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; File: SCSIMgrHW96BIOS.a
; Contains: SCSI Manager BIOS based 53c96 Hardware-Specific routines
; Written by: James Blair
; Copyright: © 1992, 1994 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM2> 1/26/94 rab Removed padForOverpatch stuff from the end of this file
; (SuperMario does not use itÉ).
; <SM1> 2/5/93 CSS Checkin from Horror.
; <H5> 10/17/92 jab Added fixes for doing OneByte read/writes and fixed the lea
; looping problem.
; <H4> 10/5/92 jab Fixed few byte read/write and bus error handler.
; <H3> 9/9/92 jab Fixed word transfer if alignment requires an odd word.
; <H2> 9/9/92 jab Fixed FastRead odd word/byte problem. Now accessing the FIFO
; instead of the DMA register.
; <1> 9/6/92 jab first checked in
MACHINE MC68020 ; '020-level
BLANKS ON ; assembler accepts spaces & tabs in operand field
STRING ASIS ; generate string as specified
PRINT OFF ; do not send subsequent lines to the listing file
; don't print includes
PostNOP EQU 1 ;
LOAD 'StandardEqu.d' ; from StandardEqu.a and for building ROMs
INCLUDE 'HardwarePrivateEqu.a'
INCLUDE 'UniversalEqu.a' ; for VIA bit and -TestFor- definitions
INCLUDE 'MC680x0.a'
PRINT ON ; do send subsequent lines to the listing files
EXPORT SlowRead_96_BIOS, Transfer_96_BIOS
EXPORT BusErrHandler_96_BIOS ;
EXPORT SlowWrite_96_BIOS, SlowComp_96_BIOS ;
EXPORT FastRead_96_BIOS, FastWrite_96_BIOS, FastComp_96_BIOS ;
IMPORT ClearSCSIInt ; from InterruptHandlers.a
; From SCSIMgr96BIOS.a ---
IMPORT Error_BIOS ; from SCSIMgr96BIOS.a
; From SCSIMgr96HW.a ---
IMPORT WaitForIntNoTime, WtForFIFOData ; <H5>
WITH scsiPB, scsiPrivPB ; access record without explicit qualification
WITH scsiGlobalRecord, dcInstr
WITH DecoderInfo, DecoderKinds, ProductInfo ;
; InitHW_SCSI96_BIOS - reset and initialize the 53C96 SCSI controller once the glibbly loads.
; This routine resets all functions in the chip and returns
; it to a disconnected state.
; a3 -> pointer to SCSI port base address
; d0 <- rINT(a3)
; trashes: d0, d1
move.b #cRstSChp, rCMD(a3) ; load reset-scsi-chip cmd, this cmd has
; the same effect as a hw reset
move.b #cNOP, rCMD(a3) ; NOP required after HW or SW reset
move.b #cFlshFFO, rCMD(a3) ; Flush FIFO
move.b #initCF1, rCF1(a3) ; load init config. value which affects:
; busID, SCSI reset reporting & parity checking
move.b #initCF2, rCF2(a3) ; load init config. value
move.b #initCF3, rCF3(a3) ; load init config. value
; Check whether or not we're 25 or 33MHz and set SCSI bus speed values appropriately
; Get machine type + CPU speed information from VIA1
; Useful VIA1 PortA bits to read: PA6, PA4, PA2, PA1 ($56)
; PA6 = Lego (1), or Frigidaire (0) plastics for Wombat
; PA4, PA2 = CPU Speed. 0=20MHz, 1=25MHz, 2=33MHz, 3=40MHz
; PA1 = WLCD (0) or NOT! [Reserved] (1)
; Retrieve CPU Speed information from VIA1 Port A
movem.l a0/a2/d0/d2/d3,-(sp) ; save stuff
movea.l UnivInfoPtr,a0 ; point to the DecoderInfo table
adda.l ProductInfo.DecoderInfoPtr(a0),a0
movea.l VIA1Addr(a0),a2 ; get VIA1 address to get machine/cpu_speed info
moveq #%00101000,d3 ; force VIA1 VDirA to have the correct directions
move.b d3,VDirA(a2) ; ... so we can read the CPU ID extension info
moveq #%00010100,d3 ; get VBufA, bits PA4, PA2 (dont need PA6, PA1)
and.b VBufA(a2),d3 ; get plastics_type/cpu_speed information
lea BIOSAddr,a2 ; get BIOS address for ConfigSonic_SCSI setup
move.b BIOS_SONIC_SCSI(a2),d2 ; save Sonic bit but trash
andi.b #BIOSSCSIFilter,d2 ; everything else
lsr.b #2,d3 ; shift PA4,PA2 down to bits 2-0
bne.s @25MHz ; 0=20MHz, otherwise check higher
ori.b #BIOScfg20MHz,d2 ; setup for and'ing the correct SCSI cfg bits
bra.s @contSetup
subq.b #4,d3 ; split the rest of the values
beq.s @33MHz
bgt.s @40MHz
ori.b #BIOScfg25MHz,d2 ; setup for and'ing the correct SCSI cfg bits
bra.s @contSetup
ori.b #BIOScfg33MHz,d2 ; setup for and'ing the correct SCSI cfg bits
bra.s @contSetup
ori.b #BIOScfg40MHz,d2 ; setup for and'ing the correct SCSI cfg bits
move.b d2,BIOS_SONIC_SCSI(a2) ;
; the rest of this stuff is used to configure the internals of the c96...
move.b #ccf20to25MHz, rCKF(a3) ; load clock conversion factor (CCF) value
move.b #SelTO25Mhz, rSTO(a3) ; load select/reselect timeout value
move.b #initOp, rSYO(a3) ; select syn or async operation; if sync then
; sync offset value must be nonzero
; Set synch xfer period and offset if using
; synch data xfer
move.b rINT(a3), d0 ; read & clear rFOS, rSTA & rINT into throwaway
movem.l (sp)+,a0/a2/d0/d2/d3 ; restore stuff
rts ;
;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- <H5> thru next <H5>
; OneByteRead_BIOS/OneByteWrite_BIOS - proc to transfer 1 byte
; d0 - <-- error (if any)
; d1 - --> copy of d2
; d1 - <-- bytes transferred
; d2 - --> number of bytes to transfer
; d3 - scratch - saved
; d4 - --> type of transfer to perform
; d5 - scratch - saved
; d6 - scratch - saved
; a0 - scratch - saved
; a1 - SCSI chip read base address - NON-SERIALIZED
; a2 - ptr to data buffer - saved
; a3 - SCSI chip read base address - SERIALIZED
; a4 - ptr to SCSI Mgr globals
; a5 - scratch - saved
OneByteRead_BIOS ;
bra.s @oneReadBot ;
move.b #cIOXfer, rCMD(a3) ; load IO transfer cmd & begin xfers
bsr.l WaitForIntNoTime ; Wait for intrp w/o timeout
; on exit d5 = rFOS|rINT|0|rSTA
bne.w xferErr ; bra. on xfer error
move.b rFFO(a3), (a2)+ ; xfer byte from FIFO into input buffer
dbra d2,@oneReadTop ;
move.b rINT(a3), d3 ; read Intrp regr & clear rSTA, rSQS & rINT
btst.l #bDSC, d3 ; check for disconnected intrp
bne.w xferErr ; bra. on xfer error
moveq.l #noErr, d0 ; successful read op
bra.s @oneWriteBot ;
move.b (a2)+, rFFO(a3) ; preload the FIFO with d2 bytes
dbra d2,@oneWriteTop ;
move.b #cIOXfer, rCMD(a3) ; load IO transfer cmd & begin xfers
bsr.l WaitForIntNoTime ; Wait for intrp w/o timeout
; on exit d5 = rFOS|rINT|0|rSTA
bne.w xferErr ; bra. on xfer error
moveq.l #noErr, d0 ; successful write op
rts ; <H5> from last <H5>
; Transfer_96 -
; Called by: dataCommon_96
; (NewSCSIWBlind_96, NewSCSIWrite_96, NewSCSIRBlind_96, NewSCSIRead_96)
; Calls: The primitive data transfer routines
; Registers: d0 <-- error, if any
; d1 <-- bytes transferred
; d2 --> number of bytes to transfer
; d4 --> type of transfer to perform (offset into "dataTable")
; a2 --> ptr to data buffer
; a3 --> SCSI chip read base address - SERIALIZED
; a4 --> ptr to SCSI Mgr globals
; Function: Sets up and dispatches to the simple data-transfer routines
; All primitive data transfer routines called by this routine assume:
; d0 - <-- error (if any)
; d1 - <-- bytes transferred
; d2 - --> number of bytes to transfer
; d3 - scratch - saved
; d4 - --> type of transfer to perform
; d5 - scratch - saved
; d6 - scratch - saved
; a0 - scratch - saved
; a1 - SCSI chip read base address - NON-SERIALIZED
; a2 - ptr to data buffer - saved
; a3 - SCSI chip read base address - SERIALIZED
; a4 - ptr to SCSI Mgr globals
; a5 - scratch - saved
; Stack frame definitions (frame allocated in StdEntry)
returnAddr ds.l 1 ; return address
; no parameters
LINK ds.l 1 ; location of old A6 (after LINK A6)
; local variables (set up and checked in BusErrHandler)
BusErrTO ds.l 1 ; when to stop retrying bus errs
BusErrAddr ds.l 1 ; user's data address when bus err happens
linkSize EQU *
WITH XferFrame
link a6, #linkSize ; allocate local storage
moveq #Max020030BusErrs,d0 ; upper limit for 020s and 030s
cmp.b #cpu68040,CpuFlag ; check if we're on an 040
bne.s @storeValue ; NO ... leave BusErrCount alone
moveq #Max040BusErrs,d0 ; YES ... use 040 MaxBusErr value
@storeValue ;
move.l #0, BusErrAddr(a6) ; init so first bus err is seen as a new one
moveq.l #noErr, d0 ; assume no error
move.l d2, d1 ; make a copy of the count - is it zero ?
