Elliot Nunn 4325cdcc78 Bring in CubeE sources
Resource forks are included only for .rsrc files. These are DeRezzed into their data fork. 'ckid' resources, from the Projector VCS, are not included.

The Tools directory, containing mostly junk, is also excluded.
2017-12-26 09:52:23 +08:00

3617 lines
135 KiB

File: Sys.r
Contains: resources for the System file
Written by: Carl Hewitt
Copyright: © 1983-1993 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
Change History (most recent first):
<SM3> 8/25/93 BH Added dialogs for use by manual-eject drive software. This may
not be the most appropriate place for them, but they need a home
for now.
<SM2> 3/24/93 dwc Changed to include AppleTalk resource AT58 instead of AT57.
<290> 1/23/92 hsK Deleted 'dtab' resource which is no more used by the Dictionary
<289> 1/18/92 DTY Lock the print driver so that it will get loaded low in the
System heap to reduce fragmentation.
<288> 1/17/92 pvh Add in AppleTalk version 57 resources in one happy .rsrc file.
Includes all drivers and their shell thingies.
<287> 1/14/92 pvh Add Zydeco's real name to STR# -16395 so we can take out an
Installer action item which modifies it on the fly.
<286> 1/3/92 JSM #1017240: Add STR -16391 with name of TrueType font cache file.
<285> 12/16/91 DTY DonÕt mark 'WDEF' 0 as purgeable. (Ask the 7 Up guys for the
<284> 12/4/91 hsK Changed the 'dtab' resource (dictionary attribute table)
according to the new definition.
<283> 11/21/91 YK Removed InputUtils.
<282> 11/19/91 DTY Use a real date in the 'gbly' resource.
<281> 11/15/91 DTY Change the resource ID of the 'gbly' and 'lodr' resources to
match the ones in the Gibbly ERS.
<280> 11/12/91 DTY Add a 'ptbl' resource which loads all the linked patches.
Change resource type of linked patch loader to 'lodr'.
<279> 11/11/91 DTY Rez LinkedPatchLoader.a.rsrc into 'pldr' 0.
<278> 11/8/91 DTY Added a temporary 'gbly' resource to the System until we can get
Pete to add it to the BuildDisks script.
<277> 11/2/91 DTY FPHW.rsrc and ElemsHW.rsrc are compiled into 'RSRC' types
instead of 'PACK's now. Change the IncSys for SANE to reflect
<276> 11/1/91 JSM Take out SANE stuff conditionalized ForROM, this file is not
used in ROM builds.
<275> 10/28/91 SAM/KSM Rolled in Regatta changes.
Changed machine names and built-in video strings to reflect the
offical product names. We're GM!
Changed seeding machine names to not include the code names.
Changed ppat (16) to have the correct number of colors to
satisfy General. Changed all the new product names to strings
that have the same length as the "real" ones will.
Changed the Macintosh Zydeco name string to be the correct
length for the install script. (djw) re-worded bad battery
warning string -16515,-16516.
(ag) Revised low power strings again.
Changed the IIci ROvrs for AppleTalk to appear as they did when
7.0 shipped. Revised 'PAT ' (18).
Adding strings for Eclpise33 (Zydeco)
ROvring MPP driver on 67C machines (DRVR 9)
Whats in a semi-colon? Huh?
Removing all of the LocalTalk ROvrs and adding two IOP ROvrs
(for 67C)
Revised the Bad Battery strings.
ROvr'ed atlk (1,3) and ltlk (0,1,2,3) on $67C. Adding bad
battery strings -16514 & -16515. Added Portable desktop pat #18.
Added EDiskShutdownPtch.a as an IncSys INIT (12). Included a
placeholder 'ptch' (50).
(ag) changed wording on STR#-16512. Changed network warning to
default to sleep.
Added atlk#10 to the list of 67C ROvrs. Added some seeding
Split off from 7.0 GM sources. Added Built-In video names for
Spike, Eclipse, Tim, and Apollo. Added ÒAbout this MacintoshÉÓ
(and responder) strings for Spike, Eclipse, Tim, and Apollo.
Now including FPHW.rsrc & ElemsHW.rsrc (backpatching SANE) into
the System build. Cheesy software gets a cheesy Color Icon.
Default 7.0 (high radiation) desktop PixPattern has been tweeked
not not raditate as much. Removed all the AppleTalk rsrcs from
the ROVr list for IIci machines (except for lmgr & init 18) cuz
the new disk based stuff will correctly determine which ATalk
stuff is newer (ROM vs System).
<274> 10/23/91 JH Changed Dictionary dimg resource to have an ID of -16385 which
was officially obtained from the meanies.
<273> 10/23/91 YK Added InputUtils code.
<272> 10/14/91 JSM DonÕt use hasDictionaryMgr conditional.
<271> 10/11/91 JH Added DictionManager code and dtab resource.
<270> 10/2/91 JSM Use StandardFile.rsrc instead of StandardFile3.rsrc.
<269> 9/19/91 PKE (for Ian Hendry) For Cube-E, add 3 PICTs for use by Clock
Manager (needed for Alarm Clock DA).
<268> 9/17/91 DTY Added 'font' to the 'fld#' resource. This lets the Folder
Manager know about the new Fonts Folder.
<267> 6/11/91 gbm Take out conditional for Regatta
<266> 5/30/91 DTY New 'pixs' resources for tuned up scroll bar CDEF. Make sure if
you build with this version of Sys.r that you have version 36 of
ScrollBarCDEF.a as well!
<265> 4/2/91 SAM Added Regatta conditionalized strings and cicn.
<264> 3/23/91 EMT Tune NBP Timeout and Retry parameters for PPC.
<263> 3/21/91 DTY Cindy got mad at me because the year and Apple Computer, Inc.
are backwards from the ÒofficialÓ copyright format. SheÕs still
going to get mad at me for not doing this for c3, but at least
itÕs getting done.
<262> 3/20/91 ngk Add back popup triangle PICT that Darin removed.
<261> 3/13/91 DTY Updated 'vers' 1 resourceÕs copyright notice.
<260> 3/4/91 dba dty: get rid of SysVers conditionals and the popup triangle
PICT; get rid of sysHeapFromNowOn since it was for 6.X vs. 7.0
<259> 2/26/91 PKE smb,#perCindyR: Change resource name ÒUSÓ to ÒU.S.Ó.
<258> 2/23/91 PKE ngk,#perCSD: Clean up international resource names.
<257> 2/22/91 ag djw: hjr: Rolled in backlight support. new low power dialog
string and backlight driver resource.
<256> 2/21/91 csd gbm, #GangOfFive: Added Geneva 12 to the System so that we have
it on Install 1 for the Installer on the Plus.
<255> 2/15/91 csd dty,#81464: Changed the ppt# 0 resource to include the 7.0
pattern set. Also changed ppat 16 (the default color desktop) to
use a higher contrast dither which allows DragGrayOutline to
show up on 24-bit color screens. Added the FRSV resource back in
to be compatible with Font/DA Mover.
<254> 2/1/91 RLC <ngk> Add an IncSys to get 'dctb' -5696 and 'PICT' -5694 in the
new design for the About HelpÉ dialog.
<253> 1/22/91 JNG <BBH> Added a Dialog for the CommToolbox choose package.
<252> 1/21/91 mjq Include AppleTalk from the ObjDir folder instead of from the
Misc folder.
<251> 1/18/91 stb & RLC; change dbex id
<250> 1/18/91 stb & RLC; add 'dbex' resource, the presence of which permits the
user to disable extensions at startup time by holding down the
shift key.
<249> 1/17/91 csd & KSM: Changed the name of the ÒUsers & GroupsÓ file to ÒUsers &
Groups Data FileÓ so itÕs different than the name of the control
<248> 1/12/91 kaz Removing purge bit on popupCDEFMDEF 'proc'.
<247> 1/12/91 gbm <dba> Take out the obviously untested (wrong filenames and
missing quotes) changes for AppleTalk from <245> until the
makefile dependencies are fixed by mjq. Also fixed some typos
from <246>, wondering the whole time why Eric would check this
in untested (since <245> broke the build). How the hell are we
ever going to get b4 out the door if people arenÕt testing their
<246> 1/11/91 EMT <VC> change help strings for Prompt for user dialog
<245> 1/11/91 mjq Update AppleTalk resource locations for new AppleTalk Source
<244> 1/9/91 EMT <VC> Add dctb resource so that the promptforuser dialog looks
<243> 1/9/91 JDR (KIP) Sound Manager's snth resources are now marked "locked."
<242> 1/4/91 EMT <VC> Trim the size of some dialog items as appropriate in the
PromptForUser dialog.
<241> 12/27/90 csd Changed the bundle to add a new icon (-16509) for the clipboard
file and changed the FREF for files of type 'CLIP' to use it.
<240> 12/20/90 RLC <VL> Add the IncSys's to get the Finder's Help File icon data
back into this file.
<239> 12/15/90 csd per Pace Bonner: add a STR to the System which contains the name
of the file VM uses as a backing store.
<238> 12/14/90 stb & gbm; remove AppleTalk 'STR '
<237> 12/13/90 JSM <VL> Update help strings for PPC user dialog.
<236> 12/13/90 EMT <JSM> Add param text to prompt for PPC user dialog
<235> 12/11/90 stb & gbm; add 'STR ' -16507 for net booting
<234> 11/9/90 VL (dc) Deleted entries added in <228> as we don't need to draw
titles in TrueGray anymore.
<233> 11/4/90 dba include Scheduler and DAHandler separately so we donÕt waste so
much space on peopleÕs disks
<232> 11/1/90 fjs add color icons for the modem port and printer port
<231> 10/31/90 csd Added 'atlk' 10 to the Mac32 Rov#.
<230> 10/31/90 RLC Change help 'ICN#' resource ID to be -5696 instead of -5695.
[This has been incorrect for quite some time.]
<229> 10/30/90 csd Changed the directory where we get the ProcessMgr since we build it now.
<228> 10/30/90 VL (jsm) Added new entries to ROv# resources to override
RoundedWDEF (1) in SE, II, Portable and ci ROMs.
<227> 10/19/90 fjs remove ppat 11, 12, 13
<226> 10/10/90 gbm Mike really did forget...
<225> 10/9/90 jmp Oops, I forgot to rename various references to
VideoExtensionIIci.p when I changed the name to
<224> 10/8/90 VL Changed 'pixs' resources so that it can handle 1-bit pixmap data
by adding an additional field to contain the number of bits per
pixel. This reduces the size of pixs significantly.
<223> 10/6/90 jmp Added a space in front of the ÒMemory Allocation for Built-In
VideoÓ strig so that it would look centered, and made the
static-text item associated with this string 5 pixels larger to
accomodate my change in the version number from 1.0 to 1.0.1
(i.e., had to change VidExtVers in Build).
<222> 9/27/90 csd Added Responder.
<221> 9/25/90 csd Marked the 'pixs' and 'pmap' resources preload unti the defprocs
can deal with not being able to get them.
<220> 9/25/90 KIP Convert Sound Mgr. to a linked patch. Also change ProcHelper and
DispatchHelper back to a linked patch.
<219> 9/21/90 gbm Fixed spelling of purgeable.
<218> 9/21/90 DDG Used the new conditional for picture utilities.
<217> 9/16/90 csd Include the snd resource from PictWhapSound.rsrc.
<216> 9/16/90 VL Replaced old-style 'wctb' and 'cctb' with 7.0 extended ones.
<215> 9/15/90 csd Changed ÒA/ROSE PrepÓ to just ÒA/ROSEÓ.
<214> 9/14/90 kaz Marking CommToolbox 'cmtb' and 'proc' code resources as locked
to load 'em in low in the system heap.
<212> 9/10/90 EMT Added BubbleHelp Strings for PPCToolBox PromptForUser Dialog
<211> 9/7/90 Lai Add include resources for AppleEvent Manager
<210> 9/4/90 EMT Change structure of 'ppci' resource
<209> 9/3/90 gbm add 'dcmp'(2), more commonly known as GreggyBits
<208> 9/1/90 PKE Add IncSys statements for Keyboard menu DLOG and DITL resources.
They were not being included here, which is why they were not
getting in.
<207> 8/30/90 dba put back in the resource override for WDEF 0, since we added a
new window variant; fix Geneva back up
<206> 8/29/90 stb change FRSV to resf for 7.0 and later
<205> 8/28/90 VL Changed the size of the text box for the notification dialog so
that it can accommodate 255 characters.
<204> 8/27/90 RB add TrueType glyphname resource at Font Mgr
<203> 8/20/90 dvb Remove "PixPat4Colors.r", 'coz colorpicker no longer needs it.
<202> 8/20/90 RLC Add back the IncSys's for the color help menu icons.
<201> 8/20/90 gbm mark a few thing not purgeable... I went a little purge crazy
<200> 8/19/90 gbm mark a few more things purgeable, take steps to speed up the
build (a little)
<199> 8/19/90 dba got rid of old SixPack conditionals since we donÕt build system
versions older than SixPack; got rid of the forAppleTalk20
switch since it is always true these days; made new defines so
we can use dialog centering, and it will be ignored on 6.0
builds; overhauled ROM resource overrides (still overriding KCHR
0 too often); got rid of SwapHMMUPatch, SwapPMMUPatch,
SonyEjectPatch, and FormatPatch since they are all now linked
patches; set sysHeap bit on more resources, including all Comm.
Toolbox resources; include the whole AliasMgr.rsrc file instead
of including the resources one at a time, since it builds faster
that way; used auto-centering on various dialogs and alerts, and
made the corresponding changes to the code (got rid of centering
code); removed the name from the Terminal Click sound, so it
will not appear in lists of eligible beep sounds; declare the
FOND for Geneva explicitly, instead of including it from
SystemFonts.rsrc, also include Geneva 9 only, since Geneva 12 is
in all ROMs; put the color apple cicn back in for 6.X builds, so
6.X will still have a color apple menu title; formatted many
color resources so that you can see what they are (check out the
scroll bar arrows and the color apple); change the Parity alert
button from Restart to Shut Down, since Restart just gives you
the same alert again
<198> 8/17/90 jmp It was decided today that the LC video ROM would be named
(internally) Macintosh B Built-In Video -- that there would be
no Macintosh C Built-In Video (distinguishing V8 LCs from non-V8
LCs). So, I removed the referenced to C.
