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1950 lines
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1950 lines
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; File: ScriptMgrKbdMenu.a
; Contains: Initialization of the new Keyboard Menu in the System Menu bar.
; Written by: SMB Sue Bartalo
; Copyright: © 1990-1993 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <43> 4/2/93 YK Initialize D0 to zero before getting a length byte into the
; lowest byte.
; <42> 3/27/93 YK Use system script font for ÔAbout KeyboardsÉÕ menu item.
; <41> 1/19/93 PKE Update include file names: PackMacs.a->Packages.a. No effect on
; objects.
; <40> 6/26/92 SMB #1033660,<kst>: When we realized that Simplified Chinese
; TSM-style IMs were not getting correctly installed as a result
; of a flag value being defined incorrectly, we discovered some
; other minor bugs: extra TSM-style IMs were getting installed
; because the inputMethodCount also reflected the old-style IM
; count. Will now use this only for the count of TSM-style IMs and
; will use CJKcount to determine if any input methods are
; installed as appropriate (in BuildKCHRTable, etc.)
; <39> 6/18/92 csd #1030826 <SMB>: Fixed a bug in BuildIMTable where register d5
; was being initialized too late. It would get used with garbage
; in it if there were no input methods installed.
; <38> 6/17/92 SMB #1030826,<ha>: Check if an old-style IM is "ready" before
; installing it and if not, am updating the KCHR count and IM
; count appropriately. Now using STR# (kKeyboardMenuItemsID)
; instead of STR# (kKeyboardMenuID) Now using intfName instead of
; intfFile for the IM name in the menu.
; <37> 5/31/92 FM Removed obsolete conditional ScriptMgrKeyboardMenu. I would
; like to remove DoCmdKeyEquivalents too but I guess I'll wait on
; that.
; <36> 5/12/92 SMB #1026017,<pke>: Removed code that error exited if 'kcs4' is not
; available. If 'kcs4' icon is not available will simply use
; 'kcs#' icon. Also, fixed stupid code in RebuildKeybdMenu that
; causes rebuilding of menu d.s. to crash when a menu isn't
; available. #1029051, 1029243, 1024274 also.
; <35> 4/8/92 SMB #1026904,<ys>: #1026904,<ys>: Must set ResLoad to true around
; call to localGetIndString for the ÔAbout KeyboardsÉÕ string. The
; resource was getting purged so was using an empty handle; also
; changed the localGetIndString code to test the dereferenced
; handle and to do a LoadResource if the handle was empty (for
; correctness). This removes the dependency on ResLoad being true.
; <34> 4/6/92 SMB #1024274,<pke>: General cleanup: remove hardcoding of "About
; KeyboardsÉ" added in <33> when the resource isn't available. Now
; getting "About KeyboardsÉ" using GetIndString; removed
; unnecessary code. Since using "oldJIMCount" for a test rather
; than for a count, now setting a bit "HaveOldJapanIMbit" in
; CJKcount instead. No longer testing for existance of component
; mgr (it exists). Fixed bug in AddMenuItem where old-style IM
; itemRsrcID was getting written to script word instead of
; language word of scriptLangRec. In AddMenuItem, need to call
; SetScript with secret script flag 'kUsingOldInputMethodVerb'
; when old-style IM becomes the default (after call to InformTSM).
; In RebuildKeybdMenu, the equ for frame size was above the local
; variable menuH, so the link instruction wasn't actually grabbing
; enough stack space. Fixed now; been around since the routines
; inception. (also, probably the writing to 0 bug: 1024274).
; <33> 2/22/92 KST Fixed 2 bugs related to "menuItemStringHdl": 1. If we can't get
; the resource, menuItemStringHdl was not cleared. 2. Need to make
; menuItemStringHdl non-purgeable because the code set ResLoad to
; false. Bad thing happened when the resource got purged.
; <32> 2/22/92 KST Rewrite code to get IconSuite from Component. Changed TSM design
; and removed "GetKeyboardIconSuite" call. Also add a field
; "oldJIMCount" in the stack frame to keep the old Japanese input
; method count.
; <31> 2/19/92 KST Fixed a bug in "MakeIMIconSuite" which trashes A3.
