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synced 2025-03-13 15:32:10 +00:00
Resource forks are included only for .rsrc files. These are DeRezzed into their data fork. 'ckid' resources, from the Projector VCS, are not included. The Tools directory, containing mostly junk, is also excluded.
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225 lines
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File: Puppet.h
Contains: Puppet string interface
Written by: Phillip Y. Goldman, Software Atomic Knee Drop
Copyright: © 1986-1991 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
Change History (most recent first):
<0> 11/15/86 PYG New Today.
#ifndef __PUPPET__
#define __PUPPET__
* Basic definitions.
#ifndef FOR_REZ
/* Prototype instruction list */
typedef struct eventList
long offset;
short count;
EventRecord events[0];
} EventList, *EventListPtr, **EventListHdl;
/* Size of event list header, and the offset to use when initializing instruction
* list to specify first instruction.
* NOTE: Relies on the fact that we defined the EventRecord array with count == 0.
#define SIZEOF_EVENTLIST_HDR (sizeof(EventList))
#endif FOR_REZ
* Puppet event information.
/* SYS_PUPPET_STRING_RSRC_ID is the ID of the puppet string resources we've added to
* the system file. There is a generic default one, and there is a custom default
* one for each of three (old) apps that required it for compatibility. The value of
* this constant is determined by the MakeFile, since it needs to add the resource.
* APP_PUPPET_STRING_RSRC_ID is the ID of a puppet string resource that developers can
* add to the app file.
* Type of the resource is the signature of the application. The generic default
* uses (DefaultPupStrType) we made up in the MakeFile.
/* #define SYS_PUPPET_STRING_RSRC_ID {SysPupStrID} from MakeFile */
/* Puppet String types */
#define pstNormalEvent 0
#define pstNullInstr 1
#define pstUnknownInstr 2
#define pstMenuItem 3
#define pstEventList 4
#define pstEventCode 5
#define pstImplementCode 6
#define pstIllegalInstr 7
#define pstMenuString 8
/* Instruction Types */
#define instrReset 2
#define instrCut 3
#define instrCopy 4
#define instrPaste 5
#define instrSelRect 6
#define instrSelAll 7
#define instrMemCopy 8
#define instrOutlineRect 9
#define instrPrivate1 10 /* For intra-puppet string use only */
#define instrQuit 11
#define instrOpen 12
#define instrCancel 13
/* Instruction/Event Flags */
#define instrMouseLocal 0x8000
#define evtMouseLocal 0x8000
#define evtMouseGlobal 0x0000
#define evtMouseEither 0x4000
#define evtIsImportant 0x0000
#define evtIsUnimportant 0x2000
/* String IDs for type pstMenuString */
#define menuStringListResType 'mst#'
#define menuStringResType 'mstr'
#define strIDQuitMenu 100
#define strIDQuitItem 101
#define strIDOpenMenu 102
#define strIDOpenItem 103
#ifndef FOR_REZ
/* Prototypes for routines imbedded in puppet resources */
typedef pascal short
(*Puppetstringimplcode_ptr)(EventRecord *evtPtr);
typedef pascal EventListHdl
(*Puppetstringevtcode_ptr)(EventRecord *evtPtr);
#endif FOR_REZ
* Trap interface.