beq.w @exit ; if so, get out
movem.l a1-a5/d2-d6, -(sp) ; save registers
movea.l a3,a1 ; point to serialized chip image
adda.l #nonSerlzdDisp,a1 ; point to non-serialized chip image
bsr HandleSelInProg_BIOS ; handle unfinished select command
bne.w @phaseErr ; if it is stuck, we are not in data phase
move.b #cFlshFFO, rCMD(a3) ; Flush FIFO
move.l BusErrVct,yeOldeBusErrVct(a4) ; keep old vector in low-mem
move.l jvBusErr(a4), BusErrVct ; install our BE Handler
bset.b #HandleBusErrs, G_State96(a4) ; signal our bus err handler to be operative
move.w d4, transferType(a4) ; store the type of transfer (only word is worth anything)
lea.l dataTable(a4), a0 ; point to data transfer table in globals
movea.l 0(a0,d4.l), a0 ; get the routine address
jsr (a0) ; go to the appropriate routine
bclr.b #HandleBusErrs, G_State96(a4) ; signal our bus err handler to be unoperative
move.l yeOldeBusErrVct(a4),BusErrVct ; restore previous Bus Error vector
movem.l (sp)+, a1-a5/d2-d6 ; restore these guys
tst.w d0 ; set the condition codes
unlk a6 ; release local storage
rts ;
moveq.l #scPhaseErr, d0 ; return a phase error
moveq.l #0, d1 ; number of bytes transferred
bra.s @done ;
move.l #$F0, d6 ; load proc ID, generic trnasfer
moveq.l #scPhaseErr, d0 ; return a phase error
jsr Error_BIOS ; call Error proc - for debug
clr.l d1 ; no bytes transferred
move.b #cFlshFFO, rCMD(a3) ; Flush FIFO
rts ;
; SlowRead - implements Polled Read
; Called by: Transfer
; All primitive data transfer routines assume:
; d0 - <-- error (if any)
; d1 - --> copy of d2
; d1 - <-- bytes transferred
; d2 - --> number of bytes to transfer
; d3 - scratch - saved
; d4 - --> type of transfer to perform
; d5 - scratch - saved
; d6 - scratch - saved
; a0 - scratch - saved
; a1 - SCSI chip read base address - NON-SERIALIZED
; a2 - ptr to data buffer - saved
; a3 - SCSI chip read base address - SERIALIZED
; a4 - ptr to SCSI Mgr globals
; a5 - scratch - saved
; Method of Data Transfer: (pDMA and programmed IO)
; 0) Make sure we got our intrp from the last cmd send
; 1) calculate # of 16-byte block transfers to perform using pDMA & remember the remainder
; 2) Enable c96 DMA and wait till the 16-byte FIFO is full and DREQ is asserted for the 17th byte
; 3) Transfer all data in the FIFO and wait for the intrp
; 4) Repeat until all block have been transferred
; 5) Transfer remaining data using non-DMA transfer command byte then
; Wait and poll for byte-in-fifo interrupt
; 6) Transfer data from fifo to input buffer
; 7) Repeat process until all remaining bytes have been transferred
bsr HandleSelInProg_BIOS ; handle unfinished select command
bne.w @phaseErr ; if it is stuck, we are not in data phase
moveq.l #iPhaseMsk, d0 ; load mask for phase bits
and.b rSTA(a3), d0 ; are we in data-in phase?
cmpi #iDataIn, d0 ; data-in phase bits = 001
bne.s phaseErr1 ; bra. on phase err
lea rDMA(a1),a1 ; <H5>
clr.l d6 ;
move.l d2, d4 ; d4 = copy of transfer count
lsr.l #4, d4 ; divide xfer count by 16
beq.w @16orLess ; bra. if < 16 bytes
subq.l #1, d4 ; adjust for DBRA
move.l d4, d6 ; d4.w has lower 16-byte block count
swap d6 ; d6.w has upper 16-byte word count
move.l G_SCSIDREQ(a4), a0 ; load SCSI DREQ regr
move.b #cFlshFFO, rCMD(a3) ; Flush FIFO
move.b #0, rXCM(a3) ; rXCM = 0, clear most-sig. byte count
move.b #$10, rXCL(a3) ; rXCL = 16 bytes, least-sig. byte value
and.l #$F, d2 ; d2 = remainder word count after 16-byte moves
moveq.l #iPhaseMsk, d5 ; load mask bits for phase value
and.b rSTA(a3), d5 ; are we still in data-in phase?
cmpi.b #iDataIn, d5 ; data-in phase bits = 001
bne.w @premature2 ; no: probably in status phase - split
move.b #cDMAXfer, rCMD(a3) ; load DMA transfer cmd & start loading FIFO
nop ; currently loaded transfer count is used/reused
btst.b #bTRC, rSTA(a3) ; check if we've rcvd all the data
bne.s @4 ; if we have, go get the bytes
btst.b #bINT, rSTA(a3) ; poll for unexpected intrp while waiting
bne.w @prematureEnd ; ... maybe disconnected or something catastrophic.
; premature phase change won't generate intrp bit 'cuz of outstanding DREQ...
; ... we have to check this condition explicitly
moveq.l #iPhaseMsk, d5 ; load mask bits for phase value
and.b rSTA(a3), d5 ; are we still in data-in phase?
cmpi.b #iDataIn, d5 ; data-in phase bits = 001
beq.s @1 ; yes, bra. & keep polling
tst.b rXCL(a3) ; not data-in anymore, have we xferred all data (XCL = 0)?
beq.s @1 ; if yes then there MUST be a transfer count zero bit set
bra.w @prematureEnd ; transfer count not 0 so we have a premature end
; We need 16 guaranteed DREQs to safely transfer 16 bytes without bus error.
