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2017-09-20 18:04:16 +08:00

712 lines
20 KiB

; File: Round.a
; Contains: Rounding and normalization routines governed by rounding
; precision and direction
; Originally Written by: Motorola Inc.
; Adapted to Apple/MPW: Jon Okada
; Copyright: © 1990, 1991 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; This file is used in these builds: Mac32
; Change History (most recent first):
; <3> 7/11/91 BG Fixed bug in "case_1" of "dnrm_lp" which could lead to loss of
; meaningful sticky bit prior to rounding.
; <1+> 6/24/91 BG Modified subroutine 'dnrm_lp' to use FP_SCR6 as scratch
; storage instead of FP_SCR2, whose address is in A0 when
; 'dnrm_lp' is called (via 'sintdo') by 'bindec'.
; <1> 3/30/91 BG First checked into TERROR/BBS.
; round.a
; Based upon Motorola file 'round.sa'.
; 07 Jan 91 JPO Changed tables "mode_tab", "add_to_l", and "trunct"
; to contain 16-bit offsets relative to table tops.
; Renamed label "not_ext" to "den_notext". Deleted
; "error: rts" (not referenced).
; 04 Feb 91 JPO Modified subroutine 'dnrm_lp' to initialize G,R,S bits
; prior to shifting and to check for sticky bit resulting
; from shift out of original G,R,S [for E3 exceptions].
; fixed bug in evaluating proper G,R bits when shift
; is 65 bits.
; 25 Apr 91 JPO Modified subroutine 'dnrm_lp' to use FP_SCR6 as scratch
; storage instead of FP_SCR2, whose address is in A0 when
; 'dnrm_lp' is called (via 'sintdo') by 'bindec'.
; 10 Jul 91 JPO Fixed bug in "case_1" of "dnrm_lp" which could lead to
; loss of meaningful sticky bit prior to rounding.
* round.sa 3.1 12/10/90
* handle rounding and normalization tasks
* Copyright (C) Motorola, Inc. 1990
* All Rights Reserved
* The copyright notice above does not evidence any
* actual or intended publication of such source code.
* ROUND IDNT 2,1 Motorola 040 Floating Point Software Package
* round --- round result according to precision/mode
* a0 points to the input operand in the internal extended format
* d1(high word) contains rounding precision:
* ext = $0000xxxx
* sgl = $0001xxxx
* dbl = $0002xxxx
* d1(low word) contains rounding mode:
* RN = $xxxx0000
* RZ = $xxxx0001
* RM = $xxxx0010
* RP = $xxxx0011
* d0{31:29} contains the g,r,s bits (extended)
* On return the value pointed to by a0 is correctly rounded,
* a0 is preserved and the g-r-s bits in d0 are cleared.
* The result is not typed - the tag field is invalid. The
* result is still in the internal extended format.
* The INEX bit of USER_FPSR will be set if the rounded result was
* inexact (i.e. if any of the g-r-s bits were set).
* If g=r=s=0 then result is exact and round is done, else set
* the inex flag in status reg and continue.
bsr.b ext_grs ;this subroutine looks at the
* :rounding precision and sets
* ;the appropriate g-r-s bits.
tst.l d0 ;if grs are zero, go force
bne.b rnd_cont ;lower bits to zero for size
swap d1 ;set up d1.w for round prec.
bra.w truncate
* Use rounding mode as an index into a jump table for these modes.
or.l #inx2a_mask,USER_FPSR(a6) ;set inex2/ainex
lea mode_tab,a1
; move.l (a1,d1.w*4),a1 ; deleted <1/7/91, JPO>
adda.w (a1,d1.w*2),a1 ; <1/7/91, JPO>
jmp (a1)
* Jump table indexed by rounding mode in d1.w. All following assumes
* grs != 0.
