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2017-09-20 18:04:16 +08:00

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;EASE$$$ READ ONLY COPY of file ÒFP881ctrl.aÓ
; 1.1 CCH 11/11/1988 Fixed Header.
; 1.0 CCH 11/ 9/1988 Adding to EASE.
; 1.0 BBM 2/12/88 Adding file for the first time into EASEÉ
;; File: FP881ctrl.a
;; Implementation of FP68K for machines using the Motorola MC68881
;; Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1985,1986,1987
;; All Rights Reserved
;; Confidential and Proprietary to Apple Computer,Inc.
;; Written by Clayton Lewis, begun 7 Feb 85.
;; Debugged by Stuart McDonald.
;; Modification history:
;; Rev5: 27 May 85
;; Rev6: 19 Dec 85 fix CVTz2x bug
;; Rev7: 16 Jun 86 CRL moved to MPW
;; Rev8: 11 Oct 86 -S.McD. changed version number from 3 to 4 .
;; 21 Nov 86 -S.McD. set chips IEEE status defaults, too.
;; Rev9: 06 Jan 87 -S.McD. changed version number from 4 to 5 .
;; 15 Jan 87 -S.McD. changed status and copyright notice.
;; 16 Jan 87 -S.McD. Arith and IntOp tables combinded; _SYSERROR call added.
;; 23 Jan 87 -S.McD. MC68881 directive moved to file fp881.a .
;; RevA: 24 Jan 87 -S.McD. changed version number from 5 to 6 .
;; The stack looks like:
;; _______________________________________________
;; | |
;; | address of argument 3 (if any) | - Long
;; |_______________________________________________|
;; | |
;; | address of argument 2 (if any) | - Long
;; |_______________________________________________|
;; | |
;; | address of argument 1 (if any) | - Long
;; |_______________________________________________|
;; | |
;; | opword | - Word
;; |_______________________________________________|
;; | |
;; | return address | - Long
;; |_______________________________________________|
;; Where the number of addresses depends on the operation, most use 2, some use 0 or 1.
;; Only binary -> decimal conversion uses 3.
;; Grow the stack in case a trap is taken and save registers D0, D1, A0, A1.
;; | |
;; | stack as passed |
;; |_______________________________________________|
;; | |
;; | link | - Long
;; |_______________________________________________|
;; | |
;; | byte count | - Word
;; |_______________________________________________|
;; | |
;; | saved registers | - Several
;; |_______________________________________________|
;;This is the sole entry point of the package.
BRA.S FPbegin
DC.W $00
DC.W $4
DC.W $0006 ; version 6
;; Beginning of code.
;; Reserve space, save registers,
;; opword -> D0, destination -> FP0, source address -> A0
;; save control/status information in D5
;; disable halts and clear exceptions (until haltcheck at end of package).
;; D5.hi = loword of status; D5.lo = loword of control
LINK A6,#-2 ; byte count word for halt handler
MOVEM.L D0/D1/D5/A0/A1,-(SP)
FMOVE FPSR,D5 ; collect user status register. Save permanently in D5.hi
SWAP D5 ; move exception stuff to hi byte
FMOVE FPCR,D0 ; collect user control register. Save permanently in D5.lo
MOVE.W D0,D5 ; [exceptions|Aexceptions|halts|rounding] now in D5
BEQ.S @1 ; skip 881 call if halts already disabled
MOVE.B D5,D1 ; copy of control with cleared halt settings
FMOVE D1,FPCR ; restore control with no halts set
;; Handle odd instructions elsewhere. (those not done by the 68881)
;; Even instructions are handled by the 68881.(except classify)
;; Place an altered opword in D1:
;; v_______________v_______________v_______________v_______________v
;; | | | | | | | | |not| S | D | | | | | |
;; | | | | | | | | |SDX| C | L | o | o | o | o |zro|
;; |___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|
;; |src format | operation mask |
MOVEQ #0,D1 ; for line below and table addressing
MOVE.W LKOP(A6),D0 ; opword
BTST D1,D0 ; arithmetic or nonarithmetic?
BNE NonArith
FMOVE D1,FPSR ; IEEE default status -S.McD.