; Ideally, DREQ should be active as long there are threshold number of bytes in the
; FIFO--as the c96 user's guide imply. But the c96 implementation also requires that
; REQ be active in order to get DREQ. This is why we must wait for the 17th REQ from
; the target--and it must remain active--before we proceed with the 16-byte transfer.
move.l (a0), d5 ; read DAFB SCSI DREQ
move.b G_bitDREQ(a4),d0 ; load DREQ bit position
btst.l d0, d5 ; DREQ ?
beq.s @1 ; loop until asserted
btst #4, rFOS(a3) ; see if FIFO is full
beq.s @1 ; loop until asserted
nop ; squoosh pipeline
move.l (a1),(a2)+ ; read 16 bytes <H4> thru next <H4>
move.l (a1),(a2)+ ;
move.l (a1),(a2)+ ;
move.l (a1),(a2)+ ; <H4> from last <H4>
nop ; squoosh pipeline
; Note that intrp is asserted only after transfer count is 0, FIFO is empty
; and the target asserts REQ for the next byte.
btst.b #bINT, rSTA(a3) ; check for c96 INTRP
beq.s @2 ; loop until we get the intrp
move.b rINT(a3), d5 ; read Intrp regr & clear rSTA, rSQS & rINT
btst.l #bDSC, d5 ; check for disconnected intrp
bne.s @premature2 ; Branch if transfer error
dbra d4, @read16 ; loop until done, d4 is lower word count
dbra d6, @read16 ; loop until done, d6 is upper word count
bra.s @16OrLess ; take care of remaining data, if any
@rdSingle ; use non-pDMA for remainder
moveq.l #iPhaseMsk, d5 ; load mask bits for phase value
and.b rSTA(a3), d5 ; are we still in data-in phase?
cmpi.b #iDataIn, d5 ; data-in phase bits = 001
bne.s @phaseErr ; bra. on phase err
move.b #cIOXfer, rCMD(a3) ; load IO transfer cmd & begin xfers
btst.b #bINT, rSTA(a3) ; check for c96 INTRP
beq.s @3 ; loop until we get an intrp
move.b rFFO(a3), (a2)+ ; xfer byte from FIFO into input buffer
move.b rINT(a3), d5 ; read Intrp regr & clear rSTA, rSQS & rINT
btst.l #bDSC, d5 ; check for disconnected intrp
bne.s @xferErr ; Branch if transfer error
dbra d2, @rdSingle ; read the rest of the remainders
@goodSRead ; d1 = # of bytes transferred
moveq.l #noErr, d0 ; successful read op
rts ;
; Premature phase change - get leftover bytes out of FIFO, clear DREQ and INTRPT
moveq.l #iFOFMsk, d0 ; use mask to get FIFO flag field
and.b rFOS(a3), d0 ; how many bytes left in FIFO?
bra.s @btmLeftovers
move.b rFFO(a3), (a2)+
dbra d0,@topLeftovers
move.l (a0), d5 ; read DAFB SCSI DREQ
move.b G_bitDREQ(a4),d0 ; load DREQ bit position
btst.l d0, d5 ; DREQ ?
beq.s @5 ; if no DREQ, skip dummy rDMA access
move.w rDMA(a3), d5 ; remove that outstanding DREQ (magic),
bra @removeDREQ ; and see if there's more (more magic)
@5 ; and give us that intrp
bsr.l WaitForIntNoTime ; Wait for intrp w/o timeout
; on exit d5 = rFOS|rINT|0|rSTA
; Premature phase change with no leftover bytes
; calc how many bytes we've xferred...
addq.w #1, d4 ; undo adjustment for dbra
swap d6 ; calculate bytes left to transfer
move.w d4, d6 ; form long word count
lsl.l #4, d6 ; mult by 16
and.b #iPhaseMsk, d5 ; are we still in data-in phase?
cmpi.b #iDataIn, d5 ; data-in phase bits = 001
beq.s @xferErr ; bra. to check for disconnect
moveq.l #scPhaseErr, d0 ; return a phase error
bra.s @badSRead ;
@xferErr ; anything else is a comm. err
moveq.l #scCommErr, d0 ; transfer error
add.l d2, d6 ; add un-xferred remainder
sub.l d6, d1 ; number of bytes transferred
move.l #scsiRead, d6 ; load proc ID
jsr Error_BIOS ; call Error proc - for debug
move.b #cFlshFFO, rCMD(a3) ; Flush FIFO
rts ;
; SlowWrite - implements Polled Write
; Called by: Transfer
; All primitive data transfer routines assume:
; d0 - <-- error (if any)
; d1 - --> copy of d2
; d1 - <-- bytes transferred
; d2 - --> number of bytes to transfer
; d3 - scratch - saved
; d4 - --> type of transfer to perform
; d5 - scratch - saved
; d6 - scratch - saved
; a0 - scratch - saved
; a1 - SCSI chip read base address - NON-SERIALIZED
; a2 - ptr to data buffer - saved
; a3 - SCSI chip read base address - SERIALIZED
; a4 - ptr to SCSI Mgr globals
; a5 - scratch - saved
; Method of Data Transfer: (uses pseudo-DMA mode)
; 0) Make sure we got our intrp from the last cmd send
; 1) Parcel transfer into 64KB blocks since TC regr. handles 64KB max
; 2) Calc. the number of 16-byte block transfers to perform
; 3) Calc. the remaining number of transfers to perform
; 4) Write data 16-byte blocks at a time using word MOVEs
; 5) Wait without timeouts until FIFO is empty ie. 16-byte transfer completed
; 6) Transfer residual byte if there is one
bsr HandleSelInProg_BIOS ; handle unfinished select command
bne.w @phaseErr ; if it is stuck, we are not in data phase
lea rDMA(a1),a1 ; <H5>
moveq.l #iPhaseMsk, d0 ;
and.b rSTA(a3), d0 ; are we in data-out phase?
bne.w phaseErr1 ; data-out phase bits = 0, bra. on phase err
cmpi.l #3, d2 ; if not 3 or less bytes write then... <H5>
bgt.s @moreThan3 ; jump into move.l loop <H5>
bra.l OneByteWrite_BIOS ; <H5>
move.l a2,d6 ; get location of buffer
and.l #3,d6 ; odd words or bytes mean alignment req'd
bne.w @alignLoop ;
move.l d2, d6 ; d6 = number 64KB block to perform
swap d6 ; upper word of d6 = lower word of d2
andi.l #$0000FFFF, d2 ; mask out upper word
beq.s @2 ; if 0 then we have $10000 (64K) bytes to xfer
moveq.l #iPhaseMsk, d3 ; load mask bits for phase value
and.b rSTA(a3), d3 ; are we still in data-out phase?
bne.w @phaseErr ; bra. if phase err
move.l d2, d4 ; d4 <- d2
move.b d4, rXCL(a3) ; TC regr (least-sig. byte) <- d4.b
lsr.l #8, d4 ; get upper byte of low word
move.b d4, rXCM(a3) ; TC regr (most-sig. byte) <- d4.b
move.b #cDMAXfer, rCMD(a3) ; load DMA transfer cmd & begin xfers
nop ; squoosh pipeline
; DREQ* should be active at this time
move.l d2, d4 ; d4 <- d2
lsr.l #4, d4 ; divide xfer count by 16
and.l #15,d2 ; remainder is byte count after 16 byte moves <H5>
ror.l #1, d2 ; xfer byte count to word & remember odd byte
move.l d2,d5 ;
ror.l #1,d5 ; xfer word count to long & remember odd word
neg.w d5
jmp @emptyWait(d5.w*2) ; bra. into the loop
@write16 ;
nop ; squoosh pipeline
move.l (a2)+, (a1) ; do 16 bytes
move.l (a2)+, (a1) ;
move.l (a2)+, (a1) ;
move.l (a2)+, (a1) ;
nop ; squoosh pipeline
btst.b #bINT, rSTA(a3) ; ...poll for unexpected intrp while waiting
bne.s @prematureEnd ; ... maybe disconnected, phase changed, etc.
moveq.l #iPhaseMsk, d3 ; load mask bits for phase value
and.b rSTA(a3), d3 ; are we still in data-out phase?
bne.s @prematureEnd ; bra. if phase err
moveq.l #iFOFMsk, d0 ; use mask to get FIFO flag field
and.b rFOS(a3), d0 ; get # of bytes in FIFO
bne.s @emptyWait ; bra. if FIFO is empty else...
