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; File: SCSIPriv.a
; Contains: SCSI Mgr-specific variable and constant definitions
; Written by: Jerry Katzung
; Copyright: © 1989-1992 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM7> 11/20/92 SWC Rolled in changes from Horror.
; <H4> 6/10/92 BG Added global sdmStack for DB Lite SCSI Disk Mode. Added global
; for DREQ bit position within DREQ access location. Added tail
; bytes to SCSIGlobals for expansion and updated file from Reality
; SCSIPriv.a .
; <H3> 2/28/92 SWC Removed temporary DBLite equates.
; <H2> 2/10/92 SWC jab/Added base address storage for external c80 in DB Lite.
; <SM6> 7/28/92 PW Added Cousin Itt stuff: xptGlobals (ptr) and RecorderPtr (for
; debugging).
; <SM5> 7/7/92 CSS Updated from Reality:
; <17> 5/22/92 DTY #1029009 <jab>: Added global for DREQ bit position within DREQ
; access location.
; <SM4> 5/17/92 kc Remove conditionals.
; <SM3> 5/1/92 JSM Roll-in changes from Reality:
; <16> 5/1/92 JSM We need to define Max020030BusErrs because it's sometimes wrong
; to use MaxBusErr since CPU is set to 00 for System builds.
; <15> 4/7/92 pvh Fill in vectors jvUnused10-jvUnused 16 for the SCSI Manager
; (these are what were added to HORROR's SCSIPriv.a) Per James
; Blair.
; <SM2> 3/3/92 kc Add TransactionFlag, and FreeHookPending to SCSIGlobals.
; <14> 12/26/91 RB Include PowerPrivEqu.a for Power Manager definitions.
; <13> 12/21/91 RB Need to add definition for scsiNewSCSIMax for the ROM to build.
; <12> 11/25/91 DTY Added bit flags for transaction table.
; <11> 10/28/91 SAM/KSM Rolled in Regatta file.
; (pdw) Added all of the lo-mem SCSI Globals that were defined in
; the TERROR version of this file. Also added several others that
; are unique to the Regatta version of the c96 SCSIMgr.
; <10> 8/22/91 JSM Clean up header.
; <9> 6/12/91 LN added #include 'InternalOnlyEqu.a'
; <8> 1/30/91 gbm sab, #38: Change the Ôalready including this fileÕ variable to
; all uppercase (for security reasons)
; <7> 12/14/90 dnf Add dispatch selector and macro for _SCSIBusy
; <6> 9/14/90 MSH Added to conditional list that extends the local storage to
; accomodate spinning down the hard disk.
; <4> 2/21/90 CCH Removed Max040BusErrs from conditional.
; <3> 2/20/90 BG Added 040 BusErr retry constant.
; <2> 1/18/90 JWK Needed for Zone5 - Added equates for SCSIStat fix and new
; watchdog timeout value.
