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synced 2025-03-06 14:30:33 +00:00
Resource forks are included only for .rsrc files. These are DeRezzed into their data fork. 'ckid' resources, from the Projector VCS, are not included. The Tools directory, containing mostly junk, is also excluded.
454 lines
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; File: ScriptMgrPatch.a (formerly SMgrPatch.a)
; Contains: Script Manager trap patches for international scripts and the user interface.
; Written by: JDT Joe Ternasky
; MED Mark Davis
; LDC Lee Collins
; PKE Peter Edberg
; Copyright: © 1986-1992 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <18> 6/12/92 FM Deleted the forRom portion of LwrString since it is in
; ScriptMgrExtensions now. Also This file is now only used in
; system builds. Removed the SMgrPostmunging routine and put in in
; ScriptMgrMisc.a. I removed the less than obvious register
; restoring trick in the GetOSEvent patch. Deleted the
; FixSMgrWorld code since it is no longer called and it is now
; obsolete. Removed the obsolete patch headers for the patches
; that no longer exist. Moved SMgrPostMunging into
; ScriptMgrMisc.a. Moved the PatchTable and PatchTableAUX here
; from ScriptMgrMisc.a
; <17> 5/31/92 FM Remove rom only versions of gestaltScriptMgr and
; gestaltSMgrTable. They are in ScriptMgrExtensions.a now. Still
; many forRom conditionals left unfortunately.
; <16> 4/30/92 FM Get rid of conditionals: SysVers, doScriptMgrGestalt,
; doScriptMgrLwrString2 ScriptMgrKeyboardMenu
; <15> 10/8/91 PKE For Cube-E (and Bruges): Move body LwrString from here to
; ScriptMgrExtTail.a (ptch 27), since we now patch it out
; entirely; leave an RTS stub. Part of fix for bug #1013149. Clean
; up some conditionals; delete code that is conditionalized out.
; <14> 6/12/91 LN removed #include 'HardwareEqu.a'
; <13> 12/14/90 PKE (DC) Remove useless InitApplZone patch in 7.0. Change KeyTrans
; patch so we skip itlk handling if KeyTrans is called with a
; special KCHR (not the one emKeyCache points to).
; <12> 12/10/90 PKE (VL) Change GetOSEvent patch to use smgrKeyScriptResult to
; determine whether or not to strip event from queue.
; <11> 10/30/90 PKE (stb) Change GetOSEvent patch to permit switching keyboards
; within scripts using key combos defined in 'KSWP' resource.
; <10> 7/20/90 PKE For 7.0, move FixSMgrWorld code inside InitScripts in ptch 27.
; <9> 7/5/90 PKE NEEDED FOR SIXPACK: Removed local definition of smgrSixPack
; since it is now defined in ScriptPriv.a.
; <8> 6/11/90 PKE NEEDED FOR SIXPACK: Fix Script Mgr InitResources patch to save
; and restore all regs; only needed for 6.x. Changes are flagged
; with <8>.
; <7> 5/13/90 SMB Removing menu bar script/keyboard toggling (see FilterMouse) in
; GetOSEvent.
; <6> 5/5/90 PKE For 7.0, remove InitWindows and InitResources patches.
; <5> 4/10/90 PKE Used smgrSysVers, smgrROMVers, smgrUseItl2Tables, and other new
; symbols instead of buildLevel. Deleted conditionalized
; definitions of forRom, SysVers, Scripts604. Started organizing
; for ROMification of 7.0 extensions.
; <4> 3/27/90 PKE Use new conditional flags for gestaltScriptMgr and LwrString
; 2-byte extension.
; <3> 3/20/90 EMT Removed unnecessary ROM85 references and oldMacTweek code.
; <2> 1/4/90 PKE Updated conditionals to put SS-6.0.4 changes in 6.0.5 as well as
; 7.0. Updated header to BBS format.
; <1> 12/18/89 CCH Adding for the first time into BBS. Changed include 'inc.sum.a'
; to load 'StandardEqu.d'. Updated file name references.
; BBS versions above:
; EASE versions below:
; <3.4> 12/8/89 PKE NEEDED FOR Scripts604 AND FOR (6.0.5 <= SysVers < 7.0): Extend
; LwrString to handle 2-byte chars via Transliterate (yuck). For
; 7.0, we do this elsewhere.
; <3.3> 9/17/89 PKE For 7.0, move gestaltScriptMgr function from here to ptch 27
; (ScriptMgrExtTail.a), so we don't have to duplicate it in PTCH
; files.
