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synced 2025-02-13 13:33:41 +00:00
The ROM now round-trips with QuickDraw mostly built from source. (~30% of the ROM is now built from source.)
4431 lines
176 KiB
4431 lines
176 KiB
; File: GWorld.a
; Copyright: © 1981-1993 by Apple Computer, Inc.All rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM5> 9/12/93 SAM Changed all instances of _Translate24to32 to _rTranslate24to32
; so they can conditionalized out of the build.
; <SM4> 6/14/93 kc Roll in Ludwig.
; <LW2> 3/25/93 fau Made the NewGWorld call allocate a buffer whose width is a whole
; number of quadwords, in order to help digitizer grabs.
; <SM3> 10/28/92 SWC Replaced obsolete INCLUDEd filenames with their replacements.
; <SM2> 6/11/92 stb <sm 6/9/92>stb Synch with QDciPatchROM.a; added comments to
; NewGWorld, UpdateGWorld, Pixmap32Bit, GetGWorldPixMap,
; OffscreenVersion. Added a missing ENDPROC
; <26> 8/23/91 JSM Remove benign redefinition of TRUE and FALSE, which are now
; defined by the build script.
; <25> 4/30/91 dba change to use standard system equates for public interface (got
; rid of the extra copy of the off-screen interface in this file)
; <24> 1/14/91 KON Fix more problems in UpdateGWorld having to do with GWorld
; flags. [SMC]
; <23> 12/14/90 KON Fix bug in UpdateGWorld where the wrong flags are returned.
; [smc]
; <22> 11/26/90 SMC Fixed the way grafvars were getting resized. With BAL.
; <21> 10/31/90 SMC Fixed alpha channel bugs with BAL.
; <20> 9/17/90 BG Removed <14>. 040s are now behaving more reliably.
; <19> 9/16/90 KON Change OffscreenVersNum to 130 for 7.0. Gestalt will then return
; 230 on color machines.
; <18> 9/7/90 KON Check for wide open rectangular regions in mapRgn rather than
; here and pictures.a.
; <17> 9/5/90 KON Don't call map region if region is wide open.
; <16> 7/24/90 gbm get rid of branches to nowhere
; <15> 7/11/90 gbm get rid of some assembly warnings
; <14> 6/26/90 BG Added EclipseNOPs to deal with flakey 040s.
; <13> 6/21/90 KON When specifying noNewDevice to NewGWorld, the depth should be
; taken from the device.
; <12> 6/8/90 dba oops...the last change made buffers that were too small; must
; calculate buffer sizes for NewScreenBuffer from actual
; off-screen rectangle, since we donÕt add the extra slop for
; realignment
; <11> 6/8/90 dba Fix bug where we tried to dispose handles but put them in d0
; instead of a0. Also fix bug that I introduced in change <3>
; where pixmaps would be created too narrow because we moved the
; right as well as the left coordinate when aligning the pixmap.
; <10> 6/5/90 KON Do error checking after calling GetMaxDevice in
; NewGWorld, UpdateGWorld, and NewTempScreenBuffer.
; <9> 5/22/90 KON Fix UpdateGWorld so it doesn't look at the Disposed GWorld or
; its GrafVars.
; <8> 3/28/90 DVB GetGWorldPixMap never worked right at all.
; <7> 2/13/90 BAL Changed Offscreen version from $102 to $120.
; <6> 2/1/90 DAF Update PixMap32Bit to honor the new GDFlag for devices accessed
; in 32-bit mode.
; <5> 1/17/90 KON Changed compare so GetGWorldPixMap (selector 23) can be
; selected.
; <4> 1/17/90 BAL Added the GetGworldPixmap selector for compatibility with
; classic machines
; <3> 12/28/89 dba donÕt allocate 31 pixels for slop in NewScreenBuffer; there is
; no UpdateScreenBuffer, so the slop wasnÕt helping; also fix a
; bug in NewScreenBuffer: the bottom right was not slid over when
; aligning, so the bounds of the pixMap would be open a bit too
; wide
; <2> 12/27/89 dba shorten by a few bytes; (Boy was it worth it!)
; <1.8> 11/8/89 BAL Added the routine Pixmap32Bit as selector 22.
; <1.7> 9/25/89 BAL Conditionalized includes for system 7.0 builds
; <1.6> 8/23/89 BAL Altered UGW to 'OR' (not MOVE) clip/stretch bit into result.
; <1.5> 8/15/89 dba save port around OpenCPort so that NewGWorld does not change
; thePort; also use ClosePort instead of CloseCPort Õcause itÕs
; much better
; <1.4> 7/16/89 DAF FOR AURORA BUILD - Rolled in a MultiFinder-related change for
; Jean-Charles
; <¥1.3> 7/14/89 BAL For Aurora: Final CQD
; <1.2> 6/30/89 BAL Removed "END" directive from tail of file. Fixed UpdateGWorld
; bugs.
; <1.1> 6/10/89 CEL Moved Private.a QuickDraw Equates into proper QuickDraw private
; file (colorequ.a), got rid of QuickDraw nFiles dependencies and
; fixed up necessary filesÉ
; <1.0> 5/29/89 BAL Blasting in 32-Bit QuickDraw version 1.0 Final
; To Do:
; donÕt allocate 31 pixels of slop all the time; the real thing is 32-pixelSize bytes of slop
FruFru Proc Export ; bogus proc to close off any open procs from previous files
; The following constants are used in conditional assembly to produce the best suited
; version of Quickdraw Extensions depending on the context.
; 1. If QD Extensions are assembled independently of 32-bit Quickdraw, set UseTranslate24To32 to 0
; 2. To produce a version that can be reinstalled without rebooting, set DontReinstall to 0
; (if running under MultiFinder, also set UseSetTrapAddress to 0).
; 3. Until we run with a Graphics Accelerator, AsyncQD should be set to 0.
; 4. If boot time becomes an issue, set UseLessMemory to 0 (installation will be twice as fast).
; 5. If QD Extensions are put in ROM, and we don't want to override it with the version on disk,
; set DontReinstall to 1.
; FOR A BUILD, USE (1,1,1,1,1,0).
UseTranslate24To32 equ 1 ; 1=use Translate24To32, 0=use StripAddress
UsePaletteMgr equ 1 ; 1=use Palette Mgr calls, 0=use regular Quickdraw calls
UseSetTrapAddress equ 1 ; 1=install with SetTrapAddress, 0=store directly in ToolTable
UseLessMemory equ 1 ; 1=installation takes less memory/more time, 0=more memory/less time
DontReinstall equ 1 ; 1=don't reinstall QDExtensions if already installed, 0=override previous version
AsyncQD equ 0 ; true if Asynchronous Quickdraw present
separatePTCH equ 0 ; true if not part of a greater build
OffscreenVersNum equ $130 ; version 1.3 (System 7.0) of the quickdraw extensions
IF separatePTCH THEN
; Some other constants
QDExtTrapNum equ $31D ; trap number for Quickdraw Extensions
ToolTable equ $e00 ; start of toolbox dispatch table
nuRBMask equ $7fff ; mask used to strip rowBytes flags
IF (&TYPE('_CopyMask') = 'UNDEFINED') THEN
INCLUDE 'QuickDraw.a'
INCLUDE 'fasttraps.a'
INCLUDE 'colorequ.a'
INCLUDE 'qdHooks.a'
INCLUDE 'Palettes.a'
INCLUDE 'QDExtPrivEqu.a'
INCLUDE 'QDOffscreen.a'
; Private equates for the additional field in the grafVars structure
attachDevice equ grafVarRec ; [4 bytes] handle to attached gDevice
devOwned equ attachDevice+4 ; [1 byte] true if NewGWorld created the offscreen device
useMFTemp equ devOwned+1 ; [1 byte] true if bits are in MultiFinder memory <07Jul89> JCM
grafVarExtRec equ useMFTemp+1 ; size of extended grafVars structure <07Jul89> JCM
; Bit in portVersion marking a CGrafPort as being a GWorld
isGWorldMask equ 1 ; bit 0 set means a CGrafPort is a GWorld
; If the portVersion/rowBytes of any port has the following bits set, it is a GWorld
GWorldFlag equ $C001 ; isPixMap+isCPort+isGWorld
; PixMaps in GWorlds have two possible version numbers
PixMapVers0 equ 0 ; marks that baseAddr is a 24-bit pointer <06Jul89> BAL
PixMapVers1 equ 1 ; marks that baseAddr is a clean derefed handle
PixMapVers2 equ 2 ; marks that baseAddr is a handle
PixMapVers4 equ 4 ; marks that baseAddr is a 32-bit pointer <06Jul89> BAL
PixMapVers1Bit equ 0 ; marks that baseAddr is a clean derefed handle
PixMapVers2Bit equ 1 ; marks that baseAddr is a handle
PixMapVers4Bit equ 2 ; marks that baseAddr is a 32-bit pointer <06Jul89> BAL
; As incredible as may seem, srcAverage is not defined in the includes used
; for building ROM or system code.
; srcAverage is used by MakeScaleTbl.
srcAverage equ $20 ; arithmetic mode average
; Define the constant nil to distinguish between scalars and pointers
Nil: Equ 0
; Extensions to Quickdraw for 32-bit Quickdraw and Graphics Accelerators
; This file consists of:
; 1. Offscreen Graphics Environments
; NewGWorld: create an offscreen graphics world
; GetGWorld: get the current graphics world
; SetGWorld: set the current graphics world
; UpdateGWorld: adapt the graphics world to new depth, alignment, etc.
; DisposeGWorld: dispose of the graphics world
; LockPixels: lock the offscreen buffer (call before calling Quickdraw)
; UnlockPixels: unlock the offscreen buffer after drawing is finished
; AllowPurgePixels: make offscreen buffer purgeable
; NoPurgePixels: make offscreen buffer unpurgeable
; GetPixelsState: return the lock and purge state of the offscreen buffer
; SetPixelsState: set the lock and purge state of the offscreen buffer
; GetPixBaseAddr: waits until Async QD is done and return a 32-bit pointer to the offscreen buffer
; GetGWorldDevice: returns the attached device to an offscreen GWorld.
; NewScreenBuffer: allocates only an offscreen pixmap
; DisposeScreenBuffer: diposes of an offscreen pixmap.
; 2. Asynchronous Quickdraw
; PortChanged: notifies Quickdraw of any non-procedural changes to a port
; PixPatChanged: notifies Quickdraw of any non-procedural changes to a pixpat
; CTabChanged: notifies Quickdraw of any non-procedural changes to a color table
; GDeviceChanged: notifies Quickdraw of any non-procedural changes to a gDevice
; 3. Utilities
; GetMaxAreaDevice: find device with largest overlapping area with a given rectangle
; FindInverseTable: find an already built inverse table for a given color table in the device list
; QDDone: becomes true when the pending Quickdraw calls on a given port are completed
; BitMapDone: becomes true when the pending Quickdraw calls on a given pixmap are completed
; 1.Some of the same code is used in three different routines (NewGWorld, UpdateGWorld,
; and NewScreenBuffer). Rearchitect it to use subroutines.
; 2.Make GetMaxAreaDevice smarter and actually use it. GetMaxAreaDevice could estimate
; the break-even performance point between unaligned CopyBits and CopyBits
; with color mapping in terms of surface area and decide between which device
; to align the pixmap to.
; 10Mar89 JCM Started today in SEG, Jean-Charles Mourey.
; 11Mar89 JCM Wrote NewGWorld, GetMaxAreaDevice, SetGWorld, GetGWorld,
; UpdateGWorld, QDDone, PortChanged, PixPatChanged, CTabChanged,
; LoMemChanged.
; 13Mar89 JCM Added LockPixels and UnlockPixels. Modified CTabChanged to create
; a new seed.
; 15Mar89 JCM Added support for cTable=-1 (no offscreen device). Now avoid calling
; time-consuming MakeITable to create inverse table when inverse table
; already exists in a device somewhere. Added FindInverseTable.
; 16Mar89 JCM Added Patch installer and dispatch code. This file is ptch ID=37 in
; 32-bit Quickdraw. Added dummy color table and inverse table in direct
; device (for compatibility).
; 17Mar89 JCM Added flag bits as result of UpdateGWorld.
; 23Mar89 JCM Major changes. Introduced GWorldPtr type. Changed interface to
; NewGWorld, UpdateGWorld, DisposeGWorld, LockPixels. Added flags parameter.
; Added purgeable option for offscreen buffer. Changed functionalities of
; LockPixels and UnlockPixels. They must now be called before and after calling
; Quickdraw on an offscreen graphics world. Added AllowPurgePixels,
; NoPurgePixels, GetPixelsState, SetPixelsState, GetPixBaseAddr.
; Added an "e" to DisposGWorld. Removed link a6, unlk a6 when possible.
; Fixed bug in NewGWorld in disposOffscreenHandles. Introduced pmVersion=2
; to signal a handle in the baseAddr. pmVersion=1 means the baseAddr is
; a 32-bit pointer. The dummy ctSeed in 16 and 32 bits/pixel is now
; cmpCnt*cmpSize.
; 24Mar89 JCM Now set correctly offscreenGWorld's portVersion. Fixed crash bug in
; DisposeGWorld when disposing offscreen device. Changed all routines that
; access the baseAddr so that they work whether baseAddr is a handle or a
; pointer (LockPixels, UnlockPixels, AllowPurgePixels, NoPurgePixels,
; GetPixBaseAddr, DisposeGWorld). Added GetGWorldDevice. Now make offscreen
; buffer unpurgeable in LockPixels and restore purge state in UnlockPixels.
; Use high bit of pmVersion to remember purge state (this conflicts with
; 32-bit Quickdraw's fAddr32clean but pmVersion=1 already tells 32-bit QD
; that the baseAddr is 32-bit clean, so it should be no problem. Any better
; solution?). AllowPurgePixels and NoPurgePixels now change only the isPurgeable
; bit (in pmVersion), actual setting of the handle purge state is done in
; UnlockPixels (Quickdraw doesn't like drawing to purged offscreen buffer!).
; Changed GetPixelsState to get purge state from pmVersion. Changed SetPixelsState
; to set lock and purge state with Lock/UnlockPixels and Allow/NoPurgePixels to
; be consistent. Changed QDDone to take a port as a parameter, make it
; a trap (QDDone might or might not make it in final release). Added BitMapDone
; (equivalent of QDDone with a bit/pixmap). BitMapDone is called by QDDone and
; GetPixBaseAddr. Don't use high bit of pmVersion anymore; it turns out that
; a locked handle can't be purged (dummy me!)
; 25Mar89 JCM Rewrote UpdateGWorld to match new interface.
; 26Mar89 JCM Fixed many bugs in UpdateGWorld (too many to list). Added error code checking.
; Changed SetPixelsState to use Lock/UnlockPixels and Allow/NoPurgePixels instead
; (HAPPY EASTER!) of HSetState to avoid problem of making the offscreen buffer unlocked and
; purgeable when the baseAddr is a pointer. Added NewScreenBuffer and
; DisposeScreenBuffer.
; 27Mar89 JCM Fixed stack offset bug in GetPixBaseAddr.
; 28Mar89 JCM Now make offscreen pixmap bounds 1 pixel more than necessary so that we can always
; realign the pixmap in UpdateGWorld. Fixed bugs in computing UpdateGWorld's result.
; Accurately set the newRowBytesBit and reallocPixBit. Optimized UpdateGWorld in the
; case the pixels are purged, but nothing else has changed. Restore the previous
; current graphics world upon exit of UpdateGWorld.
; 29Mar89 JCM Added direct optimized color mapping in UpdateGWorld, in case only the color table
; changes (use MakeScaleTbl and check for identity mapping).
; 30Mar89 JCM Fix many bugs in UpdateGWorld's new code. Fixed bug in FindInverseTable,
; it returned the last screen gdevice's inverse table if it didn't find any.
; Changes after Code Review: Changed cParmErr to paramErr. Definition
; of mapPixMask, newDepthMask, alignPixMask, newRowBytesMask, and reallocPixMask
; was wrong (by one 0). In QDExtensions.h, changed argument types Rect *
; to const Rect *. Added definitions for pixelsLockedBit, pixelsPurgeableBit, and
; their masks. Changed isGWorld to isGWorldMask. Added definitions for PixMapVers1,
; PixMapVers2, srcAverage, nil, true, and false. Now check for presence of QD
; Extensions and doesn't reinstall if present (e.g. if it's in ROM already).
; Optimized routine dispatcher. Don't use GetMaxAreaDevice anymore until I figure
; out a really smart way to use it. Save less registers on the stack. Allocate
; the CGrafPort in low memory (ResrvMem) rather than high memory (MoveHHi). Don't
; compare d0 with noErr upon return from a Memory Manager routine. Fixed bug in
; computation of leg room in rowBytes for possible realignment in UpdateGWorld
; (Thanks, Chris!). Fixed bug where if cloning the color table failed, the
; museDevice's inverse table got disposed of! Report Memory Manager errors without
; change. Use rtd instructions to exit all routines. Fixed a bug where the port
; didn't get closed if SetHandleSize of its grafVars failed. In GetGWorld and SetGWorld,
; get and set the port directly from the Quickdraw Globals (no GetPort, SetPort).
; Now reset current device to MainDevice in SetGWorld if the port is not a GWorldPtr
; and the device is NIL. Now use pea instructions instead of lea and move -(sp).
; In UpdateGWorld, if error in GetCTable, try to find where the error happened
; (Quickdraw, Memory Manager, or Resource Manager) and return correct error. Use
; conditional compilation to remove BitMapDone and simplify QDDone and GetPixBaseAddress
; if Asynchronous Quickdraw is not present (which is the case until we get a Graphics
; Accelerator). Clarify comments for LockPixels and UnlockPixels. Don't use bufPtr
; as a local variable in GetPixBaseAddr (conflict with low-mem global bufPtr).
; 31Mar89 JCM Added constants for conditional assembly: UseTranslate24To32, UseSetTrapAddress,
; UseLessMemory, DontReinstall, AsynQD. Added definitions for ToolTable, QDExtTrapNum.
; Added an alternative algorithm to install QD Extensions that takes more time
; but less memory. Changed long branches to short branches whenever possible.
; Optimize error checking at beginning of UpdateGWorld (use mask instead of bclr).
; Use an optimized algorithm in UpdateGWorld if the pixels just need to be realigned.
