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synced 2025-02-07 05:30:33 +00:00
Resource forks are included only for .rsrc files. These are DeRezzed into their data fork. 'ckid' resources, from the Projector VCS, are not included. The Tools directory, containing mostly junk, is also excluded.
1288 lines
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1288 lines
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; File: PictWhap.a
; Contains: This is an FKEY that will save the screen as a PICT file, for use by all other programs
; as data files.
; Written by: Bo3b Johnson
; Copyright: © 1988-1991 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <5> 8/23/91 JSM Remove benign redefinition of FALSE, which is now defined by the
; build script.
; <3> 1/21/91 csd & PKE: Use SANE and the Script Manager to build the file name.
; This will let us localize the file name so that it works for all of the
; various script cases, i.e. right to left text in Hebrew.
; <2> 9/25/90 dba Check in Bo3bÕs change to use D7 instead of D2. This caused a crash in
; 32-bit mode.
; <1> 1/17/90 fjs Recover from stupid mistakes
; PICTWhap.a;
; For best viewing, use Palatino 12.
; Copyright © 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 Apple Computer, Inc.
; All rights reserved.
; This is an FKEY that will save the screen as a PICT file, for use by all other programs
; as data files. The PICT file is the Apple standard for transferring graphics between
; programs.
; Bo3b Johnson: 9/21/88
; Build using the PictWhap.make file, and the standard build menu.
; *** bugs list:
; Bus Error during ClosePicture, DisposCCursor, if Heap Scramble is on.
; Unlikely to be in this code.
; 9/26/88:
; Fixed the problem with overwriting the header of the PICT, now leaving space
; for the header before starting the spooling.
; Killed the SetGDevice/GetGDevice stuff as Darin noted it isnÕt necessary.
; 9/27/88:
; Skip the buffer finding operation, the spooling is sufficiently fast to make it
; unnecessary, even on floppies. Timing results with Kong: about 5 seconds
; with floppy using bottlenecks, 4 seconds straight buffer. On Mac+ with old
; HD20, 2 seconds with BN, 1.5 seconds without. On Mac II HD, 1.5 second with
; BN, 0.5 without. There is thus little incentive to make the code more complicated.
; 9/28/88:
; Add the jShieldCursor hack to make the cursor appear in the saved image.
; As per a Darin suggestion to avoid having to go find the cursor data and CopyBits.
; 3/29/89:
; About to release it for D1 BigBang. Change the creator of the PICT files to
; 'View' to match the PAT/Viewer program. Added the asm/link lines in the
; docs below so it can be done the same each time. Set the place to create the
; files as the root directory of the startup volume, instead of default. Also
; change the other file system calls to find the file in the root. This makes it
; HFS only.
; 5/1/89:
; Change the use of globals in the FKEY code block to a StackFrame instead. The
; PictWriter globals are still stored in the code block however. Killed the use of
; MyNum2String in deference to the ROM based Pack for _NumToString.
; Changed the use of BootDrive into the sysVRefNum field from SysEnvirons, since
; we need to call SysEnvirons to determine color QD or not anyway.
; Change the creator to 'TTxt' for TeachText to be the owner instead.
; 5/7/89:
; Added the code to make it do all available screens, not just main screen. Uses the
; GrayRgn to get to all the devices in the world.
; Change the CrsrCouple low memory global to keep mouse from moving while we
; snapshot. Added code to save the registers we trash around both the FKEY proc
; itself, as well as the PictWriter routine.
; 5/10/89:
; Clearing the incredibly mindless ioFFlType for HFS since it is a swine and
; sets us up for the big fall. If this isn't cleared too, then Standard file will barf on
; the file, and not display it in the list. Notably there is also ioFileType which must
; be cleared too. Neither are used by the file system, or the Mac, but we still have
; to do this. Thank you HFS.
; 5/11/89:
; Finalizing the code. Changed the init code to clear all the variables in a big loop,
; added a few comment lines in PB blocks to show all parameters expected for each
; call. Verified each call to be sure each field is cleared in advance, or explicitly set.
; Removed the code that would handle a missing STR resource, check for error instead.
; 5/19/89:
; Calling it 1.0B2 now, since it is essentially complete. Change creator one more time,
; to 'ttxt' to have TeachText open the files. (lower case is it?, Hah! tricked myself.)
; Added change to have it use A5 as the pointer to QD globals, as per a Darinª concept.
; This also makes it possible to remove the global in the code.
; 10/26/89:
; Version 1.0B3, and changed to DC.L for the 'FKEY' string. Also made big changes
; to make it do banding in low RAM/Big Ass screen situations. The banding is done
; in a simple fashion to make it easy to write/debug, and relies on QD returning from
; the CopyBits with no change in the picture size, or setting QDError.
; 10/30/89:
; Numerous minor fixes that were suggested in code reviews. Things like MOVEQ
; instead of CLR and so on. Up the version number to 1.0B4 since I half released B3.
; 11/13/89:
; More fixes related to code review. Set up string to be 'Picture ^0' so we can Munger
; in the file number, killed MyConCat. Changed the cursor protection stuff to set
; CrsrVis to false, and decrement the cursor state. This freezes the mouse, as well
; as keeping it on the screen. No more ShieldCursor hack, nor CrsrCouple.
; 11/14/89:
; Set up a hard coded string to handle the case where the STR resource may get lost.
; The 'Picture ^0' is thus in the code, turned into a StringHandle in case we can't
; get the STR. This is unlikely, but may happen, and we can handle it easily.
; 8/20/90:
; Added the code to SndPlay a camera noise when we start up. This gives immediate
; feedback that it is doing something, then goes on to do the saving. If we get an error,
; you get a beep as well as the camera click. Also fixed a bug where it would bail
; out to DeathCity in the middle of the device loop, causing the mouse to remain
; frozen in place. Moved the mousefreeze and state save to early on, and restore
; the state in CloseNClean.
; 9/3/90:
; Fixed a bug introduced by system build, where the file name as a string was bigger
; than the length byte, so GetHandleSize was adding that extra pad byte to names.
; Now it uses the length bytes and does all the math to get string length. Change
; build file so that the resources don't have any names, as desired by build guys.
; 9/25/90:
; Fixed stupid bug where SndPlay would trash register D2 in 32-bit mode. I was being
; dumb using a scary register. I moved it to use D7 instead, and save and restore D7.
; 1/21/91:
; Changed the way that the picture file name is generated by making the number
; calculation and appending code use the Script Manager. This required: 1) Using
; SANE to increment an extended number, 2) using the script manager routine
; FormatX2Str to convert it to a string, and 3) using the script manager routine
; ReplaceText instead of Munger to merge the base name and the calculated number.
; Strategy:
; The FKEY 3 is intended to take a snapshot of the screen when invoked, saving the image
; into a file for editing/printing by an appropriate graphic editor.
; Codewise the basic idea behind the FKEY is that when invoked it will do a CopyBits call using
; the screen as the source and the destination, while an OpenPicture is under way. The screen
; is obviously the source, but it is also the destination to avoid having to create some huge old
; buffer to copy the bits into. This approach will still save the bits as long as a Picture is
; Open. The bits get saved, and we can write the bits out as a file with the right header in it to
; make it a PICT file. The sequence it will use is:
; 1) Create and open the file to use. This will use a string out of the system file, to allow
; for localization of the generated files. The numbers will be appended to the name, starting
; at 1, and going up.
; 2) We will use the bottlenecks in QuickDraw to spool the data out line by line. This is
; sort of slow but takes no RAM.
; 3) We create a new port that we can play with, using OpenPort. This port will be changed
; in size, as well as installing bottlenecks in the PutPicProc.
; 4) After the bottlenecks are set up we can do the OpenPicture to create a new picture.
