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; File: FPSPMain.a
; Contains: Main entry point for the FPU Emulation Package
; Originally Written by: Motorola Inc.
; Adapted to Apple/MPW: Jon Okada
; Copyright: © 1990, 1991 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; This file is used in these builds: Mac32
; Change History (most recent first):
; <2> 3/30/91 BG Rolling in Jon Okada's latest changes.
; <1> 12/14/90 BG First checked into TERROR/BBS.
; fpspmain.a
; Based upon Motorola file 'skeleton.sa'.
; Main entry points to FPSP functionality: ovfl, unfl, snan, operr, bsun, fline,
; and unsupp.
; 03 Jan 91 JPO Removed branches to emulator routines and moved entry point
; labels to appropriate emulator routines. Removed dummy
; user exception routines 'real_XXX'. Removed routine
; 'fpsp_done' (RTE done in-line). Modified and flattened
; structure of 'mem_write' function. Removed 'mem_read'
; routine (to be done in-line).
* skeleton.sa 3.1 12/10/90
* This file contains code that is system dependent and will
* need to be modified to install the FPSP.
* Each entry point for exception 'xxxx' begins with a 'jmp fpsp_xxxx'.
* Put any target system specific handling that must be done immediately
* before the jump instruction. If there no handling necessary, then
* the 'fpsp_xxxx' handler entry point should be placed in the exception
* table so that the 'jmp' can be eliminated. If the FPSP determines that the
* exception is one that must be reported then there will be a
* return from the package by a 'jmp real_xxxx'. At that point
* the machine state will be identical to the state before
* the FPSP was entered. In particular, whatever condition
* that caused the exception will still be pending when the FPSP
* package returns. Thus, there will be system specific code
* to handle the exception.
* If the exception was completely handled by the package, then
* the return will be via a 'jmp fpsp_done'. Unless there is
* OS specific work to be done (such as handling a context switch or
* interrupt) the user program can be resumed via 'rte'.
* In the following skeleton code, some typical 'real_xxxx' handling
* code is shown. This code may need to be moved to an appropriate
* place in the target system, or rewritten.
* Copyright (C) Motorola, Inc. 1990
* All Rights Reserved
* The copyright notice above does not evidence any
* actual or intended publication of such source code.
* SKELETON IDNT 2,1 Motorola 040 Floating Point Software Package
; section 15
* The following counters are used for standalone testing - DELETED <1/3/91, JPO>
;sigunimp dc.l 0
;sigbsun dc.l 0
;siginex dc.l 0
;sigdz dc.l 0
;sigunfl dc.l 0
;sigovfl dc.l 0
;sigoperr dc.l 0
;sigsnan dc.l 0
;sigunsupp dc.l 0
; section 8
; include fpsp.h
* Divide by Zero exception - DELETED <1/3/91, JPO>
* All dz exceptions are 'real', hence no fpsp_dz entry point.
; link a6,#-LOCAL_SIZE
; fsave -(sp)
; bclr.b #E1,E_BYTE(a6)
; frestore (sp)+
; unlk a6
; add.l #1,sigdz ;for standalone testing
; rte
* Inexact exception - DELETED <1/3/91, JPO>
* All inexact exceptions are real, but the 'real' handler
* will probably want to clear the pending exception.
* The provided code will clear the E3 exception (if pending),
* otherwise clear the E1 exception. The frestore is not really
* necessary for E1 exceptions.
* Code following the 'inex' label is to handle bug #1232. In this
* bug, if an E1 snan, ovfl, or unfl occured, and the process was
* swapped out before taking the exception, the exception taken on
* return was inex, rather than the correct exception. The snan, ovfl,
* and unfl exception to be taken must not have been enabled. The
* fix is to check for E1, and the existence of one of snan, ovfl,
* or unfl bits set in the fpsr. If any of these are set, branch
* to the appropriate handler for the exception in the fpsr. Note
* that this fix is only for d43b parts, and is skipped if the
* version number is not $40.