; Fixed bug in UpdateGWorld where the pixels would sometimes be preserved even if
; not desired. Fixed bug in UpdateGWorld where a derefenced pointer to grafVars
; was used after MakeITable. Fixed bug in optimized color mapping (one long too many!).
; Fixed bug in GetPixBaseAddr due to changing bufPtr to bufResult (see above) .
; Fixed bug in fast realignment algorithm in UpdateGWorld, the alignment offset
; was in pixels instead of bits.
; 1Apr89 JCM "FINAL" version (no kidding...)
; ** "FINAL" **
; 3Apr89 JCM When running out of memory, fixed bug where port was sometimes closed even if
; it hadn't been opened. In UpdateGWorld, do a better job at restoring old gworld
; if NewGWorld fails (reallocate the old offscreen buffer).
; 4Apr89 JCM Changed interface to Lock/UnlockPixels, Allow/NoPurgePixels, Set/GetPixelsState,
; and GetPixBaseAddr (use BitMap/PixMap/portBits parameter instead of PixMapHandle)
; 5Apr89 JCM Changed interface back to PixMapHandle (sorry, Darin...). In dispatcher,
; function selector now contains the size of the parameters in the high word
; (except for functions 0 through 19 for compatibility). A paramErr is returned
; in case of unimplemented function and the stack is cleaned up correctly.
; 7Apr89 JCM Now preserves the clipRgn during an UpdateGWorld (as well as the pixpats,
; grafVars, grafProcs, RGB fore/background colors, pen and text characteristics,
; packType, packSize, hRes, vRes, searchProcs, compProcs, and other misc fields).
; 10Apr89 JCM Fixed color table seed bug in UpdateGWorld (always compute seed as long). Be
; more clever in copying the clipRgn across UpdateGWorld, map clipRgn to new
; portRect if stretching requested, offset it if clipping requested.
; 13Apr89 JCM In UpdateGWorld, check whether the port's pixpats are NIL before calling CopyPixPat
; (because DisposPixPat clears all references to the pixpat in all ports and CopyPixPat
; doesn't like NIL PixPatHandles).
; 14Apr89 JCM Fixed crash bug in SetPixelsState when lock bit is set.
; 25Apr89 JCM Now use Palette Manager SaveFore, RestoreFore, SaveBack, RestoreBack in
; UpdateGWorld to update the RGB color and color indices in the port and
; grafVars in a way that's compatible with the Palette Manager.
; 26Apr89 JCM UpdateGWorld doesn't do anything if there is nothing to do at all
; (for those who call UpdateGWorld all the time). SaveFore doesn't work
; (waiting for the Palette Manager fix).
; 27Apr89 JCM In UpdateGWorld:
; Save and Restore current GWorld before using Palette Manager (SaveFore
; is now fixed). If savePort or saveDevice are the same as the old port
; or old attached device, replace them with the new port and new attached
; device. Now set the newGWorld's clipRgn to portRect before CopyBits and
; restore it afterwards. Update the RGB color and color indices in the port
; in the optimized case where only the color table changes.
; 28Apr89 JCM Use Quickdraw calls instead of Palette Manager calls to update RGB colors
; and color indices if 32-Bit Quickdraw Palette Manager is not present.
; 18May89 JCM Now preserve a2 in FindInverseTable.
; 23May89 JCM Cancel change to FindInverseTable. Now preserve a2 across NewGWorld,
; UpdateGWorld, and NewScreenBuffer.
; 26May89 JCM In UpdateGWorld, fixed grafProcs problem (don't dereference NIL grafProcs). Now
; copies the grafProcs pointer instead of the grafProcs structure (NOTE: the grafProcs record
; is not owned by the port).
; 28May89 BAL Always return error in both register d0 and QDErr.
; 28May89 BAL Included as part of the ROM build. Added FORROM conditionals.
; 19Jun89 JCM Fix alignment bug in UpdateGWorld. When updating only color table in UpdateGWorld, dispose
; of old inverse table before replacing it by new one.
; 20Jun89 JCM In UpdateGWorld's check for identity mapping, clear upper-half of d1 (used as long offset).
; 21Jun89 JCM Added new function OffscreenVersion to get the version number of the installed QD extensions.
; Version number is defined as a constant at the beginning of this file.
; 21Jun89 JCM NewGWorld now returns error codes also in d0 and QDErr. UpdateGWorld returns result (>=0 or <0)
; also in d0, and errors are also returned in QDErr (if result >=0, QDErr is set to 0).
; 06Jul89 BAL When reallocating purged pixels, use ReallocHandle instead of NewHandle. Added useMFTempBit
; flag to NewGWorld as a new option to allocate pixels in MultiFinder Temp Memory. Defined
; new pmVersion for 32-bit pointer baseAddr. Updated GetPixBaseAddr to handle all pmVersions.
; 07Jul89 JCM Added new flag to grafVars structure (useMFTemp) to remember that the pixels are in
; MultiFinder memory. Modified UpdateGWorld to take it into account. Changed interface to
; NewScreenBuffer: purgeable Boolean changed to 16-bit flags containing purgePixBit and useMFTempBit.
; It is possible to allocate pixels in MF temp memory with NewScreenBuffer.
; 14Jul89 JCM Changed interface to NewScreenBuffer back to original for compatibility. Added new call:
; NewTempScreenBuffer to allocate pixels in MultiFinder temp memory.
; 16Jul89 JCM Correctly set grafVars' useMFTemp flag in NewGWorld.
IF separatePTCH THEN
InstallQDExtensions PROC EXPORT
IMPORT QDExtDispatcher, QDExtEnd
; Patch installer.
; The Quickdraw Extensions are a patch resource (SysHeap, Locked) loaded by
; 32-bit Quickdraw at boot time.
; This code installs the _QDExtensions trap vector in the trap dispatch table.
; If the code is already installed, don't reinstall it (don't overwite it if
; it is in ROM).
; NOTE: When a future version of QDExtensions comes around, this will be
; changed to override a possible ROM version.
; Get handle to the resource containing this code
lea InstallQDExtensions,a0 ; get address of this resource
_RecoverHandle ; find the handle to it
move.l a0,-(sp) ; save it on the stack
if DontReinstall then
; Check if we're installed already
move #QDExtTrapNum,d0 ; get trap number for Quickdraw extensions
_GetTrapAddress ,NEWTOOL ; get the address of the trap (it's a toolbox trap)
move.l a0,-(sp) ; save it on the stack
move #UnimplementedTrap,d0 ; get trap number of the Unimplemented trap
_GetTrapAddress ,NEWTOOL ; get the address of the trap
cmp.l (sp)+,a0 ; are both addresses the same?
beq.s installTheDamnThing ; yes, install Quickdraw Extensions
; Quickdraw Extensions are already installed (probably in ROM)
; Get rid of this version and quit
_ReleaseResource ; get rid of this resource
rts ; and quit
; Install Quickdraw Extensions
; Detach the resource so we'll stay in System Heap forever.
; The following algorithm uses less memory. The patch is loaded in
; application heap and the code (less the installation code) is moved
; to system heap.
if UseLessMemory then
lea QDExtEnd,a1 ; get address of end of code
lea QDExtDispatcher,a0 ; get address of beginning of code
sub.l a0,a1 ; get size of code
move.l a1,d0 ; get size in d0 for NewHandle
move.l d0,-(sp) ; save size on stack
_NewHandle ,SYS ; allocate a handle in system heap
_HLock ; lock it
move.l (a0),a1 ; get pointer
move.l (sp)+,d0 ; get size saved on stack
move.l a1,-(sp) ; save pointer to new area in system heap
lea QDExtDispatcher,a0 ; source pointer
_BlockMove ; a1 contains destination and d0 contains size
; Install ourselves in trap dispatch table
move.l (sp)+,d0 ; get pointer to beginning of code
_StripAddress ; get a 32-bit clean address
; Two different ways to install the Quickdraw Extensions Trap:
; 1. Use SetTrapAddress
; 2. Direct store in Tool Table
; Method 1 is the recommended method, but doesn't work if we're installed
; after MultiFinder (which I do a lot for debugging purposes)
if UseSetTrapAddress then
move.l d0,a0 ; put address in a0 for NSetTrapAddress
move #QDExtTrapNum,d0 ; put trap number in d0 for NSetTrapAddress
_SetTrapAddress ,NEWTOOL ; install trap in trap table
move.l #ToolTable+(QDExtTrapNum*4),a1 ; get address of trap table entry
move.l d0,(a1) ; make it point to our dispatcher
; Get rid of loaded resource
_ReleaseResource ; get rid of resource
; This alternative installation algorithm minimizes the installation time.
; The patch is loaded directly in System Heap by the Resource Manager
; and the resource is detached.
_DetachResource ; detach this resource from resource file (handle is on stack)
; Install ourselves in trap dispatch table
lea QDExtDispatcher,a0 ; get address of the dispatcher
move.l a0,d0 ; get address in d0 for StripAddress
_StripAddress ; get a 32-bit clean address
; Two different ways to install the Quickdraw Extensions Trap:
; 1. Use SetTrapAddress
; 2. Direct store in Tool Table
; Method 1 is the recommended method, but doesn't work if we're installed
; after MultiFinder (which I do a lot for debugging purposes)
if UseSetTrapAddress then
move.l d0,a0 ; put address in a0 for NSetTrapAddress
move #QDExtTrapNum,d0 ; put trap number in d0 for NSetTrapAddress
_SetTrapAddress ,NEWTOOL ; install trap in trap table
move.l #ToolTable+(QDExtTrapNum*4),a1 ; get address of trap table entry
move.l d0,(a1) ; make it point to our dispatcher
rts ; and that's it!
IMPORT NewGWorld, LockPixels, UnlockPixels, UpdateGWorld, DisposeGWorld
IMPORT GetGWorld, SetGWorld, CTabChanged, PixPatChanged, PortChanged
IMPORT GDeviceChanged, AllowPurgePixels, NoPurgePixels, GetPixelsState
IMPORT SetPixelsState, GetPixBaseAddr, NewScreenBuffer, DisposeScreenBuffer
IMPORT GetGWorldDevice, QDDone, OffscreenVersion,NewTempScreenBuffer,Pixmap32Bit
IMPORT GetGWorldPixMap
; QDExtensions Dispatcher.
; All Quickdraw extensions routines use a common trap and a selector.
; The selector is in the low word of D0
; The size of the parameters is in the high word of D0
; NOTE: To avoid changing the include files again, functions number 0 through 19
; are accepted with an unspecified parameter size (high word of D0 cleared).
; In future versions, any new function should specify the size of parameters.
cmp #23,d0 ; if unsigned d0 > max selector,
bhi.s exit ; don't do anything
jmp dispatchTable(d0*4) ; jump in jump table
jmp NewGWorld ; selector 0
jmp LockPixels ; selector 1
jmp UnlockPixels ; selector 2
jmp UpdateGWorld ; selector 3
jmp DisposeGWorld ; selector 4
jmp GetGWorld ; selector 5
jmp SetGWorld ; selector 6
jmp CTabChanged ; selector 7
jmp PixPatChanged ; selector 8
jmp PortChanged ; selector 9
jmp GDeviceChanged ; selector 10
jmp AllowPurgePixels ; selector 11
jmp NoPurgePixels ; selector 12
jmp GetPixelsState ; selector 13
jmp SetPixelsState ; selector 14
jmp GetPixBaseAddr ; selector 15
jmp NewScreenBuffer ; selector 16
jmp DisposeScreenBuffer ; selector 17
jmp GetGWorldDevice ; selector 18
jmp QDDone ; selector 19
jmp OffscreenVersion ; selector 20
jmp NewTempScreenBuffer ; selector 21
jmp Pixmap32Bit ; selector 22 as seen in QDciPatchROM.a <sm 6/9/92>stb
jmp GetGWorldPixMap ; selector 23 as seen in QDciPatchROM.a <sm 6/9/92>stb
exit move.l (sp)+,a0 ; get return address
swap d0 ; get size of parameters in low word
ext.l d0 ; convert to long
adda.l d0,sp ; get rid of parameters
move #paramErr,d0 ; return parameter error
move d0,QDErr ; copy error code to low-memory global QDErr <29May89> BAL
jmp (a0) ; and return to callerz
;Êas seen in QDciPatchROM.a <sm 6/9/92>stb
IMPORT FindInverseTable
EXPORT ShiftTable
; FUNCTION NewGWorld (VAR offscreenGWorld: GWorldPtr; pixelDepth: INTEGER;
; boundsRect: Rect; cTable: CTabHandle; aGDevice:GDHandle;
; flags: LONGINT): QDErr;
; Creates an offscreen graphics world, including an offscreen port,
; an offscreen pixmap, an offscreen buffer, and an optional offscreen device.
; offscreenGWorld is an output. It is set to a pointer to a CGrafPort
; with an expanded grafVars substructure. A reference to the offscreen device
; is put in the grafVars record. If no offscreen device is created, a reference
; to aGDevice is put in the grafVars record. In both cases, the device is called
; the attached device.
; The pixelDepth can be 0,1,2,4,8,16,or 32.
; If the pixelDepth is 0:
; The boundsRect is interpreted as a global rectangle in screen space.
; The depth and color table of the deepest device intersecting
; with boundsRect is used for the offscreen graphics environment.
; The port's portRect is set to the same size as boundsRect with the topLeft
; coordinates set to (0,0).
; The pixmap's bounds is set to the smallest rectangle enclosing portRect and aligned
; to the greatest overlapping device with boundsRect (this is to optimize CopyBits
; between offscreen and screen).
; The device's gdRect is copied from the pixmap's bounds.
; If the pixelDepth is 1,2,4,8,16,or 32:
; The pixmap's bounds, portRect, and device's rect are all set to boundsRect.
; If pixelDepth is zero, cTable is ignored. Otherwise:
; If cTable is not nil, it is used as the device and port's color table.
; If cTable is nil, the default color table for pixelDepth is used
; Flags contain 2 flag bits:
; pixPurgeBit = allocate a purgeable offscreen buffer
; noNewDeviceBit = don't create an offscreen device.
; If noNewDeviceBit is clear, aGDevice is ignored.
; If noNewDeviceBit is set, aGDevice is used as the attached device.
; A6 offsets of parameters after link:
paramSize equ 22 ; size of parameters
result equ paramSize+8 ; WORD, QDErr
offscreenGWorld equ result-4 ; LONG, address of GWorldPtr variable
pixelDepth equ offscreenGWorld-2 ; WORD, pixel depth
boundsRect equ pixelDepth-4 ; LONG, address of bound Rectangle
cTable equ boundsRect-4 ; LONG, handle to color table
aGDevice equ cTable-4 ; LONG, handle to a device to use as model
gDevFlags equ aGDevice-4 ; LONG, flags
; A6 offsets of local variables after link:
pixelShift equ -2 ; WORD, pixel shift amount
resPref equ pixelShift-2 ; WORD, device's preferred resolution
bytesPerRow equ resPref-2 ; WORD, rowBytes of offscreen pixmap
offscreenBufH equ bytesPerRow-4 ; LONG, handle to the offscreen buffer
offscreenPixMap equ offscreenBufH-4 ; LONG, handle to the offscreen pixmap
offscreenCTable equ offscreenPixMap-4 ; LONG, handle to the offscreen color table
offscreenDevice equ offscreenCTable-4 ; LONG, handle to the offscreen device
offscreenITable equ offscreenDevice-4 ; LONG, handle to the offscreen inverse table
offscreenPortH equ offscreenITable-4 ; LONG, handle to the offscreen port
offscreenPort equ offscreenPortH-4 ; LONG, pointer to the offscreen port
museDevice equ offscreenPort-4 ; LONG, handle to device used for inspiration
saveDevice equ museDevice-4 ; LONG, handle to previous current device
devType equ saveDevice-2 ; WORD, type of device
horizOffset equ devType-2 ; WORD, alignment of offscreen pixmap to screen
pixmapBounds equ horizOffset-8 ; Rect, rectangle describing pixmap bounds
localRect equ pixmapBounds-8 ; Rect, used for portRect (computed from boundsRect)
varSize equ localRect ; size of local variables
link a6,#varSize ; allocate local variables
movem.l d3-d7/a2-a4,-(sp) ; save regs
; Initialize the function result to no error. Optimistically assume that
; everything will go fine.
move #noErr,result(a6) ; flag a successful operation,
move.l offscreenGWorld(a6),a0
clr.l (a0)
; Initialize all offscreen local variables to zero.
; If an error happens during this function, we deallocate the memory for
; all allocated offscreen variables.
clr.l offscreenBufH(a6) ; handle to offscreen buffer
clr.l offscreenPixMap(a6) ; handle to offscreen pixmap
clr.l offscreenCTable(a6) ; handle to cloned color table
clr.l offscreenDevice(a6) ; handle to offscreen device
clr.l offscreenITable(a6) ; handle to offscreen device's inverse table
clr.l offscreenPortH(a6) ; handle to the offscreen port
; Check that the boundsRect is not an empty rectangle.
; If it is empty, don't do anything.
clr.b -(sp) ; leave room for Boolean result
move.l boundsRect(a6),-(sp) ; push address of rectangle on the stack
_EmptyRect ; check if rectangle is empty or not
move.b (sp)+,d0 ; look at the result
bne paramError ; if true, boundsRect is empty, exit with error
; Choose a device as our source of inspiration (muse) to determine
; default things like gdResPref, color table, etc.
; Use current device unless pixelDepth = 0 or noNewDeviceBit is set.
move.l theGDevice,museDevice(a6) ; get current device
; Allocate memory for port. Do it early on to avoid heap fragmentation.
; Also, try to allocate it as low as possible in memory.
