
mErr2 dc.w 0 ; word: time-2 error magnitude
mErr1 dc.w 0 ; word: time-1 error magnitude
mError dc.w 0 ; word: accumulated error
mTable dc.b 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; mickey bytes table (some day put default values here?)
with MGlobals
tst.b CrsrNew ; Mouse changed?
beq Done ; No É return
tst.b CrsrBusy ; Cursor locked?
bne Done ; Yes É return
tst.b CrsrCouple ; Cursor coupled to mouse?
beq NoComp ; No É skip computation <DSV>
move.w MTemp+H,D0 ; Find ÆMx
sub.w RawMouse+H,D0
move.w MTemp+V,d1 ; Find ÆMy
sub.w RawMouse+V,d1
move.w d0,d2 ; x := |ÆMx|
bge.s AbsX
neg.w d2
move.w d1,d3 ; y := |ÆMy|
bge.s AbsY
neg.w d3
cmp.w d2,d3 ; d3 := magnitude(x,y)
bls.s magdone
exg d2,d3
ASR.w #1,d3
add.w d2,d3
; *** BEGIN NEW ***
lea Globals,a0 ; Get my globals
bne.s DoComp ; <03/07/87 EMT>
move.w #1,Count(a0) ; No hits <03/07/87 EMT>
clr.w Error(a0) ; No errors <03/07/87 EMT>
BRA DoPin ; Redraw the cursor <03/07/87 EMT>
DoComp ; <03/07/87 EMT>
moveM.l d4-d5,-(A7) ; Save off registers
move.w Count(a0),d4 ; d4 is the number of samples
cmp.w MaxCnt(a0),d4 ; Is Count less than MaxCnt
bge.s CountOK
add.w #1,Count(a0) ; Yes É we will have one more error
move.w d3,d5 ; Magnitude at current time
move.w d4,d2 ; Get Count
sub.w #1,d2 ; Index into JTab
ASL.w #1,d2 ; REQUIRES bra.sÕs IN JUMP TAbleS
JMP JTab(PC,d2.w) ; Jump to the right code per Count
JTab bra.s E1 ; Count = 1
bra.s E2 ; Count = 2
bra.s E3 ; Count = 3
bra.s E4 ; Count = 4
bra.s E5 ; Count = 5
bra.s E6 ; Count = 6
bra.s E7 ; Count = 7
; *** bra.s E8 ; Count = 8 ***
E8 add.w Err7(a0),d5 ; Accumulate time-7 magnitude
E7 add.w Err6(a0),d5 ; Accumulate time-6 magnitude
move.w Err6(a0),Err7(a0) ; Shift out time-6 magnitude
E6 add.w Err5(a0),d5 ; Accumulate time-5 magnitude
move.w Err5(a0),Err6(a0) ; Shift out time-5 magnitude
E5 add.w Err4(a0),d5 ; Accumulate time-4 magnitude
move.w Err4(a0),Err5(a0) ; Shift out time-4 magnitude
E4 add.w Err3(a0),d5 ; Accumulate time-3 magnitude
move.w Err3(a0),Err4(a0) ; Shift out time-3 magnitude
E3 add.w Err2(a0),d5 ; Accumulate time-2 magnitude
move.w Err2(a0),Err3(a0) ; Shift out time-2 magnitude
E2 add.w Err1(a0),d5 ; Accumulate time-1 magnitude
move.w Err1(a0),Err2(a0) ; Shift out time-1 magnitude
E1 move.w d3,Err1(a0) ; Shift out current magnitude
move.w d4,d2 ; Round up the divide
ASR.w #1,d2 ; by half the denominator
add.w d2,d5
EXT.l d5 ; Set up for the divide
DIVU d4,d5 ; Find the average magnitude
move.w d3,d4 ; Get the original magnitude
sub.w d5,d3 ; Find distance to average magnitude
add.w Error(a0),d3 ; add on the accumulated error
cmp.w #-1,d3 ; Define -1 div 2 = 0
bne.s DivOK
clr.w d3
DivOK ASR.w #1,d3 ; Get half of it
move.w d3,Error(a0) ; Update it
add.w d5,d3 ; Desired mag is average+Error
cmp.w #255,d5 ; mag := MAX(mag,255)
BLS.s MaxDone
move.b #255,d5
lea MTable,a0 ; address Table
clr.w d2 ; i := 0
add.b #1,d2 ; repeat
cmp.b (a0)+,d5 ; i := i+1
BHI.s Search ; until mag ² Table[i]
muls d2,d3 ; d4 := i*(Mag(ÆM)+Error)
muls d3,d0 ; ÆCx := (ÆMx*i*(Mag(ÆM)+Error))/Mag(ÆM)
divs d4,d0 ; <<<<<< d3 >>>>>>>
muls d3,d1 ; ÆCy := (ÆMy*i*(Mag(ÆM)+Error))/Mag(ÆM)
divs d4,d1 ; <<<<<< d3 >>>>>>>
moveM.l (A7)+,d4-d5 ; Restore registers
; *** END NEW ***
add.w d0,RawMouse+H ; Update raw mouse location
add.w d1,RawMouse+V
DoPin ; <03/07/87 EMT>
lea CrsrPin,a0 ; Bounding rect for cursor
move.l RawMouse,d0 ; Pin mouse inside rect
BSR.s PinGuts
move.l d0,RawMouse ; Update cursor locations
move.l d0,MTemp
AND.l MouseMask,d0 ; Do jerky masking to drop low bits
move.l MouseOffset,d1 ; Get the offset
beq.s SkipPin ; Skip 2nd pin if not
add.l d1,d0 ; Do jerky offset
BSR.s PinGuts ; Pin mouse inside rect again
move.l d0,Mouse ; Actual mouse location
TST.b CrsrObscure ; Unpaint the cursor
bne.s Unpainted
_HideCursor ; Hide the cursor
clr.b CrsrNew ; Cursor is fresh
clr.b CrsrObscure ; Cursor is not obscured
_ShowCursor ; Repaint the cursor
; *** BEGIN NEW ***
rts ; Goodbye
lea Globals,a0 ; Get my globals
move.w #1,Count(a0) ; No hits
clr.w Error(a0) ; No errors
rts ; Goodbye
lea Globals,a0 ; Get my globals
move.w #1,Count(a0) ; No hits
clr.w Error(a0) ; No errors
bra.s Repaint ; Update the cursor
; *** END NEW ***
; PinGuts limits the point in d0 to the bounding rectangle pointed to by a0.
; use the ROM instead, since it even works better, but only when you are really sure!
; (Darin)
cmp.w Left(a0),d0 ; Check left side
bge.s LeftOK
move.w Left(a0),d0
cmp.w Right(a0),d0 ; Check right side
ble.s RightOK
move.w Right(a0),d0
sub.w #1,d0
swap d0 ; Deal with vertical coord
cmp.w Top(a0),d0 ; Check top
bge.s TopOK
move.w Top(a0),d0
cmp.w Bottom(a0),d0 ; Check bottom
ble.s BotOK
move.w Bottom(a0),d0
sub.w #1,d0
swap d0