<197> 8/17/90 csd Added more machine names to the STR# to correspond to the
Gestalt machine IDs.
<196> 8/17/90 DTY Removed IncSys for Slot Manager since itÕs a linked patch now.
<195> 8/14/90 jmp Added the "Macintosh II C Built-In Video" 'card' resource for
V8, and the "Macintosh II C Built-In Video" 'STR#' translation
resource. This is for LC-V8s (Rexes?). Also, changed the
translated name from "Macintosh II Built-In Video" to "Macintosh
Built-In Video" for Rexes only since Rexes are not going to be
Macintosh IIÕs by name.
<194> 8/14/90 DTY Removed ptch 0 since TextEdit is a linked patch now.
<193> 8/10/90 dba add new strings for AppleTalk and A/ROSE, get rid of INIT 22
<192> 8/10/90 S Modified A String in STR# -16409.
<191> 8/10/90 S Added String resources to STR# -16409 resource in PPCToolBox.
<190> 8/9/90 VL Removed obsolete 'pixs' for the color scroll bar.
<189> 8/9/90 DC replace color apple cicn (for apple menu) with icon suite
<188> 8/8/90 SAM Including ptch 45 DispatchHelper & ProcHelper in the System.
¥¥¥---> Temporary <--- ¥¥¥ Remove this when sound becomes an
<187> 8/7/90 DTY Removed ptch for ADBMgrPatch since itÕs been converted to a
linked patch.
<186> 8/7/90 csd Added some more resources to the Rov#s for Appletalk.
<185> 8/7/90 SMB Added IncSys for keyboard menu 'hmnu' found in
<184> 8/7/90 RLC Remove 'ICN#' (-16490) warning from BalloonHelp.
<183> 8/7/90 KIP Change Sound Input driver res id to -16499.
<182> 8/6/90 VC Changed the bad-user and bad-pasword alert strings in the PPC
log-in dialog.
<181> 8/6/90 VL Updated pixs resources for color scroll bars.
<180> 8/5/90 csd Include Geneva 9 from SystemFonts.rsrc since the Plus doesnÕt
have it in ROM.
<179> 8/5/90 RLC Change IncludeColorHelpIcons to zero to skip inclusion of 2
color ics's.
<178> 8/4/90 DTY Got rid of 'pixs' resources -14336 & -14332 from Window Manager;
theyÕre no longer used by the Standard WDEF. Modified 'pixs'
-14335 & 'pixs' -14334.
<177> 8/2/90 JSM Read in all PPC Browser resources from a separate file.
<176> 7/30/90 DDG Updated the build commands for picture utilities.
<175> 7/30/90 RLC Remove some IncSys's to get rid of unused icons.
<174> 7/30/90 dnf Remove IncSys for File Manager and Btree Manger ptch resources
<173> 7/24/90 RLC Change references to BalloonTypes.r to look directly in
{RIncludes} now.
<172> 7/24/90 KIP NEEDED FOR SIXPACK: Create 'proc' resources from
SoundPFDProc.rsrc and SoundInputProc.rsrc.
<171> 7/23/90 PKE Moved the ÔresourceÕ and ÔdataÕ definitions for international
resources that were defined here into a new file,
International.r; replaced with IncSys statements here.
<170> 7/23/90 dba get rid of ptch 1
<169> 7/23/90 dba get rid of ptch 25 for 7.0; also get rid of ptch 16 for good
<168> 7/20/90 DTY Remove Bass 'ptch' resources since itÕs a linked patch now.
<167> 7/20/90 dba get rid of PTCH -1 for 7.0
<166> 7/20/90 csd Added even more resources to the Mac32 ROv# for Appletalk.
<165> 7/19/90 CCH NEEDED FOR SIXPACK: Removing include of HwPriv ptch, since it is
now a linked patch.
<164> 7/19/90 PP Remove obsolete AliasMgr DLOG and DITL resource for
Already Connected To Server dialog.
<164> 7/19/90 PP Remove obsolete AliasMgr DLOG and DITL resource for Already
Connected To Server dialog.
<163> 7/17/90 PKE ÔkscnÕ resource (see <9.8>) has been superseded by keyboard icon
suite (kcs#, etc. - see <102>). Changed ÔkscnÕ 0 back to ÔSICNÕ
0 for backward compatibility.
<162> 7/16/90 csd Added four more resources needed by Appletalk to the Mac32 ROv#.
<161> 7/16/90 DDG NEEDED FOR SIXPACK: Added the button CDEF back to the ÔROv
list for the Mac SE, since my patch didnÕt work !! Maybe later I
will come back and fix this patch if we REALLY need the Å1000
bytes that it saves.
<160> 7/11/90 gbm Fixed Darin ÒBoneHeadÓ AdlerÕs glaring errors. Maybe someday
heÕll learn to build before he checks in files.
<159> 7/11/90 dba improve inclusion of ProcessMgr and VM, set system heap bit a
lot more
<158> 7/7/90 PKE Define ÒsysHeapFromNowOnÓ symbol to use as heap attribute for
resources that did not have sysheap attribute in 6.x, but which
should have sysheap attribute set for 7.0 and beyond (Darin gets
credit for the symbol name). Use it for itlb, itl0, itl1, itl2,
and itl4 (all ID=0) and PACK 6. For new 7.0 international
resources, just set sysHeap attribute: itlm, kcs#, kcs4, kcs8,
and STR# (-16491). This fixes a bug with saving handles to
resources loaded at INIT time.
<157> 7/3/90 fjs Die Hard II: Die Harder
<156> 7/2/90 DTY Removed IncSys for Resource Manager Extensions, since theyÕre in
a linked patch.
<155> 7/2/90 csd Added resources needed by AppleTalk to the Mac32 ROv#.
<154> 7/1/90 JSM Change 'char' to 'TEXT' in the 'rtt#' resource.
<153> 7/1/90 JSM Updated some data types for SnarfMan in the 'rtt#' resource.
<152> 6/29/90 DDG NEEDED FOR SIXPACK: Removed the button CDEF from the ÔROv#Õ list
for the Mac SE, because we now have a patch to fix the SE case.
<151> 6/27/90 DC Included label resources (IconUtils.rsrc)
<150> 6/26/90 DTY Removed IncSys for NotificationMgr, since itÕs now a linked
<149> 6/26/90 JSM Don't include 'ckid' resources from AppleTalk.rsrc and
<148> 6/26/90 csd get AppleTalk and ADSP resources from their own .rsrc files
instead of System7.0Resources. Added a default, empty machine
name STR .
<147> 6/25/90 DTY Removed 'ptch' for ScrollSpeedFix.a.rsrc since itÕs now in an
<146> 6/22/90 PKE Updated 'itlm' data to use new script, language, and region
names, and rearranged sorting order of scripts, languages, and
<145> 6/21/90 PK Move disk init resources to DiskInit.rsrc
<144> 6/21/90 DTY Removed rules for Shutdown Manager INIT. (Shutdown Manager now a
lpch in all systems.)
<143> 6/20/90 ngk Add PictButtonCDEF for system 7.0
<142> 6/19/90 JSM Center PPCBrowser dialog in the DLOG resource.
<141> 6/19/90 VL Remove IncSys for MiscPatches since MiscPatches is now a linked
<140> 6/19/90 DVB Make 'general' patterns use clut8 colors.
<139> 6/18/90 RLC Remove a bunch of IncSys's for some BalloonPack resources.
<138> 6/18/90 JBS NEEDED FOR SIXPACK-Merged ci/erickson resources together with
elsie resources.
<137> 6/16/90 PK Change Disk Init's DITL: support for sparing, UserItem to redraw
button hilites, uses dialog mgr approved offset (not 1000) to
show/hide items.
<136> 6/15/90 PP Remove 'SelectAlias' related obsolete resources from AliasMgr.
<135> 6/15/90 DDG Added the button CDEF to the ÔROv#Õ lists to fix a small bug in
drawing text in buttons.
<134> 6/14/90 JBS NEEDED FOR SIXPACK-Removed Elsie Extension, Mapped all names to
the same
<133> 6/12/90 JSM PPC Toolbox is now a linked patch. Get rid of IncSys ptch 33.
<132> 6/12/90 PKE NEEDED FOR SIXPACK: Override IIci and Portable ROM versions of
MDEF 0 for SixPack as well as BigBang.
<131> 6/11/90 DDG NEEDED FOR SIXPACK: Changed the ID number of the resources used
by the Disk Initialization package back to -6047 for 6.x systems.
The ID number for the 7.0 system was NOT changed.
<130> 6/11/90 DDG NEEDED FOR SIXPACK: Changed the Macintosh XO string to just say
macintosh. This means that we can do seed versions that canÕt
contain real product names without the extra step of changing all
these little strings. Right before XO is actually shipped, we
should change this to the real name of the computer.
<129> 6/10/90 fjs add a picture for drawing gray lines in dialogs and several
pixel patterns for use as substitutes for the original QuickDraw
patterns available as globals
<128> 6/10/90 JSM Include all the SnarfMan resources from just SnarfMan.a.rsrc.
<127> 6/7/90 EMT Layer Manager is now a linked patch. Get rid of IncSys ptch 17.
<126> 6/7/90 VL Help Mgr is now a linked patch. Get rid of IncSys ptch 28.
<125> 6/7/90 DC Modified existing ALRT, DLOG and WIND templates to for
<124> 6/6/90 DTY Add switch launch prevention 'proc'
<123> 6/6/90 csd add FREF for new System file type
<122> 6/3/90 csd Added new FRSV resource; changed System BNDL to use new System
file icon.
<121> 6/1/90 SMB Add STR# and default icon suites for Keyboard Menu.
<120> 6/1/90 RLC Fix the bugs resulting from the Linker unable to do: Link -ra
<119> 6/1/90 RLC Fixed IncSys includes for balloon pack resources.
<118> 5/30/90 JBS NEEDED FOR SIXPACK-Changed Elsie resources
<117> 5/29/90 PKE Added bytes for valid style and alias style to ÔitlbÕ type.
Added list of additional separators to Ôitl1Õ. Both changes
match new formats in SysTypes.r.
<116> 5/29/90 JSM Update PPCBrowser resources for new interface.
<115> 5/29/90 JBS NEEDED FOR SIXPACK-Fixed Elsie video extension resource
<114> 5/29/90 DDG NEEDED FOR SIXPACK: Changed all the sixpack conditionals from
six-point-oh-seven to six-point-oh-six.
<113> 5/25/90 NC Added SnthLoading.r to System File.
<112> 5/24/90 kaz Removed Choose.r 'finf'
<111> 5/23/90 csd Changed the ctSeeds of cluts 5 and 9 so that they donÕt match
the standard system cluts.
<110> 5/22/90 kaz Changed StandardNBP.r 'STR#' to 'PICT'
<109> 5/21/90 PKE Added region code table to ÔitlmÕ resource to match new format
in SysTypes.r. Updated itlm data to use newer script, lang, and
region codes (smTradChinese, etc.). Converted Ôitl1Õ resource
for 7.0 to new extended form with list of abbreviated day and
month names, etc.
<108> 5/18/90 csd added clut 5 and clut 9 for drawing dimmed icons.
<107> 5/18/90 fjs mouse mapping init is banished to 6.x only
<107> 5/18/90 fjs mouse mapping INIT and resource are banished to 6.x
<106> 5/15/90 JS Added Elsie video extenion version
<105> 5/15/90 JS Added resources for Elsie video extension
<104> 5/14/90 csd Removed the splash screen init.
<103> 5/13/90 PKE Change ROv# resources for Portable and Mac32 so we use newly
modified KCHR 0 in System file instead of old KCHR 0 in ROM.
<102> 5/12/90 SMB Adding the keyboard small icons (kcs#, kcs4, kcs8) for the US
default keyboard (KCHR 0).
<101> 5/10/90 DDG Fixed the erickson string for the video card.
<100> 5/10/90 JSM AliasMgr is now a linked patch, don't include it as 'ptch' 20.
<99> 5/4/90 PP Leave 'spoo' in 'fld#' until A10 is built and ready for
<98> 5/3/90 PP Change special folder names in 'fld#' resource.
<97> 5/2/90 PKE Rearranged 'itlm' resource data to match new format.
<96> 5/2/90 JS FOR 6.0.6-Added new 'card' resources for the ci video extension
<95> 5/1/90 BBM add support for linked patches in system 6.0.6 or greater.
and moved diskcache next to boot 2 resource
<94> 4/25/90 PKE Add 'itlm' resource for multiscript mapping and sorting data.
<93> 4/25/90 S To Change Constants in ppci resource.
<92> 4/24/90 DDG Added back the ICN# 3 resource for system six. Also changed the
FREFs and the BNDL slightly for system six (this does not affect
system seven at all).
<91> 4/20/90 dba put in the new apple for the menu bar; get rid of the two
anti-aliased ones
<90> 4/19/90 csd fixed the IDs for the CDEF 1 (scroll bar) owned resources.
<89> 4/19/90 DDG Conditionalizing the new FREF for the help manager to only be
included for system 7.0. Also added a string for the tiburon
<88> 4/19/90 dba get rid of CheckDevicesINIT.a.rsrc on 7.0 systems; also use
newer ParityINIT.a.rsrc instead of the two parity INITs on 7.0
single ParityINIT instead of two ParityINITs for 7.0 systems
<87> 4/18/90 DDG Added PatchTheBigFive.rsrc to the system file. Also made 7.0
include PrintDriver.a.rsrc and 6.x include
<86> 4/15/90 dba update dialog for INIT 12 (licensing splash screen)
<85> 4/14/90 csd fixed the conditional for INIT 12 (licensing splash screen)
<84> 4/13/90 DDG Removed the SnthLoading.rsrc file (it contains all the slods,
which are no longer needed).
<83> 4/13/90 csd added SplashScreenINIT and its ALRT and DITL.
