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2017-09-20 18:04:16 +08:00

830 lines
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; File: SaveRestoreBits.a
; Contains: calls to save and restore bits
; also, calls that attach to a port and do buffering
; SaveBits is used to store bits from the screen of the Macintosh.
; After the bits have been saved, use RestoreBits to put them back on screen.
; The bits are stored in an off-screen handle.
; If there is insufficient memory for the bits off-screen, we allocate a handle
; containing only the rectangle. If there is too little space even for a handle
; containing a rectangle, we return nil.
; SavedBits = LONGINT;
; FUNCTION SaveBits(saveRect: Rect; purgeable: BOOLEAN; VAR bits: SavedBits): OSErr;
; FUNCTION RestoreBits(bits: SavedBits): OSErr;
; FUNCTION DiscardBits(bits: SavedBits): OSErr;
; OffscreenBuffer = LONGINT;
; FUNCTION BeginDrawingOffscreen(bufferRect: Rect; VAR buffer: OffscreenBuffer): OSErr;
; FUNCTION EndDrawingOffscreen(buffer: OffscreenBuffer): OSErr;
; FUNCTION NewOffscreenBuffer(bufferRect: Rect; purgeable: BOOLEAN; VAR buffer: OffscreenBuffer): OSErr;
; FUNCTION AttachOffscreenBuffer(buffer: OffscreenBuffer): OSErr;
; FUNCTION DetachOffscreenBuffer(buffer: OffscreenBuffer): OSErr;
; FUNCTION DisposeOffscreenBuffer(buffer: OffscreenBuffer): OSErr;
; Written by: Darin Adler
; Copyright: © 1990-1991 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; This file is used in these builds: BigBang
; Change History (most recent first):
; <14> 5/21/91 gbm dba: fix obscure rowBytes bit bug
; <13> 2/5/91 stb gs: include MenuMgrPriv.a
; <12> 11/27/90 KON Make fgColor black, bgColor white before calling CopyBits to
; save bits to offscreen buffer. This eliminates undesirable
; colorizing. <KSM>
; <11> 10/23/90 KSM <KON>Use WMgr port instead of relying on A5 world because some
; monitors change the base address.
; <10> 9/22/90 dba Ed Tecot meant well when he told us to do a PaintOne(RootLayer),
; but he really meant PaintBehind(RootLayer).
; <9> 8/21/90 VL (with dba) fixed DetachOffscreenBuffer by using local
; coordinates for the offscreen pixmap.
; <8> 6/25/90 DTY Included LayerEqu.a
; <7> 6/25/90 dba replace PaintBehind(WindowList) with PaintOne(RootLayer)
; <6> 6/8/90 dba added calls to attach an off-screen buffer to an unsuspecting
; port
; <5> 6/8/90 dba always save the rectangle that goes with the bits; also support
; cases where the WMgrPort is not set to local=global; also get
; rid of the workaround to the ÒbugÓ in NewScreenBuffer since I
; now understand why the call works the way it does (and I fixed
; some bugs in the Classic and Macintosh II versions of it)
; <4> 5/31/90 KSM Since this is really following Pascal calling conventions,
; return the errors on the stack and NOT in D0.
; <3> 5/21/90 KSM As requested by Finder team, SaveBits tries to allocate from
; temp memory first, rather than using the app heap first.
; <2> 4/20/90 KSM Use Darin's new (and totally awesome) 1-line dispatcher macro to
; dispatch these routines (i.e. all functions return OSErr).