; <30> 2/11/92 DCL Changed the name of TSMEqu.[aph] to TextServices.[aph] for
; better read-ability.
; <29> 2/10/92 KST We now consolidate all default input methods info in one
; resource managed by TSM. So keyboard menu should get this info
; from TSM by calling GetDefaultInputMethod at boot time.
; <28> 1/30/92 JH Right before the loop which starts at label @OldIMLoop the
; intfArray handle is dereferenced and the first long is moved
; into d4. There needs to be a check to see if that first long is
; 0. So adding a beq.s to NoMoreIMs.
; <27> 1/16/92 pvh In OldIMLoop, clear D0 before using it to hold a long word value
; for _BlockMove (D0 had residual trash in the upper word byte
; causing _BlockMove to hose memory). D1 also held the bogus D0
; value too.
; <26> 1/16/92 DTY Double check the handle to Japanese system globals to make sure
; there actually is a handle. If there is no handle, assume there
; are no old Japanese input methods.
; <25> 1/15/92 SMB Adding code to support old Input MethodsÉ want old-style
; (pre-7.0) Japanese input methods in the kbd menu. Cleanup stack
; problem in MakeKCHRIconSuite & MakeIMIconSuite.
; <24> 1/13/92 SMB Word-align menuFrame again: eliminate tempTwo field since meant
; to replace it with CJKcount in last checkin.
; <23> 1/10/92 SMB #1013637: be sure a script is enabled and not just installed.
; Now adding KCHRs for double-byte scripts when no input methods
; are available.
; <22> 12/13/91 DTY #1018116: BuildIMTable will trash the system heap when it tries
; to add information about components to the end of the installed
; items record but there were no components in the system. Bad
; form, Boss! ;)
; <21> 12/11/91 SMB Rewrite to include Input Methods as well as KCHRs. Renamed
; AuxKeyboardMenuInfo members and KCHRInstalledRec (is now
; ItemInstalledRec) with new names. Bug #1013637 fixed - don't
; show inputs in menu if their script is installed but not
; enabled. Renamed scriptRecord's scriptKCHRCount member to
; scriptInputCount.
; <20> 11/8/91 SMB #1015613 (for CubeE & Bruges) - Fix bug that shows up when an
; application has no menu bar. We really want to use the system
; menu bar (SystemMenuList) and not the current menu bar which may
; be an application's menu bar.
; <19> 2/11/91 PKE smb,#PKE-Sys-020: RebuildKeybdMenu should perform some disposing
; and rebuilding even without a Keyboard menu, so we update if
; Mover has updated the keyboard layouts. Otherwise user can't
; switch to layouts they moved in, or code will try to switch to
; layouts that have been moved out. Note: this fix also requires
; the previous bug fix in <18>.
; <18> 2/11/91 PKE smb,#PKE-Sys-021: RebuildKeybdMenu (called by Mover) trashes a2
; and d3 (because it doesn't do proper setup and cleanup for its
; call to InitKeybdMenu).
; <17> 1/27/91 PKE stb,#PKE-Sys-016: (Whiteboard bug in 800K install, with no keybd
; icons) InitKeybdMenu error handling code was putting menuH
; handle for DisposHandle on the stack instead of in a0, thus
; messing up the stack and trashing regs across InitKeybdMenu.
; Once menuH was being put in the right place, then another
; problem had to be fixed: it was not valid if there was no menu.
; <16> 1/22/91 SMB (csd) When no kcs resources are installed, needed to pop a3 off
; the stack before an error exit (actually we just don't display a
; keyboard menu. See branches to @ErrCleanup & @StkCleanup.
; <15> 1/7/91 SMB (JDR) Need to modify to always have the Keyboard menu structures
; so the KeyScript verb "NextKeybdInScript" is meaningful (and
; functions!). Now testing smgrKbdMenuAvail in order to do the
; right thing when a menu does/doesn't exist! In RebuildKeybdMenu
; set script manager munged count to tell the Keybd CDEV to
; rebuild it's list of KCHRs. Renamed Icons.a to IconUtilsPriv.a.
