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; File: VerticalRetraceMgr.a
; Contains: This file contains the core routines pertaining to the vertical
; retrace manager. VINSTALL installs a routine into the vertical
; retrace task list while VREMOVE removes it.
; Written by: Andy Hertzfeld 05-May-81
; Copyright: © 1981-1993 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM6> 11/9/93 KW added some eieioSTP macros. Only expands for CygnusX1 ROM
; <SM5> 1/29/93 RB Made the PseudoVBLInt routine compatible with NuKernel by
; changing the way it uses the status register.
; <SM4> 9/10/92 AEK Other half of pseudo-VBL support, add code to re-arm timemgr task
; <SM3> 5/21/92 kc Append "Trap" to the names of Enqueue and Dequeue to avoid name
; conflict with the glue.
; <6> 5/6/92 JSM Get rid of conditionals: hasSlotMgr is always true, Cpu is
; always ³ 020 since this file is only used in ROM builds. This
; file now has no conditionals.
; <5> 10/1/91 JSM DonÕt use hasADB conditional, all future ROMs will support ADB.
; <4> 9/10/91 JSM Cleanup header.
; <2> 6/12/91 LN Changed #include 'HardwareEqu.a' to 'HardwarePrivateEqu.a'
; <1.4> 4/16/89 GGD Rewritten so that SlotVBLs can share code with classic VBL
; handling. Changed slot handling to use shared data structures
; with slot interrupt handler. Increased data structures to
; support slots $0É$E, to allow for expansion chassis.
; <1.3> 3/6/89 GGD moved VBL and SlotVBL interrupt handlers to VerticalRetraceMgr.a
; from InterruptHandlers.a Modified 60hz handler to not re-enable
; interrupts if it was interrupting a vbl task, to prevent
; potential excessive stack growth if other level 1 interrupts are
; consuming a lot of time. Deleted obsolete unreferenced exported
; label CoreStub. Eliminated unused include files.
; <1.2> 2/20/89 rwh changed to feature based conditionals.
; <1.1> 11/10/88 CCH Fixed Header.
; <1.0> 11/9/88 CCH Adding to EASE.
; <1.2> 10/24/88 djw Modified InitVBLQs to alloc space for all supported NuBus slots
; (internal and bus expansion). Modified ChkSlot to support slot
; zero and bus expansion slots.
; <¥1.1> 9/23/88 CCH Got rid of inc.sum.d and empty nFiles
; <1.0> 2/10/88 BBM Adding file for the first time into EASEÉ
; <C914> 10/29/87 rwh Port to Modern Victorian. Changed Via2IntMask to SlotIntMask to
; make things more general
; <C913> 10/16/87 MSH Added nHardwareEqu.a to INCLUDEs
; <C755> 2/4/87 RDC Cleanup error return codes in AttachVBL and DoVBLTask routines
; <C665> 1/22/87 RDC Code review cleanup
; <C582> 1/2/87 RDC Misc cleanup
; <C572> 12/30/86 RDC Changed various equate names due to changes by GWN in equate
; file
; <A327> 11/2/86 RDC Finally added a copyright notice!
; <C224> 10/15/86 RDC Add error checking code for invalid slot #'s
; <C206> 10/9/86 bbm Modified to mpw aincludes.
; <C147> 9/8/86 RDC Added routines to support NuMac slot VBL queues
; 7/24/85 RDC Changed interrupt level masking to use equates Added separate
; include statement for HWequ file (no longer in systlqk.sym)
; 5/7/85 JTC Disallow VBL interrupts during computation. <07May85>
; 4/30/85 JTC Fix overflow problem in computing initial phase bias. <30Apr85>
; 1/30/85 LAK Added RAM patch to VInstall.
; 1/23/85 LAK Adapted for new equate files.
; 8/8/83 LAK added a comment only.