; <1> 4/9/90 dba new today
; To Do:
; use a device loop for SavedBits
; move equates into system equate files
; share more code between SavedBits and OffscreenBuffer
load 'StandardEqu.d'
include 'LayerEqu.a'
include 'InternalMacros.a'
include 'LinkedPatchMacros.a'
include 'MenuMgrPriv.a'
SavedBitsRecord record 0
rectangle ds.w 4 ; the rectangle
pixMap ds.l 1 ; the pixMap handle
OffscreenBufferRecord record 0
rectangle ds.w 4 ; the rectangle (local coordinates)
bufferPixMap ds.l 1 ; the pixMap of the buffer
bufferGDevice ds.l 1 ; the gDevice for drawing in the buffer
savedPortBits ds.b bitMapRec ; the old bitmap of the port (for B&W)
org savedPortBits
savedPortPixMap ds.l 1 ; the old pixMap of the port
savedGDevice ds.l 1 ; the old gDevice for the port
selectBeginDrawingOffscreen EQU 4
paramWordsBeginDrawingOffscreen EQU 4
DoDispatch _SaveRestoreBits,selectBeginDrawingOffscreen,paramWordsBeginDrawingOffscreen
selectEndDrawingOffscreen EQU 5
paramWordsEndDrawingOffscreen EQU 2
DoDispatch _SaveRestoreBits,selectEndDrawingOffscreen,paramWordsEndDrawingOffscreen
selectNewOffscreenBuffer EQU 6
paramWordsNewOffscreenBuffer EQU 5
DoDispatch _SaveRestoreBits,selectNewOffscreenBuffer,paramWordsNewOffscreenBuffer
selectAttachOffscreenBuffer EQU 7
paramWordsAttachOffscreenBuffer EQU 2
DoDispatch _SaveRestoreBits,selectAttachOffscreenBuffer,paramWordsAttachOffscreenBuffer
selectDetachOffscreenBuffer EQU 8
paramWordsDetachOffscreenBuffer EQU 2
DoDispatch _SaveRestoreBits,selectDetachOffscreenBuffer,paramWordsDetachOffscreenBuffer
selectDisposeOffscreenBuffer EQU 9
paramWordsDisposeOffscreenBuffer EQU 2
DoDispatch _SaveRestoreBits,selectDisposeOffscreenBuffer,paramWordsDisposeOffscreenBuffer
SaveRestoreBitsDispatch Dispatcher _SaveRestoreBits,(Plus,SE,II,Portable,IIci), \
SaveBits, \
RestoreBits, \
DiscardBits, \
BeginDrawingOffscreen, \
EndDrawingOffscreen, \
NewOffscreenBuffer, \
AttachOffscreenBuffer, \
DetachOffscreenBuffer, \
DisposeOffscreenBuffer, \
SaveBits proc export
entry CalculateOffscreenRect
export SetUpFgBgToBW
error ds.w 1 ; the resulting error code
saveRectPtr ds.l 1 ; the rectangle of bits to save
purgeable ds.w 1 ; set this true if we want a purgeable buffer
resultPtr ds.l 1 ; where to put the saved handle
saveRect ds.w 4 ; rectangle to save (global coords)
offscreenRect ds.w 4 ; calculate the off-screen rectangle here
pixMap ds.l 1 ; the created pixMap handle
gDevice ds.l 1 ; the appropriate device
linkSave a3
; save the rectangle, so we can take parameters from the middle of relocatable blocks
move.l saveRectPtr(a6),a0 ; get the rectangle into a local
move.l topLeft(a0),saveRect+topLeft(a6)
move.l botRight(a0),saveRect+botRight(a6)
; allocate our handle
move.l #0,a3 ; initialize result to 0
moveq #SavedBitsRecord.size,d0 ; make the handle we need
_NewHandle clear
bnz Done ; oops, failed
move.l a0,a3 ; store away the result
move.l (a0),a0 ; dereference the handle
move.l saveRect+topLeft(a6),(a0)+
move.l saveRect+botRight(a6),(a0)+
moveq #1,d0 ; try temp. memory
bsr DoNewScreenBuffer1
bz.s GotBuffer ; go if we got the buffer successfully
moveq #0,d0 ; donÕt use temp. memory
bsr DoNewScreenBuffer1
bz.s GotBuffer ; go if we got the buffer successfully
moveq #memFullErr,d0 ; return an error
bra.s Done
rsrv.b ; make room for the result
push.l pixMap(a6)
tst.b (sp)+ ; was the thing already purged?
bz.s GotPixMap ; this is not an error; it was purged right away!
btst #6,ROM85 ; check for color QuickDraw
bnz.s @noSetSaveDevice
rsrv.l ; make room for the saved device
push.l gDevice(a6) ; set the device to the one we desire
move.l WMgrPort,a0 ; get non-color port
btst #6,ROM85 ; check for color QuickDraw
bnz.s @gotport
move.l WMgrCPort,a0 ; get color port
bsr SetUpFgBgToBW ; <12> Set fg=black bg=white
pea portBits(a0) ; pass screenBits as the source
move.l pixMap(a6),a0 ; dereference the PixMapHandle
push.l (a0) ; pass the offscreen pixmap as the destination
lea offscreenRect(a6),a0 ; calculate the offscreen rectangle
lea saveRect(a6),a1 ; from the passed rectangle
bsr.s CalculateOffscreenRect
push.l a1 ; source is passed rectangle
push.l a0 ; destination is off-screen
push.w #srcCopy ; srcCopy
push.l #0 ; no masking
_CopyBits ; put the bits off-screen
btst #6,ROM85 ; check for color QuickDraw
bnz.s @noRestoreDevice
_SetGDevice ; set the device back to normal
push.l pixMap(a6)
_UnlockPixels ; unlock those pixels
move.l (a3),a0 ; put pixmap in result
move.l pixMap(a6),SavedBitsRecord.pixMap(a0)
moveq #noErr,d0 ; success!