; No need to allocate a clear handle, it will be completely filled out by OpenCPort.
moveq #portRec,d0 ; size of CGrafPort
_ResrvMem ; reserve memory in lowest possible location
bne reportError ; if Memory Manager error, report it and quit
moveq #portRec,d0 ; size of CGrafPort
_NewHandle ; allocate a handle (no need to clear it)
bne reportError ; if Memory Manager error, report it and quit
move.l a0,offscreenPortH(a6) ; save handle to offscreen port
_HLock ; lock it down forever
move.l (a0),d0 ; get pointer to offscreen port
_StripAddress ; make it 32-bit fully clean
move.l d0,offscreenPort(a6) ; save it
; Initialize the portVersion field to 0. This field is used in case of
; memory error to check whether the port has been opened or not (and therefore
; I need to close it)
move.l d0,a0 ; get pointer to port
clr portVersion(a0) ; clear the portVersion field
; Remember the flags in d3
move.l gDevFlags(a6),d3 ; remember for future use
; Check range validity of pixelDepth -- it must be between 0 and 32.
move pixelDepth(a6),d7 ; pixel resolution
beq.s findMaxDevice ; if depth = 0, find max resolution
cmp #32,d7 ; illegal if > 32
bhi badPixelDepth ; exit with error
; Treat 24-bit color as 32-bit.
cmp #24,d7
bne.s @dontSetTo32
moveq #32,d7
; If pixelDepth is not 0, don't try to align offscreen pixmap to screen
clr horizOffset(a6) ; no alignment offset
; Set localRect to the same as boundsRect (later use for portRect, etc.)
move.l boundsRect(a6),a0 ; get pointer to boundsRect
move.l topLeft(a0),localRect+topLeft(a6) ; copy boundsRect to localRect
move.l botRight(a0),localRect+botRight(a6)
; If noNewDeviceBit is set, use the given aGDevice as museDevice.
; Report an error if it is NIL.
btst.l #noNewDeviceBit,d3 ; is noNewDeviceBit set? (d3 contains the flags)
beq.s @0 ; no, leave museDevice as is
move.l aGDevice(a6),d0 ; yes, get aGDevice
beq paramError ; if aGDevice is NIL, report a parameter error
move.l d0,museDevice(a6) ; if not NIL, use it as muse Device
bra.s GetPixelDepthFromDevice ; take the pixel depth from the museDevice <KON 21JUN90>
bra.s checkPixelShift ; skip next part and check pixel resolution
; If pixelDepth is 0, use boundsRect as a rectangle in global screen space
; to find deepest device that intersects that rectangle.
clr.l -(sp) ; leave room for GDHandle result
move.l boundsRect(a6),-(sp) ; pass boundsRect as a global rectangle in screen space
_GetMaxDevice ; find deepest device that intersects boundsRect
move.l (sp)+,d0 ; get max device handle <KON 5Jun90>
beq paramError ; check for NIL handle <KON 5Jun90>
move.l d0,a0 ; <KON 5Jun90>
move.l a0,museDevice(a6) ; use this device as our new source of inspiration
; For maximum efficiency when copying offscreen pixmap to screen, try
; to match the pixel alignment of the offscreen pixmap to the pixel
; alignment of the portion of screen space described by boundsRect.
; First step: compute horizontal offset between boundsRect and muse device
move.l (a0),a0 ; get pointer to device
move.l boundsRect(a6),a1 ; get pointer to boundsRect
move left(a1),d0 ; get left coordinate of boundsRect
sub gdRect+left(a0),d0 ; subtract left coordinate of device rectangle
move d0,horizOffset(a6) ; save offset
; Second step: convert boundsRect to local coordinates (topLeft = 0, 0)
move right(a1),d0 ; compute boundsRect->right - boundsRect->left
sub left(a1),d0
move d0,localRect+right(a6) ; store in localRect.right
move bottom(a1),d0 ; compute boundsRect->bottom - boundsRect->top
sub top(a1),d0
move d0,localRect+bottom(a6) ; store in localRect.bottom
clr.l localRect+topLeft(a6) ; set localRect.top and localRect.left to 0
; If pixelDepth = 0 or noNewDeviceBit is set, we get the pixel resolution
; from the museDevice
move.l ([museDevice,a6]),a0 ; get pointer to museDevice
move.l ([gdPMap,a0]),a1 ; get pointer to its pixmap
move pmPixelSize(a1),d7 ; d7 = pixel resolution to use
; Convert pixel depth to shift amount.
; pixelShift = log2(pixelDepth). If pixelShift is not integer, pixelShift is invalid.
; Use a conversion table that is valid for integers from 0 to 32
; Table returns 0,1,2,3,4 or -1 if pixelDepth is not a power of 2.
lea ShiftTable,a0 ; table to convert pixelDepth to pixelShift (exponent of 2)
moveq #0,d0 ; clear high byte
move.b 0(a0,d7),d0 ; fetch table
bmi badPixelDepth ; if table returned -1, pixelDepth is invalid, exit w/error
move d0,pixelShift(a6) ; save exponent in pixelShift
; Calculate pixmap bounds.
; Take into account the horizontal offset. The horizontal offset represents
; the number of unused pixels at the beginning at each line of the offscreen
; pixmap, so that the offscreen pixmap is aligned to the screen.
; The horizontal offset has a meaning only when pixelDepth = 0.
move localRect+top(a6),pixmapBounds+top(a6) ; pixmapBounds.top = localRect.top
; Convert horizOffset to a number of bits modulo 32 and
; offset pixmapBounds.left with the equivalent number of pixels.
move horizOffset(a6),d1 ; get horizontal offset in pixels
lsl d0,d1 ; convert to bits
and #$1f,d1 ; offset modulo 32
lsr d0,d1 ; convert back to pixels
move localRect+left(a6),d0 ; pixmapBounds.left = localRect.left - pixelOffset
sub d1,d0
move d0,pixmapBounds+left(a6) ; store in pixmapBounds
move.l localRect+botRight(a6),pixmapBounds+botRight(a6) ; bottom and right coordinates unchanged
; Allocate the actual offscreen buffer.
; rowBytes is computed as the smallest number of longs containing one line of pixel + 31 bits,
; converted to bytes:
; (((localRect.right - localRect.left) * pixelSize + 31 + 31) / 32) * 4
; NOTE 1: Adding 31 bits gives us some leg room if we want to realign the pixmap in UpdateGWorld.
; The additional 31 bits are to force a round-up top the next long (as usual).
; NOTE 2: localRect is used instead of pixmapBounds because rowBytes is computed independently
; of the current alignment but for all possible alignments.
; NOTE 3: The above formula for rowBytes can be simplified in:
; (((localRect.right-localRect.left) * pixelSize + 30) / 32 + 1) * 4
; size of the buffer is:
; rowBytes * (pixmapBounds.bottom - pixmapBounds.top)
move localRect+right(a6),d0 ; get right coordinate
sub localRect+left(a6),d0 ; compute number of pixels per line
ext.l d0 ; convert to long
move pixelShift(a6),d1 ; get shift amount for this pixel resolution
lsl.l d1,d0 ; convert pixels to bits
add.l #30,d0 ; add 30 bits as per simplified formula above
lsr.l #5,d0 ; convert bits to longs
addq #1,d0 ; add one long as per simplified formula above
lsl.l #2,d0 ; convert longs to bytes
; Make buffer's width quad longword aligned on both ends. This will help when doing
; video digitizer grabs on Cyclone.
addi.l #15,d0 ; Add 15 bytes to make it to the next quad-w boundary <LW2>fau
andi.b #$f0,d0 ; Chop the remainder <LW2>fau
move d0,bytesPerRow(a6) ; save # of bytes in a row
move localRect+bottom(a6),d1 ; compute height of rectangle
sub localRect+top(a6),d1 ; bottom-top
mulu.w d1,d0 ; compute height * rowBytes
btst.l #useTempMemBit,d3 ; use MF temp memory? (d3 contains the flags)
beq.s @useCurHeap ; no, allocate in current heap
_NewTempHandle ; allocate it in Juggler heap, returns actual size in D0
tst.l d0 ; is it empty?
bne.s @gotMem ; no, got the memory <07Jul89> JCM
move #cTempMemErr,d0 ; yes, report error <07Jul89> JCM
bra reportError ; <07Jul89> JCM
_NewHandle ; allocate offscreen buffer (don't initialize it)
bne reportError ; if Memory Manager error, report it and quit
@gotMem move.l a0,offscreenBufH(a6) ; save handle to offscreen buffer
_MoveHHi ; move the buffer as high as possible in memory
; If purgePixBit is set, make the offscreen buffer purgeable
btst.l #purgePixBit,d3 ; is purgePixBit set? (d3 contains the flags)
beq.s @0 ; no, leave as is
_HPurge ; yes, make it purgeable
; Get inverse table resolution from the inspiration gDevice's preferred resolution
move.l ([museDevice,a6]),a0 ; get pointer to muse device
move gdResPref(a0),resPref(a6) ; save preferred resolution for later
; Create the offscreen PixMap.
; This pixmap will be used for the offscreen device and offscreen port.
; The baseAddr is a handle to the offscreen buffer.
; IMPORTANT: the pmVersion field is set to 2.
; pmVersion = PixMapVers2 means that the baseAddr is a handle.
; pmVersion = PixMapVers1 means that the baseAddr is a 32-bit pointer.
moveq #pmRec,d0 ; get size of PixMap structure
_NewHandle ,CLEAR ; allocate the handle
bne reportError ; if Memory Manager error, report it and quit
move.l a0,offscreenPixMap(a6) ; save it
move.l (a0),a1 ; a1 = pixmap pointer
; Start filling out the fields of the pixmap
move.l offscreenBufH(a6),pmBaseAddr(a1) ; store HANDLE to offscreen buffer in pixmap
move bytesPerRow(a6),d0 ; get # of bytes in a row
or #pmFlag,d0 ; flag pixmap as being a Color Quickdraw pixmap
move d0,pmRowBytes(a1) ; store rowBytes and pixmap flag in pixmap
move.l pixmapBounds+topLeft(a6),pmBounds+topLeft(a1) ; copy pixmapBounds to pixmap's bounds
move.l pixmapBounds+botRight(a6),pmBounds+botRight(a1)
move #PixMapVers2,pmVersion(a1) ; IMPORTANT: set pixmap's version to PixMapVers2 (baseAddr is a handle)
move #72,pmHRes(a1) ; hRes = 72.0 in fixed format
move #72,pmVRes(a1) ; vRes = 72.0 in fixed format
move d7,pmPixelSize(a1) ; store d7 (pixelDepth) in pixmap
; Note: Some fields will not be initialized. They remain set to 0. Those
; fields are: packType, packSize, planeBytes, pmReserved.
; The remaining fields of the pixmap are determined differently whether
; the pixel depth is 1,2,4,8 or 16,32.
cmp #16,d7 ; if pixel depth < 16,
blt.s clutPixels ; do things the classic way
; If the pixel depth is 16 or 32, device and pixel characteristics are:
; device type = direct type
; pixel type = RGB chunky direct (16)
; pixel size = 16 or 32
; component count = 3 (R,G,B)
; component size = 5 or 8
; color Table = none (dummy color table)
; inverse table = none (dummy inverse table)
move #directType,devType(a6) ; remember device type for later
move #16,pmPixelType(a1) ; pixelType = RGB chunky direct
move #3,pmCmpCount(a1) ; cmpCount = 3
moveq #8,d0 ; assume component size = 8 (32 bits/pixel)
cmp #32,d7 ; depth = 32 bits/pixel?
beq.s @0 ; yes, cmpSize = 8
moveq #5,d0 ; no, cmpSize = 5
@0 move d0,pmCmpSize(a1) ; store cmpSize in pixmap
btst.l #$1,d3
beq.s @skipthisnonsense
move.l ([museDevice,a6]),a0
move.l ([gdPMap,a0]),a0
move.l gdMode(a0),a0
move.l a0,offscreenCTable(a6)
move.l ([offscreenPixMap,a6]),a1
move.l a0,gdMode(a1)
bra createDevice
; Create an empty color table.
move #ctRec,d0 ; size of an empty color table
_NewHandle ,CLEAR ; allocate it
bne reportError ; if Memory Manager error, report it and quit
move.l a0,offscreenCTable(a6) ; save handle to dummy color table
move.l ([offscreenPixMap,a6]),a1 ; get pointer to offscreen pixmap
move.l a0,pmTable(a1) ; store handle to dummy color table in pixmap
move.l (a0),a0 ; get pointer to dummy color table
; Set the color table seed to cmpCount * cmpSize (3*8 in 32 bits/pixel, 3*5 in 16 bits/pixel)
moveq #3*8,d0 ; assume 32 bits/pixel (cmpCount=3, cmpSize=8)
cmp #32,d7 ; is depth = 32 bits/pixel?
beq.s @1 ; yes, seed = 3 * 8
moveq #3*5,d0 ; no, seed = 3 * 5
@1 move.l d0,ctSeed(a0) ; store seed in color table
; Create a dummy inverse table (doesn't have to be a seed)
moveq #4,d0 ; small handle for dummy inverse table
_NewHandle ,CLEAR ; allocate it
bne reportError ; if Memory Manager error, report it and quit
move.l a0,offscreenITable(a6) ; save handle to dummy inverse table
bra createDevice ; go create offscreen device
; If the pixel depth is 1,2,4,or 8, device and pixel characteristics are:
; device type = clut type
; pixel type = chunky (0)
; pixel size = 1,2,4,or 8
; component count = 1
; component size = pixel size
; color table = cloned from provided color table or museDevice
; inverse table = built from the color table
move #clutType,devType(a6) ; remember device type for later
move #0,pmPixelType(a1) ; pixelType = chunky
move #1,pmCmpCount(a1) ; 1 component (the pixel index)
move d7,pmCmpSize(a1) ; cmpSize = pixelSize
; If noNewDeviceBit is set, share color table with museDevice and don't create an offscreen device.
; If no color table is provided, copy color table from the muse device or
; get it from the system file.
; If the caller has provided its own color table, clone it.
move.l cTable(a6),a0 ; color table handle
; Try to get the inverse table from the museDevice if possible
; Keep handle to inverse table in a4 until we get to clone it.
; This is because we don't want to deallocate the museDevice's inverse table
; if an error occurs in cloning the color table!
move.l #nil,a4 ; initialize handle to inverse table (in a4)
; If noNewDeviceBit is set, share color table with museDevice and skip device creation part
btst.l #noNewDeviceBit,d3 ; is noNewDeviceBit set? (d3 contains the flags)
beq.s checkPixelDepth ; no, look at pixel depth
; Get color table handle from museDevice and store it in the offscreenPixMap
move.l ([museDevice,a6]),a0 ; get the master pointer to the device
move.l ([gdPMap,a0]),a0 ; get the master pointer to its pixmap
move.l pmTable(a0),a0 ; get the color table handle
move.l a0,offscreenCTable(a6) ; save it
move.l ([offscreenPixMap,a6]),a1 ; get pointer to offscreen pixmap
move.l a0,pmTable(a1) ; store handle to color table in pixmap
bra initPort ; go directly to port initialization, skip device stuff
; If pixelDepth = 0, ignore cTable, copy color table from museDevice
tst pixelDepth(a6) ; is pixelDepth 0?
beq.s getFromMuse ; yes, get color table from museDevice
; If cTable is not nil, clone it
cmp.l #nil,a0 ; if cTable is not nil,
bne.s cloneCTab ; just clone it
; if cTable is nil and pixelDepth <> 0, get default color table for pixelDepth
clr.l -(sp) ; leave room for CTabHandle result
move pixelDepth(a6),-(sp) ; use pixelDepth as ID
_GetCTable ; get a copy of the system color table for pixelDepth
move.l (sp)+,a0 ; get handle to color table
tst.l a0 ; was the call successful?
bne.s dontCloneCTab ; yes, this a copy already, don't clone it
; If pixelDepth = 0 or if getting the default color table failed,
; get color table and inverse table from our inspiration gDevice
move.l ([museDevice,a6]),a0 ; get the master pointer to the device
move.l gdITable(a0),a4 ; get its inverse table handle and keep it in a4
move.l ([gdPMap,a0]),a0 ; get the master pointer to its pixmap
move.l pmTable(a0),a0 ; get the color table handle
; Clone the color table
_HandToHand ; color table handle is in a0
bne reportError ; if Memory Manager error, report it and quit
; Store handle to color table in pixmap
move.l a0,offscreenCTable(a6) ; save cloned color table handle
move.l ([offscreenPixMap,a6]),a1 ; get pointer to offscreen pixmap
move.l a0,pmTable(a1) ; store handle to cloned color table in pixmap
; Create an inverse table for the offscreen color table.
; If the color table came from an existing device, we already have the inverse
; table.
; If we don't have the inverse table yet, scan the DeviceList for a device
; that might have the same color table.
; If still unsuccessful, we have to call MakeITable.
; If we got the inverse table for free in a4 (from museDevice), just clone it.
move.l a4,a0 ; get handle to offscreen inverse table
tst.l a0 ; is it nil?
bne.s cloneITab ; no, we already have it, just clone it
; Scan device list to find a device with same color table
clr.l -(sp) ; leave room for ITabHandle result
move.l offscreenCTable(a6),-(sp) ; push handle to color table
jsr FindInverseTable ; find corresponding inverse table in the device list
move.l (sp)+,a0 ; get ITabHandle result
tst.l a0 ; if we found an already built inverse table,
bne.s cloneITab ; clone it
; Allocate inverse table to its initial size
moveq #4,d0 ; initial size is 2
_NewHandle ,CLEAR ; allocate it
bne reportError ; if Memory Manager error, report it and quit
move.l a0,offscreenITable(a6) ; save handle to inverse table
; Build Inverse Table
move.l offscreenCTable(a6),-(sp) ; push handle to offscreen color table
move.l a0,-(sp) ; push handle to offscreen inverse table
move resPref(a6),-(sp) ; push inverse table resolution
_MakeITable ; build inverse table
move QDErr,d0 ; check for MakeITable errors (in QDErr)
bne reportError ; report error and quit
bra.s createDevice ; go create the offscreen device
; Clone inverse table if not created by MakeITable
_HandToHand ; inverse table handle is in a0, clone it
bne reportError ; if Memory Manager error, report it and quit
move.l a0,offscreenITable(a6) ; save handle to cloned inverse table
; Create the offscreen device.
; Don't call NewGDevice to avoid allocating the offscreen device in the
; system heap.
; Don't allocate expanded cursor data and mask because this device is not
; a screen device.
; Uninitialized fields remain set to 0. Those fields are:
; gdRefNum: this device has no driver
; gdID: initially set to 0
; gdSearchProc: initially set to 0
; gdCompProc: initially set to 0
; gdRefCon
; gdNextGD: this device is not in the device list (should it?)
