Elliot Nunn 0ba83392d4 Bring in CubeE sources
Resource forks are included only for .rsrc files. These are DeRezzed into their data fork. 'ckid' resources, from the Projector VCS, are not included.

The Tools directory, containing mostly junk, is also excluded.
2017-09-20 18:04:16 +08:00

213 lines
7.9 KiB

; File: CommToolboxDispatcher.a
; Written by: Byron Han
; Copyright: © 1989-1992 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM4> 11/3/92 SWC Replaced INCLUDEs with a LOAD of StandardEqu.d.
; <SM3> 7/6/92 PN Take out emCommToolBoxTable and replcace it with
; CommToolboxTable field in CTBBlock. Also delete BigModel since
; it's not used
; <SM2> 6/30/92 PN Change CommToolboxDispatcher to use ExpandMem to store the
; dispatch table instead of pc relative so that this will work in
; SM
; <7> 10/2/90 kaz CM, FT, and TM are now loaded using the CRM to keep track of the
; resources and the apps that call them. <jng>
; <6> 9/18/90 kaz Backing out last change to load the CM, TM, and FT using CRM.
; <BBH>
; <5> 9/11/90 kaz Use _CRMGetResource to load TM, FT, and CM so that we can
; _CRMRelease when the app quits. Removed debugging stuff.
; <4> 4/17/90 dba change module name from DISPATCHER to COMMTOOLBOXDISPATCHER
; <3> 4/11/90 BBH unrolled dispatch table (was DCB.L, now a set of DC.L to allow
; use of linked patch install).
; <2> 3/16/90 BBH stripped out jumk code
; <1> 3/14/90 BBH first checked in
; 7/27/89 BBH Clarified what bigModel means. Also, changed cmtb resource ID's.
; Rediscovered the multifinder/finder trap management.
; 7/20/89 BBH Changed a BRA to BRA.S to eliminate assembler warning
; 6/2/89 JNG Save D0 and restore before calling managers (Found this since I'm
; using D0 to pass in paramater to core routines.
; 5/24/89 JNG Save/Restore D3-D7 and A3-A4 (D1-D2 and A1-A2 saved by System dispatcher
; 5/4/89 BBH Removed Detach of manager resources. Caused unnecessary sysheap
; growth under multifinder
; 3/29/89 BBH New today.
; The new and improved trap dispatch mechanism for 1 Meg machines or smaller
; Written by Byron Han, Copyright © 1989 Apple Computer, Inc.
; Parts of code are taken from original trap dispatcher from Dean Wong.
; Essentially, this intercepts INIT msgs to the comm toolbox (msg=1)
; and loads them into the dispatch table inside the trap code. This works
; well except when under MultiFinder when we need to have separate dispatch
; tables (and hence trap dispatch code) for each application running.
; So, on the first call to InitXX, we open the communications toolbox file
; and load the manager into memory.
; If we are under Finder, simply put the
; pointer to the start of the manager code into the trap dispatch table.
; Under MultiFinder, copy the trap dispatch code, and do a SetTrapAddress
; to it. Call the new trap code. The new trap code will find the manager code
; without problem (becuase the CommToolbox file is open) and life will go on.
; Applications that patch traps have their patches unpatched when other applications
; get time, so any application in the foreground has its own copy of the CommToolbox
; trap and the associated dispatch code. Applications that are not using the
; CommToolbox have the original trap code available.
; Since the CommToolbox resources are in the system file, they are automatically
; loaded into the system heap and shared under MultiFinderf.
; Under monoFinder, the resources are loaded into the application heap and are
; removed at RsrcZoneInit time.
; My own brilliance has eluded me and led me on a wild gooose chase. 7/27/89.
; Static overhead is about 500 bytes and 1.4 factor penalty as of 2/10/89. BBH
; This is the new universal dispatcher which will work for both large and small
; memory models.
LOAD 'StandardEqu.d'
INCLUDE 'CommToolboxPriv.a'
INCLUDE 'CommResources.a'