; at this point, the error is in d0 and the result is in a3
move.l resultPtr(a6),a0 ; get place to put result
move.l a3,(a0) ; put result there
move.w d0,error(a6) ; and remember to return any error <4>
rsrv.w ; make room for error result
pea saveRect(a6) ; our global rectangle
push.b purgeable(a6) ; try purgeable bits?
pea gDevice(a6) ; get the device
pea pixMap(a6) ; get the pixMap
tst.b d0 ; should we use temp. memory?
bnz.s @temp
_NewScreenBuffer ; get buffer in current zone
bra.s @done
_NewTempScreenBuffer ; get buffer in shared memory
pop.w d0 ; get error result
clr.l topLeft(a0) ; offscreeRect.topLeft is always at 0,0
move.w bottom(a1),d0 ; calculate bottom
sub.w top(a1),d0 ; minus top
move.w d0,bottom(a0) ; offscreeRect.bottom is srcRect height
move.w right(a1),d0 ; calculate right
sub.w left(a1),d0 ; minus left
move.w d0,right(a0) ; offscreeRect.right is srcRect width
SetUpFgBgToBW ; <12>
SetUpFgBgToBWReg REG a0/d0
movem.l SetUpFgBgToBWReg,-(sp)
moveq #BlackColor,d0
move.l d0,-(sp)
moveq #WhiteColor,d0
move.l d0,-(sp)
movem.l (sp)+,SetUpFgBgToBWReg
RestoreBits proc export
import DiscardBits
import CalculateOffscreenRect
import SetUpFgBgToBW
error ds.w 1 ; the resulting error code
savedBits ds.l 1 ; bits to restore
bitsRect ds.w 4 ; rectangle to copy bits into
offscreenRect ds.w 4 ; calculate the off-screen rectangle here
menuBarRect ds.w 4 ; rectangle for the menu bar
linkSave d3/a2
rsrv.l ; make room for saved port
push.l sp ; point to result
rsrv.l ; set the port to the Window Mgr port
push.l sp ; point to result
move.l (sp),a2 ; keep a pointer around
jsr SetUpFgBgToBW ; <12> Set fg=black bg=white
move.l savedBits(a6),d3 ; look at the handle
bz.s InvalAll ; no handle, invalidate a wide-open region
move.l d3,a0 ; dereference the handle
move.l (a0),a0
move.l SavedBitsRecord.rectangle+topLeft(a0),bitsRect+topLeft(a6)
move.l SavedBitsRecord.rectangle+botRight(a0),bitsRect+botRight(a6)
move.l SavedBitsRecord.pixMap(a0),d3 ; get the pixMap handle
bz.s Inval
rsrv.b ; make room for the result
push.l d3
tst.b (sp)+ ; was the thing purged?
bz.s Inval ; purged, so do an invalidate
pea bitsRect+topLeft(a6)
pea bitsRect+botRight(a6)
pea bitsRect(a6) ; set the clip to this rectangle
move.l d3,a0 ; dereference the PixMapHandle
push.l (a0) ; pass the offscreen pixmap as the source
pea portBits(a2) ; pass portBits as the destination
lea offscreenRect(a6),a0 ; calculate a source rectangle
lea bitsRect(a6),a1 ; from the destination rectangle
jsr CalculateOffscreenRect
push.l a0 ; source is off-screen
push.l a1 ; destination is local on-screen
push.w #srcCopy ; srcCopy
push.l #0 ; no masking
_CopyBits ; put the bits back on-screen
bra.s Done
move.l #$80028002,bitsRect+topLeft(a6) ; fairly wide open, but a bit smaller
move.l #$7FFE7FFE,bitsRect+botRight(a6) ; (I think I remember some Mac Plus bug)
move.l portRect+topLeft(a2),menuBarRect+topLeft(a6)
move.w portRect+right(a2),menuBarRect+right(a6)
move.w portRect+top(a2),d0
add.w MBarHeight,d0 ; calculate the rectangle for the menu bar
move.w d0,menuBarRect+bottom(a6)
rsrv.b ; make room for result
pea bitsRect(a6) ; intersect with the menu bar
pea menuBarRect(a6) ; intersect with the menu bar
push.l (sp) ; put result in menu bar rectangle
_SectRect ; see if it intersects the menu
tst.b (sp)+ ; does it
bz.s @noNeedToDrawMenubar
_InvalMenuBar ; it intersects; draw the menu bar
rsrv.l ; make a nice fresh region
move.l (sp),d3 ; get resulting region
pea bitsRect(a6) ; and make it rectangular
push.l d3 ; and clobber everything
_PaintBehind ; <10>
push.l d3 ; now we are done
_SetPort ; restore the current port
rsrv.w ; make room for results
push.l savedBits(a6) ; now, get rid of those bits
_DiscardBits ; all of them!