<82> 4/12/90 DD Added build instruction for system 7 to include
DeCompressDefProc1.a.rsrc as 'dcmp' ID 1.
<81> 4/12/90 KO Removed Button CDEF; changed Meter CDEF ID to 62, changed name
of "SinDialog.r" to "SinHighLevel.r".
<80> 4/11/90 csd added resources needed by color scroll bar and windows.
<79> 4/11/90 KSM What happened to the submit?
<77+> 4/11/90 KSM Change IncSys's for BalloonPack resources.
<77> 4/11/90 BBH eliminate inclusion of temporary CommToolbox resources (INIT 29,
proc -32509, -32508, ctbp -32512, -32511, -32510)
<76> 4/11/90 dba put back the STR resource containing ÒSpool FolderÓ, since
PrintMonitor is still looking at it; add GenericIcons.rsrc;
change IDs for DiskInit package resources for Nick K.
<75> 4/10/90 dba marked the bootblocks resource protected to keep it safe from
overzealous Finders; added the new secondary boot resource;
moved the ".Print" driver back over to the 7.0 side because
ProcessMgr.rsrc no longer includes its own ".Print"
<73> 4/9/90 NB Moved "Spool Folder" string resource into a "< 7.00" condition.
This is part of a several file patch to move the drivers into the
extensions folder. The .Print driver will be rolled in next.
<72> 4/9/90 VL Updated 'rtt#' for Database Access Manager.
<71> 4/5/90 CCH Added Macintosh IIfx and XO to Product name resource.
<70> 4/4/90 KON get rid of ptch 44, 35, 36
<69> 3/30/90 BBH make cmtb resources load into system heap always
<68> 3/30/90 RLC Conditionally add color icon family IncSys's for System 7.0 help
file icon.
<67> 3/29/90 HJR Change conditional in FKeys so that Dumpscreenfkey and
printscreenfkey are no longer in 6.10 build.
<66> 3/29/90 KON Added build commands for AllB&WQDPatch.a, ptch 44.
<65> 3/26/90 PKE Include Script Mgr ptch 27 and ptch 39 for SysVers >= $607 (was
SysVers >= $700). The source for these patches is now
conditionalized appropriately.
<64> 3/23/90 NC Added ptch 43 which now contains the Sound Manager Extensions.
<63> 3/22/90 csd put in color icons (icl8, icl4, ics8, ics4) for the System File
(Mac Plus) icon.
<62> 3/22/90 dba bad doggie is not even strong enough; I had it right in change
<61> 3/22/90 dba syntax error; Darin is a bad doggie
<60> 3/22/90 dba put in the lpch resources that I forgot in change 58
<59> 3/21/90 PKE Added new info to US 'itlb' resource: font/size data, script
local data size (needed for auto-initialization of script
systems). Matches updated type in SysTypes.r. Also defined some
FOND ID constants.
(needed for auto-initialization of script systems). Matches
updated type in SysTypes.r. Also defined some FOND ID constants.
<58> 3/21/90 dba use linked patches, new boot blocks, and build MultiFinder, DA
Handler and VM in
<57> 3/20/90 fjs change the new mouse speed
<56> 3/20/90 S To Change Default ppci parameters.
<55> 3/20/90 PP Remove obsolete 'fld#' resource items and add "Already Connected
to Server' Dialog to AliasMgr.
<54> 3/20/90 S To Add a new PPC Resource ppci.
<53> 3/20/90 DDG Changed sysvers conditionals from $610 to $607.
<52> 3/19/90 JSM Add "<This Macintosh>" to PPC Browser STR#.
<51> 3/19/90 RLC Include some new resources ('STR ' & 'ICN#') for Help Mgr.
<50> 3/18/90 DDG Change the #ifdef statement for hasPopupCDEF and hasCommToolbox
to be an #if statement. This ensures that these two features are
only included on the proper systems.
<49> 3/17/90 BBH oops - duplicated a line causing build to fail (StandardNBP STR#
include line was duplicated)
<48> 3/17/90 BBH add CommToolbox resources to system file
<47> 3/15/90 JSM Add configuration resource for PPC Browser.
<46> 3/14/90 RLC Add 'help' type to BNDL to get an icon.
<45> 3/12/90 JSM Add even more resources for the Database Access Manager.
<44> 3/9/90 NJC Added build rules for Sound Input Manager, Erickson Sound Input
DRVR, CDEFs for the SinHighLevel Routines, and the standard
Sound Input Dialog.
<43> 3/8/90 JSM Change label for zone list in PPC Browser.
<42> 3/5/90 BBH added resources for Popup CDEF
<41> 3/1/90 DC Changed layerMgr.c.rsrc include to expect type 'ptch' and id 17.
Changed sysobj.make to generate 'ptch' 17.
<40> 2/27/90 PKE For 7.0, add new ScriptMgrROMPatch.rsrc as ÔptchÕ 39 (combines
common Script Mgr patch code from IIci and Portable patch
<39> 2/23/90 JSM Add some more resources and private .r file for the Database
Access Manager.
<38> 2/21/90 DD Added resource for DeCompressDefProc.a
<37> 2/19/90 HJR Remove SERD from system which is now and will stay in ROM or the
patch file as where it should remain.
<36> 2/19/90 JSM Add resources for PPC Browser.
<35> 2/17/90 ngk Split resources for 6.x and 7.x standard file into separate
resource files
<34> 2/17/90 fjs add new mcky resource more appropriate for large screens
<33> 2/16/90 DDG Fixed the conditionals the sound manager extentions and the
pictwhap FKEY so that they are included in the Sys610 Build.
<32> 2/15/90 JRM Add version of standalone version of popup icon
<31> 2/12/90 JSM Override ROM version of MDEF 0 on Mac32 and Portable.
<30> 2/8/90 RLC Toss BalloonHelp icon in Standard file dialogs.
<29> 2/7/90 HJR Needed for 6.0.5: Added AsyncIOPDriver.aii which replaces
SERD=60/61 in ROM.
<28> 2/6/90 fjs add dithered gray pattern to the pattern list
<27> 2/1/90 csd Needed for 6.0.5: Added ALRT and DITL -16416 for the mismatched
32-Bit QuickDraw alert.
<26> 1/24/90 dba fix version string to mention 1990
<25> 1/24/90 dba change names of some of the special folders
<23> 1/22/90 ngk Moved volume icon over in PutFile to make room for border around
file list
<21> 1/22/90 JRM add Mail Letter icon for Standard File
add Control Panels folder
<20> 1/22/90 PP "Extension Folder" name is "Extensions Folder".
<20> 1/18/90 JSM Add STR# -5728 for Database Access Manager.
<19> 1/17/90 PKE Updated itlc resource data for new region code field added to
itlc type in SysTypes.r.
<18> 1/17/90 PKE Updated itlc resource data to use MPW 3.1 itlc format, which is
now in SysTypes.r.
<17> 1/17/90 fjs Properly conditionalize FKEYS for 6.0.5 vs. 7.0
<16> 1/16/90 KO NEEDED FOR 6.0.5: Added Quickdraw patch file for ci
<14> 1/10/90 RLC Update and change WhatIs related resources to new format.
<13> 1/8/90 ngk Update EditionMgr include statment. Fixed EditionFile SICN.
<12> 1/8/90 dba added INIT icon into the bundle
<11> 1/5/90 CCH NEEDED FOR 6.0.5: Added Zone 5 to machine names list (STR#
<10> 1/4/90 csd Fixed the BNDL so that it no longer refers to ICN# 4 which Darin
<9> 1/3/90 dba override the MBDF on Mac Plus and Mac SE
<8> 1/3/90 RC Update stdfile help strings (STR# -3999).
<7> 1/3/90 CCH Changed ÒGestalt.a.rsrcÓ to ÒGestalt.rsrcÓ.
<6> 1/2/90 ngk Fix DataPub.p.rsrc to explicitly include code resources
<5> 12/28/89 dba create new #define (codeAs) so we donÕt need 'RSRC' (0)
sprinkled all over the file; change some code resources to be
compiled as 'RSRC' (0) (includes changes to SysObj.Make); move
patter and icon LDEF to appropriate places in the file and add
more comments about them
<4> 12/25/89 dba add in icons; get rid of lousy Finder icon; put conditionals in
for Standard File help (no balloons in 6.0)
<3> 12/20/89 dba move keyboard stuff to separate file
<2> 12/18/89 CCH Now includes Rez text files, instead of resources files.
<14.1> 12/11/89 GMR Added Sony Format patch (FormatPatch.a)
<14.0> 12/6/89 RLC Change overlay resource on Portable to use the RAM 'MBDF' proc
for system 7.0.
<13.9> 12/4/89 RLC Fix include statement for BalloonHelp.
<13.8> 12/1/89 RLC Shift down each item in SFPutFile dialog and add some to height
of DLOG frame.
<13.7> 11/30/89 RLC Added hmnu, hdlg, & new STR# (-3999) to support Help Mgr in
Standard File dialogs.
<13.6> 11/29/89 fjs added include for icon list definition and a light gray 'PAT '
for the chooser and the finder, added new and exciting color
patterns (now there are 12), made default color pattern ('PPAT'
16) a dithered gray.
<13.5> 11/29/89 GGD NEEDED FOR 6.0.5: Enabled New ADB Manager for 6.0.5
<13.4> 11/28/89 prp AliasMgr SwitchDisk dialog resources # changed due to a
<13.3> 11/28/89 CVC Added alert resources for PPC.
<13.2> 11/27/89 prp AliasMgr includes SwitchDisk Dialog resources.
<13.1> 11/21/89 EMT NEEDED FOR 6.0.5: Added humane scrolling (ptch 9).
<13.0> 11/17/89 dba got rid of FInit68K for System 7 because MultiFinder does its
own launching
<12.9> 11/10/89 ngk added icons for generic edtion files to Standard File icons
<12.8> 11/7/89 csd with dba: fix resource IDs of Standard File icons; get rid of
Background Folder string
<12.7> 11/2/89 RLC Added new Balloonptch28 files.
<12.6> 10/31/89 dba nuked INIT 4 in System 7
<12.5> 10/30/89 EMT nuked INITs 0 & 1 in System 7
<12.4> 10/30/89 JRM moved generic icons to PACK 3 range
<12.3> 10/25/89 BAL Added GetPictUtil.rsrc as PACK 15
<12.2> 10/25/89 rwh WOULD BE NICE FOR 6.0.5: added ptch38, backpatch of hwPriv trap.
<12.1> 10/15/89 BAL Added 32-Bit Pict drawing patches for SE/Plus (35) and Exprit
<12.0> 10/14/89 EMT Cache is loaded by syspatch, don't need INIT 35.
<11.9> 10/13/89 prp AliasMgr has additional resource for Folder Selection Dialog.
<11.8> 10/12/89 CVC Added access control to ppc toolbox
<11.7> 10/11/89 dba changed fonts so that ROM fonts are used in System 7.0
<11.6> 10/11/89 EMT Included System7.0 Resources for BigBang and take fonts from
SysStuffÄ just like in SCM build. Don't include AppleShare Rsrcs
at all.
<11.5> 10/11/89 dba change Picasso Macintosh icon to -16396; add anti-aliased apple
<11.4> 10/10/89 dba no DAs for a 7.0 build; moved PPC to its place in alphabetical
order; moved gray pattern in ppt# to middle of pattern list;
added SlotMgr patch with Dave Wong
<11.3> 10/6/89 JSM Include SnarfMan as a PACK instead of a ptch.
<11.2> 10/5/89 NJC slod.rez has been changed to SnthLoading.r. SnthLoading.rsrc is
now in the ObjFiles folder so people can do obj builds.
<11.1> 10/5/89 PAT "really" added new Finder icon and small icon (see v10.8 dba)
<11.0> 10/4/89 ngk added PupUpMenuSymbol sicn to standard file resources
<10.9> 10/3/89 GMR added new ADB ptch 34, for SE,II
<10.8> 10/3/89 dba added new Finder icon and small icon and reformatted things
<10.7> 10/3/89 NJC added #include for slod.rez which contains the sampled snth
CPULoading values for each CPU.
<10.6> 10/2/89 prp added Finder 'extn' "Extension Folder' to 'fld#' resource.
<10.5> 10/2/89 CVC added resources required by the PPC Toolbox.
<10.4> 9/28/89 CCH added INCLUDE of :SysStuff:AppleShare Rsrcs conditionalized to
SysVers >= $700. Also changed "Jaws32" to "Mac32".
<10.3> 9/26/89 EMT Corrected include of 'ptch' 0 to depend upon HasTearOffMenus
<10.2> 9/25/89 BAL added 32-Bit QuickDraw as ptch 32 for System 7.0
<10.1> 9/21/89 RLC Changed Balloon Help WDEF ID to 126.
<7.1> 9/21/89 DAF FOR 6.0.4 BUILD - added QDCheckDevices system init to build.
added clut=127 (QD default colors) to System file. Overrode
clut=127 in ROM for Mac II family and Aurora
<10.0> 9/19/89 RLC added even more resources for Balloon Help.
<9.8> 9/18/89 PKE For 7.0, changed type of keyboard/script small icon from 'SICN'
to new 'kscn' to avoid resource ID conflicts.
<9.9> 9/18/89 CVC Integrate the PPC Toolbox as a ptch the first time.
<9.6> 9/13/89 RLC added new resources for Balloon Help.
<9.7> 9/13/89 ngk added open string to STR# -3997 for standard file
<9.5> 9/6/89 dba fixed color tables on ppat and ppt#, reformatted AppleTalk 2.0
<9.4> 9/2/89 CCH NEEDED FOR 6.0.5: added extra "}" at end of AppleTalk dialogs.
<9.3> 9/1/89 CCH NEEDED FOR 6.0.5: added AppleTalk dialogs for F-19.
<9.2> 8/30/89 dba replaced 0xÉ with $É; moved stuff into Types.r and SysTypes.r;
simplified definitions for Color QuickDraw stuff (removing seed
from 'clut' 127); locked the ROvr and ROv# resources; created a
second definition for 'ppt#' to use until Rex can handle it;
changed the color apple to have a more minimal rowBytes
<9.1> 8/28/89 PKE Add Script Manager extensions patch as 'ptch' 27 (SysVers >=
$700 only).