#ifndef FOR_REZ
pascal void
RequestScratchSwitchTask(ProcessID taskDescriptor, Handle eventListIn, Handle eventListOut, short timeout)
= {0x3F3C,0x0000,0xA88F};
/* This key (comma) with cmd key causes return to master */
/* Bit of resume event message that signals a scratchpad return */
#define bitResumeScratch 2
/* RequestScratchSwitchTask() return values (stored in bits 24-31 of resume event message) */
#define ResumeFromScratchpad 0
/* #define resumeFlag 1 Éin {CIncludes}Events.h */
#define ResumeTimeout 2
#define ResumeEventListInErr 3
#define ResumeEventListOutErr 4
#define ResumeFromCancel 5
/* Information record returned by GetActiveTaskInfo */
typedef struct TaskInfoRec {
ProcessID taskDescriptor;
long signature;
long version;
} TaskInfoRec, *TaskInfoPtr, **TaskInfoHdl;
pascal short
GetActiveTaskInfo(TaskInfoRec taskInfo[], short maxSlot)
= {0x3F3C,0x0001,0xA88F};
/* Information record returned by GetSwitchInfo */
typedef struct SwitchInfoRec {
long signature;
long version;
} SwitchInfoRec, *SwitchInfoPtr, **SwitchInfoHdl;
pascal void
GetSwitchInfo(SwitchInfoPtr switchInfoPtr)
= {0x3F3C,0x0002,0xA88F};
pascal void
= {0x3F3C,0x0003,0xA88F};
#endif FOR_REZ
* Private information.
#ifndef FOR_REZ
/* List of menu item names for puppet purposes */
typedef struct StrList
unsigned short cStrings; /* number of strings in pStrings */
Str255 pStrings[]; /* all strings OK for this menu item */
} StrList, *StrListPtr, **StrListHdl;
extern StrListPtr pStrListCopyNamePrefix;
/* Instruction list queue data and manipulation routines */
typedef struct PuppetInstrElem *PuppetInstrElemPtr, **PuppetInstrElemHdl;
typedef struct PuppetInstrElem {
PuppetInstrElemHdl nextPuppetInstrElem; /* handle to next instruction list */
EventListHdl instrsHdl; /* handle to instruction list proper */
unsigned short instrModBits; /* evtMouseGlobal or evtMouseLocal */
} PuppetInstrElem;
/* Puppet string control information */
typedef struct PuppetVars
PEntryPtr puppetMasterProc; /* puppet: PEntry of master process */
unsigned short puppetTimeout; /* puppet: count of GNEs before timeout */
unsigned short puppetModBits; /* puppet: default event mods */
MFmsgBlkPtr puppetEppcMsgBlk; /* puppet: EPPC being translated, or 0 */
PuppetInstrElemHdl puppetInstrQueue; /* puppet: queue of event lists */
PuppetInstrElemHdl puppetOutInstrsHdl; /* puppet: event list for canceled switch */
PEntryPtr masterPuppetProc; /* master: PEntry of puppet process */
char masterResumeMsg; /* master: value for resume_message */
} PuppetVars;
/* Control tuning */
#define TIMEOUT_MASKYIELD 15 /* wait limit for a legal event mask */
#define TIMEOUT_BUTTONDOWN 10 /* wait limit for a mouse up event */
/* Shared data */
extern Point buttonUpPt; /* point where mouse button comes up */
extern long forcedPupStrMenuSelection; /* menu selection we are stuffing */
extern short timeoutMaskYield; /* wait limit for a legal event mask */
extern short timeoutButtonDown; /* wait limit for a mouse up event */
/* Some simple operations as macros, rather than subroutines */
#define SetOutInstrsHdl(pProc, eventListHdl) (pProc->p_puppetvars.puppetOutInstrsHdl = (eventListHdl))
#define InstrsQueueIsEmpty() (pCurrentProcess->p_puppetvars.puppetInstrQueue == nil)
#define ClearInstrsQueue() {while (DumpFirstInstr() != nil) ;}
#define IsOutEventListActive() (pCurrentProcess->p_puppetvars.puppetOutInstrsHdl == (Handle) -1)
/* Function prototypes */
void PuppetStringsInit(void);
OSErr CoreRequestScratchSwitchTask(PEntryPtr, EventListHdl, EventListHdl, short, MFmsgBlkPtr);
EventListHdl GetActiveInstrsHdl(void);
OSErr PushInstrsHdl(PEntryPtr, EventListHdl, short);
OSErr AddInstrsHdl(PEntryPtr, EventListHdl);
PuppetInstrElemHdl DumpFirstInstr(void);
void CancelSwitchWithError(void);
#endif FOR_REZ
#endif __PUPPET__