; <1.4> 12/10/89 jwk NEEDED FOR F19 - Additional locals to DMA in old SCSI Mgr
; <1.3> 9/11/89 jwk NEEDED FOR F19 - Added Bus Dev Rst, support for SE and Plus
; <1.2> 7/15/89 jwk NEEDED FOR AURORA - Minor changes for intr handling
; <1.1> 6/29/89 jwk NEEDED FOR AURORA - Added equates to help with System patch
; builds
; <1.0> 6/13/89 jwk Reorganizing SCSI sources to be Universal-ROM friendly
; This is the SCSIPriv.a file
; <start>
INCLUDE 'InternalOnlyEqu.a'
INCLUDE 'PowerPrivEqu.a' ; <14> rb
IF Cpu ³ 020 THEN
MACHINE MC68020 ; for '020 instructions <C846>
scsiNewSCSIMax EQU 2 ; <13> rb, maximum selector supported in motherboard
; Stack frame definitions (frame allocated in StdEntry)
OldBusErrVct EQU -4 ; long <C789>
BusErrCount EQU -6 ; word <C846>
LocalSize EQU -6 ; total <C789>
IF Cpu ³ 020 THEN
MaxBusErr EQU 5
MaxBusErr EQU 2
Max020030BusErrs EQU 5 ; same as MaxBusErr when Cpu ³ 020 <16>
Max040BusErrs EQU 1 ; only once because of Instruction Restart <3><4>
; Additional stack frame definitions for SCSI DMA chip support in the old SCSI Mgr <v1.4>
; <start>
AddLocalSize EQU 20 ; 5 longs
vAddr EQU 0 ; virtual address
vCount EQU 4 ; virtual buffer length
pAddr EQU 8 ; physical address <end>
pCount EQU 12 ; physical buffer length <v1.4>
; Private Old SCSI Manager Related Stuff
scsiBusy Equ 14 ; SCSIBusy routine selector <7> djw
macro ; check if SCSI mgr is busy or free <7> djw
move.w #scsiBusy,-(sp)
; Bit flags for transaction table
fDoFreeHook equ 0 ; set = execute "jSCSIFreeHook"
fSetTransFlag equ 1 ; set = set "TransactionFlag"
fClearTransFlag equ 2 ; set = clear "TransactionFlag" unconditionally
fClearTransErr equ 3 ; set = clear "TransactionFlag" if function error
; Trap number for the new SCSI Manager trap
TrapNum EQU $A089 ; _NewSCSI
_NewSCSI OPWORD $A089 ; the exciting, powerful, new SCSI Mgr traps
; These are the private fields in the parameter block
scsiPrivLink DS.L 1 ; link to next SCSI Mgr private record
scsiFlags DS.B 1 ; SCSI Mgr operation flag bits
scsiState DS.B 1 ; SCSI Message Out state machine
scsiFlag1 DS.B 1 ; flag expansion
scsiFlag2 DS.B 1 ; flag expansion
scsiTime DS.L 1 ; timeout time
scsiCmdOffs DS.L 1 ; value of command buffer ptr between interrupts
scsiTempErr DS.W 1 ; current error message <v1.2>
scsiFiller DS.W 1 ; future expansion <v1.2>
scsiDCSaved DS.L 1 ; part of Saved Data Pointer
scsiDCOffs DS.L 1 ; value of data pointer between interrupts
scsiMoveOffs DS.L 1 ; partial "dcMove" count between interrupts
scsiVAddr DS.L 1 ; virtual address for Logical/Physical translation
scsiVCount DS.L 1 ; virtual count for Logical/Physical translation
scsiPAddr DS.L 1 ; physical address from Logical/Physical translation
scsiPCount DS.L 1 ; physical count from Logical/Physical translation
scsiPrivPBSize EQU *-scsiPrivPB ; size of SCSI Mgr private storage (per active request)
; Version number of the SCSI Mgr
mgrVersion EQU 1 ; brand new SCSI Mgr 2
; Valid ID and LUN values are from 0-7 inclusive.
LUNMask EQU 7 ; mask for valid logical unit numbers (0-7)
; SCSI protocol equates
minSnsLen EQU 4 ; minimum sense buffer length
allocLen EQU 4 ; offset to alloc length byte in auto Req Sense cmd
; These bits are used to indicate information in the "state1" global variable
dtEnqueued EQU 7 ; Deferred Task already enqueued
dataSem EQU 3 ; SCSI Mgr data structures inconsistent
doingDMA EQU 1 ; SCSIDMA chip is DMAing (don't let SCSIStat touch it) <2>
waitingForIRQ EQU 0 ; waiting for an intr - DMA in progress, <v1.3>
; or waiting for Loss of BSY <v1.3>
; This constant is used to set up the watchdog timer to timeout after 250ms.
