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synced 2025-01-14 06:29:46 +00:00
Resource forks are included only for .rsrc files. These are DeRezzed into their data fork. 'ckid' resources, from the Projector VCS, are not included. The Tools directory, containing mostly junk, is also excluded.
496 lines
15 KiB
OpenEdge ABL
496 lines
15 KiB
OpenEdge ABL
File: AEDFAppleEvents.p
Written by: Ed Lai
Copyright: © 1990 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
Codes used in: BigBang,BigBang,BigBang,BigBang
Change History (most recent first):
<5> 10/3/90 gbm NMRecPtr are no longer QElemPtr, but are now NMRecPtr.
<4> 9/25/90 Lai Bug fix for jfr0009, change order of parameter in special
handler calls
<3> 9/20/90 Lai Add error constant errAEIllegalIndex
<2> 9/15/90 Lai new idle proc in AEInteractWithUser
<1> 9/7/90 Lai first checked in
<0> 9/7/90 Lai First Checked in.
To Do:
{[a-,body+,h-,o=100,r+,rec+,t=4,u+,#+,j=20/57/1$,n-]} { Pasmat format control line }
{ AEDFAppleEvents.p }
{ Copyright © 1984-1990 by Apple Computer Inc. All rights reserved. }
{$IFC UNDEFINED UsingIncludes}
{$SETC UsingIncludes := 0}
{$IFC NOT UsingIncludes}
UNIT AEDFAppleEvents;
{$SETC AEDFAppleEvents := 0}
{$IFC NOT AEDFAppleEvents}
{$SETC AEDFAppleEvents := 1}
{$SETC AEDFAppleEventsIncludes := UsingIncludes}
{$SETC UsingIncludes := 1}
{$I $$Shell(PInterfaces)Types.p}
{$IFC UNDEFINED UsingAppleTalk}
{$I $$Shell(PInterfaces)AppleTalk.p}
{$IFC UNDEFINED UsingEvents}
{$I $$Shell(PInterfaces)Events.p}
{$I $$Shell(PInterfaces)PPCToolBox.p}
{$IFC UNDEFINED UsingProcesses}
{$I $$Shell(PInterfaces)Processes.p}
{$I $$Shell(PInterfaces)EPPC.p}
{$IFC UNDEFINED UsingNotification}
{$I $$Shell(PInterfaces)Notification.p}
{$I $$Shell(PInterfaces)SANE.p}
{$SETC UsingIncludes := AEDFAppleEventsIncludes}
typeBoolean = 'bool';
typeChar = 'TEXT';
typeSMInt = 'shor';
typeInteger = 'long';
typeSMFloat = 'sing';
typeFloat = 'doub';
typeExtended = 'exte';
typeComp = 'comp';
typeMagnitude = 'magn';
typeAEList = 'list';
typeAERecord = 'reco';
typeTrue = 'true';
typeFalse = 'fals';
typeAlias = 'alis';
typeEnumerated = 'enum';
typeType = 'type';
typeAppParameters = 'appa';
typeProperty = 'prop';
typeNull = 'null'; {the type of null/nonexistent data}
typeKeyword = 'keyw';
typeFSS = 'fss ';
typeSectionH = 'sect';
typeWildCard = '****';
typeApplSignature = 'sign';
typeSessionID = 'ssid';
typeTargetID = 'targ';
typeProcessSerialNumber = 'psn ';
kAEDirectParameterKeyword = '----';
kCoreEventClass = 'aevt';
kAEOpenApplication = 'oapp';
kAEOpenDocuments = 'odoc';
kAEPrintDocuments = 'pdoc';
kAEQuitApplication = 'quit';
kAEAnswer = 'ansr';
keyPreDispatch = 'phac'; { PreHandler Accessor Call }
kAETransactionIDAttribute = 'tran';
kAEReturnIDAttribute = 'rtid';
kAEEventClassAttribute = 'evcl';
kAEEventIDAttribute = 'evid';
kAEAddressAttribute = 'addr';
kAEInteractLevelAttribute = 'inte';
kAEEventSourceAttribute = 'esrc';
kAEMissedKeywordAttribute = 'miss';
kAEOptionalKeywordAttribute = 'optk';
kAENoReply = $00000001; { Sender doesn't want a reply to event }
kAEQueueReply = $00000002; { Sender wants a reply but won't wait }
kAEWaitReply = $00000003; { Sender wants a reply and will be waiting }