; 5) Do the CopyBits (main, main, ...) to write the bits through our proc with the bottlenecks.
; 6) As CopyBits runs, it will call our proc to have the bits written to the disk as it goes along.
; 7) Do each monitor in turn, if we are on colorQD machines.
; 8) Close the file.
; 9) Close the port we created.
; 10) Split.
; Some overall observations:
; There appeared to be a dependancy on A0 or A1, causing crashes, so just to be extra safe
; we will save all registers we use, even though we shouldn't have to save A0-A1/D0-D2.
; For a long, disk writing routine like this, it won't hurt to be extra robust. All registers
; are thus preserved around both the FKEY itself, and the PictWriter routine, since it is
; not clear what can be trashed as part of a bottleneck routine. The philosophy here is to
; be extra safe, to save development time.
; I looked into setting up the parameter block we use in A2, then using that throughout
; the FKEY, but it didn't appear to be worth it. It would save only two lines of code, at the
; expense of making it harder to figure out, and more prone to bugs when modified. The
; current approach is to load A0 with the address of the block each time it is required.
; In keeping with the goal of trying to keep it small, the spurious lines of initialization
; for parameter blocks have been commented out. They are left there as a notice that
; those lines are required for an unknown parameter block, but that we know they were
; cleared or set immediately before. Thus, it should be clear what is required for the
; call, without taking up code space to actually do it. This is in contrast to my normal
; approach of explicity setting each field used, to minimize copy/paste errors.
; We don't preflight for space on the disk to write the file. We have to handle any write
; errors later in the code anyway, and DiskFull is just another form of a write error,
; so there seems to be little point in taking the extra code to preflight. Since the files are
; of non-obvious lengths (they are packed with PackBits), we couldn't do a good job
; preflighting, even if we wanted to.
; Error checking and handling on all possible calls. The DeathCity error handler
; can be called at anytime, and it will do the right thing in terms of closing the port,
; killing the picture, closing the file and so on, as long as the variables are cleared
; before the first possible error.
; If I get an error during creating, naming or preflighting the file I canÕt finish
; the job, so I need to clean up and split. A SysBeep is wimpy user feedback on
; errors, but there isn't a whole lot better. It doesn't really seem appropriate to
; put up a dialog from an FKEY either. The only Expected error is DiskFull.
; Any errors during the Write or during the bottleneck Writes will be handled
; similarly. This makes it possible to error out in the bottleneck, and avoid getting
; recurring errors.
; The Lone Ranger in the form of Darin showed up to get around the problem of
; needing to access our globals from the PictWriter bottleneck routine. The solution
; is to set A5 to point into our global space like usual, and to set the contents
; of that first location to point to the current QD globals. This way we use the
; A5 world of whoever we are invoked within, and thus the PictWriter can get
; to our globals via A5 (the only register we can rely on there, other than PC).
; This is preferable to storing a pointer in the code block and doing a PC relative
; move during the bottleneck routine. The setup for the A5 is a little funky but
; it should be possible to understand it without too much work. Of course, if I
; had pictures I'd show you stack frames and A5's pointing around and so on,
; but until then, we'll just have to make do with words. I can't bring myself to
; use NoRes graphics after all this time.
; HFS is a pig. It is poorly documented and the interface is clunky and hard to use.
; When doing all HFS calls, I would expect things to be more lucid. There are two
; file version number parameters, one for Create, and one for SetFileInfo it would
; appear. These are not documented, with the exception of two technotes, one talking
; about one flag, the other talking about the second. HGetFileInfo will return me a
; bogus number in ioFFlType, thank you very much. This number if then applied via
; SetFileInfo will then make the file not show up in StdFile. Another particularly fine
; approach. If these numbers are used by anybody, then why does StdFile filter them?
; Should StdFile be fixed to not care? What this also points out is that the documentation
; is not sufficient to use HFS. A better approach will always be to clear the full
; parameter block in a loop, and not try to be accurate about what needs to be set and
; what doesn't. In fact, I'm going to change this code to do that instead.
; Given the poor shape of the HFS interface and documentation, we will now adopt the
; philosophy of clearing the parameter block before we start, and not explicitly set
; any of the fields in the block, knowing they are zeroed. This will buy us a little
; code savings, and should be a more robust approach. HFS seems to be pretty consistent
; about expecting zero for unused, or unknown, fields. This is less than optimal, since
; it would be better to know what exactly is necessary, and set those specific fields.
; But, since we are in doubt, it is better to play it safe and overkill. It is more
; important to be robust than accurate. Thus all our globals on the stack will be
; cleared in a single loop, where we will walk through the entire stack frame. This will
; set all our variables to zero, as well as the parameter block. (Notably, this is what
; Andy Hertzfeld did in RMaker... are you scared yet?) In keeping with HFS paranoia,
; we will set all fields in the parameter block, whether it is an HFS version of the call
; or not. The documentation is not clear if this is necessary, but The Debugger indicates
; it is, so better safe than spending hours tracking down something bogus.
; We are going to save and restore A5 around the FKEY, and will modify it from inside
; the FKEY. This will allow us to have no globals stored in the code, and PictWriter as
; the bottleneck will still be able to get to our globals. This way we avoid the self-modifying
; code in order to store PC relative variables. The QD globals still need to be accessed
; by QD however, so we still have to provide that path. The way to do that here,
; is to copy the 0(A5) pointer that QD uses to hunt down the globals, and store it in
; our variables block, keeping the same link.
; Another change here that seems to be dictated by 32-bit QD, and old systems. We want
; to band the image in the cases where there is not enough RAM. Under 32-bit QD, a
; big buffer might need to be made to copy the bits into before saving them in the picture.
; For a two-page screen this may be megs of data, causing us to create an empty picture,
; which is lame. Instead, we will look for the failing condition, and chop the image
; up into small pieces (bands). The technique we will use here will just keep shrinking
; the rect that we use as the source and destination. If it gets too small we'll bail out and
; signal an error. Otherwise we will keep a copyHeight that will be used to size each band
; vertically. Each time we fail during a CopyBits, we will divide the copyHeight by two,
; until it either succeeds or we get too small (like a single horizontal row of pixels).
; Part of the trouble is that a color table gets saved for each band, but we don't
; really expect to have to do that many bands. Also, it seems better to make a bigger
; banded picture (on disk), than to fail from too little RAM. In system 6.0 there is a patch
; that handles the source and destination both being the screen, and if so it will not
; create a buffer. It appears that we cannot necessarily rely on that, due to the problem
; of needing to access 32 bit screens. 32 bit QD handles the drawing, but the OpenPicture
; can't do it directly, and needs a buffer. It may be fixed in the future, and this approach
; will cleanly default to a no buffer/single copybits situation. This banding will be done
; on a per device basis. The only slightly skanky aspect of doing it this way means that
; we need to look at the picture size after the CopyBits call, and if it didn't change size,
; we know it failed. We'll also check QDError to be safer, but it is a implementation
; detail of the picture mechanism. Another possible approach would be to do the
; buffer allocation ourselves, knowing about the various depths and so on, which seems
; excessively complicated, and requires even more knowledge of the QD model, like
; pixelSize. The algorithmic pseudo-code is like:
; copyHeight = screenRect.b-screenRect.t
; copyRect = screenRect
; copyTop = screenRect.t
; Copy:
; copyRect.t = copyTop
; copyRect.b = copyTop + copyHeight
; If copyRect.b > screenRect.b Then copyRect.b = screenRect.b
; gWroteBits = false
; CopyBits (screen, screen, copyRect, copyRect, scrCopy, nil)
; If NOT gWroteBits or QDError Then
; copyHeight = copyHeight / 2
; If copyHeight < 2 Then Failure
; Goto Copy
; copyTop = copyTop + copyHeight
; If copyTop < screenRect.b Then Goto Copy
; Also remember that the banding loop is surrounded by the device loop for color QD,
; so they are nested.