; <3.2> 8/28/89 PKE Use LwrString here for ROM builds too, so move it out of the
; System-only section, adjust the conditionals slightly, and
; export LwrString if ForROM. Make SMgrCalcRect and SMgrInitFonts
; entry points available for 7.0., since the body of these patches
; will now be called directly by the routines instead of being
; added as a patch. Also for 7.0, delete trap patch entry points
; xInitMenus, xInitFonts, and xDrawMenuBar (actually, delete
; entire DrawMenuBar patch for 7.0 since SwapIcon will now be
; called directly by the routine). Rearrange the import-export
; section.
; <3.1> 8/26/89 PKE Cleaned up conditionals, changing newItl2Tables to buildLevel >=
; 1. Deleted obsolete itlr stuff (never got built). Removed unused
; InitApplZone, InitResources, SMgrDraw, SMgrFont, SMgrText,
; SMgrEvent labels. Moved TEInit and DrawMenuBar patches into
; System-only code section, since they're only used for the System
; build. Moved all exports to top of file.
; <3.0> 8/25/89 PKE NEEDED FOR 6.0.4 SCRIPTS BUILD: Remove TEInit patch for
; Scripts604, 7.0.
; <2.9> 8/24/89 PKE NEEDED FOR 6.0.4 SCRIPTS BUILD, 6.0.5: Conditionalize (2.7).
; Remove some gratuitous conditionals. NOTE: May have to add back
; load 'nEqu.d' when we roll this over to Fiction for SS-6.0.4
; Scripts build.
; <2.8> 8/22/89 SES Removed references to nFiles.
; <2.7> 8/21/89 PKE NEEDED FOR 6.0.4 SCRIPTS BUILD, 6.0.5: Change LwrString to save
; IntlForce flag then clear it before IUGetIntl call, restoring it
; afterward. This is so we get the itl2 tables for the correct
; script (instead of the tables for the system script).
; <2.6> 8/7/89 PKE NEEDED FOR 6.0.4: In gestaltScriptMgr function, if gestalt
; selector is undefined, just leave gestalt result alone.
; <2.5> 8/5/89 PKE NEEDED FOR 6.0.4: Provide gestaltFunction for Script Manager.
; <2.4> 7/10/89 PKE Cleaned up conditionals around SMgrCalcRect.
; <2.3> 7/8/89 PKE NEEDED FOR 6.0.4: Fixed error code returned by LwrString if
; 'itl2' not found.
; <2.2> 6/30/89 PKE NEEDED FOR AURORA: For ROM, FixSMgrWorld now dispatches through
; an internal vector. Add xFixSMgrWorld; for RAM version, change
; FixWorld to FixSMgrWorld. Use disabCacheReq constant.
; <2.1> 6/23/89 PKE Skip definition of buildLevel (done in ScriptPriv.a).
; <2.0> 6/5/89 PKE (ROM & 7.0 only) Fix InitFonts patch to handle non-Roman FOND
; IDs on a Roman system; add more error checking in LwrString
; after IUGetIntl call and set error return if necessary.
; <1.9> 4/7/89 PKE Changed lowerNoMarkListOffset to noMarkListOffset (in LwrString)
; <1.8> 3/28/89 PKE Use OS trap bits 9-10 to control function of LwrString (Big Bang
; only); compute smgrRect from icon location in SMgrRecord (ROM &
; Big Bang only).
; <1.7> 3/8/89 PKE Change BSR.S to BSR in 2 places so Big Bang builds.
; <1.6> 3/5/89 PKE Fixed LwrString - was trashing a2. For Big Bang, add & update
; KeyTrans patch (Int'l itlk processing) from KeyHack.a.
; <1.5> 2/28/89 PKE Delete UprString patch for Big Bang. The patch could cause
; UprString to move memory, but it is not documented as a routine
; that can move memory. Instead, this functionality will be added
; to LwrString (which is not presently documented, so we have more
; flexibility). Fixed reference to #MinusOne in GetOSEvent patch.
; <1.4> 2/21/89 PKE Replaced with RomProj version, which already had system and Rom
; sources merged.
; EASE ROMproj history:
; <1.6> 2/21/89 PKE Get CharType/Transliterate tables from itl2, not itlR; do this
; for all new Systems and ROMs. Get rid of itlR-related
; initializations. Fix up LOADs: always use include
; 'StandardEqu.d'. Fix up SMgrPost- Munging (ROM only) to copy a0
; to a2. Plus see local comments below.