mode_tab: ; table modified <1/7/91, JPO>
dc.w rnd_near-mode_tab
dc.w rnd_zero-mode_tab
dc.w rnd_mnus-mode_tab
dc.w rnd_plus-mode_tab
* If sign of fp number = 0 (positive), then add 1 to l.
swap d1 ;set up d1 for round prec.
tst.b LOCAL_SGN(a0) ;check for sign
bmi.w truncate ;if positive then truncate
move.l #$ffffffff,d0 ;force g,r,s to be all f's
lea add_to_l,a1
; move.l (a1,d1.w*4),a1 ; deleted <1/7/91, JPO>
adda.w (a1,d1.w*2),a1 ; <1/7/91, JPO>
jmp (a1)
* If sign of fp number = 1 (negative), then add 1 to l.
swap d1 ;set up d1 for round prec.
tst.b LOCAL_SGN(a0) ;check for sign
bpl.w truncate ;if negative then truncate
move.l #$ffffffff,d0 ;force g,r,s to be all f's
lea add_to_l,a1
; move.l (a1,d1.w*4),a1 ; deleted <1/7/91, JPO>
adda.w (a1,d1.w*2),a1 ; <1/7/91, JPO>
jmp (a1)
* Always truncate.
swap d1 ;set up d1 for round prec.
bra.w truncate
* If (g=1), then add 1 to l and if (r=s=0), then clear l
* Note that this will round to even in case of a tie.
swap d1 ;set up d1 for round prec.
asl.l #1,d0 ;shift g-bit to c-bit
bcc.w truncate ;if (g=1) then
lea add_to_l,a1
; move.l (a1,d1.w*4),a1 ; deleted <1/7/91, JPO>
adda.w (a1,d1.w*2),a1 ; <1/7/91, JPO>
jmp (a1)
* ext_grs --- extract guard, round and sticky bits
* Input: d1 = PREC:ROUND
* Output: d0{31:29}= guard, round, sticky
* The ext_grs extract the guard/round/sticky bits according to the
* selected rounding precision. It is called by the round subroutine
* only. All registers except d0 are kept intact. d0 becomes an
* updated guard,round,sticky in d0{31:29}
* Notes: the ext_grs uses the round PREC, and therefore has to swap d1
* prior to usage, and needs to restore d1 to original.
swap d1 ;have d1.w point to round precision
cmpi.w #0,d1
bne.b sgl_or_dbl
bra.b end_ext_grs
movem.l d2/d3,-(a7) ;make some temp registers
cmpi.w #1,d1
bne.b grs_dbl
bfextu LOCAL_HI(a0){24:2},d3 ;sgl prec. g-r are 2 bits right
move.l #30,d2 ;of the sgl prec. limits
lsl.l d2,d3 ;shift g-r bits to MSB of d3
move.l LOCAL_HI(a0),d2 ;get word 2 for s-bit test
andi.l #$0000003f,d2 ;s bit is the or of all other
bne.b st_stky ;bits to the right of g-r
tst.l LOCAL_LO(a0) ;test lower mantissa
bne.b st_stky ;if any are set, set sticky
tst.l d0 ;test original g,r,s
bne.b st_stky ;if any are set, set sticky
bra.b end_sd ;if words 3 and 4 are clr, exit
bfextu LOCAL_LO(a0){21:2},d3 ;dbl-prec. g-r are 2 bits right
move.l #30,d2 ;of the dbl prec. limits
lsl.l d2,d3 ;shift g-r bits to the MSB of d3
move.l LOCAL_LO(a0),d2 ;get lower mantissa for s-bit test
andi.l #$000001ff,d2 ;s bit is the or-ing of all
bne.b st_stky ;other bits to the right of g-r
tst.l d0 ;test word original g,r,s
bne.b st_stky ;if any are set, set sticky