kAENeverInteract = $00000010; { Server should not interact with user }
kAECanInteract = $00000020; { Server may try to interact with user }
kAEAlwaysInteract = $00000030; { Server should always interact with user }
kAECanSwitchLayer = $00000040; { Interaction may switch layer }
kAEDontReconnect = $00000080; { don't reconnect if there is a
sessClosedErr }
kAEWantReceipt = nReturnReceipt; { Send wants a receipt of message }
kAENormalPriority = $00000000; { Post message at the end of event queue }
kAEHighPriority = nAttnMsg; { Post message at the front of the event
queue }
kAEUseStandardDispatch = -1;
keyTimeoutAttr = 'timo';
kUndefinedTransactionID = 0;
kAutoGenerateReturnID = -1;
kAEDefaultTimeout = -1; { timeout value determined by AEM }
kNoTimeOut = -2; { wait until reply comes back, however long it takes }
{ Error messages in response to reading and writing buffer contents }
errAECoercionFail = - 1700;
errAEDescNotFound = - 1701;
errAECorruptData = - 1702;
errAEWrongDataType = - 1703;
errAENotAEDesc = - 1704;
errAEBadListElement = - 1705;
errAEWrongVersion = - 1706;
errAENotAppleEvent = - 1707;
{ Error messages in response to sending/receiving a message }
errAEEventNotHandled= - 1708; { The AppleEvent is not handled by any handler }
errAEReplyNotValid = - 1709; { AEResetTimer was passed an invalid reply }
errAEUnknownSendMode= - 1710; { Mode wasn't NoReply, WaitReply,
QueueReply; or Interaction level is
unknown }
errAEWaitCanceled = - 1711; { User cancelled out of wait loop for reply
or receipt }
errAETimeoutErr = - 1712; { AppleEvent time out }
errAENoUserInteraction = - 1713; { no user interaction allowed }
errAENotASpecialFunction = -1714;
errAENotInitialized = - 1715;
errAEUnknownAddress = - 1716;
errAEHandlerNotFound= - 1717; { The event isn't in the supplied event
table }
errAEReplyNotArrived= - 1718;
errAEIllegalIndex = -1719;
errAENotImplemented = - 1724;
KeyWord = PACKED ARRAY [1..4] OF CHAR;
EventClass = PACKED ARRAY [1..4] OF CHAR;
DescType = OSType;
descriptorType: DescType;
dataHandle: Handle;
AEAddressDesc = AEDesc;
AEDescList = AEDesc;
AERecord = AEDescList;
AppleEvent = AERecord;
AEInteractAllowed = (kAEInteractWithSelf, kAEInteractWithLocal, kAEInteractWithAll);
AEEventSource = (kAEUnkownSource, kAEDirectCall, kAESameProcess, kAELocalProcess, kAERemoteProcess);
descKey: KeyWord;
descContent: AEDesc;
AEArrayType = (kAEDataArray, kAEPackedArray, kAEHandleArray, kAEDescArray,
AEArrayData = RECORD
case AEArrayType OF
(AEDataArray: Array[0..0] OF Integer);
(AEPackedArray: Packed Array[0..0] OF Char);
(AEHandleArray: Array[0..0] OF Handle);
(AEDescArray: Array[0..0] OF AEDesc);
(AEKeyDescArray: Array[0..0] OF AEKeyDesc);
AEArrayDataPointer = ^AEArrayData;
IdleProcPtr = ProcPtr;
{ The follow calls apply to any AEDesc }
FUNCTION AECreateDesc(typeCode: DescType;
dataPtr: Ptr;
dataSize: LONGINT;
VAR result: AEDesc): OSErr;
FUNCTION AECoerceData(typeCode: DescType;
dataPtr: Ptr;
dataSize: LONGINT;
toType: DescType;
VAR result: AEDesc): OSErr;
FUNCTION AECoerceDesc(desc: AEDesc;
toType: DescType;
VAR result: AEDesc): OSErr;
FUNCTION AEDisposeDesc(VAR desc: AEDesc): OSErr;
FUNCTION AEDuplicateDesc(desc:AEDesc; VAR result: AEDesc): OSErr;
{ The following calls apply to AEDescList.