; <14> 12/15/90 SMB (gbm) Modified to use the 'kcs4' icon if the 'kcs8' is missing,
; and to guarantee fetching resources from the system resource
; file. Used 'extra' byte in local frame for a new flag,
; usingGenericIcon. Modified use of ResLoad to be a byte op and
; not a word op. Fixed bug in SortKCHRs by looping in the
; outerloop through KCHRcount-1 KCHR in the buffers (instead of
; the KCHRcount-2 KCHRs). This was causing a KCHR to not be
; included in the menu but it would show in the Keybd CDEV since
; it was in the system file.
; <13> 10/30/90 SMB NEEDED for 7.0b2: restore ResLoad before calling SortKCHRs since
; _IUTextOrderSys depends on certain resources being in the system
; heap.
; <12> 9/1/90 SMB Rearranged initial conditions for displaying a menu. Bug fix: if
; only 1 KCHR then don't need to sort in SortKCHRs.
; <11> 8/10/90 SMB Removed the KeyScript call to re-enable the keyboards since
; Mover is now making the call. Added ÔAbout KeyboardsÕ support
; now.
; <10> 8/7/90 SMB Adding guts to RebuildKeybdMenu. Added call to IUTextOrderSys to
; sort the KCHRs alphabetically based on the 'itlm'. Changed
; script's default KCHR indicator to be localizable in the STR#
; resource for the kbd menu. Adding ÔAbout KeyboardsÉÕ (but
; conditionalized out until later.) Temporarily making a KeyScript
; call to re-enable the keyboards if in RebuildKeybdMenu if they
; were disabled.
; <9> 7/16/90 PKE Use new name for field in ExpandMemRec: emItlCache2Ptr is now
; emItlSysCachePtr. Renamed Cache2Rec to NewItlCacheRec.
; <8> 6/22/90 SMB Conditionalizing out more code that expects the Next Keyboard
; and Next Script menu items to exist. Using flag
; DoCmdKeyEquivalents.
; <7> 6/13/90 PKE Put in framework for private RebuildKeybdMenu routine called by
; Mover. This call lets us know that keyboards have been moved
; into or out of the System file.
; <6> 6/13/90 SMB Removing the Next Keyboard and Next Script menu items until
; their command key equivalents can be displayed in the menu.
; <5> 6/5/90 SMB Fixed odd address problem that occurred when initializing the
; menuTitleString and DisabledDashSep by adding a dummy member to
; the Strings record. Also cleaned up some inefficient code and
; initialized a register! Disabled cmd key equivalents for Next
; Keyboard and Next Script menu items.
; <4> 6/1/90 SMB Extended Keyboard Menu to display using sorted script list
; (itl2Cache), and added Next Keyboard and Next Script menu items,
; as well as disabled dividing lines between scripts. Also testing
; itlc showIcon flag to determine whether or not to display the
; keyboard menu.
; <3> 5/31/90 SMB Renaming IconUtils.a to Icons.a.
; <2> 5/13/90 SMB Adding InitKeyboardMenu guts!
; <1> 5/5/90 PKE Added a butchered version of SueÕs new file with a temporary
; stub for InitKeybdMenu routine. Sue will fill this in later.
; To Do:
; ¥ Update use of d4 (was KCHRcount, is now total menu contents count) to be a long instead of a word
; ¥ If can't get a handle to use for the name of an IM (see @GetIMInfo) need to zero-out the itemInfo
; field and set update the count correctly. May need to do better error-handling after
; _GetComponentInfo too.
; ¥ clean up componentFlags and componentFlagsMask: should the componentFlags be #$00008F00 instead?
; ¥ search for <??>
; ¥ make RebuildKeybdMenu its own proc and move localGetIndString above it.
; ¥ Are the menuitems numbered correctly if no kbd menu is desired and the About menu
; item isn't there? Should check ScriptMgrKeyGetSet for all of this as well.
