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synced 2025-02-11 15:33:26 +00:00
Resource forks are included only for .rsrc files. These are DeRezzed into their data fork. 'ckid' resources, from the Projector VCS, are not included. The Tools directory, containing mostly junk, is also excluded.
220 lines
8.1 KiB
OpenEdge ABL
220 lines
8.1 KiB
OpenEdge ABL
File: BitEdit.p
Contains: xxx put contents here xxx
Written by: Craig Carper, Steve Horowitz
Copyright: © 1989-1990 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
Change History (most recent first):
<1+> 1/22/90 JRM update to Craig's "last" revision
<1.2> 10/16/89 CCH Incorporating changes from Craig Carper.
<1.1> 10/11/89 JSM Fixed BEDraw so that it doesn't indiscriminately call GetGDevice
and SetGDevice without checking for color.
<1.0> 8/3/89 CCH Adding to EASE for Big Bang build as PACK ID=1.
To Do:
{$IFC UNDEFINED UsingIncludes}
{$SETC UsingIncludes := 0}
{$IFC NOT UsingIncludes}
UNIT BitEdit;
{$SETC UsingBitEdit := 1}
USES Types, Memory, Quickdraw, Events, OsUtils, Scrap, Windows, ToolUtils;
{ Bit flags for BESelectFlags }
fSelectKindMask = $3; { 2-bit field determines kind of selection: }
fSelectRect = $0; { Rectangular (marquee) Selection }
fSelectLasso = $1; { Free-form (lasso) Selection }
fSelectRectLasso = $2; { Rectangular selection the collapses into lasso selection }
fSelectRectShrink = $3; { Collapse to smallest enclosing rectangle }
{ BESelectFlags extended bit values }
fSquareMarquee = $4; { Drag out a square marquee }
fDragOnAxis = $8; { Move selection vertically or horizontally only }
fDragCopy = $10; { Drag a copy instead of moving the selection }
{ Bit flags for BEDrawFlags }
fShapeLineMask = $3; { 2-bit field specifying line angle constraints: }
fLineFree = $0; { Unconstrained lines }
fLineOnAxis = $1; { Vertical or horizontal lines only }
fLineOnDiagonal = $2; { Vertical, horizontal or 45 degree lines only }
{ Bit flags for shapes }
fShapeFillMask = $3; { 2-bit field specifying border and fill options: }
fShapeFrame = $0; { Frame only }
fShapeFill = $2; { Frame and filled }
fShapeFillOnly = $3; { Filled only }
{ BEDrawFlags extended bit values for shape routines }
fShapeSymmetric = $4; { Set for square rectangles or circular ovals }
fShapeUnbounded = $8; { Set to allow dragging out shape beyond bounds of image }
BESelectFlags = integer;
BEDrawFlags = integer;
BESelectPtr = ^BESelectRec;
BESelectRec = RECORD { Selection State }
selRect: Rect; { Rectangle for selection }
wasErased: Boolean; { was the marquee rect erased already? }
selHandle: Handle; { handle for selection bits }
selPix: PixMapHandle; { pixMap for selection bits }
selBits: BitMap; { bitMap for selection bits }
maskHandle: Handle; { handle for mask bits }
maskPix: PixMapHandle; { pixMap for mask bits }
maskBits: BitMap; { bitMap for mask bits }
edgeHandle: Handle; { handle for edge bits }
edgePix: PixMapHandle; { pixMap for edge bits }
edgeBits: BitMap; { bitMap for edge bits }
BEPtr = ^BERec;
BEHandle = ^BEPtr;
editHandle: Handle; { Handle to the bits }
editPix: PixMapHandle; { PixMap with the BE bits }
editOffset: LongInt; { Offset to bitmap in handle }
beRowBytes: integer; { rowBytes of bitmap }
beBounds: Rect; { bounds rect of bitmap }
bePixelSize: integer; { bits per pixel }
beColorTable: CTabHandle; { Handle to PixMap's color table, Nil if bitmap }
bePixPat: PixPatHandle; { color pattern for shape drawing }
bePixColor: RGBColor; { color to draw the pixels in }
beFillPat: Pattern; { fill pattern for shapes }
beEditRect: Rect; { rectangle for editing }
beViewRect: Rect; { rectangle in which we are displayed }
fatbitsSize: Point; { dimensions of the displayed fatBits pixels }
fatbitsDelta: Point; { spacing between fatBits pixels }
fatbitsPat: Pattern; { pattern for the pixels }
sibling: BEHandle; { link to this relative for updates }
beGrafPtr: GrafPtr; { GrafPort that owns me }
savePen: PenState; { saved PenState over DrawBegin/End }
savePixMap: PixMapHandle; { saved PixMap over DrawBegin/End }
saveBitMap: BitMap; { saved bitMap over DrawBegin/End }