<9.0> 8/17/89 dba got rid of ÒpurgeableÓ on ROv# resources and fixed build
<8.9> 8/17/89 dba reorganization of this entire file; be careful not to roll this
into 6.0.4 because some of the dialogs have been edited, and the
attributes have been changed on some resources
<8.7> 8/15/89 dba NEEDED FOR 6.0.4: changed resource ID of QDCDInit from 14 to 6
restrained myself as much as possible from gratuitous editing
<8.6> 8/15/89 dba NEEDED FOR 6.0.4: put back MBDF in Esprit, since recent bug
fixes affected Color QuickDraw only; added semicolons to make
7.0 build work again; edited Parity dialog to improve its
<8.8> 8/15/89 CCH Changed references to {rsrc} to {ObjDir} and replaced references
to {ColorPickerPack} with an equivalent expression.
<8.5> 8/12/89 dba NEEDED FOR 6.0.4: override MBDF in Aurora & Esprit ROMs (we blew
it again, folks); also turned off WDEF 0 override on Aurora
<8.4> 8/11/89 jbs FOR 6.0.4! - Changed the DITL for the Aurora Extension to
reflect the length of the version string (which is shorter now).
<8.3> 8/9/89 prp Preferences folder specialty is 'pref' and not 'temp'.
<8.2> 8/8/89 PKE NEEDED FOR 6.0.4: In ROv# 117 & 630, conditionalize WDEF 0
override for SysVers >= $700 only. Change STR# -10 to -16395 and
delete attributes. All of this per DBA and CSD.
<8.1> 8/8/89 dba NEEDED FOR 6.0.4: Neil sez: MIDI doesnÕt work; take it out also,
get rid of extraneous names in this file
<8.0> 8/7/89 GMR added new MiscPatches.a - Big Bang only patches for all ROMs.
<7.8> 8/7/89 prp AliasMgr has several additional resources to be included.
<7.9> 8/7/89 JRM added rom override (rov#) for WDEF 0 so that all systems can
have icon in window title
<7.7> 8/6/89 PAT Changed default desktop pattern for Esprit (in accordance w/
Product Marketing decision) - PAT ID=15
<7.6> 8/5/89 PKE NEEDED FOR 6.0.4: Fix conditionals for ROv# 890 & 1660; clean up
KCHR conditionals per code review.
<7.5> 8/4/89 NMB Removed all Ginsu dependencies. Now the default printer (STR
-8192) is undefined in a new system. An error is returned so the
user knows to pick a driver.
<7.4> 8/3/89 DAF FOR 6.0.4 BUILD - added Mac IIci Monitor extension to system
<7.3> 8/3/89 CCH added BitEdit as 'PACK' #1.
<7.2> 7/25/89 GMR NEEDED FOR 6.0.4: added Sony Eject patch (SonyEjectPatch.a)
<7.0> 7/24/89 CSD added #includes for ColorPickerWedge.r and PixPat4colors.r for
the Color Picker PACK (PACK12).
<6.9> 7/24/89 GMR added ALRT & DITL -16392 for parity disabled warnings, and
IncSys calls for Parity Inits.
<6.8> 7/20/89 RLC added IncSys calls to include the system resources needed for
Help Mgr.
<6.7> 7/19/89 CCH NEEDED FOR 6.0.4: Removed Init13.a from build.
<6.6> 7/3/89 NJC Sound Mgr Extensions (ptch 23) rolled in for real.
<6.5> 6/30/89 CCH added rsrc mgr extensions ('ptch' 21) to System 7.0
<6.4> 6/29/89 RLC Add HelpMgr BalloonPack code in as 'ptch' 28,SysHeap,Locked
<6.3> 6/26/89 PKE NEEDED FOR 6.0.4 ONLY: Aurora and Esprit have BigBang version of
KCHR 0 in ROM, so override it with 6.0.4 version of KCHR 0.
<6.2> 6/23/89 CCH Made STR# SysHeap and Locked, and named it.
<6.1> 6/21/89 NJC added Sound Mgr 7.0 build support.
<6.0> 6/19/89 MSH Changed the id numbers of STR -2000 to -2002, ALRT -2000 to
-2003, DITL -2000 to -2003, SICN -2000.
<5.9> 6/10/89 MSH Shortened STR -2002 to fit in Nmgr alert. Swapped positions of
the Sleep and Cancel buttons in DITLs -2000, -2001, -2002.
<5.8> 6/8/89 JRM sf confitionals for big bang and 604
<5.7> 6/8/89 CCH Changed machine name from Aurora to release name in STR# -10.
<5.6> 6/8/89 prp Folder Mgr resources conditional for BigBang only.
<5.5> 6/6/89 CCH Changed Macintosh SE 030 to SE/30.
<5.4> 6/5/89 JRM new alerts, strings, icons for big bang standard file
<5.4> 6/5/89 JRM New standard file alerts, strings, and SICNs
<5.3> 6/5/89 KSM added big bang menu mgr patch.
<5.2> 6/5/89 prp Folder Mgr is added as part of Alias Mgr.
<5.1> 6/1/89 CCH added machine names for Esprit and Aurora to STR# -10.
<5.0> 6/1/89 KSM added tear off menu wdef.
<4.9> 6/1/89 PKE Discard INIT 5 for BigBang; the patches it contains have been
rolled in and are conditionalized out for BigBang.
<4.8> 5/31/89 CEL added in SysFonts.r so Bass fonts will be rezed in for BigBang
<4.7> 5/31/89 prp added Alias Mgr Support
<4.6> 5/30/89 dnf Tweak 4.5 so it works
<4.5> 5/30/89 dnf Resource is now called HFS70.a.rsrc (ptch 18)
<4.4> 5/25/89 MSH Changed the wording of STR -2002.
<4.3> 5/22/89 PKE (Big Bang only) Modified KCHR ID=0 for option-shift entry of
double acute accent, code $FD
<4.2> 5/19/89 ngk added include for DataPublication PACK and owned resources
<4.1> 5/18/89 rwh added ptch14SwapHMMU, ptch15SwapPMMU to the build
<4.0> 5/15/89 EKN added FileIDs 'ptch'.
<3.9> 5/13/89 EMT Fixed a typo.
<3.8> 5/13/89 EMT Don't use WDEF 127 until Big Bang.
<3.7> 5/13/89 EMT added Window Mgr extensions (Layers).
<3.6> 5/8/89 NMB last change was with override; comments got screwed up. Fixed
<¥3.5> 5/8/89 NMB added patch support for PrGlue (ptch 16), and added Printing" at
STR -8192. Chooser now writes the system printer into -8191.
<3.3> 5/3/89 PAT added new default desktop pattern for Esprit - PAT ID=15
<3.2> 5/3/89 CEL Adding in Bass for the first time
<3.1> 5/2/89 CCH added 'STR#' resource -10 for machine names.
<3.0> 4/14/89 MSH Locked low power message strings -2000 to -2003.
<2.9> 4/11/89 JSM Include SnarfMan 'ptch'.
<2.8> 4/10/89 CCH Took out FCQD stuff.
<2.7> 4/6/89 CCH Removed FCQD from BigBang build.
3/14/89 MSH Added Esprit low power and AppleTalk alert resources
3/12/89 PKE Added script icon location at end of itlc (in previously
reserved bytes)
3/8/89 PKE Commented out itlr stuff
2/24/89 PKE Modified KCHR ID=0 to make it possible to enter additional
upper-case accented forms with dead keys. added KMAP ID=5 for
Zoots keyboard. Modified itlb ID=0 to correct flags.
<S570> 9/16/88 EKH String for the ":Background Folder".
<S568> 9/9/88 ldc added accented characters to KCHR resource
<PB570> 9/8/88 BAL added Full Color QuickDraw (FCQD) as ptch -24. Also added rom
overides for WDEF=0, WDEF=1, CDEF=1.
<S522> 7/6/88 ldc added itlr
<S519> 7/1/88 EKH Removed the #include to include the AppleShare Resources.
<S497> 6/7/88 med Changed Script Mgr to ptch resource
<S478> 4/26/88 EKH Removed the names of the 'ptch' resource from Sys.r
<S475> 4/20/88 JB Shortened wording of message in DITL -6047, item 24
<S454> 4/5/88 EKH Added the WDEF ID=0 back into the system build.
<S414> 2/29/88 JB Renumbered dialog items for disk init package (see S413)
<S411> 2/29/88 EKH Changed the attributes of some resources as per Ed Tecot.
<S410> 2/27/88 JB Removed resource SonyFMTR (64k ROM format support) Updated
dialog items for disk init package (see S409)
<S405> 2/25/88 med Made KCHR purgeable and unlocked.
<S397> 2/16/88 EKH Removed two more resources NBPC 1,2. NOTICED changes that Ed
Tecot and Mark Davis made, they set KMAP resource purgeable.
<S395> 2/14/88 EKH Fixed mistake in S390 fix......
<S390> 2/11/88 EKH Removed selected resources.... They are commented out below:
.MPP, .ATP, PACK 4,5,7, WDEF 0.
<S374> 1/27/88 EKH Added the new 'vers' resource format. (id = -2 now)
<S357> 1/12/88 EMT Final changes to Notification SICNs and dialog from HIG
<S355> 1/11/88 EKH Added new PTCH id = -1 resource, this resource is for the new
"mini" system installation scripts. See AfterPatches.a for code.
<S352> 1/6/88 EMT More fixes to Notification Mgr dialog
<S349> 1/5/88 EMT Made Notification Mgr dialog handle bigger strings
<S342> 12/18/87 med Added itl4 build, deleted INTL (2) build
<S337> 12/16/87 EMT Added small icons for notification
<S327> 12/8/87 jw Added mac wavesynth.
<Syyy> 12/4/87 EKH &EMT, added PACK ID=12 include, Color Picker Package.
<Syyy> 12/3/87 EKH Added includes for font, DA, and sound resources. Added the new
'vers' resource for finder 6.1 and on.
<S319> 11/30/87 jw Added new 'snth's.
PMAB318> 11/30/87 jw Added new improved sound mgr.
PMAB317> 11/28/87 EMT Added Notification Mgr.
<S316> 11/27/87 EMT Created.
To Do:
#include "Types.r"
#include "SysTypes.r"
#if hasBalloonHelp
#include "BalloonTypes.r"
#if hasCommToolbox
#include "CommToolboxPriv.r"
#if hasDataAccessMgr
#include $$Shell("DataAccessMgr")"DatabaseAccessPriv.r" // for 'rtt#' definition
// conditionals (these migrate into the build system)
#ifndef wantSounds
#define wantSounds true
// macros
#define IncSys Include $$Shell("ObjDir")
#define codeAs 'RSRC' (0) as
// ROM versions
#define MacPlus $0075
#define MacSE $0276
#define MacII $0178
#define Portable $037A
#define Mac32 $067C
// version
#define VersionString \
"Macintosh System version " SysVersion "\n\n\n" \
"© Apple Computer, Inc. 1983-1991\n" \
"All rights reserved."
resource 'STR ' (0) { VersionString };
resource 'vers' (1) {
LIntVers, LangInt, SysVersion, SysVersion", © Apple Computer, Inc. 1983-1991"
resource 'BNDL' (0) {
'MACS', 0, {
'FREF', { 0, 0; 1, 1; 2, 2; 3, 3; 4, 4; 5, 5; 6, 6 };
'ICN#', { 3, 3; -16415, -16415; 5, -5696; -16494, -16494; -16509, -16509 };
type 'MACS' (0) { pstring; };
resource 'MACS' (0, purgeable) { VersionString };
resource 'FREF' (6) { 'zsys', -16494, "" }; // System File for 7.0
resource 'FREF' (0) { 'ZSYS', 3, "" }; // System File for 6.0.x & other systemish files
resource 'FREF' (1) { 'FNDR', 3, "" }; // Finder
resource 'FREF' (2) { 'INIT', -16415, "" }; // standard INIT
resource 'FREF' (3) { 'CLIP', -16509, "" }; // Clipboard File
resource 'FREF' (4) { 'FDOC', 3, "" }; // Finder Startup
resource 'FREF' (5) { 'help', 5, "" }; // System Help ICN# is in Balloon.r
// names
type 'STR ' (-16096) { pstring[31]; }; // pad name to 31 characters to avoid file compaction
resource 'STR ' (-16096, sysHeap) { "" }; // no user name by default
type 'STR ' (-16413) { pstring[31]; }; // pad name to 31 characters to avoid file compaction
resource 'STR ' (-16413, sysHeap) { "" }; // no machine name by default
resource 'STR#' (-16395, sysHeap) { {
"Macintosh", // 0 unknown
"Macintosh XL",
"Macintosh 512Ke",
"Macintosh Plus",
"Macintosh SE",
"Macintosh II",
"Macintosh IIx",
"Macintosh IIcx",
"Macintosh SE/30",
"Macintosh Portable",
"Macintosh IIci",
"", // <199>
"Macintosh IIfx", // 13
"", // 14 not used
"", // 15 not used
"", // 16 not used
"Macintosh Classic", // 17 XO
"Macintosh IIsi", // 18 Erickson
"Macintosh LC", // 19 Elsie
"Macintosh Quadra 900", // 20 Eclipse
"PowerBook 170", // 21 Tim
"Macintosh Quadra 700", // 22 Spike
"Macintosh Classic II", // 23 Apollo
"PowerBook 100", // 24 Asahi
"PowerBook 140", // 25 TimLC
"Macintosh Quadra 950", // 26 Zydeco <13> Leave 4 trailing spaces for the Installer
"Macintosh", // 27 DBLite
} };
type 'dbex' { integer=0; }; // nothing
resource 'dbex' (-16385) { }; // doesnÕt need to contain anything, just needs to be present
// startup stuff
IncSys "BootBlocks.a.rsrc" codeAs 'boot' (1, sysHeap, protected);
IncSys "StartSystem.a.rsrc" codeAs 'boot' (2, sysHeap, locked);
IncSys "BootCode.a.rsrc" codeAs 'boot' (3, sysHeap, locked);
IncSys "LinkedPatchLoader.a.rsrc" codeAs 'lodr' (-16385, sysHeap, locked);
IncSys "DiskCache.a.rsrc" codeAs 'ptch' (41, sysHeap, locked);
resource 'STR ' (-16501, sysHeap, purgeable) { "A/ROSE" };
resource 'STR ' (-16507, sysHeap, purgeable) { "NetBoot" };
IncSys "BootAlerts.a.rsrc" codeAs 'DSAT' (0, sysHeap, locked);
IncSys "UserAlerts.a.rsrc" codeAs 'DSAT' (2, sysHeap, locked);
IncSys "KbdInstall.a.rsrc" codeAs 'ADBS' (2, locked);
// CPU gibbly for System file. This resource should be removed when the build scripts
// can Rez gibblies into the System with a real time stamp.
type 'gbly' {
integer GibblyVersion1 = 1; // 'gbly' version
longint; // Gibbly timestamp
integer = $$CountOf(BoxFlags); // Number of CPUs supported
array BoxFlags {
integer; // BoxFlag of supported CPU
resource 'gbly' (-16385, sysHeap) {
BuildTime, // Time stamp
{ // Supported BoxFlags
$00FE, $00FF, $0000, $0001,
$0002, $0003, $0004, $0005,
$0006, $0007, $0008, $0009,
$000A, $000B, $000C, $000D,
$000E, $000F, $0010, $0011,
$0012, $0013, $0014, $0015
// CubeE table of patches that the linked patch loader should load.
type 'ptbl' {
integer PatchTableVersion1 = 1; // 'ptbl' version
integer = $$CountOf(PatchRanges) - 1; // # of ranges to load
wide array PatchRanges {
integer; // Start of range to load
integer; // End of range to load (inclusive)
resource 'ptbl' (0, sysHeap, locked) {
$0000, // Start of range
$FFFF // End of range. (System file loads them all.)