; link a6,#-LOCAL_SIZE
; fsave -(sp)
; cmpi.b #VER_40,(sp) ;test version number
; bne.b real_inex
; fmove.l fpsr,-(sp)
; btst.b #E1,E_BYTE(a6) ;test for E1 set
; beq.b not_b1232
; btst.b #snan_bit,2(sp) ;test for snan
; beq inex_ckofl
; add.l #4,sp
; frestore (sp)+
; unlk a6
; bra snan
; btst.b #ovfl_bit,2(sp) ;test for ovfl
; beq inex_ckufl
; add.l #4,sp
; frestore (sp)+
; unlk a6
; bra ovfl
; btst.b #unfl_bit,2(sp) ;test for unfl
; beq not_b1232
; add.l #4,sp
; frestore (sp)+
; unlk a6
; bra unfl
* We do not have the bug 1232 case. Clean up the stack and call
* real_inex.
; add.l #4,sp
; frestore (sp)+
; unlk a6
; add.l #1,siginex ;for standalone testing
; link a6,#-LOCAL_SIZE
; fsave -(sp)
; bclr.b #E3,E_BYTE(a6) ;clear and test E3 flag
; beq.b inex_cke1
* Clear dirty bit on dest register in the frame before branching
* to b1238_fix.
; movem.l d0/d1,USER_DA(a6)
; bfextu CMDREG1B(a6){6:3},d0 ;get dest reg no
; bclr.b d0,FPR_DIRTY_BITS(a6) ;clr dest dirty bit
; bsr b1238_fix ;test for bug1238 case
; movem.l USER_DA(a6),d0/d1
; bra.b inex_done
; bclr.b #E1,E_BYTE(a6)
; frestore (sp)+
; unlk a6
; rte
* Overflow exception - DELETED <1/3/91, JPO>
; jmp fpsp_ovfl
; add.l #1,sigovfl ;for standalone testing
; link a6,#-LOCAL_SIZE
; fsave -(sp)
; bclr.b #E3,E_BYTE(a6) ;clear and test E3 flag
; bne.b ovfl_done
; bclr.b #E1,E_BYTE(a6)
; frestore (sp)+
; unlk a6
; rte
* Underflow exception - DELETED <1/3/91, JPO>
; jmp fpsp_unfl
; add.l #1,sigunfl ;for standalone testing
; link a6,#-LOCAL_SIZE
; fsave -(sp)
; bclr.b #E3,E_BYTE(a6) ;clear and test E3 flag
; bne.b unfl_done
; bclr.b #E1,E_BYTE(a6)
; frestore (sp)+
; unlk a6
; rte
* Signalling NAN exception - DELETED <1/3/91, JPO>
; jmp fpsp_snan
; link a6,#-LOCAL_SIZE
; fsave -(sp)
; bclr.b #E1,E_BYTE(a6) ;snan is always an E1 exception
; frestore (sp)+
; unlk a6
; add.l #1,sigsnan ;for standalone testing
; rte
* Operand Error exception - DELETED <1/3/91, JPO>
; jmp fpsp_operr
; link a6,#-LOCAL_SIZE
; fsave -(sp)
; bclr.b #E1,E_BYTE(a6) ;operr is always an E1 exception
; frestore (sp)+
; unlk a6
; add.l #1,sigoperr ;for standalone testing
; rte
* BSUN exception - DELETED <1/3/91, JPO>
* This sample handler simply clears the nan bit in the FPSR.
; jmp fpsp_bsun
; link a6,#-LOCAL_SIZE
; fsave -(sp)
; bclr.b #E1,E_BYTE(a6) ;bsun is always an E1 exception
; fmove.l FPSR,-(sp)
; bclr.b #nan_bit,(sp)
; fmove.l (sp)+,FPSR
; frestore (sp)+
; unlk a6
; add.l #1,sigbsun ;for standalone testing
; rte
* F-line exception - DELETED <1/3/91, JPO>
* A 'real' F-line exception is one that the FPSP isn't supposed to
* handle. E.g. an instruction with a co-processor ID that is not 1.
; jmp fpsp_fline
; add.l #1,sigunimp ;for standalone testing
; rte
* Unsupported data type exception - DELETED <1/3/91, JPO>
; jmp fpsp_unsupp
; link a6,#-LOCAL_SIZE
; fsave -(sp)
; bclr.b #E1,E_BYTE(a6) ;unsupp is always an E1 exception
; frestore (sp)+
; unlk a6
; add.l #1,sigunsupp ;for standalone testing
; rte
* Trace exception - DELETED <1/3/91, JPO>
; rte
* fpsp_fmt_error --- exit point for frame format error
* The fpu stack frame does not match the frames existing
* or planned at the time of this writing. The fpsp is
* unable to handle frame sizes not in the following
* version:size pairs:
* {4060, 4160} - busy frame
* {4028, 4130} - unimp frame
* {4000, 4100} - idle frame
* This entry point simply holds an f-line illegal value.
