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1420 lines
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; File: CivicPrimaryInit.a
; Written by: Mike Puckett, Fernando Urbina, March 1, 1992.
; Copyright: © 1992-1993 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM16> 8/12/93 BG Changed various Cyclone-related boxflags to their official
; names.
; <SM15> 08-03-93 jmp Changed the reference names of the multiscan display constants
; to their new names.
; <SM14> 6/14/93 kc Roll in Ludwig.
; <LW12> 6/4/93 fau Fixed bug# 1089553: Verify that the Last_Config is part of the
; family mode of the Default_Config. Fixed typo when setting the
; MMC_CLock when booting off composite.
; <LW11> 5/14/93 fau Adding the PUMA support: Determine if clock chip is a PUMA or a
; Clifton.
; <LW10> 4/29/93 fau #1082085: Used the new bit to the Cyclone slotPRAM flags to
; indicate whether the "Boot on composite" should be NTSC or PAL.
; <SM13> 4/29/93 fau Synchronized with Ludwig.
; <LW9> 4/14/93 fau Changes required for the new way of doing video-in; support for
; HRMultiSync. Use new/changed spID's.
; <SM12> 4/5/93 chp Synchronize with Ludwig.
; <LW8> 3/24/93 fau Fixed bug #1072989: When booting up with no monitor connected,
; I was adjusting the sRsrcNeverMatch to be "non-video in"
; subtracting $40 from it. The next time we booted without a
; monitor, the default_config was loaded, but this was the
; "adjusted" one, which made us try to boot with an unknown spID.
; I put in a compare to sRsrcNeverMatch before adjusting the spID.
; <LW7> 3/22/93 fau Added code to prune the board functional s-resource, depending
; on the one specified in the Universal info.
; <LW6> 3/21/93 fau Increased the timing of the Reset pulse to give some extra time
; for 40MHz systems.
; <LW5> 2/26/93 fau Removed EVT3 support.
; <LW4> 2/24/93 fau Fixed a bug where if the Last_CONFIG byte in PRAM had a video-in
; capable spID, and the video-in bit in VRAM was not set, the
; hardware would get programmed with the video-in parameters but
; with the bus size incorrect. The fix was to force the
; Last_CONFIG byte to non-video-in if the PRAM bit is clear.
; <LW3> 2/16/93 fau Added Family mode support for all the video-out equivalent modes
; for Apple monitors. Removed support for 704x512 in the 13" RGB
; Monitor.
; <LW2> 1/4/93 fau General cleanup: Removed support for 24-bit mode (MMU).
; Changed mmcBase... to ymcaBase... Other sundry stuff.
; <SM11> 12/4/92 fau Changed to use the new BoxFlag names and got rid of temporary
; support for Tempest since now we can do the same monitors as
; with Cyclone.
; <SM10> 12/3/92 fau Added a Wait5ms routine for Clifton. Got rid of hardwiring
; Clifton to 1 Meg; now I just let the routine size the VRAM.
; <SM9> 11/11/92 fau Added Clifton support all over the place.
; <SM7> 11/2/92 kc Don't include SonicEqu.a.
; <SM6> 10/29/92 fau Added support for booting off composite video if no monitor is
; connected and the PRAM bit is set.
; <SM5> 10/28/92 SWC Changed VideoEqu.a->Video.a and ShutdownEqu.a->Shutdown.a.
; <SM4> 10/27/92 fau Wrong sense on a check for Tempest. (beq instead of bne).
; <SM3> 10/27/92 fau Added support for Tempest.
; <SM2> 10/23/92 fau Changed MMCAddr to DecoderAddr.
; <1> 10/6/92 GDW New location for ROMLink tool.
; <SM9> 9/30/92 fau Added a TestFor YMCADecoder to distinguish between 25Mhz and
; 33MHz machines.
; <SM8> 8/27/92 fau Got rid of all support for early rev's of Civic. New
; CivicRegTableII was folded into CivicRegTable and deleted.
; <SM7> 6/26/92 fau Back to running at 25Mhz. Added code to make sure sync outputs
; are enabled. Added the RGBBypass support for 12" and 13"
; displays.
; <SM6> 6/20/92 fau Changed _SPutPRAMRec to _InitSlotPRAM when writing the Board ID.
; <SM5> 6/19/92 KW (fau,P9) Added GoldFish support for Set/GetRGBBypass (very
; kludgy -- will go away when we have dynamic desktop). Getting
; base address out of s-resource now. Civic 2 test for the new
; oscillators -- the MMC_ClockSelect line changed polarity with
; these new guys. Got rid of checking for supported monitors for
; video-in, since we support all monitors now.
; <SM4> 6/18/92 KW (fau,P8) Added video-in support for Vesuvio, Kong, Rubik, 19"
; Display and all VGA families for Civic-based CPU's.
; <SM3> 6/4/92 KW (jmp,P7) Added support for Civic2: 32bpp and Convolution for
; NTSC/PAL FF/ST. Also, slightly optimized & improved the
; soon-to-obsolete Civic vs. Civic2 checking code. (Note: PAL
; convolution doesnÕt seem to work, so I just commented it out of
; the PAL family mode tables, but everything is there for it to be
; added back in.)
; (fau,P6) Added a new pCivicIIRegTable that has the extra bit
; defined for Rowwords and also the DoubleLine register (1 bit)
; tacked at the end of the table. Modified pGetCivicReg in a
; brute force manner to check which Civic it's running on and load
; the appropriate table.
; (fau,P5) Added video-in support for NTSC and PAL monitors
; (Full-frame and Safe-title) for Civic-based CPU's.
; <SM2> 5/29/92 kc Fix Assembler warnings.
; <P4> 5/1/92 fau Added video-in entries to the CivicModeList for 16" and 15".
; Forced code to ignore video-in in monitors other than 13" or
; 16". Programmed Civic as a 33MHz machine, per Eric Baden's
; request.
; <P3> 04/13/92 jmp Added support for family modes, added support for video-in, and
; cleaned up the vRAM-sizing routine.
; <P2> 03/24/92 jmp Added initial support for Apple-supported progressive-scan and
; interlaced displays.
; <1> 03/04/92 jmp first checked in
; Header
LOAD 'StandardEqu.d'
INCLUDE 'HardwarePrivateEqu.a'
INCLUDE 'Video.a'
INCLUDE 'SlotMgrEqu.a'
INCLUDE 'UniversalEqu.a'
INCLUDE 'DepVideoEqu.a'
SEG '_sCivicPrimaryInit'
LCivicPrimaryInit MAIN
Dc.b sExec2 ; Header
Dc.b sCPU68020
Dc.w 0
Dc.l BeginCivicInit-*
; Local variables, definitions, etc....
WITH SEBlock,SPBlock
CivicFrame Record {A6Link},Decrement
Return Ds.l 1 ; Return address.
A6Link Ds.l 1 ; Saved A6.
spBlk Ds SPBlock ; SpBlock for generic use.
sPRAMBlk Ds.b SizeSPRAMRec ; sPRAMRec for generic use.
civicBaseAddr Ds.l 1 ; Pointer to CivicÕs base address.
ymcaBaseAddr Ds.l 1 ; Pointer to MMCÕs base address.
vRAMBaseAddr Ds.l 1 ; Pointer to base of vRAM.
vidParamsPtr Ds.l 1 ; Pointer to video parameters.
configParamsPtr Ds.l 1 ; Pointer to config parameters.
spFlags Ds.b 1 ; Local copy of slot pRAM flags byte.
boxFlag Ds.b 1 ; The machine's box flag (Cyclone or Tempest)
compOutFlag Ds.b 1 ; Cleared if we're driving composite out
Ds.b 1 ; <pad>
CFSize Equ *
CVRAMConfigRec Record 0 ;
sRsrcID Ds.b 1 ; sRsrc ID for this vRam configuration.
modeID Ds.b 1 ; Favored modeID (depth).
familiesOffset Ds.w 1 ; Offset to family mode table.