Since AEDescList is a subtype of AEDesc, the calls in the previous
section can also be used for AEDescList }
FUNCTION AECreateList(factoringPtr: Ptr;
factoredSize: LONGINT;
isRecord: boolean;
VAR resultList: AEDescList): OSErr;
FUNCTION AECountListElems(theDescList: AEDescList;
VAR theCount:Longint): OSErr;
FUNCTION AEPutPtr(theDescList: AEDescList;
index: LONGINT;
typeCode: DescType;
dataPtr: Ptr;
dataSize: LONGINT): OSErr;
FUNCTION AEPutDesc(theDescList: AEDescList;
index: LONGINT;
theDesc: AEDesc): OSErr;
FUNCTION AEGetNthPtr(theDescList: AEDescList;
index: LONGINT;
desiredType: DescType;
VAR key: KeyWord;
VAR typeCode: DescType;
dataPtr: Ptr;
maximumSize: LONGINT;
VAR actualSize: LONGINT): OSErr;
FUNCTION AEGetNthDesc(theDescList: AEDescList;
index: LONGINT;
desiredType: DescType;
VAR key: KeyWord;
VAR theDesc: AEDesc): OSErr;
FUNCTION AESizeOfNthDesc(theDescList: AEDescList;
index: LONGINT;
VAR typeCode: DescType;
VAR dataSize: Longint): OSErr;
FUNCTION AEGetArray(theDescList: AEDescList;
arrayType: AEArrayType;
arrayPtr: AEArrayDataPointer;
bufSize: LONGINT;
VAR elemType: DescType;
VAR elemSize: LONGINT;
VAR itemCount: LONGINT): OSErr;
FUNCTION AEPutArray(theDescList: AEDescList;
arrayType: AEArrayType;
arrayPtr: AEArrayDataPointer;
elemType: DescType;
elemSize: LONGINT;
itemCount: LONGINT): OSErr;
FUNCTION AEDeleteIndex(theDescList: AEDescList;
index: LONGINT): OSErr;
{ The following calls apply to AERecord.
Since AERecord is a subtype of AEDescList, the calls in the previous
sections can also be used for AERecord
an AERecord can be created by using AECreateList with isRecord set to true }
FUNCTION AEPutKeyPtr(theAERecord: AERecord;
key: KeyWord;
typeCode: DescType;
dataPtr: Ptr;
dataSize: LONGINT): OSErr;
FUNCTION AEPutKeyDesc(theAERecord: AERecord;
key: KeyWord;
theDesc: AEDesc): OSErr;
FUNCTION AEGetKeyPtr(theAERecord: AERecord;
key: KeyWord;
desiredType: DescType;
VAR typeCode: DescType;
dataPtr: Ptr;
maximumSize: LONGINT;
VAR actualSize: LONGINT): OSErr;
FUNCTION AEGetKeyDesc(theAERecord: AERecord;
key: KeyWord;
desiredType: DescType;
VAR theDesc: AEDesc): OSErr;
FUNCTION AESizeOfKeyDesc(theAERecord: AERecord;
key: Keyword;
VAR typeCode: DescType;
VAR dataSize: Longint): OSErr;
FUNCTION AEDeleteKeyDesc(theDescList: AERecord;
key: KeyWord): OSErr;
{ The following calls applies to AppleEvent.
