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; File: RemMod.a
; Contains: Routines to handle emulation of FREM and FMOD instructions
; (floating-point remainder and modulus functions)
; Originally Written by: Motorola Inc.
; Adapted to Apple/MPW: Jon Okada
; Copyright: © 1990, 1991 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; This file is used in these builds: Mac32
; Change History (most recent first):
; <3> 6/26/91 BG Rolled in Jon's REM code change that speeds up the emulation for
; this instruction by a factor of 9.
; <2> 3/30/91 BG Rolling in Jon Okada's latest changes.
; <1> 12/14/90 BG First checked into TERROR/BBS.
; remmod.a
; Based upon Motorola file 'srem_mod.a'
; 07 Jan 91 JPO Changed variable names Y and R to YMOD and RMOD. Changed
; constant label "Scale" to "SCREM". Renamed labels
; "HiX_not0" and "Finish" to "RMHiX_not0" and "RMFinish",
; respectively. Deleted unreferenced label "HiX_0".
; 25 Jun 91 JPO Rewrote to use "div32" subroutine which does up to
; 32 remainder steps at a time.
* srem_mod.sa 3.1 12/10/90
* The entry point sMOD computes the floating point MOD of the
* input values X and Y. The entry point sREM computes the floating
* point (IEEE) REM of the input values X and Y.
* -----
* Double-extended value Y is pointed to by address in register
* A0. Double-extended value X is located in -12(A0). The values
* of X and Y are both nonzero and finite; although either or both
* of them can be denormalized. The special cases of zeros, NaNs,
* and infinities are handled elsewhere.
* ------
* FREM(X,Y) or FMOD(X,Y), depending on entry point.
* ---------
* Step 1. Save and strip signs of X and Y: signX := sign(X),
* signY := sign(Y), X := |X|, Y := |Y|,
* signQ := signX EOR signY. Record whether MOD or REM
* is requested.
* Step 2. Set L := expo(X)-expo(Y), k := 0, Q := 0.
* If (L < 0) then
* R := X, go to Step 4.
* else
* R := 2^(-L)X, j := L.
* endif
* Step 3. Perform MOD(X,Y)
* 3.1 If R = Y, go to Step 9.
* 3.2 If R > Y, then { R := R - Y, Q := Q + 1}
* 3.3 If j = 0, go to Step 4.
* 3.4 k := k + 1, j := j - 1, Q := 2Q, R := 2R. Go to
* Step 3.1.
* Step 4. At this point, R = X - QY = MOD(X,Y). Set
* Last_Subtract := false (used in Step 7 below). If
* MOD is requested, go to Step 6.
* Step 5. R = MOD(X,Y), but REM(X,Y) is requested.
* 5.1 If R < Y/2, then R = MOD(X,Y) = REM(X,Y). Go to
* Step 6.
* 5.2 If R > Y/2, then { set Last_Subtract := true,
* Q := Q + 1, Y := signY*Y }. Go to Step 6.
* 5.3 This is the tricky case of R = Y/2. If Q is odd,
* then { Q := Q + 1, signX := -signX }.
* Step 6. R := signX*R.
* Step 7. If Last_Subtract = true, R := R - Y.
* Step 8. Return signQ, last 7 bits of Q, and R as required.
* Step 9. At this point, R = 2^(-j)*X - Q Y = Y. Thus,
* X = 2^(j)*(Q+1)Y. set Q := 2^(j)*(Q+1),
* R := 0. Return signQ, last 7 bits of Q, and R.
* Copyright (C) Motorola, Inc. 1990
* All Rights Reserved
* The copyright notice above does not evidence any
* actual or intended publication of such source code.