CVRAMConfigSize Equ *
MiniGamma Record 0 ; Entries for mini gamma table used in DAFBInit.
blackRed Ds.b 1 ; Red
whiteRed Ds.b 1 ;
blackGreen Ds.b 1 ; Green
whiteGreen Ds.b 1 ;
blackBlue Ds.b 1 ; Blue
whiteBlue Ds.b 1 ;
Ds.b 2 ; <pad>
GT_Size Equ *
WITH MiniGamma,CVRAMConfigRec
CivicConfigRec Record 0,Increment
gammaTbl Ds.b GT_Size ; Mini-gamma table (defined in PrimaryInit.a).
CConfigHdrSize Equ *
c1MegVRAM Ds.b CVRAMConfigSize ; 1Meg vRAM prefereneces.
c2MegVRAM Ds.b CVRAMConfigSize ; 2Meg vRAM prefereneces.
CConfigRecSize Equ *
; Utils
; GetCivicReg
; This routine takes an offset into the CivicRegTable as input and
; returns the address and width of the corresponding
; Civic register.
; -> D0: The offset into the CivicRegTable of the desired Civic register.
; <- D1: The width (1 to 12 bits) of the Civic regiser/data.
; <- A0: Pointer to base address of the Civic register to write.
; Trashes D0-D1/A0.
WITH CivicFrame,CivicEntry,CivicRecord
Lea pCivicRegTable,A0 ; Point to the CivicRegTable.
@GetCWidth Move.w width(A0,D0),D1 ; Get the register width
Move.w offset(A0,D0),D0 ; Get the register offset.
Move.l civicBaseAddr(A6),A0 ; Point A0 at CivicÕs base address.
Adda.w D0,A0 ; Point to the desired register.
; WriteCivic
; Civic registers are accessed 1 bit a time using D[0] of the processor
; bus. However, most of the registers are more than 1 bit wide.
; So, this routine takes as input the base address of the Civic
; register to write, the data to write out, and how wide the
; register/data is.
; Note: Civic Registers are ONLY accessible in 32-bit addressing
; mode.
; -> D0: The data to write out.
; -> D1: The width (1 to 12 bits) of the Civic regiser/data.
; -> A0: Pointer to base address of the Civic register to write.
; Trashes D0-D1/A0.
Subq #1,D1 ; Set up for Dbra loop.
@WriteABit Move.l D0,(A0)+ ; Write the current bit out.
Lsr.l #1,D0 ; Set up for next write.
Dbra D1,@WriteABit ; Loop until done.
Rts ; Return home.
; ReadCivic
; This routine complements the WriteCivic routine. It takes as
; input the Civic register to read and how wide the
; register is. It returns the registerÕs value.
; Note: Civic Registers are ONLY accessible in 32-bit addressing
; mode.
; <- D0: The Civic registerÕs data.
; -> D1: The width (1 to 12 bits) of the Civic regiser/data.
; -> A0: Pointer to base address of the Civic register to write.
; Trashes D1/A0.
Move.l D2,-(Sp) ; Save our non-trashable work register.
Move.w D1,D0 ; Copy the register width.
Lsl.w #2,D0 ; Multiply it by four.
Adda.w D0,A0 ; Point to the last bit.
Subq #1,D1 ; Set up for Dbra loop.
Moveq #0,D0 ; Set up return value.
@ReadABit Lsl.w #1,D0 ; Set up for this read.
Move.l -(A0),D2 ; Get the current bit.
Bfins D2,D0{31,1} ; Save it.
Dbra D1,@ReadABit ; Loop until done.
Move.l (Sp)+,D2 ; Restore our work register.
Rts ; And return home.
; PruneList
; Loops thru a table of sRsrcIDs comparing the ÒkeeperÓ with each
; of the entries in the table. Those IDs that donÕt match
; the keeper are pruned.
; -> D0: sRsrcID of the ÒkeeperÓ
; -> A0: pointer to appropriately filled-out SpBlock
; -> A1: pointer to list of sRsrcIDs
; Trashes: D0-D1/A1.
WITH SpBlock
Move.b D0,-(Sp) ; Remember the ID of the Òkeeper.Ó
Move.w (A1)+,D1 ; Get the zero-based counter into D1.
@Repeat Move.b (A1)+,D0 ; Get an sRsrc ID.
Cmp.b (Sp),D0 ; If itÕs the keeper,
Beq.s @Until ; then donÕt prune it.
Move.b D0,spID(A0) ; Otherwise, prune it.
@Until Dbra D1,@Repeat ; Loop until done.
Tst.b (Sp)+ ; Clean up the stack.
Rts ; Return to caller.
; BuildFamilyList
; Loops thru a table of sRsrcIDs comparing the ÒkeeperÓ with each
; of the entries in the table. Those IDs that donÕt match
; the keeper are inserted back in as disabled.
; -> D0: sRsrcID of the ÒkeeperÓ
; -> A0: pointer to appropriately filled-out SpBlock
; -> A1: pointer to list of sRsrcIDs
; Trashes: D0-D1/A1.
WITH SpBlock,CivicFrame
Move.b D0,-(Sp) ; Remember the ID of the Òkeeper.Ó
Move.w (A1)+,D1 ; Get the zero-based counter into D1.
@Repeat Move.b (A1)+,D0 ; Get an sRsrc ID.
@ChkIt Cmp.b (Sp),D0 ; If itÕs the keeper,
Beq.s @Until ; then leave it alone.
Move.b D0,spID(A0) ; Otherwise, load that sRsrc ID.
Clr.l spsPointer(A0) ; Tell the Slot Manager that itÕs in ROM.
Move.l #1,spParamData(A0) ; Say that we want it disabled.
Clr.w spRefNum(A0) ; Say that thereÕs no driver yet.
_InsertSRTRec ; Do it!
@Until Dbra D1,@Repeat ; Loop until done.
Tst.b (Sp)+ ; Clean up the stack.
Rts ; Return to caller.
; This subroutine reads the Civic sense lines. On entry, D6 should contain $03, $05, $06, or $07 to
; indicate the type of extended sense weÕre doing, and the CPU should have been put into 32-bit addressing
; mode. On exit, D6 contains the appropriate extended sense code.
; Note: The idea behind the extended-sense-line ($07) algorithm is as follows: First, drive sense line
; ÒaÓ and read the values of ÒbÓ and Òc.Ó Next, drive sense line ÒbÓ and read the values of ÒaÓ
; and Òc.Ó Finally, drive sense line ÒcÓ and read the values of ÒaÓ and Òb.Ó In this way, a
; six-bit number of the form bc/ac/ab is generated. The other extended-sense algorithms are
; identical to that of $07, except one of the three lines doesnÕt need to be driven. For example,
; with $03, ÒaÓ doesnÕt need to be driven. With $05, ÒbÓ doesnÕt need to be driven, and
; with $06, ÒcÓ doesnÕt need to be driven.
WITH CivicRecord
Movem.l D2-D3,-(Sp) ; Save work registers.
Moveq #0,D3 ; Use D3 to store extended-sense code.
Moveq #0,D2 ; Use D2 as temp from reads.
; Drive a, Read bc
Cmp.b #indexedSense2P,D6 ; If this is not a type-3 extended sense,
Bne.s @DriveA ; then go ahead and drive A.
Move.b D6,D2 ; Otherwise, write out the assumed value,
Bra @EndA ; and go on.
@DriveA CivicDriveA ; abc <- 011
CivicReadSenseLines D2 ; abc -> ABC
Andi.b #civicAMask,D2 ; 0BC
@EndA Move.b D2,D3 ; 00 00 BC
Lsl.b #2,D3 ; 00 BC 00
; Drive b, Read ac
Cmp.b #indexedSenseRGBFP,D6 ; If this is not a type-5 extended sense,
Bne.s @DriveB ; then go ahead and drive B.