; This value was chosen as the timeout value since 250ms is much more lenient than
; the current 16us on the MacII-class machines. It is equal to the Mac SE timeout,
; and is much greater than the effective 20us timeout of the Mac Plus.
sc250msTicks EQU 2500000 ; 250ms * 10000 watchdog timer ticks/ms <2>
; interrupt level of the SCSI chip -- will be moved to HardwareEqu.a (???)
scsiIntMask EQU $0200 ; on Rom32 machines
; Currently the watchdog timer goes off every five seconds.
WDTO EQU 5000 ; watchdog timeout value in milliseconds (word)
bDBP EQU 0 ; bit test for *DBP - add to xHardwareEqu.a
; Location of Mac Plus SCSIGlobals ptr <v1.1>
SCSIDispVct EQU $000c54 ; address of _SCSIDispatch vector in trap dispatch table
SCSIPtr EQU -4 ; offset from _SCSIDispatch code to SCSI Mgr globals ptr
; Base addresses for the Mac Plus. The Mac Plus doesn't actually have
; hardware-handshaking circuitry, but using the pseudo-DMA base address
; in place of the hhsk base address makes the data transfer code simpler.
plusSCSIBase EQU $580000 ; read base address of Mac Plus SCSI chip <v1.2>
plusSCSIDMA EQU $580200 ; pseudo-DMA read base address of Mac Plus SCSI chip <v1.2>
plusSCSIHsk EQU $580200 ; fake "hardware-handshake" read base address <v1.2>
macPlusSCSIDB EQU $00db ; trial-and-error value for Mac Plus <v1.2><v1.3>
macSeSCSIDB EQU $00fc ; trial-and-error value for Mac SE <v1.2><v1.3>
OldTimeSCSIDB EQU $da6 ; SCSI DBRA's per millisecond on all machines
scsiOldSCSIErr EQU -1 ; old SCSI Mgr called ClearState <v1.2>
; SCSI Mgr flags:
scsiFInUse EQU $01 ; SCSI Mgr private storage record is in use
scsiFAutoSns EQU $02 ; parameter block for automatic Request Sense
scsiFComp EQU $10 ; Perform a read-compare (old requests only)
scsiFStatus EQU $20 ; Device has gone through Status phase
scsiFPtyErr EQU $40 ; a parity error has occurred
scsiFTagged EQU $80 ; request is in danger of timing out
; SCSI Mgr bits:
scsiBInUse EQU 0 ; SCSI Mgr private storage record is in use
scsiBAutoSns EQU 1 ; parameter block for automatic Request Sense
scsiBComp EQU 4 ; Perform a read-compare (old requests only)
scsiBStatus EQU 5 ; Device has gone through Status phase
scsiBPtyErr EQU 6 ; a parity error has occurred
scsiBTagged EQU 7 ; request is in danger of timing out
; Message Out state machine state variable values
scsiMOID EQU $00 ; "ID" state - normal Identify sequence
scsiMOMR EQU $01 ; "MR" state - Message Reject sequence
scsiMOInvalid EQU $02 ; "Invalid" state - bad state machine sequence
scsiMOKIO EQU $03 ; "KIO" state - Kill I/O sequence
scsiMONOP EQU $04 ; "NOP" state - unexpected Message Out, send No Op's
scsiMOBDR EQU $05 ; "Bus Device Reset" state - send a BDR message <v1.3>
; Messages - used as an index into a jump table of message-handler routines
scsiCmdComplete EQU $00 ; Command Complete
scsiExtendedMsg EQU $01 ; Extended Message
scsiSaveDataPtr EQU $02 ; Save Data Pointer
scsiRestorePtrs EQU $03 ; Restore Pointers
scsiDisconnect EQU $04 ; Disconnect
scsiIDetectErr EQU $05 ; Initiator Detected Error
scsiAbort EQU $06 ; Abort
scsiMsgReject EQU $07 ; Message Reject
scsiNoOperation EQU $08 ; No Operation
scsiMsgParityErr EQU $09 ; Message Parity Error