; A little info about the sound. I looked into doing a 3:1 compression on the sound, to save
; disk space, but it doesn't seem to be worth it. The sound is already sampled at 11K,
; which seems the best compromise. At 3:1, that is 3:1 off of the 22K sample, so it is
; still 2/3 the size of the 11K sound. It is not a big savings, and the sound is worsened.
; In addition, the compression jazz doesn't work in 6x systems, in case this gets copied
; over there. At 6:1 compression, it is totally gross. The compression seems really lame,
; and not an advantage over just going down in sample speed. Trying some more
; tests, the 3:1 compression actually does sound better than 11K sample, so it would
; be preferred, but it isn't a huge win, so the lack of 6x compatibility wins out.
; Some changes suggested via Code Review:
; Another minor change, the string that defines the file name is now 'Picture ^0' to start
; with, and can be changed at will for internationalization reasons. The ^0 is replaced
; at run time with the current file number string (from Num2String). This is easy to
; do using Munger and took about the same amount of code as my old ConCat routine,
; but is better for localizing.
; Rather than setting the CrsrVis flag specifically when we are done, I will save
; and restore the old value, in case it is more sophisticated in the future.
; I changed the code to decrement the CrsrState, set the CrsrVis to false,
; then do the CopyBits. This freezes the mouse, keeps it on the screen, and
; allows it to be restarted after the CopyBits, so we capture the bits of the cursor in the
; picture as well. Previously I was doing a fake jShieldCursor, which was too sick, and
; this approach seems to have the same effect, whilst merely futzing with low memory
; globals. Unfortunately, I have slightly more confidence that the vector will behave
; the same way in the future, but am unconvinced that the low memory globals even
; work as they are described. Just how screwed up is the cursor code anyway?
; This appears to work fine, but if there is any compatibility risk in this code, that's it.
; Yes, I realize some of the comments get a little redundant, but you know, I'd rather say
; it twice than to not say it once...
; Open Questions:
; 1) Should we do the menu down snapshots? This is pretty tough to do, will make
; it bigger, and risk more compatibility. Is it worth the effort? The proposed approach
; is to create our own heap block when invoked, turn it into a heap only we use, set
; up our own A5 world and QD world in this heap, start up a Time Manager task to
; call us back later, wait 3 seconds or so, when called by TM, change to our heap which
; will be valid at interrupt time, swap out QD globals that need it (unknown list, to date),
; do the CopyBits with bottleneck spooling, close file, set up a Deferred Task Manager
; task to call us back, at DTM time (which is GNE time) dispose the heap block we
; created. So... Technically challenging, but feasible. Again, is it worth it?
; -- answer: not. Do it in the system.
; 2) Is it too sick to use GrayRgn? To dangerous? Any better way to do it?
; 3) This only runs on the latest system. It will only be shipped with that system,
; but if anyone copies and pastes it around, it won't work. System 6.0.3 is required
; in order to have the multiple monitor part work. The CopyBits bug is fixed in
; that version. Is it bad to require the newest (I prefer to make it live with anything).
; Requires HFS too.
; -- answer: no biggy. works now on system 4.2 with banding, HFS is OK.
; 4) This saving of the picture will create a PICT 2 type picture, even if the current
; color depth is only 1 bit deep. Is this bad? Will it make pictures that are hard for
; Mac+ to read? If I remember correctly, the Mac+ system patches allow it to read
; PICT 2, and extract the picts if they are B&W...
; 5) If the string for the file name isn't available in the system we will bail out with
; an error. Is this reasonable? Should we try to be more robust here with a default
; string?
; -- answer: added the change to make it default to 'Pic ' as the name.
PRINT PUSH,OFF ; don't print any of the headers.
INCLUDE 'Traps.a'
INCLUDE 'PackMacs.a'
INCLUDE 'ToolEqu.a'
INCLUDE 'QuickEqu.a'
INCLUDE 'SaneMacs.a'
INCLUDE 'ScriptEqu.a'
INCLUDE 'SysEqu.a'
INCLUDE 'SysErr.a'
PRINT POP ; restore the PRINT options
; Constants that are defined here instead of putting them in the code.
headerSize EQU 512 ; 512 bytes in PICT files for header info.
fileNameId EQU -16385 ; resource ID number for 'Picture' string.
pFileType EQU 'PICT' ; file type we create.
pFileCreator EQU 'ttxt' ; file creator for teachtext.
pSoundType EQU 'snd ' ; resource type for sound resources.
cameraId EQU -16504 ; resource Id of camera noise.
; The StackFrame we are using here is just for local variables for the FKEY. They
; would be globals, but FKEY's can't have globals, and this puts them on the stack,
; instead of in the code. The QDglobalPtr is to be the 0th location in the list, so that
; 0(A5) will be that pointer. This is the way QD expects it. Thus baseName will be
; -4(A5), baseNum is -8(A5) and so on.
FkeyGlobals RECORD {QDglobalPtr},DECR ; build a stack frame record
; Here I define all the variables that are used. These are
; used in a global variable fashion, even though they are allocated on the stack.
; FKEYs canÕt have global vars though, so this is a reasonable way out.
; RA5 will still be used to point to our globals, so we set up the first element of
; our globals to be the pointer to the QD variables as QD expects. This is relatively
; complicated, so peruse the Segment loader and Memory manager chapters to see
; how all the variables are to be set up, or take my word for it.
; Our globals will still be referenced as some negative number off of A5.
; A6 is not used as such, except to give us a handy frame easily.
; It is possible to use a straight Link A5, but the sequence of code is thus critical,
; since we need to pull out the old 0(A5) before we change A5. Rather than make it
; extra tricky, hard to read, hard to modify, and hard to maintain, in order to save 2
; lines of code; I left it as LINK A6.
QDglobalPtr DS.L 1 ; pointer to QD globals, so QD can still work.
baseName DS.L 1 ; This will become a StringHandle to the name.
copyBaseName DS.L 1 ; copy of the handle, will be modified.
baseNum DS.B 10 ; an 80-bit extended, SANE compatible
baseNumString DS.B 32 ; smaller than Str255, to save unused space.
hBaseNumString DS.L 1 ; handle to copy of the number string.
fileName DS.B 32
filePB DS.B ioFQElSize ; big enough for the SetFileInfo too.
newGrafs DS.B cqdProcsRec
picPort DS.B portRec
portIsValid DS.W 1
oldCrsrVis DS.W 1 ; saved value from CrsrVis.
currPort DS.L 1
sysInfo DS SysEnvRec ; for colorQD test, and boot volume refnum.
maxRect DS.W 4 ; big rect containing all monitors.
nextGD DS.L 1 ; handle for current GDevice when doing Mac II
; The next few variables are for the banding operation. These are used on a per device basis,
; and only really change in really low RAM situations, or Big Ass monitors. All these variables
; are defined on a per band basis. One band can be the entire device though.
copyHeight DS.W 1 ; the height used for each CopyBits band.
copyRect DS.W 4 ; the rectangle used for each band.
copyTop DS.W 1 ; the starting location of a given band.
; These next few are used by the PictWriter routine directly.
gPictRefNum DS.W 1
gPictSize DS.W 1
gPictError DS.W 1
gPictHandle DS.L 1
gWroteBits DS.W 1 ; for memory full checking.
; Here we have some variables which are used while doing file name construction in an
; international-friendly manner.
itlHandle DS.L 1 ; handle to itl resource with the NumberPartsTable
numPartsOffset DS.L 1 ; offset into the itl of the NumberPartsTable
itlState DS.W 1 ; so we can save/restore the state of the handle
tableLength DS.L 1 ; length of the table (not used)
; The end of the Stack Frame as our globals. This LocalSize will thus be subtracted from the
; stack to store the variables.
