mirror of
synced 2025-02-07 05:30:33 +00:00
Resource forks are included only for .rsrc files. These are DeRezzed into their data fork. 'ckid' resources, from the Projector VCS, are not included. The Tools directory, containing mostly junk, is also excluded.
266 lines
8.7 KiB
OpenEdge ABL
266 lines
8.7 KiB
OpenEdge ABL
Created: Monday, July 22, 1991 at 6:26 PM
Pascal Interface to the Macintosh Libraries
Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1989-1991
All rights reserved
This file is used in these builds: ROM System
Change History (most recent first):
<20> 7/23/91 JL Match C file: Fixed comments. Checked in File from database.
<19> 6/14/91 JL Checked in official MPW 3.2Ä version. Updated copyright date.
Removed conditionalized constants: typeBoolean - > typeFloat.
They belong in AppleEvents.p
<18> 9/12/90 JAL Fixed corrupted last half of file.
<17> 9/7/90 ngk conditionalize some data types that are also defined in
<16> 8/2/90 JSM Add kDBNullFlag.
<15> 7/1/90 JSM Change typeChar constant from 'char' to 'TEXT'.
<14> 7/1/90 JSM Update some DBType constants to conform to AppleEvents
<13> 4/27/90 JSM Remove QuitDBPack.
<12> 3/13/90 JSM Remove kDBGetItemEndOfRow message, add DBColInfoRecord, update
ResultsRecord, bump version number on InitDBPack, change names
of ResultsHandler routines to ResultHandler.
<11> 2/26/90 JSM Change selectors to use new dispatcher, eliminate gaps between
return codes, bump version on InitDBPack.
<10> 2/22/90 JSM Add kDBStartQueryComplete.
<9> 2/8/90 JSM Restore change history.
<7> 2/6/90 JSM Remove rcDBCancel and rcDBStatusCancel, add
<6> 2/5/90 JSM Remove obsolete return code rcDBBadCol.
<4> 1/4/90 JSM Change some variable names in response to suggestions from
<3> 12/22/89 JSM Add kDBLastColFlag.
<2> 12/19/89 JSM Cleanup after initial checkin.
<1> 12/19/89 JSM Adding to public includes for the first time.
{$IFC UNDEFINED UsingIncludes}
{$SETC UsingIncludes := 0}
{$IFC NOT UsingIncludes}
UNIT DatabaseAccess;
{$IFC UNDEFINED UsingDatabaseAccess}
{$SETC UsingDatabaseAccess := 1}
{$SETC DatabaseAccessIncludes := UsingIncludes}
{$SETC UsingIncludes := 1}
{$IFC UNDEFINED UsingResources}
{$I $$Shell(PInterfaces)Resources.p}
{$SETC UsingIncludes := DatabaseAccessIncludes}
{ error and status codes }
rcDBNull = -800;
rcDBValue = -801;
rcDBError = -802;
rcDBBadType = -803;
rcDBBreak = -804;
rcDBExec = -805;
rcDBBadSessID = -806;
rcDBBadSessNum = -807; { bad session number for DBGetConnInfo }
rcDBBadDDEV = -808; { bad ddev specified on DBInit }
rcDBAsyncNotSupp = -809; { ddev does not support async calls }
rcDBBadAsyncPB = -810; { tried to kill a bad pb }
rcDBNoHandler = -811; { no app handler for specified data type }
rcDBWrongVersion = -812; { incompatible versions }
rcDBPackNotInited = -813; { attempt to call other routine before InitDBPack }
{ messages for status functions for DBStartQuery }
kDBUpdateWind = 0;
kDBAboutToInit = 1;
kDBInitComplete = 2;
kDBSendComplete = 3;
kDBExecComplete = 4;
kDBStartQueryComplete = 5;
{ messages for status functions for DBGetQueryResults }
kDBGetItemComplete = 6;
kDBGetQueryResultsComplete = 7;
{ data type codes }
typeNone = 'none';
typeDate = 'date';
typeTime = 'time';
typeTimeStamp = 'tims';
typeDecimal = 'deci';
typeMoney = 'mone';
typeVChar = 'vcha';
typeVBin = 'vbin';
typeLChar = 'lcha';
typeLBin = 'lbin';
typeDiscard = 'disc';
{ "dummy" types for DBResultsToText }
typeUnknown = 'unkn';
typeColBreak = 'colb';
typeRowBreak = 'rowb';
{ pass this in to DBGetItem for any data type }
typeAnyType = 0;
{ infinite timeout value for DBGetItem }
kDBWaitForever = -1;
{ flags for DBGetItem }
kDBLastColFlag = $0001;
kDBNullFlag = $0004;
DBType = OSType;
{ structure for asynchronous parameter block }
DBAsyncParmBlkPtr = ^DBAsyncParamBlockRec;
DBAsyncParamBlockRec = RECORD
completionProc: ProcPtr; { pointer to completion routine }
result: OSErr; { result of call }
userRef: LONGINT; { for application's use }
ddevRef: LONGINT; { for ddev's use }
reserved: LONGINT; { for internal use }
{ structure for resource list in QueryRecord }
ResListElem = RECORD
theType: ResType; { resource type }
id: INTEGER; { resource id }
ResListPtr = ^ResListArray;
ResListHandle = ^ResListPtr;
ResListArray = ARRAY [0..255] OF ResListElem;