dbra d4, @write16 ; d4 = # of 16-byte tranfers
btst.l #31, d5 ; check if we have a residual word
beq.s @chkByte ; bra. if no residual
move.w (a2)+,rDMA(a3) ; xfer residual byte
btst.l #31, d2 ; check if we have a residual byte
beq.s @noResidual ;
move.b (a2)+, rDMA(a3) ; xfer residual byte
bsr.l WaitForIntNoTime ; Wait for intrp w/o timeout
; on exit d5 = rFOS|rINT|0|rSTA
bne.s @xferErr ; bra. if xfer err
move.l #$10000, d2 ; init to transfer 64K bytes
dbra d6, @next64KB ;
@goodSWrite ; d1 = # of bytes transferred
moveq.l #noErr, d0 ; successful write op
rts ;
@misAligned ;
subq.l #1, d2 ; adjust for transfer count calc
move.b (a2)+, rFFO(a3) ; ...preload fifo with odd byte
dbra d6,@misAligned ; keep doing it until we are long aligned
bra.s @aligned ; transfer the rest of data
@prematureEnd ;
; 3 reasons to get an intrp 1) when TC=0 (bus service), xfer done 2) premature
; phase changes (bus service) 3) premature disconnect (disconnect)
bsr.l WaitForIntNoTime ; Wait for intrp w/o timeout
; on exit d5 = rFOS|rINT|0|rSTA
btst.l #bTRC, d5 ; Maybe we're done xferring data ie. TC=1
bne.s @2 ; ...so proceed with next 64Kb block
moveq.l #iPhaseMsk, d3 ; load mask bits for phase value
and.b d5, d3 ; are we still in data-out phase? (d5 from WaitFor call)
cmpi.b #iDataOut, d3 ; data-out phase bits = 000
beq.s @xferErr ; bra. if not phase err
moveq.l #scPhaseErr, d0 ; return a phase error
move.l #0, d1 ; no bytes transferred
move.l #0, G_FakeStat(a4) ; Return a fake status
bra.s @bytesXferd
moveq.l #scCommErr, d0 ; comm error
lsl.l #4, d4 ; multiply by 16
swap d6 ; calculate bytes left to transfer
move.w d4, d6 ; get low order word
moveq.l #iFOFMsk, d2 ;
and.b rFOS(a3), d2 ; add # of un-xferred data in FIFO
add.l d2, d6 ;
sub.l d6, d1 ; d1 = bytes xferred
move.l #0, G_FakeStat(a4) ; Return a fake status
move.l #scsiWrite, d6 ; load proc ID
jsr Error_BIOS ; call Error proc - for debug
move.b #cFlshFFO, rCMD(a3) ; Flush FIFO
rts ;
; FastWrite - implements Blind Write
; Called by: Transfer
; All primitive data transfer routines assume:
; d0 - <-- error (if any)
; d1 - --> copy of d2
; d1 - <-- bytes transferred
; d2 - --> number of bytes to transfer
; d3 - scratch - saved
; d4 - --> type of transfer to perform
; d5 - scratch - saved
; d6 - scratch - saved
; a0 - scratch - saved
; a1 - SCSI chip read base address - NON-SERIALIZED
; a2 - ptr to data buffer - saved
; a3 - SCSI chip read base address - SERIALIZED
; a4 - ptr to SCSI Mgr globals
; a5 - scratch - saved
; Method of Data Transfer: (uses pseudo-DMA mode)
; 0) Make sure we got our intrp from the last cmd send
; 1) Parcel transfer into 64KB blocks since TC regr. handles 64KB max
; 2) Preload FIFO with non-aligned byte; get us word aligned
; 3) Calc. the number of 32-byte block transfers to perform
; 4) Calc. the remaining number of transfers to perform
; 5) Write data 32-byte blocks at a time using word MOVEs
; 6) Write remaining data using word MOVEs
; 7) Transfer residual byte if there is one
bsr HandleSelInProg_BIOS ; handle unfinished select command
bne.w @phaseErr ; if it is stuck, we are not in data phase
lea rDMA(a1),a1 ; <H5>
move.b #cFlshFFO, rCMD(a3) ; Flush FIFO
moveq.l #iPhaseMsk, d0 ;
and.b rSTA(a3), d0 ; are we in data-out phase?
bne.w phaseErr1 ; data-out phase bits = 0, bra. on phase err
cmpi.l #3, d2 ; if not 3 or less bytes write then... <H5>
bgt.s @moreThan3 ; jump into move.l loop <H5>
bra.l OneByteWrite_BIOS ; <H5>
move.l a2,d6 ; get location of buffer
and.l #3,d6 ; odd words or bytes mean alignment req'd
bne.w @alignLoop ;
move.l d2, d6 ; d6 = number 64KB block to perform
swap d6 ; upper word of d6 = lower word of d2
andi.l #$0000FFFF, d2 ; mask out upper word
beq @2 ; if 0 then we have $10000 (64K) bytes to xfer
@next64KB ; buffer is aligned from this point
move.l d2, d4 ; d4 <- d2
move.b d4, rXCL(a3) ; TC regr (least-sig. byte) <- d4.b
lsr.l #8, d4 ; get upper byte of low word
move.b d4, rXCM(a3) ; TC regr (most-sig. byte) <- d4.b
move.b #cDMAXfer, rCMD(a3) ; load DMA transfer cmd & begin xfers
; DREQ* should be active at this time
move.l d2, d4 ; d4 = copy of transfer count <H5>
lsr.l #7, d4 ; divide xfer count by 128 <H5>
and.l #$7f,d2 ; remainder is byte count after 128 byte moves <H5>
ror.l #1, d2 ; xfer byte count to word & remember odd byte
move.l d2,d3
ror.l #1,d3 ; xfer word count to long & remember odd word
neg.w d3 ; negate to form a backward jump offset
nop ; squoosh pipeline
jmp @WrLoop(d3.w*2) ; bra. into the loop
@write128 ;
move.l (a2)+,(a1) ; write 16 bytes
move.l (a2)+,(a1) ;
move.l (a2)+,(a1) ;
move.l (a2)+,(a1) ; finished 16 bytes
move.l (a2)+,(a1) ; write 16 bytes
move.l (a2)+,(a1) ;
move.l (a2)+,(a1) ;
move.l (a2)+,(a1) ; finished 32 bytes
move.l (a2)+,(a1) ; write 16 bytes
move.l (a2)+,(a1) ;
move.l (a2)+,(a1) ;
move.l (a2)+,(a1) ; finished 48 bytes
move.l (a2)+,(a1) ; write 16 bytes
move.l (a2)+,(a1) ;
move.l (a2)+,(a1) ;
move.l (a2)+,(a1) ; finished 64 bytes
move.l (a2)+,(a1) ; write 16 bytes
move.l (a2)+,(a1) ;
move.l (a2)+,(a1) ;
move.l (a2)+,(a1) ; finished 80 bytes
move.l (a2)+,(a1) ; write 16 bytes
move.l (a2)+,(a1) ;
move.l (a2)+,(a1) ;
move.l (a2)+,(a1) ; finished 96 bytes
move.l (a2)+,(a1) ; write 16 bytes
move.l (a2)+,(a1) ;
move.l (a2)+,(a1) ;
move.l (a2)+,(a1) ; finished 112 bytes
move.l (a2)+,(a1) ; write 16 bytes
move.l (a2)+,(a1) ;
move.l (a2)+,(a1) ;
move.l (a2)+,(a1) ; finished 128 bytes
dbra d4, @write128 ; d4 = # of 128-byte tranfers
nop ; squoosh pipeline
btst.l #31, d3 ; check if we have a residual word
beq.s @chkByte ; bra. if no residual
move.w (a2)+,rDMA(a3) ; xfer residual byte
btst.l #31, d2 ; check if we have a residual byte
beq.s @noResidual ;
move.b (a2)+,rDMA(a3) ; xfer residual byte
@noResidual ; INT & TC maybe TRUE at this point
bsr.l WaitForIntNoTime ; Wait for intrp w/o timeout
; on exit d5 = rFOS|rINT|0|rSTA
bne.s @xferErr ; bra. if xfer err
move.l #$10000, d2 ; init to transfer 64K bytes
dbra d6, @next64KB ;
moveq.l #iFOFMsk, d2 ; <H5> thru next <H5>
and.b rFOS(a3), d2 ; add un-xferred byte in FIFO
beq.s @goodFWrite ;
moveq.l #scPhaseErr, d0 ; return a phase error
bra.s @badFWrite ; <H5> from prev <H5>
@goodFWrite ; d1 = # of bytes transferred
moveq.l #noErr, d0 ; successful write op
rts ;
@misAligned ;
subq.l #1, d2 ; adjust for transfer count calc
move.b (a2)+, rFFO(a3) ; ...preload fifo with odd byte
dbra d6,@misAligned ; keep doing it until we are long aligned
bra.s @aligned ; transfer the rest of data
moveq.l #scPhaseErr, d0 ; return a phase error
bra.s @bytesXferd ;
moveq.l #scCommErr, d0 ; comm error
@bytesXferd ;
swap d6 ; calculate bytes left to transfer
move.w d4, d6 ; get low order word
lsl.l #5, d6 ; multiply by 32
ext.l d2 ; make d2 a long
addq.l #1, d2 ; undo adjustment for dbra
add.l d2, d6 ; add to total
moveq.l #iFOFMsk, d2 ;
and.b rFOS(a3), d2 ; add un-xferred byte in FIFO
add.w d2, d6 ;
sub.l d6, d1 ; result
@badFWrite ;
move.l #0, G_FakeStat(a4) ; Return a fake status
move.l #scsiWBlind, d6 ; load proc ID
jsr Error_BIOS ; call Error proc - for debug
move.b #cFlshFFO, rCMD(a3) ; Flush FIFO
rts ;
; FastRead - implements FastRead
; Called by: Transfer
; All primitive data transfer routines assume:
; d0 - <-- error (if any)
; d1 - --> copy of d2
; d1 - <-- bytes transferred
; d2 - --> number of bytes to transfer
; d3 - scratch - saved
; d4 - --> type of transfer to perform
; d5 - <-- xxxx|xxxx|xxxx|rSTA
; d6 - scratch - saved
; a0 - scratch - saved
; a1 - SCSI chip read base address - NON-SERIALIZED
; a2 - ptr to data buffer - saved
; a3 - SCSI chip read base address - SERIALIZED
; a4 - ptr to SCSI Mgr globals
; a5 - scratch - saved
; Method of Data Transfer: (uses Pseudo-DMA)
; 0) Make sure we got our intrp from the last cmd send
; 1) Parcel transfer into 64KB blocks since TC regr. handles 64KB max
; 2) Read 1st byte if input buffer is NOT word aligned
; 3) Calc. the number of 32-byte block transfers to perform
; 4) Calc. the remaining number of byte transfers to perform
; 5) Read data 32-byte blocks at a time using word MOVEs
; 6) Read remaining data a word at a time
; 7) Transfer residual byte if there is one
bsr HandleSelInProg_BIOS ; handle unfinished select command
bne.w @phaseErr ; if it is stuck, we are not in data phase
lea rDMA(a1),a1 ; <H5>
move.b #cFlshFFO, rCMD(a3) ; Flush FIFO
moveq.l #iPhaseMsk, d0 ; load mask for phase bits
and.b rSTA(a3), d0 ; are we in data-in phase?