; gdCCBytes: no cursor on a non-screen device
; gdCCDepth: idem
; gdCCXData: idem
; gdCCXMask: idem
; gdReserved: must be 0
; NOTE: This part is skipped if noNewDeviceBit is set.
btst.l #noNewDeviceBit,d3 ; is noNewDeviceBit set? (d3 contains the flags)
bne.s initPort ; yes, then we don't want an offscreen device
; Allocate memory for gDevice structure
moveq #gdRec,d0 ; get size of gDevice structure
_NewHandle ,CLEAR ; allocate the handle
bne reportError ; if Memory Manager error, report it and quit
move.l a0,offscreenDevice(a6) ; save handle to offscreen device
move.l (a0),a0 ; get pointer to device
; Fill in the fields of the gDevice
move devType(a6),gdType(a0) ; set device type to previously computed value
move.l offscreenITable(a6),gdITable(a0) ; store handle to inverse table
move resPref(a6),gdResPref(a0) ; set device preferred resolution as determined earlier
move #(1<<noDriver),d0 ; set device flags to noDriver
; Set device flags to color, except if pixel depth = 1 bit/pixel (=> monochrome)
cmp #1,d7 ; is depth 1 bit/pixel?
beq.s @0 ; yes, leave device flags as is
or #(1<<gdDevType),d0 ; no, set color bit in flags
@0 move d0,gdFlags(a0) ; store device flags
move.l offscreenPixMap(a6),gdPMap(a0) ; store handle to pixmap
move.l pixmapBounds+topLeft(a6),gdRect+topLeft(a0) ; copy pixmapBounds to device's gdRect
move.l pixmapBounds+botRight(a6),gdRect+botRight(a0)
move.l #-1,gdMode(a0) ; set mode to -1
; From now on, use the offscreen device as our museDevice
move.l offscreenDevice(a6),museDevice(a6)
; Initialize the offscreen port.
; The port is made to represent accurately the characteristics of the
; offscreen device (pixmap, color table, etc.)
; Set current device to museDevice before initializing offscreen port
; At this point, museDevice is the offscreen device. If no offscreen
; device was created (cTable=-1), museDevice is the current device.
move.l theGDevice,saveDevice(a6) ; save current device
move.l museDevice(a6),theGDevice ; set muse device as current
move.l GrafGlobals(a5),a0 ; get address of Quickdraw Globals <1.5>
move.l thePort(a0),-(sp) ; set the current port <1.5>
move.l offscreenPort(a6),-(sp) ; push address of offscreen port
_OpenCPort ; initialize port structure
move.l GrafGlobals(a5),a0 ; get address of Quickdraw Globals <1.5>
move.l (sp)+,thePort(a0) ; set the current port <1.5>
move.l saveDevice(a6),theGDevice ; restore current device
; If noNewDeviceBit is set, the portPixMap was copied from the current device,
; which is wrong. Dispose of that pixmap and replace it with the offscreen
; pixmap.
btst.l #noNewDeviceBit,d3 ; is noNewDeviceBit set? (d3 contains the flags)
beq.s computePortRect ; no, don't mess with portPixMap
; Dispose of the portPixMap without disposing of its color table (which
; is owned by the muse device).
move.l offscreenPort(a6),a0 ; get pointer to offscreen port
move.l portPixMap(a0),a0 ; push portPixMap handle
_DisposHandle ; and dispose of it
; Use the offscreen PixMap created earlier as the offscreen port's PixMap
move.l offscreenPixMap(a6),a0 ; get handle to offscreen PixMap
move.l offscreenPort(a6),a1 ; get pointer to offscreen port
move.l a0,portPixMap(a1) ; store offscreenPixMap handle in port's portPixMap
; Set the portRect field of the GrafPort to localRect,
; Note that:
; if pixelDepth is 0:
; localRect = boundsRect offset so that topLeft = (0,0)
; if pixelDepth is non 0:
; localRect = boundsRect
move.l offscreenPort(a6),a1 ; get pointer to offscreen port
move.l localRect+topLeft(a6),portRect+topLeft(a1) ; copy localRect to portRect
move.l localRect+botRight(a6),portRect+botRight(a1)
; Set visible region of offscreen port to portRect
move.l visRgn(a1),-(sp) ; push handle to visRgn
pea portRect(a1) ; push address of portRect
_RectRgn ; make visRgn = portRect
; Store in the grafVars substructure a reference to the offscreen device
; (or muse device if no offscreen device) and some flags.
; Expand the grafVars substructure to the size of the extended grafVars record
;Êas seen in QDciPatchROM.a at RectRgn come-from patch <sm 6/9/92>stb
move.l offscreenPort(a6),a0 ; get pointer to offscreen port
MOVE.L grafVars(A0),-(SP) ; push handle to grafvars <21>
_ResizeGrafVars ; set grafvars to extended size <21>
; Store museDevice (which is the offscreen device or aGDevice or the deepest
; device intersecting boundsRect) in the grafVars.
move.l offscreenPort(a6),a0 ; get pointer to offscreen port
move.l ([grafVars,a0]),a0 ; get pointer to grafVars structure
move.l museDevice(a6),attachDevice(a0) ; store museDevice in grafVars
; Remembers whether we created the attachDevice or not.
moveq #true,d0 ; assume we created it
btst.l #noNewDeviceBit,d3 ; is noNewDeviceBit set? (d3 contains the flags)
beq.s @0 ; no, we created the device
moveq #false,d0 ; yes, we didn't create it
@0 move.b d0,devOwned(a0) ; store it in grafVars
; Remembers whether the pixels were allocated in MultiFinder temp memory or not <07Jul89> JCM
moveq #false,d0 ; assume not in temp memory <07Jul89> JCM
btst.l #useTempMemBit,d3 ; use MF temp memory? (d3 contains the flags) <07Jul89> JCM
beq.s @1 ; no, allocated in current heap <07Jul89> JCM
moveq #true,d0 ; yes, in MF temp memory <16Jul89> JCM
@1 move.b d0,useMFTemp(a0) ; store it in grafVars <07Jul89> JCM
; Mark the offscreen port as being a GWorld.
move.l offscreenPort(a6),a0 ; get pointer to offscreen port
or #isGWorldMask,portVersion(a0) ; set isGWorld bit in portVersion
; Store the offscreen port in the GWorldPtr variable
move.l offscreenGWorld(a6),a0 ; get pointer to offscreen GWorld variable
move.l offscreenPort(a6),(a0) ; store in it the pointer to the offscreen port
; We're done. Return error code and put a copy of it in low-memory QDErr.
goHome move result(a6),d0 ; copy error code to d0 <21Jun89> JCM
ext.l d0 ; make d0 a long <21Jun89> JCM
move d0,QDErr ; copy error code to low-memory global QDErr <21Jun89> JCM
movem.l (sp)+,d3-d7/a2-a4 ; restore regs
unlk a6 ; get rid of stack frame
rtd #paramSize ; get rid of parameters and return to caller
; When an error occurs, all allocated memory is freed and an error code
; is returned.
move #cDepthErr,result(a6) ; pixel depth invalid
bra.s disposOffscreenHandles ; release memory and exit
move #paramErr,result(a6) ; one of the parameters is invalid
bra.s disposOffscreenHandles ; release memory and exit
move d0,result(a6) ; directly report Memory Manager error
; Dispose of all allocated memory (handle is allocated when non zero)
; If the port has been opened, close it and then dispose of the actual port structure
move.l offscreenBufH(a6),a0 ; get handle to offscreen buffer
_DisposHandle ; dispose it
move.l offscreenPixMap(a6),a0 ; get handle to offscreen pixmap
_DisposHandle ; dispose it
move.l offscreenCTable(a6),a0 ; get handle to offscreen color table
_DisposHandle ; dispose it
move.l offscreenDevice(a6),a0 ; get handle to offscreen device
_DisposHandle ; dispose it
move.l offscreenITable(a6),a0 ; get handle to offscreen inverse table
_DisposHandle ; dispose it
move.l offscreenPortH(a6),d7 ; get handle to offscreen port
beq.s goHome ; if nil, don't do anything
move.l d7,a0 ; if not nil, check if the port has been opened
move.l (a0),a0 ; get pointer to port
move portVersion(a0),d0 ; get portVersion
and #cPortFlag,d0 ; check if cPortFlag set
cmp #cPortFlag,d0 ; is it set?
bne.s @0 ; if not set, don't close port
move.l (a0),-(sp) ; push pointer to port
_CloseCPort ; close it down
move.l d7,a0 ; get handle to offscreen port
_DisposHandle ; dispose it
bra.s goHome ; exit
; ShiftTable converts integers from 0 to 32 into their base 2 logarithm.
; Input: integers from 0 to 32
; Output: if input = 2^n, output = n
; otherwise, output = -1
ShiftTable dc.b -1,0,1,-1,2,-1,-1,-1
dc.b 3,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1
dc.b 4,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1
dc.b -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,5
; Currently don't use GetMaxAreaDevice in NewGWorld, UpdateGWorld, and
; NewScreenBuffer because if it doesn't have the same depth and color table
; as the deepest device intersecting the boundsRect, all performance gain
; will be lost. I could make GetMaxAreaDevice smarter.
if 0 then
GetMaxAreaDevice PROC EXPORT
; FUNCTION GetMaxAreaDevice (globalRect: Rect): GDHandle;
; Find the device that has the largest overlapping area with globalRect.
; Take into account only active screen devices in device list.
; A6 offsets of parameters after link:
paramSize equ 4 ; size of parameters
maxAreaDevice equ paramSize+8 ; LONG, GDHandle result
globalRect equ maxAreaDevice-4 ; LONG, pointer to globalRect
; A6 offsets of local variables after link:
intersection equ -8 ; Rect, intersection of device and globalRect
varSize equ intersection ; size of local variables
link a6,#varSize ; allocate local variables
movem.l a2-a4/d3,-(sp) ; save regs
; Go through device list and find maximum overlap device
moveq #0,d3 ; initial overlap area
moveq #nil,a2 ; initial greatest overlapping device
move.l DeviceList,a3 ; start at beginning of device list
tst.l a3 ; is there a device (there should, really!)
beq exit ; exit if no device
move.l (a3),a0 ; get pointer to device
move gdFlags(a0),d0 ; get device flags
btst #screenDevice,d0 ; is device a screen device?
beq nextDevice ; no, go to next device
btst #screenActive,d0 ; is device an active screen?
beq nextDevice ; no, go to next device
clr.b -(sp) ; leave room for boolean result
move.l globalRect(a6),-(sp) ; push globalRect
pea gdRect(a0) ; push address of device rectangle
pea intersection(a6) ; push address of intersection rectangle
_SectRect ; calculate intersection of globalRect and device
move.b (sp)+,d0 ; true if intersection is not empty
beq nextDevice ; no intersection, go to next device
move intersection+right(a6),d0 ; calculate intersection->right - intersection->left
sub intersection+left(a6),d0
move intersection+bottom(a6),d1 ; calculate intersection->bottom - intersection->top
sub intersection+top(a6),d1
mulu d1,d0 ; calculate area
cmp.l d3,d0 ; is area > maximum area up to now?
ble nextDevice ; no, go to next device
move.l d0,d3 ; yes, keep new area in d3
move.l a3,a2 ; remember corresponding device in a2
move.l (a3),a0 ; get pointer to device
move.l gdNextGD(a0),a3 ; get handle to next device in list
tst.l a3 ; is there another device?
bne deviceLoop ; yes, check it out
exit move.l a2,maxAreaDevice(a6) ; no, return greatest overlapping device
movem.l (sp)+,a2-a4/d3 ; restore regs
unlk a6 ; get rid of stack frame
rtd #paramSize ; get rid of parameters and return to caller
FindInverseTable PROC EXPORT
; FUNCTION FindInverseTable (ctab: CTabHandle): ITabHandle;
; Find a device that has an inverse table with the same seed as ctab,
; and return a handle to its inverse table.
; If the search is unsuccessful, return NIL.
; NOTE: This algorithm uses the seeds of the color tables and inverse tables
; for comparison. It is possible to have two identical color tables
; with the same seed.
; Stack offsets of parameters
paramSize equ 4 ; size of parameters
itab equ paramSize+4 ; LONG, ITabHandle result
ctab equ itab-4 ; LONG, handle to color table
; Get ctab's seed
move.l ([ctab,sp]),a0 ; get a pointer to the color table
move.l ctSeed(a0),d0 ; get the color table's seed
; Go through device list and try to find a device that has an inverse table
; with a seed identical to the seed of ctab.
move.l DeviceList,a0 ; start at beginning of device list
tst.l a0 ; is there a device (there should, really!)?
beq.s exit ; exit if no device
move.l (a0),a0 ; get pointer to device
move.l gdITable(a0),a2 ; get handle to inverse table
move.l (a2),a1 ; get pointer to inverse table
cmp.l ITabSeed(a1),d0 ; are seed identical?
beq.s exit ; yes, we found it!!
move.l gdNextGD(a0),a0 ; get handle to next device in list
tst.l a0 ; is there another device?
bne.s deviceLoop ; yes, check it out
moveq #nil,a2 ; didn't find anything, return NIL
exit move.l a2,itab(sp) ; store handle to inverse table in result
rtd #paramSize ; get rid of parameters and return to caller
; PROCEDURE GetGWorld (VAR port: CGrafPtr; VAR gdh: GDHandle);
; Return the current port and gDevice.
; Stack offsets of parameters
paramSize equ 8 ; size of parameters
port equ paramSize+4-4 ; LONG, address of CGrafPtr variable
gdh equ port-4 ; LONG, address of GDHandle variable
move.l port(sp),a0 ; get address of port variable
move.l GrafGlobals(a5),a1 ; get address of Quickdraw Globals
move.l thePort(a1),(a0) ; put the current port in port variable
move.l gdh(sp),a0 ; get address of gDevice variable
move.l theGDevice,(a0) ; store in it current device
rtd #paramSize ; get rid of parameters and return to caller
; PROCEDURE SetGWorld (port: CGrafPtr; gdh: GDHandle);
; Set the current port and device.
; If port is a GWorldPtr, set the current device to its attached device and ignore gdh.
; If port is not a GWorldPtr, set the current device to gdh.
; If port is not a GWorldPtr and gdh is NIL, the current device is set to MainDevice.
; If port is a GWorldPtr but doesn't have an attached device (should never happen),
; the current device is set to MainDevice.
; Stack offsets of parameters
paramSize equ 8 ; size of parameters
port equ paramSize+4-4 ; LONG, new current port
gdh equ port-4 ; LONG, new current device
; Set the current port
move.l GrafGlobals(a5),a0 ; get address of Quickdraw Globals
move.l port(sp),thePort(a0) ; set the current port
move.l gdh(sp),a1 ; get the new device in a1
; See if port is a GWorldPtr
move.l port(sp),a0 ; get pointer to grafport
move portVersion(a0),d0 ; get the port's portVersion/rowBytes
and #GWorldFlag,d0 ; mask all other bits than the GWorldFlag
cmp #GWorldFlag,d0 ; is it exactly equal to GWorldFlag?
bne.s setDevice ; if yes, get its attached device
; If port is a GWorldPtr, get the attached device in its grafVars substructure
move.l ([grafVars,a0]),a0 ; get pointer to the grafVars
move.l attachDevice(a0),a1 ; get attached device in a1
; Set the current device. If gdh is NIL, reset the current device to MainDevice
tst.l a1 ; is it NIL?
bne.s @0 ; yes, reset to MainDevice
move.l MainDevice,a1 ; get handle to main device
move.l a1,theGDevice ; set current device
exit rtd #paramSize ; get rid of parameters and return to caller
; PROCEDURE DisposeGWorld (offscreenGWorld: GWorldPtr);
; Dispose all the memory allocated for the offscreen graphics world
; described by offscreenGWorld.
; Stack offsets of parameters
paramSize equ 4 ; size of parameters
offscreenGWorld equ paramSize+4-4 ; LONG, offscreen graphics world
; Check that offscreenGWorld is really a GWorld
move.l offscreenGWorld(sp),a0 ; get pointer to grafport
move portVersion(a0),d0 ; get the port's portVersion/rowBytes
and #GWorldFlag,d0 ; mask all other bits than the GWorldFlag
cmp #GWorldFlag,d0 ; is it exactly equal to GWorldFlag?
bne.s exit ; if no, this isn't a GWorld, don't do anything
; Get handle to offscreen buffer
; If pmVersion=PixMapVers2, baseAddr is a handle
; If pmVersion=PixMapVers1, baseAddr is the master pointer
; Otherwise, trouble, don't dispose baseAddr.
move.l ([portPixMap,a0]),a1 ; get pointer to pixmap
move.l baseAddr(a1),a0 ; get pointer/handle to offscreen buffer
move pmVersion(a1),d0 ; get pmVersion
cmp #PixMapVers2,d0 ; is pmVersion version 2?
beq.s @0 ; yes, baseAddr is already a handle
cmp #PixMapVers1,d0 ; is pmVersion version 1?
bne.s dontDisposeBaseAddr ; no, abnormal situation, don't dispose baseAddr
; If pmVersion = PixMapVers1, baseAddr is a pointer, recover the handle
; Note that pmVersion = PixMapVers1 also means the handle is temporarily unpurgeable so
; the baseAddr is always valid.
_RecoverHandle ; get handle to offscreen buffer
_DisposHandle ; dispose offscreen buffer
; Dispose of the offscreen device if any
move.l offscreenGWorld(sp),a0 ; get pointer to grafport
move.l ([grafVars,a0]),a0 ; get pointer to grafVars substructure
move.b devOwned(a0),d0 ; look at devOwned flag
beq.s dontDisposeGDevice ; if false, don't deallocate device, we didnt' create it
; If the attached device is the current device, reset the current device
; to MainDevice. We don't want the current device to be garbage, do we?
move.l attachDevice(a0),a0 ; get handle to attached device
cmp.l theGDevice,a0 ; is it the current device?
bne.s @1 ; no, don't change current device
move.l MainDevice,theGDevice ; yes, set current device to Main Device
move.l a0,-(sp) ; push handle to offscreen device
_DisposGDevice ; get rid of gDevice structure and substructures
; Dispose of all substructures of the offscreen port
move.l offscreenGWorld(sp),-(sp) ; push pointer to offscreen port
_CloseCPort ; get rid of all substructures
move.l offscreenGWorld(sp),a0 ; get pointer to grafport
_RecoverHandle ; find handle to grafport
_DisposHandle ; dispose memory of grafport structure
exit rtd #paramSize ; get rid of parameters and return to caller
; FUNCTION GetGWorldDevice (offscreenGWorld: GWorldPtr): GDHandle;
; Returns a handle to the attached device to offscreenGWorld.
; If offscreenGWorld is not a GWorld, returns the current device.
