Elliot Nunn 4325cdcc78 Bring in CubeE sources
Resource forks are included only for .rsrc files. These are DeRezzed into their data fork. 'ckid' resources, from the Projector VCS, are not included.

The Tools directory, containing mostly junk, is also excluded.
2017-12-26 09:52:23 +08:00

457 lines
13 KiB

; File: DPInstaller.a
; Contains: xxx put contents here xxx
; Written by: xxx put writers here xxx
; Copyright: © 1990 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <2> 3/16/90 BBH made it compile
; <1> 3/14/90 BBH first checked in
; <61+> 2/20/90 BBH
; To Do:
; note that we have jammed the dispatch code resource ID to be the same for
; bit and little models. we will want to fix this when we put in 6.x
; compatibility again.
; ~@~Projector~@~ Copyright © 1987, 1988, 1989 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
; ~@~Projector~@~ File: DPInstaller.a,39+ (3/27/89 9:30:39 AM)
; File : DPInstaller.a
; The following assembler code installs ComToolBox trap dispatcher as called
; from the Mac boot process as an external ptch resource.
; Written by Dean Wong May 1988
; (c) 1988 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
; Major modifications Byron Han, February 1-3, 1989 to do dynamic patching, etc.
; SHIFT during boot will cause toolbox to NOT be installed
; COMMAND key will cause SMALL MEMORY DISPATCHER to be installed
; Otherwise, one machines with 1 Meg or less, SMALL MEMORY DISPATCHER is installed
; Machines with more than 1 Meg, LARGE MEMORY DISPATCHER is installed
; Changed 2/17/89 from INIT-31 mechanism to external patch file.
; Only major changes are to change makefile from INIT to ptch
; Also forcing into the system heap this INIT because we will dynamically
; resize the system heap (by moving the application heap up by the amount
; in sysz.
; Modification History
; <1.1> BBH Added clearing of A1 before checking if manager loaded
; so that we wouldn't install an garbage manager vector into the
; table if the manager did not exist
; 5/11/89 BBH Changed startup code because INIT 31 used to put handle into A0
; now since we are pre INIT-31, need to RecoverHandle on
; entry point. Also eliminate DetachResource call
; 5/24/89 BBH Changed baseID from -10240 to -10176
; 7/20/89 BBH Change some BRA's to BRA.S's
; 7/27/89 BBH Changed ctbz ID from 0 to baseID
; Chain runs ctb¶'s from baseID, baseID+1, etc...
; Added comments on bigModel
; Changed ctbd from 3 to baseID
; load cmtb (manager code) from baseID on up
; BadID and OldID were reversed in the constants area
; 10/13/89 BBH Added compiler directive around ShowInit call
; If compiling for WHEATIES/BILL then do not ShowInit
; 10/30/89 BBH WHEATIES/BILL build defaults to no Shift override on install
; no Command override on memory model
; large memory model ONLY
; 2/5/90 BBH >= 3meg == large memory model for wheaties
; > 1 meg == large memory model for specialk
; Actually, we always use the small memory model now
INCLUDE 'Traps.a'
INCLUDE 'SysEqu.a'
INCLUDE 'CommToolboxPriv.a'
IF (&TYPE('Debugging') = 'UNDEFINED') THEN ; start <BBH>
Debugging: EQU 0
ENDIF ; end <BBH>
DISPATCHSIZE EQU 16 ; # of managers supported
Installer MAIN
IMPORT Dispatcher, EndDisp, MiniDispatcher, EndMiniDisp, LoadCMTB, ShowINIT, Chain, MiniPreflight
IF Debugging THEN
MOVEM.L D3-D5/A1-A2, -(SP) ; save registers
; use to just take A0 and HLock it since Init 31 put handle
; into A0. but since we are now installed before Init 31
; A0 contains the master pointer to the handle
; so we get the pointer to start of the code, and do
; a recover handle. the hlock it. this is just safety
; since the init should be built with the resLocked bit set
LEA Installer,A0 ; get pointer to start of code
_RecoverHandle ; recover the handle