bra.b end_sd ;if clear, exit
bset #rnd_stky_bit,d3
move.l d3,d0 ;return grs to d0
movem.l (a7)+,d2/d3 ;restore scratch registers
swap d1 ;restore d1 to original
******************** Local Equates
ad_1_sgl equ $00000100 constant to add 1 to l-bit in sgl prec
ad_1_dbl equ $00000800 constant to add 1 to l-bit in dbl prec
*Jump table for adding 1 to the l-bit indexed by rnd prec
add_to_l: ; table modified <1/7/91, JPO>
dc.w add_ext-add_to_l
dc.w add_sgl-add_to_l
dc.w add_dbl-add_to_l
dc.w add_dbl-add_to_l
add.l #ad_1_sgl,LOCAL_HI(a0)
bcc.b scc_clr ;no mantissa overflow
roxr.w LOCAL_HI(a0) ;shift v-bit back in
roxr.w LOCAL_HI+2(a0) ;shift v-bit back in
add.w #$1,LOCAL_EX(a0) ;and incr exponent
tst.l d0 ;test for rs = 0
bne.b sgl_done
andi.w #$fe00,LOCAL_HI+2(a0) ;clear the l-bit
andi.l #$ffffff00,LOCAL_HI(a0) ;truncate bits beyond sgl limit
clr.l LOCAL_LO(a0) ;clear d2
addq.l #1,LOCAL_LO(a0) ;add 1 to l-bit
bcc.b xcc_clr ;test for carry out
addq.l #1,LOCAL_HI(a0) ;propogate carry
bcc.b xcc_clr
roxr.w LOCAL_HI(a0) ;mant is 0 so restore v-bit
roxr.w LOCAL_HI+2(a0) ;mant is 0 so restore v-bit
roxr.w LOCAL_LO(a0)
roxr.w LOCAL_LO+2(a0)
add.w #$1,LOCAL_EX(a0) ;and inc exp
tst.l d0 ;test rs = 0
bne.b add_ext_done
andi.b #$fe,LOCAL_LO+3(a0) ;clear the l bit
add.l #ad_1_dbl,LOCAL_LO(a0)
bcc.b dcc_clr
addq.l #1,LOCAL_HI(a0) ;propogate carry
bcc.b dcc_clr
roxr.w LOCAL_HI(a0) ;mant is 0 so restore v-bit
roxr.w LOCAL_HI+2(a0) ;mant is 0 so restore v-bit
roxr.w LOCAL_LO(a0)
roxr.w LOCAL_LO+2(a0)
add.w #$1,LOCAL_EX(a0) ;incr exponent
tst.l d0 ;test for rs = 0
bne.b dbl_done
andi.w #$f000,LOCAL_LO+2(a0) ;clear the l-bit
andi.l #$fffff800,LOCAL_LO(a0) ;truncate bits beyond dbl limit
;error: ; deleted <1/7/91, JPO>
; rts ; deleted <1/7/91, JPO>
* Truncate all other bits
trunct: ; table modified <1/7/91, JPO>
dc.w end_rnd-trunct
dc.w sgl_done-trunct
dc.w dbl_done-trunct
dc.w dbl_done-trunct
lea trunct,a1
; move.l (a1,d1.w*4),a1 ; deleted <1/7/91, JPO>
adda.w (a1,d1.w*2),a1 ; <1/7/91, JPO>
jmp (a1)
* These routines (nrm_zero & nrm_set) normalize the unnorm. This
* is done by shifting the mantissa left while decrementing the
* exponent.
* NRM_SET shifts and decrements until there is a 1 set in the integer
* bit of the mantissa (msb in d1).
* NRM_ZERO shifts and decrements until there is a 1 set in the integer
* bit of the mantissa (msb in d1) unless this would mean the exponent
* would go less than 0. In that case the number becomes a denorm - the
* exponent (d0) is set to 0 and the mantissa (d1 & d2) is not
* normalized.
* Note that both routines have been optimized (for the worst case) and
* therefore do not have the easy to follow decrement/shift loop.