scsiLnkCmdCpl EQU $0A ; Linked Command Complete
scsiLnkCmdCplFlg EQU $0B ; Linked Command Complete (with flag)
scsiBusDevReset EQU $0C ; Bus Device Reset
scsiIdentFlg EQU $80 ; Identify flag
scsiIdentBit EQU 7 ; Identify bit
scsiReselFlg EQU $40 ; "Initiator supports Reselection" flag
scsiReselBit EQU 6 ; "Initiator supports Reselection" bit
scsiIdentifyIn EQU $0D ; vector number for Identify message (pseudo-message)
scsiMsgRejectOut EQU $0E ; vector number for an invalid message (pseudo-message)
; declaration of SCSI Manager globals
scsiGlobalRecord RECORD 0, INCREMENT
; SCSI Manager "G_State" flags
;sBusy EQU 1 ; used for G_State field -- SCSI Mgr is busy (non-zero)
;sFree EQU 0 ; used for G_State field -- SCSI Mgr is free
scPending EQU 7 ; bit in G_State -- an old request is spinning in SCSIGet
scBusy EQU 0 ; bit in G_State -- an old request is pending/in progress
; old SCSI Manager globals
numVectors EQU 24 ; 24 4-byte jump table vectors
numSCSIVect EQU numVectors ; number of SCSI Mgr vectors
jmpTblSize EQU numVectors*4 ; 24 4-byte jump table vectors
G_JmpTbl ; 24 4-byte jump table vectors
jvReset DS.L 1 ; SCSIReset vector
jvGet DS.L 1 ; SCSIGet vector
jvSelect DS.L 1 ; SCSISelect vector
jvCmd DS.L 1 ; SCSICmd vector
jvComplete DS.L 1 ; SCSIComplete vector
jvRead DS.L 1 ; SCSIRead vector
jvWrite DS.L 1 ; SCSIWrite vector
jvInstall DS.L 1 ; SCSI installation vector (for debugging purposes)
jvRBlind DS.L 1 ; SCSIRBlind vector
jvWBlind DS.L 1 ; SCSIWBlind vector
jvStat DS.L 1 ; SCSIStat vector
jvSelAtn DS.L 1 ; SCSISelAtn vector
jvSMsgIn DS.L 1 ; SCSIMsgIn vector
jvSMsgOut DS.L 1 ; SCSIMsgOut vector
firstPrivate DS.L 1 ; ptr to SCSI Mgr private storage record circularly linked list
nextPrivate DS.L 1 ; ptr to next available SCSI Mgr private storage record
base5380 DS.L 1 ; SCSI read base address
pdma5380 DS.L 1 ; SCSI pseudo-DMA read base addr
hhsk5380 DS.L 1 ; SCSI hardware-handshaked read base addr
wrOffset DS.W 1 ; write offset relative to "base5380"
scsiQHdr ; 10-byte OS queue header - SCSI request queue
scsiQFlags DS.W 1 ; flags for SCSI request queue
scsiQHead DS.L 1 ; ptr to head of SCSI request queue
scsiQTail DS.L 1 ; ptr to tail of SCSI request queue
activeReq DS.L 1 ; ptr to currently active SCSI request
timeout DS.L 1 ; next timeout should occur at this time
G_ID DS.B 1 ; initiator's SCSI ID mask
G_State DS.B 1 ; SCSI Mgr state (free/busy)
G_Async DS.W 1 ; unused - $62
;G_CompTicks ; when request finished (unpatched SE only) <v1.1>
G_Reserved0 DS.L 1 ; box number in high byte. HW flags in low bytes <v1.1>
pageFault ; ptr to page fault SCSI PB <v1.1>
G_Reserved1 DS.L 1 ; used for storing timer value <?> pdw
G_Reserved2 DS.L 1 ; machine-specific storage <v1.1>
RecorderPtr DS.L 1 ; debugging event recorder pointer $70 <SM6> pdw
;G_ExtPtr DS.L 1 ; unused (saved for future expansion)
; extended SCSI manager globals
numExtVec EQU 96 ; 96 new vectors
discLUN DS.B 8 ; bitmaps of disconnected LUN's by SCSI ID
discID DS.B 1 ; bitmap of disconnected SCSI ID's
state1 DS.B 1 ; dTask enqueued, data structures inconsistent, DMA in progress
state2 DS.B 1 ; SCSI Mgr interface level
state3 DS.B 1 ; SCSI DMA ?