// Picasso Macintosh icon (loaded by System Error Handler)
resource 'cicn' (-16396, purgeable) {
{0, 0, 32, 32}, 4, // bounds, bits per pixel
// mask
$"0007FF80 00080000 00087E20 00080120"
$"00080120 04080120 0C080120 08080120"
$"66080120 99080120 8108FE20 80080020"
$"80080020 4A001F20 34000020 00FC0020"
$"03000000 0401FFF0 04000008 03E01FE4"
$"00100552 001000A9 00200001 002001FE"
$"00180000 00040000 0000C000 00012000"
$"00025000 00008800 00000800 00001000",
// black & white image
$"0007FF80 00080000 00087E20 00080120"
$"00080120 04080120 0C080120 08080120"
$"66080120 99080120 8108FE20 80080020"
$"80080020 4A001F20 34000020 00FC0020"
$"03000000 0401FFF0 04000008 03E01FE4"
$"00100552 001000A9 00200001 002001FE"
$"00180000 00040000 0000C000 00012000"
$"00025000 00008800 00000800 00001000",
// color table
whiteRGB; // white
$2000, $2000, $2000; // dark gray
$C000, $C000, $0000; // yellow
$0000, $5000, $0000; // green
$E000, $0000, $0000; // red
$0000, $0000, $E000; // blue
// 4-bit color image
// override ROM resources
IncSys "ROvr.a.rsrc" codeAs 'ROvr' (0, locked); // code to do override
resource 'ROv#' (MacPlus, locked) { MacPlus, {
'MBDF', 0; // new MBDF for new Menu Mgr
'MDEF', 0; // new MDEF for new Menu Mgr
'WDEF', 0; // WDEF for new variant
'DRVR', 2; // new .Print driver
} };
resource 'ROv#' (MacSE, locked) { MacSE, {
'CDEF', 0; // new button CDEF fixes small bug when drawing text
'CDEF', 1; // why?
'MBDF', 0; // new MBDF for new Menu Mgr
'MDEF', 0; // new MDEF for new Menu Mgr
'WDEF', 0; // WDEF for new variant
'KCHR', 0; // new keyboard map
'DRVR', 40; // AppleTalk
} };
resource 'ROv#' (MacII, locked) { MacII, {
'CDEF', 0; // new button CDEF fixes small bug when drawing text and for color
'CDEF', 1; // CDEF for color
'MBDF', 0; // new MBDF for new Menu Mgr
'MDEF', 0; // new MDEF for new Menu Mgr
'WDEF', 0; // WDEF for new variant
'KCHR', 0; // new keyboard map
'clut', 127; // 8 standard QuickDraw colors; green is fixed
'DRVR', 40; // AppleTalk
} };
resource 'ROv#' (Portable, locked) { Portable, {
'CDEF', 0; // new button CDEF fixes small bug when drawing text and for color
'CDEF', 1; // why?
'MBDF', 0; // new MBDF for help
'MDEF', 0; // new MDEF for help and Standard File
'WDEF', 0; // WDEF for new variant
'KCHR', 0; // new keyboard map
'DRVR', 40; // AppleTalk
} };
resource 'ROv#' (Mac32, locked) { Mac32, {
'CDEF', 0; // new button CDEF fixes small bug when drawing text and for color
'CDEF', 1; // CDEF for color
'MBDF', 0; // new MBDF fixes small bug for pop-up menus above menu bar and for help
'MDEF', 0; // new MDEF for help and Standard File
'WDEF', 0; // WDEF for color, new variant
'KCHR', 0; // new keyboard map
'clut', 127; // 8 standard QuickDraw colors; green is fixed
'atlk', 1; // AppleTalk
'atlk', 3; // AppleTalk
'atlk', 10; // EtherTalk driver (LC ROM only)
'ltlk', 0; // AppleTalk
'ltlk', 1; // AppleTalk
'ltlk', 2; // AppleTalk
'ltlk', 3; // AppleTalk
'DRVR', 10; // AppleTalk
'DRVR', 40; // AppleTalk
'DRVR', 9; // AppleTalk
'INIT', 18; // AppleTalk
'lmgr', 0; // AppleTalk
'iopc', 127; // LocalTalk IOP (port B) <7>
'iopc', 128; // LocalTalk IOP (port A) <7>
} };
// Patch to prevent switch launching to System 7
IncSys "PreventSwitchLaunch.a.rsrc" codeAs 'proc' (-16495, sysHeap, locked); // <124>
// fonts that cannot be removed from the System file
resource 'resf' (-16493, sysHeap, purgeable) { {
"Chicago", { 12, plain };
"Geneva", { 9, plain, 12, plain };
"Monaco", { 9, plain };
} };
resource 'FRSV' (1, purgeable) { { Chicago, 12; Geneva, 9; Geneva, 12; Monaco, 9; } };
// patches
IncSys "LinkedPatches.rsrc";
IncSys "BeforePatches.a.rsrc" codeAs 'PTCH' (0, sysHeap, locked);
IncSys "PatchPlusROM.a.rsrc" codeAs 'PTCH' (MacPlus, sysHeap, locked);
IncSys "PatchSEROM.a.rsrc" codeAs 'PTCH' (MacSE, sysHeap, locked);
IncSys "PatchIIROM.a.rsrc" codeAs 'PTCH' (MacII, sysHeap ,locked);
IncSys "PatchPortableROM.a.rsrc" codeAs 'PTCH' (Portable, sysHeap, locked);
IncSys "PatchIIciROM.a.rsrc" codeAs 'PTCH' (Mac32, sysHeap, locked);
// INITs
IncSys "ParityINIT.a.rsrc" codeAs 'INIT' (10, sysHeap, locked);
IncSys "EDiskShutdownPtch.a.rsrc" codeAs 'INIT' (12, sysHeap, locked);
resource 'mcky' (0, sysHeap, purgeable) { { 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255 } };
resource 'mcky' (1, sysHeap, purgeable) { { 6, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255 } };
resource 'mcky' (2, sysHeap, purgeable) { { 4, 10, 15, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255 } };
resource 'mcky' (3, sysHeap, purgeable) { { 2, 8, 13, 17, 20, 255, 255, 255 } };
resource 'mcky' (4, sysHeap, purgeable) { { 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 15, 16, 255 } };
resource 'mcky' (5, sysHeap, purgeable) { { 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34 } };
resource 'mcky' (6, sysHeap, purgeable) { { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 15, 21 } };
// FKEYs
IncSys "PictWhap.a.rsrc" codeAs 'FKEY' (3, sysHeap, purgeable); // dump screen to PICT file
IncSys "PictWhapSound.rsrc"; // snapshot sound
resource 'STR ' (-16385, sysHeap, purgeable) { "Picture ^0" }; // filename to use
// The PrintScreen FKEY is not in 7.0 because users will print screen shots with TeachText 7.0
// Alias Mgr (includes Folder Mgr)
IncSys "AliasMgr.rsrc";
// Folder Mgr folder list
resource 'fld#' (0, sysHeap, purgeable) { {
'prnt', inSystemFolder, "PrintMonitor Documents";
'strt', inSystemFolder, "Startup Items";
'amnu', inSystemFolder, "Apple Menu Items";
'extn', inSystemFolder, "Extensions";
'pref', inSystemFolder, "Preferences";
'ctrl', inSystemFolder, "Control Panels";
'font', inSystemFolder, "Fonts";
}; };
// AppleTalk
// AppleTalk 58 resources
include $$Shell("Misc")"APTK58.rsrc" not 'ckid';
// ^^ incorporates the following:
// IncSys "AppleTalk.rsrc" not 'vers';
// IncSys "ADSP.rsrc" not 'vers';
// IncSys "Responder.rsrc" not 'vers';
resource 'STR#' ($BFE8, sysheap, locked) { {
"Your system has been placed in AppleTalk zone Ò",
"Ó. "
"To select a different zone, please click the Network icon in the Control Panel, "
"then click the selected AppleTalk connection icon.",
"Access to your AppleTalk internet has now become available. To use "
"the internet, please click the Network icon in the Control Panel, "
"then click the selected AppleTalk connection icon.",
"An unexpected change in your AppleTalk internet has interrupted network access. "
"To resume network use, please click the "
"Network icon in the Control Panel, "
"then click the selected AppleTalk connection icon.",
} };
resource 'ALRT' ($BFE9, purgeable) {
{80, 116, 205, 417}, $BFE9, beepStages, alertPositionMainScreen
resource 'DITL' ($BFE9, purgeable) { {
{90, 116, 110, 196}, Button { enabled, "OK" };
{13, 60, 85, 295}, StaticText { disabled,
"A driver for the selected AppleTalk connection could not be found. "
"The built-in LocalTalk port will be used instead."
} };
resource 'ALRT' ($BFEA, purgeable) {
{80, 116, 205, 417}, $BFEA, beepStages, alertPositionMainScreen
resource 'DITL' ($BFEA, purgeable) { {
{90, 116, 110, 196}, Button { enabled, "OK" };
{13, 60, 85, 295}, StaticText { disabled,
"An error occurred while trying to start up your AppleTalk connection. "
"The built-in LocalTalk port will be used instead."
} };
resource 'ALRT' ($BFEB, purgeable) {
{80, 116, 235, 416}, $BFEB, beepStages, alertPositionMainScreen
resource 'DITL' ($BFEB, purgeable) { {
{123, 115, 145, 194}, Button { enabled, "OK" };
{13, 60, 118, 294}, StaticText { disabled, "^0" };
} };
resource 'STR#' ($BFEC, purgeable) { {
"The Router could not run. "
"A driver for one of the AppleTalk connections can not be found. "
"The built-in LocalTalk port will be used for your AppleTalk connection.",
"The Router could not run. "
"An error occured while installing a driver for one of the AppleTalk connections. "
"The built-in LocalTalk port will be used for your AppleTalk connection.",
"The Router could not run. "
"The Router file was not found. "
"Please reinstall the Router.",
"The Router could not run. "
"The Router file is damaged. "
"Please reinstall the Router.",
} };
// Backlight Driver
IncSys "Backlight.rsrc" not 'vers';
// BitEdit
#if hasBitEdit
IncSys "BitEdit.a.rsrc" codeAs 'PACK' (1, sysHeap, purgeable);
// Clock Manager added PICTs <269>
// Double Arrow (not selected)
resource 'PICT' (-16385) {
{134, 272, 152, 283},
$"1101 0100 0A00 8601 1000 9801 1B90 0002"
$"00FE 0160 0110 0170 00FE 0160 0110 016B"
$"0086 0110 0098 011B 0000 3F80 4040 8420"
$"8E20 9F20 BFA0 8E20 8E20 8020 8020 8E20"
$"8E20 BFA0 9F20 8E20 8420 4040 3F80 FF"
// Double Arrow (UP selected)
resource 'PICT' (-16386) {
{188, 503, 206, 514},
$"1101 0100 0A00 BC01 F700 CE02 0290 0004"
$"00BC 01F0 00CE 0208 00BC 01F7 00CE 0202"
$"00BC 01F7 00CE 0202 0000 007F 0000 00FF"
$"8000 01F7 C000 01E3 C000 01C1 C000 0180"
$"C000 01E3 C000 01E3 C000 01FF C000 0100"
$"4000 011C 4000 011C 4000 017F 4000 013E"
$"4000 011C 4000 0108 4000 0080 8000 007F"
$"0000 FF"
// Double Arrow (DOWN selected)
resource 'PICT' (-16387) {
{188, 520, 206, 531},
$"1101 0100 0A00 BC02 0800 CE02 1390 0002"
$"00BC 0208 00CE 0218 00BC 0208 00CE 0213"
$"00BC 0208 00CE 0213 0000 3F80 4040 8420"
$"8E20 9F20 BFA0 8E20 8E20 8020 FFE0 F1E0"
$"F1E0 C060 E0E0 F1E0 FBE0 7FC0 3F80 FF"
// Color Picker
IncSys "ColorPicker.p.rsrc" codeAs 'PACK' (12, sysHeap, purgeable);
#include $$Shell("ColorPicker")"ColorPicker.r" // why are these includes???