* Distance to first 1 bit in mantissa = X
* Distance to 0 from exponent = Y
* If X < Y
* Then
* nrm_set
* Else
* shift mantissa by Y
* set exponent = 0
* FP_SCR1 = exponent, ms mantissa part, ls mantissa part
* L_SCR1{4} = fpte15 or ete15 bit
move.w LOCAL_EX(a0),d0
cmp.w #64,d0 ;see if exp > 64
bmi.b d0_less
bsr.b nrm_set ;exp > 64 so exp won't exceed 0
movem.l d2/d3/d5/d6,-(a7)
move.l LOCAL_HI(a0),d1
move.l LOCAL_LO(a0),d2
bfffo d1{0:32},d3 ;get the distance to the first 1
* ;in ms mant
beq.b ms_clr ;branch if no bits were set
cmp.w d3,d0 ;of X>Y
bmi.b greater ;then exp will go past 0 (neg) if
* ;it is just shifted
bsr.b nrm_set ;else exp won't go past 0
movem.l (a7)+,d2/d3/d5/d6
move.l d2,d6 ;save ls mant in d6
lsl.l d0,d2 ;shift ls mant by count
lsl.l d0,d1 ;shift ms mant by count
move.l #32,d5
sub.l d0,d5 ;make op a denorm by shifting bits
lsr.l d5,d6 ;by the number in the exp, then
* ;set exp = 0.
or.l d6,d1 ;shift the ls mant bits into the ms mant
move.l #0,d0 ;same as if decremented exp to 0
* ;while shifting
move.w d0,LOCAL_EX(a0)
move.l d1,LOCAL_HI(a0)
move.l d2,LOCAL_LO(a0)
movem.l (a7)+,d2/d3/d5/d6
bfffo d2{0:32},d3 ;check if any bits set in ls mant
beq.b all_clr ;branch if none set
add.w #32,d3
cmp.w d3,d0 ;if X>Y
bmi.b greater ;then branch
bsr.b nrm_set ;else exp won't go past 0
movem.l (a7)+,d2/d3/d5/d6
move.w #0,LOCAL_EX(a0) ;no mantissa bits set. Set exp = 0.
movem.l (a7)+,d2/d3/d5/d6
move.l d7,-(a7)
bfffo LOCAL_HI(a0){0:32},d7 ;find first 1 in ms mant to d7)
beq.b lower ;branch if ms mant is all 0's
move.l d6,-(a7)
sub.w d7,LOCAL_EX(a0) ;sub exponent by count
move.l LOCAL_HI(a0),d0 ;d0 has ms mant
move.l LOCAL_LO(a0),d1 ;d1 has ls mant
lsl.l d7,d0 ;shift first 1 to j bit position
move.l d1,d6 ;copy ls mant into d6
lsl.l d7,d6 ;shift ls mant by count
move.l d6,LOCAL_LO(a0) ;store ls mant into memory
moveq.l #32,d6
sub.l d7,d6 ;continue shift
lsr.l d6,d1 ;shift off all bits but those that will
* ;be shifted into ms mant
or.l d1,d0 ;shift the ls mant bits into the ms mant
move.l d0,LOCAL_HI(a0) ;store ms mant into memory
movem.l (a7)+,d7/d6 ;restore registers
* We get here if ms mant was = 0, and we assume ls mant has bits
* set (otherwise this would have been tagged a zero not a denorm).
move.w LOCAL_EX(a0),d0 ;d0 has exponent
move.l LOCAL_LO(a0),d1 ;d1 has ls mant
sub.w #32,d0 ;account for ms mant being all zeros
bfffo d1{0:32},d7 ;find first 1 in ls mant to d7)
sub.w d7,d0 ;subtract shift count from exp
lsl.l d7,d1 ;shift first 1 to integer bit in ms mant
move.w d0,LOCAL_EX(a0) ;store ms mant
move.l d1,LOCAL_HI(a0) ;store exp
clr.l LOCAL_LO(a0) ;clear ls mant
move.l (a7)+,d7
* denorm --- denormalize an intermediate result
* Used by underflow.