_HLock ; Init31 places my init handle in A0 (lock just in case)
; MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ; push A0 onto stack
; _DetachResource ; removed 5/11/89 BBH
; keyboard handling
; ====================================================
; 10 kcode 55 56 57 58 59
; hx 37 38 39 3A 3B
; key cmd shf cap opt ctl
; dm 17A 8000 0001 0002 0004 0008
; ====================================================
; check to see if trap already initialized
MOVE.W #$A08B, D0 ; get the comm toolbox trap
_GetTrapAddress ,NEWOS ; get location
MOVE.L A0,A1 ; save it
MOVE.W #UNUSED, D0 ; unimplemented trap
_GetTrapAddress ,NEWOS ;
CMP.L A1,A0 ; compare trap with uninstalled trap
BNE @Chain ; trap is already initialized
; dont need to install managers and traps
; so go to chain
;-------Install the Macintosh Communications Toolbox now----------------------------------
; Do a machine check for top of memory. Note that we can futz with this here to
; force tiny or large machine installationÉ
@GoOn MOVE.L #MemTop, A0 ; find out how big the machine is
MOVE.L (A0),A0
; Less than or equal to 1Meg, so install tiny dispatcher
MOVE.L #CTB_DispatcherID,A2 ; use universal dispatcher
CLR.L -(SP) ; make space for handle
MOVE.L #CTB_DispatcherType,-(SP) ; resource type for dispatcher
MOVE.W A2,-(SP) ; push id version
MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; get the resource handle
MOVE.L A0,D0 ; testing
BNE.S @TinyOK ; ok
BRA @Cleanup ; reset the trap vector
@TinyOK _HUnlock ; unlock it
_MoveHHi ; move it high
_HLock ; lock it down
MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ; save handle
IF Debugging THEN
BRA @DoDetach ; load minidispatcher and go on
BRA.S @DoDetach ; load minidispatcher and go on
; detach dispatcher code into system heap
; at this point we need to place the appropriate
; value into the Big field ...
MOVE.L (SP),A0 ; get the handle
MOVE.L (A0),A0 ; dereference
IF Debugging THEN
PEA #'about to stuff the table'
MOVE.W #0,dispatchBig(A0);
MOVE.W #0,80(A0) ; small
MOVE.L (SP),A0 ; get A0 (handle to resource) back
_HUnlock ; unlock it
_MoveHHi ; move it high
_HLock ; lock it down
MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ; push onto stack
_DetachResource ; detach it - res mgr calls trash D0/A0
MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; retrieve A0 (see @DoDetach)
MOVE.L (A0),A0 ; get pointer to dispatch code
MOVE.W #$A08B, D0 ; ComToolBox trap number
_SetTrapAddress ,NEWOS ; setup my trap dispatcher
BRA.S @Chain ; go for chaining
; Cleanup resets the trap vector and jumps to display code
@Cleanup MOVE.W #UNUSED, D0 ; unimplemented trap
_GetTrapAddress ,NEWOS ; get location
MOVE.W #$A08B, D0 ; unimplemented trap
_SetTrapAddress ,NEWOS ; setup my trap dispatcher
BRA.S @BYEBYE ; go do deepshit icon
; skip chaining
; Chain will eecut ctb patch resources in numerical order
@Chain JSR Chain ; execute ctb¶ resources in order
; Display will show the icon
MOVEM.L (SP)+, D3-D5/A1-A2 ; restore registers
; CHAIN will execute all resources of type ctb¶ starting with ID
; baseID, baseID+1, baseID+2, ... ...
; If CHAIN fails to load a resource, it terminates. In other words,
; if the resources with ID baseID, baseID+1, baseID+2, baseID+4, baseID+5 exist
; only the first three will be executed
MOVEM.L D0-D7/A0-A6,-(SP) ; save ALL registers
IF Debugging THEN
PEA #'Enterring Chains'
MOVE.W #CTB_Patch1,D1 ; set up counter
@TopOfLoop CLR.L -(SP) ; space for the handle
MOVE.L #CTB_PatchType,-(SP) ; push resource type
MOVE.W D1,-(SP) ; push index
_Get1Resource ; Get1Resource
MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; retrieve the handle
MOVE.L A0,D0 ; for testing
BEQ.S @Exit ; NIL so exit
MOVE.L (A0),A1 ; get pointer