; Stack offsets of parameters
paramSize equ 4 ; size of parameters
offscreenDevice equ paramSize+4 ; LONG, handle to attached device
offscreenGWorld equ offscreenDevice-4 ; LONG, offscreen graphics world
; Check that offscreenGWorld is really a GWorld
move.l offscreenGWorld(sp),a0 ; get pointer to grafport
move portVersion(a0),d0 ; get the port's portVersion/rowBytes
and #GWorldFlag,d0 ; mask all other bits than the GWorldFlag
cmp #GWorldFlag,d0 ; is it exactly equal to GWorldFlag?
beq.s getAttachDevice ; if yes, go get the attached device
; If offscreenGWorld is not a GWorld, return current device
move.l theGDevice,offscreenDevice(sp) ; store the current device in result
bra.s exit ; and exit
; If offscreenGWorld is a GWorld, return the attached device
move.l ([grafVars,a0]),a0 ; get pointer to grafVars substructure
move.l attachDevice(a0),offscreenDevice(sp) ; store handle to attached device in result
exit rtd #paramSize ; get rid of parameters and return to caller
;Êas seen in QDciPatchROM.a verbatim <sm 6/9/92>stb
; FUNCTION UpdateGWorld (VAR offscreenGWorld: GWorldPtr; pixelDepth: INTEGER;
; boundsRect: Rect; cTable: CTabHandle; aGDevice: GDHandle;
; Update the given graphics world to the new conditions (pixelDepth, boundsRect,
; color table, and optionally aGDevice).
; offscreenGWorld is both input and output. A pointer to the new GWorld is returned
; in offscreenGWorld.
; Flags determine how the pixels are preserved. It contains the following bits:
; clipPixBit = clip the pixels to the new boundsRect.
; stretchPixBit = stretch or shrink the pixels to the new boundsRect.
; ditherPixBit = dither the pixels
; clipPixBit and stretchPixBit are mutually exclusive.
; If flags is 0, no update occurs.
; Possible combinations are:
; 0, clipPixMask, stretchPixMask, clipPixMask+ditherPixMask, stretchPixMask+ditherPixMask
; PixelDepth, boundsRect, and cTable work in the same way as in NewGWorld.
; If aGDevice is not NIL, pixelDepth and cTable are ignored, and aGDevice's pixel depth
; and color table are used instead.
; If offscreenGWorld doesn't have an offscreen device and aGDevice is not NIL, aGDevice
; becomes the new attached device.
; UpdateGWorld returns an error code if it failed, 0 if it didn't do anything, and
; a positive number if it succeeded. This number describes what actions UpdateGWorld performed
; with the following bits:
; mapPixBit = set if color table mapping occurred
; newDepthBit = set if pixels were scaled to a different depth
; alignPixBit = set if pixels were realigned to screen alignment
; newRowBytesBit = set if pixmap was reconfigured in a new rowBytes
; reallocPixBit = set if offscreen buffer had to be reallocated
; clipPixBit = set if pixels were or are to be clipped
; stretchPixBit = set if pixels were or are to be stretched/shrinked
; ditherPixBit = set if pixels were or are to be dithered
; A6 offsets of parameters after link:
paramSize equ 22 ; size of parameters
result equ paramSize+8 ; LONG, QDErr or flags
offscreenGWorld equ result-4 ; LONG, address of offscreen GWorldPtr variable
pixelDepth equ offscreenGWorld-2 ; WORD, new pixel depth
boundsRect equ pixelDepth-4 ; LONG, address of new bound Rectangle
cTable equ boundsRect-4 ; LONG, handle to new color table
aGDevice equ cTable-4 ; LONG, handle to device to use instead of pixelDepth and cTable
gDevflags equ aGDevice-4 ; LONG, defines pixel transfer
; A6 offsets of local variables after link:
newGWorld equ -4 ; LONG, new offscreen GWorld
clipSrcRect equ newGWorld-8 ; Rect, srcRect clipped
clipDstRect equ clipSrcRect-8 ; Rect, same size as srcRect, but in dstRect coordinates
newFlags equ clipDstRect-4 ; LONG, contains purgePixBit and noNewDeviceBit
state equ newFlags-4 ; LONG, lock/purge state of pixels
purged equ state-1 ; BYTE, true if offscreen buffer has been purged
sameBounds equ purged-1 ; BYTE, true if the portRects of old and new gworlds are the same
mode equ sameBounds-2 ; WORD, transfer mode used by CopyBits
savePort equ mode-4 ; LONG, pointer to saved port
saveDevice equ savePort-4 ; LONG, handle to saved device
newBounds equ saveDevice-8 ; Rect, boundsRect converted to portRect
pixSize equ newBounds-2 ; WORD, pixel size of new offscreen gworld
colTabSeed equ pixSize-4 ; LONG, seed of new offscreen gworld's color table
horizOffset equ colTabSeed-2 ; WORD, alignment of new offscreen pixmap
newNumRowBytes equ horizOffset-2 ; WORD, rowBytes of new offscreen gworld
reserved equ newNumRowBytes-2 ; WORD, (match the ROM version of this stack frame)
saveStack equ reserved-4 ; LONG, copy of stack pointer after saving the register
maxDevice equ saveStack-4 ; LONG, handle to max device if pixelDepth = 0
newCTable equ maxDevice-4 ; LONG, handle to the new color table
newITable equ newCTable-4 ; LONG, handle to the new inverse table
resPref equ newITable-2 ; WORD, preferred resolution for inverse table
oldBufSize equ resPref-4 ; LONG, size of old offscreen buffer
saveForeColor equ oldBufSize-colorSpecSize ; ColorSpec, saved fg RGB color
saveBackColor equ saveForeColor-colorSpecSize ; ColorSpec, saved bk RGB color
saveClip equ saveBackColor-4 ; LONG, handle to saved clip region
varSize equ saveClip ; size of local variables
link a6,#varSize ; allocate local variables
movem.l a2-a4/d5-d7,-(sp) ; save regs
move.l sp,saveStack(a6) ; save the stack pointer
; Initialize the flags
clr.l result(a6) ; Assume no error and nothing to do
clr.l newFlags(a6) ; initialize flags for NewGWorld
; Check that no other bit than clipPixBit, stretchPixBit and ditherPixBit are set
move.l gDevFlags(a6),d0 ; get the flags
and.l #~(clipPix+stretchPix+ditherPix),d0 ; clear clipPixBit, stretchPixBit, ditherPixBit
tst.l d0 ; is any other bit set?
bne paramError ; yes, report a parameter error and quit
; Check that clipPixBit and stretchPixBit are not both set in the flags
move.l gDevFlags(a6),d0 ; get the flags
and.l #clipPix+stretchPix,d0 ; get clipPixBit and stretchPixBit
cmp.l #clipPix+stretchPix,d0 ; if both bit are set, quit with parameter error
beq paramError ; report error and quit
; Check that if ditherPixBit is set, one of clipPixBit or stretchPixBit is also set
move.l gDevFlags(a6),d0 ; get the flags
btst.l #ditherPixBit,d0 ; is ditherPixBit set?
beq getOffGWorld ; no, skip this
and.l #clipPix+stretchPix,d0 ; is one those bits set?
beq paramError ; nope, they're both 0, report error and quit
; Remember pointer to offscreen GWorld
move.l ([offscreenGWorld,a6]),a3 ; get pointer to offscreen GWorld
; Save the current graphics world
pea savePort(a6) ; push address of savePort
pea saveDevice(a6) ; push address of saveDevice
_GetGWorld ; get current graphics world
; If aGDevice is not NIL, use its depth and color table
move.l aGDevice(a6),d0 ; get handle to aGDevice
beq.s getNewParms ; it's NIL, don't do anything with it
move.l d0,a0 ; get handle in a0
move.l (a0),a0 ; get pointer to aGDevice
move.l ([gdPMap,a0]),a0 ; get pointer to its pixmap
move pixelSize(a0),pixelDepth(a6) ; use its pixelSize
move.l pmTable(a0),cTable(a6) ; and its color table
; Compute new portRect and get new pixSize and color table seed for new offscreen graphics world
move.l boundsRect(a6),a0 ; get pointer to boundsRect
; Check range validity of pixelDepth -- it must be between 0 and 32.
move pixelDepth(a6),d7 ; pixel resolution
beq.s useMaxDevice ; if depth = 0, find max resolution
cmp #32,d7 ; illegal if > 32
bhi badPixelDepth ; exit with error
bra.s boundsIsLocal ; no, just copy boundsRect as is
; If pixelDepth = 0:
; Offset boundsRect in newBounds so that topLeft = (0,0)
clr.l newBounds+topLeft(a6)
move bottom(a0),d0 ; compute newBounds.bottom = boundsRect->bottom - boundsRect->top
sub top(a0),d0
move d0,newBounds+bottom(a6)
move right(a0),d0 ; compute newBounds.right = boundsRect->right - boundsRect->left
sub left(a0),d0
move d0,newBounds+right(a6)
; Get pixSize from max device
clr.l -(sp) ; leave room for GDHandle result
move.l boundsRect(a6),-(sp) ; pass boundsRect as a global rect in screen space
_GetMaxDevice ; find deepest device that intersects boundsRect
move.l (sp)+,d0 ; get handle to max device <KON 6JUN90>
beq paramError ; if NIL, exit <KON 6JUN90>
move.l d0,a0 ; <KON 6JUN90>
move.l a0,maxDevice(a6) ; remember max device
move.l (a0),a1 ; get pointer to device
move.l ([gdPMap,a1]),a0 ; get pointer to its pixmap
move pixelSize(a0),pixSize(a6) ; get its pixel size
; Get color table seed from max device
move.l ([pmTable,a0]),a0 ; get pointer to color table
move.l ctSeed(a0),colTabSeed(a6) ; get its color table seed
; Get new pixmap alignment with the max device
move.l boundsRect(a6),a0 ; get pointer to boundsRect
move left(a0),d0 ; get left coordinate of boundsRect
sub gdRect+left(a1),d0 ; subtract left coordinate of device rectangle
move d0,horizOffset(a6) ; save offset
bra.s checkPixShift
; If pixelDepth is not 0:
; Copy boundsRect to newBounds without modification
move.l topLeft(a0),newBounds+topLeft(a6) ; copy boundsRect to newBounds
move.l botRight(a0),newBounds+botRight(a6)
; Alignment is 0
clr horizOffset(a6) ; no alignment if boundsRect is not global
; PixSize = pixelDepth
move pixelDepth(a6),pixSize(a6) ; if pixDepth is not 0, pixSize = pixelDepth
; If cTable is not 0, get its seed
move.l cTable(a6),d0 ; get handle to color table
beq.s noCTable ; if cTable is 0, use default seed
move.l d0,a0 ; get handle to color table
move.l (a0),a0 ; get pointer to color table
move.l ctSeed(a0),colTabSeed(a6) ; get color table seed
bra.s checkPixShift
; If cTable is 0, the color table seed is cmpCnt * cmpSize
move pixelDepth(a6),d0 ; get pixel depth
cmp #16,d0 ; is it 16 bits/pixel?
bne.s check32 ; no, check to see if it is 32 bits/pixel
move #3*5,d0 ; if 16 bits/pixel, cmpCnt * cmpSize = 3 * 5
bra.s setCtSeed
check32 cmp #32,d0 ; is it 32 bits/pixel?
bne.s setCTSeed ; no, then pixelDepth = cmpCnt * cmpSize
move #3*8,d0 ; if 32 bits/pixel, cmpCnt * cmpSize = 3 * 8
ext.l d0 ; convert to long
move.l d0,colTabSeed(a6) ; remember color table seed
; Convert pixel depth to shift amount
; Use ShiftTbl for conversion
move pixSize(a6),d7 ; get pixel size
lea ShiftTable,a0 ; table to convert pixSize to pixelShift (exponent of 2)
moveq #0,d0 ; clear high byte
move.b 0(a0,d7),d7 ; fetch table
bmi badPixelDepth ; if table returned -1, pixelDepth is invalid, exit w/error
; Convert horizOffset to a number of pixels such that the equivalent number of bits is modulo 32
move horizOffset(a6),d0 ; get horizontal offset in pixels
lsl d7,d0 ; convert to bits
and #$1f,d0 ; offset modulo 32
lsr d7,d0 ; convert back to pixels
move d0,horizOffset(a6) ; save back in horizOffset <19Jun89> JCM
; Get rowBytes from old pixmap, assume it will not change
move.l ([portPixMap,a3]),a0 ; get pointer to old pixmap
move rowBytes(a0),d0 ; get rowBytes
and #nuRBMask,d0 ; strip off flags
move d0,newNumRowBytes(a6) ; assume rowBytes doesn't change
; Compare the portRects of the old and new world.
; If same, set the sameBounds flag
clr.b sameBounds(a6) ; assume portRects are different
move.l portRect+topLeft(a3),d0 ; get the topLeft coordinates of the old gworld
cmp.l newBounds+topLeft(a6),d0 ; compare with topLeft coordinates of new gworld
bne.s compareSize
move.l portRect+botRight(a3),d0 ; get the botRight coordinates of the old gworld
cmp.l newBounds+botRight(a6),d0 ; compare with botRight coordinates of new gworld
bne.s compareSize
move.b #true,sameBounds(a6) ; rectangles are equal, set the sameBounds flag
bra checkAlignment ; skip comparing size
; If different size, set clipPixBit or stretchPixBit depending on flags
move portRect+right(a3),d0 ; calculate old port's width (a3 = old GWorldPtr)
sub portRect+left(a3),d0
move newBounds+right(a6),d1 ; calculate new port's width
sub newBounds+left(a6),d1
cmp d0,d1 ; are widths the same?
bne.s checkRowBytes ; no, check the rowBytes
move portRect+bottom(a3),d0 ; calculate old port's height
sub portRect+top(a3),d0
move newBounds+bottom(a6),d1 ; calculate new port's height
sub newBounds+top(a6),d1
cmp d0,d1 ; are heights the same?
beq.s checkAlignment ; yes, portRect's are same size, no clipping/stretching
; Compute rowBytes of new world.
; Compare the rowBytes of the old and new world.
; If different, set newRowBytes bit
; Then, set the clipPixBit or stretchPixBit
move newBounds+right(a6),d0 ; compute pixmap.bounds.right - pixmap.bounds.left
sub newBounds+left(a6),d0 ; don't take into account alignment
; Allocate the actual offscreen buffer.
; rowBytes is computed as the smallest number of longs containing one line of pixel + 31 bits,
; converted to bytes:
; (((localRect.right - localRect.left) * pixelSize + 31 + 31) / 32) * 4
; NOTE 1: Adding 31 bits gives us some leg room if we want to realign the pixmap in UpdateGWorld.
; The additional 31 bits are to force a round-up top the next long (as usual).
; NOTE 2: localRect is used instead of pixmapBounds because rowBytes is computed independently
; of the current alignment but for all possible alignments.
; NOTE 3: The above formula for rowBytes can be simplified in:
; (((localRect.right-localRect.left) * pixelSize + 30) / 32 + 1) * 4
ext.l d0 ; convert to long
lsl.l d7,d0 ; convert pixels to bits (pixShift is in d7)
add.l #30,d0 ; add 30 bits as per simplified formula above
lsr.l #5,d0 ; convert bits to longs
addq #1,d0 ; add one long as per simplified formula above
lsl.l #2,d0 ; convert longs to bytes
move d0,newNumRowBytes(a6) ; save # of bytes in a row
; Compare the rowBytes of the old and new world and set the newRowBytesBit if different
move.l ([portPixMap,a3]),a0 ; get pointer to old pixmap
move rowBytes(a0),d1 ; get rowBytes
and #nuRBMask,d1 ; mask out flags
cmp d1,d0 ; if different, set newRowBytes bit
beq.s setClipStretchBit ; same rowBytes, don't set newRowBytes bit
or.l #newRowBytes,result(a6) ; set newRowBytes bit
; PortRects of old and new world are of different sizes, decide between clip and stretch
move.l gDevFlags(a6),d0 ; get flags
and.l #clipPix,d0 ; is the clipPixBit set?
bne.s @0 ; yes, use clipping
move.l #stretchPix,d0 ; no, use stretching
or.l d0,result(a6) ; store bits in result <1.6>
; Compare the left coordinates of the portPixMap->bounds of the old and new world.
; If different, assume alignment is taking place (don't bother getting with
; max area device and checking that alignment might still be the same)
move.l ([portPixMap,a3]),a0 ; get pointer to old pixmap
move bounds+left(a0),d0 ; get bounds.left of old pixmap
move horizOffset(a6),d1 ; get alignment of new pixmap
neg d1 ; the algebraic opposite is the bounds.left of the new pixmap
cmp d1,d0 ; compare them both
beq.s checkPixelDepth ; identical, no alignment
or.l #alignPix,result(a6) ; different, set alignment bit
; Compare the pixel depths of the old and new world. If different, set the scalePixelsBit
move #srcCopy,mode(a6) ; initialize transfer mode to srcCopy
move.l ([portPixMap,a3]),a0 ; get pointer to old pixmap again (if got here directly)
move pixelSize(a0),d0 ; get pixel size of old pixmap
cmp pixSize(a6),d0 ; compare with pixel size of new pixmap
beq.s checkColTable ; identical, no scaling
or.l #newDepth,result(a6) ; different, set scaling bit
move.l gDevFlags(a6),d0 ; get flags
and.l #ditherPix,d0 ; get dither bit
beq.s @0 ; dither bit not set, don't change transfer mode
move #64,mode(a6) ; dither bit set, use dither mode
or.l #ditherPix,result(a6) ; and set ditherPixBit in result
; Compare the color table seeds. If different, set the mapPixelsBit
move.l ([pmTable,a0]),a0 ; get pointer to old color table
move.l ctSeed(a0),d0 ; get old seed
cmp.l colTabSeed(a6),d0 ; compare with new seed
beq.s getState ; identical, no color mapping
or.l #mapPix,result(a6) ; different, set mapping bit
; Get state of offscreen buffer
clr.l -(sp) ; leave room for flags result
move.l portPixMap(a3),-(sp) ; push handle to pixmap
_GetPixelsState ; get state of pixels
move.l (sp)+,d0 ; get the result
move.l d0,state(a6) ; remember it for later
; Prevent purging of the offscreen buffer for the time of UpdateGWorld
move.l portPixMap(a3),-(sp) ; push handle to pixmap
_NoPurgePixels ; don't purge the pixels
; Set purgePixBit in the flags for NewGWorld if the pixels are purgeable or purged
; Set reallocPixBit in the result of UpdateGWorld if the pixels are purged
clr.b purged(a6) ; assume pixels aren't purged
clr.l -(sp) ; leave room for Ptr result
move.l portPixMap(a3),-(sp) ; push handle to pixmap
_GetPixBaseAddr ; get address of offscreen buffer
move.l (sp)+,d0 ; put it in d0
bne.s notPurged ; offscreen buffer hasn't been purged
or.l #purgePix,newFlags(a6) ; offscreen buffer is purged, it means it's purgeable
or.l #reallocPix,result(a6) ; flag that we had to reallocate the pixels
; Remember that offscreen buffer is purged.