; ¥ what to do about err result from _DisposeIconSuite? already deleted menu items if a menu exists
; and possibly already deleted icon suites so these leave the menu in a bad state.
load 'StandardEqu.d' ; Private.a, ScriptEqu.a, ...
include 'ScriptPriv.a'
include 'Packages.a' ; <10><41>
include 'IconUtilsPriv.a' ; <15>
include 'IntlUtilsPriv.a' ; <10>
include 'MenuMgrPriv.a' ; <20>
include 'TextServices.a' ; <21> <29>
include 'TSMPrivate.a' ; <29>
include 'Components.a' ; <21>
include 'GestaltEqu.a' ; <21>
string pascal
export InitKeybdMenu
export RebuildKeybdMenu ; <7>
import StdUnlink ; std unlink & exit <1>
; FUNCTION InitKeybdMenu: OSErr;
menuFrame record {a6link},decr
result ds.w 1 ; OSErr result code. <1>
menuArgs equ *-8 ; size of arguments. <1>
selector ds.l 1 ; ScriptMgr selector on stack <1>
return ds.l 1 ; return address. <1>
a6link ds.l 1 ; old link pointer
rebuildFlag ds.b 1 ; indicates rebuilding so don't call _InsertMenu <10>
ds.b 1 ; unused <21><34>
byteAvail ds.b 1 ; word-aligning the stack: use me <25>
CJKcount ds.b 1 ; Using low 5 bits: which dbl-byte scripts have an IM: 0 => no IM, ow 1 <23>
; xxxOCCJK
KCHRcount ds.w 1 ; number of KCHRs installed <10><21>
TSMInputMthdCount ds.l 1 ; input method count (old & new) <21> renamed <25> renamed again (added 'TSM') <40>
menuH ds.l 1 ; menuHandle
ScriptOrderPtr ds.l 1 ; ptr to ordering of scripts (in emItlSysCache)
ItemInstalledRecPtr ds.l 1 ; ptr to ItemInstalledRec
ItemOffsetsPtr ds.l 1 ; ptr to record of offsets of ItemInstalledRec for sorting
KeyboardMenuPtr ds.l 1 ; ptr to AuxKeyboardMenuInfo record
menuItem ds.w 1 ; menuItem number
defaultMark ds.w 1 ; marker for default KCHR in each script
scriptCount ds.b 1 ; number of scripts still to process <10>
usingGenericIcon ds.b 1 ; T=> using a generic icon <14>
scriptLangRec ds.l 1 ; contains the script (w) & language (w) <21>
compID ds.l 1 ; component identifier <21>
NextItemString ds.b 256
CompDesc ds ComponentDescription ; <21>
menuLocals equ * ; size of locals
; definitions for creating an IconSuite of small color icons for scripts.
string asis
kcsTable dc.l 'kcs#',Small1BitMask,'kcs4',Small4BitData,'kcs8',Small8BitData
string pascal
NumItemsAfterKCHRs equ 2 ; Next Keyboard and Next Script
KeyboardMenuRegs reg d2-d4/a2-a4
with menuFrame,ItemInstalledRec
link a6,#menuLocals
clr.w result(a6) ; initialize to return noErr
;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <10>
;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <10>
movem.l KeyboardMenuRegs,-(sp)
; get # of enabled scripts <4>
with SmgrRecord
GetSMgrCore a2
st smgrKbdMenuAvail(a2) ; assume want menu to display <15>
cmp.b #1,smgrEnabled(a2) ; > 1 script enabled? <12>
bhi.s @HaveMenuStatus ; yep, display menu <12>
; otherwise, check itlc flag (smfShowIcon) to determine whether or not to show the menu <4>
move.l smgrGenFlags(a2),d0 ; <5>
btst.l #smfShowIcon,d0 ; bit 31 ON => show icon even if only one script <5>
bne.s @HaveMenuStatus ; <15>
sf smgrKbdMenuAvail(a2) ; don't want menu to display <15>
clr.l menuH(a6) ; set menu handle to NIL <17>
move.b smgrEnabled(a2),scriptCount(a6) ; save count <12>
endWith ; <12>
; setup for resource fetch from the system file <14>
subq.w #2,sp ; storage for current resource file <14>
_CurResFile ; <14>
move.w #0,-(sp) ; use system resource file <14>
_UseResFile ; <14>
move.b ResLoad,-(sp) ; <14>
st ResLoad ; set to true <14>