; 2/21/89 pke Also update to include some of the ROM version improvements in
; Sys $700. Fix up includes: always use include 'inc.sum.a'.
; <1.5> 2/14/89 PKE Updated to use MPW 3.0 final ScriptEqu.a equate names
; <1.4> 2/3/89 PKE Merged with current system sources (CCH's 01/16/1989 merge of
; 6.0.3 and 7.0 sources, done in RES.sys:smgr)
; 2/2/89 pke Merged system sources and ROM sources
; <1.3> 11/14/88 CCH Added semicolons to header so program would assemble.
; <1.2> 11/14/88 PKE Synchronize EASE and Projector; modify SMgrInitFonts to bail if
; SMgr not initialized; put in framework for xKeyTrans patch
; roll-in
; <1.1> 11/11/88 CCH Fixed Header.
; <1.0> 11/9/88 CCH Adding to EASE.
; old EASE ROMproj history:
; <1.7> 10/27/88 LDC Mods by Carl Hewitt and Brian McGhie in the process of putting
; Script Manager in ROM
; EASE SYSproj history:
; <1.3> 2/14/89 PKE Updated to use MPW 3.0 final ScriptEqu.a equates
; <1.2> 1/17/89 CCH Merged changes from 6.0.3.
; <1.1> 1/16/89 CCH Merged 6.0.3 final sources into 7.0.
; <1.0> 11/16/88 CCH Added to EASE.
; pre-EASE history
; 9/23/88 ldc added patch for UprString, xUprString
; 6/16/88 ldc Changed xLwrString to get tables via RomanUtil.GetItlr
; 4/26/88 ldc began romification/vectorization
; From here up are changes for ROM or buildLevel >= 2
; 2/4/88 med Clear pack6 cache in initapplzone patch
; 2/4/88 med Replaced Launch patch with patches to InitApplZone and
; InitResources.
; 2/4/88 med Change InitWindows patch to test smgrEnabled instead of
; bootdrive
; 11/10/87 med Remove oldMac support
; 7/21/87 med Restored Joe's fix of 13Apr87 (not in master)
; 7/8/87 med Catch any InitWindow before launch time, and init the world
; 6/16/87 jdt Use the KeyScript trap in the Launch patch instead of calling
; SwapKybd directly.
; 4/13/87 jdt Copied Mark's fix for the force flag to the InitFonts patch.
; 3/6/87 med Check for substitute Chicago fond
; 3/5/87 med Disable cache request when resetting sys or app fonts with -2 in
; CurFMInput
; 3/4/87 med Fix force flag bug when resetting system fonts
; 1/28/87 MED DonÕt stomp on sysFontFam if it is in the right range.
; 1/19/87 jdt Replaced resource type constants with literals.
; 12/31/86 jdt Removed check on smgrEnabled in DrawMenuBar patch.
; 12/23/86 jdt Removed several checks on ResErr. Only reset application font if
; it is outside the system script's range. Saved space in
; SMgrEvent patch. Eliminated uneccesary register saving in
; several patches.
; 12/9/86 jdt Removed loading of new DSAT during switch-launch.
; 12/8/86 jdt TEInit patch no longer changes the WordRedraw flag.
; 12/5/86 jdt Changed WimpyIcon and WinpyKybd to SwapIcon and SwapKybd.
; Various comments added or modified. Several checks on ResError
; added. We no longer set the system and app font numbers on ROMs.
; Set system bit on RecoverHandle for DSAT at switch-launch.
; 12/3/86 jdt Fixed bug with enabled count in the GetNextEvent patch.
; 11/21/86 jdt Rolled in Tecot's latest changes to the KeyTrans trap. Launch
; patch now uses the SMgr enabled flag as a script count. Draw and
; Event patches bail if script count is less than 2. Removed
; KeyTrans trap patch code.
; 11/20/86 jdt Replaced standard equates load.
; 10/9/86 JDT Copied SMgrTrans patch from Ed Tecot's KeyTrans trap code.
; 10/8/86 JDT Do not toggle the key script if no KSWP resource is present.
; 10/7/86 JDT Played fast and loose with the deep shit alert tables.
; 9/13/86 JDT Broke out patch routines from initialization code. Revised
; _Launch patch and added _TEInit patch.