Move.b D6,D2 ; Otherwise, write out the assumed value,
Bra @EndB ; and go on.
@DriveB CivicDriveB ; abc <- 101
CivicReadSenseLines D2 ; abc -> ABC
Andi.b #civicBMask,D2 ; A0C
@EndB Bclr #civicSenseLineA,D2 ; A0C becomes
Beq.s @OrIn ; A0C or
Bset #civicSenseLineB,D2 ; A1C
@OrIn Or.b D2,D3 ; 00 BC AC
Lsl.b #2,D3 ; BC AC 00
; Drive c, Read ab
Cmp.b #indexedSenseHR,D6 ; If this is not a type-6 extened sense,
Bne.s @DriveC ; then go ahead and drive C.
Move.b D6,D2 ; Otherwise, write out the assumed value,
Bra @EndC ; and go on.
@DriveC CivicDriveC ; abc -> 110
CivicReadSenseLines D2 ; abc <- ABC
Andi.b #civicCMask,D2 ; AB0
@EndC Lsr.b #1,D2 ; 0AB
Or.b D2,D3 ; BC AC AB
Move.b D3,D6 ; Save the extended-sense code.
Movem.l (Sp)+,D2-D3 ; Restore work registers.
Rts ; Return to caller.
; Wait5ms
; Entry: Not Used
; Exit: D0 destroyed
; This loop will wait 5 milliseconds before returning. It is used for the Clifton clock chip
Wait5ms Move.l #(-5)<<16,d0 ; outer loop count 500*1ms
@outer Move.w TimeDBRA,d0 ; inner loop count 1ms
@inner dbra d0,@inner ; wait 1ms
Addq.l #1,d0 ; increment outer loop counter
Bne.s @outer ; wait 5*1ms
rts ; the long wait is over
;--------------------------------------------------------------------- <LW11> #PUMA
; <LW11> #PUMA
; Entry: A0 (Endeavor Base) <LW11> #PUMA
; Exit: D0-D2 destroyed <LW11> #PUMA
;--------------------------------------------------------------------- <LW11> #PUMA
; <LW11> #PUMA
; This routine will try to read the ID register from Clifton or PUMA. Clifton does not <LW11> #PUMA
; have one, so it should read all 1's, where PUMA does. The routine will exit with the <LW11> #PUMA
; condition code set to 0 if it's a PUMA. <LW11> #PUMA
; <LW11> #PUMA
move.l #ControlWordSize-1,D2 ; Get the loop counter <LW11> #PUMA
move.l #ReadPUMAID,D1 ; Enable MuxRef/Enable PROG Register <LW11> #PUMA
@LoadID ; <LW11> #PUMA
Move.l #1,D0 ; Set up the mask for the bit <LW11> #PUMA
And.l D1,D0 ; Transfer the first bit to D0 <LW11> #PUMA
Move.b D0,EndeavorM(A0) ; write the bit out to Clifton <LW11> #PUMA
lsr.l #1,D1 ; get the next bit <LW11> #PUMA
Dbra D2,@LoadID ; Éfor the whole word <LW11> #PUMA
; <LW11> #PUMA
Move.l #(8-1),D2 ; The loop counter <LW11> #PUMA
clr.b D0 ; We'll store the ID here <LW11> #PUMA
@ReadID Move.b EndeavorM(A0),D1 ; Read a bit <LW11> #PUMA
Andi.b #1,D1 ; Mask all but the 0th bit <LW11> #PUMA
Or.b D1,D0 ; Or into our save register <LW11> #PUMA
ror.b #1,D0 ; And get ready to accept the new bit <LW11> #PUMA
Dbra D2,@ReadID ; Éfor the whole word <LW11> #PUMA
; <LW11> #PUMA
cmpi.b #PUMAVer1Id,D0 ; Is it our version 1 ID <LW11> #PUMA
rts ; <LW11> #PUMA
; <LW11> #PUMA
; Main
WITH SEBlock,SPBlock,CivicFrame,CivicRecord
; Set up initial ÒvendorÓ status.
Link A6,#CFSize ; Allocate stack space for locals.
Move.w #seSuccess,seStatus(A0) ; Just say that weÕre okay.
; Perform some generic initializations.
Clr.b spBlk.spSlot(A6) ; Built-in video is always Slot $0.
Clr.b spBlk.spExtDev(A6) ; Why ask why? Just clear this guy.
Move.l UnivInfoPtr,A4 ; Keep a pointer to ProductInfo.
; Initialize the BoardID part of the Slot $0 pRAM if necessary.
WITH SP_Params,ProductInfo,VideoInfo
Lea spBlk(A6),A0 ; Point A0 at our local SpBlock.
Lea sPRAMBlk(A6),A2 ; Get a pointer to our local sPRAMBlock.
Move.l A2,spResult(A0) ; Put our pointer in the SpBlock.
_sReadPRAMRec ; Read Slot $0Õs pRAM.
Move.l A4,A3 ; Copy the ProductInfo pointer.
Adda.l VideoInfoPtr(A3),A3 ; Point to the VideoInfo record.
Move.b SP_Flags(A2),spFlags(A6) ; Make a local copy of the pRAM flags.
Tst.w SP_BoardID(A2) ; If the board ID is non-zero,
Bne.s @PruneBoardSRsrc ; then just go on.
Move.b BoardSRsrcID(A3),spID(A0) ; Get the appropriate board sRsrc ID.
_sRsrcInfo ; Get the spsPointer.
Move.b #BoardID,spID(A0) ; Set up to get the correct board ID.
_sReadWord ; Get it.
Move.w spResult+2(A0),SP_BoardID(A2) ; Save the board ID into pRAM.
Move.l A2,spsPointer(A0) ;
_InitSlotPRAM ;
Lea CivicSpIDTbl,A1 ; Point to the table of supported board sRsrcs.
Move.b BoardSRsrcID(A3),D0 ; Get the sRsrc ID of the keeper into D0.
Bsr CPIPruneList ; Call our pruning utility.
; HereÕs where we actually get Civic built-in video going. This includes setting up the functional
; sRsrcs, as well as initializing the Civic hardware and getting a stable raster for the
; type of display connected.
; Note: We do all of the following in 32-bit addressing mode because the Civic registers are
; in an address space that is inaccessible in 24-bit mode. (Previous note applies to the
; the time before the ROM was a 32-bit mode only ROM.
; Get some useful values up front.
WITH ProductInfo,DecoderInfo,VideoInfo
Move.l A4,A3 ; Copy the ProductInfo ptr.
Move.b ProductKind(A3),boxFlag(A6) ; Save this machine's boxflag
Adda.l DecoderInfoPtr(A3),A3 ; Point to the base address table.
Move.l CivicAddr(A3),civicBaseAddr(A6) ; Save CivicÕs base address.
Move.l DecoderAddr(A3),ymcaBaseAddr(A6) ; Save MMC/YMCAÕs base address.
Move.l A4,A3 ; Copy the ProductInfo ptr.
Adda.l VideoInfoPtr(A3),A3 ; Point to the VideoInfo record.
Move.l VRAMPhysAddr(A3),vRAMBaseAddr(A6) ; Save the base of vRAM.
Move.l civicBaseAddr(A6),A0 ; Point A0 at CivicÕs base address.
; Disable Civic interrupts.
pWrite_Civic #0,#Enable ; Disable Casio (the timing generator).
pWrite_Civic #0,#VBLEnb ; Disable VBL interrupts.
pWrite_Civic #0,#VDCEnb ; Disable VDC interrupts.
pWrite_Civic #1,#VDCClk ; Disable VDC clock.
; Do initial Civic set up.