* Input:
* a0 points to the operand to be denormalized
* (in the internal extended format)
* d0: rounding precision
* Output:
* a0 points to the denormalized result
* (in the internal extended format)
* d0 is guard,round,sticky
* d0 comes into this routine with the rounding precision. It
* is then loaded with the denormalized exponent threshold for the
* rounding precision.
btst.b #6,LOCAL_EX(a0) ;check for exponents between $7fff-$4000
beq.b no_sgn_ext
bset.b #7,LOCAL_EX(a0) ;sign extend if it is so
cmpi.b #0,d0 ;if 0 then extended precision
bne.b den_notext ;else branch - label renamed <1/7/91, JPO>
clr.l d1 ;load d1 with ext threshold
clr.l d0 ;clear the sticky flag
bsr.b dnrm_lp ;denormalize the number
tst.b d1 ;check for inex
beq.b no_inex ;if clr, no inex
bra.b dnrm_inex ;if set, set inex
den_notext: ; label renamed <1/7/91, JPO>
cmpi.l #1,d0 ;if 1 then single precision
beq.b load_sgl ;else must be 2, double prec
move.w #dbl_thresh,d1 ;put copy of threshold in d1
move.l d1,d0 ;copy d1 into d0
sub.w LOCAL_EX(a0),d0 ;diff = threshold - exp
cmp.w #67,d0 ;if diff > 67 (mant + grs bits)
bpl.b chk_stky ;then branch (all bits would be
* ; shifted off in denorm routine)
clr.l d0 ;else clear the sticky flag
bsr.b dnrm_lp ;denormalize the number
tst.b d1 ;check flag
beq.b no_inex ;if clr, no inex
bra.b dnrm_inex ;if set, set inex
move.w #sgl_thresh,d1 ;put copy of threshold in d1
move.l d1,d0 ;copy d1 into d0
sub.w LOCAL_EX(a0),d0 ;diff = threshold - exp
cmp.w #67,d0 ;if diff > 67 (mant + grs bits)
bpl.b chk_stky ;then branch (all bits would be
* ; shifted off in denorm routine)
clr.l d0 ;else clear the sticky flag
bsr.b dnrm_lp ;denormalize the number
tst.b d1 ;check flag
beq.b no_inex ;if clr, no inex
bra.b dnrm_inex ;if set, set inex
tst.l LOCAL_HI(a0) ;check for any bits set
bne.b set_stky
tst.l LOCAL_LO(a0) ;check for any bits set
bne.b set_stky
bra.b clr_mant
or.l #inx2a_mask,USER_FPSR(a6) ;set inex2/ainex
move.l #$20000000,d0 ;set sticky bit in return value
move.w d1,LOCAL_EX(a0) ;load exp with threshold
move.l #0,LOCAL_HI(a0) ;set d1 = 0 (ms mantissa)
move.l #0,LOCAL_LO(a0) ;set d2 = 0 (ms mantissa)
or.l #inx2a_mask,USER_FPSR(a6) ;set inex2/ainex
* dnrm_lp --- normalize exponent/mantissa to specified threshhold
; - use FP_SCR6 instead of FP_SCR2 as scratch storage
; to avoid collision with caller "bindec" <4/25/91, JPO>
* Input:
* a0 points to the operand to be denormalized
* d0{31:29} initial guard,round,sticky
* d1{15:0} denormalization threshold
* Output:
* a0 points to the denormalized operand
* d0{31:29} final guard,round,sticky
* d1.b inexact flag: all ones means inexact result
* The LOCAL_LO and LOCAL_GRS parts of the value are copied to FP_SCR6
* so that bfext can be used to extract the new low part of the mantissa.
* Dnrm_lp can be called with a0 pointing to ETEMP or WBTEMP and there
* is no LOCAL_GRS scratch word following it on the fsave frame.