; To Do:
load 'standardequ.d' ; Private.a, ScriptEqu.a, ...
include 'ScriptPriv.a'
include 'GestaltEqu.a' ; <08/05/89 pke>
include 'HardwarePrivateEqu.a' ; to get hwCbADB <03/05/89 pke>
blanks on
string asis
import StdUnlink ; <08/05/89 pke>
;<4/26/88ldc> added vector exports
export xKeyTrans ; _KeyTrans <03/05/89 pke>
;os traps
export xGetOSEvent ; _GetOSEvent patch.
export LwrString ; just a stub now <10>
; xKeyTrans - Remap the key code and modifiers according to the itlk table.
; Introduction:
; This is a special hack to make the various international keyboard
; layouts work on all of the keyboard models. We intercept calls to
; the KeyTrans trap and perform some special mapping of the virtual key
; codes, based on an optional resource that can accompany each KCHR.
; If we currently have an international keyboard re-mapping table (itlk resource,
; only present on some international systems), perform any re-mapping and call
; the original KeyTrans routine. The re-mapping table consists of an integer
; count followed by a set of items with the following format:
; | old | old | old | care | care | new | new |
; | keyboard | modifiers | key | modifiers | code | modifiers | key |
; | type | | code | | | | code |
; This code compares the current keyboard type, key code, and modifiers against
; each entry. If there is a match, it substitutes the new modifiers and key
; code before calling the original KeyTrans routine. Note that the current
; modifiers and key code are masked with the care bits in the entry before the
; comparison is made. When a comparison succeeds, the new modifiers and key
; code are masked with the care bits and the current modifiers and key code
; are masked with the complement of the care bits. The logical or of these
; two products is the final result. This allows for a more compact table when
; several characters on one key are mapped together to a different key.
; The keyboard types are:
; $0001 Standard ADB (and Apple II GS)
; $0002 Extended ADB
; $0003 Macintosh Classic (domestic)
; $0103 Macintosh Classic (international)
; $0004 ISO Standard ADB
; $0005? Zoots (European ergonomic)
; $0006? Esprit std
; $0007? Esprit ISO
; $000b Macintosh Plus
; The modifier bits are:
; 7 -> (Right Control)
; 6 -> (Right Option)
; 5 -> (Right Shift)
; 4 -> Control (Left Control)
; 3 -> Option (Left Option)
; 2 -> Caps Lock
; 1 -> Shift (Left Shift)
; 0 -> Command
; register usage:
; d5 -> loop counter
; d4 -> current keyboard type, key code, and modifiers
; d3 -> masked current keyboard type, key code, and modifiers
; d2 -> new key code and modifiers for re-mapping
; d1 -> care masks for key code and modifiers
; d0 -> old key code and modifiers for comparison
intlEnable equ 10 ; Offset to intlEnable flag
ktFrame record {a6link},decr
result ds.l 1 ; resulting ascii codes
kchrTable ds.l 1 ; KCHR table to use
codeMods ds.w 1 ; virtual key code, modifiers
deadState ds.l 1 ; dead key state pointer
return ds.l 1 ; return address
a6link ds.l 1 ; old link pointer
ktLocals equ * ; size of locals
kchrTableNoLink equ kchrTable-return ; kchrTable offset before link <13>
with ktFrame, SMgrRecord
; if we do not have an itlk resource, bail out now <move this to top 03/05/89 pke>
GetSMgrCore a0 ; <03/05/89 pke>
move.l smgrCurITLK(a0),d0 ; have an itlk currently? <03/05/89 pke>
beq.s @noTable ; no -> bail out
; bail if KCHR pointer is not same as in ExpandMem <13>
with ExpandMemRec ; <13>
move.l ExpandMem,a1 ; <13>
move.l emKeyCache(a1),d1 ; Get KCHR pointer in ExpandMem <13>
cmp.l kchrTableNoLink(sp),d1 ; same as KCHR pointer param? <13>
bne.s @noTable ; if not, skip itlk handling <13>
endwith ;ExpandMemRec ; <13>
link a6,#ktLocals ; build stack frame
movem.l d3-d5,-(sp) ; save the registers
move.l d0,a0 ; copy table handle
move.l (a0),a0 ; load table pointer
; find the keyboard type and build the comparison key (type, code, modifiers)
clr.l d4 ; clear a long
move.b kbdType,d4 ; load type
move.w HwCfgFlags,d0 ; load hardware configuration
btst.l #hwCbADB,d0 ; ADB present?
bne.s @knownType ; yes -> skip this
cmp.b #$0b,d4 ; Macintosh Plus keyboard?