pop.w error(a6) ; return the error result
DiscardBits proc export
error ds.w 1 ; the resulting error code
bits ds.l 1 ; bits to discard
linkSave d3
move.l bits(a6),d3 ; look at the handle
bz.s Done ; no handle
move.l d3,a0 ; dereference the handle
move.l (a0),a1
move.l SavedBitsRecord.pixMap(a1),d3 ; get the pixMap handle
_DisposHandle ; get rid of the handle
tst.l d3 ; check the screen buffer
bz.s Done ; no buffer
push.l d3 ; get it
_DisposeScreenBuffer ; get rid of it
move.w #noErr,error(a6) ; show no error
BeginDrawingOffscreen proc export
error ds.w 1 ; the resulting error code
bufferRectPtr ds.l 1 ; rectangle to buffer
bufferHandlePtr ds.l 1 ; result
push.l bufferRectPtr(a6)
push.b #false
push.l bufferHandlePtr(a6)
pop.w d0 ; check error code
bnz.s @done
move.l bufferHandlePtr(a6),a0
push.l (a0) ; push the bufferHandle
pop.w d0
move.w d0,error(a6) ; return the error code
EndDrawingOffscreen proc export
error ds.w 1 ; the resulting error code
bufferHandle ds.l 1 ; buffer parameter
push.l bufferHandle(a6)
_DetachOffscreenBuffer ; ignore the error
push.l bufferHandle(a6)
pop.w error(a6) ; get the error code
NewOffscreenBuffer proc export
error ds.w 1 ; the resulting error code
bufferRectPtr ds.l 1 ; rectangle to buffer
purgeable ds.w 1 ; purgeable flag
resultPtr ds.l 1 ; place to put result
localBufferRect ds.w 4 ; rectangle to buffer
globalBufferRect ds.w 4 ; globalized
pixMap ds.l 1 ; the created pixMap handle
gDevice ds.l 1 ; the appropriate device
linkSave a2-a4
; save the rectangle, so we can take parameters from the middle of relocatable blocks
move.l bufferRectPtr(a6),a0
move.l topLeft(a0),localBufferRect+topLeft(a6)
move.l botRight(a0),localBufferRect+botRight(a6)
; get the port (keep it around in a2)
push.l sp
pop.l a2 ; keep it
; allocate our handle
move.l #0,a3 ; initialize result to 0
moveq #OffscreenBufferRecord.size,d0 ; make the handle we need
_NewHandle clear
bnz.s Done ; oops, failed
move.l a0,a3 ; store away the result
; fill in the handle with the port and the rectangle
move.l (a3),a0
move.l localBufferRect+topLeft(a6),(a0)+
move.l localBufferRect+botRight(a6),(a0)+
; get rectangle into our stack frame (into global coordinates)
move.l localBufferRect+topLeft(a6),globalBufferRect+topLeft(a6)
move.l localBufferRect+botRight(a6),globalBufferRect+botRight(a6)
pea globalBufferRect+topLeft(a6)
_LocalToGlobal ; convert topLeft to global coordinates
pea globalBufferRect+botRight(a6)
_LocalToGlobal ; convert botRight to global coordinates
; allocate the buffer
moveq #1,d0 ; try temp. memory
bsr.s DoNewScreenBuffer2
bz.s GotBuffer ; go if we got the buffer successfully
moveq #0,d0 ; donÕt use temp. memory
bsr.s DoNewScreenBuffer2
bz.s GotBuffer ; go if we got the buffer successfully
move.l a3,a0 ; get rid of handle
move.l #0,a3
moveq #memFullErr,d0 ; return an error
bra.s Done
move.l pixMap(a6),a4
move.l (a3),a0 ; stuff the handle
move.l a4,OffscreenBufferRecord.bufferPixMap(a0)
move.l gDevice(a6),OffscreenBufferRecord.bufferGDevice(a0)
move.l (a4),a0
pea pmBounds(a0) ; offset this rectangle
push.l localBufferRect+topLeft(a6) ; so that it corresponds to local coordinates
_OffsetRect ; move the pixmap
moveq #noErr,d0
move.l resultPtr(a6),a0 ; store the result
move.l a3,(a0)
move.w d0,error(a6) ; return the error
rsrv.w ; make room for error result
pea globalBufferRect(a6) ; our rectangle
push.b purgeable(a6) ; try purgeable bits?