; 6/18/83 AJH saved 2 bytes by moving CoreStub
; 7/26/82 LAK phase of zero specifies no offset (used for exact one shots) -
; mod to VINSTALL
; 6/4/82 LAK use phase in VINSTALL to determine initial count
; 9/17/81 bmw vinstall returns zero in d0 if it's happy
print off
LOAD 'StandardEqu.d'
include 'HardwarePrivateEqu.a'
include 'SlotMgrEqu.a'
print on
print nomdir
machine mc68020
VBLCore proc export
export VInstall,VRemove,VBLInt,PseudoVblInt
import EnqueueTrap,DequeueTrap
export InitVBLQs,SlotVInstall,SlotVRemove
export AttachVBL,DoVBLTask
; Trap: _VINSTALL bb40
; Arguments: A0 (input) : address of vertical retrace control block
; D0 (output): error code - 0 no error
; -2 invalid queue element type
; Function: Installs a vertical retrace routine which is called after
; VBLCOUNT(A0) video frames.
; To permit VBl tasks to be called with the same frequencies but <30Apr85>
; in different time slices the following phasing mechanism is used:
; Compute T := Ticks MOD Count (this takes two DIVU's to avoid overflow).
; Then T indicates the momentary phase, relative to Count.
; Then compute the proper InitialCount so that the VBl task will be
; executed Phase slices AFTER the next slice whose MOD with Count is 0.
; if (Phase - T) >= 0
; then InitialCount := Count + (Phase - T)
; else InitialCount := Count + (Count + (Phase - T))
; To compute Ticks MOD Count we let Ticks = 2^16*Thi + Tlo and note that
; Ticks MOD Count = ( 2^16*(Thi MOD Count) + Tlo ) MOD Count
; with the pleasant benefit that neither MOD cannot cause DIVU to overflow!
; However, life is not without its uncertainties! If the clock should tick
; whilest this computation is performed, the initial phase will be off by
; a tick. But this could be solved by INSTALLING such tasks at VBL time,
; guaranteeing a fresh slice within which to work!!!
; Registers Used: D0,D1,D2,A0,A1 <30Apr85>
lea VBLQueue+2,a1
@loop move.l (a1),d1
beq.s @dontflunk
move.l d1,a1
cmp.l a0,a1
bne.s @loop
moveq.l #0,d0
@dontflunk lea VBLQueue,a1 ; get address of queue <1.4>
VInstallCommon ; common code shared with SlotVInstall
cmpi.w #vType,VBLType(a0) ; is it the proper type?
bne.s VTypeError ; if not, exit with error <1.4>
move.w vblCount(a0),d1 ; D1.W = Count <30Apr85>
beq.s @QueueIt ; Count=0 is special, one-shot case <30Apr85>
tst.w VBLPhase(a0) ; zero phase is also special <C204>
beq.s @QueueIt ; queue up for count ticks later <C204>
move.w sr,-(sp) ; save current interrupt status <07May85>
ori.w #HiIntMask,sr ; disallow VBL interrupts <07May85>/<24Jul85>
move.l Ticks-VBLQueue(a1),d0; D0 = 2^16*Thi + Tlo <30Apr85>
swap d0 ; <30Apr85>
moveq.l #0,d2 ; <30Apr85>
move.w d0,d2 ; D2 = Thi <30Apr85>
divu d1,d2 ; D2.hi = Thi MOD Count <30Apr85>
swap d2 ; <30Apr85>
move.w d2,d0 ; <30Apr85>
swap d0 ; D0 = 2^16*(Thi MOD Count) + Tlo <30Apr85>
divu d1,d0 ; <30Apr85>
swap d0 ; D0.W = Ticks MOD Count <30Apr85>
sub.w VBLPhase(a0),d0 ; <30Apr85>
neg.w d0 ; D0.W = Phase - (Ticks MOD Count) <30Apr85>
bpl.s @PhaseDone ; <30Apr85>
add.w d1,d0 ; D0.W = Count + (Phase - (...)) <30Apr85>
@PhaseDone ; <30Apr85>
add.w d0,vblCount(a0) ; <30Apr85>
move.w (sp)+,sr ; restore old status <07May85>
@QueueIt jsr EnqueueTrap ; install it in the queue
moveq.l #noErr,D0 ; indicate success
rts ; and return...
VTypeError moveq.l #VTypErr,d0 ; flag the error
rts ; and return...
; The VREMOVE bba2 trap routine removes a vertical retrace control block from the
; VBL queue. On entry, A0 points to the control block. D0 returns the error
; code; all other registers are preserved.