* SREM_MOD IDNT 2,1 Motorola 040 Floating Point Software Package
;SignY equ FP_SCR3+4 ; DELETED <6/25/91, JPO> <T3>
;SignX equ FP_SCR3+8 ; DELETED <6/25/91, JPO> <T3>
;SignQ equ FP_SCR3+12 ; DELETED <6/25/91, JPO> <T3>
;Sc_Flag equ FP_SCR4 ; DELETED <6/25/91, JPO> <T3>
EXPOY equ FP_SCR3+4 ; <6/25/91, JPO>
;Y equ FP_SCR1 ; Renamed <1/7/91, JPO>
YMOD equ FP_SCR1 ; <1/7/91, JPO>
Y_Hi equ YMOD+4 ; <1/7/91, JPO>
Y_Lo equ YMOD+8 ; <1/7/91, JPO>
;R equ FP_SCR2 ; Renemed <1/7/91, JPO>
RMOD equ FP_SCR2 ; <1/7/91, JPO>
R_Hi equ RMOD+4 ; <1/7/91, JPO>
R_Lo equ RMOD+8 ; <1/7/91, JPO>
ALIGN 16 ; <1/7/91, JPO>
;SCREM DC.L $00010000,$80000000,$00000000,$00000000 ; Renamed <1/7/91, JPO> - DELETED <6/25/91, JPO>
; New FMOD and FREM algorithms begin here <6/25/91, JPO> <T3> thru next <T3>
move.l #0,MOD_FLAG(a6)
bra.b mod_rem
move.l #1,MOD_FLAG(a6)
movem.l d2-d7/a2,-(sp) ; save data registers and A2
suba.l a2,a2 ; clear scaling flag (A2)
bfextu (a0){1:15},d3 ; |Y| in D0.w/D1/D2
move.l 8(A0),d5
move.l 4(a0),d4
bmi.b chk_x ; Y is normal
bne.b @1 ; normalize Y
move.l d5,d4 ; Y sig.hi is zero. normalize
clr.l d5
subi.l #32,d3
bfffo d4{0:32},d6
lsl.l d6,d4
sub.l d6,d3
bra.b chk_x
bfffo d4{0:32},d6 ; Y sig.hi is nonzero. normalize
sub.l d6,d3
lsl.l d6,d4
bfextu d5{0:d6},d7
lsl.l d6,d5
or.l d7,d4
bfextu -12(a0){1:15},d0 ; D0.w/D1/D2 is |x|
move.l -4(a0),d2
move.l -8(a0),d1
bmi.b mod_init ; X is normal
bne.b @1
move.l d2,d1 ; X sig.hi is zero. normalize
clr.l d2
subi.l #32,d0
bfffo d1{0:32},d6
lsl.l d6,d1
sub.l d6,d0
bra.b mod_init
bfffo d1{0:32},d6 ; X sig.hi is nonzero. normalize
sub.l d6,d0
lsl.l d6,d1
bfextu d2{0:d6},d7
lsl.l d6,d2
or.l d7,d1
move.l d3,EXPOY(a6) ; save expo(Y)
sub.l d3,d0 ; L = expo(X) - expo(Y)
bge.b @1 ; L >= 0
add.l d3,d0 ; L < 0 -> |x| < |y|. restore expo(X)
suba.l a1,a1 ; zero quotient in a1
bra.b get_mod
movea.l d0,a1 ; save L in a1
; Remainder algorithm using DIV32 subroutine handles large exponent
; differences much faster than any subtraction algorithm.
; D3/D1/D2: dividend/shifted remainder (96 bits)
; D4/D5: divisor (64 bits)
; D0/D6/D7: scratch
; A1: loop count
moveq #0,D3 ; zero high longword of dividend
andi.l #$0000001f,d0 ; alignment shift count
beq.b @2 ; if zero, do first DIV32
; shift dividend in d1/d2 left into d3/d1/d2
bfextu d1{0:d0},d3 ; shift high bits from d1 into d3
lsl.l d0,d1 ; shift d1 left
bfextu d2{0:d0},d6 ; extract d2 high bits
lsl.l d0,d2 ; shift d2 left
or.l d6,d1 ; insert extracted d2 bits into shifted d1
; Do initial division of D3/D1/D2 by D4/D5. 32-bit quotient in D0 with
; remainder in D3/D1 shifted by 32 bits.
bsr div32
; Remaining number of REM/MOD steps, if any, are done 32 at a time using DIV32.
; Final D0 value is lowest 32 bits of the quotient, and result is in D3/D1.
move.l a1,d6 ; get number of remaining 32-bit steps
bfextu d6{16:11},d6
beq.b moddivdone ; if zero, clean up
move.l d6,a1 ; a1 <- # of 32-bit steps
moveq #0,d2 ; zero trailing remainder bits
bsr div32
subq.l #1,a1
move.l a1,d6
bne.b modlp32
; At this point, remainder is in D3/D1 and exponent is in EXPOY(a6). Remainder
; may not be normalized. Low 32 bits of quotient in D0.
move.l d1,d2 ; put result in D0/D1/D2
move.l d3,d1
move.l EXPOY(a6),d3 ; d3.w <- expoy
movea.l d0,a1 ; quotient in a1
move.l d3,d0 ; result expo = EXPOY
tst.l d1 ; test high significand
bne.b @1 ; nonzero
tst.l d2 ; test low significand
beq rem_is_0 ; zero result
move.l d2,d1 ; unnormalized with sig.hi zero
moveq #0,d2 ; normalize it
subi.l #32,d0
bfffo d1{0:32},d6
lsl.l d6,d1
sub.l d6,d0
bra.b get_mod
@1: ; sig.hi is nonzero
bmi.b get_mod ; normalized
bfffo d1{0:32},d6 ; unnormalized. Normalize it
sub.l d6,d0
lsl.l d6,d1
bfextu d2{0:d6},d7
lsl.l d6,d2
or.l d7,d1
; At this point, normalized remainder/mod in D0/D1/D2, low 32 bits of quotient
; in a1. D3/D4/D5 holds Y.