; GetPixelsState returns an error if the offscreen buffer is purged.
; Changed the result of GetPixelsState to a long with the purge bit set.
; (lock bit wasn't set before the purge or buffer wouldn't have been purged)
move.b #true,purged(a6) ; remember that offscreen buffer is purged
move.l #pixelsPurgeable,state(a6) ; if the pixels are purged, recompute state
bra.s testNoDevice
move.l state(a6),d0 ; get the state of the pixels
btst.l #pixelsPurgeableBit,d0 ; is the pixelsPurgeableBit set?
beq.s testNoDevice ; no, don't set purgePixBit in the flags
or.l #purgePix,newFlags(a6) ; offscreen buffer is purgeable, set the purgePixBit
; If the attached device is not owned by the offscreen GWorld,
; set noNewDeviceBit in the flags for NewGWorld.
move.l ([grafVars,a3]),a0 ; get pointer to grafVars (a3 = old GWorldPtr)
move.b devOwned(a0),d0 ; get devOwned flag
bne.s testMFTempPixels ; device is owned, don't set noNewDeviceBit <07Jul89> JCM
or.l #noNewDevice,newFlags(a6) ; device is not owned, set noNewDeviceBit
; If the pixels are allocated in MultiFinder temp memory (as indicated in the <07Jul89> JCM
; grafVars), set the useMFTempBit in the flags for NewGWorld. <07Jul89> JCM
tst.b useMFTemp(a0) ; test useMFTemp flag in grafVars <07Jul89> JCM
beq.s dispatchFlags ; not set, don't set useMFTempBit <07Jul89> JCM
or.l #useTempMem,newFlags(a6) ; set useMFTempBit <07Jul89> JCM
; Look at the result flags and find if we can use optimized algorithms
; Currently optimized cases are:
; 0. Nothing needs to be done (just exit and return 0)
; 1. Pixels have been purged (nothing else changes)
; 2. Color Table changes (nothing else changes, not even pixel depth)
; 3. Pixels need to be realigned (but boundsRect's size doesn't change)
move.l result(a6),d0 ; get the result flags
beq.s nothingToDo ; if no bit set, there is nothing to do
cmp.l #reallocPix,d0 ; is reallocPixBit the only bit set?
beq.s reallocBuffer ; yes, just reallocate the offscreen buffer
; The following cases are relevant only if the pixels are to be preserved
; If the pixels are not to be preserved, just dispose of the old gworld and create a new one
tst.l gDevFlags(a6) ; is any update flag set?
beq updatePixels ; nope, go dispose of old gworld and create a new one
cmp.l #mapPix,d0 ; is mapPixBit the only bit set?
bne.s @0 ; no, can't just do color mapping
tst.b sameBounds(a6) ; are the bounds of both gworlds the same
beq.s @0 ; no, can't just do color mapping
cmp #4,d7 ; is the pixel resolution <16 (pixShift < 4)
blt mapColors ; yes, just have to do a color mapping with same pixel depth
cmp.l #alignPix,d0 ; is alignPixBit the only bit set?
beq.s realignPixels ; yes, just realign the pixels and pixmap
bra updatePixels ; none of these cases apply, use regular case
; Nothing at all has changed in the offscreen gworld.
move.l a3,newGWorld(a6) ; that's it, we already have the new gworld
bra setState ; set the state of the offscreen buffer and quit
; Nothing has changed in the offscreen gworld except that the pixels have been purged
; Reallocate them and put the handle in the baseAddr of the pixmap.
; NOTE: If the pixels are purged, the pmVersion of the pixmap is always PixMapVers2 (LockPixels
; doesn't set the pmVersion to PixMapVers1 if the pixels are purged), therefore, the handle
; is the appropriate thing to put in the baseAddr.
move newBounds+bottom(a6),d0 ; compute height = bottom-top
sub newBounds+top(a6),d0
mulu.w newNumRowBytes(a6),d0 ; compute height * rowBytes
move.l ([portPixMap,a3]),a1 ; get pointer to offscreen pixmap <06Jul89> BAL
move.l baseAddr(a1),a0 ; get handle to offscreen buffer from offscreen pixmap <06Jul89> BAL
_ReallocHandle ; allocate offscreen buffer (could be in MFTemp memory) <06Jul89> BAL
bne reportError ; if Memory Manager error, report it and quit
_MoveHHi ; move the buffer as high as possible in memory
move.l a3,newGWorld(a6) ; that's it, we already have the new gworld
bra setState ; set the state of the offscreen buffer and quit
; Nothing has changed in the offscreen gworld except that the boundsRect
; has been moved around (while keeping the same size).
; The algorithm realigns all the pixels. No mask is used for the edges because they
; contain unused pixels.
; Get the address of the pixels
clr.l -(sp) ; leave room for Ptr result
move.l portPixMap(a3),-(sp) ; push handle to pixmap
_GetPixBaseAddr ; get address of pixels
move.l (sp)+,a1 ; keep address in a1
; Get pointer past end of pixels
move newBounds+bottom(a6),d0 ; compute height
sub newBounds+top(a6),d0
move newNumRowBytes(a6),d1 ; get rowBytes
mulu.w d1,d0 ; compute size of offscreen buffer
move.l a1,a4 ; get starting address
add.l d0,a4 ; compute end of offscreen buffer + 1
; Compute alignment difference between old gworld and new gworld:
move.l ([portPixMap,a3]),a0 ; get pointer to offscreen pixmap
move bounds+left(a0),d6 ; get left coordinate (= -alignment)
neg d6 ; get old alignment
sub horizOffset(a6),d6 ; subtract new alignment
ext.l d6 ; convert to long
lsl.l d7,d6 ; convert from pixels to bits
blt.s goBackwards ; go backwards if alignment difference negative
; If alignment difference is positive, go from beginning to end of buffer
bfextu (a1){d6:0},d0 ; get one long of pixels at new alignment
move.l d0,(a1)+ ; store back in pixmap in the correct location
cmp.l a4,a1 ; are we at the limit?
blt.s @nxtLong ; no, get a new long and continue
bra.s updateTheRects ; go update the pixmap's bounds, portRect and gdRect
; If alignment difference is negative, go from end to beginning of buffer
sub.l #32,d6 ; extract at one long earlier because of the predecrement used below
bfextu (a4){d6:0},d0 ; get one long of pixels at new alignment
move.l d0,-(a4) ; store back in pixmap in the correct location
cmp.l a4,a1 ; have we reached the beginning of the buffer?
blt.s @nxtLong ; no, continue
; Update the port pixmap's bounds to the newBounds with alignment
move.l ([portPixMap,a3]),a0 ; get pointer to pixmap
move newBounds+top(a6),bounds+top(a0) ; put new bounds.top
move newBounds+left(a6),d0 ; compute left coordinate with alignment
sub horizOffset(a6),d0
move d0,bounds+left(a0) ; put new bounds.left
move.l newBounds+botRight(a6),bounds+botRight(a0) ; put new bounds.botRight
; Update the port's portRect to the newBounds without alignment
move.l newBounds+topLeft(a6),portRect+topLeft(a3) ; copy newBounds to portRect
move.l newBounds+botRight(a6),portRect+botRight(a3)
; Set visible region of offscreen port to portRect
move.l visRgn(a3),-(sp) ; push handle to visRgn
pea portRect(a3) ; push address of portRect
_RectRgn ; make visRgn = portRect
; Return the old GWorld into the newGWorld
move.l a3,newGWorld(a6) ; GWorld hasn't changed
; If the attached device is owned by the GWorld, update its pixmap's bounds and gdRect
move.l ([grafVars,a3]),a1 ; get pointer to grafVars (a3 = old GWorldPtr)
move.b devOwned(a1),d0 ; get devOwned flag
beq setState ; device is not owned, we're done, go set the pixels' state and quit
move.l ([attachDevice,a1]),a1 ; get the pointer to the offscreen device attached
move.l bounds+topLeft(a0),gdRect+topLeft(a1) ; copy port's pixmap's bounds to gdRect
move.l bounds+botRight(a0),gdRect+botRight(a1)
move.l ([gdPMap,a1]),a1 ; get pointer to device's pixmap
move.l bounds+topLeft(a0),bounds+topLeft(a1) ; copy port's pixmap's bounds to device's pixmap's bounds
move.l bounds+botRight(a0),bounds+botRight(a1)
bra setState ; we're done, go set the state of the offscreen buffer and quit
; Nothing has changed in the offscreen gworld except the color table
; Do things differently if the gworld owns the attached device or not
move.l theGDevice,saveDevice(a6) ; save the current device
move.l a3,newGWorld(a6) ; new offscreen gworld is same as old one
move.l ([grafVars,a3]),a4 ; get pointer to grafVars structure
; Set the current GWorld to the old (same as new) GWorld for Palette Manager calls
move.l a3,-(sp) ; push pointer to old offscreen gworld
clr.l -(sp) ; use attached device
_SetGWorld ; set current port and device to old world
; Save Foreground and Background colors before the color mapping
; If Palette Manager is there, use SaveFore and SaveBack to save fg and bk colors
if UsePaletteMgr then
pea saveForeColor(a6) ; push address of saved foreground ColorSpec
_SaveFore ; get foreground color from Palette Manager
pea saveBackColor(a6) ; push address of saved background ColorSpec
_SaveBack ; get background color from Palette Manager
; If Palette Manager is not there, use GetForeColor and GetBackColor instead
pea saveForeColor(a6) ; push address of saved foreground ColorSpec
_GetForeColor ; get foreground color from port
pea saveBackColor(a6) ; push address of saved background ColorSpec
_GetBackColor ; get background color from port
; Check whether the attached device was created by NewGWorld or not
move.l newFlags(a6),d0 ; get the flags for NewGWorld
and.l #noNewDevice,d0 ; extract noNewDeviceBit
beq.s updateDevice ; noNewDeviceBit is clear, update the existing attached device
; If the noNewDeviceBit is set in the flags for NewGWorld:
; set aGDevice as the new current device
; call MakeScaleTbl to make a scale table between the old and the new color table
; dispose of the old device (if previous current device was old device, change it to aGDevice)
; use aGDevice as the new attached device
; put the handle to the new color table into the port's pixmap's pmTable field
move.l aGDevice(a6),theGDevice ; set aGDevice as the new current device
move.l ([portPixMap,a3]),-(sp) ; push pointer to offscreen pixmap
move #srcAverage,-(sp) ; pass srcAverage as the mode for MakeScaleTbl
_MakeScaleTbl ; create a scale table for color mapping
move.l attachDevice(a4),a0 ; get handle to currently attached device
move.l saveDevice(a6),a1 ; get handle to saved device
cmp.l a0,a1 ; was this the previous current device
bne.s @0 ; no, just get rid of it
move.l aGDevice(a6),saveDevice(a6) ; yes, then replace it with aGDevice
move.l a0,-(sp) ; push handle to attached device
_DisposGDevice ; get rid of it (including color table referenced by pixmap)
move.l aGDevice(a6),a0 ; get handle to aGDevice
move.l a0,attachDevice(a4) ; use aGDevice as the new attached device
move.l (a0),a0 ; get pointer to new attached device
move.l ([gdPMap,a0]),a0 ; get pointer to its pixmap
move.l ([portPixMap,a3]),a1 ; get pointer to old pixmap
move.l pmTable(a0),pmTable(a1) ; copy color table handle (share actual color table with device)
move.l saveDevice(a6),theGDevice ; restore current device
bra mapThePixels ; go use the scale table to map the pixels
; If the noNewDeviceBit is clear:
; get the new color table and put its reference in the attached device's pixmap
; get or create an inverse table for the color table
; set the attached device as the new current device
; call MakeScaleTbl to make a scale table between the old and the new color table
; get rid of the old color table
; put the handle to the new color table into the port's pixmap's pmTable field
; Get preferred resolution for inverse table from the attached device
move.l ([attachDevice,a4]),a0 ; get pointer to attached device
move gdResPref(a0),resPref(a6) ; get preferrred resolution
move.l cTable(a6),a0 ; get color table handle
clr.l newITable(a6) ; initialize handle to inverse table
; If pixelDepth = 0, ignore cTable, copy color table from museDevice
tst pixelDepth(a6) ; is pixelDepth 0?
beq.s getFromMax ; yes, get color table from maxDevice
; If cTable is not nil, clone it
cmp.l #nil,a0 ; if cTable is not nil,
bne.s cloneCTab ; just clone it
; if cTable is nil and pixelDepth <> 0, get default color table for pixelDepth
clr.l -(sp) ; leave room for CTabHandle result
move pixelDepth(a6),-(sp) ; use pixelDepth as ID
_GetCTable ; get a copy of the system color table for pixelDepth
move.l (sp)+,a0 ; get handle to color table
tst.l a0 ; was the call successful?
beq getCTabError ; no, report an error in GetCTable
bra.s dontCloneCTab ; color table from GetCTable is already a copy, don't clone it
; If pixelDepth = 0, get color table and inverse table from the max gDevice
move.l ([maxDevice,a6]),a0 ; get the master pointer to the device
move.l gdITable(a0),newITable(a6) ; get its inverse table handle and save it
move.l ([gdPMap,a0]),a0 ; get the master pointer to its pixmap
move.l pmTable(a0),a0 ; get the color table handle
; Clone the color table
_HandToHand ; color table handle is in a0
bne reportError ; if Memory Manager error, report it and quit
; Store handle to color table in pixmap
move.l a0,newCTable(a6) ; save cloned color table handle
; Create an inverse table for the offscreen color table.
; If the color table came from an existing device, we already have the inverse
; table.
; If we don't have the inverse table yet, scan the DeviceList for a device
; that might have the same color table.
; If still unsuccessful, we have to call MakeITable.
; If we got the inverse table for free (from maxDevice), just clone it.
; At this point, newITable hasn't been cloned yet.
move.l newITable(a6),a0 ; get handle to offscreen inverse table
tst.l a0 ; is it nil?
bne.s cloneITab ; no, we already have it, just clone it
; Scan device list to find a device with same color table
clr.l -(sp) ; leave room for ITabHandle result
move.l newCTable(a6),-(sp) ; push handle to color table
jsr FindInverseTable ; find corresponding inverse table in the device list
move.l (sp)+,a0 ; get ITabHandle result
tst.l a0 ; if we found an already built inverse table,
bne.s cloneITab ; clone it
; Allocate inverse table to its initial size
moveq #2,d0 ; initial size is 2
_NewHandle ,CLEAR ; allocate it
bne reportError ; if Memory Manager error, report it and quit
move.l a0,newITable(a6) ; save handle to inverse table
; Build Inverse Table
move.l newCTable(a6),-(sp) ; push handle to offscreen color table
move.l a0,-(sp) ; push handle to offscreen inverse table
move resPref(a6),-(sp) ; push inverse table resolution
_MakeITable ; build inverse table
move QDErr,d0 ; check for MakeITable errors (in QDErr)
bne makeITabError ; report error and quit
bra.s storeInDevice ; go update the offscreen device
; Clone inverse table if not created by MakeITable
_HandToHand ; inverse table handle is in a0, clone it
bne reportError ; if Memory Manager error, report it and quit
move.l a0,newITable(a6) ; save handle to cloned inverse table
move.l ([grafVars,a3]),a4 ; get pointer to grafVars structure
move.l ([attachDevice,a4]),a0 ; get pointer to attached device <19Jun89> JCM
move.l gdITable(a0),a0 ; get handle to current inverse table <19Jun89> JCM
_DisposHandle ; get rid of it <19Jun89> JCM
move.l ([attachDevice,a4]),a0 ; get pointer to attached device
move.l newITable(a6),gdITable(a0) ; store handle to new inverse table in device
move.l ([gdPMap,a0]),a0 ; get handle to device's pixmap
move.l newCTable(a6),pmTable(a0) ; store handle to new color table in device
move.l attachDevice(a4),theGDevice ; set attached device as new current device for MakeScaleTbl
move.l ([portPixMap,a3]),-(sp) ; push pointer to offscreen pixmap
move #srcAverage,-(sp) ; pass srcAverage as the mode for MakeScaleTbl
_MakeScaleTbl ; create a scale table for color mapping
move.l saveDevice(a6),theGDevice ; restore current device
move.l ([portPixMap,a3]),a4 ; get pointer to offscreen pixmap
move.l pmTable(a4),a0 ; get handle to old color table
_DisposHandle ; get rid of it
move.l newCTable(a6),pmTable(a4) ; store handle to new color table into old pixmap
; Use the scale table to map the pixels to the new color table
; First check that the scale table is not identical
; If identical, don't have to do anything!
@chkTbl moveq #1,d0 ; # entries = 2^ pixelSize
move pixSize(a6),d7 ; get pixel size
lsl d7,d0 ; calc # entries in d0
clr.l d1 ; clear upper-half of d1 <20Jun89> JCM
move d0,d1 ; make a copy of long count
lsl #2,d1 ; get size of table
subq #1,d0 ; make counter zero based for dbra
move.l sp,a0 ; point to scale tbl
add.l d1,a0 ; point past end of table
@1 cmp.l -(a0),d0 ; compare with dst pixel value
dbne d0,@1
beq setState ; tables are equal, we're done, go set the state of the pixels
; Tables are not equal, do the mapping
; Get initial parameters:
; a1 = pointer to the beginning of the pixels
; a4 = pointer past the end of the pixels
; d1 = $1f (mask for longs)
; d6 = pixel offset into one long of pixels
; d7 = pixel size
; sp = pointer to scale table
; The algorithm maps all the pixels (even the ones on the edges).