busTO DS.L 1 ; byte-to-byte timing in microseconds
phaseTable ; 8-entry jump table for phase handler routines
jvDataOut DS.L 1 ; Data Out phase handler
jvDataIn DS.L 1 ; Data In phase handler
jvCommand DS.L 1 ; Command phase handler
jvStatus DS.L 1 ; Status phase handler
jvIllegal1 DS.L 1 ; Illegal phase - reset the bus
jvIllegal2 DS.L 1 ; Illegal phase - reset the bus
jvMsgOut DS.L 1 ; Message Out phase handler
jvMsgIn DS.L 1 ; Message In phase handler
dataTable ; 16-entry jump table for data-transfer routines
jvVSR DS.L 1 ; virtual slow reads
jvVSW DS.L 1 ; virtual slow writes
jvVFR DS.L 1 ; virtual fast reads
jvVFW DS.L 1 ; virtual fast writes
jvUnused1 DS.L 1 ; unused (illegal)
jvUnused2 DS.L 1 ; unused (illegal)
jvPFR DS.L 1 ; physical fast reads (DMA)
jvPFW DS.L 1 ; physical fast writes (DMA)
jvVSRO DS.L 1 ; virtual slow reads
jvVSWO DS.L 1 ; virtual slow writes
jvVFRO DS.L 1 ; virtual fast reads (hhsk)
jvVFWO DS.L 1 ; virtual fast writes (hhsk)
jvCSO DS.L 1 ; virtual slow compare ("p" bit redefined to mean "compare")
jvUnused3 DS.L 1 ; unused
jvCFO DS.L 1 ; virtual fast compare ("p" bit redefined to mean "compare")
jvUnused4 DS.L 1 ; unused
scsiReadSlow EQU jvVSRO - jvVSR ; offset to old slow read routine <v1.2>
scsiWriteSlow EQU jvVSWO - jvVSR ; offset to old slow write routine <v1.2>
scsiReadFast EQU jvVFRO - jvVSR ; offset to old slow read routine <v1.2>
scsiWriteFast EQU jvVFWO - jvVSR ; offset to old slow write routine <v1.2>
scsiCompBit EQU scsiBPhysical ; bit to select old SCSI Mgr "scComp" operation
msgTable ; 32-entry jump table for different messages
jvInvalidIn DS.L 1 ; Invalid Message In
jvIdentifyIn DS.L 1 ; Identify Message In
jvCmdComplete DS.L 1 ; Command Complete
jvExtendedMsg DS.L 1 ; Extended Message
jvSaveDataPtr DS.L 1 ; Save Data Pointer
jvRestorePtrs DS.L 1 ; Restore Pointers
jvDisconnect DS.L 1 ; Disconnect
jvMsgRejIn DS.L 1 ; Message Reject In
jvLCCF DS.L 1 ; Linked Command Complete with (or without) flag
; Base addresses for dual c80 SCSI Bus
sdmStack DS.L 1 ; SCSIDiskMode stack global for DB Lite <H5> jab
base5380_1 DS.L 1 ; SCSI read base address (internal) <H2>
pdma5380_1 DS.L 1 ; SCSI pseudo-DMA read base addr (internal) <H2>
hhsk5380_1 DS.L 1 ; SCSI hardware-handshaked read base addr (internal)<H2>
base5380_2 DS.L 1 ; SCSI read base address (external) <H2>
pdma5380_2 DS.L 1 ; SCSI pseudo-DMA read base addr (external) <H2>
hhsk5380_2 DS.L 1 ; SCSI hardware-handshaked read base addr (external)<H2>
jvIdentifyOut DS.L 1 ; Identify Message Out
jvMsgRejOut DS.L 1 ; Message Reject Out
jvInvalidOut DS.L 1 ; Invalid Message Out
jvKillIO DS.L 1 ; Kill I/O
jvNoOp DS.L 1 ; No Operation
jvBusDevRstOut DS.L 1 ; Bus Device Reset Out <v1.3>
