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; File: SCSIMgrInitPSC.a
; Contains: SCSI Manager 53c96 initialization routines
; Written by: Jonathan Abilay/Paul Wolf
; Copyright: © 1990-1992 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM2> 11/3/92 SWC Changed SCSIEqu.a->SCSI.a.
; <1> 6/2/92 kc first checked in
; <SM0> 6/01/92 kc Rolled in from Pandora.
; <1> 1/17/92 PDW first checked in
; Pre-Pandora ROM comments begin here.
; <2> 8/19/91 SAM (PDW) Reverted to old in/out buserr handler support. Added 'IF
; forROM' around initialization that is not needed in a linked
; patch.
; <1> 8/8/91 SAM (PDW) Checked into Regatta for the first time with lots of
; changes over the TERROR sources.
; <0> 8/8/91 SAM Split off from 7.0 GM sources.
; Pre Regatta split-off change history:
; <T7> 6/27/91 djw (pdw) Removed all traces of SCSIBusy and FreeHook stuff Added
; BusErr and CyclePhase jump vector initialization.
; <T6> 6/14/91 djw (actually PDW) Added jvTransfer initialization (overriding
; Transfer with Transfer_96).
; <T5> 6/9/91 BG (actually PDW) Rearranged headers to work more consistently
; between test INIT and ROM builds. Also added IF around
; _SetTrapAddress so that the INIT does not patch the trap
; address.
; <T4> 3/30/91 BG (actually JMA) Added PostFreeHook_96.
; <T3> 2/17/91 BG (actually JMA) added SlowComp_96, FastComp_96, DoSCSIBusy_96 &
; SCSIErr_96
; <T2> 1/5/91 BG (actually JMA) Added more functionalities.
; <T1> 12/7/90 JMA Checked into TERROR for the first time.
;========================================================================== <T3>
BLANKS ON ; assembler accepts spaces & tabs in operand field
STRING ASIS ; generate string as specified
PRINT OFF ; do not send subsequent lines to the listing file
; don't print includes
IF (&TYPE('forTestInit') = 'UNDEFINED') THEN
forTestInit: EQU 0
LOAD 'StandardEqu.d' ; from StandardEqu.a and for building ROMs
INCLUDE 'HardwarePrivateEqu.a' ; <T2>
INCLUDE 'UniversalEqu.a' ; for TestFor <T2>
PRINT ON ; do send subsequent lines to the listing files
; From SCSIMgr96.a ---
IMPORT DoSCSISelect_sPSC, DoSCSISelect_dPSC ; <T2>
IMPORT DoSCSISelAtn_sPSC, DoSCSISelAtn_dPSC, CyclePhase_PSC ; <T9>
IMPORT Unimplemented_PSC
; From SCSIMgrHW96.a ---
IMPORT BusErrHandler_PSC
IMPORT ResetBus_PSC, SlowRead_PSC, Transfer_PSC
IMPORT SlowWrite_PSC, SlowComp_PSC
IMPORT FastRead_PSC, FastWrite_PSC, FastComp_PSC
WITH scsiGlobalRecord
; Initialization code for the SCSI Manager 5394/5396
movem.l intrRegs, -(sp) ; save all registers, for convenience
moveq.l #0, zeroReg ; initialize "zeroReg"
movea.l SCSIGlobals, a4 ; get ptr to structure
moveq.l #numSelectors-1, d1 ; loop count
IF forTestInit OR forROM THEN ; if not a linked patch, make addrs relative
lea.l SCSIMgr_PSC, a1 ; get start of SCSI Mgr code
move.l a1, d0 ; remember base address
moveq.l #0, D0 ; if linked patch, make addrs absolute
lea OffsetTbl96, a1 ; address of offset table
movea.l a4, a0 ; point to base of old SCSI Mgr jump table
move.l (a1)+, d2 ; get the next offset
beq.s @skipEntry ; if zero, skip this entry
add.l d0, d2 ; compute the address
move.l d2, (a0) ; install it in the jump table
adda.l #4, a0
dbra d1, @MakeJmpTbl ; loop for all vectors
lea.l Transfer_PSC, a1 ; <T6> <T2>
move.l a1, jvTransfer(a4) ; use this Transfer routine <T6> <T2>
lea.l CyclePhase_PSC, a1 ; <T7> pdw
move.l a1, jvCyclePhase(a4) ; use this CyclePhase routine <T7> pdw
lea.l ResetBus_PSC, a1
move.l a1, jvResetBus(a4) ; use this Bus Reset routine
lea.l BusErrHandler_PSC, a1 ; <T7> pdw
move.l a1, jvBusErr(a4) ; use this SCSI Bus Error handler <T7> pdw
move.l #1,blindBusTO(a4) ; initlz blind rd/wr timeout to Å1mS
lea.l SlowRead_PSC, a1
move.l a1, jvVSRO(a4) ; use this Slow Read routine
lea.l SlowWrite_PSC, a1
move.l a1, jvVSWO(a4) ; use this Slow Write routine
lea.l SlowRead_PSC, a1
; lea.l FastRead_PSC, a1
move.l a1, jvVFRO(a4) ; use this Fast Read routine
lea.l SlowWrite_PSC, a1
; lea.l FastWrite_PSC, a1
move.l a1, jvVFWO(a4) ; use this Fast Write routine
lea.l SlowComp_PSC, a1 ; <T3> thru next <T3>
move.l a1, jvCSO(a4) ; use this Slow Compare routine
lea.l FastComp_PSC, a1
move.l a1, jvCFO(a4) ; use this Fast Compare routine
lea.l SCSIErr_PSC, a1
move.l a1, jvErr(a4) ; use this Error routine
lea.l Unimplemented_PSC, a1
move.l a1, jvClearIRQ(a4) ; use this clear IRQ routine
move.l a1, jvSel15(a4) ; Selector 15 routine
move.l a1, jvSel16(a4) ; Selector 16 routine
move.l a1, jvSel17(a4) ; Selector 17 routine <T3>
move.l zeroReg, d0 ; disable SCSI interrupts <T2> thru next <T2>
movea.l jvDisEnable(a4), a0 ; addr of interrupt enable/disable routine
jsr (a0) ; disable interrupts
IF forROM AND NOT forTestInit THEN ; <2>
clr.l G_IntrpStat(a4) ; clear our Intrp Status
clr.l G_FakeStat(a4) ; clear fake stat
clr.l G_State96(a4) ; clear our indicators of 53c96 state <T7> pdw
clr.l G_SCSIDevMap0(a4) ; initialize SCSI Device Map 0
clr.l G_SCSIDevMap1(a4) ; initialize SCSI Device Map 1
clr.l base539x1(a4) ; init second SCSI base address
clr.l G_SCSIDREQ(a4) ; initialize SCSI DREQ regr
; All this time we've been using a default host ID = 7. Just in case that ever changes <2>
; load whatever SCSIMgrInit got from PRAM as our host ID.