; setup defaultMark for the menu
move.w #KeybdDefaultMrk,defaultMark(a6) ; initialize to empty, 0x00
pea NextItemString(a6) ; ptr to Str255 <34>
move.w #kKeyboardMenuItemsID,-(sp) ; strListID <34><38>
move.w #DefMarkIndex,-(sp) ; string index <34>
import localGetIndString ; <34>
bsr localGetIndString ; making a pString (rather than a ptr to text) <34>
sf ResLoad ; reset to F <14>
tst.b NextItemString(a6) ; do we have a string? <34>
beq.s @useDefMarker ; if empty, use default marker <32>
; fetch the localized character
move.b NextItemString+1(a6),defaultMark+1(a6) ; write out the default marker byte (skip length) <34>
; Test if menu already exists so know if called from RebuildKeybdMenu <10>
sf rebuildFlag(a6) ; assume first time <10>
; Use the system menuBar and not the application menuBar in case appl doesn't have a menuBar (GetMHandle would fail). <20>
move.l MenuList,-(sp) ; save the current menuList since it may be an apps menu <20>
move.l SystemMenuList,MenuList ; <20>
subq #4,sp ; result <10>
move.w #kKeyboardMenuID, -(sp) ; menuID <10>
_GetMHandle ; <10>
move.l (sp)+,menuH(a6) ; <10>
move.l (sp)+,MenuList ; restore the menuList <20>
tst.l menuH(a6) ; <10>
beq.s @NewMenu
; If menu already exists then called from RebuildKeybdMenu <10>
st rebuildFlag(a6) ; don't do _InsertMenu <10>
; MENU setup
bsr CountMenuContents ; returns d4.l = to total # of installed inputs
; Allocate ItemInstalledRec table for # of installed KCHRs and Input Methods:
move.l d4,d0 ; total number of KCHRs and Input Methods <21>
mulu #ItemInstalledRecSz,d0
move.l a0,ItemInstalledRecPtr(a6)
move.l a0,a4
with smgrRecord,ScriptRecord,itlbRecord,ItemInstalledRec,AuxKeyboardMenuInfo
bsr BuildIMTable ; Init the ItemInstalledRec table for input methods <21>
bsr BuildKCHRTable ; Init the ItemInstalledRec table for KCHRs <21>
st ResLoad ; must be T for _IUTextOrderSys <14>
bsr SortItems ; sort the Items <10>
sf ResLoad ; reset to F <14>
; Allocate AuxKeyboardMenuInfo record for IconSuite handles for MF and other info for SystemMenu patch
move.w d4,d0 ; total number of inputs
add.b scriptCount(a6),d0 ; # of scripts = # of disabled (separating) lines
IF DoCmdKeyEquivalents THEN ; <8>
; Allocate space for empty entry (so can index by menu item #) and entries for items
; beyond KCHRs (so that the iconSuiteH is 0). NumItemsAfterKCHRs=0 if no cmd key items
; so would only +1. Added above in disabled line count <8>
add.w #(1+NumItemsAfterKCHRs),d0 ; 1=dummy entry
add.w #2,d0 ; for "About KeyboardsÉ" & disabled line items <11>
mulu #AuxMenuInfoSize,d0
move.l a0,KeyboardMenuPtr(a6)
GetSmgrCore a1 ; get script manager core.
move.l a0,smgrKeyboardMenuPtr(a1) ; save in Smgr Record for MF
move.l a0,a2
; in order to index by menuItem # (not 0-based), must have a dummy entry at the beginning
add.w #AuxMenuInfoSize,a2 ; point past empty entry to storage for 1st menuItem.
;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <10>
; Make a menu nowÉ
;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <10>
; Test if a menu is desired: if not, must still build menu d.s. so that the command-key <15>
; equivalent, cmd-opt-space bar (to switch between keybds. in a script) works. <15>
move.w #1,menuItem(a6) ; initialize earlier for bra <15>
tst.b smgrKbdMenuAvail(a1) ; do we want to display a menu? <15>
beq.s @BuildMenuRec ; <15>
; Do we already have a menu? (are we called from RebuildKeybdMenu?)