; move.l LOCAL_LO(a0),FP_SCR2+LOCAL_LO(a6) ; DELETED <4/25/91, JPO> <T2>
move.l LOCAL_LO(a0),FP_SCR6+LOCAL_LO(a6) ; <4/25/91, JPO> <T2>
clr.l d0 ; zero GRS bits
btst.b #E3,E_BYTE(a6) ; WBTEMP to be denormalized? <2/4/91, JPO>
beq.b @1 ; no. g,r,s remain clear <2/4/91, JPO>
move.l STAG(a6),d0 ; yes. initialize g,r,s in d0 bits 29-31
lsl.l #6,d0 ; <2/4/91, JPO>
and.l #$E0000000,d0 ; <2/4/91, JPO>
@1: ; <2/4/91, JPO>
; move.l d0,FP_SCR2+LOCAL_GRS(a6) ; DELETED <4/25/91, JPO> <T2>
move.l d0,FP_SCR6+LOCAL_GRS(a6) ; <4/25/91, JPO> <T2>
move.l d1,d0 ;copy the denorm threshold
sub.w LOCAL_EX(a0),d1 ;d1 = threshold - uns exponent
beq.b no_lp ;d1 = 0
cmp.w #32,d1
blt.b case_1 ;0 = d1 < 32
cmp.w #64,d1
blt.b case_2 ;32 <= d1 < 64
bra.w case_3 ;d1 >= 64
* No normalization necessary
clr.b d1 ;set no inex2 reported
; move.l FP_SCR2+LOCAL_GRS(a6),d0 ; restore original g,r,s - DELETED <4/25/91, JPO> <T2>
move.l FP_SCR6+LOCAL_GRS(a6),d0 ; restore original g,r,s <4/25/91, JPO> <T2>
* case (0<d1<32)
move.l d2,-(sp)
move.w d0,LOCAL_EX(a0) ;exponent = denorm threshold
move.l #32,d0
sub.w d1,d0 ;d0 = 32 - d1
; bfextu LOCAL_EX(a0){d0:32},d2 ; DELETED <2/4/91, JPO>
; bfextu d2{d1:d0},d2 ;d2 = new LOCAL_HI - DELETED <2/4/91, JPO>
; bfextu LOCAL_HI(a0){d0:32},d1 ;d1 = new LOCAL_LO - DELETED <2/4/91, JPO>
; bfextu FP_SCR2+LOCAL_LO(a6){d0:32},d0 ;d0 = new G,R,S - DELETED <2/4/91, JPO>
; move.l d2,LOCAL_HI(a0) ;store new LOCAL_HI - DELETED <2/4/91, JPO>
; move.l d1,LOCAL_LO(a0) ;store new LOCAL_LO - DELETED <2/4/91, JPO>
bfextu LOCAL_HI(a0){d0:32},d2 ; extract and store new LOCAL_LO <2/4/91, JPO>
move.l d2,LOCAL_LO(a0) ; <2/4/91, JPO>
bfextu LOCAL_HI(a0){0:d0},d2 ; extract and store new LOCAL_HI <2/4/91, JPO>
move.l d2,LOCAL_HI(a0) ; <2/4/91, JPO>
; bfextu FP_SCR2+LOCAL_GRS(a6){d0:d1},d2 ; d2 = shift out of G,R,S <2/4/91, JPO> - DELETED <4/25/91, JPO> <T2>
; bfextu FP_SCR2+LOCAL_LO(a6){d0:32},d0 ; d0 = new G,R,S <2/4/91, JPO> - DELETED <4/25/91, JPO> <T2>
bfextu FP_SCR6+LOCAL_GRS(a6){d0:d1},d2 ; d2 = shift out of G,R,S <4/25/91, JPO> <T2>
bfextu FP_SCR6+LOCAL_LO(a6){d0:32},d0 ; d0 = new G,R,S <4/25/91, JPO> <T2>
tst.l d2 ; any stickies shifted out? <2/4/91, JPO>
; sne.b d0 ; yes. set stickies <2/4/91, JPO> - DELETED <7/10/91, JPO> <T3>