MOVEM.L D1/A0,-(SP) ; save registers
JSR (A1)
MOVEM.L (SP)+,D1/A0 ; D1 is the index, A0 is the resource handle
MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ; push resource
_ReleaseResource ; release the resource
ADDQ #1,D1 ; increment the counter
BRA.S @TopOfLoop ; go to top
@Exit MOVEM.L (SP)+,D0-D7/A0-A6 ; restore ALL registers
IF Debugging THEN
PEA #'Look at a7 for return address and handle'
MOVEM.L D0-D7/A0-A6,-(SP) ; save the registers
IF Debugging THEN
PEA #'After MOVEMing'
; stack is now
; theHandle 17*4
; return address 16*4
; d0
; d1
; d2
; d3
; d4
; d5
; d6
; d7
; a0
; a1
; a2
; a3
; a4
;SP -->
MOVE.L 64(SP),A0 ; get the handle
IF Debugging THEN
PEA #'A0 should have the handle'
MOVE.L (A0),A1 ; dereference
JSR (A1) ; jsr to it
MOVEM.L (SP)+,D0-D7/A0-A6 ; restore registers
MOVE.L (SP)+,(SP) ; pop return address over theHandle
RTS ; back to normal space
; stack frame
; return value (word)
; table base (long)
; return address (long)
; old A6
rval EQU 12 ; stack frame offsets to get to pushed values
abase EQU 8
raddr EQU 4
IF Debugging THEN
PEA #'Enterring newLoadCMTB'
LINK A6,#0 ; make a stack frame
MOVEM.L D0-D7/A0-A4,-(SP) ; save registers
MOVE.L raddr(A6),A4 ; return address
MOVE.L abase(A6),A3 ; address of base of dispatch table
MOVE.W rval(A6),D6 ; get return space
CLR.W D6 ; optimism (this is the return value)
CLR.W -(SP) ; make space for resource
MOVE.L #CTB_ConnectionMgrType,-(SP) ; push onto stack
BNE.S @Clear
MOVE.W #1,D6 ; return 1 in D6
BRA @Exit
IF Debugging THEN
PEA #'clearing'
MOVE.L A3,A2 ; get a copy of the base of dispatch table
MOVE.L #1,D7 ; index
@ClearTop CLR.L (A2)+ ; clear out the table
ADDQ #1,D7
BLE.S @ClearTop
IF Debugging THEN
PEA #'getting'
MOVE.L A3,A2 ; get a copy of the base of dispatch table
MOVE.W #1,D7 ; start manager # from 1
CLR.L -(SP) ; make space for resource
MOVE.L #CTB_ConnectionMgrType,-(SP) ; push onto stack
MOVE.W D7,D5 ; calculate the actual resource ID
SUB.W #1,D5 ; which starts from baseID, baseID+1, ...
ADD.W #CTB_ConnectionMgrID,D5 ; instead of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...
MOVE.W D5,-(SP) ; push resource ID
_Get1Resource ; get the resource - this trashes D0 and A0
MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; get the resource
MOVE.L A0,D5 ; make a copy
MOVE.L #0,A1 ; clear pointer to manager code <1.1>
TST.L D5 ; for testing if NIL
BEQ.S @BottomOfLoop ; none with this ID
_GetHandleSize ; get size of handle
TST.L D0 ; test result code
BLT.S @Aborting
MOVE.L D5,A1 ; get the saved handle
MOVE.L D0,D1 ; save size
_NewPtr ,SYS ; size is in D0
MOVE.L A0,D0 ; test the handle
BNE.S @Copy ; NIL so we couldn't allocate it
IF Debugging THEN
PEA #'failure'
MOVE.L D5,-(SP) ; push the resource onto stack
_ReleaseResource ; and release the mutherf*****
; this will pop off the resource
BRA.S @Aborting
@Copy ; lock it down
IF Debugging THEN
PEA #'make another'
MOVE.L A0,A1 ; deference the memory handle
MOVE.L D5,A0 ; get the resource handle
MOVE.L (A0),A0 ; dereference it once
MOVE.L D1,D0 ; get the count
MOVE.L D5,-(SP) ; push the resource onto stack
_ReleaseResource ; and release the mutherf*****
; this will pop off the resource
MOVE.L A1,(A2)+ ; put into the table
ADD.W #1,D7 ; increment the counter
BGT.S @Exit
BRA.S @GetNext
@Aborting MOVE.W #2,D6 ; return 2 (bad memory condition)
IF Debugging THEN
PEA #'Aborting'
MOVE.L A3,A2 ; make a copy
MOVE.L #1,D7 ; index
@AbortTop MOVE.L (A2),A1 ; clear out the table
CLR.L (A2)+
MOVE.L A1,D0 ; do we have an entry?
BEQ.S @AbortEnd
ADDQ #1,D7
BLE.S @AbortTop
@Exit MOVE.W D6,rval(A6) ; push return value
MOVEM.L (SP)+,D0-D7/A0-A4 ; restore registers
UNLK A6 ; destroy stack frame
MOVE.L (SP)+,(SP) ; pop return address over handle