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synced 2025-03-13 15:32:10 +00:00
Resource forks are included only for .rsrc files. These are DeRezzed into their data fork. 'ckid' resources, from the Projector VCS, are not included. The Tools directory, containing mostly junk, is also excluded.
276 lines
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276 lines
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Created: Wednesday, August 14, 1991 at 12:09 PM
C Interface to the Macintosh Libraries
Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1990 - 1991
All rights reserved
#ifndef __COMPONENTS__
#define __COMPONENTS__
#ifndef __TYPES__
#include <Types.h>
#define gestaltComponentMgr 'cpnt'
#define kAnyComponentType 0
#define kAnyComponentSubType 0
#define kAnyComponentManufacturer 0
#define kAnyComponentFlagsMask 0
enum {
cmpWantsRegisterMessage = 1L<<31
struct ComponentDescription {
OSType componentType; /* A unique 4-byte code indentifying the command set */
OSType componentSubType; /* Particular flavor of this instance */
OSType componentManufacturer; /* Vendor indentification */
unsigned long componentFlags; /* 8 each for Component,Type,SubType,Manuf/revision */
unsigned long componentFlagsMask; /* Mask for specifying which flags to consider in search, zero during registration */
typedef struct ComponentDescription ComponentDescription;
struct ResourceSpec {
OSType resType; /* 4-byte code */
short resId; /* */
typedef struct ResourceSpec ResourceSpec;
struct ComponentResource {
ComponentDescription cd; /* Registration parameters */
ResourceSpec component; /* resource where Component code is found */
ResourceSpec componentName; /* name string resource */
ResourceSpec componentInfo; /* info string resource */
ResourceSpec componentIcon; /* icon resource */
typedef struct ComponentResource ComponentResource;
typedef ComponentResource *ComponentResourcePtr, **ComponentResourceHandle;
/* Structure received by Component: */
struct ComponentParameters {
unsigned char flags; /* call modifiers: sync/async, deferred, immed, etc */
unsigned char paramSize; /* size in bytes of actual parameters passed to this call */
short what; /* routine selector, negative for Component management calls */
long params[1]; /* actual parameters for the indicated routine */
typedef struct ComponentParameters ComponentParameters;
struct ComponentRecord {
long data[1];
typedef struct ComponentRecord ComponentRecord;
typedef ComponentRecord *Component;
struct ComponentInstanceRecord {
long data[1];
typedef struct ComponentInstanceRecord ComponentInstanceRecord;
typedef ComponentInstanceRecord *ComponentInstance;
typedef long ComponentResult;
typedef pascal ComponentResult (*ComponentRoutine)
(ComponentParameters *tp, Handle componentStorage );
typedef pascal ComponentResult (*ComponentFunction)();
#define ComponentCallNow( callNumber, paramSize ) \
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* *
* *
* Component Database Add, Delete, and Query Routines
pascal Component RegisterComponent(ComponentDescription *cd,ComponentRoutine componentEntryPoint,
short global,Handle componentName,Handle componentInfo,Handle componentIcon)
= {0x7001,0xA82A};
pascal Component RegisterComponentResource(ComponentResourceHandle tr,short global)
= {0x7012,0xA82A};
pascal OSErr UnregisterComponent(Component aComponent)
= {0x7002,0xA82A};
pascal Component FindNextComponent(Component aComponent,ComponentDescription *looking)
= {0x7004,0xA82A};
pascal long CountComponents(ComponentDescription *looking)
= {0x7003,0xA82A};
pascal OSErr GetComponentInfo(Component aComponent,ComponentDescription *cd,
Handle componentName,Handle componentInfo,Handle componentIcon)
