Elliot Nunn 0ba83392d4 Bring in CubeE sources
Resource forks are included only for .rsrc files. These are DeRezzed into their data fork. 'ckid' resources, from the Projector VCS, are not included.

The Tools directory, containing mostly junk, is also excluded.
2017-09-20 18:04:16 +08:00

277 lines
10 KiB

; File: FileMgrPrivate.a
; Contains: Truly private equates for the file manager
; Copyright: © 1990-1992 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <22> 10/28/92 DTY In FSVars record, use the defined size of a deferred task queue
; element instead of hardcoding the size at 20 bytes.
; <21> 4/4/92 FM #1021881,<DTY>: Add two new calls to turn the ProcessMgr's file
; tracking on and off. SuspendFileTracking and ResumeFileTracking.
; These wil be internal calls for a while. Also added macro for
; FSpGetCatInfo Because I couldn't find it in any header file.
; <20> 11/25/91 DTY Add macro for _ParallelFCBFromRefNum.
; <19> 8/22/91 JSM Clean up header.
; <18> 2/26/91 dnf gbm,bbm,#83780: Define a new equate for the size of the file
; system stack.
; <17> 2/25/91 dnf dty, #Don'tBeABoneHead: Comments work better with semicolons.
; <16> 2/25/91 dnf dfh, #80720,#82672: Add globals for the FCB fix.
; <15> 2/7/91 dnf kst, #79676: Add dsRecoverVCBPtr to FSVars to store the volume
; we're attempting to do a disk switch recovery on.
; <14> 1/16/91 dnf (kst) Add cacheAdvise and fsNoAllocate bits. Move FSControl,
; SetupWDCB, SetupDef and ReadWDCB back into traps.a
; <13> 1/4/91 KST With dnf: Adding FSM hook in FSVar (fsSelector).
; <12> 12/16/90 dnf Add a field to FSVars to hold the nextVRefnum value.
; <11> 12/15/90 dnf <gbm> Add another flag bit to FSBusy
; <10> 11/12/90 dnf Move FSVars into this truly private file
; <9> 10/30/90 dnf dnf/(tim harrington) change xFFFilAttrLockMask to a byte to
; match new definition of FXInfo. Add macro for _FSUprString.
; <8> 9/15/90 dnf Add an _FSCompareString macro so we'll never have to guess again
; on case and marks.
; <7> 8/10/90 KST Renaming NuLenBTH and NuLenBTCB.
; <6> 7/2/90 dnf Add xFFFilAttrLockMask (defined somewhere off in afp land, too)
; <4> 3/17/90 dnf Move _SetPMSP back to traps.a
; <3> 2/22/90 dnf Delete selectDTClose
; <2> 2/4/90 DNF Move some stuff in from FSPrivate.a
; <1> 2/1/90 DNF first checked in
IF &TYPE('__IncludingFileMgrPrivate__') = 'UNDEFINED' THEN
__IncludingFileMgrPrivate__ SET 1
; File System busy flag:
; Bit zero of FSBusy (lomem $360) is true when the file system is running.
; The word at $360 is cleared when the file system is exited. The
; bits defined here are for additional flags in the FSBusy word that are
; valid only when the file system is running.
fsBusyBit equ 0 ; file system is running; other FSBusy bits are valid
fsSCSIDefer equ 1 ; file system is waiting for SCSI transaction to complete
fsIntMaskDefer equ 2 ; file system is waiting until the interrupt mask is lowered
; HFS and friends low memory block <10>
; This block is pointed to by FSVars and is set up at linked patch time
; XFS depends on its pointer being at offset 6. Yuck.
; FileShare depends on dtOwnCall being at offset $38.
FSVarsPtr equ $bb8 ; lomem that points to file system variable block
FSVars record 0, increment
length ds.w 1 ; length (bytes) of FSVars
obsolete ds.l 1 ; no longer used
XFS ds.l 1 ; pointer to XFS's storage (must be at offset 6!)