ALIGN 4 ; make sure we stop at a nice 4 byte boundary.
; This is so we can clear the whole block easily.
GlobalSize EQU *-FkeyGlobals ; size of all the local variables
WITH FkeyGlobals ; use our 'global' stack frame
; The start of the FKEY, with the conventional FKEY header on it to identify it and the
; current version of this little wag.
BRA.S @0 ; skip over the text, obviously.
STRING ASIS ; turn off length byte.
DC.L 'FKEY' ; a hunk of data in the code.
DC.W $0003 ; FKey 3 for the hex viewer.
DC.W '1.0B6' ; version number.
; Set up some of our variables to initial values. And save off the current gDevice
; and port. In case of errors, we can restore the environment to what it was.
; Call SysEnvirons to determine if color QD is here or not, since that determines
; the use of gDevices or not.
LINK A6,#GlobalSize ; allocate our local stack frame 'globals'.
MOVEM.L A0-A2/A5/D0-D2/D7,-(SP) ; save registers we trash. (9/25/90)
; Since we don't trust HFS, or anybody else, including ourselves, we will clear all of the
; global data space to zero. This starts us in a nice known condition, a welcome change of
; pace. Do all the variables in a big loop, 4 bytes at a time. The number stowed in D0 is
; a positive DBRA count of the number of longwords in our global area. GlobalSize is a
; negative number, so we invert it before dividing by 4, then subtracting 1 to make it DBRA.
MOVEQ #(-GlobalSize/4)-1,D0 ; total size of our space, in longwords, DBRA count.
MOVE.L A6,A0 ; the start of the global space.
CLR.L -(A0) ; clear the next 4 bytes. A6 offsets are negative.
DBRA D0,@1 ; until we got them all.
; Now set up the globals pointer in A5. This will point to our block on the stack, but we will
; use A5 to get there. We also save off the QD link, so we can use some one else's QD world for
; our picture creation.
MOVE.L (A5),A0 ; save off the link.
MOVE.L A6,A5 ; swap globals over to our space,
SUBQ #4,A5 ; make it so 0(A5) is QDGlobalPtr.
MOVE.L A0,QDGlobalPtr(A5) ; set the link back so QD is all set.
; 8/17/90: B3B:
; Before we start the show, make the noise of a camera so that they know
; that something happened. If we get an error somewhere inside, we'll get a beep as well,
; but it doesn't come out too bad. We handle the case of the sound being missing, by
; just skipping the attemp. It won't cause a problem. We lock the sound handle just to
; be extra safe. We shouldn't have to, but the sound manager has a sordid history, and
; it is preferable to be safe, rather than explicitly correct. We want to
; do it async, but can't really do that since we might error out somewhere in the middle,
; giving a weird noise effect. Also, we can't leave until the sound is done, and don't
; want to screw around trying to find out if it is done or not.
CLR.L -(SP) ; room for handle result.
MOVE.L #pSoundType,-(SP) ; the type of resource, sound.
MOVE.W #cameraID,-(SP) ; the resource ID of the camera noise.
_GetResource ; get the sound as a resource.
MOVE.L (SP)+,D7 ; retrieve the handle to the sound. (9/25/90)
BEQ.S GetSysInfo ; if it is gone, skip making a sound.
MOVE.L D7,A0 ; the handle to the sound. (9/25/90)
_HLock ; lock it down while we play.
CLR.W -(SP) ; room for function result.
CLR.L -(SP) ; no sound channel from us,
MOVE.L D7,-(SP) ; the handle to the noise, locked. (9/25/90)
MOVE.W #False,-(SP) ; and do it is synchronously.
_SndPlay ; play that camera noise.
MOVE.W (SP)+,D0 ; get the result code, but ignore it.
MOVE.L D7,A0 ; retrieve the handle to the sound, (9/25/90)
_HUnLock ; and unlock it, so it can be purged.
; GetSysInfo:
; We need to determine if colorQD exists on the machine or not, so call SysEnvirons
; to find out. This also gets the boot volume vRefNum, which is more robust than the
; BootDrive low memory global. We donÕt link with the glue here since we know that
; the trap has to exist on machines where this FKEY will run. We can always expect
; Version 1 to exist, and thus don't check the error code on return.
LEA sysInfo(A5),A0 ; address of the record.
MOVEQ #1,D0 ; version 1 record, and info desired.
_SysEnvirons ; fill the environment record on stack.
; Save the current port so we can restore it at the end.
PEA currPort(A5) ; the var to set,
_GetPort ; save off the current port
; Now we need to do a sick thing. This is to make the cursor visible in the pict, once it
; is saved off. The problem is that CopyBits will ShieldCursor in order to make it not
; appear in an offscreen picture. We need it there in order to make it a real screen
; snapshot. We will mark the cursor as Invisible so that QD will think that it doesn't
; have to ShieldCursor. We do this by setting it invisible, and decrementing the CrsrState.
; We also want to freeze the mouse while this goes on, since we don't want the mouse to
; change around during the save. It takes long enough that we can get multiple smashed
; copies of the cursor. The mouse is frozen by the CrsrState change. This has to be done
; before the first possible DeathCity, so that we can be sure to restore the state properly.
MOVE.B CrsrVis,oldCrsrVis(A5) ; save the old value.
SF CrsrVis ; Pretend cursor is invisible.
SUB.B #1,CrsrState ; Turn cursor off.
; Now try to get the STR resource for the name of the file we want to use.
CLR.W -(SP) ; returned refnum, will be left here.
_CurResFile ; where are we currently? (save this place.)
CLR.W -(SP) ; switch to the system file.
_UseResFile ; use the system file, to avoid getting wrong string.
CLR.L -(SP) ; the handle result.
MOVE.W #fileNameId,-(SP) ; the rez id for it.
_GetString ; get it if we can.
MOVE.L (SP)+,baseName(A5) ; save handle to the string.
; the refnum is still on the stack.
_UseResFile ; return resource chain to how it was.
; Get the international table for number parts so we can use it when building
; the file name.
MOVE.W #iuSystemScript, -(SP) ; desktop items are in the System script
MOVE.W #iuNumberPartsTable, -(SP) ; we need the number parts table
PEA itlHandle(A5) ; place to store the itl4 handle
PEA numPartsOffset(A5) ; offset into the itl4 of the NumberPartsTable
PEA tableLength(A5) ; somewhere to put this, not used by us
_IUGetItlTable ; try to get the number parts table
MOVE.L itlHandle(A5), D0 ; did we get the table?
BEQ DeathCity ; if not, probably low on memory
MOVE.L D0, A0 ; the itl4 resource handle
_HGetState ; remember its present state
MOVE.B D0, itlState(A5) ; save it for a later restore
_HLock ; donÕt let it go anywhere (or get purged)
; We have the handle to the STR resource. Make sure it is valid.
TST.L baseName(A5) ; is it non-nil?
BNE.S TryFileName ; if it is valid, go ahead and use it.
; For the case where we couldn't find the string, a silly case arguably, but one we want to
; allow them the option of making, let's hard code a file name that will be used instead
; of the string. Turn this hardcoded string into a handle, and store the handle.
CLR.L -(SP) ; returned handle result.
PEA hardName(PC) ; address of string in code,
_NewString ; turn it into a handle,
MOVE.L (SP)+,baseName(A5) ; save off this handle instead.
BEQ DeathCity ; if it is nil, bail out, no ram.
; If there are files there already, I want to keep upping the number to
; find an unused file name. There is not much point in stopping at 9,
; so IÕll just keep trying until it fails, or I get an OK file name.