tst.b rebuildFlag(a6) ; do we already have a menu? <21>
bne.s @GotMenuH ; bra if so <21>
; Add a new menu for the Keyboard Menu
subq #4,sp ; result: menuHandle
move.w #kKeyboardMenuID, -(sp) ; menuID
pea #'Susan' ; pString <21>
move.l (sp)+,menuH(a6)
; Add the About KeyboardsÉ menuitem followed by a disabled line <10>
st ResLoad ; set to true <35> <14>
pea NextItemString(a6) ; ptr to Str255 <34>
move.w #kKeyboardMenuItemsID,-(sp) ; strListID <34><38>
move.w #AboutKybdsIndex,-(sp) ; string index <34>
import localGetIndString ; <34>
bsr localGetIndString ; <34>
sf ResLoad ; reset to false <35>
tst.b NextItemString(a6) ; do we have the string <34>
beq.s @BuildMenuRec ; no, don't add AboutKeyboardsÉ <34>
; name the menu item
move.l menuH(a6),-(sp)
pea NextItemString(a6) ; name of this KCHR: pString
move.w menuItem(a6),-(sp) ; insert ÔafterÕ this menuItem
move.l menuH(a6),-(sp)
move.w #1,-(sp) ; the first item has a script code. <42>
move.w #$1C,-(sp)
move.l menuH(a6),-(sp)
move.w #1,-(SP)
move.w #smSystemScript,-(sp) ; the script code is the sytem script <42>
add.w #1,menuItem(a6)
add.w #AuxMenuInfoSize,a2 ; point past 1st menuItem now
bsr AddDisabledLine ; separate scripts by a disabled line <8>
; Add the menu gutsÉ
@BuildMenuRec ; <15>
move.l ItemInstalledRecPtr(a6),a4 ; reset to first KCHRÕs info <10>
move.l ItemOffsetsPtr(a6),a3 ; reset ptr
move.w (a3)+,d0 ; get offset to KCHR info for this item <10>
add.w d0,a4
; Currently:
; a2 = ptr to AuxKeyboardMenuInfo (storage for aux menu info for each input)
; a3 = ItemOffsetsPtr
; a4 = ptr to ItemInstalledRec
; d3 = current script #
; d4 = total number of inputs
; d5 = total num of input items thus far in this script
; Time to build each menu item and it's auxilliary menu information record
; For each enabled script, loop for the input items and add menu items for each one
; Scripts loopÉ
subq.b #1,scriptCount(a6) ; decr enabled script count
moveq #0,d5 ; initialize script's input item count to 0
move.w ItemScript(a4),d3 ; script code
; be sure this script is enabled (bug #1013637) <21>
GetSMgrCore a0
move.w d3,d0
lsl.w #2,d0 ; long word offset
move.l smgrEntry(a0,d0.w),a0 ; script record of installed script
; loop until cross a script boundary in the KCHR table
; Items_within_a_script loopÉ
; if script not enabled, loop for next input. (a0 set above)
tst.b scriptEnabled(a0) ; script enabled?
beq.s @NextInput ; bra to fetch next input item if not a valid script
; find out the type of input to build the iconsuite
move.b itemInpuType(a4), itemType(a2) ; type of input <25>
beq.s @KCHRinput ; bra if this is a KCHR <25>
cmp.b #TSMIMitem, itemInpuType(a4) ; is this a new-style input method? <25>
bne.s @OldIM ; no, is an old-style input method <34>- replaced 2 branches
; this input type is a TSM-style IM
move.l itemInfo(a4), auxItemInfo(a2) ; store the component identifier here <21>
bra.s @IMIconSuite ; <25>
move.w itemResID(a4),itemRsrcID(a2) ; save id in AuxKeyboardMenuInfo record
move.l #0, auxItemInfo(a2) ; NIL indicates it's not a new-style IM <25>
bsr MakeIMIconSuite ; <21>
bra.s @Add2Menu
; this input type is a KCHR
move.w itemResID(a4),itemRsrcID(a2) ; save id in AuxKeyboardMenuInfo record
movem.l d2/d3,-(sp) ; save <36>
move.w itemRsrcID(a2),d2 ; store the desired KCHR icon ID <36>
move.w #kKeyboardMenuID,d3 ; store the default KCHR icon ID <36>
sf usingGenericIcon(a6) ; initial assumption <36>
bsr MakeIconSuite ; <36>
movem.l (sp)+,d2/d3 ; restore <36>
move.l #0, auxItemInfo(a2) ; NIL indicates it's not a new-style Input Method
; create a new menuItem and save the item order w/in the script in the AuxKeyboardMenuInfo record
bsr AddMenuItem ; preserves a0
; Get next input!
sub.w #1,d4 ; are we out of inputs/menuItems to add?