saveClip: RgnHandle; { saved clipRgn over DrawBegin/End }
saveVis: RgnHandle; { saved visRgn over DrawBegin/End }
error: OSErr; { error result }
undoFreeze: integer; { non-zero if undo snapshot should not be altered }
realRect: Rect; { the actual exploded rectangle }
beEraserSize: Point; { Size of the eraser }
bePenSize: Point; { size of pen for shape drawing }
beDrawParm: LongInt; { State information - Internal use }
selection: BESelectRec; { Selection State }
undoSelection: BESelectRec; { Selection state for undo }
offHandle: Handle; { handle to large offscreen bits }
offPix: PixMapHandle; { pixMap for large offscreen cGrafPort }
offBits: BitMap; { bitMap for large offscreen cGrafPort }
dupHandle: Handle; { handle for shape drawing }
dupPix: PixMapHandle; { pixMap for shape drawing }
dupBits: BitMap; { bitMap for shape drawing }
undoHandle: Handle; { handle for undo bits }
undoPix: PixMapHandle; { pixMap for undo bits }
undoBits: BitMap; { bitMap for undo bits }
oldIndex: integer; { index save for marquee }
beGDevice: GDHandle; { handle to the offscreen gDevice }
active: Boolean; { true if activated }
drawEnabled: Boolean; { true if drawing enabled }
isColor: Boolean; { is this a color BitEdit record? }
marquee: Boolean; { true = marquee, false = lasso }
refCon: LongInt; { For use by client }
{ Creation, activation and destruction routines }
FUNCTION BENew(editHandle: Handle; colorTable: CTabHandle; offset: LongInt; rowBytes: integer; pixelSize: integer; bounds: Rect): BEHandle;
PROCEDURE BEView(editRect: Rect; viewRect: Rect; bitsSize: Point; bitsDelta: Point; hbe: BEHandle);
PROCEDURE BEActivate(activate: Boolean; hbe: BEHandle);
PROCEDURE BEDispose(hbe: BEHandle);
{ Screen drawing and update routines }
PROCEDURE BEInvalRect(r: Rect; hbe: BEHandle);
PROCEDURE BEUpdateRect(r: Rect; hbe: BEHandle);
PROCEDURE BEDraw(r: Rect; hbe: BEHandle);
PROCEDURE BELink(hbe1: BEHandle; hbe2: BEHandle);
{ Scrap routines }
PROCEDURE BECopy(hbe: BEHandle);
PROCEDURE BECut(hbe: BEHandle);
PROCEDURE BEPaste(hbe: BEHandle);
{ Drawing routines }
PROCEDURE BEClick(pt: Point; hbe: BEHandle);
PROCEDURE BEErase(pt: Point; hbe: BEHandle);
PROCEDURE BEPaintBucket(startPt: Point; hbe: BEHandle);
PROCEDURE BELine(startPt: Point; flags: BEDrawFlags; hbe: BEHandle);
PROCEDURE BEOval(startPt: Point; flags: BEDrawFlags; hbe: BEHandle);
PROCEDURE BERect(startPt: Point; flags: BEDrawFlags; hbe: BEHandle);
PROCEDURE BERoundRect(startPt: Point; flags: BEDrawFlags; ovalWidth: integer; ovalHeight: integer; hbe: BEHandle);
{ Transformation Routines }
PROCEDURE BEFlip(vertical: Boolean; hbe: BEHandle);
PROCEDURE BERotate(hbe: BEHandle);
{ Inspection Routines }
FUNCTION BEBit(pt: Point; hbe: BEHandle): Boolean;
PROCEDURE BEColor(pt: Point; VAR rgb: RGBColor; hbe: BEHandle);
{ Selection Routines }
PROCEDURE BESelect(startPt: Point; flags: BESelectFlags; hbe: BEHandle);
PROCEDURE BESetSelect(r: Rect; hbe: BEHandle);
PROCEDURE BEClear(hbe: BEHandle);
PROCEDURE BEDuplicate(deltaPt: Point; hbe: BEHandle);
FUNCTION BENudge(deltaPt: Point; hbe: BEHandle): Boolean;
FUNCTION BEInSelection(pt: Point; hbe: BEHandle): Boolean;
FUNCTION BESelection(hbe: BEHandle): Boolean;
PROCEDURE BEKillSelection(hbe: BEHandle);
PROCEDURE BEPutSelection(hbe: BEHandle);
PROCEDURE BEIdle(hbe: BEHandle);
{ Undo Support }
PROCEDURE BEUndo(hbe: BEHandle);
PROCEDURE BEUndoBegin(hbe: BEHandle);
PROCEDURE BEUndoEnd(hbe: BEHandle);
{ Utility Routines }
FUNCTION BEGetView(pt: Point; VAR hbe: BEHandle): Boolean;
PROCEDURE BEDoDraw(draw: Boolean; hbe: BEHandle);
PROCEDURE BEPtUnXForm(VAR pt: Point; hbe: BEHandle);
PROCEDURE BEPtXForm(VAR pt: Point; hbe: BEHandle);
{ Low-level routines for do-it-yourselfers }
PROCEDURE BEBitMap(VAR bm: BitMap; hbe: BEHandle);
PROCEDURE BEPixMap(VAR bm: PixMapHandle; hbe: BEHandle);
PROCEDURE BEBounds(VAR minimalRect: Rect; hbe: BEHandle);
PROCEDURE BEDrawBegin(hbe: BEHandle);
PROCEDURE BEDrawEnd(hbe: BEHandle);
PROCEDURE BEObject(startPt: Point; drawProc: ProcPtr; flags: BEDrawFlags; hbe: BEHandle);
{ $IFC NOT UsingIncludes}
{$I BitEdit.i}
{ $ENDC} |