#include $$Shell("ColorPicker")"ColorPickerWedge.r" // they should be in line to speed up Rez
// Comm. Toolbox
IncSys "CommToolboxUtilities.c.rsrc" codeAs CTB_CTBUtilitiesType (CTB_CTBUtilitiesID, sysHeap, locked);
IncSys "CommResourceMgr.c.rsrc" codeAs CTB_CommResourceMgrType (CTB_CommResourceMgrID, sysHeap, locked);
IncSys "ConnectionMgr.c.rsrc" codeAs CTB_ConnectionMgrType (CTB_ConnectionMgrID, sysHeap, locked);
IncSys "TerminalMgr.c.rsrc" codeAs CTB_TerminalMgrType (CTB_TerminalMgrID, sysHeap, locked);
IncSys "TerminalClick.r.rsrc" CTB_KeyclickType (CTB_KeyclickID) as CTB_KeyclickType (CTB_KeyclickID, sysHeap, purgeable);
IncSys "FileTransferMgr.c.rsrc" codeAs CTB_FileTransferMgrType (CTB_FileTransferMgrID, sysHeap, locked);
IncSys "DITL.p.rsrc" codeAs CTB_DITLPackType (CTB_DITLPackID, sysHeap, purgeable, locked);
IncSys "CommToolboxLDEF.p.rsrc" codeAs 'LDEF' (CTB_ChooseDITLID, sysHeap, purgeable);
IncSys "Choose.p.rsrc" codeAs CTB_ChooseType (CTB_ChooseID, sysHeap, purgeable, locked);
IncSys "ChooseHelp.r.rsrc" 'hdlg' (CTB_ChoosehdlgID) as 'hdlg' (CTB_ChoosehdlgID, sysHeap, purgeable);
IncSys "ChooseHelp.r.rsrc" 'hmnu' (CTB_ChoosehmnuID) as 'hmnu' (CTB_ChoosehmnuID, sysHeap, purgeable);
IncSys "Choose.r.rsrc" 'flst' (CTB_ChoosefinfID) as 'flst' (CTB_ChoosefinfID, sysHeap, purgeable);
IncSys "Choose.r.rsrc" 'STR#' (CTB_ChooseSTRsID) as 'STR#' (CTB_ChooseSTRsID, sysHeap, purgeable);
IncSys "Choose.r.rsrc" 'DLOG' (CTB_ChooseDLOGID) as 'DLOG' (CTB_ChooseDLOGID, sysHeap, purgeable);
IncSys "Choose.r.rsrc" 'DITL' (CTB_ChooseDITLID) as 'DITL' (CTB_ChooseDITLID, sysHeap, purgeable);
IncSys "Choose.r.rsrc" 'dctb' (CTB_ChoosedctbID) as 'dctb' (CTB_ChoosedctbID, sysHeap, purgeable);
IncSys "Choose.r.rsrc" 'DLOG' (CTB_ChooseConfirmDLOGID) as 'DLOG' (CTB_ChooseConfirmDLOGID, sysHeap, purgeable);
IncSys "Choose.r.rsrc" 'DITL' (CTB_ChooseConfirmDITLID) as 'DITL' (CTB_ChooseConfirmDITLID, sysHeap, purgeable);
IncSys "Choose.r.rsrc" 'DLOG' (CTB_ChooseUnavailableDLOGID) as 'DLOG' (CTB_ChooseUnavailableDLOGID, sysHeap, purgeable);
IncSys "Choose.r.rsrc" 'DITL' (CTB_ChooseUnavailableDITLID) as 'DITL' (CTB_ChooseUnavailableDITLID, sysHeap, purgeable);
IncSys "Choose.r.rsrc" 'CNTL' (CTB_ChooseCNTLID) as 'CNTL' (CTB_ChooseCNTLID, sysHeap, purgeable);
IncSys "Choose.r.rsrc" 'MENU' (CTB_ChooseMENUID) as 'MENU' (CTB_ChooseMENUID, sysHeap);
IncSys "StandardNBP.p.rsrc" codeAs CTB_NuLookupType (CTB_NuLookupID, sysHeap, purgeable, locked);
IncSys "StandardNBPHelp.r.rsrc" 'hdlg' (CTB_NulookuphdlgID) as 'hdlg' (CTB_NulookuphdlgID, sysHeap, purgeable);
IncSys "StandardNBP.r.rsrc" 'DLOG' (CTB_NulookupDLOGID) as 'DLOG' (CTB_NulookupDLOGID, sysHeap, purgeable);
IncSys "StandardNBP.r.rsrc" 'DITL' (CTB_NulookupDITLID) as 'DITL' (CTB_NulookupDITLID, sysHeap, purgeable);
IncSys "StandardNBP.r.rsrc" 'dctb' (CTB_NulookupdctbID) as 'dctb' (CTB_NulookupdctbID, sysHeap, purgeable);
IncSys "StandardNBP.r.rsrc" 'PICT' (CTB_NulookupPICTID) as 'PICT' (CTB_NulookupPICTID, sysHeap, purgeable);
IncSys "StandardNBP.r.rsrc" CTB_NuLookupParmsType (CTB_NuLookupParmsID) as CTB_NuLookupParmsType (CTB_NuLookupParmsID, sysHeap, purgeable);
IncSys "StandardNBPLDEF.p.rsrc" codeAS 'LDEF' (CTB_NulookupLDEFID, sysHeap, purgeable);
IncSys "CommToolboxINIT.r.rsrc" CTB_CommFolderNameType (CTB_CommFolderNameID) as CTB_CommFolderNameType (CTB_CommFolderNameID, sysHeap, purgeable);
IncSys "CommToolboxINIT.r.rsrc" CTB_MarkerType (CTB_CTB6MarkerID) as CTB_MarkerType (CTB_CTB6MarkerID, sysHeap, purgeable);
IncSys "CommToolboxINIT.r.rsrc" CTB_MarkerType (CTB_CTB7MarkerID) as CTB_MarkerType (CTB_CTB7MarkerID, sysHeap, purgeable);
IncSys "CommToolboxINIT.r.rsrc" CTB_ModemStringType (CTB_ModemStringID) as CTB_ModemStringType (CTB_ModemStringID, sysHeap, purgeable);
IncSys "CommToolboxINIT.r.rsrc" CTB_ModemStringType (CTB_PrinterStringID) as CTB_ModemStringType (CTB_PrinterStringID, sysHeap, purgeable);
IncSys "CommToolboxINIT.r.rsrc" CTB_ModemIconType (CTB_ModemIconID) as CTB_ModemIconType (CTB_ModemIconID, sysHeap, purgeable);
IncSys "CommToolboxINIT.r.rsrc" CTB_Modem4ColorIconType (CTB_ModemIconID) as CTB_Modem4ColorIconType (CTB_ModemIconID, sysHeap, purgeable);
IncSys "CommToolboxINIT.r.rsrc" CTB_Modem8ColorIconType (CTB_ModemIconID) as CTB_Modem8ColorIconType (CTB_ModemIconID, sysHeap, purgeable);
IncSys "CommToolboxINIT.r.rsrc" CTB_PrinterIconType (CTB_PrinterIconID) as CTB_PrinterIconType (CTB_PrinterIconID, sysHeap, purgeable);
IncSys "CommToolboxINIT.r.rsrc" CTB_Printer4ColorIconType (CTB_PrinterIconID) as CTB_Printer4ColorIconType (CTB_PrinterIconID, sysHeap, purgeable);
IncSys "CommToolboxINIT.r.rsrc" CTB_Printer8ColorIconType (CTB_PrinterIconID) as CTB_Printer8ColorIconType (CTB_PrinterIconID, sysHeap, purgeable);
IncSys "CommToolboxINIT.r.rsrc" 'vers' (CTB_VersionID) as CTB_VersionType (CTB_VersionID, sysHeap, purgeable);
// control panels
// pattern used by Finder for control panel support (must have the same ID as the IconLDEF)
resource 'PAT ' (19, sysHeap) { $"4000040040000400" };
// system patterns
resource 'PAT#' (0, sysHeap, purgeable) { {
$"DD FF 77 FF DD FF 77 FF";
$"DD 77 DD 77 DD 77 DD 77";
$"AA 55 AA 55 AA 55 AA 55";
$"55 FF 55 FF 55 FF 55 FF";
$"EE DD BB 77 EE DD BB 77";
$"88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88";
$"B1 30 03 1B D8 C0 0C 8D";
$"80 10 02 20 01 08 40 04";
$"FF 88 88 88 FF 88 88 88";
$"FF 80 80 80 FF 08 08 08";
$"80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00";
$"80 40 20 00 02 04 08 00";
$"82 44 39 44 82 01 01 01";
$"F8 74 22 47 8F 17 22 71";
$"55 A0 40 40 55 0A 04 04";
$"20 50 88 88 88 88 05 02";
$"BF 00 BF BF B0 B0 B0 B0";
$"00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00";
$"80 00 08 00 80 00 08 00";
$"88 00 22 00 88 00 22 00";
$"88 22 88 22 88 22 88 22";
$"AA 00 AA 00 AA 00 AA 00";
$"FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00";
$"11 22 44 88 11 22 44 88";
$"FF 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00";
$"01 02 04 08 10 20 40 80";
$"AA 00 80 00 88 00 80 00";
$"FF 80 80 80 80 80 80 80";
$"08 1C 22 C1 80 01 02 04";
$"88 14 22 41 88 00 AA 00";
$"40 A0 00 00 04 0A 00 00";
$"03 84 48 30 0C 02 01 01";
$"80 80 41 3E 08 08 14 E3";
$"10 20 54 AA FF 02 04 08";
$"77 89 8F 8F 77 98 F8 F8";
$"00 08 14 2A 55 2A 14 08";
} };
// system color patterns
// note: the colors used here are tuned for the 256-color standard color table
// ??? should this be purgeable ??? I think so... -gbm
data 'ppt#' (0, sysHeap) {
// number of patterns
// offsets to patterns
$"00000032 000000E8 0000019E 00000254 0000030A 000003C0"
$"00000476 0000052C 000005E2 00000698 0000074E 00000804"
// pattern 1
$"0001 0000001C 0000004E 00000000 0000 00000000"
// black & white pattern
$"AA 55 AA 55 AA 55 AA 55"
// pixmap (includes bounds and depth)
$"00000000 8004 0000 0000 0008 0008"
$"0000 0000 00000000"
$"00480000 00480000"
$"0000 0004 0001 0004"
$"00000000 0000006E 00000000"
// 4-bit color image
// color table
$"00000000 0000"
$"0001 0000 0000 0000"
$"0002 0000 0000 DDDD"
$"0003 4B8C A1FB A86B"
$"0004 25A4 9057 9794"
$"0005 3333 6666 3333"
$"0006 9999 6666 2222"
$"0007 FFFF 9999 9999"
// pattern 2
$"0001 0000001C 0000004E 00000000 0000 00000000"
// black & white pattern
$"AA 55 AA 55 AA 55 AA 55"
// pixmap (includes bounds and depth)
$"00000000 8004 0000 0000 0008 0008"
$"0000 0000 00000000"
$"00480000 00480000"
$"0000 0004 0001 0004"
$"00000000 0000006E 00000000"
// 4-bit color image
// color table
$"00000000 0000"
$"0001 0000 0000 0000"
$"0002 9E66 AA03 D286"
$"0003 4C0D 8A7A CF28"
$"0004 FFFF FFFF 3333"
$"0005 FFFF CCCC 9999"
$"0006 FFFF 6666 0000"
$"0007 CCCC 0000 0000"
// pattern 3
$"0001 0000001C 0000004E 00000000 0000 00000000"
// black & white pattern
$"AA 55 AA 55 AA 55 AA 55"
// pixmap (includes bounds and depth)
$"00000000 8004 0000 0000 0008 0008"
$"0000 0000 00000000"
$"00480000 00480000"
$"0000 0004 0001 0004"
$"00000000 0000006E 00000000"
// 4-bit color image
// color table
$"00000000 0000"
$"0001 0000 0000 0000"
$"0002 5C10 5FFE 850D"
$"0003 5ABA D368 FFFF"
$"0004 B9CB 8C16 FFFF"
$"0005 55A0 CCCC A6F3"
$"0007 6666 CCCC CCCC"
// pattern 4
$"0001 0000001C 0000004E 00000000 0000 00000000"
// black & white pattern
$"AA 55 AA 55 AA 55 AA 55"
// pixmap (includes bounds and depth)
$"00000000 8004 0000 0000 0008 0008"
$"0000 0000 00000000"
$"00480000 00480000"
$"0000 0004 0001 0004"
$"00000000 0000006E 00000000"
// 4-bit color image
// color table
$"00000000 0000"
$"0000 A000 A000 A000"
$"0001 6000 6000 6000"
$"0002 0000 6666 0000"
$"0003 0000 0000 DDDD"
$"0004 0000 9999 FFFF"
$"0005 FFFF 0000 9999"
$"0006 CCCC 0000 0000"
$"0007 FFFF FFFF 0000"
// pattern 5
$"0001 0000001C 0000004E 00000000 0000 00000000"
// black & white pattern
$"AA 55 AA 55 AA 55 AA 55"
// pixmap (includes bounds and depth)
$"00000000 8004 0000 0000 0008 0008"
$"0000 0000 00000000"
$"00480000 00480000"
$"0000 0004 0001 0004"
$"00000000 0000006E 00000000"
// 4-bit color image
// color table
$"00000000 0000"
$"0001 0000 0000 0000"
$"0002 BE50 6574 7410"
$"0003 A50D 67F6 6988"
$"0004 0000 9999 FFFF"
$"0005 FFFF 0000 9999"
$"0006 CCCC 0000 0000"
$"0007 FFFF FFFF 0000"
// pattern 6
$"0001 0000001C 0000004E 00000000 0000 00000000"
// black & white pattern
$"AA 55 AA 55 AA 55 AA 55"
// pixmap (includes bounds and depth)
$"00000000 8004 0000 0000 0008 0008"