IF NOT DoCmdKeyEquivalents THEN ; bra if done <8>
beq.s @SetTitle ; <3>;temporary<6>
beq @SetCmdKeyEquiv ; add Next Keyboard and Next Script <3>;temporary<6>
add.w #AuxMenuInfoSize,a2 ; point to storage for next menuItem.
; Loop on next input in this script?
move.l ItemInstalledRecPtr(a6),a4 ; reset to first KCHRÕs info <10>
move.w (a3)+,d0 ; get offset to KCHR info for this item
add.w d0,a4
move.w ItemScript(a4),d0
cmp.w d3,d0 ; cmp to current script
beq.s @ScriptItemsLoop ; get next KCHR for this script
; Crossed a script boundary
IF NOT DoCmdKeyEquivalents THEN ; <8>
tst.b scriptCount(a6) ; more enabled scripts? <8>
beq.s @SetTitle ; donÕt add disabled line after last KCHR <8>
; if script not enabled, don't add a line. (a0 set above at @EnabledScriptLoop) <23>
tst.b scriptEnabled(a0) ; script enabled? <23>
beq @EnabledScriptLoop ; bra to fetch next input item if not a valid script <23>
bsr AddDisabledLine ; separate scripts by a disabled line <8>
; a2 incremented for next menuitem's info <32>
bra @EnabledScriptLoop ; <8>
; Not really a routine- just a place I've moved the code to get it out of the
; middle of here. Should be put back here if we want to use it.
bsr AddCmdKeyMenuItems
ENDIF ; <6>
; change the title of the menu to the icon of the system scriptÕs keybd by stuffing
; the iconSuite handle into the string posn holder "Susan"
GetSmgrCore a3 ; get script manager core. <15>
tst.b smgrKbdMenuAvail(a3) ; do we want to display a menu? <15>
beq.s @Cleanup ; <15>
move.l menuH(a6),a0
move.l (a0),a0 ; deref
; stuff the length (5 bytes) and special byte into the name: 01 indicates a handle is following
move.w #$0501, menuData(a0) ; <21>
; stuff the system script's iconSuite handle into the name
move.l KeyboardMenuPtr(a6),a1
; get item # of default script's KCHR <10><15>
move.w smgrSysScript(a3),d0 ; <10>
lsl.w #2,d0 ; long word offset <10>
move.l smgrEntry(a3,d0.w),a3 ; script record <10>
clr.w d0 ; <10>
move.b ScriptKeysItemNum(a3),d0 ; <10>
mulu.w #AuxMenuInfoSize,d0 ; offset into AuxMenuInfoRec <10>
add.w d0,a1 ; <3><10>
move.l iconSuiteH(a1),menuData+2(a0) ; now at system script entry <3>
endwith ; with smgrRecord,ScriptRecord,itlbRecord,ItemInstalledRec,AuxKeyboardMenuInfo
tst.b rebuildFlag(a6) ; if rebuilding donÕt insert menu <10>
bne.s @CleanUp ; <10>
; insert the menu now!
move.l menuH(a6),-(sp)
move.w #0,-(sp)
move.b (sp)+,ResLoad ; <14>
; restore previous (current) resource file <14>
_UseResFile ; current resource file ID on stack <14>
move.l ItemInstalledRecPtr(a6),a0
tst.w result(a6)
bne.s @done ; don't overwrite with potential DisposPtr error
tst.w d0
beq.s @done
move.w d0,result(a6) ; will override DisposHandle error if one existed
move.l ItemOffsetsPtr(a6),a0
tst.w result(a6)
bne.s @done ; don't overwrite with potential DisposPtr error
tst.w d0
beq.s @done
move.w d0,result(a6) ; will override DisposHandle error if one existed
@done |