; SUPPORT FOR 5396 (13C bytes from the base) <T3>
; (These used to be jvUnused23-30) <T3>
G_SCSIDREQ DS.L 1 ; SCSI DREQ base address <T3><T4>
G_TargetID DS.L 1 ; Target ID <T3>
G_FakeStat DS.L 1 ; Fake state <T3>
G_OldTrapAdrs DS.L 1 ; contains the old SCSIMgr address <T3>
G_OldIntHnd DS.L 1 ; contains old intrp level 2 handler <T3>
G_IntrpCount DS.L 1 ; counts total # of intrps <T3>
G_IntrpStat DS.L 1 ; Status read by Intrp routine <T3>
G_State96 DS.L 1 ; Bits to make c96 backwards compatible <T10> pdw
BootCfgFlags DS.L 1 ; copy of d2 passed to InitHW_SCSI96 at boot (used by jvInitHW) <T10> pdw
G_bitDREQ DS.B 1 ; Bit position at DREQ location <17> jab
jvUnused32 DS.B 1 ; Future expansion <17> jab
jvUnused33 DS.W 1 ; Future expansion <17> jab
; <?> from prev <?>
jvIntHnd DS.L 1 ; 24-entry jump table -- interrupt handler
jvMessage DS.L 1 ; Send a message to the deferred task
jvClearIRQ DS.L 1 ; Clear the SCSI interrupt (and VIA, if necessary)
jvDisEnable DS.L 1 ; Enable/disable interrupts routine
jvLogError DS.L 1 ; Record error for the PB <v1.2>
jvSCSIDT DS.L 1 ; Deferred Task for all other interrupts
jvFind DS.L 1 ; Find a request to process
jvSetup DS.L 1 ; Setup active request
jvPreflight DS.L 1 ; Preflight the parameter block
jvEnDequeue DS.L 1 ; Enqueue/dequeue a parameter block
jvArb DS.L 1 ; Arbitrate for the SCSI bus
jvSel DS.L 1 ; Select a SCSI device
jvDelay22 DS.L 1 ; Delay 2.2 microseconds
jvClearState DS.L 1 ; Remove the current request
jvTransfer DS.L 1 ; Transfer data using the primitive routines
jvSetTimer DS.L 1 ; Set the timer
jvResetBus DS.L 1 ; Reset SCSI bus and kill all requests
jvClearBus DS.L 1 ; Clear the SCSI bus
jvBusErr DS.L 1 ; Bus error handler
jvDataDMA DS.L 1 ; DMA-related data-chaining interpreter <v1.2>
xptGlobals DS.L 1 ; pointer to Cousin Itt's XPT globals $1b4 <SM6> pdw
; <?> thru next <?>
; More Space for the new SCSI96 Manager(1B8 bytes from the base) <T3>
; (these used to be jvUnused 47-53) <T3>
blindBusTO DS.L 1 ; number of ticks to wait for blind transfer bytes (after 1st byte)
transferType DS.W 1 ; Type of data transfer to perform (used in Transfer_96, BusError)
lastINTread DS.B 1 ; Value of rINT at last valid interrupt read
lastSTAread DS.B 1 ; Value of rSTA at last valid interrupt read
yeOldeBusErrVct DS.L 1 ; temp storage while we insert our buserr handler <T10> pdw
base539x0 DS.L 1 ; SCSI 539x base address, bus0 <T3><T4>
base539x1 DS.L 1 ; SCSI 539x base address, bus1 <T3><T4>
G_SCSIDevMap0 DS.L 1 ; SCSI Device Map for the Internal SCSI Bus <T3>
G_SCSIDevMap1 DS.L 1 ; SCSI Device Map for the External SCSI Bus <T3>
jvErr DS.L 1 ; SCSI96 Error, used to be jUnused 54 <T6> <T6>
jvEscLoop DS.L 1 ; SCSI Escape Loop Vector <T7>