pea gDevice(a6) ; get the device
pea pixMap(a6) ; get the pixMap
tst.b d0 ; should we use temp. memory?
bnz.s @temp
_NewScreenBuffer ; get buffer in current zone
bra.s @done
_NewTempScreenBuffer ; get buffer in shared memory
pop.w d0 ; get error result
AttachOffscreenBuffer proc export
error ds.w 1 ; the resulting error code
buffer ds.l 1 ; buffer to dispose
linkSave d3/a3-a4
move.w #memFullErr,error(a6) ; assume out of memory
move.l buffer(a6),d0 ; look at the handle
bz.s GotError ; no handle
move.l d0,a3
move.l (a3),a0 ; dereference the handle
move.l OffscreenBufferRecord.bufferPixMap(a0),a4
rsrv.b ; make room for the result
push.l a4
tst.b (sp)+ ; could we lock it?
bz.s GotError ; nope, we are done
; get the port (keep it around in a2)
push.l sp
pop.l a2 ; keep it
; attach buffer to the port
tst.w portVersion(a2) ; color?
bmi.s @color
; classic case
lea portBits(a2),a0 ; source
move.l (a3),a1
lea OffscreenBufferRecord.savedPortBits(a1),a1 ; destination
moveq #bitmapRec/2-1,d0 ; loop count
@loop move.w (a0)+,(a1)+
dbra d0,@loop
push.l (a4) ; get pointer to pixmap
_SetPBits ; set the port bits up
and.w #$3FFF,portBits+rowBytes(a2) ; mask off rowBytes value (only works for 1-bit) <14>
bra.s @done
; color case
move.l (a3),a0
move.l portPixMap(a2),OffscreenBufferRecord.savedPortPixMap(a0) ; save the portÕs pixMap
pop.l OffscreenBufferRecord.savedGDevice(a0) ; get device to save
push.l OffscreenBufferRecord.bufferGDevice(a0)
_SetGDevice ; set to the right device
push.l a4
_SetPortPix ; set the pixmap
move.w #noErr,error(a6) ; show no error
DetachOffscreenBuffer proc export
import SetUpFgBgToBW
error ds.w 1 ; the resulting error code
buffer ds.l 1 ; buffer to dispose
linkSave a3
move.l buffer(a6),d0 ; look at the handle
bz.s Done ; no handle
move.l d0,a3
move.l (a3),a0
tst.l OffscreenBufferRecord.savedPortPixMap(a0)
bz.s Done ; pixmap is not attached, we are done
move.l OffscreenBufferRecord.bufferPixMap(a0),a4
; get the port (keep it around in a2)
push.l sp
pop.l a2 ; keep it
; detach buffer from the port
move.l (a3),a0 ; dereference the handle
tst.w portVersion(a2) ; color?
bmi.s @color
; classic case
pea OffscreenBufferRecord.savedPortBits(a0)
_SetPBits ; set the port bits back
bra.s PortDone
; color case
push.l OffscreenBufferRecord.savedGDevice(a0)
push.l OffscreenBufferRecord.savedPortPixMap(a0)
_SetPortPix ; set the pixmap
_SetGDevice ; set to the right device
jsr SetUpFgBgToBW ; <12> Set fg=black bg=white
; mark that this buffer is done
move.l (a3),a0
clr.l OffscreenBufferRecord.savedPortPixMap(a0)
; copy bits from offscreen to onscreen
push.l (a4) ; srcBits (offscreen bits)
pea portBits(a2) ; dstBits (the port)
move.l (a3),a0
pea OffscreenBufferRecord.rectangle(a0) ; srcRect (on-screen) <9>
move.l (SP),-(SP) ; destRect too <9>
push.w #srcCopy ; mode (srcCopy)
push.l #0 ; maskRgn (none)
push.l a4
move.w #noErr,error(a6) ; show no error
DisposeOffscreenBuffer proc export
error ds.w 1 ; the resulting error code
buffer ds.l 1 ; buffer to dispose
linkSave d3
move.l buffer(a6),d3 ; look at the handle
bz.s Done ; no handle
push.l d3
_DetachOffscreenBuffer ; detach the buffer
free.w ; ignore result
move.l d3,a0 ; get handle in a0
move.l (a0),a1
push.l OffscreenBufferRecord.bufferPixMap(a1) ; push buffer
_DisposHandle ; get rid of the handle
_DisposeScreenBuffer ; get rid of the buffer
move.w #noErr,error(a6) ; show no error