= {0x7005,0xA82A};
pascal long GetComponentListModSeed(void)
= {0x7006,0xA82A};
* Component Instance Allocation and dispatch routines
pascal ComponentInstance OpenComponent(Component aComponent)
= {0x7007,0xA82A};
pascal OSErr CloseComponent(ComponentInstance aComponentInstance)
= {0x7008,0xA82A};
pascal OSErr GetComponentInstanceError(ComponentInstance aComponentInstance)
= {0x700A,0xA82A};
/* direct calls to the Components */
pascal long ComponentFunctionImplemented(ComponentInstance ci,short ftnNumber)
= {0x2F3C,0x2,0xFFFD,0x7000,0xA82A};
pascal long GetComponentVersion(ComponentInstance ci)
= {0x2F3C,0x0,0xFFFC,0x7000,0xA82A};
#ifdef __cplusplus
* *
* CALLS MADE BY Components *
* *
* Required Component routines
#define kComponentOpenSelect -1 /* ComponentInstance for this open */
#define kComponentCloseSelect -2 /* ComponentInstance for this close */
#define kComponentCanDoSelect -3 /* selector # being queried */
#define kComponentVersionSelect -4 /* no params */
#define kComponentRegisterSelect -5 /* no params */
#define kComponentTargetSelect -6 /* ComponentInstance for top of call chain */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* Component Management routines
pascal void SetComponentInstanceError(ComponentInstance aComponentInstance,
OSErr theError)
= {0x700B,0xA82A};
pascal long GetComponentRefcon(Component aComponent)
= {0x7010,0xA82A};
pascal void SetComponentRefcon(Component aComponent,long theRefcon)
= {0x7011,0xA82A};
pascal short OpenComponentResFile(Component aComponent)
= {0x7015,0xA82A};
pascal OSErr CloseComponentResFile(short refnum)
= {0x7018,0xA82A};
* Component Instance Management routines
pascal Handle GetComponentInstanceStorage(ComponentInstance aComponentInstance)
= {0x700C,0xA82A};
pascal void SetComponentInstanceStorage(ComponentInstance aComponentInstance,
Handle theStorage)
= {0x700D,0xA82A};
pascal long GetComponentInstanceA5(ComponentInstance aComponentInstance)
= {0x700E,0xA82A};
pascal void SetComponentInstanceA5(ComponentInstance aComponentInstance,
long theA5)
= {0x700F,0xA82A};
pascal long CountComponentInstances(Component aComponent)
= {0x7013,0xA82A};
/* useful helper routines for convenient method dispatching */
pascal long CallComponentFunction(ComponentParameters *params,ComponentFunction func)
= {0x70FF,0xA82A};
pascal long CallComponentFunctionWithStorage(Handle storage,ComponentParameters *params,
ComponentFunction func)
= {0x70FF,0xA82A};
pascal long DelegateComponentCall(ComponentParameters *originalParams,ComponentInstance ci)
= {0x7024,0xA82A};
#ifdef __cplusplus
enum {
/* Set Default Component flags */
defaultComponentIdentical = 0,
defaultComponentAnyFlags = 1,
defaultComponentAnyManufacturer = 2,
defaultComponentAnySubType = 4
#define defaultComponentAnyFlagsAnyManufacturer defaultComponentAnyFlags+defaultComponentAnyManufacturer
#define defaultComponentAnyFlagsAnyManufacturerAnySubType defaultComponentAnyFlags+defaultComponentAnyManufacturer+defaultComponentAnySubType
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
pascal OSErr SetDefaultComponent(Component aComponent,short flags)
= {0x701E,0xA82A};
pascal ComponentInstance OpenDefaultComponent( OSType componentType, OSType componentSubType )
= {0x7021,0xA82A};
pascal Component CaptureComponent(Component capturedComponent,Component capturingComponent)
= {0x701C,0xA82A};
pascal OSErr UncaptureComponent(Component aComponent)
= {0x701D,0xA82A};
#ifdef __cplusplus
typedef enum { /* errors from component manager & components */
invalidComponentID = -3000,
validInstancesExist = -3001,
componentNotCaptured = -3002,
componentDontRegister = -3003
#define badComponentInstance 0x80008001
#define badComponentSelector 0x80008002