Clr.b compOutFlag(A6) ; Initialize our composite out flag
; We need to program Civic to run at 25/33/40MHz, depending on what type of machine we are running.
cmp.b #BoxQuadra840AV,boxFlag(A6) ; Are we running on a Cyclone at 40MHz <SM16>
Beq.s @40MHz ;
cmp.b #BoxCyclone33,boxFlag(A6) ; Are we running on a Cyclone at 33MHz
Beq.s @33MHz ; yes
cmp.b #BoxTempest33,boxFlag(A6) ; Are we running on a Tempest at 33MHz
Beq.s @33MHz ; yes
cmp.b #BoxCentris660AV,boxFlag(A6) ; Are we running on a Tempest at 25MHz <SM16>
* Beq.s @25MHz ; yes
pWrite_Civic #1,#SpeedCtl ; Set timing andÉ
pWrite_Civic #1,#RefreshCtl ; Érefresh for 25MHz.
Bra.s @SetupVidBus ;
@40MHz ; For now, 40Mhz timing = 33Mhz timing
pWrite_Civic #0,#SpeedCtl ; Set timing andÉ
pWrite_Civic #2,#RefreshCtl ; Érefresh for 33MHz
pWrite_Civic #0,#ConvEnb ; Disable convolution.
pWrite_Civic #1,#BusSize ; Set up for 64-bit wide bus.
pWrite_Civic #1,#HHLTB ; Disable the test registers.
pWrite_Civic #1,#HLDB ; (Why wasnÕt this just done
pWrite_Civic #1,#VLDB ; in hardware?)
pWrite_Civic #1,#VHLTB ;
pWrite_Civic #0,#VInDoubleLine ; Reset the line doubler.
; Size the amount of VRAM. When done, D4 is {0,1}, where 0=1Meg, 1=2Meg.
Moveq #1,D4 ; Set up as thoughÉ
pWrite_Civic #1,#VRAMSize ; É2Megs of vRAM are around.
Move.l vRamBaseAddr(A6),A0 ; Point to the base of vRAM.
Adda.l #k2MvRAM-8,A0 ; Point to the last 4 bytes of 2Megs.
Move.l #'Nano',(A0) ; Write something out there.
Nop ; (This space is non-serial.)
Move.l #-1,4(A0) ; Clear those data lines.
Nop ; (ItÕs still non-serial.)
Cmp.l #'Nano',(A0) ; If there are really 2Megs of vRAM
Beq.s @EndSize ; then weÕre done.
pWrite_Civic #0,#VRAMSize ; Otherwise, set up for 1Meg.
Subq #1,D4 ;
; Sense the type of display to drive. When done, D6 contains the indexed code specifying which
; display type weÕre supposed to set up for.
CivicResetSenseLines ; Reset the actual senselines themselves.
Moveq #0,D6 ; Clear our senseline variable.
CivicReadSenseLines D6 ; Read the sense lines.
Cmp.b #indexedSense2P,D6 ; If we got a type-3, then do the
Beq.s @Extended2P ; extended Two-Page stuff.
Cmp.b #indexedSenseRGBFP,D6 ; If we got a type-5, then do the
Beq.s @ExtendedRGBFP ; extended RGB Full-Page stuff.
Cmp.b #indexedSenseHR,D6 ; If we got a type-6, then do the
Beq.s @ExtendedHR ; extended Hi-Res stuff.
Cmp.b #indexedNoConnect,D6 ; If we got a type-7, then do the
Beq.s @ExtendedNoConnect ; extened no-connect stuff.
Bra @EndSense ; Otherwise, we already recognize the display.
Bra @EndSense ; WeÕll support these later.
; ¥ Check for Extended type-6 (HR)...
@ExtendedHR Bsr DoCivicExtendedSense ; Do the extended type-6 sense algorithm.
Cmpi.b #extendedHR,D6 ; If there really is only a type-6 display,
Beq.s @EndHR ; then just go on.
Cmpi.b #extendedHR,D6 ; If there isnÕt a multiscan-sensed display,
Bne.s @EndHR ; then just go on.
Move.b #indexedSenseMSB1,D6 ; Otherwise, say itÕs a multiscan.
Bra @EndSense ; Vamoose.
@EndHR Move.b #indexedSenseHR,D6 ; Just say weÕve got a type-6 for now.
With SP_Params
LEA sPRAMBlk(A6),A2 ; Point to the sPRAM block.
Move.b SP_AltSense(A2),D0 ; Get the alternate senseID pRam byte.
Andi.b #spAltSenseValidMask,D0 ; If it is valid, then just pretend that
Bne.s @DoMonID ; the monID monitor is attached.
Bra @EndSense ; Otherwise, just let it be a type-6.
@DoMonID Move.b SP_AltSense(A2),D6 ; Get the no-connect pRam byte.
Andi.b #spAltSenseMask,D6 ; Strip the validation code.
Bra @EndSense
; ¥ Check for Extended type-7 (No Connect)...
Bsr DoCivicExtendedSense ; Do the extended no-connect algorithm.
Lea @XNCTable,A1 ; Point to the table of extended no-connect codes.
@XNCLoop Move.b (A1)+,D0 ; Pick up the next supported extended no-connnect code.
Bmi.s @EndNoConnect ; If weÕre at the end of the list, then just leave.
Move.b (A1)+,D1 ; Pick up the indexed version of the extended code.
Cmp.b D0,D6 ; If we didnÕt find a match, then
Bne.s @XNCLoop ; just keep looping
Move.b D1,D6 ; Translate the extended code into its indexed version.
Bra.s @EndSense
@XNCTable Dc.b extendedSensePAL,indexedSensePAL
Dc.b extendedSensePALBox,indexedSensePAL
Dc.b extendedSenseNTSC,indexedSenseNTSC
Dc.b extendedSenseVGA,indexedSenseVGA
Dc.b extendedSenseGF,indexedSenseGF
Dc.b extendedSense19,indexedSense19
Dc.b -1,-1
@EndNoConnect Move.b #indexedNoConnect,D6 ; We donÕt recognize the code, so say nothingÕs connected.
; When no monitor that we recognize is connected, we first want to check to see if weÕre at the
; factory. If we are, then the last 4-bytes of pRAM will contain 'RNIN'. If we arenÕt
; at the factory and we donÕt recognize the no-connect code, then we set up to delete
; all the video data structures and to turn built-in video off.
; Actually, we first want to check to see if the spCompOut bit of the PRAM flags is set. If so,
; this tells us that we want to drive out the composite out port, even though there is no monitor
; connected on the DB-15 port
Move.b spFlags(A6),D0 ; Get our flags
Btst #spCompOut,D0 ; Do we want to drive out the composite port
Beq.s @Factory ; no, check to see if we're at the factory
Btst #spCompOutPAL,D0 ; Test to see if we should drive PAL <LW10>
Beq.s @DriveNTSC ; Nope, drive NTSC <LW10>
Move.b #indexedSensePAL,D6 ; yes, then drive PAL <LW10>
bra.s @JumpOver ; skip over NTSC code <LW10>
@DriveNTSC Move.b #indexedSenseNTSC,D6 ; hard code for NTSC. <LW10>
@JumpOver Clr.b D0 ; clear all bits <LW10>
Bset #0,D0 ; set our bit
Move.b D0,compOutFlag(A6) ; Do we want to drive out the composite port
Bra @EndSense
WITH SP_Params
Subq #burnInSiz,Sp ; Get pRAM buffer on stack (4-bytes).
Move.l Sp,A0 ; Point to it.
Move.w #burnInSiz,D0 ; Set up parameters
Swap D0 ;
Move.w #burnInLoc,D0 ;
_ReadXPram ;
Move.l (Sp)+,D0 ;
Cmp.l #burnInSig,D0 ; If we are at the factory, then
Beq.s @DoHR ; just pretend an HR is attached.
Bra.s @EndSense ; Otherwise, nothingÕs connected.
@DoHR Move.b #indexedSenseHR,D6 ; Say an HR display is attached.
; Pick up the favored configuration based on the amount of vRAM and the type of display sensed or assumed.