IF (&TYPE('Debugging') = 'UNDEFINED') THEN ; start <BBH>
Debugging: EQU 0
ENDIF ; end <BBH>
COMTRAP EQU $A08B ; ComToolBox trap
UNUSED EQU $A09F ; unimplemented trap
JUGGLERTRAP EQU $A88F ; juggler dispatch trap
MOVEM.L D3-D7/A3-A4,-(SP) ; save registers - across call
; register conventions
; A0 enters with a pointer to the ctb parameter block
; D0 exits with the result code
; internally
; D2, D3 hold the manager and call codes
; A2 holds the pointer to the dispatch table
; D6,D7 are used for performance analysis
MOVE.L D0,-(SP) ; Save D0 (we trash it here, and core needs it)
MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ; save A0
MOVE.W (A0),D1 ; get the mgr/msg values
MOVE.L #$000000FF,D2 ; message mask
AND.L D1,D2 ; get the message
MOVE.L #$0000FF00,D3 ; manager mask
AND.L D1,D3 ; mask out messageÉ
LSR.L #8,D3 ; and shift out lower byte to get manager
MOVE.L CommToolboxGlobals,A1 ; get expanded memory area <SM3>
MOVE.L CommToolBoxTable(A1),A2 ; get pointer to dispatch table <SM3>
CMP.L #1,D2 ; is message = 1? (init msg)
BNE.S @GoForIt ; nope, so just go and execute it
@LoadIt CLR.L -(SP) ; clear space
MOVE.L #CTB_ConnectionMgrType, -(SP) ; push resource type
MOVE.W D3,D5 ; calculate resource ID
SUB.W #1,D5 ; manager # = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ...
ADD.W #CTB_ConnectionMgrID,D5 ; resource ID = baseID, baseID+1, ...
MOVE.W D5,-(SP) ; push the resource ID
; if TM, CM, or FT, use _CRMGetResource
CMP.W #CTB_CTBUtilitiesID,D5
BGE.S @useNormal
; We use CRM so we have an indexed count for the managers.
; When the app quits, we use the CRM to only release it if no
; more apps are using it
IMPORT TrackManagers ; res ID is already on the stack
MOVE.W D5,-(SP) ; push the resource ID
JSR TrackManagers ; track an attempt to load TM, CM, FT
BNE.S @useNormal ; != 0 => already tracked
_CRMGetResource ; handle returned in D0
; must clean up myself -- can i use JSR CRMGetResource instead
ADD.W #10,SP ; res id + type + func result = 10 bytes
BRA.S @gotMgr
@useNormal ; only for CRM & CTBU
_GetResource ; load the resource
MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; get the resource
MOVE.L A0,D0 ; test it
BNE.S @InstallIt ; install it
MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; pop off saved A0
MOVE.L (SP)+,D0 ; pop off saved D0
BRA.S @Exit ; and go home
; At this point in time, we expect A2 to point to the base of the
; internal communications toolbox dispatch table, A0 to be the
; handle to the appropriate manager code, and D3 to contain the
; manager number (1-based)
; MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ; save the resource handle
; MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ; push resource handle as parameter
; _DetachResource ; detach the resource
; MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; restore the resource handle
; _MoveHHi ; move it high (but not in SysHeap)
_HLock ; lock it down
MOVE.L (A0),A0 ; dereference the handle
SUBQ.L #1,D3 ; make manager 0 based
LSL.L #2,D3 ; multiply by 4É
ADD.L D3,A2 ; find location in table apropos to manager
MOVE.L A0,(A2) ; install the ptr to manager code
BRA.S @Jump ; go for launchÉ
; At this point in time, we expect A2 to point to the base of the
; internal communications toolbox dispatch table, and D3 to contain the
; manager number (1-based)
@GoForIt SUB.L #1,D3 ; make manager 0 based
LSL.L #2,D3 ; multiply by 4É
ADD.L D3,A2 ; find location in table apropos to manager
; At this point in time, we expect A2 to point to the pointer of the entry point
; of the appropriate manager
MOVE.L (A2),A1 ; get the manager entry point
MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; restore A0 for launch
MOVE.L (SP)+,D0 ; and D0
JSR (A1) ; We have liftoffÉ
@Exit MOVEM.L (SP)+,D3-D7/A3-A4 ; restore registers
; To mark the end of the trap dispatch code
END ; that's all folks!