jvCyclePhase DS.L 1 ; Bitbuckets or fills bytes to get target to Status phase (was jvUnused49)
jvInitSCSIHW DS.L 1 ; init SCSI chip (was jvUnused57) <T10> pdw
; <?> from prev <?>
jvSCSIRequestIO DS.L 1 ; SCSIRequestIO
jvSCSIBusInfo DS.L 1 ; SCSIBusInfo
newSCSI96Disp ; used to be jvUnused63-jvUnused66 <?> thru next <?>
jvSCSIBusy DS.L 1 ; SCSIBusy vector, selector 14
jvSel15 DS.L 1 ; SCSI vector for selector 15
jvSel16 DS.L 1 ; SCSI vector for selector 16
jvSel17 DS.L 1 ; SCSI vector for selector 17
jvAltBusCall DS.L 1 ; Call to alternate SCSI bus <?> from prev <?>
numMsgVct EQU 36 ; number of message routing vectors
msgInTbl DS.B numMsgVct ; dispatch table for Messages 00H-23H (Msg In)
msgOutTbl DS.B numMsgVct ; dispatch table for Messages 00H-23H (Msg Out)
dtQElSize EQU 20 ; temporary
dTask DS.B dtQElSize ; Deferred Task Mgr task record
tmQSize EQU 14 ; Time Mgr task record size
timer DS.B tmQSize ; Time Mgr task record for request timing
RSCmd DS.B 6 ; Request Sense command buffer
RSDC DS.L 12 ; data-chaining block for Request Sense command
dummy DS scsiPB ; dummy parameter block
dummyPriv DS scsiPrivPB ; dummy private storage
faultPriv DS scsiPrivPB ; private storage for page-fault handling
firstPriv DS scsiPrivPB ; private storage for request processing
DS scsiPrivPB ; private storage for request processing
DS scsiPrivPB ; private storage for request processing
DS scsiPrivPB ; private storage (machine-specific storage follows)
TransactionFlag DS.L 1 ; location to store SCSI transaction flag <2> kc
FreeHookPending DS.L 1 ; location of pending free-hook flag <2> kc
GlobalSize EQU *-scsiGlobalRecord ; size of SCSI Mgr globals
; Machine-specific structure
machSpecRecord RECORD 0, INCREMENT
IF tmQSize > SleepqRec.SleepqSize THEN ; use the larger of the two data structures <14> rb
sleep ; 12-byte sleep queue element (onHcMac) OR
timer2 DS.B tmQSize ; 14-byte intr polling timer (onMac) <v1.1>
sleep ; 12-byte sleep queue element (onHcMac) OR
timer2 DS.B SleepqSize ; 14-byte intr polling timer (onMac) <v1.1>
machSpecSize EQU *-machSpecRecord ; size of machine-specific record
; Find selector (passed in d0.l)
findAny EQU -1 ; find first non-disconnected request
findAnyFlag EQU 31 ; find first non-disconnected request flag (bit 31)
; EnDequeue selector (passed in d0.l)
enqNormal EQU -1 ; enqueue at end of queue
enqFront EQU -2 ; enqueue at front of queue ("immediate" function, page fault)
deqNormal EQU 1 ; dequeue one request (linked commands are elevated)
deqLinked EQU 2 ; remove a series of linked commands (to cleanly kill linked cmds)
enqueueFlag EQU 31 ; enqueue/dequeue selection flag (bit 31)
; Masks for the interrupt handler. They are used to determine the interrupt type.