VRemove cmpi.w #vType,VBLType(a0) ; is it the proper type?
bne.s VTypeError ; if not, exit with error
move.l a1,-(sp) ; preserve A1
lea VBLQueue,a1 ; get address of queue
jsr DequeueTrap ; remove it from the queue
movea.l (sp)+,a1 ; restore A1
AnRTS rts ; return Dequeue error code
;_______________________________________________________________________ <1.3>
; we put the code for the VBL interrupt handler next bbb8
; NOTE: This handler expects that the interrupt is still pending, and clears
; it by clearing the CA1 interrupt flag on VIA 1 (base address passed
; in register A1). On OSS based machines, this is not quite the case,
; A1 is setup to point to OSS60HzAck-VIFR, so that when the write to
; VIFR(A1) is done, it will actually write to OSS60HzAck. Be Carefull!
; Fake time manager VBL interrupts enter here
movea.l a1, a0
move.l #-16626,d0 ; 60.15 Hz
movea.l jPrimeTime, a1
jsr (a1) ; restart time manager task
bra.s BumpTicks
move.b #1<<ifCA1,vIFR(a1) ; clear and re-enable vertical retrace interrupts
addq.l #1,Ticks ; bump tick count
bset.b #inVBL,qFlags+VBLQueue ; already in the VBL mgr?
bne.s AnRTS ; if so, skip it this time
ANDI.W #$F8FF,SR ; open up interrupts <1.3> <SM5> rb
; We call the cursor task every vertical retrace and the keyboard and mouse
; button tasks every other one, so these calls are just "hardwired" in.
move.l StkLowPt,d0
beq.s @StackOk
cmpa.l d0,sp ; new low?
bhs.s @CheckStack
move.l sp,StkLowPt ; new low in stack movement
@CheckStack movea.l ApplZone,a1
cmpa.l BkLim(a1),sp
bhs.s @StackOk ; br if no crash (always another time)
moveq.l #dsStknHeap,d0
_SysError ; it may already be too late . .
; now we service the VBL queue . . .
lea VBLQueue,a1 ; A1 points to the queue
RunVBLs lea qHead-vblink(a1),a0 ; setup to fetch head of list
@VBLloop move.l vblink(a0),d0 ; advance to next block
beq.s @VBLDone ; if queue is empty, exit
; Here we update the counter in the vertical retrace control block and
; call the appropriate routine when it times out. A0 points to the current
; block.
movea.l d0,a0 ; get pointer to next VBL control block
subq.w #1,vblCount(a0) ; decrement the counter
bne.s @VBLloop ; if non-zero, don't bother
move.l a0,-(sp) ; preserve A0 (pointer to VBL ctl block)
move.l a1,-(sp) ; preserve queue header pointer
movea.l vblAddr(a0),a1 ; get address of service routine
jsr (a1) ; call the routine with A0 pointing to the block
movea.L (sp)+,a1 ; restore A1
movea.L (sp)+,a0 ; restore A0
tst.w vblCount(A0) ; did the routine reset count?
bne.s @VBLloop ; if not, leave it in the queue
; unlink the element since it timed out
jsr DequeueTrap ; unlink it
bra.s @VBLloop ; and search the rest of the queue
@VBLDone bclr.b #inVbl,qFlags(a1) ; remember that we're done!
* moveq.l #noErr,d0 ; no error (d0=0 from code at @VBLloop)
rts ; return with success
; The following routines handle slot VBL tasks for the NuBus system
with slotVBLInfo
; In order to share code, we take advantage of structure of the low memory
; variables associated with the classic VBL manager, and group the queue
; header and tick count in the same way for slots.
_AssumeEq slotTickCount-slotVBLQHdr,Ticks-VBLQueue
; Routine: GetSlotVBLQHdr bc2e
; Arguments: D0 (input) : video card slot ($0..$E possible)
; D0 (output): error code
; A1 (output): address of SlotVBLQHdr for requested slot
; Function: Utility routine to do check for valid slot number, and return
; the address of the associated slot VBL queue header.
; If the slot number is out of range, an error code will be
; returned, and the routine will return to the callers caller,
; instead of directly to the caller.