cmpi.l #64,d0 ; if result is too small, scale upward
bge.b no_scale ; large enough
addi.l #126,d0 ; scale result and Y upward by 2**126
addi.l #126,d3
addq.l #1,a2 ; flag scaled values
move.w d0,RMOD(a6) ; store result in RMOD
clr.w RMOD+2(a6)
move.l d1,RMOD+4(a6)
move.l d2,RMOD+8(a6)
move.w d3,YMOD(a6) ; store Y in YMOD
clr.w YMOD+2(a6)
move.l d4,YMOD+4(a6)
move.l d5,YMOD+8(a6)
fmove.x RMOD(a6),fp0 ; fp0 <- scaled RMOD
tst.l MOD_FLAG(a6) ; mod or rem?
beq.b fix_sign ; mod
subq.l #1,d3 ; rem. Is RMOD small enough?
cmp.l d3,d0
blt.b fix_sign ; yes
bgt.b last_sub ; no
cmp.l d4,d1 ; rem with expo(RMOD) = expo(YMOD) - 1
bne.b not_eq ; sig(RMOD) != sig(YMOD)
cmp.l d5,d2
beq.b tie_case ; rem with RMOD = YMOD/2 exactly
bcs.b fix_sign ; RMOD < YMOD/2
last_sub: ; rem with YMOD > RMOD > YMOD/2
fsub.x ymod(a6),fp0 ; last rem step (no exceptions)
addq.l #1,a1 ; increment quotient
move.w -12(a0),d6 ; test sign of X
bpl.b @1 ; positive
fneg.x fp0 ; negative. negate fp0
move.w (a0),d7 ; d7.w <- sign/exp of Y
eor.w d7,d6
lsr.l #8,d6
andi.l #$00000080,d6 ; d6 bit 7 is sign of quotient
move.l a1,d7 ; get low 7 bits of quotient in d7
andi.l #$7f,d7
or.l d7,d6 ; OR in sign bit
swap d6
fmove.l FPSR,d7 ; insert quotient in FPSR
andi.l #$ff00ffff,d7
or.l d6,d7
fmove.l d7,FPSR
; Restore registers and round result
move.l a2,d0 ; d0 <- scaling flag
movem.l (a7)+,d2-d7/a2 ; restore registers
fmove.l USER_FPCR(a6),FPCR ; restore user's rounding
tst.l d0 ; scaling?
beq.b @2 ; no
fmul.s #"$00800000",fp0 ; scale by 2**(-126)
bra t_avoid_unsupp ; check for denorm as a
; result of the scaling
fmove.x fp0,fp0 ; capture rounding exceptions
rts ; done
; Result is zero
fmove.b #0,fp0 ; +0 in fp0
bra.b fix_sign
; rem result RMOD = YMOD/2 exactly
move.l a1,d6 ; check parity of quotient
andi.b #1,d6
beq.b fix_sign ; even
addq.l #1,a1 ; odd -> bump quotient
fneg.x fp0 ; and toggle sign of X in fp0
bra.b fix_sign
; Subroutine DIV32 calculates a 32-bit quotient from a 64-bit dividend
; and a 64-bit divisor and returns a shifted (by 32 bits) remainder.
; D3/D1 - dividend cum shifted remainder
; D2 - bits to be shifted into low half of remainder
; D4/D5 - divisor
; D0 - 32-bit quotient
; D6,D7 - scratch
divu.l d4,d3:d1 ; divide step (64 bits / 32 bits)
bvs.b divofl ; rare overflow case
move.l d1,d0 ; initialize quotient
move.l d1,d7 ; multiply quotient by divisor.low
mulu.l d5,d6:d7
move.l d2,d1 ; shifted remainder in D3/D1
sub.l d7,d1 ; subtract correction from shifted remainder
subx.l d6,d3
bcc.b divok ; ok if no carry
subq.l #1,d0 ; correction produced carry; decr quotient
add.l d5,d1 ; and adjust remainder upward until positive
addx.l d4,d3
bcc.b onemore
rts ; return
; rare case of division producing overflow. Fix up and continue
move.l d5,d6 ; set D6/D7 to $100000000 * D5
moveq #0,d7
move.l d1,d3 ; simulate remainder for quotient of $100000000
moveq #0,d0 ; quotient effectively $100000000
bra.b ctndiv ; <T3>