{ structure for query list in QueryRecord }
QueryListPtr = ^QueryArray;
QueryListHandle = ^QueryListPtr;
QueryArray = ARRAY [0..255] OF Handle;
QueryPtr = ^QueryRecord;
QueryHandle = ^QueryPtr;
QueryRecord = RECORD
version: INTEGER; { version }
id: INTEGER; { id of 'qrsc' this came from }
queryProc: Handle; { handle to query def proc }
ddevName: Str63; { ddev name }
host: Str255; { host name }
user: Str255; { user name }
password: Str255; { password }
connStr: Str255; { connection string }
currQuery: INTEGER; { index of current query }
numQueries: INTEGER; { number of queries in list }
queryList: QueryListHandle; { handle to array of handles to text }
numRes: INTEGER; { number of resources in list }
resList: ResListHandle; { handle to array of resource list elements }
dataHandle: Handle; { for use by query def proc }
refCon: LONGINT; { for use by application }
{ structure of column types array in ResultsRecord }
ColTypesPtr = ^ColTypesArray;
ColTypesHandle = ^ColTypesPtr;
ColTypesArray = ARRAY [0..255] OF DBType;
{ structure for column info in ResultsRecord }
DBColInfoRecord = RECORD
places: INTEGER;
flags: INTEGER;
ColInfoPtr = ^ColInfoArray;
ColInfoHandle = ^ColInfoPtr;
ColInfoArray = ARRAY [0..255] OF DBColInfoRecord;
{ structure of results returned by DBGetResults }
ResultsRecord = RECORD
numRows: INTEGER; { number of rows in result }
numCols: INTEGER; { number of columns per row }
colTypes: ColTypesHandle; { data type array }
colData: Handle; { actual results }
colInfo: ColInfoHandle; { DBColInfoRecord array }
INLINE $3F3C,$0004,$303C,$0100,$A82F;
FUNCTION DBInit(VAR sessID: LONGINT;ddevName: Str63;host: Str255;user: Str255;
passwd: Str255;connStr: Str255;asyncPB: DBAsyncParmBlkPtr): OSErr;
INLINE $303C,$0E02,$A82F;
FUNCTION DBEnd(sessID: LONGINT;asyncPB: DBAsyncParmBlkPtr): OSErr;
INLINE $303C,$0403,$A82F;
VAR version: LONGINT;VAR ddevName: Str63;VAR host: Str255;VAR user: Str255;
VAR network: Str255;VAR connStr: Str255;VAR start: LONGINT;VAR state: OSErr;
asyncPB: DBAsyncParmBlkPtr): OSErr;
INLINE $303C,$1704,$A82F;
FUNCTION DBGetSessionNum(sessID: LONGINT;VAR sessNum: INTEGER;asyncPB: DBAsyncParmBlkPtr): OSErr;
INLINE $303C,$0605,$A82F;
FUNCTION DBSend(sessID: LONGINT;text: Ptr;len: INTEGER;asyncPB: DBAsyncParmBlkPtr): OSErr;
INLINE $303C,$0706,$A82F;
FUNCTION DBSendItem(sessID: LONGINT;dataType: DBType;len: INTEGER;places: INTEGER;
flags: INTEGER;buffer: Ptr;asyncPB: DBAsyncParmBlkPtr): OSErr;
INLINE $303C,$0B07,$A82F;
FUNCTION DBExec(sessID: LONGINT;asyncPB: DBAsyncParmBlkPtr): OSErr;
INLINE $303C,$0408,$A82F;
FUNCTION DBState(sessID: LONGINT;asyncPB: DBAsyncParmBlkPtr): OSErr;
INLINE $303C,$0409,$A82F;
VAR item2: Str255;VAR errorMsg: Str255;asyncPB: DBAsyncParmBlkPtr): OSErr;
INLINE $303C,$0E0A,$A82F;
FUNCTION DBBreak(sessID: LONGINT;abort: BOOLEAN;asyncPB: DBAsyncParmBlkPtr): OSErr;
INLINE $303C,$050B,$A82F;
FUNCTION DBGetItem(sessID: LONGINT;timeout: LONGINT;VAR dataType: DBType;
VAR len: INTEGER;VAR places: INTEGER;VAR flags: INTEGER;buffer: Ptr;asyncPB: DBAsyncParmBlkPtr): OSErr;
INLINE $303C,$100C,$A82F;
FUNCTION DBUnGetItem(sessID: LONGINT;asyncPB: DBAsyncParmBlkPtr): OSErr;
INLINE $303C,$040D,$A82F;
FUNCTION DBKill(asyncPB: DBAsyncParmBlkPtr): OSErr;
INLINE $303C,$020E,$A82F;
FUNCTION DBGetNewQuery(queryID: INTEGER;VAR query: QueryHandle): OSErr;
INLINE $303C,$030F,$A82F;
FUNCTION DBDisposeQuery(query: QueryHandle): OSErr;
INLINE $303C,$0210,$A82F;
FUNCTION DBStartQuery(VAR sessID: LONGINT;query: QueryHandle;statusProc: ProcPtr;
asyncPB: DBAsyncParmBlkPtr): OSErr;
INLINE $303C,$0811,$A82F;
FUNCTION DBGetQueryResults(sessID: LONGINT;VAR results: ResultsRecord;timeout: LONGINT;
statusProc: ProcPtr;asyncPB: DBAsyncParmBlkPtr): OSErr;
INLINE $303C,$0A12,$A82F;
FUNCTION DBResultsToText(results: ResultsRecord;VAR theText: Handle): OSErr;
INLINE $303C,$0413,$A82F;
FUNCTION DBInstallResultHandler(dataType: DBType;theHandler: ProcPtr;isSysHandler: BOOLEAN): OSErr;
INLINE $303C,$0514,$A82F;
FUNCTION DBRemoveResultHandler(dataType: DBType): OSErr;
INLINE $303C,$0215,$A82F;
FUNCTION DBGetResultHandler(dataType: DBType;VAR theHandler: ProcPtr;getSysHandler: BOOLEAN): OSErr;
INLINE $303C,$0516,$A82F;
{$ENDC} { UsingDatabaseAccess }
{$IFC NOT UsingIncludes}