BTMgr ds.l 1 ; pointer to BTree manager's storage
DTDBMgr ds.l 1 ; pointer to DTDBase manager's storage
FSMgr ds.l 1 ; pointer to File System Manager's storage
QMgr ds.l 1 ; pointer to internal Queue Manager's storage
fcbPBuf ds.l 1 ; fcb parallel array
wdcbPBuf ds.l 1 ; wdcb parallel array
reserve1 ds.w 1 ; reserved/alignment fodder
fsDefer ds.b dtQElSize ; a deferred task pb <15 in private.a>
dtOwnCall ds.l 1 ; pointer to pb of call coming from within the dtdb mgr
FSMHook ds.l 1 ; called after every un-answered call down toExtFSHook
fsSelector ds.w 1
fsFlags ds.b 1 ; holds interesting flags
reserve2 ds.b 1 ; reserved/alignment fodder
dsRecoverVCBPtr ds.l 1 ; pointer to VCB of volume we're doing a disk switch for <14>
dsRecoverNamePtr ds.l 1 ; points to name of volume we're doing a disk switch for <14>
fsFCBBurst ds.w 1 ; # of FCBs that we'd like to keep free <38>
fsFCBGrow ds.w 1 ; # of FCBs to make free when we grow the array <38>
fsFCBMax ds.w 1 ; max # of FCBs to allow <38>
fsFCBCounter ds.w 1 ; counts down as files are opened <38>
later ds.l 8 ; and a few more for later
size equ *-FSVars ; so we know how long FSVars is
; private bit for ioPosMode
fsCacheAdvise equ 4 ; set in ioPosMode indicates request for extra caching
; fsFlags bit values
fsNoAllocate equ 0 ; true when allocating memory is a very bad idea
fsNeedFCBs equ 1 ; true when a local FCB couldn't be found <38>
fsNoFCBExpansion equ 2 ; true if no FCB expansion logic is desired <38>
; some private equates
selectGetParallelFCBFromRefnum equ $50
selectFSCleanUp EQU $62
selectAllocateFCBs EQU $63 ; <38>
; <18>
; Define a new equate for the size of the file system stack.
; HFSStkLen (in FSPrivate.a) used by the ROM, so we won't change it so
; as to keep consistency between the ROM header files and the ROM objects.
; Note that the file system stack is HFSStkLen+HFSTmpSize in
; length until linked patch time when we grow it to fsLargerStackLength+HFSTempSize.
; Although there is code in TFS.a to check for stack overflow, it was not included
; in any ROM build to date (i.e. IIci-class ROMs).
fsLargerStackLength equ HFSStkLen+512 ; give us more breathing room
; specific param block fields for AllocateFCBs
ioFCBBurst EQU $20 ; requested burst headroom [input, word] <38>
ioFCBGrow EQU $22 ; requested free if allocation triggered [input, word] <38>
ioTotalFCBs EQU $24 ; returns number of FCBs present [ouput, word] <38>
ioTotalFreeFCBs EQU $26 ; returns number of free FCBs [output, word] <38>
ioFCBsAdded EQU $2A ; returns number allocated this time [output, word] <38>
; Private calls currently implemented only in AppleShare or FileShare
selectShare equ $42
selectUnshare equ $43
selectGetUGEntry equ $44
selectServerControl equ $45
selectServerStartup equ $46
_GetParallelFCBFromRefnum &async1,&async2
DoHFSDispatch selectGetParallelFCBFromRefnum,&async1,&async2,hfsBit=0
_FSCleanUp &async1,&async2
DoHFSDispatch selectFSCleanUp,&async1,&async2,hfsBit=0
macro ; <38>
_AllocateFCBs &async1,&async2
DoHFSDispatch selectAllocateFCBs,&async1,&async2,hfsBit=0
_Share &async1,&async2
DoHFSDispatch selectShare,&async1,&async2,hfsBit=0
_Unshare &async1,&async2
DoHFSDispatch selectUnshare,&async1,&async2,hfsBit=0
_GetUGEntry &async1,&async2
DoHFSDispatch selectGetUGEntry,&async1,&async2,hfsBit=0
_ServerControl &async1,&async2
DoHFSDispatch selectServerControl,&async1,&async2,hfsBit=0
_ServerStartup &async1,&async2
DoHFSDispatch selectServerStartup,&async1,&async2,hfsBit=0
; These two little macros are so we'll never get paranoid about the right
; modifier bits for file system-style string comparison.