cmpi.b #iDataIn, d0 ; data-in phase bits = 001
bne.w phaseErr1 ; bra. on phase err
cmpi.l #3, d2 ; if not 3 or less bytes read then... <H5>
bgt.s @moreThan3 ; jump into move.l loop <H5>
bra.l OneByteRead_BIOS ; <H5>
move.l a2,d6 ; get location of buffer
and.l #3,d6 ; odd words or bytes mean alignment req'd
bne.w @alignLoop ;
move.l d2, d6 ; d6 = number 64KB block to perform
swap d6 ; upper word of d6 = lower word of d2
andi.l #$0000FFFF, d2 ; mask out upper word
beq @2 ; if 0 then we have $10000 (64K) bytes to xfer
move.l d2, d4 ; d4 <- d2
move.b d4, rXCL(a3) ; TC regr (least-sig. byte) <- d4.b
lsr.l #8, d4 ; get upper byte of low word
move.b d4, rXCM(a3) ; TC regr (most-sig. byte) <- d4.b
move.b #cDMAXfer, rCMD(a3) ; load DMA transfer cmd & begin xfers
; DREQ* should be active at this time
move.l d2, d4 ; d4 = copy of transfer count <H5>
lsr.l #7, d4 ; divide xfer count by 128 <H5>
and.l #$7f,d2 ; remainder is byte count after 128 byte moves <H5>
ror.l #1, d2 ; xfer byte count to word & remember odd byte
move.l d2,d3
ror.l #1,d3 ; xfer word count to long & remember odd word
neg.w d3 ; negate to form a backward jump offset
nop ; squoosh pipeline
jmp @RdLoop(d3.w*2) ; bra. into the loop
@read128 ;
move.l (a1),(a2)+ ; read 16 bytes
move.l (a1),(a2)+ ;
move.l (a1),(a2)+ ;
move.l (a1),(a2)+ ; finished 16 bytes
move.l (a1),(a2)+ ; read 16 more bytes
move.l (a1),(a2)+ ;
move.l (a1),(a2)+ ;
move.l (a1),(a2)+ ; finished 32 bytes
move.l (a1),(a2)+ ; read 16 more bytes
move.l (a1),(a2)+ ;
move.l (a1),(a2)+ ;
move.l (a1),(a2)+ ; finished 48 bytes
move.l (a1),(a2)+ ; read 16 more bytes
move.l (a1),(a2)+ ;
move.l (a1),(a2)+ ;
move.l (a1),(a2)+ ; finished 64 bytes
move.l (a1),(a2)+ ; read 16 more bytes
move.l (a1),(a2)+ ;
move.l (a1),(a2)+ ;
move.l (a1),(a2)+ ; finished 80 bytes
move.l (a1),(a2)+ ; read 16 more bytes
move.l (a1),(a2)+ ;
move.l (a1),(a2)+ ;
move.l (a1),(a2)+ ; finished 96 bytes
move.l (a1),(a2)+ ; read 16 more bytes
move.l (a1),(a2)+ ;
move.l (a1),(a2)+ ;
move.l (a1),(a2)+ ; finished 112 bytes
move.l (a1),(a2)+ ; read 16 more bytes
move.l (a1),(a2)+ ;
move.l (a1),(a2)+ ;
move.l (a1),(a2)+ ; finished 128 bytes
@RdLoop ;
dbra d4, @read128 ; d4 = # of 128-byte transfers
nop ; squoosh pipeline
@finshMv16 ; INT & TC bits should be TRUE at this point
btst.l #31, d3 ; check if we have a residual word
beq.s @chkByte ; bra. if no residual
bsr.l WtForFIFOData ; returns number of bytes in FIFO <2>
beq.s @timedOut ;
move.w (a1),(a2)+ ; xfer residual word <H3>
bsr.l WaitForIntNoTime ; Wait for intrp w/o timeout
; on exit d5 = rFOS|rINT|0|rSTA
bne.s @xferErr ; bra. if xfer err
btst.l #31, d2 ; check if we have a residual byte
beq.s @2 ; bra. if no residual
bsr.l WtForFIFOData ; returns number of bytes in FIFO
beq.s @timedOut ;
move.b rFFO(a3), (a2)+ ; xfer residual byte
move.l #$10000, d2 ; init to transfer 64K bytes
dbra d6, @next64KB ;
@goodFRead ; d1 = # of bytes transferred
moveq.l #noErr, d0 ; successful read op
rts ;
move.b #cIOXfer, rCMD(a3) ; load IO transfer cmd & begin xfers
bsr.l WaitForIntNoTime ; Wait for intrp w/o timeout
; on exit d5 = rFOS|rINT|0|rSTA
bne.s @xferErr ; bra. on xfer error
move.b rFFO(a3), (a2)+ ; xfer byte from FIFO into input buffer
move.b rINT(a3), d3 ; read Intrp regr & clear rSTA, rSQS & rINT
btst.l #bDSC, d3 ; check for disconnected intrp
bne.l @xferErr ; bra. on xfer error
subq.l #1, d2 ; decr. for DBRA
dbra d6,@misAligned ; keep doing it until we are long aligned
bra.s @aligned ; transfer the rest of data
@timedOut ;
moveq.l #scBusTOErr, d0 ; if we timed out, return error
bra.s @bytesXferd ;
moveq.l #scPhaseErr, d0 ; return a phase error
bra.s @bytesXferd ;
moveq.l #scCommErr, d0 ; comm error
@bytesXferd ;
swap d6 ; calculate bytes left to transfer
move.w d4, d6 ; get low order word
lsl.l #5, d6 ; multiply by 32
ext.l d2 ; make d2 a long
addq.l #1, d2 ; undo adjustment for dbra
add.l d2, d6 ; add to total
sub.l d6, d1 ; d1 = xfer count - bytes remaining to xfer
move.l #0, G_FakeStat(a4) ; Return a fake status
move.l #scsiRBlind, d6 ; load proc ID
jsr Error_BIOS ; call Error proc - for debug
move.b #cFlshFFO, rCMD(a3) ; Flush FIFO
rts ;
xferErr ; <H4> thru next <H4>
move.l #$F0, d6 ; load proc ID, generic transfer
moveq.l #scCommErr, d0 ; transfer error
bra.s errExit ; <H4> from last <H4>
; ResetBus_96_BIOS - Reset the SCSI bus by asserting the SCSI Reset Output signal
; for some number of uS as determined by the clock conv. factor (CCF)
; a3 - SCSI chip read base address - SERIALIZED
; disable all intrps
move.b #cRstSBus, rCMD(a3) ; load reset scsi bus cmd
; re-enable all intrps
; HandleSelInProg
; 0 if no select in progress or if select is now complete
; 1 if a select is still in progress (i.e. in cmd or msg_out phase)
btst.b #SelInProg, G_State96(a4) ; is Select cmd still in progress?