ANDI.W #OPMASK,D0 ; leave only format & even opcode
CMP.B #$0E,D0
BLT.S @3 ; basic 2 argument operations
CMP.B #$12,D0
BLT.S @2 ; CVT routines, handled specially
CMP.B #$1C,D0
BEQ.S @6 ; classify, handled as if no arguments
BRA.S @4 ; others are one argument (and scalb)
MOVEA.L LKADR2(A6),A0 ; set up only addresses for convert
BRA.S @6
;; Move the address of the source to A0.
;; Move the (extended) destination value to the chip.
ADDQ.L #6,A1
MOVE.L (A1),-(SP)
MOVE.L -(A1),-(SP)
SUBQ.L #2,A1
MOVE.L (A1),-(SP)
MOVE.B D0,D1 ; opcode bits into D1
LSR.W #6,D0 ; format to bits 5-7
OR.B D0,D1
;; Jump to required operation with floating point source format.
MOVE.W ArithTab(D1),D1
JMP ArithOp(D1)
DC.W ADDext-ArithOp
DC.W SUBext-ArithOp
DC.W MULext-ArithOp
DC.W DIVext-ArithOp
DC.W CMPext-ArithOp
DC.W CPXext-ArithOp
DC.W REMext-ArithOp
DC.W CVText2E-ArithOp
DC.W CVTE2ext-ArithOp
DC.W SQRText-ArithOp
DC.W RINText-ArithOp
DC.W TINText-ArithOp
DC.W SCALBext-ArithOp
DC.W LOGBext-ArithOp
DC.W CLASSext-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W ADDdbl-ArithOp
DC.W SUBdbl-ArithOp
DC.W MULdbl-ArithOp
DC.W DIVdbl-ArithOp
DC.W CMPdbl-ArithOp
DC.W CPXdbl-ArithOp
DC.W REMdbl-ArithOp
DC.W CVTdbl2E-ArithOp
DC.W CVTE2dbl-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W CLASSdbl-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W ADDsgl-ArithOp
DC.W SUBsgl-ArithOp
DC.W MULsgl-ArithOp
DC.W DIVsgl-ArithOp
DC.W CMPsgl-ArithOp
DC.W CPXsgl-ArithOp
DC.W REMsgl-ArithOp
DC.W CVTsgl2E-ArithOp
DC.W CVTE2sgl-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W CLASSsgl-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
;; Jump to required operation with integer source format.
DC.W ADDint-ArithOp
DC.W SUBint-ArithOp
DC.W MULint-ArithOp
DC.W DIVint-ArithOp
DC.W CMPint-ArithOp
DC.W CPXint-ArithOp
DC.W REMint-ArithOp
DC.W CVTint2E-ArithOp
DC.W CVTE2int-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W Scalbext-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W ADDlong-ArithOp
DC.W SUBlong-ArithOp
DC.W MULlong-ArithOp
DC.W DIVlong-ArithOp
DC.W CMPlong-ArithOp
DC.W CPXlong-ArithOp
DC.W REMlong-ArithOp
DC.W CVTlong2E-ArithOp
DC.W CVTE2long-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W ADDcomp-ArithOp
DC.W SUBcomp-ArithOp
DC.W MULcomp-ArithOp
DC.W DIVcomp-ArithOp
DC.W CMPcomp-ArithOp
DC.W CPXcomp-ArithOp
DC.W REMcomp-ArithOp
DC.W CVTcomp2E-ArithOp
DC.W CVTE2comp-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W CLASScomp-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
DC.W UnknownOp-ArithOp
;; Non-arithmetic routines. Not handled directly by 68881.
MOVE.W D0,D1 ; save opcode for nextafter
ANDI.W #OPMASK2,D0 ; leave only even opcode
JMP NAop(D0)
DC.W SetEnv-NAop
DC.W GetEnv-NAop
DC.W SetHv-NAop
DC.W GetHv-NAop
DC.W Negate-NAop
DC.W Abs-NAop
DC.W CopySign-NAop
DC.W NextAfter-NAop
DC.W SetExp-NAop
DC.W ProcEnt-NAop
DC.W ProcEx-NAop
DC.W TestExp-NAop
DC.W UnknownOp-NAop
DC.W UnknownOp-NAop
MOVEQ #81,D0 ; Error exit for unknown Op code. -S.McD.