; The pixels on the edges should not be changed (index 0 typically stays black in all color tables)
; Even if the pixels on the edges change, they're not used anyway (so why bother...)
clr.l -(sp) ; leave room for Ptr result
move.l portPixMap(a3),-(sp) ; push handle to pixmap
_GetPixBaseAddr ; get address of pixels
move.l (sp)+,a1 ; keep address in a1
move.l ([portPixMap,a3]),a0 ; get pointer to offscreen pixmap
move rowBytes(a0),d1 ; get rowBytes
and #nuRBMask,d1 ; get rid of flags
move bounds+bottom(a0),d0 ; compute height
sub bounds+top(a0),d0
mulu.w d1,d0 ; compute size of offscreen buffer
move.l a1,a4 ; get starting address
add.l d0,a4 ; compute end of offscreen buffer + 1
; Start loop
moveq #0,d6 ; initialize pixel offset within a long of pixels
moveq #$1f,d1 ; get mask for longs
move.l (a1),d5 ; get one long of pixels
bfextu d5{d6,d7},d0 ; get one pixel
move.l 0(sp,d0*4),d0 ; translate it
bfins d0,d5{d6,d7} ; insert translated pixel into long
add d7,d6 ; bump to next pixel
and d1,d6 ; time for next long?
bne.s @nxtPixel ; no, do next pixel
move.l d5,(a1)+ ; yes, save current long
cmp.l a4,a1 ; have we reached the limit?
blt.s @nxtLong ; no, get a new long and continue
; Update foreground and background colors to new color table
; If Palette Manager is there, use RestoreFore and RestoreBack to restore fg and bk colors
if UsePaletteMgr then
pea saveForeColor(a6) ; push address of saved foreground ColorSpec
_RestoreFore ; set foreground color with Palette Manager call
pea saveBackColor(a6) ; push address of saved background ColorSpec
_RestoreBack ; set background color with Palette Manager call
; If Palette Manager is not there, use RGBForeColor and RGBBackColor instead
pea saveForeColor(a6) ; push address of saved foreground ColorSpec
_RGBForeColor ; set foreground color
pea saveBackColor(a6) ; push address of saved background ColorSpec
_RGBBackColor ; set background color
bra setState ; we're done, go set the state of the offscreen buffer and quit
; Create a new graphics world and, if necessary, CopyBits the old graphics world into the new one
; Update the flags in result according to the update flags passed to UpdateGWorld
; We're going to realloc the offscreen
or.l #reallocPix,result(a6) ; flag that we had to reallocate the pixels
; If the attached device is owned by the offscreenGWorld,
; we don't need aGDevice anymore (we'll create a new one with NewGWorld)
move.l newFlags(a6),d0 ; get the flags for NewGWorld
and.l #noNewDevice,d0 ; extract the noNewDeviceBit
bne.s testUpdate ; if bit is set, pass aGDevice to NewGWorld
clr.l aGDevice(a6) ; if bit is clear, clear aGDevice so that NewGWorld create a new device
; Dispose of old offscreen buffer if no CopyBits will take place.
; Don't dispose of the old graphics world (in case NewGWorld fails).
clr.l oldBufSize(a6) ; initialize to 0 (assume old offscreen not disposed of)
tst.b purged(a6) ; are the pixels purged?
bne.s @0 ; yes, dispose of the old graphics world
move.l gDevFlags(a6),d0 ; get flags
bne.s createNew ; if there is update to do, don't dispose old GWorld
move.l portPixMap(a3),a4 ; get handle to old pixmap
move.l a4,-(sp) ; push it
_UnlockPixels ; unlock pixels so we have a handle in baseAddr
move.l (a4),a1 ; get pointer to pixmap
move.l baseAddr(a1),a4 ; get handle to offscreen buffer
clr.l baseAddr(a1) ; clear it to mark that it's disposed
move.l a4,a0 ; get offscreen buffer handle in a0
_GetHandleSize ; get size of offscreen buffer
move.l d0,oldBufSize(a6) ; remember it in case NewGWorld fails
move.l a4,a0
_DisposHandle ; get rid of old offscreen buffer
; Create a new graphics world
clr -(sp) ; leave room for result
pea newGWorld(a6) ; push address of new offscreen GWorldPtr variable
move pixelDepth(a6),-(sp) ; new pixel depth
move.l boundsRect(a6),-(sp) ; new bound rectangle
move.l cTable(a6),-(sp) ; new color table
move.l aGDevice(a6),-(sp) ; pass aGDevice (NIL if noNewDeviceBit is clear)
move.l newFlags(a6),-(sp) ; flags with appropriate noNewDeviceBit and purgePixBit
_NewGWorld ; create a new GWorld
move (sp)+,d0 ; look at result
bne newGWorldError ; an error happened, handle it properly
; Update new grafport with fields from old grafport
move.l newGWorld(a6),a4 ; get pointer to new grafport
move chExtra(a3),chExtra(a4) ; copy fields that should be remembered
move pnLocHFrac(a3),pnLocHFrac(a4)
; Update clipRgn by:
; offsetting it to the new portRect if clipPixBit set
; mapping it to the new portRect if stretchPixBit set
move.l clipRgn(a3),-(sp) ; first copy clip region
move.l clipRgn(a4),-(sp)
; Compare the rowBytes of the old and new world and set the newRowBytesBit if different
move.l ([portPixMap,a3]),a0 ; get pointer to old pixmap
move rowBytes(a0),d0 ; get rowBytes
and #nuRBMask,d0 ; mask out flags
move.l ([portPixMap,a4]),a0 ; get pointer to old pixmap
move rowBytes(a0),d1 ; get rowBytes
and #nuRBMask,d1 ; mask out flags
cmp d1,d0 ; if different, set newRowBytes bit
beq.s @RowBytesFlagDone ; same rowBytes, don't set newRowBytes bit
or.l #newRowBytes,result(a6) ; set newRowBytes bit
move.l gDevFlags(a6),d0 ; get the flags
and.l #clipPix,d0 ; look at the clipPixBit
bne offsetClip ; clipPixBit set, offset the clip region
move.l clipRgn(a4),-(sp) ; push handle to clip Region
pea portRect(a3) ; push address of old portRect
pea portRect(a4) ; push address of new portRect
_MapRgn ; map region from old portRect to new portRect
bra copyPixPats
; Offset clipRgn to the new portRect
move.l clipRgn(a4),-(sp) ; push handle to clip Region
move portRect+left(a4),d0 ; compute offset between left coordinates of old and new portRect
sub portRect+left(a3),d0
move d0,-(sp)
move portRect+top(a4),d0 ; compute offset between top coordinates of old and new portRect
sub portRect+top(a3),d0
move d0,-(sp)
_OfsetRgn ; offset the region
; Copy the pixel patterns, pen characteristics, etc.
move.l bkPixPat(a3),d0 ; get old background pixel pattern
beq noBkPixPat ; if it is NIL, don't copy it
move.l d0,-(sp) ; copy it to the new port
move.l bkPixPat(a4),-(sp)
move.l RGBFgColor(a3),RGBFgColor(a4) ; copy RGB foreground and background colors
move.l RGBFgColor+4(a3),RGBFgColor+4(a4)
move.l RGBBkColor+2(a3),RGBBkColor+2(a4)
move.l pnLoc(a3),pnLoc(a4) ; copy pen characteristics
move.l pnSize(a3),pnSize(a4)
move pnMode(a3),pnMode(a4)
move.l pnPixPat(a3),d0 ; get old pen pixel pattern
beq noPnPixPat ; if it is NIL, don't copy it
move.l d0,-(sp) ; copy it to the new port
move.l pnPixPat(a4),-(sp)
move.l fillPixPat(a3),d0 ; get old fill pixel pattern
beq noFillPixPat ; if it is NIL, don't copy it
move.l d0,-(sp) ; copy it to the new port
move.l fillPixPat(a4),-(sp)
lea pnVis(a3),a0 ; copy all remaining fields, starting from pnVis
lea pnVis(a4),a1
moveq #((portRec-pnVis)/2)-1,d0 ; number of words to copy (0-based for dbra)
@0 move (a0)+,(a1)+ ; copy one word
dbra d0,@0 ; loop until all copied
; Update new pixmap with fields from old pixmap
move.l ([portPixMap,a3]),a0 ; get pointer to old pixmap
move.l ([portPixMap,a4]),a1 ; get pointer to new pixmap
move packType(a0),packType(a1) ; copy interesting fields
move.l packSize(a0),packSize(a1)
move.l hRes(a0),hRes(a1)
move.l vRes(a0),vRes(a1)
; Update new grafVars with fields from old grafVars
MOVE.L grafVars(A3),A0 ;get src port grafVars <21>
_HandToHand ;make copy of handle <21>
BNE reportError ;leave if memory error <21>
MOVE.L grafVars(A4),A1 ;get handle to dst port grafVars <21>
MOVE.L A0,grafVars(A4) ;save new grafVars in dst port <21>
MOVE.L (A0),A0 ;deref new grafVars handle <21>
MOVE.L A1,D0 ;save handle to old grafVars <21>
MOVE.L (A1),A1 ;deref handle to old grafVars <21>
MOVE.L attachDevice(A1),attachDevice(A0) ;copy attachDevice from old to new <21>
MOVE.W devOwned(A1),devOwned(A0) ;copy devOwned, useMFTemp from old to new <21>
MOVE.L D0,A0 ;get handle to old grafVars back <21>
_DisposHandle ;dispose dst port grafvars handle <21>
; Update new grafProcs with old grafProcs
move.l grafProcs(a3),grafProcs(a4) ; copy grafProcs handle from old to new gworld
; Update new gDevice with fields from old gDevice
move.l ([grafVars,a3]),a0 ; get pointer to old grafVars
move.l ([attachDevice,a0]),a0 ; get pointer to old attached device
move.l ([grafVars,a4]),a1 ; get pointer to new grafVars
move.l ([attachDevice,a1]),a1 ; get pointer to new attached device
move.l gdSearchProc(a0),gdSearchProc(a1) ; copy interesting fields
move.l gdCompProc(a0),gdCompProc(a1)
move.l gdRefCon(a0),gdRefCon(a1)
; Update new gDevice's pixmap with fields from old gDevice's pixmap
move.l ([gdPMap,a0]),a0 ; get pointer to old attached device's pixmap
move.l ([gdPMap,a1]),a1 ; get pointer to new attached device's pixmap
move packType(a0),packType(a1) ; copy interesting fields
move.l packSize(a0),packSize(a1)
move.l hRes(a0),hRes(a1)
move.l vRes(a0),vRes(a1)
; Update foreground and background color indices while being compatible
; with the Palette Manager if active.
; Save Foreground and Background colors from the old gworld
move.l a3,-(sp) ; push pointer to old offscreen gworld
clr.l -(sp) ; use attached device
_SetGWorld ; set current port and device to old world
; If Palette Manager is there, use SaveFore and SaveBack to get fg and bk colors
if UsePaletteMgr then
pea saveForeColor(a6) ; push address of saved foreground ColorSpec
_SaveFore ; get foreground color from Palette Manager
pea saveBackColor(a6) ; push address of saved background ColorSpec
_SaveBack ; get background color from Palette Manager
; If Palette Manager is not there, use GetForeColor and GetBackColor instead
pea saveForeColor(a6) ; push address of saved foreground ColorSpec
_GetForeColor ; get foreground color from port
pea saveBackColor(a6) ; push address of saved background ColorSpec
_GetBackColor ; get background color from port
; And restore them to new gworld, using the Palette Manager
move.l a4,-(sp) ; push pointer to new offscreen gworld
clr.l -(sp) ; use attached device
_SetGWorld ; set current port and device to new world
; If Palette Manager is there, use RestoreFore and RestoreBack to restore fg and bk colors
if UsePaletteMgr then
pea saveForeColor(a6) ; push address of saved foreground ColorSpec
_RestoreFore ; set foreground color with Palette Manager call
pea saveBackColor(a6) ; push address of saved background ColorSpec
_RestoreBack ; set background color with Palette Manager call
; If Palette Manager is not there, use RGBForeColor and RGBBackColor instead
pea saveForeColor(a6) ; push address of saved foreground ColorSpec
_RGBForeColor ; set foreground color
pea saveBackColor(a6) ; push address of saved background ColorSpec
_RGBBackColor ; set background color
; If the pixels in the old world are purged, don't update them
tst.b purged(a6) ; are the old pixels purged?
bne noCopyBits ; yes, don't CopyBits
; If flags is not 0, find out how the pixels will be updated and call CopyBits to update them
move.l gDevFlags(a6),d0 ; if flags is 0,
beq noCopyBits ; just set state of new offscreen buffer and return
; Lock the pixels of both gworlds
clr.b -(sp) ; leave room for Boolean result
move.l portPixMap(a3),-(sp) ; handle to old offscreen PixMap
_LockPixels ; lock the pixels down
move.b (sp)+,d0 ; ignore result (if we're here, it means pixels are not purged)
clr.b -(sp) ; leave room for Boolean result
move.l newGWorld(a6),a0 ; get pointer to new offscreen GWorld
move.l portPixMap(a0),-(sp) ; push handle to new offscreen PixMap
_LockPixels ; lock the pixels down
move.b (sp)+,d0 ; if pixels are purged already, quit now
beq purgedError ; report error and exit
; Set current graphics world to new GWorld
move.l newGWorld(a6),-(sp) ; push pointer to new GWorld
clr.l -(sp) ; NIL device
_SetGWorld ; set current GWorld for CopyBits
; Save the clipRgn of the newGWorld and set it to newGWorld's portRect
; so that CopyBits copies the whole pixmap
clr.l -(sp) ; leave room for RgnHandle result
_NewRgn ; create a new region for saveClip
move.l (sp),saveClip(a6) ; remember region handle in saveClip
_GetClip ; get the current clipRgn in saveClip
move.l newGWorld(a6),a0 ; get pointer to new GWorld
pea portRect(a0) ; push address of portRect
_ClipRect ; set clipRgn to portRect
; Call CopyBits to update the pixels. Compute srcRect and dstRect according
; to update mode (clipping or stretching)
move.l ([portPixMap,a3]),-(sp) ; srcBits = pointer to old pixmap
move.l newGWorld(a6),a1 ; get pointer to new offscreen port
move.l ([portPixMap,a1]),-(sp) ; dstBits = pointer to new pixmap
lea portRect(a3),a0 ; get address of old portRect
lea portRect(a1),a1 ; get address of new portRect
move.l gDevFlags(a6),d0 ; get the flags
btst.l #stretchPixBit,d0 ; is stretchPixBit set?
bne.s doCopyBits ; yes, use srcRect and dstRect with no clipping
; If clipPixBit is set, clip CopyBits to size of destination rectangle
move.l topLeft(a0),clipSrcRect+topLeft(a6) ; topLeft coordinates remain the same
move.l topLeft(a1),clipDstRect+topLeft(a6)
; Compute smallest height of old and new rectangle
move bottom(a0),d0 ; compute old height
sub top(a0),d0
move bottom(a1),d1 ; compute new height
sub top(a1),d1
cmp d0,d1 ; which height is smaller?
blt.s @0 ; new height is smaller, keep in d1
move d0,d1 ; old height is smaller, keep in d1
move top(a0),d0 ; compute old top + clipped height
add d1,d0
move d0,clipSrcRect+bottom(a6) ; store in clipSrcRect.bottom
move top(a1),d0 ; compute new top + clipped height
add d1,d0
move d0,clipDstRect+bottom(a6) ; store in clipDstRect.bottom
; Compute smallest width of old and new rectangle
move right(a0),d0 ; compute old width
sub left(a0),d0
move right(a1),d1 ; compute new width
sub left(a1),d1
cmp d0,d1 ; which width is smaller?
blt.s @1 ; new width is smaller, keep in d1
move d0,d1 ; old width is smaller, keep in d1
move left(a0),d0 ; compute old left + clipped width
add d1,d0
move d0,clipSrcRect+right(a6) ; store in clipSrcRect.right
move left(a1),d0 ; compute new left + clipped width
add d1,d0
move d0,clipDstRect+right(a6) ; store in clipDstRect.right
lea clipSrcRect(a6),a0 ; srcRect = smallest of old portRect and new portRect
lea clipDstRect(a6),a1 ; dstRect = idem but in coordinate system of new port
move.l a0,-(sp) ; srcRect = old portRect (clipped or unclipped)
move.l a1,-(sp) ; dstRect = new portRect
move mode(a6),-(sp) ; mode = srcCopy or dither
move.l #nil,-(sp) ; no mask
_CopyBits ; transfer the pixels
; Restore the clipRgn of the newGWorld
move.l saveClip(a6),-(sp) ; push handle to saveClip
_SetClip ; restore clipRgn
move.l saveClip(a6),-(sp) ; push handle to saveClip
_DisposRgn ; get rid of clipRgn
; Unlock the pixels of the new offscreen GWorld (don't care about the old one, we'll get rid of it)
move.l newGWorld(a6),a0 ; get pointer to new offscreen GWorld
move.l portPixMap(a0),-(sp) ; push handle to its pixmap
_UnlockPixels ; unlock the pixels
; After CopyBits, dispose of the old offscreen graphics world
move.l a3,-(sp) ; push handle to old GWorld for dispose
;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- <17May90 KON>
; If savePort is the old GWorld, set savePort to the new one
; If saveDevice is the old attached device, set saveDevice to the new attached device
move.l a3,a0 ; get old GWorld
move.l newGWorld(a6),a3 ; get pointer to new GWorld
cmpa.l savePort(a6),a0 ; compare with savePort
bne.s checkSaveDevice ; if not the same, go check the saveDevice
move.l a3,savePort(a6) ; savePort is old GWorld, replace with new GWorld
move.l ([grafVars,a0]),a0 ; get pointer to old grafVars
move.l attachDevice(a0),a0 ; get handle to old attached device
cmp.l saveDevice(a6),a0 ; compare with saveDevice
bne.s saveDeviceOK ; if not the same, just restore the current GWorld
move.l ([grafVars,a3]),a0 ; if same, replace with new attachDevice
move.l attachDevice(a0),saveDevice(a6)
_DisposeGWorld ; dispose of it
; Set lock/purge state of new offscreen buffer to the same as old offscreen buffer
move.l newGWorld(a6),a3 ; get pointer to new GWorld
; Get here if restoring state of old offscreen buffer after an error (old GWorldPtr is in a3)
move.l portPixMap(a3),-(sp) ; push handle to its pixmap
move.l state(a6),-(sp) ; push lock/purge state
_SetPixelsState ; set the state
; Restore current graphics world
move.l savePort(a6),-(sp) ; push pointer to saved port
move.l saveDevice(a6),-(sp) ; push handle to saved device
_SetGWorld ; restore current environment
; Return pointer to new GWorld in offscreenGWorld
; If got here after an error, a3 contains the old graphics world
move.l offscreenGWorld(a6),a0 ; get pointer to GWorldPtr variable
move.l a3,(a0) ; store pointer to new GWorld in offscreenGWorld variable
exit move #noErr,QDErr ; assume no error <21Jun89> JCM
move.l result(a6),d0 ; copy result to d0 <21Jun89> JCM
bpl.s @0 ; if result is < 0, <21Jun89> JCM
move d0,QDErr ; copy low-word of result to QDErr <21Jun89> JCM
@0 ; <21Jun89> JCM
move.l saveStack(a6),sp ; restore the stack pointer
movem.l (sp)+,a2-a4/d5-d7 ; restore regs
unlk a6 ; get rid of stack frame
rtd #paramSize ; get rid of parameters and return to caller
; Errors
ext.l d0 ; convert error to a long
move.l d0,result(a6) ; report error
bra.s setStateWithError ; restore state of old offscreen buffer and quit
move.l #cDepthErr,result(a6) ; pixel depth invalid
bra.s exit ; exit
move QDErr,d0 ; look at QDErr
bne reportError ; if contains an error, report it
move MemErr,d0 ; if no QDErr, look at MemErr
bne.s reportError ; if contains an error, report it
clr -(sp) ; if no MemErr, look at ResError
_ResError ; get Resource Manager error
move (sp)+,d0 ; look at it
bra.s setStateWithError ; restore state of old offscreen buffer and quit
; if no error anywhere, just return a cNoMemErr
move.l #cNoMemErr,result(a6) ; report a Quickdraw memory error
bra.s setStateWithError ; restore state of old offscreen buffer and quit
move.l #paramErr,result(a6) ; report a parameter error
bra.s exit ; and exit
ext.l d0 ; convert QD error to long
move.l d0,result(a6) ; return QD error
move.l newCTable(a6),a0 ; get rid of color table and inverse table
move.l newITable(a6),a0
bra.s setStateWithError ; restore state of old offscreen buffer and quit
; If NewGWorld error fails and the old offscreen buffer was disposed of,
; reallocate old offscreen buffer, report error, and quit.