$"0000 0000 00000000"
$"00480000 00480000"
$"0000 0004 0001 0004"
$"00000000 0000006E 00000000"
// 4-bit color image
// color table
$"00000000 0000"
$"0001 7286 7286 7286"
$"0002 5BEF C86B B339"
$"0003 DDDD 9D2E DCD3"
$"0004 C5F5 D102 FFFF"
$"0005 0000 0000 0000"
$"0006 DDDD 0000 0000"
$"0007 FFFF FFFF 0000"
// pattern 7
$"0001 0000001C 0000004E 00000000 0000 00000000"
// black & white pattern
$"AA 55 AA 55 AA 55 AA 55"
// pixmap (includes bounds and depth)
$"00000000 8004 0000 0000 0008 0008"
$"0000 0000 00000000"
$"00480000 00480000"
$"0000 0004 0001 0004"
$"00000000 0000006E 00000000"
// 4-bit color image
// color table
$"00000000 0000"
$"0001 0000 0000 0000"
$"0002 5555 5555 5555"
$"0004 0000 9999 FFFF"
$"0005 FFFF 0000 9999"
$"0006 DDDD 0000 0000"
$"0007 FFFF FFFF 0000"
// pattern 8
$"0001 0000001C 0000004E 00000000 0000 00000000"
// black & white pattern
$"AA 55 AA 55 AA 55 AA 55"
// pixmap (includes bounds and depth)
$"00000000 8004 0000 0000 0008 0008"
$"0000 0000 00000000"
$"00480000 00480000"
$"0000 0004 0001 0004"
$"00000000 0000006E 00000000"
// 4-bit color image
// color table
$"00000000 0000"
$"0001 0000 0000 0000"
$"0002 0000 6666 0000"
$"0003 0000 0000 DDDD"
$"0004 0000 9999 FFFF"
$"0005 236F 764F 8D79"
$"0006 3834 9423 AF28"
$"0007 4C4D BB29 D5E4"
// pattern 9
$"0001 0000001C 0000004E 00000000 0000 00000000"
// black & white pattern
$"AA 55 AA 55 AA 55 AA 55"
// pixmap (includes bounds and depth)
$"00000000 8004 0000 0000 0008 0008"
$"0000 0000 00000000"
$"00480000 00480000"
$"0000 0004 0001 0004"
$"00000000 0000006E 00000000"
// 4-bit color image
// color table
$"00000000 0000"
$"0001 0000 0000 0000"
$"0002 6560 6666 645A"
$"0003 DFFF 7D6A 7F8E"
$"0004 A6BC A793 A5E6"
$"0005 FFFF 0000 9999"
$"0006 DDDD 0000 0000"
$"0007 FFFF FFFF 0000"
// pattern A
$"0001 0000001C 0000004E 00000000 0000 00000000"
// black & white pattern
$"AA 55 AA 55 AA 55 AA 55"
// pixmap (includes bounds and depth)
$"00000000 8004 0000 0000 0008 0008"
$"0000 0000 00000000"
$"00480000 00480000"
$"0000 0004 0001 0004"
$"00000000 0000006E 00000000"
// 4-bit color image
// color table
$"00000000 0000"
$"0001 0000 0000 0000"
$"0002 BE50 826C 515E"
$"0003 820E 835E 835E"
$"0004 50D7 50D7 50D7"
$"0005 9AF2 613D 5CCB"
$"0006 DDDD 0000 0000"
$"0007 E35D C55A 217B"
// pattern B
$"0001 0000001C 0000004E 00000000 0000 00000000"
// black & white pattern
$"AA 55 AA 55 AA 55 AA 55"
// pixmap (includes bounds and depth)
$"00000000 8004 0000 0000 0008 0008"
$"0000 0000 00000000"
$"00480000 00480000"
$"0000 0004 0001 0004"
$"00000000 0000006E 00000000"
// 4-bit color image
// color table
$"00000000 0000"
$"0001 0000 0000 0000"
$"0002 0000 6666 0000"
$"0003 0000 0000 DDDD"
$"0004 0000 9999 FFFF"
$"0005 FFFF 0000 9999"
$"0006 DDDD 15E1 9B5F"
$"0007 FFFF 40E4 BD2B"
// pattern C
$"0001 0000001C 0000004E 00000000 0000 00000000"
// black & white pattern
$"AA 55 AA 55 AA 55 AA 55"
// pixmap (includes bounds and depth)
$"00000000 8004 0000 0000 0008 0008"
$"0000 0000 00000000"
$"00480000 00480000"
$"0000 0004 0001 0004"
$"00000000 0000006E 00000000"
// 4-bit color image
// color table
$"00000000 0000"
$"0000 D943 D943 D943"
$"0001 B0D7 B0D7 B0D7"
$"0002 9379 9379 9379"
$"0003 DDDD A5C1 9F63"
$"0004 8794 689A 7494"
$"0005 535E 3B22 45DC"
$"0006 81AF 36E0 2E31"
$"0007 4074 6F28 00C0"
// Data Access Mgr
IncSys "SnarfMan.a.rsrc" 'PACK' (13) as 'PACK' (13, sysHeap, purgeable);
IncSys "SnarfMan.a.rsrc" 'proc' (-5728) as 'proc' (-5728, sysHeap, locked); // result handlers
IncSys "SnarfMan.a.rsrc" 'proc' (-5727) as 'proc' (-5727, sysHeap, locked); // completion routine
/* 'rtt#' specifying where result handlers are */
resource 'rtt#' (-5728) { {
-5728, // id of 'proc'
'unkn', // typeUnknown
'colb', // typeColBreak
'rowb', // typeRowBreak
'bool', // typeBoolean
'shor', // typeSMInt
'long', // typeInteger
'sing', // typeSMFloat
'doub', // typeFloat
'TEXT', // typeChar
'vcha', // typeVChar
'date', // typeDate
'time', // typeTime
'tims', // typeTimeStamp
'deci', // typeDecimal
'mone' // typeMoney
} };
/* STR# for results handlers */
resource 'STR#' (-5728, purgeable) { {
"TRUE", // typeBoolean - true
"FALSE", // typeBoolean - false
"¥Unknown Type¥", // typeUnknown
"\t", // typeColBreak
"\n" // typeRowBreak
} };
// Dictionary Mgr
IncSys "DictionaryMgr.a.rsrc" 'dimg' (0) as 'dimg' (-16385, sysHeap, purgeable);
// Dialog Mgr
resource 'ICON' (0, purgeable){
$"00FFFF00 01FFFF80 03FFFFC0 07FEFFE0"
$"0FFC7FF0 1FEC67F8 3FC447FC 7FC447FE"
$"FF4447FF FE4447FF FE4447FF FE4447FF"
$"FE4447FF FE4447FF FE40071F FE00061F"
$"FE00061F FE00043F FE00003F FE00007F"
$"FE00007F FE0000FF FE0000FF FE0001FF"
$"FE0001FF 7E0403FE 3F0207FC 1FFFFFF8"
resource 'ICON' (1, purgeable) {
$"807FFFFF 807FC0FF 887F003F 887E001F"
$"887C000F 80780007 80780007 80700003"
$"8071DDC3 80700003 80700003 8071DD43"
$"80700003 80700003 8071D703 80700003"
$"87F00003 81F1EEC3 81F00007 81F00007"
$"81F0000F 81E0001F 8F80007F 81FFFFFF"
resource 'ICON' (2, purgeable) {
$"00018000 0003C000 0003C000 00066000"
$"00066000 000C3000 000C3000 00181800"
$"00199800 0033CC00 0033CC00 0063C600"
$"0063C600 00C3C300 00C3C300 0183C180"
$"0183C180 0303C0C0 0303C0C0 0603C060"
$"06018060 0C018030 0C000030 18000018"
$"18018018 3003C00C 3003C00C 60018006"
$"60000006 C0000003 FFFFFFFF 7FFFFFFE"
// Disk Initialization
IncSys "DiskInit.rsrc";
// Edition Mgr
IncSys "EditionMgr.rsrc";
// Font Mgr
// name of TrueType Font Cache file
resource 'STR ' (-16391, purgeable) { "Font Cache" };
// FOND has flags, family number, unused fields, FOND version, association table, tables
#define FakeFONDFlags \
proportionalFont, dontUseFractWidthTable, useIntegerExtra, useFractEnable, \
canAdjustCharSpacing, noCharWidthTable, noImageHeightTable
#define FakeFONDFields 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
#define FakeFONDTables { }, { }, { }, { }
#define glyphNameResID -16488
// FONDs that point to the fonts in ROM (except Geneva 9 since Macintosh Plus doesnÕt have it)
resource 'FOND' (0, "Chicago", sysHeap) {
FakeFONDFlags, 0, FakeFONDFields, 1, { 12, plain, 12; }, FakeFONDTables
resource 'FOND' (3, "Geneva", purgeable) {
FakeFONDFlags, 3, FakeFONDFields, 1, { 9, plain, 393; 12, plain, 396; }, FakeFONDTables
data 'FONT' (384, "Geneva", purgeable) {};
IncSys "SystemFonts.rsrc" 'FONT' (393) as 'FONT' (393, purgeable);
IncSys "SystemFonts.rsrc" 'FONT' (396) as 'FONT' (396, purgeable);
resource 'FOND' (4, "Monaco", purgeable) {
FakeFONDFlags, 4, FakeFONDFields, 1, { 9, plain, 521; }, FakeFONDTables
// used by PostScript drivers to create encoding vectors
resource 'STR#' (glyphNameResID, purgeable) { {
".notdef", "null", "cr", "space",
"exclam", "quotedbl", "numbersign", "dollar", "percent", "ampersand", "quotesingle",
"parenleft", "parenright", "asterisk", "plus", "comma", "hyphen", "period", "slash",
"zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine",
"colon", "semicolon", "less", "equal", "greater", "question", "at",
"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M",
"N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z",
"bracketleft", "backslash", "bracketright", "asciicircum", "underscore", "grave",
"a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m",
"n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z",
"braceleft", "bar", "braceright", "asciitilde",
"Adieresis", "Aring", "Ccedilla", "Eacute", "Ntilde", "Odieresis", "Udieresis",
"aacute", "agrave", "acircumflex", "adieresis", "atilde", "aring", "ccedilla",
"eacute", "egrave", "ecircumflex", "edieresis", "iacute", "igrave", "icircumflex",
"idieresis", "ntilde", "oacute", "ograve", "ocircumflex", "odieresis", "otilde",
"uacute", "ugrave", "ucircumflex", "udieresis",
"dagger", "degree", "cent", "sterling", "section", "bullet", "paragraph", "germandbls",
"registered", "copyright", "trademark", "acute", "dieresis", "notequal", "AE", "Oslash",
"infinity", "plusminus", "lessequal", "greaterequal", "yen", "mu", "partialdiff", "summation",
"product", "pi", "integral", "ordfeminine", "ordmasculine", "Omega", "ae", "oslash",
"questiondown", "exclamdown", "logicalnot", "radical", "florin", "approxequal", "Delta",
"guillemotleft", "guillemotright", "ellipsis", "nobreakspace", "Agrave", "Atilde",
"Otilde", "OE", "oe", "endash", "emdash", "quotedblleft", "quotedblright", "quoteleft",
"quoteright", "divide", "lozenge", "ydieresis", "Ydieresis", "fraction", "currency",
"guilsinglleft", "guilsinglright", "fi", "fl", "daggerdbl", "periodcentered", "quotesinglbase",
"quotedblbase", "perthousand", "Acircumflex", "Ecircumflex", "Aacute", "Edieresis", "Egrave",
"Iacute", "Icircumflex", "Idieresis", "Igrave", "Oacute", "Ocircumflex", "apple", "Ograve",
"Uacute", "Ucircumflex", "Ugrave", "dotlessi", "circumflex", "tilde", "macron", "breve",
"dotaccent", "ring", "cedilla", "hungarumlaut", "ogonek", "caron", "Lslash", "lslash",
"Scaron", "scaron", "Zcaron", "zcaron", "brokenbar", "Eth", "eth", "Yacute", "yacute",
"Thorn", "thorn", "minus", "multiply", "onesuperior", "twosuperior", "threesuperior", "onehalf",
"onequarter", "threequarters", "franc", "Gbreve", "gbreve", "Idot", "Scedilla", "scedilla",
"Cacute", "cacute", "Ccaron", "ccaron", "dmacron"
} };
// Gestalt
IncSys "Gestalt.rsrc" codeAs 'ptch' (5, sysHeap, locked);
// pslt ¥ Nubus pseudo-slot mapping definitions
#define gestaltMacII 6 // Temporary Crap!