; These masks are the concatenation of the Bus and Status Register with the
; Current SCSI Bus Status Register. The BSR is the most-significant byte.
mReselect EQU $F5E2 ; mask to clear don't cares for Reselect interrupt
iReselect EQU $1002 ; bit image for a Reselect intr. with don't care bits reset
scResel EQU 7 ; bit in "dtParm" for Reselect interrupts
mEOP EQU $F6C2 ; mask to clear don't cares for EOP intr (PM is don't care) <v1.2>
iEOP EQU $9040 ; bit image for EOP intr. with don't care bits cleared
scEOP EQU 6 ; bit in "dtParm" for Reselect interrupts
mPhaseMm EQU $BDE2 ; mask to clear don't cares for Phase Mismatch Error intr.
iPhaseMm EQU $1060 ; bit image for Phase Mismatch Error without don't care's
scPhaseMm EQU 5 ; bit in "dtParm" for Reselect interrupts
mLossBsy EQU $F7FF ; mask to clear don't cares for Loss of BSY interrupts
iLossBsy EQU $1400 ; bit image for Loss of BSY intr. without don't care's
scLossBsy EQU 4 ; bit in "dtParm" for Reselect interrupts
mBusReset EQU $F77F ; mask to clear don't cares for SCSI Bus Reset interrupt
iBusReset EQU $1000 ; bit image for SCSI Bus Reset intr. with don't care's reset
scBusReset EQU 3 ; bit in "dtParm" for Reselect interrupts
mParity EQU $BCC2 ; mask to clear don't cares for Parity Error interrupt
iParity EQU $3840 ; bit image for Parity Error intr. with don't care's reset
scParity EQU 2 ; bit in "dtParm" for Reselect interrupts
scNewRequest EQU 1 ; bit in "dtParm" indicating a new request to process
; Register saving convention
scsiRegs REG a0-a5/d1-d7 ; standard register saving convention (result in d0)
intrRegs REG a0-a5/d0-d7 ; interrupt handler register saving convention
zeroReg EQU d7 ; quick source of zeroes (CLR won't work on SCSI chip)
; Old SCSI Mgr equates -- temporary, since SCSIEqu.a has the public portion of the PB
maxOpcode EQU 8 ; highest numbered TIB opcode (from PatchIIROM.a)
; <v1.6>
; <end>
; Here we redefined the Universal ROM's hardware feature bits to serve our own twisted
; purposes. If we're building for a System Disk, then these bits in the "G_Reserved0"
; variable in the globals reflect the low memory data structures defined for the ROM's. <v1.1>
; <start>
; NOTE that these are also defined in SCSIMgrFlags.a, so if you change 'em here....
sHWCbPwrMgr equ 0 ; see if we have a Power Mgr
sOSSExists equ 1 ; do we have an OSS ?
sRBVExists equ 2 ; do we have an RBV ?
sVIA2Exists equ 3 ; do we have a second VIA ?
sSCSIDMAExists equ 4 ; do we have a SCSI DMA chip ?
isMacPlus equ 5 ; are we on a Mac Plus ?
is68000 equ 6 ; are we on a 68000 ? <v1.1>
sDeferUserFn equ 7 ; is _DeferUserFn defined ? <end>
;sSCSI96_1 equ 8 ; do we have 1st SCSI96 chip <T3>
;sSCSI96_2 equ 9 ; do we have 2nd SCSI96 chip? <T3>
;sSCSI96_1 equ 8 ; do we have 1st SCSI96 chip <T3>
;sSCSI96_2 equ 9 ; do we have 2nd SCSI96 chip? <T3>
numSelectorsDB equ 2 ; we only patch three SCSI Mgr routines <H2>
cTargSetup equ $40 ; setup target mode for DBLite's dual bus DiskMode <H2>
ENDIF ; ...already included