* Replace this with a call to your kernel panic code or
* code to handle future revisions of the fpu.
dc.l $f27f0000 ;f-line illegal
* fpsp_done --- FPSP exit point
* The exception has been handled by the package and we are ready
* to return to user mode, but there may be OS specific code
* to execute before we do. If there is, do it now.
; rte
* mem_write --- write to user or supervisor address space - MODIFIED <1/3/91, JPO>
* Writes to memory while in supervisor mode. copyout accomplishes
* this via a 'moves' instruction. copyout is a UNIX SVR3 (and later) function.
* If you don't have copyout, use the local copy of the function below.
* a0 - supervisor source address
* a1 - user destination address
* d0 - number of bytes to write (maximum count is 12)
* The supervisor source address is guaranteed to point into the supervisor
* stack. The result is that a UNIX
* process is allowed to sleep as a consequence of a page fault during
* copyout. The probability of a page fault is exceedingly small because
* the 68040 always reads the destination address and thus the page
* faults should have already been handled.
* If the EXC_SR shows that the exception was from supervisor space,
* then just do a dumb (and slow) memory move. In a UNIX environment
* there shouldn't be any supervisor mode floating point exceptions.
; btst.b #5,EXC_SR(a6) ;check for supervisor state
; beq.b user_write
; move.b (a0)+,(a1)+
; subq.l #1,d0
; bne.b super_write
sub.l #1,d0 ; dec count by 1 for 'dbf' below <1/3/91, JPO>
moreout: ; <1/3/91, JPO>
move.b (a0)+,(a1)+ ; copy 1 byte <1/3/91, JPO>
dbf d0,moreout ; loop until done <1/3/91, JPO>
; move.l d1,-(sp) ;preserve d1 just in case
; move.l d0,-(sp)
; move.l a1,-(sp)
; move.l a0,-(sp)
; jsr copyout
; add.w #12,sp
; move.l (sp)+,d1
; rts
* mem_read --- read from user or supervisor address space - DELETED <1/3/91, JPO>
* Reads from memory while in supervisor mode. copyin accomplishes
* this via a 'moves' instruction. copyin is a UNIX SVR3 (and later) function.
* If you don't have copyin, use the local copy of the function below.
* The FPSP calls mem_read to read the original F-line instruction in order
* to extract the data register number when the 'Dn' addressing mode is
* used.
* a0 - user source address
* a1 - supervisor destination address
* d0 - number of bytes to read (maximum count is 12)
* Like mem_write, mem_read always reads with a supervisor
* destination address on the supervisor stack. Also like mem_write,
* the EXC_SR is checked and a simple memory copy is done if reading
* from supervisor space is indicated.
; btst.b #5,EXC_SR(a6) ;check for supervisor state
; beq.b user_read
; move.b (a0)+,(a1)+
; subq.l #1,d0
; bne.b super_read
; rts
; move.l d1,-(sp) ;preserve d1 just in case
; move.l d0,-(sp)
; move.l a1,-(sp)
; move.l a0,-(sp)
; jsr copyin
; add.w #12,sp
; move.l (sp)+,d1
; rts
* Use these routines if your kernel doesn't have copyout/copyin equivalents.
* Assumes that D0/D1/A0/A1 are scratch registers. copyout overwrites DFC,
* and copyin overwrites SFC.
;copyout: ; DELETED <1/3/91, JPO>
; move.l 4(sp),a0 ; source
; move.l 8(sp),a1 ; destination
; move.l 12(sp),d0 ; count
; sub.l #1,d0 ; dec count by 1 for dbra
; move.l #1,d1
; movec d1,DFC ; set dfc for user data space
; move.b (a0)+,d1 ; fetch supervisor byte
; moves.b d1,(a1)+ ; write user byte
; dbf.w d0,moreout
; rts
;copyin: ; DELETED <1/3/91, JPO>
; move.l 4(sp),a0 ; source
; move.l 8(sp),a1 ; destination
; move.l 12(sp),d0 ; count
; sub.l #1,d0 ; dec count by 1 for dbra
; move.l #1,d1
; movec d1,SFC ; set sfc for user space
; moves.b (a0)+,d1 ; fetch user byte
; move.b d1,(a1)+ ; write supervisor byte
; dbf.w d0,morein
; rts