Elliot Nunn 0ba83392d4 Bring in CubeE sources
Resource forks are included only for .rsrc files. These are DeRezzed into their data fork. 'ckid' resources, from the Projector VCS, are not included.

The Tools directory, containing mostly junk, is also excluded.
2017-09-20 18:04:16 +08:00

248 lines
7.5 KiB

; File: DialogMgrExtensions.a
; Contains: Extensions to the Dialog Manager used by both the ROM and System.
; Written by: Darin Adler, Kevin MacDonell, Roger Mann, and Jeff Miller
; Copyright: © 1990-1992 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <3> 6/10/92 JSM CanÕt do a beqOld in DSEdit, since it isnÕt inside a patch proc.
; Just do the same thing the ROM does: repush the parameters and
; call _TEKey again. This means we donÕt need to include
; LinkedPatchMacros.a anymore.
; <2> 6/10/92 JSM Moved some routines here from DialogMgrPatches.a to factor out
; common code in both the ROM and the System. DonÕt define
; kProcessInfoRecSize here (it was 6 bytes too big anyway), use
; ProcessInfoRec.size from Processes.a. Implement DSEdit slightly
; differently for ROM builds and System builds.
; <1> 6/10/92 JSM first checked in
load 'StandardEqu.d'
include 'Processes.a'
; NotOwnActivator
; Check to see whether this process (currently receiving a suspend/resume event)
; has set the doOwnActivate flag.
; Called by DialogSelectFixes and IsDialogEventFixes in DialogMgrPatches.a.
; This could be a problem if called before Process Manager is alive, but then
; you should never get a suspend or resume event if it isn't.
; Z if not ownActivator, z if ownActivator
; Registers Used
; --------------
; d0 trashed
NotOwnActivator Proc Export
NotOwnActivatorFrame RECORD {A6Link},DECR
Return DS.L 1
A6Link DS.L 1
thePSN DS.L 2 ; Process serial number is 8 bytes
theInfo DS.B ProcessInfoRec.size ; ProcessInfo record
LocalSize EQU *
with NotOwnActivatorFrame
link A6, #LocalSize
;set up the info rec's input fields
moveq #ProcessInfoRec.size,d0 ; size of ProcessInfo record
move.l d0,theInfo+processInfoLength(a6)
clr.l theInfo+processName(a6) ; processName = nil
clr.l theInfo+processAppSpec(a6) ; processAppSpec = nil
;Set up PSN to specify current process
clr.l thePSN+highLongOfPSN(a6) ; PSN.high = 0
moveq #kCurrentProcess,d0
move.l d0,thePSN+lowLongOfPSN(a6) ; PSN.low = kCurrentProcess
; Get information about the current process
subq.l #2,a7
pea thePSN(a6)
pea theInfo(a6)
moveq #0,d0
tst.w (a7)+
bne.s @Done
; Test the mode flag for modeDoesActivateOnFGSwitch
move.l #modeDoesActivateOnFGSwitch,d0
and.l theInfo+processMode(a6),d0 ; Z if not ownActivator, z if ownActivator
tst.w d0
unlk a6
; FakeUpEvent
; Called by DialogSelectFixes and IsDialogEventFixes in DialogMgrPatches.a.
; Registers Used
; --------------
; On Entry:
; a2 the address of the event record
; On Exit:
; sp Contains an event record which is a clone of the original with
; suspend mapped to deactivate and resume mapped to activate.
; a3 trashed
FakeUpEvent Proc Export
move.l (sp)+,a3 ; save the return address and clear it off the stack
; Build fake event
move.l a2,a0 ; point at the event
add.l #evtBlkSize,a0 ; point at the end of the event record
move.w -(a0),-(sp) ; push modifiers