move.l oldBufSize(a6),d1 ; get size of old offscreen buffer
beq.s reportError ; if 0, it means old offscreen hasn't been disposed of
move d0,d7 ; save error code
move.l d1,d0 ; get size of old offscreen buffer in d0
move.l ([grafVars,a3]),a0 ; get grafVars <07Jul89> JCM
tst.b useMFTemp(a0) ; were the pixels in temp memory? <07Jul89> JCM
beq.s @useCurHeap ; no, allocate in current heap <07Jul89> JCM
_NewTempHandle ; allocate it in Juggler heap, returns actual size in D0 <07Jul89> JCM
tst.l d0 ; is it empty? <07Jul89> JCM
bne.s @gotMem ; no, got the memory <07Jul89> JCM
move d7,d0 ; yes, restore error and report <07Jul89> JCM
bra reportError ; <07Jul89> JCM
_NewHandle ; allocate offscreen buffer (don't initialize it) <07Jul89> JCM
bne reportError ; if Memory Manager error, report it and quit <07Jul89> JCM
move.l ([portPixMap,a3]),a1 ; get pointer to old pixmap
move.l a0,baseAddr(a1) ; store handle to offscreen buffer in baseAddr
move d7,d0 ; restore error code
bra.s reportError ; report error and quit
; Until we have Asynchronous Quickdraw, the following code is not included.
if AsyncQD then
; FUNCTION BitMapDone (xm: BitMapPtr): Boolean;
; Returns true if all pending Quickdraw requests for the given bit/pixmap are completed.
; Returns false if not.
; Always returns true in Synchronous Quickdraw.
; Stack offsets of parameters
paramSize equ 4 ; size of parameters
result equ paramSize+4 ; BOOLEAN, function result
xm equ result-4 ; LONG, pointer to bitmap/pixmap
move.b #true,result(sp) ; always set result to true
rtd #paramSize ; get rid of parameters and return to caller
; FUNCTION QDDone (port: GrafPtr): Boolean;
; Returns true if all pending Quickdraw requests for the given port are completed.
; Returns false if not.
; Call PixMapDone to do the job.
; This function should be called before accessing the pixels directly (e.g.
; using distorsion algorithm, etc.) or to make sure that the drawing to a given
; port is finished (animation, etc.)
; Stack offsets of parameters
paramSize equ 4 ; size of parameters
result equ paramSize+4 ; BOOLEAN, function result
port equ result-4 ; LONG, pointer to port
; If Asynchronous Quickdraw is present, call BitMapDone
if AsyncQD then
; Call BitMapDone to do the job
move.l port(sp),a0 ; get pointer to port
_PortToMap ; get pointer to bitmap or pixmap
clr.b -(sp) ; leave room for Boolean result
move.l a0,-(sp) ; push pointer to bit/pixmap
jsr BitMapDone ; do it
move.b (sp)+,result(sp) ; store result from BitMapDone in our result
; If Asynchronous Quickdraw is not present, just return true
move.b #true,result(sp)
rtd #paramSize ; get rid of parameters and return to caller
; FUNCTION LockPixels (pm: PixMapHandle): Boolean;
; Lock offscreen buffer down, change the handle in baseAddr to a 32-bit
; pointer to the offscreen buffer, and change the pmVersion from PixMapVers2 to PixMapVers1.
; Don't do anything and return false if handle as been purged.
; Don't do anything and return true if pmVersion is not PixMapVers2.
; This procedure must be called before drawing to an offscreen world.
; NOTE: If pmVersion is PixMapVers1, it means LockPixels is being called twice in a row.
; LockPixels doesn't do anything in this case.
; The fact that the baseAddr can be locked and unlocked allows Quickdraw
; to use a relocatable block for offscreen buffers, therefore avoiding heap
; fragmentation.
; Stack offsets of parameters
paramSize equ 4 ; size of parameters
result equ paramSize+4 ; BYTE, result: false if handle is purged
pm equ result-4 ; LONG, handle to pixmap
; Assume handle isn't purged
move.b #true,result(sp) ; set result to true
; Check that PixMap's pmVersion is PixMapVers2.
; If it's not PixMapVers2, don't do anything and return true
move.l ([pm,sp]),a1 ; get pointer to pixmap
move pmVersion(a1),d0 ; get pmVersion
cmp #PixMapVers2,d0 ; is pmVersion version 2?
bne.s exit ; no, exit
; Get 32-bit pointer to offscreen buffer
move.l baseAddr(a1),a0 ; get handle to offscreen buffer
move.l (a0),d0 ; get master pointer
if UseTranslate24To32 then
_rTranslate24To32 ; translate to 32-bit valid pointer
_StripAddress ; if 32-bit QD not present, don't use Translate24To32
; Check that the offscreen buffer isn't purged
tst.l d0 ; is pointer to offscreen buffer = 0?
bne.s @0 ; no, continue as planned
move.b #false,result(sp) ; yes, it's purged, return false
bra.s exit ; and exit
; Store 32-bit pointer in baseAddr
move.l d0,baseAddr(a1) ; baseAddr can now be used by 32-bit Quickdraw correctly
; Change pmVersion to reflect that baseAddr is a 32-bit pointer
move #PixMapVers1,pmVersion(a1) ; set pmVersion to PixMapVers1 (baseAddr is 32-bit pointer)
; Lock down handle to offscreen buffer
_HLock ; lock it (a0 contains the handle)
exit rtd #paramSize ; get rid of parameters and return to caller
UnlockPixels PROC EXPORT
; PROCEDURE UnlockPixels (pm: PixMapHandle);
; If pmVersion is PixMapVers1, change the baseAddr from a pointer to a handle, unlock
; the handle, and change pmVersion to PixMapVers2.
; If pmVersion is not 1, don't do anything.
; NOTE: If pmVersion is PixMapVers2, UnlockPixels is being called twice.
; UnlockPixels doesn't do anything in this case.
; This procedure must be called when the application is finished drawing
; to the offscreen pixmap.
; Stack offsets of parameters
paramSize equ 4 ; size of parameters
pm equ paramSize+4-4 ; LONG, handle to pixmap
; Check that PixMap's pmVersion is PixMapVers1. If it's not PixMapVers1, don't do anything
move.l ([pm,sp]),a1 ; get pointer to pixmap
move pmVersion(a1),d0 ; get pmVersion
cmp #PixMapVers1,d0 ; is pmVersion version 1?
bne.s exit ; no, exit
; If pmVersion = PixMapVers1, convert the baseAddr to a handle and unlock it
move.l baseAddr(a1),a0 ; push address of offscreen buffer
_RecoverHandle ; get handle to offscreen buffer
_HUnlock ; unlock it
; Store handle in baseAddr
move.l ([pm,sp]),a1 ; get pointer to pixmap
move.l a0,baseAddr(a1) ; store handle to offscreen buffer in baseAddr
; Change pmVersion to PixMapVers2 to reflect that baseAddr is a handle
move #PixMapVers2,pmVersion(a1) ; set pmVersion to version 2 (baseAddr is a handle)
exit rtd #paramSize ; get rid of parameters and return to caller
; PROCEDURE PortChanged (port: CGrafPtr);
; Called after non-procedural changes are made to a port.
; This procedure should be called before doing any more drawing.
; Note: this procedure is useful for Asynchronous Quickdraw
; Stack offsets of parameters
paramSize equ 4 ; size of parameters
port equ paramSize+4-4 ; LONG, pointer to GrafPort
; doesn't do anything in Synchronous Quickdraw
rtd #paramSize ; get rid of parameters and return to caller
; PROCEDURE PixPatChanged (ppat: PixPatHandle);
; Called after non-procedural changes are made to a pixel pattern.
; This procedure should be called before doing any more drawing.
; Note: this procedure is useful for Asynchronous Quickdraw
; Stack offsets of parameters
paramSize equ 4 ; size of parameters
ppat equ paramSize+4-4 ; LONG, handle to pixpat
; Flag pattern's expanded data as invalid
move.l ppat(sp),a0 ; get handle to pixpat
move.l (a0),a0 ; get pointer to pixpat
move #-1,patXValid(a0) ; mark pattern's expanded data as invalid
rtd #paramSize ; get rid of parameters and return to caller
; PROCEDURE CTabChanged (cTab: CTabHandle);
; Called after non-procedural changes are made to a color table.
; This procedure should be called before doing any more drawing.
; Note: this procedure is useful for Asynchronous Quickdraw
; Stack offsets of parameters
paramSize equ 4 ; size of parameters
cTab equ paramSize+4-4 ; LONG, handle to color table
; Get a new seed for the color table
clr.l -(sp) ; leave room for longint result
_GetCTSeed ; get a new seed
move.l (sp)+,d0 ; get the seed
move.l ([cTab,sp]),a0 ; get pointer to color table
move.l d0,ctSeed(a0) ; store new seed in color table
rtd #paramSize ; get rid of parameters and return to caller
GDeviceChanged PROC EXPORT
; PROCEDURE GDeviceChanged (gdh: GDHandle);
; Called after non-procedural changes are made to a gDevice
; This procedure should be called before doing any more drawing.
; Note: this procedure is useful for Asynchronous Quickdraw
; Stack offsets of parameters
paramSize equ 4 ; size of parameters
gdh equ paramSize+4-4 ; LONG, handle to gDevice
; doesn't do anything in Synchronous Quickdraw
rtd #paramSize ; get rid of parameters and return to caller
AllowPurgePixels PROC EXPORT
; PROCEDURE AllowPurgePixels (pm: PixMapHandle);
; Allow purging of the offscreen buffer by calling HPurge.
; If pmVersion is PixMapVers2, baseAddr is a handle, call HPurge directly.
; If pmVersion is PixMapVers1, baseAddr is a pointer, get the handle first.
; If pmVersion is not PixMapVers1 or PixMapVers2, don't do anything.
; NOTE: It is safe to set the purge state of the handle to the offscreen
; buffer even if the baseAddr contains only the pointer. The reason
; is that if the baseAddr is a pointer, it means LockPixels has been
; called and therefore the handle is locked and won't be purged.
; Stack offsets of parameters
paramSize equ 4 ; size of parameters
pm equ paramSize+4-4 ; LONG, handle to pixmap
; Check PixMap's pmVersion.
move.l ([pm,sp]),a1 ; get pointer to pixmap
move.l baseAddr(a1),a0 ; get baseAddr
move pmVersion(a1),d0 ; get pmVersion
cmp #PixMapVers2,d0 ; is pmVersion version 2?
beq.s setPurge ; yes, we're ok
cmp #PixMapVers1,d0 ; is pmVersion version 1?
bne.s exit ; no, don't do anything
; If pmVersion is PixMapVers1, get the handle to the offscreen buffer
_RecoverHandle ; get handle to offscreen buffer
; Make offscreen buffer purgeable
_HPurge ; make it purgeable
exit rtd #paramSize ; get rid of parameters and return to caller
; PROCEDURE NoPurgePixels (pm: PixMapHandle);
; Prevents purging of the offscreen buffer by calling HNoPurge.
; If pmVersion is PixMapVers2, baseAddr is a handle, call HNoPurge directly.
; If pmVersion is PixMapVers1, baseAddr is a pointer, recover the handle first.
; If pmVersion is not PixMapVers1 or PixMapVers2, don't do anything.
; Stack offsets of parameters
paramSize equ 4 ; size of parameters
pm equ paramSize+4-4 ; LONG, handle to pixmap
; Check PixMap's pmVersion.
move.l ([pm,sp]),a1 ; get pointer to pixmap
move.l baseAddr(a1),a0 ; get baseAddr
move pmVersion(a1),d0 ; get pmVersion
cmp #PixMapVers2,d0 ; is pmVersion version 2?
beq.s setNoPurge ; yes, we're ok
cmp #PixMapVers1,d0 ; is pmVersion version 1?
bne.s exit ; no, don't do anything
; If pmVersion is PixMapVers1, baseAddr is a pointer, get handle to offscreen buffer
_RecoverHandle ; get handle to offscreen buffer
; Make offscreen buffer unpurgeable
_HNoPurge ; make it unpurgeable
exit rtd #paramSize ; get rid of parameters and return to caller
GetPixelsState PROC EXPORT
; FUNCTION GetPixelsState (pm: PixMapHandle): LONGINT;
; Get the state of the offscreen buffer handle by calling HGetState. The result
; contains two bits: pixelsLockedBit and pixelsPurgeableBit.
; For convenience, these bits happen to be the same as the lock and purge bit
; of the Memory Manager.
; If pmVersion is PixMapVers2, the baseAddr is a handle, call HGetState directly.
; If pmVersion is PixMapVers1, the baseAddr is a pointer, call RecoverHandle first.
; If pmVersion is neither, return 0.
; Stack offsets of parameters
paramSize equ 4 ; size of parameters
state equ paramSize+4 ; LONG, result
pm equ state-4 ; LONG, handle to pixmap
; Start with a state of 0
clr.l state(sp)
; Check PixMap's pmVersion.
move.l ([pm,sp]),a1 ; get pointer to pixmap
move.l baseAddr(a1),a0 ; get baseAddr
move pmVersion(a1),d0 ; get pmVersion
cmp #PixMapVers2,d0 ; is pmVersion version 2?
beq.s @0 ; yes, baseAddr is a handle
cmp #PixMapVers1,d0 ; is pmVersion version 1?
bne.s exit ; no, don't do anything
; If pmVersion = 1, get the handle to the offscreen buffer
_RecoverHandle ; get the handle in a0
_HGetState ; get the state in low byte of d0
move.l d0,state(sp) ; store state in result
exit rtd #paramSize ; get rid of parameters and return to caller
SetPixelsState PROC EXPORT
; PROCEDURE SetPixelsState (pm: PixMapHandle; flags: LONGINT);
; Set the state of the offscreen buffer handle by calling LockPixels/UnlockPixels
; and AllowPurgePixels/NoPurgePixels.
; Stack offsets of parameters
paramSize equ 8 ; size of parameters
pm equ paramSize+4-4 ; LONG, handle to pixmap
pixMapFlags equ pm-4 ; LONG, flags
; Check pixelsPurgeableBit and call AllowPurgePixels or NoPurgePixels
move.l pixMapFlags(sp),d0 ; get the flags
btst.l #pixelsPurgeableBit,d0 ; is pixelsPurgeableBit set?
bne.s allowPurge ; yes, call AllowPurgePixels
move.l pm(sp),-(sp) ; no, call NoPurgePixels
bra checkLock
move.l pm(sp),-(sp) ; call AllowPurgePixels
; Check pixelsLockedBit and call LockPixels or UnlockPixels
move.l pixMapFlags(sp),d0 ; get the flags
btst.l #pixelsLockedBit,d0 ; is pixelsLockedBit set?
bne.s lockIt ; yes, call LockPixels
move.l pm(sp),-(sp) ; no, call UnlockPixels
bra.s exit
move.l pm(sp),a0 ; get PixMapHandle
clr.b -(sp) ; room for Boolean result
move.l a0,-(sp) ; push PixMapHandle
_LockPixels ; call LockPixels
move.b (sp)+,d0 ; ignore result
exit rtd #paramSize ; get rid of parameters and return to caller
; FUNCTION GetPixBaseAddr (pm: PixMapHandle): Ptr;
; Make sure that Asynchronous Quickdraw is done and get the 32-bit pointer to
; the offscreen buffer.
; If pmVersion is PixMapVers4, the baseAddr is a 32-bit pointer, just return it. <06Jul89> BAL
; If pmVersion is PixMapVers2, the baseAddr is a handle, get the 24-bit pointer and clean it.
; If pmVersion is PixMapVers1, the baseAddr is a clean 24-bit pointer, just return it.
; If pmVersion is PixMapVers0, <06Jul89> BAL
; if the baseAddr is the same as one of the screens in the devicelist then return it <06Jul89> BAL
; else clean it first. <06Jul89> BAL
; Stack offsets of parameters
paramSize equ 4 ; size of parameters
bufResult equ paramSize+4 ; LONG, result
pm equ bufResult-4 ; LONG, handle to pixmap
; If Asynchronous Quickdraw is present, make sure that it has completed all
; requests to this pixmap
if AsyncQD then
move.l ([pm,sp]),a0 ; get pointer to pixmap
clr.b -(sp) ; leave room for boolean result
move.l a0,-(sp) ; |