; Called by: SlotVInstall, SlotVRemove, AttachVBL, DoVBLTask
; Registers Used: D0,A1
with slotIntGlobals
ext.w d0 ; ignore high byte
cmpi.w #sLastSlot,d0 ; check for valid slot #
bhi.s @slotTooBig ; return error if too big
movea.l ([SlotQDT],d0.w*4,slotVBLPtrs),a1 ; point to the VBL queue header
rts ; return with success
move.l ([$2b6],$260),a1
move.l a1,d1
beq.s @skipthis
move.l (a1),d1
beq.s @skipthis
movem.l d0/d2/a0,-(sp)
sub.l a0,a0
move.l d1,a1
move.l #'vbl ',d1
jsr (a1)
move.l a0,a1
movem.l (sp)+,d0/d2/a0
move.l a1,d1
bne.s @return
addq.w #4,sp ; pop the return address
move.w #smSlotOOBErr,d0 ; return with slot # error
rts ; return to callers caller
; Trap: _SlotVINSTALL bc70
; Arguments: A0 (input) : address of vertical retrace control block
; D0 (input) : video card slot ($0..$E possible) <v1.2>
; D0 (output): error code - 0 no error
; -2 invalid queue element type
; -360 invalid slot #
; Function: Installs a slot specific vertical retrace routine which is
; called after VBLCOUNT(A0) video frames. The count is treated
; as being in units of the slot's VBL time (e.g. 1/67th sec for
; the standard system monitor). Phase parameter is treated in
; same way as for Mac+ VBL tasks with substitution of a "slot
; tickcount" in place of the global TICKS value.
; Registers Used: D0,D1,D2,A0,A1
bsr.s GetSlotVBLQHdr ; find the VBL Queue for the slot
bra VInstallCommon ; install the slot VBL handler
; Trap: _SlotVRemove bc76
; Arguments: A0 (input) : address of vertical retrace control block
; D0 (input) : video card slot ($0..$E possible) <v1.2>
; D0 (output): error code - 0 no error
; -2 invalid queue element type
; Function: Removes a slot specific vertical retrace control block from the
; slot's VBL queue.
; Registers Used: D0,D1,A1
SlotVRemove bsr.s GetSlotVBLQHdr ; find the VBL Queue for the slot
cmpi.w #vType,VBLType(a0) ; is it the proper type?
bne VTypeError ; if not, exit with error
jmp DequeueTrap ; remove it from the queue, and return
; Trap: _AttachVBL bc86
; Arguments: D0 (input) : new video card slot for system VBL ($0..$E possible) <v1.2>
; D0 (output): error code
; Function: Does setup of ptr in slot VBL table to main system VBL queue.
; Registers Used: D0,D1,A1
AttachVBL bsr.s GetSlotVBLQHdr ; find the VBL Queue for the slot
move.l a1,ScrnVBLptr ; save new screen VBL ptr
moveq.l #noErr,d0 ; no error
rts ; and return with success
; Trap: _DoVBLTask bc90
; Arguments: D0 (input) : video card slot ($0..$E possible) <v1.2>
; D0 (output): error code
; Function: Triggers servicing of slot specific VBL queue.
; Registers Used: D0,D1,A1
DoVBLTask bsr.s GetSlotVBLQHdr ; find the VBL Queue for the slot
; first update the slot's "tickcount"
addq.l #1,slotTickCount-slotVBLQHdr(A1) ; increment slot tickcount
; check if main system queue being serviced
cmpa.l ScrnVBLPtr,a1 ; is it the main screen?
bne.s @cursorDone ; skip if not
move.l JCrsrTask,d0 ; else call the cursor task
beq.s @cursorDone ; if there is one installed
movea.l d0,a0 ; there is - go do it
move.l a1,-(sp) ; save queue header ptr
jsr (a0) ; run the cursor task
movea.l (sp)+,a1 ; restore queue ptr
; now we service the VBL queue . . .
bra RunVBLs ; run the VBL tasks, return with success
; Routine: InitVBLQs bcae
; Arguments: none
; Function: Initializes the variables related to Slot VBL's.
; Registers Used: A0
InitVBLQs LEA.L DoVBLTask,A0 ; and save hook to
MOVE.L A0,JVBLTask ; VBL task execute routine
CLR.L ScrnVBLPtr ; init main screen ptr save global
RTS ; exit to caller