; We have a valid handle to the string, which starts as 'Picture ^0'. Make a copy of it so we
; can change the handle with ReplaceText. We do this each time through the TryFileName
; loop so we can start with a fresh 'Picture ^0' each time. We copy the handle instead
; of using the resource, to avoid having to hit the disk each time we try a new name.
MOVEQ #0, D0 ; start with a clean register
MOVE.L baseName(A5),A0 ; the handle to current string,
MOVE.L (A0), A1 ; point to the current string
MOVE.B (A1), D0 ; get the length of the string
_NewHandle ; try to make a handle of the right size
BNE DeathCity ; get out if we run out of memory
MOVE.L A0, copyBaseName(A5) ; save this handle so we can nuke it later
MOVE.L (A0), A0 ; point to the handle data
MOVEQ #0, D0 ; start with a clean register
MOVE.B (A1)+, D0 ; get the length to copy & point to first charater
EXG A0, A1 ; make source & dest registers correct
; Increment our number by one. We use SANE because we donÕt want this code to
; know about the extended type implementation. Also, since weÕre going to use the
; international utilities to convert this to a string, and they call SANE, thereÕs no
; extra hit because we call SANE here. Finally, SANE in ROM is likely to be used,
; saving us from loading it in any case.
PEA extendedOne ; the constant value 1
PEA baseNum(A5) ; our local counter
FADDX ; baseNum := baseNum + 1
; Now convert the number to a string so we can hook it into the picture string.
; We use the script manager to be completely international-friendly. This will almost
; certainly cause a RAM hit, unfortunately.
PEA baseNum(A5) ; the number to convert
PEA numFormat ; how to format the number
MOVE.L itlHandle(A5), A0 ; handle to itl4 resource
MOVE.L (A0), A0 ; pointer to the (locked) itl4 resource
ADDA.L numPartsOffset(A5), A0 ; adjust pointer to point at table
MOVE.L A0, -(SP) ; push the NumberPartsTablePtr
PEA baseNumString(A5) ; where to put the formatted string
_FormatX2Str ; script manager-friendly NumToString
; Now combine the two strings, the name, plus the number as a string to build a
; file name to try. We will build the string using ReplaceText, to replace the ^0 in the
; string with the current baseNumString. Since ReplaceText requires two handles, we have
; to first copy the number string into a handle.
MOVEQ #0, D0 ; start with a clean register
MOVE.B baseNumString(A5), D0 ; get the length byte
_NewHandle ; try to make a handle to hold it
BNE DeathCity ; if we get an error, just leave
MOVE.L A0, hBaseNumString(A5) ; save the handle for later
MOVE.L (A0), A1 ; point to the new handle data
MOVEQ #0, D0 ; start with a clean register
LEA baseNumString(A5), A0 ; point at our copy of the string
MOVE.B (A0)+, D0 ; get the length & point at the first character
_BlockMove ; copy the string into the handle
CLR.W -(SP) ; return result from ReplaceText
MOVE.L copyBaseName(A5), -(SP) ; the handle to the copy of the file name
MOVE.L hBaseNumString(A5), -(SP) ; the handle to the number string
PEA upSnick0Str(PC) ; the key to replace
_ReplaceText ; substitute the number for ^0
; function result removed below
; Throw away the handle which contained a copy of the number string
MOVE.L hBaseNumString(A5), A0
_DisposHandle ; kill it
; Set the length byte for this new string, using the length of the handle resulting from
; the ReplaceText call. Then copy the string data from the handle into our local file
; name string.
MOVE.L copyBaseName(A5), A0 ; handle to complete file name
_GetHandleSize ; how many bytes?
MOVE.L (A0), A0 ; point at data
LEA fileName(A5), A1 ; point at local file name string
MOVE.B D0, (A1)+ ; move the length byte & point past it
_BlockMove ; copy the rest of the file name
; Now we have a copy of the next name to try, kill the string handle, since we have to start
; with the resource in order to get the ^0 in the string.
MOVE.L copyBaseName(A5),A0 ; the handle to string,
_DisposHandle ; kill it.
; Now we have cleaned up the handle, see if ReplaceText worked or not. If it didn't, it
; couldn't find the ^0 in the string which would imply something very bad happened.
; We do this sort of late here, so that we can blow away the StringHandle without
; having to worry about it in the error handler.
MOVE.W (SP)+,D0 ; get result from ReplaceText,
BMI DeathCity ; if couldn't find it, something is wrong.
; Now try to create the file based on that file name, on the current volume.
; The parameter block is set up for both Create and Open.
; Create the file in the root of the startup volume. The rest of the parameter block
; is zeroed, from above, just in case.
LEA filePB(A5),A0 ; the file parameter block,
LEA fileName(A5),A1 ; the address of the file name string,
MOVE.L A1,ioFileName(A0) ; set up parameter,
MOVE.W sysInfo.sysVRefNum(A5),ioVRefNum(A0) ; use startup volume.
; CLR.B ioFVersNum(A0) ; clear file type, of course.
MOVE.L #fsRtDirId,ioDirID(A0) ; create in the root directory.
_HCreate ; try to create that file.
; If we have an error other than dupFNErr, then we are toast and have to exit.
; If it is a dupFNErr, then we need to up the file name/number by one and
; try again.
CMP.W #dupFNErr,D0 ; is it a duplicate file name?
BEQ TryFileName ; if so, try next one.
TST.W D0 ; was result OK?
BNE DeathCity ; If not, we must die.
; The file is valid, set the file information so that it is marked as a PICT file. Start
; with a GetFileInfo to set up all the junk we don't need to fool with. Recall that we
; comment out the lines that aren't specifically required in this location in the code,
; but leave the lines there to remind you that they are required for the call. They
; are already set up by the above HCreate call, or by the clearing process at the start
; of the code.
; LEA filePB(A5),A0 ; the file parameter block,
; LEA fileName(A5),A1 ; the address of the file name string,
; MOVE.L A1,ioFileName(A0) ; set up parameter,
; MOVE.W sysInfo.sysVRefNum(A5),ioVRefNum(A0) ; use startup volume,
; CLR.W ioFileType(A0) ; no version number, any permission.
; CLR.W ioFDirIndex(A0) ; use name and vRefNum.
; MOVE.L #fsRtDirId,ioDirID(A0) ; get in the root directory.
_HGetFileInfo ; get the info on the slime.
BNE DeathCity ; everything OK?
; Now change the file type and creator and Set the info.
; LEA filePB(A5),A0 ; the file parameter block,
; LEA fileName(A5),A1 ; the address of the file name string,
; MOVE.L A1,ioFileName(A0) ; set up parameter,
; MOVE.W sysInfo.sysVRefNum(A5),ioVRefNum(A0) ; use startup volume,
; CLR.W ioFileType(A0) ; no version number, any permission.
; CLR.B ioFFlType(A0) ; and the other file type Must be cleared too.
MOVE.L #pFileType,ioFLUsrWds+fdType(A0) ; change file type to PICT.
MOVE.L #pFileCreator,ioFLUsrWds+fdCreator(A0) ; and the file creator to 'ttxt' for TeachText
; Creation and ModDates are set in block,
; from the GetFileInfo.
MOVE.L #fsRtDirId,ioDirID(A0) ; set in the root directory. (HGetFileInfo pounds
; the dirId on the way back.)
_HSetFileInfo ; Set the info on the slime.
BNE DeathCity ; everything OK?
; We have a valid file name, and the file has been created on the default volume.
; So... it is time to open the slime dog. We use the 'write' permission, but there are
; a couple of other stupid things in the file system, like not reporting an error here if
; the disk is write protected. We get that later in the Write call, so we'll handle a
; no write access error there too. If everything is OK, we'll just get Rd/Wr permission
; back by default. This is fsWrPerm though, just to be explicit.