; convert a suspend event to a deactivate or a resume event to an activate event.
btst #0,3+evtMessage(a2) ; bit 0 is clear if this is a suspend, set if resume
bne.s @SetActivate
bclr #0,1(sp) ; deactivate
bra.s @PushWhere
bset #0,1(sp) ; activate
move.l -(a0),-(sp) ; push where
move.l -(a0),-(sp) ; push when
subq #4,sp ; make room for the window (message)
_FrontWindow ; get window pointer
move.w #activateEvt,-(sp) ; choice of deactivate or activate was made
; in bit 0 of modifiers
subq #2,sp ; make room for the result
pea 2(sp) ; pass the event record in
jmp (a3)
; DSEdit
; This routine adds support for cut/copy/paste to _DialogSelect.
; Called by DBKeyDown in DialogMgr.a for the ROM, or by the DSEditPatch patch on _TEKey in
; DialogMgrPatches.a for the System.
DSEdit Proc Export
IMPORT TEFromScrap ; from Interface.o
IMPORT TEToScrap ; from Interface.o
DSRetAddr EQU 4 ; EventDialog return address
DSItemHit EQU DSRetAddr+4 ; item clicked on
DSWindow EQU DSItemHit+4 ; returned dialog wondow VAR
DSEvent EQU DSWindow+4 ; in/out event
DSResult EQU DSEvent+4 ; function result
FunctionKey EQU $10
CutKey EQU $78
CopyKey EQU $63
PasteKey EQU $76
move.l DSEvent(A6), A0 ; Get the eventrecord ptr
move.l evtMessage(A0), D0 ; get key code in d0
cmp.b #FunctionKey, D0 ; is it the function key ?
bne.s @cmdkey ; if not, check for cmd key
and.l #keyCodeMask, D0 ; get key code
lsr.l #8, D0 ; into byte of D0
move.l teHandle(A4), -(SP) ; Push the TEHandle here to save code
cmp.b #CutKey, D0
beq.s @DoCut ; Is it Cut?
cmp.b #CopyKey, D0
beq.s @DoCopy ; Is it Copy?
cmp.b #PasteKey, D0
beq.s @DoPaste ; Is it Paste?
bra.s @Bail ; donÕt pass (char) FunctionKey into TE
@cmdkey move.w evtMeta(A0), D0 ; Check the cmd key
moveq #cmdKey, D2
btst D2, D0
bne.s @checkChar ; if command key pressed, check for Cut/Copy/Paste
move.w d1,-(sp) ; push d1 again (contains character from DBKeyDown)
move.l teHandle(a4),-(sp) ; and teHandle
_TEKey ; call TEKey
bra @Done ; and pop the original parameters off the stack and return
move.l teHandle(A4), -(SP) ; Push the TEHandle here to save code
bclr #5, D1 ; This UPPER cases C/X/V and screws up other things
subi.b #'C', D1 ; Is it Copy?
beq.s @DoCopy
subi.b #'V'-'C', D1 ; Is it Paste?
beq.s @DoPaste
subi.b #'X'-'V', D1 ; Is it Cut?
beq.s @DoCut
addq.l #4, SP ; Remove the handle we pushed
bra.s @Done
bsr.s @ChkSelection ; DonÕt cut without a selection
_TECut ; teHandle is already on the stack from above
bra.s @XCcommon ; Do common Cut and Copy stuff
bsr.s @ChkSelection ; DonÕt copy without a selection
_TECopy ; teHandle is already on the stack from above
subq.l #4, SP ; Make room for results
jsr TEToScrap ; Copy TEScrap to Desk scrap
addq.l #4, SP ; Ignore the result
bra.s @Done
subq.l #2, SP ; Make room for result
jsr TEFromScrap ; Copy Desk scrap to TEScrap
addq.l #2, SP ; Ignore the result
_TEPaste ; teHandle is already on the stack from above
move.l (SP)+, A0 ; Get the return address
addq.l #6, SP ; Pop off the params
jmp (A0) ; And jump thru
move.l teHandle(A4), A0 ; Get tehandle
move.l (A0), A0 ; Handle -> Ptr
move.w teSelEnd(A0),D1
move.w teSelStart(A0),D0
sub.w D0,D1 ; SelEnd - SelStart
ble.s @noSelection
addq #4, SP ; Yank return addr
bra.s @Bail