#define gestaltMacIIx 7
#define gestaltMacIIcx 8
#define gestaltMacIIci 11
#define gestaltMacIIfx 13
#define gestaltEclipse 14+6
#define gestaltEclipse33 20+6
#define gestaltSpike 16+6
resource 'pslt' (gestaltMacII, purgeable) {
resource 'pslt' (gestaltMacIIx, purgeable) {
resource 'pslt' (gestaltMacIIcx, purgeable) {
resource 'pslt' (gestaltMacIIci, purgeable) {
resource 'pslt' (gestaltMacIIfx, purgeable) {
resource 'pslt' (gestaltEclipse, purgeable) {
resource 'pslt' (gestaltSpike, purgeable) {
resource 'pslt' (gestaltEclipse33, purgeable) {
// Help Mgr
IncSys "BalloonPack.a.rsrc" 'PACK' (14) as 'PACK' (14, sysHeap, purgeable);
IncSys "BalloonPack.a.rsrc" 'WDEF' (126) as 'WDEF' (126, sysHeap, purgeable);
IncSys "BalloonPack.a.rsrc" 'ICN#' (-5696) as 'ICN#' (-5696, sysHeap, purgeable); // Finder's help icon
IncSys "BalloonPack.a.rsrc" 'icl4' (-5696) as 'icl4' (-5696, sysHeap, purgeable); // Finder's help icon
IncSys "BalloonPack.a.rsrc" 'ics#' (-5696) as 'ics#' (-5696, sysHeap, purgeable); // Finder's help icon
IncSys "BalloonPack.a.rsrc" 'ics4' (-5696) as 'ics4' (-5696, sysHeap, purgeable); // Finder's help icon
IncSys "BalloonPack.a.rsrc" 'STR#' (-5696) as 'STR#' (-5696, sysHeap, purgeable); // help misc strings
IncSys "BalloonPack.a.rsrc" 'STR ' (-5696) as 'STR ' (-5696, sysHeap, purgeable); // help misc strings
IncSys "BalloonPack.a.rsrc" 'STR ' (-5695) as 'STR ' (-5695, sysHeap, purgeable); // help misc strings
IncSys "BalloonPack.a.rsrc" 'DLOG' (-5696) as 'DLOG' (-5696, sysHeap, purgeable); // help menu about
IncSys "BalloonPack.a.rsrc" 'DITL' (-5696) as 'DITL' (-5696, sysHeap, purgeable); // help menu about
IncSys "BalloonPack.a.rsrc" 'dctb' (-5696) as 'dctb' (-5696, sysHeap, purgeable); // so that we get a color dialog
IncSys "BalloonPack.a.rsrc" 'PICT' (-5696) as 'PICT' (-5696, sysHeap, purgeable); // BWAboutPict PICT
IncSys "BalloonPack.a.rsrc" 'PICT' (-5695) as 'PICT' (-5695, sysHeap, purgeable); // BWAboutText PICT
IncSys "BalloonPack.a.rsrc" 'PICT' (-5694) as 'PICT' (-5694, sysHeap, purgeable); // BWBalloonIcon PICT
IncSys "BalloonPack.a.rsrc" 'MENU' (-16490) as 'MENU' (-16490, sysHeap);
IncSys "BalloonPack.a.rsrc" 'hmnu' (-16490) as 'hmnu' (-16490, sysHeap, purgeable); // help menu strings
IncSys "BalloonPack.a.rsrc" 'hmnu' (-16489) as 'hmnu' (-16489, sysHeap, purgeable); // MF menu strings
IncSys "BalloonPack.a.rsrc" 'ics#' (-16490) as 'ics#' (-16490, sysHeap); // help menu ics#
IncSys "BalloonPack.a.rsrc" 'ics8' (-16490) as 'ics8' (-16490, sysHeap, purgeable); // help menu ics8
IncSys "BalloonPack.a.rsrc" 'ics4' (-16490) as 'ics4' (-16490, sysHeap, purgeable); // help menu ics4
// Icon Utilities
IncSys "IconUtils.rsrc";
IncSys "GenericIcons.rsrc";
// International (includes Script Mgr)
IncSys "InternationalPACK.a.rsrc" codeAs 'PACK' (6, sysHeap, purgeable); // Int'l Utilities package
IncSys "ScriptMgrPatch.rsrc" codeAs 'ptch' (4, sysHeap, locked);
IncSys "ScriptMgrROMPatch.rsrc" codeAs 'ptch' (39, sysHeap, locked);
IncSys "ScriptMgrExtensions.rsrc" codeAs 'ptch' (27, sysHeap, locked);
IncSys "International.rsrc" 'itlc' (0) as 'itlc' (0, sysHeap, purgeable);
IncSys "International.rsrc" 'itlm' (0) as 'itlm' (0, sysHeap, purgeable);
IncSys "International.rsrc" 'itlb' (0) as 'itlb' (0, "Roman", sysHeap, purgeable);
IncSys "International.rsrc" 'itl0' (0) as 'itl0' (0, "U.S.", sysHeap, purgeable); // <259>
IncSys "International.rsrc" 'INTL' (0) as 'INTL' (0, "U.S.", purgeable); // ??? should this be sysHeap? <259>
IncSys "International.rsrc" 'itl1' (0) as 'itl1' (0, "U.S.", sysHeap, purgeable); // <259>
IncSys "International.rsrc" 'INTL' (1) as 'INTL' (1, "U.S.", purgeable); // ??? should this be sysHeap? <259>
IncSys "RomanITL2.a.rsrc" codeAs 'itl2' (0, "U.S.", sysHeap, purgeable); // <259>
IncSys "itl4Roman.a.rsrc" codeAs 'itl4' (0, "U.S.", sysHeap, purgeable); // <258><259>
IncSys "International.rsrc" 'SICN' (0) as 'SICN' (0, sysHeap, purgeable);
IncSys "International.rsrc" 'KSWP' (0) as 'KSWP' (0, sysHeap);
#include $$Shell("Keyboard")"Kbd.r"
IncSys "International.rsrc" 'kcs#' (0) as 'kcs#' (0, sysHeap, purgeable);
IncSys "International.rsrc" 'kcs4' (0) as 'kcs4' (0, sysHeap, purgeable);
IncSys "International.rsrc" 'kcs8' (0) as 'kcs8' (0, sysHeap, purgeable);
IncSys "International.rsrc" 'kcs#' (-16491) as 'kcs#' (-16491, sysHeap, purgeable);
IncSys "International.rsrc" 'kcs4' (-16491) as 'kcs4' (-16491, sysHeap, purgeable);
IncSys "International.rsrc" 'kcs8' (-16491) as 'kcs8' (-16491, sysHeap, purgeable);
IncSys "International.rsrc" 'STR#' (-16491) as 'STR#' (-16491, sysHeap, purgeable);
IncSys "International.rsrc" 'hmnu' (-16491) as 'hmnu' (-16491, sysHeap, purgeable); // Keyboard menu help strings <185>
IncSys "International.rsrc" 'DLOG' (-16491) as 'DLOG' (-16491, sysHeap, purgeable); // About KeyboardsÉ <208>
IncSys "International.rsrc" 'DITL' (-16491) as 'DITL' (-16491, sysHeap, purgeable); // About KeyboardsÉ <208>
IncSys "International.rsrc" 'DLOG' (-16492) as 'DLOG' (-16492, sysHeap, purgeable); // About KeyboardsÉ <208>
IncSys "International.rsrc" 'DITL' (-16492) as 'DITL' (-16492, sysHeap, purgeable); // About KeyboardsÉ <208>
// List Mgr
IncSys "ListMgrPACK.a.rsrc" codeAs 'PACK' (0, sysHeap, purgeable); // List Mgr package
IncSys "TextLDEF.a.rsrc" codeAs 'LDEF' (0, sysHeap, purgeable);
// LDEF for a list with icons (must have the same ID as the control panel pattern)
IncSys "IconLDEF.a.rsrc" codeAs 'LDEF' (19, sysHeap, purgeable);
// Menu Mgr
IncSys "StandardMDEF.a.rsrc" codeAs 'MDEF' (0, sysHeap);
IncSys "StandardMBDF.a.rsrc" codeAs 'MBDF' (0, sysHeap, locked);
// color apple icon for menu bar
resource 'ics#' (-16386, sysHeap, purgeable) { {
$"00 00 00 60 00 C0 00 80 0E 70 1F F8 3F E0 3F E0"
$"3F E0 3F F0 3F F8 1F F8 1F F8 0F F0 06 60 00 00",
$"00 00 00 60 00 C0 00 80 0E 70 1F F8 3F E0 3F E0"
$"3F E0 3F F0 3F F8 1F F8 1F F8 0F F0 06 60 00 00"
} };
resource 'ics8' (-16386, sysHeap, purgeable) {
resource'ics4'(-16386, sysHeap, purgeable){
// Notification Mgr
resource 'DLOG' (1, sysHeap, purgeable) {
{0, 0, 158, 448}, dBoxProc, invisible, noGoAway, 0, 1, "", alertPositionMainScreen
resource 'DITL' (1, sysHeap, purgeable) { {
{130, 355, 150, 425}, Button { enabled, "OK" };
{126, 351, 154, 429}, UserItem { disabled };
{12, 68, 118, 430}, StaticText { disabled, "" };
{8, 18, 40, 50}, Icon { disabled, 1 };
} };
resource 'SICN' (-16385, sysHeap, purgeable) { { // alarm icon
$"1084 0888 0000 0490 5005 07F0 1C1C 1084"
$"1084 1084 1084 1104 1204 180C 07F0 0FF8"
} };
// Parity
resource 'ALRT' (-16392) {
{82, 140, 195, 500}, -16392, silentStages, alertPositionMainScreen
resource 'DITL' (-16392, purgeable) { {
{80, 266, 100, 344}, Button { enabled, "Continue" };
{80, 174, 100, 252}, Button { enabled, "Shut Down" };
{9, 78, 65, 350}, StaticText { disabled,
"Parity has been disabled because the parity circuitry is not functioning. "
"You may continue without parity checking."
} };
// Power Mgr
resource 'SICN' (-16386, sysHeap, locked) { { // battery icon
$"1084 0888 0000 0490 5005 0000 1C38 F7EF"
$"8001 8801 9C39 8801 8001 8001 8001 FFFF"
} };
resource 'STR ' (-16386, sysHeap, locked) {
"You are now running on reserve power. "
"You will be able to continue working for a short time. "
"If you can, plug in your power adapter to begin recharging the battery."
resource 'STR ' (-16387, sysHeap, locked) {
"Only 50% of the batteryÕs reserve power remains. "
"Plug in your power adapter to begin recharging the battery as soon as possible."
resource 'STR ' (-16388, sysHeap, locked) {
"Only 25% of the batteryÕs reserve power remains. "
"Please put your Macintosh to sleep and plug in your power adapter. "
"You might not be able to wake the computer again until the power adapter is connected."
resource 'STR ' (-16389, sysHeap, locked) {
"No battery reserve power remains. "
"The Macintosh will go to sleep within 10 seconds to preserve the contents of memory. "
"Good Night."
resource 'STR ' (-16511, sysHeap, locked) {
"You are now running on reserve power and your screen has been dimmed. "
"You will be able to continue working for a short time. "
"Please plug in your power adapter to begin recharging the battery."
resource 'STR ' (-16512, sysHeap, locked) {
"Very little of the batteryÕs reserve power remains. "
"Please put your Macintosh to sleep and plug in your power adapter immediately. "
"Doing so will help extend the life of your battery."
resource 'STR ' (-16513, sysHeap, locked) {
"No battery reserve power remains. "
"The Macintosh will go to sleep within 10 seconds to preserve the contents of memory. Good Night."
resource 'STR ' (-16514, sysHeap, locked) {
"Your battery is not charging. "
"Check the power adapter and electrical outlet connections."
resource 'STR ' (-16515, sysHeap, locked) {
"Your battery has failed to charge and may need to be replaced. "
"Check the power adapter and electrical outlet connections."
resource 'STR ' (-16516, sysHeap, locked) {
"Very little of the batteryÕs reserve power remains. "
"Please put your Macintosh to sleep and plug in your power adapter immediately."
resource 'ALRT' (-16386, sysHeap) {
{82, 62, 226, 446}, -16386, silentStages, alertPositionMainScreen
resource 'DITL' (-16386, sysHeap) { {
{110, 304, 130, 364}, Button { enabled, "Sleep" },
{110, 224, 130, 284}, Button { enabled, "Cancel" },
{10, 32, 42, 64}, Icon { disabled, 2 },
{8, 112, 93, 374}, StaticText { disabled,
"Putting the computer to sleep will cause you to lose some network services, "
"including file servers. "
"Check your connections in the Chooser next time you wake the Macintosh."
} };
resource 'ALRT' (-16387, sysHeap) {
{82, 62, 226, 446}, -16387, silentStages, alertPositionMainScreen
resource 'DITL' (-16387, sysHeap) { {
{110, 304, 130, 364}, Button { enabled, "Sleep" },
{110, 224, 130, 284}, Button { enabled, "Cancel" },
{10, 32, 42, 64}, Icon { disabled, 2 },
{8, 112, 93, 374}, StaticText { disabled,
"Putting the computer to sleep may cause you to lose some network services. "
"Check your connections in the Chooser next time you wake the Macintosh."
} };
resource 'ALRT' (-16388, sysHeap) {
{82, 62, 226, 446}, -16388, silentStages, alertPositionMainScreen
resource 'DITL' (-16388, sysHeap) { {
{110, 304, 130, 364}, Button { enabled, "Sleep" },
{110, 224, 130, 284}, Button { enabled, "Cancel" },
{10, 32, 42, 64}, Icon { disabled, 2 },
{8, 112, 93, 374}, StaticText { disabled,
"AppleTalk is currently in use by an application. "
"Putting the computer to sleep will cause problems for the application, "
"including possible data loss or system crash!"
} };
// PPC
#define hOK 2
#define hCancel 3
#define hName 4
#define hPassword 5
#define hGuest 6
#define hGuestDisabled 7
#define hRegistered 8
resource 'STR#' (-16409, sysHeap, purgeable) { {
// OK button
"To confirm your entries and connect to the computer you selected, click this button.",
// Cancel button
"To close the dialog box without connecting to the computer, click this button.",
// Name text box
"Type your name here as it is registered on the computer you are connecting to.",
// Password text box
"Type your password exactly as it is registered on the computer you wish to access. "
"Use uppercase and lowercase letters if necessary.",
// Guest radio button
"Click this button to connect to the computer as a guest. "
"As a guest you do not have to enter your name or password.",
// Guest radio button dimmed
"Not available because the computer youÕre connecting to does not allow guest access.",
// Registered user radio button
"Click this button to connect to the computer as a registered user. "
"As such, you will have to enter your name and perhaps a password to connect.",
resource 'STR#' (-16410, sysHeap, purgeable) { {
"Users & Groups Data File";
} };
resource 'hdlg' (-16409, sysHeap, purgeable) {
HelpMgrVersion, // Help Version
0, // offset to 1st item
0, // options
0, // theProc
0, // variant
HMSkipItem {}, // skip missing message
HMStringResItem { // 1 - OK Button
{0,0}, {0,0,0,0},
-16409, hOK,
-16409, hOK, // enabled always
-16409, hOK,
-16409, hOK
HMStringResItem { // 2 - Cancel button
{0,0}, {0,0,0,0},
-16409, hCancel,
-16409, hCancel, // enabled always
-16409, hCancel,
-16409, hCancel
HMSkipItem {}, // 3 - ""
HMSkipItem {}, // 4 - "Name:"
HMStringResItem { // 5 - EditBox for user name
{0,0}, {0,0,0,0},
-16409, hName,
-16409, hName,
-16409, hName,
-16409, hName