beq.w @skipIt ; no - skip it
btst.b #NeedMsgOut, G_State96(a4) ; are we expecting a Msg_Out phase?
beq.s @chkCmd ; no - see about Command
move.b #iMsgOut, d1 ; yes - wait for this phase or interrupt
bra.s @doWait
btst.b #NeedCmdSent, G_State96(a4) ; are we expecting a Command phase?
beq.s @wtForFC ; no - wait for an interrupt then
move.b #iCommand, d1 ; yes - wait for this phase or interrupt
bsr.s Wt4DREQorInt_BIOS
bne.s @gotDREQ
bclr.b #FCIntPend, G_State96(a4) ; clear the FC Int pend flag
bclr.b #SelInProg, G_State96(a4) ; and clear the SelectInProgress flag
bclr.b #NeedMsgOut, G_State96(a4) ; and Message_Out
bclr.b #NeedCmdSent, G_State96(a4) ; and Command expected flags
tst.b d0 ; setup result again
bsr.l WaitForIntNoTime ; Wait for intrp w/o timeout
move.b #cFlshFFO, rCMD(a3) ; Flush FIFO
moveq.l #0, d0
bra.s @gotInt
; Wt4DREQorInt - infinite loop to wait for a DREQ signal or SCSI chip intrp.
; Uses: d3, d5
; Entry:
; --> d1 = phase to wait for (concurrent with DREQ)
; --> G_SCSIDREQ(a4) = addr of DAFB reg (for reading value of
; Exit:
; <-- d5 = rFOS|rINT|0|rSTA, byte values from the Seq.Step, Status & INT regrs.
; <-- d0 = 1 if DREQ, 0 if Int
; Check for interrupt first (to avoid unnecessary dog-slow DREQ check)
clr.l d5 ;
move.b rSTA(a3), d5 ; read Status regr
btst.l #bINT, d5 ; poll intrp on status regr. for pending intrp
bne.s @gotInt ;
; If no Interrupt, check for DREQ
move.l G_SCSIDREQ(a4), a0 ; G_SCSIDREQ contains DREQ regr address
move.l (a0), d5 ; read DAFB regr
move.b G_bitDREQ(a4),d0 ; load DREQ bit position
btst.l d0, d5 ; DREQ ?
beq.s @noTimeout ; no: try again
move.b rSTA(a3), d3 ; get phase value
and.b #iPhaseMsk, d3 ; load mask bits for phase value
cmp.b d3, d1 ; are we in requested phase?
bne.s @noTimeout ;
moveq.l #1, d3 ; return value = Got DREQ
bra.s @exit
; Get sequence and FIFO status registers into D5 (already got rSTA)
swap d5 ;
move.b rFOS(a3), d5 ; read FIFO flag/Sequence Step regr
lsl.w #8, d5 ; shift left by 1 byte
move.b rINT(a3), d5 ; read & clear rFOS, rSTA & rINT
move.l d5, d0 ; we got here because of an intrp
swap d5 ; d5 = rFOS|rINT|0|rSTA
moveq.l #0, d3 ; return value = Got Interrup
move.l d3, d0
rts ;
; FastCompare - implements FastRead
; Called by: Transfer
; All primitive data transfer routines assume:
; d0 - <-- error (if any)
; d1 - --> copy of d2
; d1 - <-- bytes transferred
; d2 - --> number of bytes to transfer
; d3 - scratch - saved
; d4 - --> type of transfer to perform
; d5 - <-- xxxx|xxxx|xxxx|rSTA
; d6 - scratch - saved
; a0 - scratch - saved
; a1 - SCSI chip read base address - NON-SERIALIZED
; a2 - ptr to data buffer - saved
; a3 - SCSI chip read base address - SERIALIZED
; a4 - ptr to SCSI Mgr globals
; a5 - scratch - saved
; Method of Data Transfer: (uses Pseudo-DMA)
; 0) Make sure we got our intrp from the last cmd send
; 1) Parcel transfer into 64KB blocks since TC regr. handles 64KB max
; 2) Read 1st byte if input buffer is NOT word aligned
; 3) Calc. the number of 32-byte block transfers to perform
; 4) Calc. the remaining number of byte transfers to perform
; 5) Read data 32-byte blocks at a time using word MOVEs
; 6) Read remaining data a word at a time
; 7) Transfer residual byte if there is one
bsr HandleSelInProg_BIOS ; handle unfinished select command
bne.w @phaseErr ; if it is stuck, we are not in data phase
moveq.l #iPhaseMsk, d0 ; load mask for phase bits
and.b rSTA(a3), d0 ; are we in data-in phase?
cmpi.b #iDataIn, d0 ; data-in phase bits = 001
bne.w phaseErr1 ; bra. on phase err
cmpi.l #1, d2 ; special case a 1 byte compare
beq.w SlowComp_96_BIOS ;
clr.l d3 ; init compare status
move.l d2, d6 ; d6 = number 64KB block to perform
swap d6 ; upper word of d6 = lower word of d2
andi.l #$0000FFFF, d2 ; mask out upper word
beq.s @2 ; if 0 then we have $10000 (64K) bytes to xfer
move.l d2, d4 ; d4 <- d2
move.b d4, rXCL(a3) ; TC regr (least-sig. byte) <- d4.b
lsr.l #8, d4 ; get upper byte of low word
move.b d4, rXCM(a3) ; TC regr (most-sig. byte) <- d4.b
move.b #cDMAXfer, rCMD(a3) ; load DMA transfer cmd & begin xfers
; DREQ* should be active at this time
ror.l #1, d2 ; xfer byte count to word & remember odd byte
subq.w #1, d2 ; adjust for DBRA
move.w rDMA(a3), d0 ;
cmp.w (a2)+, d0 ; compare a word at a time
beq.s @Ok
moveq.l #scCompareErr, d3 ; record a compare error
dbra d2, @RdAndCmp ; loop until done
; INT & TC bits should be TRUE at this point
bsr.l WaitForIntNoTime ; Wait for intrp w/o timeout
; on exit d5 = rFOS|rINT|0|rSTA
bne.s @xferErr ; bra. if xfer err
btst.l #31, d2 ; check if we have a residual byte
beq.s @2 ; bra. if no residual
move.b rFFO(a3), d0 ; read byte data from FIFO
cmp.b (a2)+, d0 ; xfer byte from FIFO into input buffer
beq.s @2
moveq.l #scCompareErr, d3 ; record a compare error
move.l #$10000, d2 ; init to transfer 64K bytes
dbra d6, @next64KB ;
@ExitFCmp ; d1 = # of bytes transferred
move.l d3, d0 ; return status
rts ;
moveq.l #scPhaseErr, d0 ; return a phase error
bra.s @bytesXferd
moveq.l #scCommErr, d0 ; comm error
swap d6 ; calculate bytes left to transfer
move.w d4, d6 ; get low order word
lsl.l #5, d6 ; multiply by 32
ext.l d2 ; make d2 a long
addq.l #1, d2 ; undo adjustment for dbra
add.l d2, d6 ; add to total
sub.l d6, d1 ; d1 = xfer count - bytes remaining to xfer
move.l #0, G_FakeStat(a4) ; Return a fake status
move.l #scsiRBlind+$F0, d6 ; load proc ID, Fast compare
jsr Error_BIOS ; call Error proc - for debug
move.b #cFlshFFO, rCMD(a3) ; Flush FIFO
rts ;
; SlowComp - implements Polled Read
; Called by: Transfer
; All primitive data transfer routines assume:
; d0 - <-- error (if any)
; d1 - --> copy of d2
; d1 - <-- bytes transferred
; d2 - --> number of bytes to transfer
; d3 - scratch - saved
; d4 - --> type of transfer to perform
; d5 - scratch - saved
; d6 - scratch - saved
; a0 - scratch - saved
; a1 - SCSI chip read base address - NON-SERIALIZED
; a2 - ptr to data buffer - saved
; a3 - SCSI chip read base address - SERIALIZED
; a4 - ptr to SCSI Mgr globals
; a5 - scratch - saved
; Method of Data Transfer: (pDMA and programmed IO)
; 0) Make sure we got our intrp from the last cmd send
; 1) calculate # of 16-byte block transfers to perform using pDMA & remember the remainder
; 2) Enable c96 DMA and wait till the 16-byte FIFO is full and DREQ is asserted for the 17th byte
; 3) Transfer all data in the FIFO and wait for the intrp
; 4) Repeat until all block have been transferred
; 5) Transfer remaining data using non-DMA transfer command byte then
; Wait and poll for byte-in-fifo interrupt
; 6) Transfer data from fifo to input buffer
; 7) Repeat process until all remaining bytes have been transferred
bsr HandleSelInProg_BIOS ; handle unfinished select command
bne.w @phaseErr ; if it is stuck, we are not in data phase
moveq.l #iPhaseMsk, d0 ; load mask for phase bits
and.b rSTA(a3), d0 ; are we in data-in phase?