beq.s @knownType ; yes -> skip this
move.w #$03,d4 ; old Macintosh keyboard
move.l Key1Trans,a1 ; fetch Key1Trans pointer <17jun87 jdt>
tst.b intlEnable(a1) ; intlEnable flag on? <17jun87 jdt>
beq.s @knownType ; no -> skip this <17jun87 jdt>
move.w #$103,d4 ; use special keyboard type <17jun87 jdt>
swap d4 ; put type in high word
move.w codeMods(a6),d4 ; load code,mods
; step through the itlk table, looking for a match
move.w (a0)+,d5 ; load table length
bra.s @stepLoop ; enter loop at bottom
move.l (a0)+,d0 ; load old type,code,mods
move.w (a0)+,d1 ; load don't care masks
move.w (a0)+,d2 ; load new code,mods
move.l d4,d3 ; copy current type,code,mods
and.w d1,d3 ; mask off don't care bits
cmp.l d0,d3 ; same type,code,mods?
bne.s @stepLoop ; no -> try next one
and.w d1,d2 ; mask off don't care bits
not.w d1 ; invert care mask
and.w d1,d4 ; mask off care bits
or.w d4,d2 ; combine for final code,mods
move.w d2,codeMods(a6) ; remap code,mods
bra.s @endLoop ; exit search loop
dbra d5,@beginLoop ; try next entry
; remove the stack frame and jump into the original KeyTrans code
movem.l (sp)+,d3-d5 ; restore the registers
unlk a6 ; remove stack frame
GetSMgrCore a0 ; pointer to SMgr globals <03/05/89 pke>
move.l sVectKeyTrans(a0),a0 ; get old KeyTrans vector <03/05/89 pke>
jmp (a0) ; jump to it.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; function: SMgrEvent
; input: a0.l Pointer to event record [long].
; d0.w Event mask [word].
; output: d0.b 0 = event,-1 = null event [byte].
; warning: This routine is a trap patch.
; This routine follows OS register conventions.
; This routine screens all events and determines when to change the key
; script. If it does change the key script, region symbol in the menu bar
; is redrawn.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Save the registers and the event record pointer. Call the original
; trap vector to get the next event. If it is a null event, return
; without filtering.
; a4.l Script Manager globals pointer.
; a3.l Keyboard globals pointer.
; a2.l Event record pointer.
with smgrRecord ;
import SMgrPostMunging ; now in ScriptMgrExtensions.a
movem.l a2,-(sp) ; save the registers.
GetSMgrCore a2 ; load SMgr globals. <4/26/88ldc>
move.l sVectGetOSEvent(a2), a2 ; get old trap <4/26/88ldc>
move.l a0,-(sp) ; save a0 EventPtr
jsr (a2) ; call old trap routine.
move.l (sp)+,a0 ; restore a0 EventPtr
tst.b d0
bne.s DoneEvent ; bail on event not available.
jsr SMgrPostMunging ; Expects an EventPtr in a0
movem.l (sp)+,a2 ; restore the registers.
rts ; return to the caller.
endWith ;
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; routine: LwrString (xLwrString)
; <15> for system builds, just leave stub here; real one is in ScriptMgrExtTail.a
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; For rom we use the NewLwrString in ScriptMgrExtensions.a
LwrString ; <3.2>
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; This table contains the <trap number><routine offset> entries used for
; patching out the required trap routines.
;<6/7/88ldc> added vector imports
;<6/7/88ldc> changed patch table to add smgr global vectors for rom.
;changed "Old" etc to x+routine name
; Patches removed for System 7: InitResources <10>, InitMenus, TEInit, DrawMenuBar,
; InitFonts, InitWindows <10>, InitApplZone <19>, ScriptUtil <11>
PatchTable proc export
import PatchStart ; start of patch code
with SMgrRecord
import xKeyTrans
dc.w $01c3,sVectKeyTrans,xKeyTrans-PatchStart ; _KeyTrans <1.6>
; os: add $8000
; Moved GetOSEvent entry to PatchTableNoAUX <19>
import LwrString ;
dc.w $8056,sVectLwrString, LwrString-PatchStart ; _LwrString; implement <12/17/87med>
endwith ;SMgrRecord ; <19>
; single word termination!!!! <4/27/88ldc>
dc.w 0
; New table for patches to skip if A/UX. <19>
; Moved GetOSEvent entry from above.
PatchTableNoAUX proc export
import PatchStart ; start of patch code
with SMgrRecord
; os: add $8000
import xGetOSEvent
dc.w $8031,sVectGetOSEvent, xGetOSEvent-PatchStart ; _GetOSEvent
endwith ;SMgrRecord ; <19>
; single word termination
dc.w 0