beq.b @1 ; no stickies shifted out <7/10/91, JPO> <T3>
st.b d0 ; yes. set low stickies in d0 <7/10/91, JPO> <T3>
@1: ; label added <7/10/91, JPO> <T3>
clr.b d1
bftst d0{2:30}
beq.b c1nstky
bset.l #rnd_stky_bit,d0
st.b d1
andi.l #$e0000000,d0 ;clear all but G,R,S
move.l (sp)+,d2
* case (32<=d1<64)
move.l d2,-(sp)
move.w d0,LOCAL_EX(a0) ;unsigned exponent = threshold
sub.w #32,d1 ;d1 now between 0 and 32
move.l #32,d0
sub.w d1,d0 ;d0 = 32 - d1
; bfextu LOCAL_EX(a0){d0:32},d2 ; DELETED <2/4/91, JPO>
; bfextu d2{d1:d0},d2 ;d2 = new LOCAL_LO - DELETED <2/4/91, JPO>
bfextu LOCAL_HI(a0){0:d0},d2 ; d2 = new LOCAL_LO <2/4/91, JPO>
bfextu LOCAL_HI(a0){d0:32},d1 ;d1 = new G,R,S
bftst d1{2:30}
bne.b c2_sstky ;bra if sticky bit to be set
; bftst FP_SCR2+LOCAL_LO(a6){d0:32} ; DELETED <4/25/91, JPO> <T2>
bftst FP_SCR6+LOCAL_LO(a6){d0:32} ; <4/25/91, JPO> <T2>
bne.b c2_sstky ;bra if sticky bit to be set
; tst.l FP_SCR2+LOCAL_GRS(a6) ; final possibly redundant check - DELETED <4/25/91, JPO> <T2>
tst.l FP_SCR6+LOCAL_GRS(a6) ; final possibly redundant check <4/25/91, JPO> <T2>
bne.b c2_sstky ; of extreme stickies
move.l d1,d0
clr.b d1
bra.b end_c2
move.l d1,d0
bset.l #rnd_stky_bit,d0
st.b d1
clr.l LOCAL_HI(a0) ;store LOCAL_HI = 0
move.l d2,LOCAL_LO(a0) ;store LOCAL_LO
andi.l #$e0000000,d0 ;get rid of all but G,R,S
move.l (sp)+,d2
* d1 >= 64 Force the exponent to be the denorm threshold with the
* correct sign.
move.w d0,LOCAL_EX(a0)
tst.w LOCAL_SGN(a0)
bge.b c3con
or.l #$80000000,LOCAL_EX(a0)
cmp.w #64,d1
beq.b sixty_four
cmp.w #65,d1
beq.b sixty_five
* Shift value is out of range. Set d1 for inex2 flag and
* return a zero with the given threshold.
clr.l LOCAL_HI(a0)
clr.l LOCAL_LO(a0)
move.l #$20000000,d0
st.b d1
move.l LOCAL_HI(a0),d0
bfextu d0{2:30},d1
andi.l #$c0000000,d0
bra.b c3com
move.l LOCAL_HI(a0),d0
bfextu d0{1:31},d1
andi.l #$80000000,d0
lsr.l #1,d0 ; shift G bit into R bit <2/4/91, JPO>
tst.l d1
bne.b c3ssticky
tst.l LOCAL_LO(a0)
bne.b c3ssticky
; tst.b FP_SCR2+LOCAL_GRS(a6) ; DELETED <4/25/91, JPO> <T2>
tst.b FP_SCR6+LOCAL_GRS(a6) ; <4/25/91, JPO> <T2>
bne.b c3ssticky
clr.b d1
bra.b c3end
bset.l #rnd_stky_bit,d0
st.b d1
clr.l LOCAL_HI(a0)
clr.l LOCAL_LO(a0)