move.b G_ID(a4), d1 ; get SCSI host ID mask
move.b #7, d0 ; load shift count
lsl.b #1, d1 ; shift out mask bit until all 0's
dbeq d0, @1 ; remaining count in d0 will be SCSI ID
ori.b #initCF1, d0 ; use this our designated SCSI host ID
move.b d0, rCF1(a3) ; use this new config regr. value, hopefully
; nobody has changed the setting since HW init time
move.l SCSIBase, base539x0(a4) ; load addr of first SCSI chip
move.l #SCSI0_DAFB, pdma5380(a4) ; load addr of DAFB regr containing DREQ bit
ENDIF ; <2>
; IF isUniversal THEN
TestFor SCSI96_2Exists ; do we have a second SCSICyc96 chip?
beq.s @noSCSICyc96 ;
move.l SCSI2Base, base539x1(a4) ; addr of second SCSI chip
move.l #SCSI1_DAFB, hhsk5380(a4) ; load addr of DAFB regr containing DREQ bit
lea.l DoSCSISelect_dPSC, a1 ; point to Dual SCSICyc96 Select proc
move.l a1, jvSelect(a4) ; use this Select routine
lea.l DoSCSISelAtn_dPSC, a1 ; point to Dual SCSICyc96 Select/WAtn proc
move.l a1, jvSelAtn(a4) ; use this Select routine
@noSCSICyc96 ;
move.b #mgrVersion2, state2(a4) ; save the version number
movem.l (sp)+, intrRegs ; restore registers
DispatchVector &ROMAddress
IF forTestInit OR forROM THEN ;
dc.l &ROMAddress-SCSIMgr_PSC
dcImportResident &ROMAddress
IF 1 THEN ;\/----\/----\/----\/
DispatchVector DoSCSIReset_PSC ; 0: SCSIReset
DispatchVector DoSCSIGet_PSC ; 1: SCSIGet
DispatchVector DoSCSISelect_sPSC ; 2: SCSISelect <T2>
DispatchVector DoSCSICmd_PSC ; 3: SCSICmd
DispatchVector DoSCSIComplete_PSC ; 4: SCSIComplete
DispatchVector NewSCSIRead_PSC ; 5: SCSIRead
DispatchVector NewSCSIWrite_PSC ; 6: SCSIWrite
DispatchVector Unimplemented_PSC ; 7: Was SCSIInstall
DispatchVector NewSCSIRBlind_PSC ; 8: SCSIRBlind
DispatchVector NewSCSIWBlind_PSC ; 9: SCSIWBlind
DispatchVector DoSCSIStat_PSC ; 10: SCSIStat
DispatchVector DoSCSISelAtn_sPSC ; 11: SCSISelAtn <T2>
DispatchVector DoSCSIMsgIn_PSC ; 12: SCSIMsgIn
DispatchVector DoSCSIMsgOut_PSC ; 13: SCSIMsgOut
ELSE ;/\----/\----/\----/\
DispatchVector 0 ; 0: SCSIReset
DispatchVector 0 ; 1: SCSIGet
DispatchVector DoSCSISelect_sPSC ; 2: SCSISelect <T2>
DispatchVector DoSCSICmd_PSC ; 3: SCSICmd
DispatchVector DoSCSIComplete_PSC ; 4: SCSIComplete
DispatchVector 0 ; 5: SCSIRead
DispatchVector 0 ; 6: SCSIWrite
DispatchVector 0 ; 7: Was SCSIInstall
DispatchVector 0 ; 8: SCSIRBlind
DispatchVector 0 ; 9: SCSIWBlind
DispatchVector DoSCSIStat_PSC ; 10: SCSIStat
DispatchVector DoSCSISelAtn_sPSC ; 11: SCSISelAtn <T2>
DispatchVector 0 ; 12: SCSIMsgIn
DispatchVector DoSCSIMsgOut_PSC ; 13: SCSIMsgOut