cmpi #iDataIn, d0 ; data-in phase bits = 001
bne.w phaseErr1 ; bra. on phase err
clr.l d3 ; init compare status
move.l d2, d4 ; d4 = copy of transfer count
lsr.l #4, d4 ; divide xfer count by 16
beq.w @16orLess ; bra. if < 16 bytes
subq.l #1, d4 ; adjust for DBRA
move.l d4, d6 ; d4.w has lower 16-byte block count
swap d6 ; d6.w has upper 16-byte word count
move.l G_SCSIDREQ(a4), a0 ; load SCSI DREQ regr
move.b #0, rXCM(a3) ; rXCM = 0, clear most-sig. byte count
move.b #$10, rXCL(a3) ; rXCL = 16 bytes, least-sig. byte value
and.l #$F, d2 ; d2 = remainder word count after 16-byte moves
move.b #cDMAXfer, rCMD(a3) ; load DMA transfer cmd & start loading FIFO
@1 ; currently loaded transfer count is used/reused
btst.b #bINT, rSTA(a3) ; poll for unexpected intrp while waiting
bne.s @prematureEnd ; ... maybe disconnected, phase changed, etc.
btst.b #bTRC, rSTA(a3) ; check if we've rcvd all the data
beq.s @1 ; loop until FIFO is full
; We need 16 guaranteed DREQs to safely transfer 16 bytes without bus error.
; Ideally, DREQ should be active as long there are threshold number of bytes in the
; FIFO--as the c96 user's guide imply. But the c96 implementation also requires that
; REQ be active in order to get DREQ. This is why we must wait for the 17th REQ from
; the target--and it must remain active--before we proceed with the 16-byte transfer.
move.l (a0), d5 ; read DAFB SCSI DREQ
move.b G_bitDREQ(a4),d0 ; load DREQ bit position
btst.l d0, d5 ; DREQ ?
beq.s @1 ; loop until asserted
move.w #$7, d5 ; load loop counter, 8 words
move.w rDMA(a3), d0 ;
cmp.w (a2)+, d0 ; compare a word at a time
beq.s @Ok1
moveq.l #scCompareErr, d3 ; record a compare error
@Ok1 dbra d5, @cmpFFO ; continue with compare operation
@2 ; Intrp should occur after ALL data have been
; read out of the FIFO
btst.b #bINT, rSTA(a3) ; check for c96 INTRP
beq.s @2 ; loop until we get the intrp
move.b rINT(a3), d5 ; read Intrp regr & clear rSTA, rSQS & rINT
btst.l #bDSC, d5 ; check for disconnected intrp
bne.s @premature2 ; Branch if transfer error
dbra d4, @read16 ; loop until done, d4 is lower word count
dbra d6, @read16 ; loop until done, d6 is upper word count
bra.s @16OrLess ; take care of remaining data, if any
@rdSingle ; use non-pDMA for remainder
moveq.l #iPhaseMsk, d5 ; load mask bits for phase value
and.b rSTA(a3), d5 ; are we still in data-in phase?
cmpi.b #iDataIn, d5 ; data-in phase bits = 001
bne.s @phaseErr ; bra. on phase err
move.b #cIOXfer, rCMD(a3) ; load IO transfer cmd & begin xfers
btst.b #bINT, rSTA(a3) ; check for c96 INTRP
beq.s @3 ; loop until we get an intrp
move.b rFFO(a3), d0 ; read byte data from FIFO
cmp.b (a2)+, d0 ; xfer byte from FIFO into input buffer
beq.s @Ok2
moveq.l #scCompareErr, d3 ; record a compare error
move.b rINT(a3), d5 ; read Intrp regr & clear rSTA, rSQS & rINT
btst.l #bDSC, d5 ; check for disconnected intrp
bne.s @xferErr ; Branch if transfer error
dbra d2, @rdSingle ; read the rest of the remainders
@ExitCmp ; d1 = # of bytes transferred
move.l d3, d0 ; return status
rts ;
bsr.l WaitForIntNoTime ; Wait for intrp w/o timeout
; on exit d5 = rFOS|rINT|0|rSTA
addq.w #1, d4 ; undo adjustment for dbra
swap d6 ; calculate bytes left to transfer
move.w d4, d6 ; form long word count
lsl.l #4, d6 ; mult by 16
and.b #iPhaseMsk, d5 ; are we still in data-in phase?
cmpi.b #iDataIn, d5 ; data-in phase bits = 001
beq.s @xferErr ; bra. to check for disconnect
moveq.l #scPhaseErr, d0 ; return a phase error
bra.s @badSCmp ;
@xferErr ; anything else is a comm. err
moveq.l #scCommErr, d0 ; transfer error
add.l d2, d6 ; add un-xferred remainder
sub.l d6, d1 ; number of bytes transferred
move.l #scsiRead+$F0, d6 ; load proc ID, Slow compare
jsr Error_BIOS ; call Error proc - for debug
move.b #cFlshFFO, rCMD(a3) ; Flush FIFO
rts ;
; BusErrHandler_96
; When the SCSI Mgr is performing a blind data transfer, it patches
; out the bus error vector. The old SCSI Mgr bus error handler
; assumed that if it got called, it must be handling a SCSI bus error.
; Unfortunately, NuBus cards could bus error while the SCSI Mgr is
; installed. To be a better bus error citizen, the SCSI bus error
; handler now checks that the fault address is the SCSI chip, and if
; not, it chains to the bus error handler that it replaced.
; This code returns control to Transfer_96 and not to the routine
; caused the bus error. It does this by popping off the buserr stack
; frame and then doing an RTS, so...
; FastÉ, etc.). At least don't leave it there during periods where a
; buserr may be possible.
WITH AEXFrame, XferFrame
savedRegs REG d0-d3/a0-a3 ; save these registers because we need to use them
savedRSize EQU 8*4 ; # bytes on stack for saved registers
; Is it our fault? -----
subq.l #4, sp ; make room for return addr (@notSCSIFault)
movem.l savedRegs, -(sp) ;
move.l SCSIBase,a3 ; save DMA access address <H4>
lea savedRSize+4(sp), a0 ; make A0 our AEXFrame pointer (regs+1 LW on stack)
cmp.l SCSIGlobals, a4 ; equal if this is from our transfer routine
bne.s @notSCSIFault
btst.b #HandleBusErrs, G_State96(A4) ; are we supposed to be active?
beq.s @notSCSIFault ; no - not SCSI's fault
lea BIOSAddr,a1 ; setup for testing BIOS buffer
btst.b #bBIOSSCSIBERR,BIOS_PDMA(a1) ; did we buserr on access via BIOS ?
bne.s @SCSIFault ; if so, start processing the bus error
; It's not our fault ------
move.l SCSIGlobals, a0 ; put entry point to prev BEH on stack
move.l yeOldeBusErrVct(a0), savedRSize(sp) ; (registers saved beneath return addr)
movem.l (sp)+, savedRegs ; restore regs
rts ; jump to old handler, assuming it'll RTE
; It's all our fault (blame it on us) ------
; Wait for either DREQ, or INT or a timeout (from blindBusTO value)
move.l G_SCSIDREQ(a4), a1 ; G_SCSIDREQ contains DREQ regr address
move.b G_bitDREQ(a4),d3 ; load DREQ bit position
@DREQloop move.l (a1), d0 ; read DAFB regr
btst.l d3, d0 ; DREQ ?
bne.s @retry
btst #bINT, rSTA(A3) ; see if we have a phase change or something <H4>
bne @phzChange
bra.s @DREQloop
; if DREQ, retry the transfer -----
; Clean up the writebacks on the stack frame
move.w WB1S(a0), d0 ; check WB1 for validity
move.l WB1A(a0), a1 ; pass WB Address
move.l WB1D(a0), d1 ; pass WB Data
bsr.w DoWriteBack ; to routine that takes care of it
move.w WB2S(a0), d0 ; check WB2 for validity
move.l WB2A(a0), a1 ; pass WB Address
move.l WB2D(a0), d1 ; pass WB Data
bsr.w DoWriteBack ; to routine that takes care of it
move.w WB3S(a0), d0 ; check WB3 for validity
move.l WB3A(a0), a1 ; pass WB Address
move.l WB3D(a0), d1 ; pass WB Data
bsr.w DoWriteBack ; to routine that takes care of it
; we have to check the residual register in BIOS....