WITH CVRAMConfigRec,CivicConfigRec
Lea CivicConfigTable,A1 ; Point to the Civic configuration table.
Move.w #CConfigRecSize,D0 ; Get the size of each entry into D0.
Mulu D6,D0 ; Multiple it by the right entry.
Adda.l D0,A1 ; Skip to the entry we want.
Move.l A1,configParamsPtr(A6) ; Save it for later.
Adda.w #CConfigHdrSize,A1 ; Skip past the header.
Move.w #CVRAMConfigSize,D0 ; Get the size of the vRAM entries.
Mulu D4,D0 ; Multiply by the right entry.
Adda.l D0,A1 ; Skip to the right vRAM entry.
Move.b modeID(A1),D7 ; Get the default mode (depth).
Move.b sRsrcID(A1),D5 ; Get the default sRsrcID.
; Initialize built-in videoÕs pRAM.
WITH SP_Params
Lea spBlk(A6),A0 ; Point to the spBlock.
Lea sPRAMBlk(A6),A2 ; Point to the sPRAM block.
Move.b D6,SP_MonID(A2) ; Remember which monitor we sensed (or assumed).
; The following is new code to verify that the SP_LastConfig spID is actually a valid spID <LW12>
; for the sensed display. What we do is the following: Get A1 pointing to the family mode <LW12>
; list for the particular display/VRAM size. If there are no families, then just do <LW12>
; what we used to do. Otherwise, we walk the family mode table looking for a match. <LW12>
; If we find one, we are happy and we do the same thing. If we don't find one, we invalidate the <LW12>
; SP_DfltConfig spID by writing a 0 to it (We never really have a 0 spID). <LW12>
; <LW12>
WITH CVRAMConfigRec,CivicConfigRec ; <LW12>
; <LW12>
Move.l configParamsPtr(A6),A1 ; Point to this configÕs parameters. <LW12>
Adda.w #CConfigHdrSize,A1 ; Skip past the header. <LW12>
Move.w #CVRAMConfigSize,D0 ; Get the size of the vRAM entries. <LW12>
Mulu D4,D0 ; Multiply by the right entry. <LW12>
Adda.l D0,A1 ; Skip to the right vRAM entry. <LW12>
Move.w familiesOffset(A1),D0 ; If there are no families, <LW12>
Beq.s @ChkDfltConfig ; do what we used to do. <LW12>
; <LW12>
@DoFamily ; Otherwise, make sure we are part of the family. <LW12>
Move.l configParamsPtr(A6),A1 ; Point back to this configÕs parameters. <LW12>
Adda.w D0,A1 ; Point to the table of supported families. <LW12>
Move.b SP_LastConfig(A2),D0 ; Get the sRsrcID of the keeper into D0. <LW12>
Move.b D0,-(Sp) ; Remember the ID of the Òkeeper.Ó <LW12>
Move.w (A1)+,D1 ; Get the zero-based counter into D1. <LW12>
; <LW12>
@Repeat Move.b (A1)+,D0 ; Get an sRsrc ID. <LW12>
@ChkIt Cmp.b (Sp),D0 ; If itÕs the keeper, <LW12>
Beq.s @FoundIt ; then leave it alone. <LW12>
Dbra D1,@Repeat ; Loop until done. <LW12>
Move.b #0,SP_DfltConfig(A2) ; Make sure we don't compare <LW12>
@FoundIt ; <LW12>
Tst.b (Sp)+ ; Clean up the stack. <LW12>
@ChkDfltConfig ; <LW12>
Cmp.b SP_DfltConfig(A2),D5 ; If this is the same configuration/family we had last time,
Beq.s @WritePRAM ; then just write out the minimal pRAM info.
Move.b D5,SP_LastConfig(A2) ; Set the identification configuration.
Move.b D5,SP_DfltConfig(A2) ; Set the default/family configuration.
Move.b D7,SP_Depth(A2) ; Set the default depth for this configuration.
@WritePRAM Move.l A2,spsPointer(A0) ; Set up the pRAM parameter block.
_sPutPRAMRec ; Write out Slot $0Õs pRAM.
Move.b SP_LastConfig(A2),D5 ; Get the right (family member) sRsrc into D5.
; First, prune all of the video sResources except for the selected one. If there are no families, then weÕre done.
; Otherwise, we re-insert all the members of the selected configurationÕs family as disabled.
WITH CVRAMConfigRec,CivicConfigRec
Lea CivicModeList,A1 ; Point to the table of supported video sRsrcs.
Move.b D5,D0 ; Get the sRsrcID of the keeper into D0.
Bsr.s CPIPruneList ; Call our pruning utility.
Move.l configParamsPtr(A6),A1 ; Point to this configÕs parameters.
Adda.w #CConfigHdrSize,A1 ; Skip past the header.
Move.w #CVRAMConfigSize,D0 ; Get the size of the vRAM entries.
Mulu D4,D0 ; Multiply by the right entry.
Adda.l D0,A1 ; Skip to the right vRAM entry.
Move.w familiesOffset(A1),D0 ; If there arenÕt any families,
Beq.s @EndConfig ; then just go on.
Move.l configParamsPtr(A6),A1 ; Point back to this configÕs parameters.
Adda.w D0,A1 ; Point to the table of supported families.
Move.b D5,D0 ; Get the sRsrcID of the keeper into D0.
Bsr.s CPIBuildFamilyList ; Call our family-building utility.
; Now that everything is set up, we need to determine whether a known configuration is out there.
; If so, we continue with the normal PrimaryInit process. Otherwise, we shut things down and
; leave.
Cmp.b #sRsrc_Civic_NeverMatch,D5 ; If a known display is connected,
Bne.s InitCivicHW ; then start the ball rolling.
Bra CivicExit ; Otherwise, just keep built-in video disabled.
; Initialize the video hardware.
WITH CivicVidParams,MiniGamma
Clr.w spID(A0) ; Start looking at spID 0, no external devices.
Clr.b spTBMask(A0) ; Only look for the board sRsrc.
Move.w #catBoard,spCategory(A0) ; Look for: catBoard,
Move.w #typBoard,spCType(A0) ; typBoard,
Clr.w spDrvrSW(A0) ; 0,
Clr.w spDrvrHW(A0) ; 0.
Clr.l spParamData(A0) ; (The board sRsrc must be enabled.)
Bset #foneslot,spParamData+3(A0) ; Limit search to this slot 0.
_GetTypeSRsrc ; Get the spsPointer.
Move.b #sVidParmDir,spID(A0) ; Look for the video parameters directory.
Move.b D5,spID(A0) ; Look in the directory for this configÕs params.
Move.l spResult(A0),A2 ; Get a pointer to the vidParams.
Move.l A2,vidParamsPtr(A6) ; Save for later disposal.
_sFindDevBase ; Get the base address for this spID
; The vpBaseOffset for 1 bpp is always 0, so no need to go look for it
Move.l spResult(A0),D3 ; Move the base address.
Lsr.l #5,D3 ; Normalize it for Civic
Andi.l #$FF,D3 ; Only 8 bits are valid
; Set up to generate a stable raster.
Move.l civicBaseAddr(A6),A0 ; Point to the base of Civic.
Move.l #1,Civic_SyncClr(A0) ; Disable Sync outputs.
Btst #fCivicVidIn,cvpFlags(A2) ; If we canÕt do video-in in this configuration,
Beq.s @SetupScanCtl ; then just go on.
pWrite_Civic #0,#BusSize ; Otherwise, set up the bus for both video-in & graphics.
Move.b cvpScanCtl(A2),D2 ; Pick up the ScanCtl parameter.
pWrite_Civic D2,#ScanCtl ; Write it out.
Move.b cvpConvEnb(A2),D2 ; Pick up the ConvEnb parameter.
pWrite_Civic D2,#ConvEnb ; Write it out.