; a macro for the right way to upper strings
_UprString marks
; Internal calls on HighLevelDispatch that will hopefully <21>
; be public someday! <21>
selectFSpGetCatInfo EQU $10 ;<21>
selectSuspendProcessMgrFileTracking EQU $11 ;<21>
selectResumeProcessMgrFileTracking EQU $12 ;<21>
macro ;<21>
_FSpGetCatInfo ;<21>
DoDispatch _HighLevelFSDispatch,selectFSpGetCatInfo ;<21>
endm ;<21>
macro ;<21>
_SuspendProcessMgrFileTracking ;<21>
DoDispatch _HighLevelFSDispatch,selectSuspendProcessMgrFileTracking ;<21>
endm ;<21>
macro ;<21>
_ResumeProcessMgrFileTracking ;<21>
DoDispatch _HighLevelFSDispatch,selectResumeProcessMgrFileTracking ;<21>
endm ;<21>
; mask bits for afp's three inhibit bits which live in fdXFlags in xFndrInfo <9>
xFFFilAttrLockMask equ $70
; the base (static) set of attributes for local hfs volumes
localvMAttribs equ (1<<bHasCatSearch)|(1<<bHasFileIDs)|(1<<bHasBtreeMgr)
localVolGrade equ 0
;; Addition for system 7.0 <KST 1/22/90>
;; the general structure of the WDCB/FCB parallel array:
; --+--
; | Buf Count
; --+--
; | Unit Length
; --+--
; | PID1 (data starts)
; --+--
; | PID2
; --+--
; | .....more PIDs
; --+--
cbPBufCount EQU 0 ; number of FCBs
cbPBufULen EQU 2 ; each Ext FCB unit size
;; addition to FCB:
fcbPBufData EQU 4 ; fcb parallel array data starts
ExtFCBLen EQU 8 ; extended FCB unit size.
L2ExtFCBLen EQU 3 ; log2 of ExtFCBLen.
;; each of the FCB extension: ; only PID for now
xFCBPid1 EQU 0
xFCBPid2 EQU 4
;; addition to WDCB: (currently it is the same as FCB extension)
wdcbPBufData EQU 4 ; wdcb parallel array data starts
ExtWDCBLen EQU 8 ; extended WDCB unit size.
L2ExtWDCBLen EQU 3 ; log2 of ExtWDCBLen.
;; each of the WDCB extension:
fsDesiredFCBBurst equ 20 ; we'd like to allow for this many burst async _Opens <38>
fsDesiredFCBFree equ 2*fsDesiredFCBBurst ; we'll grow to this many free when we do grow <38>
fsWDCBExtendCount equ 8 ; # of WDCB's to add when we run out <38>
ioWDCreated equ 24 ; unused field in the ioWDPB
fscpbLen equ 28 ; param length used for cleanup
;; addition to BTHeader: (KST for B*Tree Manager)
bthResv1 EQU 30 ;(2 bytes) => btcType related (reserved)
bthClumpSize EQU 32 ;(long) => up to this long are copied into BTCB
bthBTType EQU 36 ;(byte)
lenMemBTH70 EQU 36 ; copy 36 bytes (memory resident portion of BTH)
;; addition to BTCB: (KST for B*Tree Manager)
btcType EQU 1 ;(byte) Btree type => bthBTType related
btcResv1 EQU 54 ;(2 bytes) (reserved)
btcClump EQU 56 ;(long) => up to this long are copied from BTH
btcWCount EQU 60 ;(long) => write count
btcKDPtr EQU 64 ;(long) => key descriptor pointer
btcRCount EQU 68 ;(byte) => reference count
btcL2NSize EQU 69 ;(byte) => log2 of node size
btcRsrvUID EQU 70 ;(long) => for access control <1/4/90>
lenBTCB70 EQU 74 ;total new length for 7.0
WCSigLong EQU $04B5400 ; write count starts
ENDIF ; ...already included