; LEA filePB(A5),A0 ; the file parameter block,
; LEA fileName(A5),A1 ; the address of the file name string,
; MOVE.L A1,ioFileName(A0) ; set up parameter,
; MOVE.W sysInfo.sysVRefNum(A5),ioVRefNum(A0) ; use startup volume,
MOVE.B #fsWrPerm,ioPermssn(A0) ; desire Write permission to file.
; CLR.B ioFileType(A0) ; clear the, worse than useless, version #.
; CLR.L ioOwnBuf(A0) ; use standard buffer.
; MOVE.L #fsRtDirId,ioDirID(A0) ; open in the root directory.
_HOpen ; open the file for writing.
BNE DeathCity ; if it cannot be opened, we cannot continue.
MOVE.W ioRefNum(A0),gPictRefNum(A5) ; saved off for future use.
; Now write the header information into the file, so that it is a PICT file. It is actually
; 512+10 bytes long, since we throw in the picture header as well. The space needs to
; be allocated in the file, although it will be updated after the picture is done.
; This is kind of a cheater approach to writing an empty header, but serves two purposes.
; It will get clear block we can write at one shot to clear the header on the file, and it also
; has to get 522 bytes of storage or we die here. Since QD will crash on no memory for
; the upcoming OpenPort, this is a minor preflight to be sure we won't die when we try
; to open the port, or open the picture. OK, so I'm a slacker, but I really just wanted to
; use the Clear bit.
MOVE.L #headerSize+picData,D0 ; size of the block.
_NewHandle CLEAR ; make a block of zeros.
BNE DeathCity ; are we so low we can't get 512 bytes?
MOVE.L A0,A2 ; save off the handle for later disposal.
LEA filePB(A5),A0 ; the parameter block again,
; MOVE.W gPictRefNum(A5),ioRefNum(A0) ; the refnum to use.
MOVE.L (A2),ioBuffer(A0) ; pointer to the handle of data.
MOVE.L #headerSize+picData,ioReqCount(A0) ; number of bytes to write.
MOVE.W #fsFromStart,ioPosMode(A0) ; start at start in file,
CLR.L ioPosOffset(A0) ; no offset from start.
_Write ; Write the empty header to the file.
; Now dispose the handle we used to write the empty header to the file. Disposed
; before the error check to avoid having to dispose it in the error handler.
MOVE.L A2,A0 ; handle to the data,
_DisposHandle ; freed back to system.
; Check the result of the write.
TST.W filePB+ioResult(A5) ; retrieve the error code from Write.
BNE DeathCity ; if we got an error, leave.
; Now open a port for our
; use to allow us to easily copy the screen to itself, and to avoid having to worry if
; a port is valid currently. We have preflighted at least 500 bytes out of the heap,
; which should be enough for a port, so we wonÕt blow up on this call at least.
; In addition to the Open, this becomes the current port. (as: thePort) The
; same record is used whether it is color or not.
PEA picPort(A5) ; address of record to fill
TST.B sysInfo.hasColorQD(A5) ; do we have color QD?
BEQ.S @0 ; if not, open a regular port.
_OpenCPort ; fill it with color port junk.
BRA.S @1
_OpenPort ; open a standard port.
ST portIsValid(A5) ; Set bool to Yes, for the picPort being in use.
; Now that we have a new port to draw into, we want to be sure to get all the monitors/
; devices in the system. So... use the GrayRgn from low memory to Union with the current
; visRgn we have in our new port. We want to do the Union since the new Port's visRgn will
; include the menu bar area, and GrayRgn doesn't. But of course, the new port doesn't have
; the other devices, so we need the union. This is also considered a little sick, that of
; changing the visRgn of a port, but it needs to be done. Once we've changed the visRgn,
; we'll get the whole system when we CopyBits.
MOVE.L picPort+visRgn(A5),-(SP) ; the handle to the visRgn for the new port.
MOVE.L GrayRgn,-(SP) ; the handle to GrayRgn out of low mem.
MOVE.L picPort+visRgn(A5),-(SP) ; the visRgn as the destination as well.
_UnionRgn ; modify the visRgn to include all monitors.
; Now save the bounding rect that encompasses all the monitors.
MOVE.L picPort+visRgn(A5),A0 ; the handle to the visRgn.
MOVE.L (A0),A0 ; pointer to the region.
LEA maxRect(A5),A1 ; the address of our Rect,
MOVE.L rgnBBox+topLeft(A0),(A1)+ ; copy over the topLeft,
MOVE.L rgnBBox+botRight(A0),(A1)+ ; and the botRight
; Set the new GrafProc record up to have the standard pieces. Here again,
; use the same record for both color and not, but use the larger color record,
; not filling all the space in the non-color case.
PEA newGrafs(A5) ; the new array to use.
TST.B sysInfo.hasColorQD(A5) ; do we have color QD?
BEQ.S @2 ; if not, set std procs, not color.
_SetStdCProcs ; fill the array with procs.
BRA.S @3 ; go on to change procs.
_SetStdProcs ; fill the array with B&W procs.
; Change the port to use those GrafProcs instead.
; thePort^.grafProcs := @newGrafs
LEA picPort(A5),A0 ; get address of thePort.
LEA newGrafs(A5),A1 ; address of new procs record,
MOVE.L A1,grafProcs(A0) ; set the port to the new record.
; We are in our offscreen port. Change the GrafProc pointer for picture saving
; to our routine that actually writes the bytes to the disk. Works for both color and
; regular.
LEA PictWriter(PC),A0 ; the address of the routine to use,
MOVE.L A0,putPicProc(A1) ; change the newGraf record.
; Now when the putPicProc gets called, it will run to our PictWriter routine. This
; way we get to save the data off to the disk instead of use up huge hunks of RAM to
; build the picture. PictWriter will use the gPictRefNum as the file to write to, but we
; need to init a couple of other global variables to set up for the picture. The two other
; variables were already cleared by the top loop that cleared all the globals.
MOVE.W #picData,gPictSize(A5) ; start off as just header size.
; CLR.W gPictError(A5) ; starting as no error.
; CLR.L gPictHandle(A5) ; since we have no picture handle yet.
; Actually open the picture and do the CopyBits in order to process the picture.
; The data will be written by PictWriter as it is called by QuickDraw.
CLR.L -(SP) ; the handle result comes back on stack.
PEA maxRect(A5) ; the rect to use, full screen.
_OpenPicture ; start up the process.
MOVE.L (SP)+,gPictHandle(A5) ; save the handle created.
; Now the picture is open and ready to cruise. Start by setting the clip region down,
; to make it a more mellow picture (clipping weirdnesses abound). This clip rect is the
; rect that surrounds all monitors in the system.
PEA maxRect(A5) ; the rect to use again,
_ClipRect ; clip to the screen bounds.
; Loop through each monitor in the device list. With each monitor, do a CopyBits of the
; full device, just the bounds rectangle.
TST.B sysInfo.hasColorQD(A5) ; do we have color QD?
BEQ.S CopyLips ; if not, skip the GDevice stuff.
; Otherwise, we need to drive through the device list, so get the first one.
CLR.L -(SP) ; returned GDHandle here.
_GetDeviceList ; get start of list.
MOVE.L (SP)+,nextGD(A5) ; save the handle.
BEQ DeathCity ; if no devices, get out of here.
; Loop back here to CopyBits the next device in the list. The maxRect as we use it here is
; for a given gDevice/screen, and isn't the total area of all monitors, as it was when we
; setup the clipping.
MOVE.L nextGD(A5),A0 ; get the handle to gDevice,
MOVE.L (A0),A0 ; deref the handle,
MOVE.L gdPMap(A0),A0 ; get PixMapHandle,
MOVE.L (A0),A0 ; deref to pointer of PixMap.