Move.l #Endeavor,A0 ; Point to the VidClk.
; Now, we need to program the clock chip differently for Cyclone and for Tempest (Tempest really doesn't have an Endeavor)
Cmp.b #BoxCentris660AV,boxFlag(A6) ; Do we have a Tempest25 <SM16>
beq.s @DoClifton ; Éyes, program Clifton
Cmp.b #BoxTempest33,boxFlag(A6) ; Do we have a Tempest33
beq.s @DoClifton ; Éyes, program Clifton
Move.b cvpEndeavorClk(A2),D0 ; Get the input clock source.
Bne.s @Use17MHz ; If one, use the 17MHz clock.
Moveq.l #0,D0 ; Set up to select the 14MHz clock.
Bra.s @SelClk ;
@Use17MHz Moveq.l #-1,D0 ; Set up to select the 14MHz clock.
@SelClk Move.l ymcaBaseAddr(A6),A1 ; Otherwise, get a pointer to MMC.
Move.l D0,MMC_ClockSelect(A1) ; Select the desired input clock.
Clr.b EndeavorClk(A0) ; Always select Clk A.
Move.b cvpEndeavorM(A2),EndeavorM(A0) ; Program M.
Move.b cvpEndeavorN(A2),EndeavorN(A0) ; Program N.
bra.s @ProgramCivic ; Program the rest of Civic
Movea.l A2,A5 ; Save our scratch address <LW11> #PUMA
Bsr IsItPUMA ; Test to see if it's a PUMA ( if CC 0, then Clifton) <LW11> #PUMA
Bne.s @ItsClifton ; It's a Clifton <LW11> #PUMA
Adda.l #(cvpPumaW-cvpCliftonW),A2 ; Adjust our video parameters with the correct offset <LW11> #PUMA
@ItsClifton ; <LW11> #PUMA
Move.b cvpCliftonClk(A2),D0 ; Get the input clock source.
Bne.s @Use17MHz2 ; If one, use the 17MHz clock.
Moveq.l #0,D0 ; Set up to select the 14MHz clock.
Bra.s @SelClk2 ;
@Use17MHz2 Moveq.l #-1,D0 ; Set up to select the 14MHz clock.
@SelClk2 Move.l ymcaBaseAddr(A6),A1 ; Otherwise, get a pointer to MMC.
Move.l D0,MMC_ClockSelect(A1) ; Select the desired input clock.
; Writes to Clifton:
; D0: Contains the word written out, with %000000? (with ? being the bit for Clifton)
; D1: Contains the bits we want to serially write out
; D2: Contains the loop counter for all the bits
; Load the Clifton Control register to enable the MUX and the PROGram register
move.l #ControlWordSize-1,D2 ; Get the loop counter
move.l #LoadCliftonControl,D1 ; Enable MuxRef/Enable PROG Register
Move.l #1,D0 ; Set up the mask for the bit
And.l D1,D0 ; Transfer the first bit to D0
Move.b D0,EndeavorM(A0) ; write the bit out to Clifton
lsr.l #1,D1 ; get the next bit
Dbra D2,@LoadPROG ; Éfor the whole word
; Load the Frequency register
move.b cvpCliftonWSize(A2),D2 ; Get the size of the W Parameter
sub.b #1,D2 ; adjust loop # for dbra
extb.l D2 ; and make byte a long
move.l cvpCliftonW(A2),D1 ; And the W parameter
Move.l #1,D0 ; Set up the mask for the bit
And.l D1,D0 ; Transfer the first bit to D0
Move.b D0,EndeavorM(A0) ; write the bit out to Clifton
lsr.l #1,D1 ; get the next bit
Dbra D2,@LoadFreq ; Éfor the whole frequency
; Load the Clifton Control register to keep MUXREF enabled and disable loading of PROG Register
move.l #ControlWordSize-1,D2 ; Get the loop counter
move.l #LoadCliftonProgram,D1 ; Enable MuxRef/disable PROG Register
Move.l #1,D0 ; Set up the mask for the bit
And.l D1,D0 ; Transfer the first bit to D0
Move.b D0,EndeavorM(A0) ; write the bit out to Clifton
lsr.l #1,D1 ; get the next bit
Dbra D2,@DisablePROG ; Éfor the whole word
; Wait for 5 msec to enable the new frequency to get stable
jsr Wait5ms ; trashes D0
; Load the Clifton Control register to disable MUXREF and PROGram register.
move.l #ControlWordSize-1,D2 ; Get the loop counter
move.l #LoadCliftonMuxRef,D1 ; Disable MUXREF/disable PROG Register
Move.l #1,D0 ; Set up the mask for the bit
And.l D1,D0 ; Transfer the first bit to D0
Move.b D0,EndeavorM(A0) ; write the bit out to Clifton
lsr.l #1,D1 ; get the next bit
Dbra D2,@DisableMUXREF ; Éfor the whole word
Movea.l A5,A2 ; restore our address <LW11> #PUMA
pWrite_Civic cvpVHLine(A2),#VHLine ; Set up the vertical params.
pWrite_Civic cvpVSync(A2),#VSync ;
pWrite_Civic cvpVBPEq(A2),#VBPEq ;
pWrite_Civic cvpVBP(A2),#VBP ;
pWrite_Civic cvpVAL(A2),#VAL ;
pWrite_Civic cvpVFP(A2),#VFP ;
pWrite_Civic cvpVFPEq(A2),#VFPEq ;
pWrite_Civic cvpHSerr(A2),#HSerr ; Set up the horizontal params.
pWrite_Civic cvpHlfLn(A2),#HlfLn ;
pWrite_Civic cvpHEq(A2),#HEq ;
pWrite_Civic cvpHSP(A2),#HSP ;
pWrite_Civic cvpHBWay(A2),#HBWay ;
pWrite_Civic cvpHAL(A2),#HAL ;
pWrite_Civic cvpHFP(A2),#HFP ;
pWrite_Civic cvpHPix(A2),#HPix ;
pWrite_Civic #$FF0,#VInHal ; For now, set the video-in paramsÉ
pWrite_Civic #$000,#VInHFPD ; Éway into the blanking period.
pWrite_Civic #$FF8,#VInHFP ;
pWrite_Civic #$FF0,#VInVal ;
pWrite_Civic #$FF8,#VInVFP ;
pWrite_Civic cvpGSCDivide(A2),#GSCDivide ; Set up the framebuffer params.
pWrite_Civic D3,#BaseAddr ;
pWrite_Civic cvpRowWords(A2),#RowWords ;
pWrite_Civic cvpAdjF2(A2),#AdjF1 ; Hack alert: Swapped AdjF1 with AdjF2.
pWrite_Civic cvpAdjF1(A2),#AdjF2 ; (Note: Other way works in driver!)
pWrite_Civic cvpPipeD(A2),#PipeD ;
; Set up the CLUT/DAC.
WITH ProductInfo,DecoderInfo
Move.l A4,A3 ; Copy the ProductInfo ptr.
Adda.l DecoderInfoPtr(A3),A3 ; Point to the base address table.
Move.l SebastianAddr(A3),A0 ; Get the base address of the CLUT/DAC.
Move.l configParamsPtr(A6),A1 ; Point to the config paramters.
Move.w cvpSebastPCBR(A2),D0 ; Get the Sebastian PCBR value.
Move.b D0,SebastPCBR(A0) ; Set up the CLUT/DAC for 1bpp.
Adda.w #SebastDataReg,A0 ; Point to the data register.
Move.b #$7F,SebastAddrReg-SebastDataReg(A0) ; Setup to write 1bpp white.
Move.b whiteRed(A1),(A0)
Move.b whiteGreen(A1),(A0)
Move.b whiteBlue(A1),(A0)
Clr.b (A0)
Move.b #$FF,SebastAddrReg-SebastDataReg(A0) ; Setup to write 1bpp black.