; 1. if there is a residual word we have to retrieve it, read another word
; with the posted DREQ and nuke the stack to skip the move.l that buserr'd
; 2. if there is no residual then we can just rte like flint!
lea BIOSAddr,a1 ; setup for testing BIOS buffer
cmp.w #scsiReadFast, transferType(a4) ; did we buserr from a read?
beq.s @chkRead ; 0=yes, 1=no
btst.b #bBIOSW1Cmplt,BIOS_PDMA(a1) ; did one word from the long make it to the c96?
beq.s @doRTE ; 0=no, so restart move.l
; Only 1 word of the long word write made it to the controller so we have
; to move the second word manually and increment the buffer pointer.
; Note: the value of a2 will be the value after the move.l postincrement
; so we have to move it backward a word to access the second buffer word.
; We also have to advance the PC so that the rte doesn't restart the faulted
; instruction.
move.l xPC(a0),d0 ; get pc where buserr occurred
; Fake a format code 0 exception frame (4 words) to finish cleaning up
clr.w PD3+2(a0) ; stuff a format code 0 (format code is really only a word)
move.l d0,PD2+2(a0) ; stuff the new pc in stack
move.w xSR(a0),PD2(a0) ;
clr.w BIOS_PDMA(a1) ; clear the status register
movem.l (sp)+, savedRegs ; restore regs
addq.l #4, sp
@adjW040XFrame ; 040 Bus Error frame-cleaning done here
lea aeXFrameSize-8(sp),sp ; remove 040 Access Error Exception Frame
;; addq.l #2, a2 ; adjust user buffer because we manually did the move.l <H4>
rte ; resume execution at next instruction
btst.b #bBIOSR1Cmplt,BIOS_PDMA(a1) ; is there a residual word?
beq.s @doRTE ; 0=no, so restart move.l
; Only 1 word of the long word read made it from the controller. We have to
; move the word stored in the residual buffer within BIOS to memory and then
; manually extract the next word from the controller.
; Note: the value of a2 will be the value before the move.l postincrement.
; We also have to advance the PC so that the rte doesn't restart the faulted
; instruction.
move.w BIOS_SCSI_RESID(a1),(a2)+ ; retrieve the residual word stored in BIOS
move.w rDMA(a3),(a2)+ ; get word from chip and put into user's buffer <H4>
; now cleanup the stack and return to the transfer code.
move.l xPC(a0),d0 ; get pc where buserr occurred
addq #2,d0 ; adjust the pc to point to the next instruction <H4>
; Fake a format code 0 exception frame (4 words) to finish cleaning up
clr.w PD3+2(a0) ; stuff a format code 0 (format code is really only a word)
move.l d0,PD2+2(a0) ; stuff the new pc in stack
move.w xSR(a0),PD2(a0) ;
clr.w BIOS_PDMA(a1) ; clear the status register
movem.l (sp)+, savedRegs ; restore regs
addq.l #4, sp
addq.l #4, a2 ; adjust user buffer because we manually did the move.l <H4>
@adjR040XFrame ; 040 Bus Error frame-cleaning done here
lea aeXFrameSize-8(sp),sp ; remove 040 Access Error Exception Frame
; but leave PD3 return address
rte ; resume execution at next instruction
movem.l (sp)+, savedRegs ; restore regs
addq.l #4, sp
rte ; haven't reached max retry count, so restart
; if phase change or timeout, cleanup and abort the transfer -----
; return SP to the exception stack frame
movem.l (sp)+, savedRegs ; restore regs
addq.l #4, sp ; take scratch space off stack
; get any leftover bytes out of the FIFO if we were doing a FastRead
cmp.w #scsiReadFast, transferType(a4)
bne.s @skipLeftovers
move.b rFOS(a3), d0 ; get FIFO status - how many bytes in FIFO
and.w #iFOFMsk, d0 ;
ror.l #1, d0
bra.s @btm0
move.w rDMA(a3), (a2)+ ; get word from chip and put into user's buffer
dbra d0, @top0
tst.l d0
bpl.s @2
move.b rFFO(a3), (a2)+ ; get byte from chip and put into user's buffer
; get rid of excp'n frame and create a throwaway frame for return to Transfer_96
move.b #cFlshFFO, rCMD(a3) ; Flush FIFO <H5>
move.w xSR(sp), d0 ; save SR for new exception frame
bfextu FrameType(sp){0:4}, d1 ; get format code from stack
cmp.b #AEXFrameType, d1 ; check for 040 Access Error Exception Frame
beq.s @Drop040XFrame ; dispose of 040 AE exception frame
cmp.b #shortBEXFrameType, d1 ; short 020/030 exception frame?
bne.s @Drop46w ; no, so use larger frame
adda.w #shortBEXFrameSize, sp ; dispose of the 16-word frame
bra.s @DummyFrame ; and finish up
@Drop040XFrame ; 040 Bus Error frame-cleaning done here
add.w #aeXFrameSize, sp ; remove 040 Access Error Exception Frame
bra.s @DummyFrame ; and create dummy return frame
add.w #46*2, sp ; size of exception frame
; Fake a format code 0 exception frame (4 words) to finish cleaning up
move.w zeroReg, -(sp) ; format code 0
pea FinishErr ; PC value
move.w d0, -(sp) ; sr value
rte ; 'return' from the fake exception
; If we busErr due to a slow peripheral then the c96 is still expecting to transfer
; data since it has no concept of bus error. Hopefully, the client upon seeing busTOErr
; will do the right thing and call SCSIComplete to clean up the bus.
; What we really need to do here is to first empty the FIFO the call Wt4DREQorINT
; then do the right thing. %%%
moveq.l #scBusTOErr, d0 ; assume bus timeout
btst.b #bINT, rSTA(a3) ; poll for intrp due to premature phase change
beq.s @ErrorDone ; bra. if no SCSI intrp 'cuz we busTO
move.b rINT(a3), d5 ; got intrp so check cause also read & clear rFOS, rSTA & rINT
btst.l #bBSS, d5 ; test for bus service intrp
beq.s @ErrorDone ; bra. if not bus service
moveq.l #scPhaseErr, d0 ; yup it's a premature phase change
rts ; return status in d0 to the Transfer routine
move.l a2,-(sp) ; <H4>
btst #bValid, d0 ; if this writeback valid?
beq.s @wbDone ; no - done
and.w #SIZE_MSK, d0 ; yes, transfer proper size
cmp.w #WB_BYTE, d0
bne.s @1
move.B d1, (a1) ; move Byte
bra.s @wbDone
cmp.w #WB_WORD, d0
bne.s @2
move.W d1, (a1) ; move Word
bra.s @wbDone
cmp.w #WB_LONG, d0
bne.s @wbDone
lea BIOSAddr,a2 ; setup for testing BIOS buffer <H4> thru next <H4>
btst.b #bBIOSW1Cmplt,BIOS_PDMA(a2) ; did one word from the long make it to the c96?
bne.s @doWord ;
move.L d1, (a1) ; move LongWord
bra.s @wbDone
@doWord ; <H4> thru next <H4>
move.w d1,(a1) ;
clr.w BIOS_PDMA(a2) ; clear the status register
move.l (sp)+,a2 ; <H4>