Since AppleEvent is a subtype of AERecord, the calls in the previous
sections can also be used for AppleEvent }
FUNCTION AECreateAevt(theEventClass: EventClass;
theEventID: EventID;
target: AEAddressDesc;
theReturnID: Integer;
theTransactionID: longint;
VAR result: AppleEvent): OSErr;
FUNCTION AEGetPtrAttribute(theAevt: AppleEvent;
key: Keyword;
desiredType: descType;
VAR typeCode: descType;
dataPtr: Ptr;
maximumSize: longint;
VAR actualSize: longint): OSErr;
FUNCTION AEGetDescAttribute(theAevt: AppleEvent;
key: Keyword;
desiredType: descType;
VAR result: AEDesc): OSErr;
FUNCTION AESizeOfAttribute(theAevt: AERecord;
key: Keyword;
VAR typeCode: DescType;
VAR dataSize: Longint): OSErr;
FUNCTION AEPutPtrAttribute(theAevt: AppleEvent;
key: Keyword;
typeCode: descType;
dataPtr: Ptr;
dataSize: longint): OSErr;
FUNCTION AEPutDescAttribute(theAevt: AEDescList;
key: Keyword;
theDesc: AEDesc): OSErr;
FUNCTION AESend(theAevt: AppleEvent;
VAR theReply: AppleEvent;
sendMode: LONGINT;
sendPriority: INTEGER;
timeOut: LONGINT;
idleProc: ProcPtr;
filterProc: ProcPtr): OSErr;
FUNCTION AESuspendTheEvent(theAevt: AppleEvent): OSErr;
FUNCTION AEResumeTheEvent(theAevt: AppleEvent): OSErr;
FUNCTION AEFinishEventHandling(theAevt, theReply: AppleEvent;
handlerRefcon:Longint): OSErr;
FUNCTION AEResetTimer(reply:AppleEvent): OSErr;
{ Convience routine. Create and send a 'wait' message for the }
{ current reply. }
FUNCTION AEWhichAevt(VAR curAevt: AppleEvent): OSErr;
FUNCTION AEProcessAppleEvent(eventRec: EventRecord): OSErr;
FUNCTION AEGetInteractionAllowed(VAR theLevel:AEInteractAllowed): OSErr;
FUNCTION AESetInteractionAllowed(theLevel:AEInteractAllowed): OSErr;
FUNCTION AEInstallEventHandler(theEventClass: EventClass;
theEventID: EventID;
theHandler: ProcPtr;
handlerRefcon: LongInt;
isSysHandler: Boolean): OSErr;
{ Add an AppleEvent Handler }
FUNCTION AERemoveEventHandler(theEventClass: EventClass;
theEventID: EventID;
theHandler: ProcPtr;
isSysHandler: Boolean): OSErr;
{ Remove one or more AppleEvent Handler }
FUNCTION AEGetEventHandler(theEventClass: EventClass;
theEventID: EventID;
var theHandler: ProcPtr;
var handlerRefcon: LongInt;
isSysHandler: Boolean): OSErr;
{ Get the corresponding AppleEvent Handler }
FUNCTION AEInstallCoercionHandler(fromType: DescType;
toType: DescType;
theHandler: ProcPtr;
handlerRefcon: LongInt;
fromTypeAsDesc: Boolean;
isSysHandler: Boolean): OSErr;
{ Add an AppleEvent Handler }
FUNCTION AERemoveCoercionHandler(fromType: DescType;
toType: DescType;
theHandler: ProcPtr;
isSysHandler: Boolean): OSErr;
{ Remove one or more AppleEvent Handler }
FUNCTION AEGetCoercionHandler (fromType: DescType;
toType: DescType;
var theHandler: ProcPtr;
var handlerRefcon: LongInt;
var fromTypeAsDesc: Boolean;
isSysHandler: Boolean): OSErr;
{ Get the corresponding AppleEvent Handler }
FUNCTION AEInteractWithUser(timeOut: LONGINT; { how long are you willing to wait }
nmReqPtr: NMRecPtr; { your own custom notification }
idleProc: IdleProcPtr { your own idle procedure }
): OSErr; { return the error }
FUNCTION AEInstallSpecialHandler(functionClass: Keyword;
handler: ProcPtr;
isSystemHandler: BOOLEAN):OSErr;
{ Install the special handler named by the Keyword }
FUNCTION AERemoveSpecialHandler(functionClass: Keyword;
handler: ProcPtr;
isSystemHandler: BOOLEAN):OSErr;
{ Remove the special handler named by the Keyword }
FUNCTION AEGetSpecialHandler(functionClass: Keyword;
VAR handler: ProcPtr;
isSystemHandler: BOOLEAN):OSErr;
{ Get the special handler named by the Keyword }
{$ENDC} { AEDFAppleEvents }
{$IFC NOT UsingIncludes}