LEA maxRect(A5),A1 ; the address of rect to save,
MOVE.L bounds+topLeft(A0),(A1)+ ; save off the TopLeft of the rect,
MOVE.L bounds+botRight(A0),(A1)+ ; save the botRight too.
; For each gDevice that we copy, we want to start off the banding parameters as being the
; full screen size, basically the maxRect parameters. If this is a single monitor old system,
; the concept still holds. Start the copyTop at the top of the current screen, start the copyHeight
; as the full screen size, and start the copyRect as the full screen. These will all get changed
; if there isn't enough ram to do a full screen copybits. If there is enough ram, we'll get
; a single CopyBits saved in the picture for this screen/gDevice.
MOVE.W maxRect+top(A5),copyTop(A5) ; start first band at top of screen.
MOVE.W maxRect+bottom(A5),D0 ; get the bottom of screen,
SUB.W maxRect+top(A5),D0 ; giving height of screen,
MOVE.W D0,copyHeight(A5) ; save it off as starting copyHeight.
LEA copyRect(A5),A1 ; address of our copyRect,
MOVE.L maxRect+topLeft(A5),(A1)+ ; save off the TopLeft of the rect,
MOVE.L maxRect+botRight(A5),(A1)+ ; save the botRight too.
; Set up the banding parameters for this time through the band loop. This may be a one
; time shot, but we can't be sure, and don't care, so just do it generally.
MOVE.W copyTop(A5),D0 ; get the top of the next band to do,
MOVE.W D0,copyRect+top(A5) ; set the top of the copyRect to new top.
ADD.W copyHeight(A5),D0 ; add in current band height, giving bottom.
CMP.W maxRect+bottom(A5),D0 ; are we off bottom of full screen rect?
BLT.S @0 ; if not, stow the value.
MOVE.W maxRect+bottom(A5),D0 ; if we are, just stop at the max bottom.
MOVE.W D0,copyRect+bottom(A5) ; the bottom of the next rectangle (band).
; The parameters are all setup for this band (maybe full screen).
; The picture is ready to roll. CopyBits the screen to itself. While inside of an open
; picture this will save all the bits off into the picture handle. Since the handle is
; being written to disk as it is created by the PictWriter, this CopyBits will automatically
; spool the data out to the disk. We use the copyRect since we may only be doing a band
; of the full screen right now.
SF gWroteBits(A5) ; set up to handle full memory case.
PEA picPort+portBits(A5) ; the source bitMap,
PEA picPort+portBits(A5) ; the destination bitMap too.
PEA copyRect(A5) ; the source rectangle, max screensize.
PEA copyRect(A5) ; the dest rect too.
MOVE.W #srcCopy,-(SP) ; use the copy mode.
CLR.L -(SP) ; and a Nil clipping region.
_CopyBits ; copy the screen bits.
; We have written that band out to the file using the bottleneck. If QD failed by not having
; enough RAM we need to shrink the band size down. We know whether it failed or not
; by checking the gWroteBits variable to be sure the bottleneck got called, and we'll also
; check QDError just to be sure. QDError is only valid for color machines.
TST.B sysInfo.hasColorQD(A5) ; do we have color QD?
BEQ.S @1 ; if not, skip QDError check.
CLR.W -(SP) ; return result,
_QDError ; get last error,
MOVE.W (SP)+,D0 ; get value QD last set,
BNE.S ShrinkCopyHeight ; if nonZero, try shrinking the band Height.
TST.B gWroteBits(A5) ; and check the write flag,
BNE.S UpCopyTop ; if it is true, we wrote bits, and can go on.
; We have a case where the CopyBits to save the image didn't work, so the bottleneck never
; got called to write any data. Working under the assumption that it is a memory full error,
; we want to shrink our band by half, and try again.
MOVE.W copyHeight(A5),D0 ; get the current copyHeight
LSR.W #1,D0 ; divide the height by two.
MOVE.W D0,copyHeight(A5) ; save off the new number.
CMP.W #1,D0 ; are we down to 1 pixel high yet?
BLE.S DeathCity ; if we are, just skip it, not enough ram.
BRA.S BandLoop ; try this smaller band instead.
; We didn't get any error while doing that band. Up the copyTop to the next band to be done,
; and check if we are done with the entire max rect yet. If we are done, we can fall into the
; outer loop of the gDevices on the system. If not, we'll go back to do another band for this
; current gDevice.
MOVE.W copyTop(A5),D0 ; get the band top we just used,
ADD.W copyHeight(A5),D0 ; add in the current bandsize,
MOVE.W D0,copyTop(A5) ; save that new band top.
CMP.W maxRect+bottom(A5),D0 ; are we off the end of the device yet?
BLT.S BandLoop ; not off bottom of device, so do another band.
; If we have colorQD we need to get the next device and copy it. If we don't have color QD
; skip this stuff, since it will cause a system error if we run it. Can you say 'special case?'
; Sure, I knew you could.
TST.B sysInfo.hasColorQD(A5) ; do we have color QD?
BEQ.S PictureDone ; if not, skip the GDevice stuff.
; We have done that monitor. Now go to the next one in the list. When we get to the
; end we will get NIL back.
CLR.L -(SP) ; make room for the result.
MOVE.L nextGD(A5),-(SP) ; where we are now,
_GetNextDevice ; get us the next device in the list.
MOVE.L (SP)+,nextGD(A5) ; move the gDevice handle.
BNE DoNextDevice ; jump back to CopyBits more if there is more.
; That was a ton of work, but we didn't see it, PictWriter did.
; Now we are done saving the bits to disk, we can shut down the picture saving operation.
_ClosePicture ; close the picture.
; We are done with the picture operation, see if we had an error while it was going on.
; We have to check afterwards, since QD has no error checking, by design, for some
; unknown reason.
MOVE gPictError(A5),D0 ; was there an error during spooling?
BNE.S DeathCity ; if so, we are dead meat, and must leave.
; Now we know the file was written OK, so we have to drive back to the front of the
; file and update the pict size so it is correct. Do the Positioning and Write operation
; in the same call.
; Now write the 10 byte header off the pict handle to the disk, so that info is correct
; in the Pict file. The size and rect need to be written, since they won't be right
; until the picture is complete.
LEA filePB(A5),A0 ; the PB to use.
MOVE.W gPictRefNum(A5),ioRefNum(A0) ; use the refnum we opened with,
MOVE.L gPictHandle(A5),A1 ; the handle to the pict,
MOVE.L (A1),ioBuffer(A0) ; the buffer to write.
MOVE.L #picData,ioReqCount(A0) ; the number of bytes to write.
MOVE.W #fsFromStart,ioPosMode(A0) ; do offset from the start of file,
MOVE.L #headerSize,ioPosOffset(A0) ; and offset past the 512 byte header.
_Write ; write the final data.
BNE.S DeathCity ; if an error, split.
; From here on out, we are cleaning up the world to what it was before we came in.
; That means we wonÕt have any failures (recoverable anyway) during this exit.
BSR.S CloseNClean ; close the file, clean up blocks.
BRA.S CommonExit ; and leave cleanly.
; This is the error handler. This is where we have died from some error during the
; whole operation. When we get here, we have to dispose of all the junk we created,
; clean up, let the user know we chooked, and exit. *** does there need to be something
; more sophisticated to let the user know we died? Notification request perhaps?
MOVE.W #8,-(SP) ; length for SysBeep,
_SysBeep ; a beep to signify errors.
BSR.S CloseNClean ; close the file and cleanup.
; Since we had some skanky error, attempt to delete the file we created at the start,
; to clean up bogus junk. If we get an error on the delete thatÕs OK.