Move.b blackRed(A1),(A0)
Move.b blackGreen(A1),(A0)
Move.b blackBlue(A1),(A0)
Clr.b (A0)
; Paint the vRAM gray.
Move.l vRAMBaseAddr(A6),A0 ; Point to the base of VRAM.
Move.w D3,D0 ; Get the baseAddress offset.
Lsl.w #5,D0 ; Normalize it.
Adda.w D0,A0 ; Point to active video.
Move.w cvpNumRows(A2),D3 ; Get the number of rows to gray.
Move.l #OneBitGray,D2 ; Set the 1bpp gray pattern.
Move.w cvpRowWords(A2),D0 ; Get the number of longwords/row.
Tst.b cvpScanCtl(A2) ; If weÕre on an interlaced display
Bne.s @Interlace ; then adjust accordingly.
Lsl.w #3,D0 ; Normalize for progressive displays.
Bra.s @SizeIt ; (Skip interlace here.)
@Interlace Lsl.w #2,D0 ; Normalize for interlaced displays.
@SizeIt Subq #1,D0 ; Set up for Dbra loop.
@NxtRow Move.w D0,D1 ; Get the number of longwords/row.
@NxtLong Move.l D2,(A0)+ ; Write out gray to the frame bufferÉ
Dbra D1,@NxtLong ; Éfor each scanline.
Not.l D2 ; Invert the pattern for the next row.
Dbra D3,@NxtRow ; Repeat for each row.
; Enable Casio.
pWrite_Civic #0,#Reset ; Reset Casio.
pWrite_Civic #0,#Reset ; Reset Casio.
pWrite_Civic #0,#Reset ; Reset Casio.
pWrite_Civic #0,#Reset ; Reset Casio.
pWrite_Civic #1,#Reset ;
pWrite_Civic #1,#Reset ;
pWrite_Civic #1,#Reset ;
pWrite_Civic #1,#Reset ;
pWrite_Civic #0,#Reset ;
pWrite_Civic #0,#Reset ;
pWrite_Civic #0,#Reset ;
pWrite_Civic #0,#Reset ;
pWrite_Civic #1,#Reset ;
pWrite_Civic #1,#Reset ;
pWrite_Civic #1,#Reset ;
pWrite_Civic #1,#Reset ;
pWrite_Civic #1,#Enable ; Enable Casio.
; By-pass composite video-out, thereby enabling RGB.
; See if we have to drive out the composite connector
Move.b compOutFlag(A6),D0 ; Get our flag to test
Btst #0,D0 ; Do we want to drive out the composite port
Beq.s @DoDB15 ; no, go do the regular DB15 output
Move.l ymcaBaseAddr(A6),A0 ; MMC Clock Select.
Move.l #-1,MMC_Bypass(A0) ; Select the desired input clock, depending if we are <LW12>
; going to RGB or to Composite
Move.l civicBaseAddr(A6),A0 ; Point to the base of Civic.
Move.l #1,Civic_SyncClr(A0) ; Disable Sync outputs.
Bra.s @FinishUp
Move.l ymcaBaseAddr(A6),A0 ; Get a pointer to MMC.
Clr.l MMC_Bypass(A0) ; Enable the RGB lines.
Move.l civicBaseAddr(A6),A0 ; Point to the base of Civic.
Clr.l Civic_SyncClr(A0) ; Enable Sync outputs.
; Dispose of vidParams and restore addressing modeÉ
Move.l vidParamsPtr(A6),A0 ; Dispose of the video params block.
Unlk A6 ; Restore the stack.
Rts ; Return home.
; Data
Align 4
; The CivicSpIDTbl is a list of all the board sRsrcIDs supported in the Civic
; sRsrc directory. It is used to prune all the unnecessary board sRsrc.
CivicSpIDTbl Dc.w EndCivicSpIDTbl-BeginCivicSpIDTbl-1
Dc.b sRsrc_BdCyclone
Dc.b sRsrc_BdTempest
Align 4
; Civic has a 1-bit wide interface, but many of its registers logically consist of up to 12-bits.
; The following table is the instantiation of the CivicRecord defined in DepVideoEqu.a. Each entry
; consists of two fields. The first field is the offset (from the Civic base address) to
; the least significant bit (long-word aligned) of a particular Civic register. The second
; field is the logical size of the Civic register. This table is used by the GetCivicRegister
; routine defined above. Eventually, this table should probably be moved into a Slot Resource
; for better updating between the PrimaryInit and driver code that must use it.
Dc.w $000,01,$004,01,$008,01,$00C,01,$010,01,$014,01,$018,01,$01C,01,$020,03
Dc.w $02C,01,$040,01,$044,02,$04C,01,$050,01,$054,01,$058,01,$05C,01,$060,01
Dc.w $064,01,$068,01,$06C,01,$080,03,$08C,08,$0C0,09,$100,01,$104,01,$108,01
Dc.w $10C,01,$110,01,$114,01,$118,01,$11C,01,$120,01,$124,01,$128,01,$12C,01
Dc.w $140,12,$180,12,$1C0,12,$200,02,$240,12,$280,12,$2C0,08,$300,12,$340,12
Dc.w $380,12,$3C0,12,$400,12,$440,10,$480,12,$4C0,12,$500,12,$540,12,$580,12
Dc.w $5C0,12,$600,12,$640,12,$680,12,$6C0,12,$208,1
Align 4
; The CivicModeList is a list of all the functional video sRsrcs. It is used to prune all but
; the selected video sRsrc.
CivicModeList Dc.w EndCivicML-BeginCivicML-1
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_NTSCFFConva,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_NTSCSTConv
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_PALFFConva,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_PALSTConva
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_vi2PRGBa,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_vi2PRGBb
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_vi2PRGB512,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_vi2PRGB640a
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_vi2PRGB768a
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viFPa,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viFPb
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viFP512,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viFP640
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viGS,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viGS560
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_vi2Pa,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_vi2Pb
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_vi2P512,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_vi2P640,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_vi2P768
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viNTSCFFa,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viNTSCFFb,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viNTSCST
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viFPRGBa,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viFPRGBb
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viHRa,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viHRb,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viHRNTSCST,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viHR400
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viPALFFa,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viPALFFb,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viPALSTa,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viPALSTb
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viVGAa,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viVGAb
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viSVGA56a,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viSVGA56b
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viSVGA72a,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viSVGA72b
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viSxVGA60a,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viSxVGA60b
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viSxVGA70a,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viSxVGA70b
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viGFa,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viGFb
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viGFNTSCST,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viGFNTSCFFa,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viGFNTSCFFb
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viGFPALFFa,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viGFPALFFb
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_vi19a,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_vi19b
Align 4
CVesuvioFamTbla Dc.w EndCVesuvioMLa-BeginCVesuvioMLa-1
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_vi2PRGBa,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_vi2PRGB512
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_vi2PRGB640a,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_vi2PRGB768a
CVesuvioFamTblb Dc.w EndCVesuvioMLb-BeginCVesuvioMLb-1
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_vi2PRGBb,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_vi2PRGB512
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_vi2PRGB640a,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_vi2PRGB768a
CFullPageFamTbla Dc.w EndCFullPageMLa-BeginCFullPageMLa-1 -1 ; -1 for assembler warning
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viFPa,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viFP512,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viFP640
Ds.b 1 ; padding for assembler warning
CFullPageFamTblb Dc.w EndCFullPageMLb-BeginCFullPageMLb-1 -1 ; -1 for assembler warning
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viFPb,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viFP512,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viFP640
Ds.b 1 ; padding for assembler warning
C2PageFamTbla Dc.w EndC2PageMLa-BeginC2PageMLa-1
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_vi2Pa,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_vi2P512,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_vi2P640,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_vi2P768
C2PageFamTblb Dc.w EndC2PageMLb-BeginC2PageMLb-1
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_vi2Pb,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_vi2P512,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_vi2P640,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_vi2P768
CRubikFamTbl Dc.w EndCRubikML-BeginCRubikML-1
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viGS,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viGS560