LEA filePB(A5),A0 ; the parameter block,
; LEA fileName(A5),A1 ; the pointer to the file name string,
; MOVE.L A1,ioFileName(A0) ; the file name to delete,
; MOVE.W sysInfo.sysVRefNum(A5),ioVRefNum(A0) ; use startup volume, as above.
; CLR.W ioFileType(A0) ; and no file type.
MOVE.L #fsRtDirId,ioDirID(A0) ; file was in the root directory.
_HDelete ; try to kill it.
MOVEM.L (SP)+,A0-A2/A5/D0-D2/D7 ; restore registers we trashed. (9/25/90)
UNLK A6 ; kill local vars from stack.
RTS ; Exit from FKEY, successful or not.
; Close the File and clean up our tracks.
; Everything is done, put the CrsrVis/CrsrState back before someone sees that
; we were playing with it. If we get caught, we face life in prison. This is done
; whether we have an error or not.
MOVE.B oldCrsrVis(A5),CrsrVis ; restore the cursor visibility.
ADD.B #1,CrsrState ; Turn cursor back on.
; Restore the state of the itl4 resource handle if we got one
MOVE.L itlHandle(A5), D0 ; did we have this handle
BEQ.S @3 ; if not, donÕt bother
MOVE.L D0, A0 ; get the handle into A0
MOVEQ #0, D0 ; a clean register is probably not needed
MOVE.B itlState(A5), D0 ; get the saved handle state
_HSetState ; and make it like it used to be
; Close it in case it is open. If it is not open, gPictRefNum will be zero.
LEA filePB(A5),A0 ; the pb block to use,
MOVE.W gPictRefNum(A5),ioRefNum(A0) ; the file refnum we just used.
BEQ.S @2 ; if no file was open, skip it.
_Close ; close the file.
; Kill the picture handle that was created at OpenPicture time, if it exists.
; If it never made it, the handle will be nil, allowing us to skip it.
MOVE.L gPictHandle(A5),D0 ; get the handle to the picture,
BEQ.S @1 ; if it is NIL, skip the Kill.
MOVE.L D0,-(SP) ; else, the handle to the stub on stack,
_KillPicture ; kill the swine.
MOVE.L currPort(A5),-(SP) ; and the old port,
_SetPort ; so we are back.
; And dispose the port that we created before, since we are done.
TST.B portIsValid(A5) ; is the port valid, set up?
BEQ.S @0 ; if not, skip the close,
PEA picPort(A5) ; address of port to blast.
_ClosePort ; close the dog, releasing memory.
; PictWriter:
; This routine is the bottleneck procedure that actually gets called when QuickDraw
; is slamming through the bits while copying the screen. For each time it gets called
; it will save off the bytes passed and check the error stuff.
; As found in a Pascal routine:
; { This routine will save the current image as it is created. As the data requests
; go by that data will be written to the file. The data is being created by the
; OpenPicture/CopyBits in DoWrite, this is the bottleneck for that operation.
; Any errors found while doing this will make us skip any further requests
; to write data to the disk. No memory is allocated. Communication with
; DoWrite is done through globals, since bottlenecks must be at the main
; level. The bottleneck must also keep track of how many bytes are written,
; so that the header on the picture can be fixed up to be correct. This must
; be done to avoid creating bogus pictures. The picSize field of the handle
; must be updated continuously so that when the picture is done, the ClosePicture
; can create a valid picture. The check for the NIL handle is to handle the
; problem of when the OpenPicture is called. The proc gets called before
; the handle is valid. Be very careful of these bottleneck things, it is
; easy to run into problems that are very hard to figure out. QuickDraw
; has no facilities to give you info when things go wrong so it makes it
; a bit tougher. }
;PROCEDURE PictWriter (dPointer: Ptr; nextHunk: Integer);
;VAR longHunk: LongInt;
; IF gPictError = noErr THEN BEGIN
; longHunk := nextHunk;
; gPictError := FSWrite(gPictRefNum, longHunk, dPointer);
; gPictSize := gPictSize + longHunk;
; IF gPictHandle <> NIL THEN gPictHandle^^.picSize := LoWord (gPictSize);
; END;
; For the PictWriter parameters, we will just use an A7 relative stack frame. The
; A5 stack frame for our globals will still be in effect from the WITH at the top, and
; we will explicitly use the PictWriterStack parameters when we need them here,
; doing the relative (SP) as expected, instead of (A5).
PBegin EQU * ; start parameters after this point
dPointer DS.L 1 ; offset to the pointer,
nextHunk DS.W 1 ; offset onto stack to parameter,
PWSize EQU PBegin-* ; to remove these dudes.
RetAddr DS.L 1 ; return address on stack.
SaveRegs DS.L 6 ; save/restore 6 registers in here.
EndRegs EQU * ; to set the location.
MOVEM.L A0-A2/D0-D2,-(SP) ; save registers we trash.
MOVE.W gPictError(A5),D0 ; get current error result.
BNE.S NoCanDo ; if we have an error pending, exit now.
ST gWroteBits(A5) ; mark us as having had enough ram.
CLR.L D0 ; start with empty register
MOVE.W PWStack.nextHunk(SP),D0 ; get size of next piece to write.
LEA filePB(A5),A0 ; address of i/o parameter block,
MOVE.W gPictRefNum(A5),ioRefNum(A0) ; the refnum to use.
MOVE.L PWStack.dPointer(SP),ioBuffer(A0) ; address of data to write.
MOVE.L D0,ioReqCount(A0) ; number of bytes to write, as longInt.
MOVE.W #fsAtMark,ioPosMode(A0) ; start at mark in file,
CLR.L ioPosOffset(A0) ; no offset from current mark.
_Write ; write the data to the open file.
MOVE.W D0,gPictError(A5) ; set the error code to yea/nay.
; Now the data is out there in the file, update the picture size variable.
MOVE.W PWStack.nextHunk(SP),D0 ; retrieve the count of bytes to do,
ADD.W D0,gPictSize(A5) ; add, ignore overflows, QD does.
; And update the word in the header of the Picture Handle to match.
MOVE.L gPictHandle(A5),D0 ; handle to the data block,
BEQ.S NoCanDo ; if nil, skip it for now.
MOVE.L D0,A0 ; put back in Address land.
MOVE.L (A0),A0 ; deref to pointer.
MOVE.W gPictSize(A5),picSize(A0) ; set the size parameter.
MOVEM.L (SP)+,A0-A2/D0-D2 ; restore registers we trashed.
MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; retrieve return address.
ADD.L #PWStack.PWSize,SP ; kill the parameters,
JMP (A0) ; and return.
ENDWITH ; done with the global Frame.
; Here we have a string constant that we want to use in order to do a Munger thing
; on the creation of the filename. We will search a given file string for the ^0 and replace
; it with the current file number we are creating. This ^0 allows us to be more
; internationally compatible, since the number can be at the front of the string which is
; nicer and more grammatically correct for some languages. Not to mention it is easy
; for us to do it here. This ^0 is defined here in the code as a constant, and isn't modified,
; but is used as the source for the string search in Munger.
String Pascal ; put length byte on this one.
upSnick0Str DC.W '^0' ; the string piece to find and replace.
String Pascal ; put length byte on this one.
hardName DC.W 'Pic ^0' ; default name, in case STR is lost.
; set to funny name to show something is wrong.
extendedOne ; the constant 1 in extended format
DC.W $3FFF, $8000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000
DC.B $30,$00,$00,$05,$00,$00 ; internal representation of the format
DC.B $00,$00,$00,$05,$00,$05 ; for our number Ò####Ó
DC.B $00,$05,$00,$04,$00,$00
DC.B $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
DC.B $00,$00,$01,$00,$00,$00
DC.B $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
DC.B $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
DC.B $00,$00,$04,$05,$05,$05
DC.B $05
ENDP ; end of proc.