CHiResFamTbla Dc.w EndCHiResMLa-BeginCHiResMLa-1-1 ; -1 for assember warning pad
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viHRa,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viHRNTSCST,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viHR400
Ds.b 1 ; assember warning pad
CHiResFamTblb Dc.w EndCHiResMLb-BeginCHiResMLb-1-1 ; -1 for assember warning pad
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viHRb,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viHRNTSCST,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viHR400
Ds.b 1 ; assember warning pad
CVGAFamTbla Dc.w EndCVGAMLa-BeginCVGAMLa-1-1 ; -1 for assember warning pad
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viVGAa,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viSVGA56a,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viSVGA72a
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viSxVGA60a,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viSxVGA70a
Ds.b 1 ; assember warning pad
CVGAFamTblb Dc.w EndCVGAMLb-BeginCVGAMLb-1-1 ; -1 for assember warning pad
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viVGAb,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viSVGA56b,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viSVGA72b
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viSxVGA60b,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viSxVGA70b
Ds.b 1 ; assember warning pad
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viNTSCFFa,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viNTSCST
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_NTSCFFConva,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_NTSCSTConv
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viNTSCFFb,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viNTSCST
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_NTSCFFConva,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_NTSCSTConv
CPALFamTbla Dc.w EndCPALFamMLa-BeginCPALMLa-1
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viPALFFa,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viPALSTa
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_PALFFConva,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_PALSTConva
CPALFamTblb Dc.w EndCPALFamMLb-BeginCPALMLb-1
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viPALFFb,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viPALSTb
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_PALFFConva,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_PALSTConva
CGoldFishFamTbla Dc.w EndCGoldFishMLa-BeginCGoldFishMLa-1 ;
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viGFa,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viGFNTSCST
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viGFNTSCFFa,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viGFPALFFa
CGoldFishFamTblb Dc.w EndCGoldFishMLb-BeginCGoldFishMLb-1 ;
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viGFb,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viGFNTSCST
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viGFNTSCFFb,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viGFPALFFb
CMultiFamTbla Dc.w EndCMultiMLa-BeginCMultiMLa-1 ;
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viHRa,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viHRNTSCST,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viHR400
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viGFPALFFa,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viSVGA72a,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viGFa
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_vi19a,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_vi2PRGBa
CMultiFamTblb Dc.w EndCMultiMLb-BeginCMultiMLb-1 ;
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viHRb,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viHRNTSCST,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viHR400
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viGFPALFFb,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viSVGA72b,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viGFb
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_vi19b,sRsrc_Vid_Civic_vi2PRGBb
Align 4
; The CivicConfigTable is an array of configuration parameters indexed
; by display type. Within each set of display parameters is a set
; of parameters that are indexed by the amount of vRAM available. These
; parameters are used in setting up the intial values of the CLUT and
; selecting the right functional sRsrc per display per vRAM configuration.
WITH CivicConfigRec
CVesuvioTbl Dc.b 00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,0,0 ; Mini-gamma table.
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_vi2PRGBa,FourthVidMode ; 1Meg vRAM prefs.
Dc.w CVesuvioFamTbla-CVesuvioTbl ; Offset to family modes.
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_vi2PRGBb,FourthVidMode ; 2Meg vRAM prefs.
Dc.w CVesuvioFamTblb-CVesuvioTbl ; Offset to family modes.
CFullPageTbl Dc.b $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$FF,0,0 ; Mini-gamma table.
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viFPa,FirstVidMode ; 1Meg vRAM prefs.
Dc.w CFullPageFamTbla-CFullPageTbl ; Offset to family modes.
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viFPb,FirstVidMode ; 2Meg vRAM prefs.
Dc.w CFullPageFamTblb-CFullPageTbl ; Offset to family modes.
CRubikTbl Dc.b $05,$FF,$05,$FF,$05,$FF,0,0 ; Mini-gamma table.
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viGS,FourthVidMode ; 1Meg vRAM prefs.
Dc.w CRubikFamTbl-CRubikTbl ; Offset to family modes.
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viGS,FourthVidMode ; 2Meg vRAM prefs.
Dc.w CRubikFamTbl-CRubikTbl ; Offset to family modes.
CKongTbl Dc.b $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$FF,0,0 ; Mini-gamma table.
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_vi2Pa,FirstVidMode ; 1Meg vRAM prefs.
Dc.w C2PageFamTbla-CKongTbl ; Offset to family modes.
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_vi2Pb,FirstVidMode ; 2Meg vRAM prefs.
Dc.w C2PageFamTblb-CKongTbl ; Offset to family modes.
CNTSCTbl Dc.b 00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,0,0 ; Mini-gamma table.
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_NTSCSTConv,FourthVidMode ; 1Meg vRAM prefs.
Dc.w CNTSCFamTbla-CNTSCTbl ; Offset to family modes.
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_NTSCSTConv,FourthVidMode ; 2Meg vRAM prefs.
Dc.w CNTSCFamTblb-CNTSCTbl ; Offset to family modes.
CRGBFullPageTbl Dc.b 00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,0,0 ; Mini-gamma table.
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viFPRGBa,FourthVidMode ; 1Meg vRAM prefs.
Dc.w 0 ; No families.
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viFPRGBb,FourthVidMode ; 2Meg vRAM prefs.
Dc.w 0 ; No families.
CHiResTbl Dc.b 00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,0,0 ; Mini-gamma table.
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viHRa,FourthVidMode ; 1Meg vRAM prefs.
Dc.w CHiResFamTbla-CHiResTbl ; Offset to family modes.
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viHRb,FourthVidMode ; 2Meg vRAM prefs.
Dc.w CHiResFamTblb-CHiResTbl ; Offset to family modes.
CNoConnectTbl Dc.b 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; No connect.
Dc.b sRsrc_Civic_NeverMatch,0 ;
Dc.w 0 ;
Dc.b sRsrc_Civic_NeverMatch,0 ;
Dc.w 0 ;
CVGATbl Dc.b 00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,0,0 ; Mini-gamma table.
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viVGAa,FourthVidMode ; 1Meg vRAM prefs.
Dc.w CVGAFamTbla-CVGATbl ; Offset to family modes.
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viVGAb,FourthVidMode ; 2Meg vRAM prefs.
Dc.w CVGAFamTblb-CVGATbl ; Offset to family modes.
CPALTbl Dc.b 00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,0,0 ; Mini-gamma table.
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_PALSTConva,FourthVidMode ; 1Meg vRAM prefs.
Dc.w CPALFamTbla-CPALTbl ; Offset to family modes.
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_PALSTConva,FourthVidMode ; 2Meg vRAM prefs.
Dc.w CPALFamTblb-CPALTbl ; Offset to family modes.
CGoldFishTbl Dc.b 00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,0,0 ; Mini-gamma table.
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viGFa,FourthVidMode ; 1Meg vRAM prefs.
Dc.w CGoldFishFamTbla-CGoldFishTbl ; No families.
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viGFb,FourthVidMode ; 2Meg vRAM prefs.
Dc.w CGoldFishFamTblb-CGoldFishTbl ; No families.
C19Tbl Dc.b 00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,0,0 ; Mini-gamma table.
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_vi19a,FourthVidMode ; 1Meg vRAM prefs.
Dc.w 0 ; No families.
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_vi19b,FourthVidMode ; 2Meg vRAM prefs.
Dc.w 0 ; No families.
CMultiTbl Dc.b 00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,0,0 ; Mini-gamma table.
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viGFa,FourthVidMode ; 1Meg vRAM prefs.
Dc.w CMultiFamTbla-CMultiTbl ; Offset to family modes.
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Civic_viGFb,FourthVidMode ; 2Meg vRAM prefs.
Dc.w CMultiFamTblb-CMultiTbl ; Offset to family modes.